THE t;EWS AND OUSERVER. TUESDAY KOar&NG, AUGUST 19, lSia rVi;i CITY MAYOR i Presides At Conference of Striking Car Men Anrf Hears, Their Grievances .-. Winston-Salem, Auf. 18.-M.iyof B. W. Qorrcll tad Html memUtt wt the board of aldermen,, by .Invitation, at tendee" eenferenee with th strikisg itml ear sue bar this afteraeoa whea tha difference existing between th Southern PaWle Utilities Compaay aid ita employees wera explained aad dis cussed. Tha striker coateaded that' refusal at recognition ef tha trt ar men's taioa preventing aa agaee meqt being reached. Mayor Gorrell, by invitation of tha striker, presided aver tha aseetiag. It -wag decided to ask tha presides t of tha Botary Clab to appoint a commit tea from els organization to accompany a member of tha board of aldermen, to Chatlotts tomorrow to confer with Presldeat Taylor aad other efflcials of tha Utility Company and see if aa agreement eauld not bo readied by which Hie street ears la Wlnstou-Salem ean relume operation without further delay, . President Taylor stated la a telepboaa messags thli afternoon that he vipeetrd to have tha street rare ia Charlotte ia operatioa aot later than Thursday of thia week aad that tha ears in thla city would begin running again a day or two later, or just a aNa oi the necessary arrssgemeata rould be made. Whether tha compaay axpeeta to put on new met or ia expecting a number of the old Ben to return te work baa aot been revealed. A DIUCIOUS TONIC. Heraferd'e Acid rfceapkate ' aejanamatas phle.l eaertr. Cornell dieet. he i'nortm and tenee Ida trstem. Try it. (Ad. - . TWIN CITY CITIZEN UNDSCEN5USJ0B (Ceatlaaed from Page One.) 01. September Ci-for the selce ' tln ot a -postmaster at MarahUlcTh nflle pata a salary of 1,300. FrWui la Wathiogton have welted InvlMt'nP" t tha wedding of Joieph Brandon Burner, ion of Mra. T. K. Hi tin. r, rf Haleigh. Tha ceremony will 1e performed at Loa Angeles, Cal, oa Ansurt S. the bride bolng Miss Evelyn ( (.II JohT.tcn, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Mills Jobnion. Mr. Kroner la tha eon i f tl e fcito 'iV K. Bruner who waa see mar to the Board of Agriculture of Jforfh Csruliir. - Tie United States Railroad Adminis tration has lifted the embargo on a shipment of fteel windows ordered by tha 8Mtt Hospital at Baleigb from IHiUnd.'iphlh. Dr. Albert Aaderaon re fluUItloacd ibo ecrvlees of Senator Hmmous In sieving the embargo re moral. Ben Aberaathy, brother of Dr. C a Abernathy, of Raleigh, baa been as. sigasd ta a job la tba government print ing efflee. Mr. Abernathy was formerly auperintondeat of the mechanical de- nattmcat of the "Fourth Estate." ot New York city, and hack ia tha days whsa tha University print shop waa on us hrst logs Mr. Abernathy coadueteu th student enterprise. He supervised th printing of the "Tar Heel" and the I'aiverslty Mngasine while meeting text-books and class room sssignments. 'Kitchln On Committee. The Republicans give merited praise la Representative Claude Kitchln, of rial eemmUte to frame and present itf Congress by March X 1920, a measure providing for the estsbltshment of A budget systsm in tha government mone tary affaire Breaker Frederick Gillette says "Practically every member of ths aew committee has had long service m tha house nnd was ehosen for bis post because of known efficiency and grasp of governmental finance. Represents tlv Joseph Byrns, ef Tennessee, a Democrat is also a member ef the com aiitte : . , Caroilatana Ia Capital. Barton