TUZSDAY f.IOItf ,'ING, AUGUST 10, ISia Till rCSVS AT.'D 02S2IWER. 5 , NORTH CAROLINIAN IN FRANCE . SUGGESTS WIDER FIELD FOR T" W. Rea Parker Thinks It Should, Be Made To Answer In American Life To the Social Qafe In French LifeWould Have It A Place Much More Sought After Than It Is - ' and For Human Reasons- -'-7----- Observiaf ways of UvSaf U Frtaee and. Germany, W. tea Parhef, at Ootde boro, who it still with th colors la the sentrsl records office at pourgta, FrW, writes lorn an interesting letter in which he takes the -lew that eertala changes la the conduct of the Toung Men's Christian Associations of Amer Ica. should be mad to mass them more responsive to the social aeeda of tbt time. ' Mt. Parker thlnkt the T. M. C. A. should be aude.to eerrespoai somewhat to the French eafe, that It ahould be a place aatoralt attractive and not ao mur h a plaes where oaty those will go who are expressly seeking physical, intelleetnsl sad spiritual Im provement. His letter, which is writtea to Ms father, Mr. W. K. Parker, aU sf Qoldsboro. follows; , Ton kaow, father, there Is mneh beauty la the Freneh life, despite the eft-repoated and shallow criticism to the contrary. There is markedly ab sent from it the hurry and bnltle to prevalent amoag onr own people, j The FroAch enjoy life in a wny unknown to the American, generally speaking. This fact becomes more fleer te wie every day I stay in France. I have studied them in their daily life, both la the country and in the city. And I have seen ronl beauty there. ' I have observed then, too, at their drinking" and admired them for he moderation that they display. T have noticed with appreciation what a source of conviviality It affords them, and It reminds me of 'the symposium of the ancient Greeks, or of the tea-houses of early England, at one time the fona tain of her national thought. AU the world recognises the healthful eentrilm tkm tt English life that was to be found in the tea-honses of that souatry In the days of Ben Jnnsnn, of Addison, Bentt, MaCaulay and Pitt. At other public drinking p!eet where stronger drink that tea is served, as is the ease 14 France and in Germany, very much the tame result is obtained. Paring my stay ia Germany I fre quently visited after supper a quiet safe here and there over the city and observed the men and women who would drop ia for a quiet hour or as aver a glass of beer, a game of cards and the sociability that the eeeaaioa tfforded. Ia these meetings the dally hews had its share and I often thought that were I able to aaderstand Germas it would have afforded me aa oppor tunity of feeling the pulse of the peo ple la a way which waa tantalixingly denied me as it was. There ie offered la the Freneh and German eafe an op portunity of meeting la sober and ap preciative Intercourse the people about you, of exchanging views, of airing Opinions, of learning from what the other fellow knows much that yofl don't know and of showing la turn your knowledge with him.. Then is offered here a keea realizatioa of the sense of brotherhood. Ia short, there Is te be fouad here a source of constructive eitixenahlp. Ia America bo euch benefits as .these emanate from our public drinking places; but, instesd, just the reverse. It may all be attributed to the impet uosity and nervous temperament of the American people. To us moderation is entirely foreign- As a result, our pub lie drinking places, or saloons, are recognized as destructive of the best citizenship and a place ia which no lady la ever seen. It should not be so. But It is. , I observe every time I walk down town after supper tho habit which the French hare of dropping into a quiet safe to apcad the better part f the eveaiuf ever a bottle of beer or wine apieeev engaged ia a conversation of mutual interest or ia a game of cards. Tonight the iaelemeae of tho wea ther urompted Mr Wick and I to speed quite a "FreaehmaaV eveaing" for 'ho ana I betook ourselves to a secluded eafe aad with the assistance si a bottle of beet each, a deck of cards aad S aewspapef quite a pleasaat time, ' . - . , If sociable, sober drinking places have a value all their own, a value construc tive aad worth while, why ahould" Amer ica bo denied that value! (Now do not