".." ... TH2 KZWS AIO) OZSSttVER. TUESDAY MOHNITiG, AUGUST 19, 1919. 16 gnnumciOTraflnnnuniuumrum " ' A Store of Many Department v Kline & Lazarus NEW FREIGHT CASE LAW EXAMIflATION TO AGENT YOUNG BUT BERK FIVE SUITS BEGUN AGAINST RALEIGHITE DESERTERS REPORT PREPARE TO FIGHT SlUUHGH BIHERS VERY IHTOXICATIflG PAT LESS Included In Number Are Re turned Soldiers, Three Wo men and One Negro CLASS IS LARGEST ' SINCE WAR STARTED Supreme Court WOl Assemble lfext Tuesday To Hear Ap peals Argued Troxd First Dis trict; Associate , Justice Brown Soon To Be Back On The Bench Seventy-one applicant far license to practice law ia North Carolina yester day faced the eiaminatioa required by the Supreme Court for admission to the bar, and many testified to the fart that the eiaminatioa was not particularly difficult. Ia the batch of seventy-one appll eanjta, the largest class since the begin nine of the war, there were a number of service men, whose studies were in--) terrupted by the war. Likewise, there were three women and one negro. The eiaminatioa was framed by As sociate Justice Walker. The 6uprenie Court will assemble neit Tuesday to hear the appeals from the First District, as the first session of the Fall term. Associate Justice Brown, who has been ill for some time, elpeets to be again with the court shortly after the opening of the term. j Qaevtlons. 1. Does the grant of a power to con gress Imply prohibition upon the states to exercise the like power, and when b a power vested in congress ex clusive of all state action on the sums subject! 2. What effect have the publie acts and records of one state in the courts of another t 3. What provision is mndr with refer ence to the extradition of offenders tgninst state laws? ' 4. What constitutes fleeing from jus tice t 5. Is there any remedy for an impro per refusal to comply nith the demand for a requisition! 0. Whiit is the extent of the legisla tive power of a state! 7. Is the poliee power of a state un limited, snd specially, if the 14th Amendment to the I'. R. Constitution places any restriction upon its exer cise! S. When a county proposes to exceed the! limitation of taxation, as fixed by Art. 5, sec. 1, of our Constitution, for a . nurpose not involving a necessary ex pense, how may it proceed to do so lnw fully, and is this procedure affected by iiy recent amendment to the Constitu tion, and, if so, what is it! 9. When a hill is introduced in either ''ranch of the legislature to impose taxes npon the people, nhat procedure - must be observed in order thnt it may become valid statute of the State, un der Const., Art. 2, sec. 14! 10. Can' a citizen sue the Rtate, and if so, where is the jurisdiction and what ' If the procedure! 11. A, B, and C join in proceedings for partition of land, alleging that they esta the land in fee s tenants in com mon. Partition is accordingly decreed, and afterwards A acquires an outstand ing paramount title. Can he assert it against B and Cf 12. When is a condition annexed to a estate void, and what ia the legal effect, if void, upon the estate granted, distinguishing between the different kinds of conditions f IX What is essential to the arquisi . lion of title to bind, or an easement therein, by dedication! 14. Within what time must a limits .. ties of an estate by will or deed vest, in order to be valid, or rather not to be , void, at common law, for remoteness, and if we have a statute upon the sub ject, what la IN substance! 15. If A builds a house upon his own .premises, so as to obstruct the light and air which otherwise would hare free access to his neighbor's house, what remedy, if any, has the latter against tint! ' 18. What is a party-wall, and what are the fights therein of the owners whose lands it divides! . 17. Can a tenant in possession dis pute his landlord's title to the land, aad if so, when and under what cir cumstances! 18. When one has acquired snd holds the possession of land as tenant, can he attorn to the owner of the truo and paramount title, and thereby defeat the landlord's right of possession nt the end of the term! 19. A conveys land to B, and after ward to C, who takes possession there of, title being out of the State. R then net C for the possession. Can he re cover! What is the rule in such cites! 