Craig, a lawyer of Wlnston- Polem. wss her today, returning to North Carolina from Cape May, N. J., where h has beea spending hi vara. tloa. Mr. Craig made th trip In an automobile while Mrs. Crsig journeyed Up rail. ' ; Garland B. Ferguson, Jr., counsel for th Newport Bbip Building nnd Dry Dock Company, returned to vvaeniag ton today from a week's stay at Vade Mecum Springs in Stokes county, While in North Carolina, Mr. Ferguson at- teaded the annual meeting of the North Carolina Bar Association ia Greensboro. Representative Samuel M. Brlason re tnrasd to Washington today from his horn In Nw Bern. Wslter Murphy, of Salisbury, Is a visitor to th National CapitaL F. D. Latham, of Ileliinrett Beaufort county, is a visitor to Wash lnsion. . Mr. aad Mrs. Geary Gerkin formerly of Raleigh, but now residents of Wash ington, left today for a motor trip to Atlantis City. New York and other northern ndlnta. Mrs. Staaley Wil , lismson. of New York, it a guest of Mrs. E. E. Brittoa. - Concerning tha tobacco Industries and their relation, to the world war with re. tpect t North Carolina production, Is v eemmunkatioB In Washington news. mpers by a woman who blames tobacco toasamera for th augar ahortage. She "BAYER CR0SS0N GENUINE ASPIRIN "Bayer Tablet of Aspirin" to bs ten nis must b marked wHh ths safety -Bsysr Cross." Always buy a aa broken Bayer packag rhlch eoatalns proper directieis to safsly relUe Bead ache, Toothache, Earsehe, Nsurslgis, Colds aad pain. Handy tin base of II Isblcts sost but few tests at drug stores lsrger packages also. Aspirin U the Jrad mart of Bayer Maaufacttir of Moneaeeticacidestsr of Salieyliracid. -Adv. . - ' . TO SEnLE STRIK states that 'aeventy , million pounds of sugar wera used la Us Usiud fcUalvs during 1918 is tba manufactar f tobacco. Eb adds 'And yet tha coun try was conserving augar. 1 bellev tha majority of smokers nave nut givmr tba matter mach thought and that many amoka execaaitaly ' merely', Croat force of habit." . ; , v i When 9sby hi Teethlag OKOVEB BABt BOWEL MEDICINE well correct tha Stomach aad Bowel troables Perfectly harmless. Sea rectloas on tha etttle. Vrk JOc-Adv. BAKER DEFENDS HIS 1 ! REQUEST FOR ARMY . : i. ICoatlaaed frees Page Oa4 equipment now ia obsolete, bat it wsa asserted by tha Secretary, the typea arc batter thin any ia Europe. A utilisa tion of thoaa types coupled with the exporieue in product lonjhat baa beea made, he believed, would aerrs ta aavs much lima if it alio u Id again become necessary to bring that branch of the service to a war basis. The Secretary said that if the govern ment wished to develop the air industry either for eommcms or for wnr purposes the solution was simply merely spend the money to buy mora planes. i 11 11 " The Strong Wilketaad I ha Heat of lammer Better Than, tha Weak Old peopta wha are feeble aad younger people who ara weak, will be strengthened and enabled to go through tba depraving heat of summer by taking GROVES TA8TELK88 chill TONIC It puriBea and enriches the blood and builds up tha whole system. Yoa eaa soon feel its Strengthening, Isvlgoratng Effect. Wc.