1 THE NEWS AND OBSERVER TUESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 19, 1919. TUESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 19, 131!). CARDINALS PLAY l' ;: BRAVES 10 1 Downpour Stops Deadlock In . : Tenth Frame; Pirates Vic- torious Over Phils. t Boston, Aug. 11 St Loula and Bos tea played ton innings through a hcary mist to a oae-rua tie today. The gamo m stopped by a dowapour. A double - header had btea scheduled. Tha game waa a tight pitchers' battle after Ja ,coba succeeded Doak to the St. Louis ' bo la the fourth inning. Hornsby's . 'l wild throw to flnt and Maaa'i triple counted Boston's run, while the Bt Louis tally resulted from singles by , Stock and Hornsby and Dilhoefer's double. , : ' 'Scorer - ' " . B.H. E. BU Louis ....OO01O0OOOO1 T 1 Uostoa ...........010000000 0 1 8 0 , , (Game called after 10 innings, rain.) Doak, Jacobs andDilboefer; Budolph aad Gowdy. TWO HOMERS FIGURE IN PHILLIE CONTEST Philadelphia, Pa Aug. 18 Meusel's home run with Blnekhurne on base, ty- , ing the score in the ninth inning; today, merely delayed Philadelphin's defent, for in the thirteenth Inning Bigbee ; drore the ball over the right field fence, - winning lor rutsburga, 3 to 2. ' atom R.H.E. Pittsburgh ....000 000 200 0001 3 11 1 Philadelphia ..000 000 002 000 0 2 S 2 . Cooper and Schmidt; Smith and Tra gesser. TENNIS STARS DRAW ; FOR NATIONAL EVENT New York, Aug.. 18. With the lead - Ing lawn tennis players of America, Australia and Japan entered, the draw ing for the 38th annual national singles championship tournament was made here today. The lnck of the blind draw distributed the 128 entrants with fair regularity throughout the eight aixteens and with aa occasional eiception the leading experts should advance several f rounds without serious opposition in the matches which begin at Forest Bills, Ik I., August 23. - Every section of the United 8tates Is represented by its foremost racquet stars, while Canada and England each has one entrant All four Australians, Norman E. Brookes, Gerald Patterson, B. V. Thomas and Randolph Lycctt, will compete as well as Ichyia Kumagae and 8. Kashio, the Japanese stars. Former American ehampions include R. Lindley , Murray, B. Norris Williams, 2nd., Wil liam M. Johnston and Maurice E. Mc Leughlin, while almost every runner-up .. and the ranking tens of recent years V are catered. Standing Of Clubs - NATIONAL Cabs: W. L. Pet. Ciadaaati ,7 14 .688 New York 3 17 .J Chicago 84 48 Mt rooklya 88 SI .488 Pittsburgh 41 SI .48 Boston St ST .4M St. Loals IS aa jgg PklUdelpkU 47 88 Ml AMERICAN Clabet W. L. Pet Chicago 88 St .tit Detroit M 41 .888 Clevolaad 88 4S Ml New York 84 47 M flt Leala SI 48 .834 Boston 48 88 .464 Washington 43 83 Ai Philadelphia 28 78 J77 SOUTHERN Clabet W. L. Pet Atlanta J t 47 Mi New Orlca v... 87 47 .887 Little Rock . . 87 88 AM Chattanooga ...88 Bt .487 Mobile S3 88 .477 Memphis S3 83 ,4t Birmingham 88 83 .143 Naehvtll 4t 88 M9 INTERNATIONAL. Clabet W. L. Pct Baltimore 84 88 .788 Toronto 74 48 Alt Bnffalo 8t 81 J78 Newark 87 87 JM W Blnghamtoa 68 81 -47 . Rochester .. 48 88 414 , Jersey City 48 ?e 448 Reading -.87 f J38 SOUTH ATLANTIC - Clabet Charlotte Colombia Charleston Greenville Annate .. W. ' L. Pet .. 47 38 - Mt ;. 44 38 488 .. 48 87 441 ..43 It 424 88 43 478 ' Spartaabarg . 