10. Give an example of aa estati ac ! quired, or passing, by estoppel. .21, 'if an estate it granted to for ' the life of B, and A dies before B, who ; takes the estate! 52. Wh may make entry upon land for the breach of a couditiou, and Is the fight of entry assignable by grant r other conveyance! Give your rea son. " 2S. If condition annexed to an ettate precedent or subsequent be void, what is the legal effect upon the estate greeted! 24. A eoaveys lsnd to B upon a parol agreement that the latter will hold the same for A, the grantor, aad ronvev the legal title to him when requested te de so. Is the trust an enforceable oaef 23. Hatband and vife are seired of aa estate by the entirety in land, and the hut bead, having secured a divorce, remarried. He tics die intestate, his divorced wife aad his second wife sur viving bias. What "are the right, if . any, of aucb survivors, and the hti band's heirs, ia the land! State your ' reason. 2. A devises bad to B for her life, , and at her death to the heirs male of her body by her husband C, what estate doe B get by the devise! ' S7. A leases a house to B by a writ ten) agreement, te which there' is no eoveaaat as te repairs, and during the tenancy the root leaks, so a t rea der the tipper story of the house an iahabitable. Who must snake repaint S. What law govera the validity of contracts 23. What U a contract if to be per Proceedings T6 Recover Money Loaned; Failure of Big Company Is Cause A aa aftermath of the failure of Monitor Graphite Company, a corpora Uoa with office aad mine ia Clay county, Alabama, which several prominent Ra leigh citizen sought, (o promote, fire civil suits have bee a started ia Wake Superior Court against William J. An drews for recovery of money loaned the eompany on notes. The five suit were started for the re covery of a total of 122,267.95. The de fendants are: The American Bank and Trust Company of Wilmington, tuiug for WfillSS; The Citixea Bank of Zebulon, for tlfiffll National Bank of Lunibcrton, for 12,000; Merchant Na tional Bank of Raleigh, for 13,VX); aud W. H. McKlwee, of Raleigh, for $3,750. Mr. Andrews was president of the corporation which eiisted but. a short time before being declared insokcut and bankrupt. W. B. Drake, Jr., of this city, was viee president, and Theo. Webb, another Raleigh citizen, was sec retary-treasurer. Ia answering the complaint of the different cases, Mr. Andrews contends that ho executed certain notes as an official of the company and not as an individual. He also explains that he owned only a small portion of the stock 250 shares whereas others held more than he did. Mr. Drak.e he as serts, owned 267 1-2 share of the com pany's stock. formed la a place other than that where it is made .10. When is a contract in restraint of trade void! 31. What ngrreements in restraint of marriage are void! 32. State the difference in the effect of partial illegality of eonsiderntion and partial illegality of promitc"! 33. Can a contract eonfer rights on a person not a party to it, so ss to entitle him to sue in hi own name for a breach! - 34. What effect have custom and us age upon tho interpretation of eon tracts! . 35. Can parol proof ever be permitted to vary the terms of a written con tract! .16. What are quasi contracts, and how do they nrise! 17. Cuu there be a valid conveyance of a possibility of inheritance, or a contingent interest, ill land, or a snle of goods not yet in existence, cither in luw or equity! 3tt. Huppose that goods are stolen and then sold by the thief to an innocent purchaser, will the latter acquire a good title, in against the true owner! 31). What choice of remedies has a purchaser who is defrauded in the sale of goods! 40. If one of two joint tortfeasors is compelled to pay damages for the tort to the injured party, ie there any ease in which he may recover over againat the other wrongdoer! 