-Adv. MEXICO CALLED ON TO ACT PROMPTLY (Ceatlaaed from Page One.) trolliag the border and threatened to death on failure to pay 113,01)0 ransom. "Tlis instructions pointed out ths seriousness with which the United Utiites government views this situation aud railed for immediate adequate action. The department also directed the Amer ican consul' at Juarci, Mexico, te take all possible steps with ths Mexican su thoritics there to secure release end protection of tha officers. The attention of the department was railed to the Davis ease lute bist might by Representative Barber, of Califorulu, sad telegraphic Instructions were rushed to the embassy and the annulate. The officer's father, Dr. Warren B. Davis, of Strsssmore, Cel., wss advised of the steps taken in behalf ofbis son. The Governor of Minnesota telegraphed to the department tadny regarding the two lieuteannts and was advised of the steps which the department had taken. Peter son is a son of 8. C. Peterson, of Hutch inson, Minn. Other Americans Held. Only aa hour or two after tho deport ment issued Its statement in the ease of tha two aviators, it made public dis patches telling of the kidaappiag of Dr. A. Goenaga, an American citixen and a astlva of Porta Rico, by Mexiean bandits under Valentine Reyes. The dispatches said that Dr. uoenagn waa' being held for ransom ia the vicinity of Mexico City. A letter received by an Amerieaa ia LMexica Oit, from tha doctbr under date of July SS, said that the rebels threat ened to kill bim unices a ransom nf several ull3. ral thousand pesos was paid by Aug- Tho department said it bad no further information, except that the Mexiean foreign office advised the Amer ican Embassy nt Mexico City yesterday that troops had been sent to rescue the Amcrtcnn. Two other nttacks on American life tnd prons4ty ia Mexico eaine to light during toe day. One was nn attack oa a truck train of the Alrcrado Mining and Milling Company in the vicinity ot Jiminea with slight injuries to Leslie Urn Pecpla Are Miurablj, Halt Sick, Tired All the Time They bo Not Know What la the Mat tor, and Their Thysklsn Cannot Name the Disoaae. There are ju-t Ma end Jots of people who muineir ek m wne man dree tkmSfk their work aer arter !. The as ewi knew wbel le the nutter ttk them aad their Bhrelciea eanaot Beeae the Sateaee that kwrable. "Urea all the tlSM1 leellna. la BMBt et poor hei the real eauee ef thla state et soar health In that the blood hi elecsed! with latpuntlee and the be-rele. kMneye and other -Hal arcane ara not aetlna arope'b;. A re liable hloud tonle Si Beeeaeary. fr-eeriptkn C-tttl Is a bloed) surlaer at eaueua merit It eupplied ready prepare In eeneentrated form SnJ k to he taken m email Sane. It aot eels eleaaaea end sweeps eat ed the bloo all the kwpiirltlea that are eaualB III health, hot tone a the sratee. Freeertptloa C-t'iS eentaine na awreii arduaa, merphtBe. ehloral er etryehnMSi H wae eehilBalls the preaeriptkiB ot a prailpoat phy. ttriaa. aaed In hie Brattice In the treatment M dlaerdeea et the hkaea, It eeej are aalaerahle end half alek. set tl.ta bottle of PreaeriptloB C-Z-'JI from rour BeSreet erue atore, er the C-XKS Lahorstor. ktea-Bhla. T-an.. will mall MB a bottle m ea. eelp ef riee. Clip and mall this ad-ertlea mmni tor free IneratBre. PTvaerHrtHr- v.wa iuiui n jfRSV Ifrk Add Trouble ' VnHed Itetet llallraad A4ailnlatretk, ' Announces Round Trip Excursion Farca SEASHORE RESORTS on th Norfolk . Southern Railroad! SUMMER' EXCURSION FARES to Vlrsinla meaea, Ys. Sfarehead CHr. N. C. i- Cape Henrr, Vs. gwentert, N. C i Metfelh. Vs. NaTs Meaa. N, C Maatea, M. C Tteheta e eale daflji amlll September t, ISIS. Seal lualt it return Oetubec tl, ISIS. - ... . v . WEEK EKB tXCURSIOM ' FAKKA. Te sbeve named) eotnta, Ttcketi a sala aaek SaitmUr aad Saadar aatil Beeteav ber t. ISIS, nei limit foe retarB ta Twa 4ajr