SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 17, ISIS. 8 THE NEWS AND OBSERVER. i Social? WARSAW." ...""" . Warsaw, Aug. 18. Tha eaetutlve. board ef tha Duplia County Bed Cross Chapter held ft. meeting ii tha parlors of the Warsaw Ina last week. It was . voted that all officer! bold their re- " spactiva office natil October, when the aaaual electloa will occur. Toe moat important actioa voted oa wat the de termination to ak the co-operation of the eowaty commiMioaert la securing ; the services of a whole-time county . turn. This ia an important and aiucli Beaded njove, tba necessity for a county same having tm-u fully demonstrated. The women of tbe connty are eipeeted to set behind tha movement, and at tbe commissioners are always open to per suaaioa la regard to uiatteri that tend to tha progress and welfare of the ; connty, it ia thought "that securing the nare it an assured proposition. i Mitt Jtarta Viek, of thii city, nnd ker aunt, Mm. Tom Vick. ami chil drca, of Rosa Hill, returned last week from a viait to Washington, D. V. Mitt Margaret Kennedy left last week for visit to Kbiston. Mr. A. Brooks returned ov- ' -days age from Newark, N. J., where ! made an esU-mh-.l i-.;l to relntiw , Mis Kiritli Raker, of At In . Oa., Was tbe guest for a short while last week , uf Mii .Margaret Harden. Mr. C. K. Martin and children, of -Victoria, Va., are the guests this week f Editor and Mrs. R. 8. Taylor , Mesdames P. K. Best' and children, ' II.-Price and ihildrcii, J. C. Jtobin- , nnd J. "'.. J". Mr". J. M. Hines, of iiryenville, apent last week at Wrights- VlIlK Uracil. . Mist Margaret Hood, of Portsmouth, Va., was the guest for a few days the , past week of Mrs. Ptitand Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Bull Uest, of ("Vinton, qtent last week-end with relatives here. Mi. and Mrs. tieorge M. long and cbildsen. f Biirgaw, sient Inst week end nljh Mrs. ling's parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. D. II. Hartt. ; Mr. A. W. Bell has returned from an extended visit to relatives in Georgia. I. E. Satterfield, who is baying tobaeco 1 8outb tarolina, is spending a short while in Warsaw. C. A. Womack, who bought tobaeco ia fieorgia, has n tarned home. Miss Bcttie Cox yeturned to Wilson after spending a f'Sv days with rela tives here last week. - Misses Mattie Beth and Annie 1ouise Prldgen have .returned from a pleasant . tisit to Wilirriuton. Miss Amelia Jn, of (ioldslmro. is a guest in tbe home i)f Mr. and Mrs. J. I). Brown. "" Born to Mr. and Mrv tyltcr Carter, by daughter, Carolyn Kjtb. , ' Mosley-Jone. " Warrenton. Aug. 1.Miss fincy P. Jones and Mr. C. K. Moslev, lml "i this ity.werc quietly married Thursday at tha home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Xaa P. Jones, in North Warrenton. T.'jj inpressive ring ceremony was performed riy Kev. G. tt rltarling, of Littleton. The " guests were reccivrd by Mrs. Howard F. Jones, in white georgette. The home was tastefully decorated In golden rod, golden glow, rlemartis and fern and tbe purtor, where the ceremony was performed, was lovely under the soft glow ' of candles. Preceding the bride and groom Miss Nannie Jones, of Baleigb, ia white embroidered georgette, entered. Aa the wedding, march from Lohengrin was played by Miaa Bells Dameroa, the bride, attractively gowned in a traveling auit of blue with acces sories to match and carrying a large bouquet of bride roses, took ber place before tha Improvised altar and as the soft music fell from the skilled hands of Miss Belle Daaieron, tbe words which united tbe happy couple were spoken is the pre scnes of members of the imme diate families and intimate friends. following the ceremony the couple motored to Norlina, where they boarded the train for a trip to the mountains of North Carolina aud Kentucky. ' Miss Jones has mauy friends over tbe Ftate and is greatly admired here. Mr. Mosley is a successful business maa of this city. Misses Pace Entertains. Kittrell Aug. 16. Misses Pattie B. nnd Nancy Pace delightfully enter tained a few of tbeir friends Satur day evening, August 0th, from 7:30 to 11;. 10 o'clock, In honor of their cousin, Miss Pattie J. Pace, of Wake Forest, and her guest Mist Inez Cooke, of Kocky Mount. They were first nerved sandwirlis and coffee in the dining room. The color scheme was tastefully carried out in green and white. After wards the guests were ushered into the parlor, where they were entertained for an hour with Hook and music. Before their departure they were served cream nnd eake on the lawn. Those present were: Misses Pattie J. Pure, of Wake Forest; Inea Cooke, of Rocky Mount; Nancy A. and Patty B. Pace, of Kit trell; Mollie Gill, Pearl Wyne and An nie Pace, of Bohhits; Mrs. Staunton, of Franklintaa; Mr. and Mrs. Arch Pleasant, of Kittrell; Mrs. C. IT. Hall, of Wake Forest; Messrs. Roy Edwards nnd Ram Forsythe, of Wake Forest; Johnnie Wynne, Nil ma and Robert Wil liam Pace, of Bobbins, mvd mothers. 