41. Is the sheriff, in the regular exe cution of process issued to him, liable civilly or criminally, for an act com mitted by him under it, when his only justification, in a suit against him for the act, ns being wrongful, is aa un constitutional statute! 42. In an action, under the Federal Employers Liability Act, by an em ployee of a railroad eonipnny njninst it for negligently injuring him, if the jury should find that there was negli gence and contributory tiegligenej vhut would be tho proper ru'o for sssasxing the damages! , 4.1. If a judgment is recovered against one of two tortfeasors, or a release gieu to h'm, how T' it rITr't !lu liability of the other one to the in jured party, if at all! 44. Define a power, and give the different kinds. 4.1. How iIih'S aa executory devise differ from a remainder! 46. What ia a legacy, and enumerate the different kinds! 47. What is meant by the abatement of legacies, and in what order do they abate! 48. State the difference between mandatory and prohibitory injunctions! 4!. What ia meant by decreeing spe, einc periormanee wnn compensation . ... . .. fur defects! trust when the trust property has been wrongfully iluponeJ or hy tne trustee! 51. What rules govern the descent of equitable estates f , 52. If an agent makes a contract in his own name, instead of using the name of his principal, what are the let ter's right and liability in respect to itt 5,1. Is thai property of a municipal corporation subject to levy and sale un der riecution in any case, and if not, how may a creditor enforce payment of his claim against itf 5t. Is an officer of a municipality liable to it and to individuals, who may suffer thereby, for nonfeasance, ssis foasance or malfeasance of duty, and, if so, to what estentT V. WW sr. tho remedies, if anv.l of a private corporation (or its stock- j "Headquarters Eleventh Infantry Bri holders) for lee sustained by either of j gade. them by reaxiu of the fraud, wrong or negligence of the officers of the cor poration? r,(i. What is meant hy an ultra vires art, and state the rights of the State, the stockholders, and individuals dealing with th thereto. corporation, in regard 57. "What is essential to lie shown, and by nhat degree of proof, to correct a mistake in ajleedt 51. What prNecticn, if any, Is es tinded to parties and , n ilnesses. while attending' court I 5il. In what rases Is a notice to pro duce a paper or document unneces sary f 0(1. What Is a bill in perpetuam rcl mcniorinm. and when "ill It lie enter tained by the court I 01. What Is essential i ei Jc to ren der a ennfessio admissible! 6?. What would be the effect of the discovery cf relevant facts from In formatloa contained ia a eonfrVion Im properly obtained f Would they be com petent as evidence t 63. What ia the measure of dsmage for a breach a to fitness, quality or condition,1 in a sale of goods! - 64. WMea are consequential damage recoverable in actions of contract and ia action ef tortt - - -. 65. Whea re eiemplsry, punitive tad vindictive damage recoverable 66. What It Mbraearft Turned Aloose In Raleigh, All Prisoners Show Up At Appointed Time The eight Johnston county deserters, who were released ia Raleigh Monday upon their honor to report agaia Mon day, were all oa time at the union sta tion. Not a oae failed to report te Special agent 8. Glen Young aad hi Belgian police dog. knew yoa boy would be here," remarked. Mr. Youag a he shook hands, with the eight men yesterday afteraooa at the union station. The crowd left oa the 4:19 Seaboard traia for Camp Jackson, near Columbia, where the de serter will be delivered to amy alU cials. The Belgian dog attracted consid erable attention yesterday la Raleigh and, naturally, many mca and boy tried to make friend with him. It couldn't be done. The police dog, ex plained Mr. Young, i trained te re gard all strangers as criminal and will even resist a friendly pat on the head unless it is administered by its master. It is esay for Mr. Young to corral a bunch of prisoners, place them inside a marked circle and then leave them for many hour in custody of the dog. The prisoner are always there when he returns.' In capturing the eight desert ers