aaderstand me to desks to convey the lm pressi oa that the Frearh aever Im bibe too freely. I anow that they do. If" is only for their relative sobriety that I speak, ia which they are to be eommeadee). - The absence of sober, eoaatraetive, puqjie drinking places in America, lor ne atnetijr commercial soda ronataia vwo wi mo irovu, n u prims eeativs for tho establishment of Y. If C. A.'s throughout our land- Tale to' atltuUoa aeeks to make heaeScial the leisure heere of the yeeag mea of America. Aad it is a well kaowa fact that the way a. man spends his leisure hours is a true index of the man. If these hoars are, or eaa be made, con strnetive, this fact is certain to And rellcetioa in his daily life anil work. It Is His positive expressioe that the "Y" thea, aims to promote. But, Instead of springing into life aafu rally, as ia the ease with the French or German cafe, or the British tea house, the T mnst be fostered and promoted by sacrifice and appeal. The question Is, eaa we aot by slightly modifying it, make a more extensive use of this institution to our national laUrestl If we have ia the Y. M. C. A. meeting plaeee ia embryo of the nature which we seek, can we aot assure to it A fuller measure of dcvolopmcat if ws tryt To do ao. first of all. it mast beeomo less artificial aad decidedly mors expressive or our dosires aad needs. Tho T today ia behind the most id. vaaeed thought. It ia serving the aar rower of two id ess whea it eoat lanes to lay stress oa the iadividual BttrltJ idea, and the salvatioa of oaes soul is of so great a eonsequeaee that the idea or service and ef thourht for human kind, even to the extent of for- getfulness of self, is left in the back' ground. ForgetfulaesI of self was the cornerstone of tho teaehinr of Christ, aad to Him the saving of his soul was a result, aot a eause of His work aad love. But 1 think it has beea the eoa- tributioa of this war to eat deep, this idfa into the tablet of humaa thought ta general. Our ehurehes have got to realise this sooner or later, or else lag benied the thought of their conrreia tli.Bs. It necessarily follows, thea, that the Y" has got to direct ita efforts towards the objective more, towards the subjective less. This thought aad work will lead it naturally into , the whole. broad field of constructive, Christian SORE, ITCHING BROKEN-OUT SKIN ' NEEDS POSLAM TOBACCO HABIT DANGEROUS sax Doctor Censor, forawrlr at" Johns Hapktas koapltxl. Thousands of imsi sofforias f row fatal dam would be u poricrt smith today wore H not for tho dtadlr anas Nieotta, Stop ta saMs m Moss H's too lata. It's a iaipla art mi la rU oattalt of tha tissirs habit la our Im. Joot is ta say ao-to-data drat store aad aot oaw Ntootol tablotai tako Utom as diroetod and lot tha swraleious kahlt avicklr vaalskas. Droits rotund th aumoo W tho fall Mo iota ta Mad Uru aad tatmstlae aaaoononaaat hf Pastae Com nor moo to aapoar la this saoor. It ulla of tho danfor of aiastlao aoioonlns and ao aroid it. la tho awanthno try Miratol tahirts you will as saCarissd at the ralt-(A4v.) eitiaeaahip, to which I ahseld like) to see tt apply Itself more. CltiacSIhip is bigger, fuller, fteher word today thaa ever before la the world's history. The eppertuattr ia offered the Y, M. C to lead ia this work, eKekse ta be ledt la which tetter ease H will have failed te measure up to ita possibilities sal opportunities. Bow best might it servo ita opportunity fullest t That ia ths qaestioaw - Evea t heash wo to one stoat further la eus Y. It. C. A?s tha the Preach do ia their cafes , aad aMd religions programs, periodicals, amesemeate aad indoor athletics to those establiabod places of Isisnre, we, aeverthelesa sub stitute aa artificial bid for the time aad interest of ear young men to plaee of tho aataral aavreseiea of tempera ment toned 1a the Preach meaner of life. Pert aermere, eur Y. UC A.'s eater primarily ' to the yes agar act of n, last end of being of popular ap peal, as they must be if the are teJ bars abouadiag sweeeea. They mass be appealiag la aad ot Ihemeelves to to sure a large aad atesnly atteadanee or Sac, Instead of being merely Sjuietv staid places , to which only those re tire who have nothing cue to do, or those who desire to make good