SUIJDAY fcOKNRG, AUGUST 17.1919. TI1S NEWS AINU URVEIt i SOCIETY t WAUrOUST. ,"' Waka Forest, Aug. 18. Misses All Powell aid Dolly Seward vert at koma ta a aumber their friead aa Sat. ardty , evening. . The boat aa fc'orta aUla ttreet wat attractively deeerated for tha aveaiag, which, waa apaal la pitying garnet. Dainty refreshmente era served. :;: Mr. T. P.. Joaea entertained tat Intra Nona Claa at ar beeatifvl eoaa try raouieCrnsHaw Ball," oa Tuet dty morning at Trail. Cat towera tddeM Ua ahara af taa beta. A dainty lea tonne trat tervtd. Dr. & W. Thotaptoa gar a dtlightfal , oarbeeoe at hia home oa Wednesday toenplimaatary ta ait atas gaetta, Ur. tad. Mrs.' William Thompson and Dr. Bauford Tbompeoa. A aamber af Vnke forest friends enjoyed tha hospitality .01 taa occasion. Miss Uladyt Caritorpkaa gave a . ehnrmlng party to tha younger act oa Ttrsdny evening. " Mr..K. P. Ilnlding, of Saithneld, spent Sandfly at the homo of kit parent. Mr. tad Mn. T. U, Holding. Mrs. Dixon am the guest of her , titter, Mr. C L. Jackson, for tha eok end. 'tlesdamet Rollins and MeDcarin. of Humboldt, Tin., have beea the gueata at Mr. 0.K. Gill during tht past two neekt. Mitteai Virg'.nia Gorrcll aad Lealae lie ding have returned from Char lottetviUe, Va. lit. W. C. Brewer hat gone to Buf fain Springs. Mint Annie Uill it tht ge of tistcr, Mrt. Joe Prevette, in Wllkrtboro. Mrs. W: M. Dirk'soa, Mist Lulie and Mr.stcr Wavcrly Dickson iipent tome time at Ocean View during the part week. " Mi;i Nell Allen hot returned from a stay if some length st Wrlghtsville Beach. Miss Lois Dirksnn has returned from , a visit to friends near Wilmington. Mr. and Mrs. Met'lmiil end small son. of ftanfonl, are the guests of Mrs. Isaac Tort Mr. R. F. Graves was r.t home during th week MiM Mattit Gill and Mr. G. K. Gill are spending tomt time tt Buffalo ftp rings. Mrv B. P. Bofrd aad Master Fleet Balrd have returned from a risit to re'otives in Henilersonvillc. f Mrs. Brown and children of Wash ington, aad Mrs. Joyaer of Wevaesville visited their mother, Mrt. J. W. Lassi tor, daring the week. Mrs. W. R. Beddingtield it the guest 01 reintlvet la bnoishurg. Masters Joseph Holdinr and Walter Hefner, Jr., have gone to Lincolnton to Vintt Mrs. J. L. Kciil has returned from t visit to her father, Mr. Tucker, la, Louis burg. Miss Maggie Bcid and airs. M. il.stin have retarned from Kittrcll. The attention of the community railed to the celebration for ear r taraed soldiers on the afternoon of Au- . runt 26th, under the auspices of the lornl K?d . Cross, its auxiliaries and the alumni avociatioa. All soldiers and a'orx, both tho who did overseas duty eat (boss who served at home, are cor UJifly asked to eome, wearing their uni -A. forma. Aa effort Ik being made ta -ivt each mat a personal Invitation, tut sJat ana may be overlooked. It it hoped that so aaa Wilt atay away if this thoald hippea. The entirt Bed Croat member ttij m requested to aoma tad bring basket. J Pattam-Tkoi Jonetboro, Aag. 18. A pretty asat ritce took plaea at the home af Ur. Jadtoa Thonut aesr Jeaeebore Ttea- day whan hia daughter, Lara, became tha brida of Mr. Joha W. Pattoa af Washington, AC. ' r . Tha porch. Bitting , room was beae- tifully decorated for tha occasion, a tolor scheme af white and greea beiaf ated. Under a large white wedditg ball, la front of aa altar white waa a bank of feral aad lighted