1 ' Entertalna for Hons Gneata. Ilelhaven, Aug. IS. Circle Grove Farm, the attractive home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred P. Latham, has been the scene of much gayety and merriment for the past week. Miss Mary Chauncey has en tertained as her house guests, Misses Grace Bensley, of Baltimore; Philena Macon, of Warrenton, and Sal lie Powell, of Goldslioro. Much fun has prevailed throughout Ih"1 entire- week. Parties, picnics, bay i rides, sails and auto rides have been imlulged in. Misses Ayeock entertained on Mon I day evening at an informal party in 1 honor of Miss Chauncey 's house guests. I I Engagement Announced. I Arvonia, Va., Aug. 18. Mrs. Gertrude if? GV)VNUu ' wj-rzm mj i v '-rii' I St"JlVl l . a - I am ' . a taw 7 East Hariatt St. 'Jmt Twenty. Ira Steps From Faytttevlll. Street" Soon Be Ready To Serve You With the Best in Footery. William Heller Chambers Williams baa innoaneed the engagement of her daughter. Bessie, to Dr. James Samuel Mitcbener, of Edentoa. N. Cv The marriage will take place ia the fall. Miss Williams Ma an honor gradnste of Hollins College add has studied at Columbia UniversityV Dr.- Mitchefet is a graduate of Davifisoa College and Johns Hopkins University, and ia now practicing medicine in Edentoa, N. (j. WALLACE. Wallace, Aug. 16. Thursday after noon, a number of friends of Mrs. Roy Bsines met at the borne of Mrs. J. W. Carroll, across the street from the cot tage newly repaired foVMr. and Mrs. Baines, and stormed her with a miscel laneous shower. Mr. and Mrs. Baines were married last August while Mr. Bainei was in service in a camp lia 8outh Carolina. He hat recently been discharged, snd Wallace ia delighted that this will be their home. Tbe many and beautiful gifta ranged from the kitchen to the drawing room. Besides a handsome check, a suit of furniture from her father, Mrt. Bainei received s handsome square for her dining room from her brother and sister, Mr. sad Mrs. N. Carter; cut glass, hand painted ehina, lovely mahogany clock, kitchen utensils, embroidered and crochet towels, otbfr linens and bric-a-brac. There has not been seen s more beautiful selection for a shower? Friday Mrs. Chas. J. Williams'enter tained twenty-five of her friends at dinner, of the true Southern style. The color scheme of pink and green was tastily carried out, from the center piece, of pink flowers and asparagus fern to the last course, ico cream, blocked in pink. At each place at the table wat a lovely place card, favors being dainty green crepe baskets filled with pink mints. The bountiful dinner was served on the screened side porch, an ideal place for the long table here laid. Mrt. Willismt it able to be out since bcr Jong snd teriout case of pneumonia, and her many friends, numbered by her arqunintanres, are rejoicing over her recovery. T.W.Dobbin COMPANY Formerly Dobbin t Ferral) Raleigh'a YARD GOODS STORK August Sale Curtain Materials With our other curtain materials we are showing a splendid line of new Cretonnes, 35c to $1.00 a yard. Housekeepers should see them. Wo dell for Cash and Mark Oar Good a at Cash Prices. VVrsWnMArNrvVrWrVnAMrVl KINSTOX. ' - Kintton, Aug. 16. Mr. Guy A. Joha- aoa and Miaa Sudie King, a well-kaowa Lenoir county eovple, war married at tha parsonage of Caswell Street Meth odist church here a few aveaings ago. Be. Leon M. Hall, the pastor, officiated. A bubs her of relatives aad frlepds wit nessed the ceremony Mrs. Job nana s tha dsughter of Mr. Richard King, a prominent resident of tbia aeetioa. Tha eouplo will make tbeir bone with Mr. Andrew Johnson, father of tbo bride groom, Miss Catherine Rugging; of Lesoir county, aad Mr, William Parker, of Kinston, wero married last Suaday. The ceremony, was very simple and tbo attendance email. Magistrate' Charles Bagby officiated. A number of Kinttoniaaa attended a dance at Snow Hill oa a recent even ing. The party motored over. The affair ' wat one of the largest of the summer ia this section. ' Kinstonians away oa vacation dur ing the past week included Mrs. Robert E. Copeland and daughters, at Hender sonville; Miss Vida West, Baltimore; Miaa Melissa Williams, Mr. L. B. Stroud snd Miss Annie Grady, Ocean View; Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Bizzell, Wrights ville Beach; Miss Virginia Edwards, Lake Junaluska; Mrt. Eva Cumminga and a party of young persons, Shackel ford Banks; Mrs. J. Park Nunn, Winston-Salem and elsewhere; Mrs. H. L Sutton, Mrs. J. A. Scott, Miss Pattie Collins and Mr. Dewey 8utton, South