use of aa hoar or more in txerriart In r?ad ing or la wrltlagjThey must he places to which a fellow eaa take his sister, his girl or, his mother at any time that he chooses Without their having to feel ill at ease.' A, wholesome, free, cordial atmosphere mast pervade the place. Anything that is merely quiet aad staid has ao appeal for the Amerieaa His attention eaa oaly be claimed by something that Utsrests him. Tela is admirably tllaetrated ia the mushroom like growth of moving pietares la the States. The Amerieaa responded to the moving picture show spoataweeesly. It was something aew. Interesting, thrilling. Eaah program offered him . , i something different, aad It waa "some thing different that hie aervoue tern perameat desired." Thea seat It cvt' deat ho blank ths appeal of ths "Y" meat bo to the Amerieaa Badsr Its Lpreeent condition! - It does aot afford euffleieat aataral interest to a sumcieat number ftt people. If it did. it M res tlaed the aitnalioa aad proved equal to the occasion, there would lie before It, aa I have said, the whole broad field for the development of constructive eitiaeaahip. I believe It possible to make of It ah lastitatloa that will eoant vlUlljr la set aatienal life. While the moving picture show la America eajoyi s ewormoas patronage, such patronage leada to effects that are ao "detrimental aa they are bone fetal, if enjoyed too eonstaatly They draw their patronage at ths expense of the family circle. They change the weald-be qwiet, reflective moment! Into momeata of snspease aad excitement. It the T. M. a A. werq more inviting, It wen Id appeal to tnea la their more thoughtful moods, ia tho first place, and it woald substitute for ths home atmosphere aa atmosphere next best to it Ita wotroaago would also The at the expeaae at ths corner drag stors aad the streeta. ' . Driaka of aims sort might be served as a means of Inducing patronaee. If so, they ahould aot be served free, but rather at the popular prices, ao that ae one weed feel any restraint in pat roalxing toe. T. M. C. A. Whore eat tret drops la for hie after-supper drink, there ho is. apt to loiter, it aeeommo datioaa are afforded. Ia the ease of a driahiag place of thia kind tho loiter. lag wiH he chaaged from negative ts positive, from aa hoar wasted, to la hoar worth while. Furthermore, where those accommodations are. there ths mea will make it a point to drink. It le so ia ear slahe and fratsraal or ders. Thea let toe Y" profit by this CAtTKt-COLTOX aCAt CO, IVstrikwtot ' Clwrtstte,N. C BR00L1S at a Reduction M centa each. I I.N das. Moswtooacfc T. 21 doe. N ceato each flo.M stoa. tt.M tt.lf 11 IS tM.H dos. IU.ee dos. $11. to doa. Quality Unsurpassed for ths Priet. THOMAS H. BRIGGS & SONS Ralifli,N.C ' - N TBI BIG AJtDWAAl MEM ObservatioB, fad make ot itself, aa oV der limited "In membership aad useful ness only by Itt capacity to take ears ef ita pstroaage. - 1 I kaow ot as commaaal ftatherlag plaeee la history that did aot have their drink of eas kiad or aaotber. There Is something decidedly sociable rahout driahiag with one ot more ethers. Ths drink seed aot be ef aa Intoxicating nature, aa with ths Greek symposium or the Preach eafe, (for It serves sot beer ir coffee alone, aad, due to ths ahseece of temperance to anything la ths Amer. leas temperament, sh6uld aot be so will us. Iastead, ws might Very well follow ths early Eailisb manner wf drlnhieg. substituting tot " tesj, soda fouataia drinks, which have a ealversal demaid ia America. If America ia aot yet to go entirely dry, personally I esa see ae objection to the serving of beer la tbs T. M. C. A.'s ia those States which show clearly their desire te retaU this form of drink. Perhaps, however, ths public judgmeat will aot bear me, out iuuthie idea ot permitting ths sals of beer ia the Y. M. C. A., for however harmless beer of a very low per coat of alcohol might be, tbie said beverage bra always kept euch bad com pa ay that tt haa lost the ability of being judged en Its owa merits only. If the public Would not he too dogmatic oa ths subject this queetioa might properly be left to ths desire ef eech - community ia those States, ss I hats Intimated, which ds aot prohibit sale of beer. Eventually, it evea