Sunday, Mr. Young put the first four arrested in a circle, handcuffed them and placed the dog on guard. Hcwas gone several hours ia searching for the other four but the first hunch of prisoners were still ia the circle when he returned to the scene. A MILLION AND A HALF FOR NEW ENTERPRISES That Is the Sum of the Capitali zations of New Enterprises Yesterday Half a dozen new corporations, one of them capitalized at one million dol lars, and totaling' 11,450,000 ia capi talization, filed articles of , Incorpora tion with the Secretary of State yester day. In addition, three corporations filed amendments increasing capital stocks. Details of the charter yesterday .are as follows: Swan Quarter Belhaven Transporta tion Company, Swan Quarter; motor boats; authorised capital 10,006, sub scribed 1630; duration unlimited. J. F. Bishop, Sawyer Orocery Company, J. D. Dawson Company, all of Bel haven, and others, incorporators. (,'. C. Coddington, Inc., Charlotte; authorised capital 11.000,000, subscrib ed $.100; duration 60 years. Marjorie U Coddington, Charles C. Coddington, Lee A. Folger, all of Charlotte, incor porators. F. B. Shackelford Company of North Carolina, Inc., Greensboro; dry good ana cioimng; numonxca eapiiai io,uw. subscribed $300; duration 99 years. B. Shackelford, Columbia, 8. C; Mai Lachman, New York City; F. P. Uob good, Jr., Greensboro, Incorporator. Mount Olive Oil and Fertiliser Com psny, Mount Olive; authorised capi tal 1250,000, subscribed 038.500; du ration 50 years. S. L. Warren, Ben W. Southerland, Fred R. Mints, all of Mount Olive, and othera, incorporators. I'eachlnnd, Iuc, Pinehurst; horti culturists; packers; authorised capital $125,000, subscribed 300; duration un limited. L. D. Kirkland. R. P. Reade, Jones Fuller, all of Durham, incor porators. Independence Theatre and Amuse ment Company, Inc., Charlotte; author ized capital $50,000, subscribed $4,700; duration unlimited. Sloan S. Slierrlll, J. M. Rumple, P. Woollcott, John M. Himke, all of Charlotte, incorporators. Amendments were filed as follows: Harris Hardware Company, Washing- ton ; authorizing the issuance of $100,- 000 eight per cent cumulative stock, re deemable at 105 after January 1, 1925; capitalization, $160,000. Valdeso Manufacturing Company, Glen Alpine; increasing authorized capita! from $123,000 to $300,000. Uellc-Vue Manufacturing Company, Hillsboro; Increasing capital stock from $225,000 to $500,000; ereatiag $150,000 cumulative preferred stock, miking total authorized preferred stock to i ... A. A.ti in nnn . - j . i. mumim i -w,wui new prnrmu lo re created rrom increase. I I DR. CHARLES W. YOUNG HERE FROM OVERSEAS Was Cited Twice For Braver in the Engagements of Sixth Division Dr. Charles W. Young, of Atlanta, ar rived in the city Sunday from oversea to visit his mother, Mrs. C. W. Young, 515 Polk street. Since tho signing of the armistl-s Dr. Young has been a student at the University of Bordeaux, Fraace, and during the engagement of the Sixth Division at tho front he wai cited twice fo bravery, as followsi i ne romnianumg general cue in general order Private (first class) Charles W. Young (observer) for splen did and commendable services: First: In the . Yosges mountain, j Gerardmer sector. Second: In the Meusc-Argonn offen- "Thi work extended over a period of about two ilontlu, during which time he was subjected te enemy fir of all kind and when subject to tuch (ire he manifested bravery of the highest order. He wis tlso subjected to physical suffering in cold and in clement weather but ttwayr performed his duties cheerfully tad efficiently without tny thought ef the suffering te which h was being subjected. (Signed") "WM. R. DA8HIELL, -Brig. Gen. U. & A (Official) "Commanding." , Real Estate Transfer. Real estate deal recorded yesterday ia the office of the register ef deeds were a follow: . Dolli B. UeDuffi to Bailie Jones tad Annie Hill, lot ia East Raleigh, for I1W aad other considerations. Mrs. Bessie Loeb to N, A. Brown, lot oa Jotinsoa atreet ia Riteiga. for 1700. Zcb B. Page and wife to p. C Brown, tract ia Cedar Fork township, for $10) aad ether