with, wkitt candle, th couple made tha tolema vows. Two aisles, marked by whit pott, with loop of white ribboa wer arranged from adjoining rooms, dawa which th bride and groom with their sttmiilfittr mnrrhlid Just before tli ceremony Mr. Claytea Thomas aang 'I Love Yon Truly," aad 'Perfect Day.' Mist Grace Thomu presided at -tlit piano. Thea aa the tret chords af Mendelssohn1! wedding marck were ttrncC lira. C. C Bcbell, titter of the groom, at matron of honor, entered from the left aisle, and Mr, Carlyla Bohleder from the right aisle, Mrs. Sthell wore a beautiful dress af blue taffe, with a large picture hat to match. Then came the little flower girls, Misses Virginia and RuthThomta, dressed in pink and blue organdiea, carrying backets t match, tiled with white flower. Kelt came tha bride, oa the arm of her brother, Mr. Paal Thomu, who gave her in marriage, fol lowed closely by iter aitter. Mitt Alma Thomas at maid of honor. Advancing from tho right aisle eaine the groom with hit best man, Mr, Hubert C. Hcffner. The bride wort a gown of white satin aad net. with aonrt train. Her veil wat caught with a wreath of orange blossoms. The maid of hoaor wort a lovely drctt of pink georgette aad crepo do chine with picture ktt. K'cv. Frank Hare of Bt. Pauls, N. C, performed the eeremony, using the Im pressive riug ceremony. The bride is an accomplished and beautiful woman, sh attended Meredith College and later took special work at the University of North Carolina. The groom it tn A. B. graduate of the University of North Carolina. He wat formerly of Murphy, N. C, bat aow holda a positron ia Washington, D. C. ii, ; FATITTBTIIXK. Five tevi'lt, Aaa. Mj Dr. J. Vaaet MeOaagaa entertained at a dinaer party ia boaer of Coloael B. P. King, U. B. A, af tha affle of the Chief af Field Ar tillery, Waaklngtoa, Taetday evening, at tkt home af Mrt. W. It. William at Gillespie etreet. Dr. MeOoagta'a gaesU were Colonel King, Uoiosel autweu Mnrray, Memrt. W. E. Htadrey, A. B. McMillaa, D. P. Lewi d A. U Ma Csikill aad 'Lfent Joha W. Paypt, Ckariettea Port Terminal. A anmber af Fnyetteville yeaag peo- nle and vltltint rirli loeat tha paat week at takeweod. It tha party, char ereard by Mitt Faa Willlsma, wertMJm Margaret Rawllngt, ef Wlltoti Mlstet Jtae MeMillta aad Emma Bellamy Wll llamsoa. of Wilmlnrteti Mitt Mary Ly. brook Lattiter, af Wlnstoa-Sletnt Mist Virginia Spesre, af wtsmngton, v, u, snd Mlsaea Laev Leaden Andersen, Ianra Kyle Caderweod ' M Uaaaat Ully af rsyettevtiie, taa rote loiar. Joha Oanatoa. Herbert Lntterleb tad Jnhn Badcewaad. Jr. af thit ity. The ataal weekly date at tht ua ten' Club wat tm by tht offletrt af Camp Brtgg Thursday evening. The affair waa ont of tkt most tnjoytblt dantet of tht season. Tkt mutle wat furnished be Kottaia t orchestra. Tha Wtdnetday aveaing lawa fete at tht Hostess Hons was celebrated by tha War Cams Community Sorvlet with tht atnal dtlightfal eoelsl feature, mutle aad refreshments. Quit a aum- hr af overseas men recently Bstlgatd te Camp Bragg aad t large aamber of civilians wtre ia attetdaaee. Indoor pleasures iaeladed dancing, billiards aad progressive rook. On the lawa largt groups of young folks bus toiaiert, aa der the directioa of Mrt. J. C Pope and Mrs. Joha H. Atdersoa, volunteer play directors, both at wheat are al wayt helpful ia the eatertalameat pre grama at ui w, u u a, parutipatea ia