beer takes the eoant, soft drie'ie eaa readily Substitute tot lame. , Created, thea, that out T. M, C. A."l should be of Just such a nature as I have Intimated they thoald be, you would find sdded to their present limited at tractions, eas of a unlmssl, positive assure. , Yew Would find drinks, and of these drinks, la a few instances, beer. You woald have ia thia fact an appeal of a universal nature, fdr drinks have always besa th aaeletn of social gather ings of, tho nature of which I speak. The soqvivialitjt accompanying It, ths sober aad appreciative intercourse, the interchange of Ideas, the hiring of opin ions, the general positive aad beneficial stmoinhere would beeeme I .latloaal as set There is nothing that I should ss much desire Is to see our Y. If, C. A.'s become the power hoeeet st oar national life- If it eaa stiliao' aad earlch ths idle moments of ths t.en of America with an appeal that is general, desirable and eoaatraetive, It will have aeewm- lislisd tha major portlos of its task, a atartiag. It might well afford to take a cue if rem Franco, following such a cue only he far. as adaptability to our owa peculiar clreitartawoca roqalro., Germane Te Ship Coawa. Mexico City, Jury tt. (By mail.)- According to German merchants here, as quoted la fit Universal, a million marks worth of drugs aad hardware will he sent t Mexico City by German trws as eooa fit shipping facilities are avail able. Ths orders tor these gooui u a placed as eooa ah ths bloekads agin t Germany waa lifted. Tee many mistake misfortune. ' their faaKs Lt appetizing 01 dUVEOlL Oesesj fCmtnl Soli Etitaywfiwr 19 Storwa nitttmitiimitnnnintmmniminnrnnM Hudson-Belk Co. RnUigmU Big Duty Cash Store v lt - . Biff P-pt Store The Home of Lowest Prices WS-ao Offers many opportunftiea for this week's shoppers to take a short cut on high prices. The fact- is ws are offering many foods away below todfy's cost to manufacture. We give you an opportunity to buy 'many winter necessities at prices that will not be possible thirty to sixty days from now. If you wish to buy at a saving, now it the op portune time. Palmolive Soap, 6c Don't forget we sell Palmolive Soap. Every month in the year, week It the month, day in the week, hour in the day, minute in the hour, second in the minute, not over 10 cakes to customer, at only, the cake DC Specials in Toilet Goods for Hot Days and Necessary Use 15c Febeco Tooth Paste at Kolynos Tooth Paste at , ,t see Colgate's Tooth Paste at J... Colgate's Large Tooth Paste at ..., Babcock's Corylopsis Talcum at Babcock's Cut Rose Talcum v at 39c 25c 10c 22c 15c 15c Colgate's Talcum Powders : .-.. v.... :vy.; Babcock's Butterfly Powder at Babcock's, Colgate's and other : 19c Off- makes in face powder, priced... aCrJC Big assortment face powders in in white, "pink or flesh, priced... .. 40C Full line Toilet Waters, including Col gate's, Babcock's, Browns, etc., AO. priced 38c, 48c, 78c and IvOC Azurea Face Powder, priced $1.48 1 iiiuiiiiiiiitiiiniiuiiiiiiiutiiiiinHiniiiinw BRINGING UP FATHER If thoro ara aar rsw, atehoa sat alasaa sa roar skin that barn, itch aad aasmvats anal? PoaUuB rarht en thoss U canaat karat aad on Joy Hs aaaoKU whkk are roan so aasllr. real to soothins. haslmg maasaea. If roa sanTot tram eausta tea should kaow at one what PoakuB aaa do tor ron. It la swar ib oadsbls rojaodr toe ear eraattoaal disardsri SixpUs. rash, ssals-eeale. raslam a eaalitjf hoaHat pawar, soaosatraUd. Bold avafywhora. Far trot samale writs ta Bmrrtonrr Labors torioa, Itt Wast 47th St. " Nov York City. Aad Fealaas Boao. boins BwdWaWd with Poslam will araoAt jraor okta wklla aaod dau foe tellot aad both. (AT.) mawib -rMRuw Li 1 1, Iwcu-mavca 1 . II , , III TOUfte I CCDi a I "H-JWVWm virc II OUTOrcow-TOTrltHlTW. MCymlrVENN4TMtRe. f it f A.MT S . m ern CLEVEK I frmrlri TO KNOW i- ZL1 TONKHT.IMKTtTHEn A' a., ' gT f-y-H WILL THE EVENlKj 1J V T 'TOO HAVE J (1 ' 4 PMtnejZ ,1 NO PA A7"a AjV fx lSW ere. EVER PA"bS- r7A ?J I 1 (Kti V f ' a. MUTT AND JEFF Jctft PoKcy Is To Look Out After Number One By BUD FISHER ... i - ) fT rwe SATviy might "fL 1 BROKE twc h-cu, omc A . : TO Z FACC THs? .H0w. , I THAT VOU UlCRC 1 0N u'vv"' . .,o abt h. UAfe ' 'I ' c ll OT , . ' ' ' " J I ; j ' - eaaacMt i -