considerations. t Chamber of Commerce Secre taries Meet Here; Plan To Raise $3,500 ' PROPOSED BOOST WOULD INCREASE DIFFERENTIAL Where Virginia Cities Have Dif ferential of 11 Cents Under Carolina They Would JRxi 12 1-2 Cents, Unless Bail roads Adopt Central Fright . Association Mileage Scale Decision to raise $3,500 at once to fiht the proposed 15 per cent increase la' freight rates, and the making of plan for the fight, waa the business yesterday of the meeting of the Cham ber of Commerce secretaries here. Several reason why the Chamber of Commerce should participate in the fight were given, the principal one being that failure to do to, and loss of the case te the United State Railroad Administration, will mean the" lost of what few advantage thi State hae gained in the freight rate situation, and jeopardize the present ease of the Chambers against the railroads, now pending before the Interstate Com merce Commission at Washington. The hearing is on September 15, at Washington. The secretaries voted to tentatively retain their attorney in the other ease, Mr. J. H. Fishback, as eounsel and apportion the necessary $3,500 to fight the esse among the cities of the State. Mr. M. B. Beaman, secretary of the Raleigh Chamber, is to select two other secretaries and go to Washington to gather data. Additional Discrimination. Docket No. 10,515, which, i the ease of the Chambers of Commerce of the State (Raleigh, Greensboro Henderson, Greenville, Fayetteville, Wilson, Zebu lon, Rocky Mount, Goldsboro, Durham, New Bern, Washington and Tarboro) against the director general of rail roads and others, is now pending set tlement at Washington. It was aimed for a readjustment of all rate to the north and south, in both directions, looking to a fair differen tial under the Virginia cities. The evidence in the esse was voluminous, but all tended to the same endi That tho Virginia cities possessed an unfair advantage over those of North Caro lina. The Railroad Administration now pro poses to raise all freight rates between 'Official" and "Southern" territory. The line between the two is drawn just south of the Virginia cities. That is, it would leave the rates from the North to the Virginia cities unchanged, giv ing the cities, in addition to their pres- ! .nt Am.ntM nf if an ad.lt tioaal differential of 15 per cent, under all point in North Carolina. Allowed la 191. . . This increase of 15 per cent ia freight rate was allowed by the tyterstate Commerce Commission to the railroads in 191(1, on the condi tion that the carrier should adopt the mileage scale of the Central Freight Association, and publish the rates, i. c, put them ia effect, within six months. For some reason, the railroads failed to take advantage of this incrense al lowed, and allowed the matter to lapse. It Was said that they found it incon venient to put the Central Freight As sociation scale in force. At any rate, they now propose, after all this time, to make the 15 per cent increase effective, but without adopting the Central Freight Association mileage scale. If that scale were pu( into ef fect on commodities between O flic in I and Southern territories, the secretaries would not have had ao much to talk about yesterday, but the failure of the railroads to declare the complete read justment of rate that the adoption of the Central Froight Association would mesa is, tbo secretaries say, unfair. Must Have 8upport. The additional revenue, under this proposed increase, would not go to the railroads of the South, but to those of the North and West, is anbther point the eecrctarics object to in the rase. If the chambers fail to fight the rail roads in thi mutter, it may prejudice the commission against the case in Doc ket No. 10,513, was the warning sounded by Mr. I II. Duncan, of Rocky Mount. "We must have the interested support of the business mca of the State in thi fight,' be aid. To lose mean another increase ia the cost of living in North Carolina. It will be to lose all we have gained." Mr. C. V. Singleton, of Henderson, was (elected to, get fund for the fight in the wester a. part of the State, aad