27 34 433 VIRGINIA. Clubs! ' W. L. Pet Richmond 23 13 478 Norfolk ..: 21 It 421 Newport Newa ..IS It 488 Portamesth 17 It 473 Potorabarg ........... 18 28 .474 gsfolk 18 21 482 - ' ' BUY SCHALK, CATCHER. TS NEW MARK IN BASEBALL Chicago,' IIL, Aag. 18. Ray acbatk. catcher for the Chicago American Leagne clan, today nH a new aurk when he weal behind the plate la his toem'o game with Pklladelphla. It waa the Itttb game be has csaght this aoasoa aad marked the seventh eeaseeatlve season that ke kae sc. cemplished this aanenal feat Schalk's aearoet rival waa Ceo. Clbeoa, for mer catcher for the Pittsbargb Na tional Leagae team, for whom ke caaght Itt games, for all seasons, bat not easeeutlvely. CIO IMS 0 HURLERS HARD Mackmen Are Easy Marks For Leadhg White Sox; Tigers Victorious Too Chicago,' HI- Aug. 18. Chicago ham mered Noyoa aad Kerseher hard today aad woa tha aoeoad fame ef tie eerie from Philadelphia, 11 to . Gaadil hit safely including three doablea aad a single in four trips ta the plate. Score: JLH.E. Philadelphia .....000 100 033 8 9 3 Chicago .........131 210 12 11 17 Batteries: .Noyes, Kerseher and Me- A roy Kerr aad Scbatk, Lyaa. FIRST DEFEAT FOR MAYS SINCE JOINING TANK EES. Cleveland, Aug. 18. Cleveland de feated New York 2 to 1 today, it be ing Mays rst defeat since be Joined New York. Be held Cleveland to one hit until the eiirhth when a rjass to O'Neill, Bagby's sacrifice, Bolie's Awo- baso muff of Uranoy a fly and Chap man s scratch double gave Cleveland two runs. New York scored its run oa a pass to Hannah, Mays' sacrifice and Baker's single. Score: . B.B.E. New York 001 000 0001 6 3 Cleveland v000 000 02 2 2 2 Batteries: Mays and Ilannah: Bagby aad O'Neill, Thomas. BROWNS DO ALL TBEIR DAMAGE IN F1RS.T FRAME. St. Louis. Aug. 18 St. Louis got after Russell la the first and before he could settle down made three runs oa fonr hits, a base oa balls aad a hit batsmaa and won today from Boston, 8 to S. Ths deciding run rnme in the seventh when Bevereid tripled aad scored oa Ruth's wild throw to the plate. Score: B.H.E. Boston not 010 0103 8 2 8t Louis .HKl 000 10 4 9 1 Batteries: Bussell, MeGraw.Hoyt and Walters; Gallia aad Severe id. RALLY AIDED BL WILD HEAVE GOOD FOR TIGERS. Detroit, Aug. 18. Aa eighth inning rally aided by a wild pitch and Ag news' error gave Detroit 3 runs aad a 4 to 3 victory over Washington today, Meuoskry hit ths ball over the right field wall ia the sixth inning. It was the second time this has been done sinee Navia Field was built Score: R.H.E. Waahingtoa 101 001 000-3 6 2 Detroit 000 001 03 4 8 0 Batteries: Shaw and Agnew; Boland and Aiusmith. Where They Play NATIONAL St. Louis at Boston. ' Cincinnati at Brooklyn. Chicago) at New York. Pittsburg at Philadelphia. - AMERICAN Philadelphia at Chicago. Boston at St Loals. Washington at Detroit. New York at Cleveland. GETTING READY FOR VOCATIONAL TRAINING The High School has bought a Job press and a quantity of printers' sup plies as a portion of the equipment lor vocational training whieh is to be a part of the work done by the High 8ehool the coming year. The rudiments of a number of the important crafts will be taught, aad it is expected that the new work of the school will prove a very valuable feature. SAIN STOPS TENNIS. Newton, Mass., Aug. IS. Bain caused postponement today of the challengo round of the national lawn k-ania doubles tournament at