lollewlna dais etaala. Far detail ntteraMtleau apetr te aeareat ticket aseat ef writs Ceaeral faaeeeicer Aaeat. Mortem, Vs. , Wbb. aa American employ f the lompaay. Last Thursday baadita raided tha Taxpam offiea 1 ta rtaan-Nsxtaa Fuel Compaay, aa American corpora tiea. aad made away with njm pease. MEXICAN BANDITS RECENTLY ' 1 'SlIAVvi A av Wasbiagtoa, Aug. iaV-Maaicaa ban dits eparatiag in the vicinity of Jiml aes recaatly attached t track train f the Alverado-Miaing aad bulling Com paay, aa route to ParraL Dispatches to the Utate pepartmaat today telling of the attack said that Leslie Webb, sa American employ of tba eompasy, waa iajurad alightly, ; - " Another dispatch reachiag . tb de partaiest said that baadita raided the efflc of In ' reaaa-Mexica , l Ucl Cempaay, aa American corporation, latat Tbnraday aad nibbed it of 23,000 pesea. i FATE OF ARMY AVIATORS TO BE- TAKE VP BY GOVERNORS. Salt Lake City, Utah, Aug. lt.Tbe capture of two American army aviators by bandits aad their detention u Mex ico for 113,000 ransom wilt b mad aa issue before the coafereac of Gover nors which opens hers tomorrow, ac cording to Maj. O. C. (Saria, aide to Governor J. A. A. Buraquiat, of Min nesota. One of the aviators, Harold 0. Peter son, is of Hutchinson, Minn. Qoveraor Buruqiiiat today telegraphed Reeretary of Htate Lansing askiag for immediate action and information. In just abst form It will be aa issue st tha conference is not yet knows, bat Major Garis said UoTernor JJurnquist would immediately confer with execs- lives of the border States, New Mexico aad ArUoaa, who are bare. DESERT OF DEATH NAME OF PLACE WHERE AVIATORS ARE. El Paso, Tex., Aug. 18. Tb Ojinaga District, south of th Rio Grande, where the two American aviators, Lieut Paul II. Davis and Harold G. Peterson, prob ably were taken hv their captors, is known in Northern Mexico as the "Jor- uuda do Muerta or desert of death. There are few water hales between Ojinnga'snd Cohuillo Pmdo, and th trails cross aad recrosa ia a confusing maze. The Ojinaga desert ha long beea the billing place of Villa's baads. Villa himself having sought refug there a number of time. Ilipolito Villa, brother of tb Uadit chief, ia reported to b biding ia th Honta lleiona meaatalas of the dia- triet. When Villa captured Chihuahua in 1913, General latia Terra saa, then awaer of much of th Stat of Chi huahua, rode the entire distance to tb Ojiaaga border oa horseback. Water had to be carried oa males ta supply the soldiers who guarded him ea hS trip. FATHER OF PETERSON WILL SECURE MONEY FOR RANSOM Hutchinson, Mine., Aug. H.-Ram G. Peterson, father of Lieutenant Harold G. Peterson, wha Is held for ransom by WATCH, THE BIG 4 3tomcb .Kktntjt-Hrt'Urte Keep the vital crgmns beaJthy bf regularly taking the) world's twl r.rd remedjr far Udntr, Uwejr, bladder god uric, sveid troubleer COLD MEDAL Tb rtwoal lUsMdy " Holland far ..rTn.rU. and iormd by Qu-ei WUi-e-mina. At U drwggnrm, tteeo sW Ci4d ntmial swevv asm The Ellis Music-Master Reproducer Perfects the v Phonograph It obliterates all harsh "twang" that is so character istic. It puts harmony into every word anil note. It resurrects the "living- voice" of the ar tist who made the record. The har. moalcs of accompani ments are perfect The reasonance of the violin is real, even to the down touch of r the bow. The mellow tone of the flute is 'brought out to perfection. The brightness of the the cornet is exhila rating and genuine. The trombone tone ia