Mr. E. R. Young to do similar mission ary work in the eastern part. During the meeting, Mr. Duncan, who is secre tary of the State Commercial Secre taries Association, received a wire as suring him the support of the Asheville Board of Trade. , Those attending the mooting today were i Mr, H. V. D. King, secretary Chamber of Commerce, .Fayetteville; Mr. U. E. Barlow, secretary Chamber of Commerce, Wilson; Mr. H. H. Willhoit, secretary Chamber of Commerce, New Bern; Mr. W. C. Denmark, secretary Chamber of Commerce, OoldsborO; Mr. U H. Duncan, secretary Chamber 'of Commerce, Rocky Mount; Major J. W. Jenkins, secretary Chamber of Com merce, Henderson; Mr. C. V, Singleton, Henderson; Mr. E. R. Young, Wash ington) Mr, M, R. Beaman, secretary Chamber ef Commerce, Raleigh. OPENING OF THEATRICAL SEASON IS ADVANCED The opening of the theatrical season in Raleigh has beet advanced sis dsy and the initial attraction will be Ade laide Thurston ia her owa play, "What's Your Garnet" The date is September 4. Before thi show waa booked by Manager t'pehurch ' the opening date wa set for September 10 with The Naughty Wife'' at the beadliner. Man ager Unchurch expect to add a large number of other attraction before the opening of the sesson. , ' Carthage Market Ta Oaea. ' Mr. R. A. Bryta, who waa ia Raleigh yesterday, states that the prospect are splendid for a most successful seasoa for th tobacco warehouses ia bit towa, which will opea t aa early date, . At Least,' the Results Cost One : Man $100 And Costs; Union Men Have .Scrap - Oat maa waa fined oae hundred dol lar aad coat for driving aa auto while intoxicated, two members of tho paint ers' union adjusted their difficulties, and a flock of epeeder were feed aad a few other cases disposed of at yester day morning's session of City Court. The auto-intoxicated maa waa T. A Edwards, who has been op before oa a similar charge. Thia time he had' been drinking Noah' Stomach Bitter, 23 per cent alcohol. . Tho court assessed the $100 fine a punishment. . Somewhat similar wa th ease of F. E. Evans, Pitt county maa of three score and nine year, who was charged with being drunk. He drank aromatic or Angostura Bitttera, with 45 per cent alcohol, practically the sams percentage as whiskey, . Judge Harris suspended judgment oa payment of costs. E. 8. ' Demilt twore out a warrant against his brother ia tbo painters' union, H. B. Wade, charging bins with assault. After Judge Harris beard the testimony he found both mca guilty of affray,, but reserved judgment for the time being. It appeared that the two men were delegate to tbo central conneil, and could not agree. Following a confer ence ia tho ante room, Wade struck at the mailer man, who drew his knife and stabbed him ia return.- Demilt claimed he used tho knife ia self-defense. Three colored boys, Edgar Westfield, Alonzo Cohen and Fred Stewart, were given 30 day oa the roads each for steeling rides on train. The following speeders were fined five dollar and costs eaeht A, M. Henderson, 29 m. p. h.; P. E. Stathasos, 30 m. p. h.; H. J. Lea, 28, m. p. a.; B. A. Johnson, 28 m. p. h. Howard flaJbrntine, convicted of care less and reckless driving, waa ordered to pay the damage to the boggy of Henry Bobbitt that he caused, and the costs of the action. ' W. T. Tucker, up again for tpeeding, was directed to return and bring his father with him. Judge Harris indi cated that he intended to take Tucker's privilege of driving away from him for a time. The case of Herbert Dunlap, who is eharged with breaking into Julia Smith's store and stealing $18.04, was set for today. Patrolman Welch was examined in reference to the ease, and testified to finding Dunlap in the store, with the money in his possession, and added that Julia identified the money. Zander Lane will also be tried today on the charge of disorderly conduct. Earl Noble was arraigned before the court, and put under $100 bond oa a charge of perjury. q Mrs. Joha D. Berry laarovee. Mr. and Mrs. John D. Berry left last night for Elkia, where they will visit Mrs. Berry's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Bray. Mrs. Berry and the children, James Gny and Martha Louise, will ipend several months in tho mountains, while Mrs. Berry is recuperating from her recent serious illness. Stomach Out oi Fix? 