the Loagwood Cricket Club courts. The match, in which Norman E. Brookes and Gerald U Patterson, Australiaas, will meet the present title holders, William Tilde, 2nd, of Philadelphia and Vincent Bieh- ards of Yonksrs. N. Y will be played tomorrow if weather permits. "Mile From High Prices'; Silver Gifts That Gleam In Keeping With The Bride's Smile There is one pleasure of a whole lifetime that is Barer forgotten by a woman her wedding day and the pretty gifts. It la then she ties up into the very ascredaeas of her heart the sentiment and token, and nothia, ia the whole world is so dear to her. . The approach of the Fall hymeniai season brings to eight at ear atere the grandest, most daxillng ar ray of rightly-priced silver, gift goods of every de scription. Look, thea ask the price. ( We are assured you will be more thaa pleased. Watch, Clack aad Jewelry Repairing VERY EASY FOR ATLANTA TO VIH rackers Defeat Chattanooga While Nearest Team Has 7 Idle Afternoon Chattanooga, Teaa Aug. IS. Atlanta easily, defeated Chattanooga today T Seora by Innings i 7 -B.H.E. Atlanta ....013 100 0007 13 1 ChatUnooga ......000 000 001 1 9 1 Roberta aad'Biggias; Lohmaa aad Neiderkora. ' TEN RUNS SUFFICIENT " FOR MOBILE TO GO EASY. Memphis, Teaa., Aug. 18. Memphis waa overwhelmed by Mobile today, thk visitors scoring tea runs aad. abutting out the home team. 8eore by Innings: B.H.E. Mobile 000 025 03010 14 2 Memphi ..000 000 000 0 8 1 Fulton and Coleman ; Foster. Fentress aad Biachoff. CREWS PITCHES WELL BUT ERRORS ARE COSTLY. Little Roek, Ark, Aug. 18.-Little Rock scored live runs in the second inning, a lead whirh the viaitora could aot overcome, and won from Birming ham today, 9 to 2. . , 8core by innings: B.H.E. Birmingham ......010 010 O00-2 8 7 Little Rock 050 100 30x-8 6 1 Crewa aad Peters; Boblasoa and Brottem. Baseball Summary NATIONAL At Brooklya-Clacinnatl, rain. At New York-Chicago, rain. At Boston 1; 8U Unln 1. (Called IStk Inning, rata.) At Philadelphia 2; Pittsburg 1. (13 Innings.) ' ' AMERICAN At Cleveland 2; New York 1. At Chicago 11: Phlladepnta 8. At St. Loals 4: Bootoa 3. At Detroit 4; "Washington 8. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION At St. Psala 2; Colambas 6. At Kaasaa CHy 3: Loals vl lie 1. At Milwsake 3.; Toledo 2. At Minneapolis 8; Iadlaaapolla 3., .INTERNATIONAL At Toronto) Reading, aeeead ' game, Toraato 8 Reading 1. At Jersey Clty-Bsffalo, rata. SOUTHERN i - At Mempkla 9; Mobile 19. At Little Rock 9; Birmingham 2. At Chattanooga 1; Atlanta 7. At Nashville - New Orleans, plsyed Saaday. At Naahrllle-New Orleans, yesterday. played SOUTH ATLANTIC At Charleston 3-13; Charlotte 2-8. At Calambla 19-8; Spartaabarg 3-2. At Aagasta 6; Greenville 3. -L. VIRGINIA. At Petersburg 3; Richmond 3. At Norfolk 2; Suffolk 3. Jest a Little Different Joel a Little Better Back of our new Fall hats tands the pleasant reflec tion that you've g-ot what you paid for and morel Back of them stands quality as well aTOod looks. Smart for the start of the season, but neither too mnch nor too little of the style that most men want and often pay too much for. Clothier t Haberdashers t Hatters Yarborough Hotel Balldlng i Raleigh, N. C TRIPLE TIE FOR . -' Four Southern ; Golfers In Matches For National Amateur Honor , ( 4-.,t t . . rittsbnrgh, Pa Ang. 1S.