wonderful. The chiming of bells is Come in ant let us give you demonatrpUoti, Curtis-Morong Company Incorporated UT W. MARTIN ST. Mesieaa baadita,' arrived . her today: atr harried visit to bt Paul, wber h ewafsrrcd with Stata offlcUla. He anaounrsd Hint he ass dasided b- raise tba amount for th ransom himself aad depcad others forxtb safety at bia aon. ..; -:x' r: '.' . Tl Bppreeiata tba fact tba) others have already raised tb mosey re quired, aeavrdiag ta reports," ha said, "but I am going to get It myself and b aura that there la na mistake, It la a question ef having a required amount I money t,rcrtaia time, ar my T 'y son will be killed. Ha I am going to got tb me ney myself aad be ur that Ur to a muiuaderstiuiding. - abUnal Camstlpatlva Catfd la U to tl Dsvs 'LAX. FOR WITH PE1'8IN', I speciallypraparwd Syrup ToaicLaxa tie for Habitual Conatlpation. It r Uevoa promptly aad ebeuld b takai rgniariy for 1 ta .Tt days I Indue regular aetio. It BtimuIsUs and Regulates. Very Plusaat ta Tsk. OOe per betthh Adv. NEW YORK STRIKE V FORMALLY ENDED (Ceatlaaed from Pag Oae.) , aaansgert but wka wera aaabl to ap pear because of tha sympathetic strike called by stag kaada aad musicians, would probably receive full pay for th time the bouses wwr "dark. PITTSBURGH RECEIVERS FILE SUIT AGAINST UNION EMPLOYES Pittsburgh, Pa., Aug. 11-A suit ask ing aaoooo dayger was fled at 4 o'clock this afteaooa by tb receivers of th Pittsburgh Railways Co. against the lees I division of th Amalgamated Association ef Street and Electric Sail way employee, alleging breach of coa tract by SWO striking motormsn and conductors who have tied up trolley transportation her slac but Thursday midnight, when they rejected th nat ional war labor boerd'a award ef a five eeat aa hour wag increase. Tba men demanded a IS seat raise gad suspend 1 their strike last May pending the board' decision, which they agreed to abide by. Th suit I brought ;,otitly agaast th anion, ita Ulcers and members. Ambler la Arrested. Philadelphia, Aug. It, Charle A. A Bi bier, formes Insurance commissioner of Pennsylvania, and prominent a a Republican leader, waa arrested today charged with conspiring to loot tb North Ponn Bank, which fjosed en July 18 owing mora than 12,000,000. CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY Both Public Uws 1919 Now on sale, Price $1.50, Postpaid $1.60 We supply your neefls in all kinds Books, Stationery a n d Office Supplies Orders and enquiries given prompt attention. We have done this for 52 years. Alfred Williams &-Go. RALEIGH, K. C Checking of The Business Man Thia Bank believes that something mors is due the business man than simply the receiving and paying out of his funds. "Time is money," and therefore we do not waste it here by heedless or needless for. malitles. We are alert to please with a Prompt and Courteous Service The Citizens National Bank is strictly a business institution whose policy is to bt genuinely helpful to the busy business man. Attentive and anxious to lease both small and large depositors whose check-' lg accounts we solicit on the purely business basis ,v of all-round -efficiency in. service. , , ' The Citizens National Bank "SERVICE WITH SAFETY" I'll 1 lllhUIUH I; Special Deputy In Customs Of rice Dies From Wounds In . flicted With Pistol Wilmlagtoa, Aug. IS C. F. MorraH, Sicial -deputy colloetor af sustom aa der Uvilcv(vr Walker Tiylor, et this It, shot himself Iw the abdomen either' eldeUlly r with suieidal la tent thla afternoon In. oa of th loung ing rooms ef tb custom 'house here, aad when found at' 9:90 e'tlork was unconscious, aad remained so until the end. .