Hill, Va.; Misses Marianna LaRoque and Marjorie Lewis, Brevard;. Mrs. Clarence Oettinger and Mrs. Paul A. Hodges, Western Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Lawsoa and Mr. and Mrs. Samnel Churchill, bridea and bride grooms, returaed from northern points. - Guests of local persoas during tha week included Miaa Margaret Kennedy, of Warsaw, who spent a few dayt with Mrs. Charles E. Soseraoad and Miaa Julia Psrrott; Miss Lueilo Dawsoa, of Scaly, Tea., at tha residence of Mr. aad Mrs. C. O. Dawsoa; Miss Grace Strong, of St Louis, who stopped with Mrs. Chester A. Walsh: Miss Essie Sutton, of DeFuniak Springs, Fla guest of Mrs. E. R. Waller, and others. Returaed members of Ambulance Company 317 were entertained at a bar becue at tha home of Charles Croom, aear Falling Creek, last Suaday. Many veterans from this city and other points wore present. 1" t Tbe Sunday school of Caswell Street Methodist ch.urch held aa interesting social Wednesday evening. , A special musical program was rendered. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. I!etHcal College of Virginia ( SUU Iiutitutio s C-Edueatioasl) stuast atcauiai. a. a. u a m. ' MEDICINE DENTISTRY PHARMACY NURSING New buiMiasa, eoapfoUIr qatppd laboratories under full liow Mslnietar. Uniaoal clinical fasiltttta offa la t Smpltak) vwmti by Uw MllesX aba la city bwpttais sad hMtitotiaM. tlst Sssslsn testes atp4etbar tl, ltlt. Foe- Catafetue Address J. R. McCAl'LEY, Secretary 111 East Cla? St ftknstaad. Vs. JEWELERS V VfeAXElOIUir Diamond Prestige Our Diamond prestige is the triumph of 61 years of un-, tirinjr effort to give entire satisfaction to our 'customers by supplying vonry the most- superior stones -of the- . highest native quality. r 9 H. Mahler's Sons Diamond Merchants JEWELERS aad SILVERSMITHS ffliniiiiiiiitiiiiiiiimininiiiiim HOTELS AND RESORTS. Virginia. Mineral Springs HOTEL and BATHS Craig C, Va. s A thoroughly modern and up-to-date Health and Pleasure Resort, on tha I Appalachian Divide of the Alleghanios. i 3 Easy of access. Reasonable rates. Ask a for booklet. J. O. FORSYTH, Manager, rtiplej Springs, P. 0., Va. Ml -'vs.fl . t t..'t-, ltC .) ja)M(2(t Smart Interpretations .of Stylish Fall Popular Prices The fables Sl)op 1 East Bargett St. SCHL0SS BROS. tailoring Opening Showing the best in fabrics, and the newest stylet for Fall. Our expert tailor will take your measure and deliveries will be prompt. If you have ever worn a Schloss Suit, you will be on hand. OPENING MONDAY, AUGUST 18 Continues for One Week at .Cross &Linehan Co. SINCE 188 -Tha Clothiers' II SINCE 1889 1 5 MISS SAIDIE M. KING, Ine SECOND FLOOR OVER T. W. DOBBIN CO. Lovely New Autumn Fashions Are Arriving Earlier Than Usual And They Are Very Welcome BECAUSE they give us so much to look forward to. And because you will have so much more time to "Come in and look around" and plan and anticipate. They are all very lovely and selected with the one thought of pleasing Raleigh women. Full showings Monday. The New Fall Suits Are moat important because many will want them immedi ately to travel in. All of them have straight lines with coats quits a bit longer than they have been. Some of the suits sre fur trimmed, and they come in tbe following materials: Silvcrtone, Tricotiae, Poiret Twill, Volour Checks, Chevrronne, Serge and Duvet de Laine. The trimmings: Braid, Nutria, Seal, Australian Opossum and Wolf fur. The Ne w Fall Coats The present price of the new Fall Coat is of greater import ance than the atyle of it. August prices are far less than they will be later. The rapid advance of wool materials in spires one to early shopping. Styles are becoming straight lines; most of them are belted nearly all are fur trimmed materials. are Silvcrtone, Velour, Bolivia, Evora. ''A Hi n u a n v W W 1 V) Satin, Serge and Tricolette DRESSES Navy, Black and Brown Are the Favored Colors. Street Frocks and Afternoon Models The new silhouette for Autumn strikes a note of grace and charm. Dresses are in many instances longer waisted and skirts oftentimes shorter and fuller. There are neckline and sleeve innovations; the shorter length sleeve from Paris and the long fitted sleeve with the flare cuff. We are also showing smart tailored frocks of the woolen and silk fiber materials with tight sleeves fitting into snug shoulders truly smart. S auiiiiininnn niiiunw AT MO THFATRF this week's program AL1V1AJ 1 lUA 1 1JL ANOTHER BANNER WEEK Monday aad Tuesday VM. S.HART The Monqy CoiraT Wodneaday tfm& i VALLACEREID - iJhe Eosumtf Eoad Thursday and Friday BL ' t, T-.I.B V faTh BETTER WIFE Saturday Th GREAT GAMBLE EPISODE No. 2 t EDDIE POLO is "MiMug Bollet" Flagg Comedy THE CON IN ECONOMY

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