'Phone your grocer or druggist for a dozen bottles of this delicious digestent-a glass with meals give ddiahlful relief, or oo charge for the first doxca used. Shivar Ale run eieunvi mmatic iin 1HIVAI NINERU WU AMD filKtt Nothing like n lor renovating old wont-out ttomacht, converting food into rich blood and sound flesh. Bottled snd guaranteed by the cele brated Shivar Mineral Spring, Sbel ton. S. C H your regular denier cannot supply you telephone PORTER CANDi CO, Distributors for Raleigh. xyUSTonepuffat Wthis Meditation Cigar and you realize you're smoking a new a different a top- notch-all-the-way cigar. . Its blend of choice Havana, its mild, mel kw fragrance soothes business worries and leaves you feeling at your very best . ' JL k. LEATHERS A CO. i CmssiIus.H.C, , . , 7Mtosti OnuWfraaw f Offering Special Values in Our ' Piece Goods Section for Today Cottoii Priced Fr Below Tlteir Worth , Cheviot For iliirta, waist, etc. COe value, special, yard... .3e ,56c yard Khaki Clbth Extra heavy, special, yard.. ......He S5c SS-iach Dark and Light Dree Percale, special, yard.:......... JSa . Table Damask 66 inches wide. A very good quality. 75c value, yd. SSe ' Cretesinee 50e value. Beautiful floral and ornamental designs, yd. ! Dress Glngnsets 32-Inch goods. Tlaldt and-Btripe. di'ie value, tpeeial, yard ...lie ' 25c yard Apron Checka Colors: Brown, Blue and Black, tpeeial, yd. lie 35c yard English Nainsook Extra value, 10 yards. '..$1.$ 75e yard Khaki Cloth' (0 inches wide, tpeeial, yard... ........tte 7$c yard White Organdy 40 inches wide, special, yard Me ' SSc yard Fancy Dress Voile 27 inches wide, many colors to select ' from, tpeeial, yard...,, ,.. IS . SSc yard India Llaon, very aheer quality, special, yard..... M . Stc yard Flowered Checks and Plaid Dress Voiles, tpeeial, yard. ...! 79c yard Dress Voiles, ia the prettiest designs of the season, special, yard ,...! 1 McCal! Patterns aiiiiuumiiiramiiiiiiiii Dependable, Serviceable FURNITUR For Modest Or Pretentious Home Whether one dwells in the atmosphere of luxury or the happy environs of a three-room cottage, this stock is quite extensive enough in quantity and variety to outfit completely any home. Being neither radical or conservative, we strive for the "happy medium" in everything, and in our en deavor to supply the public with what they really .want, have surrounded ourselves with patrons who ap preciate the service and are loyal to the core. We have no catch-penny schemes. People now adays, are, too intelligent for that; besides, they are quick to recognize values and seldom nibble at a baited hook. , , Compare Our Prices With Any Store Note the construction, the finish, the style, and we have nothing to fear in competition with the biggest and best in the land. Royall and Borden The Home of Dependable Faraltaro i Goldtboro i RALEIGH i Durham Kill th Germ and Keep Him on the Floor With Our Dustless Sweep It Oils and Pol ishes at the same time. Positively Keeps the Dust Down. Does Not Get Dry if Kept in a Cool Place. SHIPPED ON THIRTY DAYS APPROVAL Pricei. As Follows t IM lb. Barrel iJU per barrel !H lb. Barrel 123 per barrel IN lb. Keg .777.7.... US per keg F. O. B. OXFORD, N. C Oai No. 1 Floor Oil Oar Special Floor Dressing.' 1-1 Barrel 4c aad II Galloa Can 10c DELIVERED te yoar R. R. Station. " SOUTHERN FLOOR P. O. Bot 111 t Dm m a 24x11 laches, leather camera Uh I ah seta of Srat class t O IV "loM!S MP', taoagh ta ttaTa year, 14 eacar by parcel post. IMS. - , BIOTTE R ' BEND lS Y0VR ORDERS. DAn C .COMMERCIAL PRINTING COMPANY ' a If you haven't read the Classified Ads today, you' havo , a' missed a food part of tht paper. . .... .V .. . ,1. "s i : Materials tt Both Phones 176 rnlahl presaM sa I kMs. ee bmn. mm s psr MM M i sets, St Mail aa -sat eretr. .32c per Galloa la Barrel ............ SSc per Galloa la Barrel above. Barrels Order shipped direct aad promptly 1 SWEEP COMPANY - J OXFORD, N, C RALEIGH. N. C.