gamea. Tk mttie at the aveaiag waa lastra mental aad furniahtd by Be mtiat't artkestra, Mr. Aadertoa wat heard with appratiaUoa ia aa laformaJ lsprampta program of reaitatioat etpe tialiy for the tolditra, including a beta- tiful weltome home teieetloa aad on af Jamet Whitcomb BUeyt poemt, la llnditna. . ; Mist Margaret Hatha gave a delight ful tUaea Wednesday evealag at her heme ea Haymeaat ia honor of her guettt. Mill Kraklaa Jaratgs of At laatat Mimes Emma Bellamy William son aad Jane McMillaa, of Wilmington, tad Mist Mary Lybrftok Laatiter, of Wtattea-Balcm. Misset Jane MeMilltei aad Emma Bel lamy William soa, of Wilmington, aad Mitt Mary Lybrook Laatiter, af Wia ttaa, were the house guests of Miss Laara Kyle Uadenraad, ea Orta street, last weak. CftKCNVlLLI. , Gresavllle, Aug. 16. One of thtmott aajoyable tfftirt of tht tea soa in isst tra Caroliaa wtt the dance given in Forbes aad Morten't aew warekoase Tnaaday aveaiag by the young mta af the city ia, honor of the young ladles. Daacing started promptly at 10 o'clock aad lasted antil 4:30 ia the morning, making tkt kuge warehouse a teent of bright tolon tad gy laughter. There were about a hundred and fifty couplet on tha floor aad almost tt many spectators. There wtre visitors from all Ike netrby towae and atvsr before ha there beea ehown tock hospitality tad good fellowship aa Greeaville af forded her viaiUag frlead n ttla eatioa. ' . ' .. Mis Adelaide Taft entertained at late loachtoa after tha date Taeadty tight, eomplimeatary ta - ker haute guettt, Mltee Belma Fouttala, at BaJ tlgkt Ckriitlne Walker, of Graham, aad Mrs. 0. . Browne, of Btleiga. A de lidoai ttltd eoaraa u aerved and th reaag people mid merry tat th sma wee hour. Timet present wer Muse Belma Fountain, Christine WnK ker, Gretehta Parker, Erla Cfitcker and Mrt. a X. Brownt tad Mrs. J. J. Barefoot, af Orakata, and Adelaide Taft and Ueeera Jot Priverte, Davt Moore, Earl Carter, L. A. Orimet, Carl Hiaaaat, Jo Carter aad B. H. Kaea , many a nsnsm mmm una vu mwrw thai kt eta ntMtiate. Erem tha lane- the Ira. Miwei Reese & Co. 1M FayeUeviUe Street Showing of Fall and Early Winter ' STYLES i Aagatt aad Bepumket Bride will lad all they deal re to teleat from. PHONE IM Beautify a, Complexion IN TEN DAT ' Na-Jinola CREAM .ThsCsnsnillisntmw ' Caaraateed to retnova tan, f recklm, pimplm, livers pots, etc Ea trems cases 20 dsv. Rtdi poets uA titsoet of impurities Leavm the skla clear, soft, healthy. A' leading toilet counters. If they haven't it, br mail, vera sizes, 60c. and $1 20 Freedom from Punctures at Last Without Sacrificing the Shock Absorbing Qualities of the Pneumatic Tire. You can now ride on AIR, ovtr GLASS, NAILS And TACKS without fetr of punctur ing the) inntr tub. The nioney lived in repairing punctured inner tubes alone will pay for the interliners. 4 Avoid Costly Delays and Worries Increase your Tire Mileage 25 to 100 per cent by installing RAY PUNCTURE PROOF INTERLINERS. . y Everything to Gain Nothing to Lose Southerland & Kimball G. C. SOUTHERLAND, Jr., Goldsboro, N. C. - North Ctrolinm Diatributors GOLDSBORO, N. C D. BOYD KIMBALL, Jr., Henderson, N. C. ' . , y ' ' ' . t- -.5' f' EFIRD'Si RaleigVe BuaUat Department Store ' The Bargain Center We strive at all times to give you the best service possible as well as the best merchandise and for less. Enterprise, service, reliability and power of