-.-- ;,;' . ' Aa eperatjoa waa performed In a local hospital aad b died soon after. warda. For leveral day be has au-J peared despoadent and today placed his resignntion in the bands ot the Col lector, earn being accepted. Colonel Taylor asys h doaired to tab t po' tion in the treasury department at Washington, aad bad so plannsd. He was 33 yssrs old aad a aatlv ef Coa ssctleut, where he has a brother and mother living. II came bar from the Winston-Salem efflee ot th Collector for thia part. v John Barleycorn dies hard, even when given knockout drop. OBCUrmNS Hot watap SurtReiitf mm EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE. Having qualified as exesutrla of the trill of Wm. J. Peel, late of Wak county, this to notify ill peraenk in debted te the estate et aaid Peels, to tall and settl with to without delay, aad tboN hsvlhg claims against ssid estate, will present them to no on or before the loth day of July, A. D. 1030, er this notice will be pleaded la bar of their reovery, MRS. ELIZABETH B. PEELE, Executrix of will ef Wm. J. Peele, Raleigh, N. C No. HI N. Dawsoa 8t. Phones 74 Account v LI 10 S HIMSELF ; Mixed Summer Fooclt The Cause ; Of Much Indigestion SUMMER thy are days of cardes gVing, Uckeat too'hot hf -Cooking, cold knxhe at the horaet'of (rsepda, orxsvair piexnes, with thej reeuk ttSat goany a (amily k dowa wih iwigearjotv - Cive iWe stoBsata mi Uwrels a new i V Um4 BrAssa j Dr.' CslaSeeD slBaipeiBSaBgaWBsseIUisiiisi ever Wwanafa. Use simssssriia Seait lU OS. Caldwell s Svrap rV ef sbb4 IssaMra Kerb wen aapain Than pes TBfiety lass yeas efalbyeatipt , that tram the SBiiata sibscIbi as die aurt warn raw. ,1 is arars aaailv sheaj vrark nannslh; sa taat nnjjrinsi . aSgntsg. . - ' - ".can sgsi U efrpamid wah. 0sr Al kMtl. ei W TJ ttu"'" aught eay slnsj stops ler 50t aad ' WBjprtjeswjr tear, lastmsaeass. SI. Se knar the ssmfly aixe. R scat sa eieadshon Is sWi. . geatlr an salshr tns eaa be vas . If ri larasSviwPeaeBS, svea le S bsl m fniitipat.oa. indues. Mm iar a Iras (rial Ml be, "ssesiaer colds" and sksOer ilk to Dr. W. B. Caldwefl, 460 Wssaiag. TWIemeheewaSrisyP Dp Caudwclws Tailoring Opening Wear That Prosperous Look. We Sell It. ITcostta maniessto lookrosperotis'1 than to appear otherwise, for "prosperity" follows a well dressed man. AUGUST Are the dates we have a line that means money to yoa aad will give you that "prosperous" look and when the tape line is in the hands of Mr. J. Thomas Town' send you are sure of what you want in a suit or over-, coat. ' - --i-i - - -COME AND SEE ; Is All W Ak. the prices have a welcome sound. Remember they are absolutely guaranteed by the Globe Tailoring Co. C4 Qaalltr 8plla What Beoa SnV "SOON TO TOU" i "BOON TO TOU $18.00 Fans ot $12,50 The summer is not over yet. It: will pay you to buy one of these Fans at this greatly reduced price, for use next summer. ' HACKWEY:BKOS. Wfleonp N. C. , ; V " Our Automobile Department specializes in Automobile; Painting, Trimming, Repairing and-Overhauling. We build Automobile Tops and make any kind of Truck Body desired. ; - ' , . v ! -c. y?;-? 'y yy y-: ' ::-- : y t YOUR CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED, ' Pleas write as fully abent year give yoa aeserate and Intelligent sin 20th TO 23rd SPECIAL TODAY ONLY requirements, la order that we may estimate.- . t