purchase) have made this store a safe place for you to patronize. f ij I r i 1 Own Your Own Home i ; 5 One function of a Sav ings Bank is to assist it customers in .the pur chase or construction of homes. If you contem plate building consult us. Wake County Savings Bank T. H. UGOt W. a. O-alMBtl W. W. VaM rnsHfwa Vke-Prssiatat wv r. luTTta p . . - . Summer Season's End Sale Last sacrifice sale on Silk Sweaters, Wool and Silk Skirts, Tub Skirts, Summer Silk, Voile and Organdie Dresses. at $.95 One Lot of Silk DRESSES Organdie and Voile We have added from our large selection of medium priced garments that sold up to $19.96. Georgette Combinations, Taffeta Combinations, solid colors and fancy models. Get at this lot quick while they last You' can buy ! nr them at the sacrifice price, each. . . . tpUJ O. L. HOPKINS, Inc. Hsnitnmimnmm- IN CLOSING the most successful season this popular store has ever had, we are going to place the most gigantic sacrifice one week sale ever put on in Raleigh. Merchandise in "The High Class' "Up - to - the - Times" characteristic of our methods of merchandising at unheard of low prices. Your dollar will get you three for one. Look at our big window display and be convinced. Summer Season's End Sale This I. the "La Call Unprecedented Sale of Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Goods J. at $5.95 Closfaf Season's Sale at $5.95 at Waists, Blouses, Smocks ,98 A lot of all wool Serge Capes that sold for $12.95 and $14.95. Only a few left. If you will come early you can buy one of these at..... $5.95 Georgette, French Voile, Crepe d Chines aad other materials that formerly told up to 12J0. Our 1745, ISJ5, IMS, 110.93, 10 Waist. Tha very latest la sty lee, aoth lag mere tuitablt for th waati of tha most skeptical btivers, nothing tier appeal Inf ta tha aaa who know. Uaay many beantlfal designs aad coloring ta ttlttt from. They are yonra at Price $5.95 A big Sweater event. Silk, Plaited Silk and Fiber Silk Sweat ers. A large line of colorings. at just one-half of former selling price. Formerly sold $9.95 to $24.95 at $4.98 See This Line of MIDDY SUITS Colors: Navy Blues, Cadet Blues, Copen, Bom, Pongee, and White. Former price $5.95, $6.95 up to $9.95. This offering will appeal to one who knows quality and values. Our d J AO sizes are complete. At this sale only. . $Tee70 at $4.98 I This Will Appeal to the SKIRT Buyers For Early Fall. This lot sold up to $9.95 each. A large assort ment of colors and materials. Novelty Silk "Plaids, Novelty Stripes, All-Wool Serges, Plain Silk Taffetas. . This lot on sale at a t i aq sacrifice price of only. ...... tpfLwO at $14.95 at $14.95 LADIES' DRESSES We have selected from our large and most complete stock about 50 Dresses in materials of Printed Georgettes, Plain Color Georgettes, Taffetas, Georgette and Taffeta Cimbination Dresses in large variety of colorings that sold np to $44.95. Formerly sold $24.95, $29.95, $84.95, $89.95 and $44.95. Where your dollar will go at a fast two to one and i nr three to one gait Sizes almost complete. Crosing season's sale price, each $LHt,J) O.. L. HOPKINS, Inc. 122 f ayetteville $L Phone 112 Raleigh, N. C. at $4.98 Your Last Chance At This Lot Man Tailored TUB SKIRTS Materials, white heavy Gabardines and heavy Linens. Our former price $7.95 and $9.95 each. A big range of sizes. Priced dj J QO for this sale only ..... . ...