-A triple tie for the best medal score resulted to day Id tha 36-hoIe qualifying round of the National Amateur Golf Champion ship tournament at the Oakmout Coun try Club. James S. Manlon, a public links player of St. Louis, David Hsrroa, of Oakmoat, aad Paul Tewkesbury, f Aroaimink, turned In the lowest scores 158. Robert T. Jones, Jr, of Atlanta turned ia a card of 159; Louis Jaeoby, Charlotte, N. C, made a 185, as did Nelson Whitney, of New Orleans, aad J. A. Deaa, of Atlanta, scored 170. Thess were the only Southern . playera to qualify. k Francis Ouimet, of Woodland, barred sinre 1910 by a United States Oolt Asso eiatioa ruling, atrugglsd through ths day while ill in order aot to lose Ins first opportunity ef gaining the ama teur title. Ouimet was attended by phy sicians after completing the round.1 He turned in a card of 106. Charles Evans, Jr., of Edgewater, had a card of 161; Jerome Trovers, Uppefr Montelair, 165, and W. H. Gardner, Buffalo 168. W. C Fownes, of Oakmont, made 169. The hopes of many golfers were wash ed away by the hard rain that fell at- moat incessantly until evening. Of the eight players who got into the play-off, D. W. Armstrong, of Oakmont, and J N. Sterns, Jr., of Nassau, won the two remaining places la the match play rounds. ' The pairings for the first round it match play are such that it Evans beats Armstrong aad Ouimet beats Cleary ia the first round the two stars will meet ia the second round Wednesday. Pairings i Upper half, Jones vs. Man' ion; Mnrston vs. Jtobert Gardner; Nsw ton vs. Knepper; Crookstoa vs. Long; White vs. Boffnrr; Hankhard vs. Pea cock; Tra vers vs. Waldo; Maxwell vs. Fownes bjrbompsoa vs. Jacobs; W. B. Garduer vs. Herron; Anderson vs. Piatt; Dean vs. Tewkesbury; Evans vs. Arm strong; Ouimet vs. Cleary. TOURNAMENT DELAYED. Southampton, N. Y., Aug. 18. The aingles tournament . in which several Australma tennis players and R. L. Murray, national champion, are entered, did not open today as scheduled because the turf courts were dreached by a heavy rain. The Weather Local Office, United SUtee Weatker Bareaa. FORVXAIT. Baleigh, N. C4 Aagaat 18, 1019. For North Carolina; Partly cloudy Tuesday; probably local showers and thunderatorme east portioa; Wednesday prohalily fair. TEMPEHATURE. Sunrinc .6:35 a. m. Sunset .8:00 p. ni 9 a. m. 1 p. m. 9 p. m, Dry Bulb 74 83 81 Wet Bulb 70 71 70 Bel. Humidity ... 80 50 68 Highest temperature Lowest temperature Mean temperature .'. Excees for the day Average daily eicess sinee Jaau ary 1st 89 70 80 .07 Precipitation (In laches). Amount for the 24 hours ending at 8 p. m. Total for the month to dite 2,84 Deficiency for the month 1.16 Deficiency since January 1st 2.92 NHS CROWD AT Franklinton Merchants Not Profiteering; Why Sugar Is High Explained Frankllntos, Aug. Isi-The funeral services aver the remain! at Mrs. R. B. Beadersoa, who died Saturday morning, were held from the Methodist ehnrck here Bunday afternoon at 4:30, Rev. T. A. 8ikes, the pastor, being in charge of the service!. One of the largest crowds that ever attended a funeral la Frank- linton was present, many coming from Oiford, Ilenderaou, Warreatoji, Louis burg, Wiltoa, Raleigh aad other plaeea. The floral offerings ware profuse and beautiful, completely covering the altar of the ehureli, and requiring 'a motor truck, to convey them to the cemetery. The burial1 was ia Falrview cemetery be side her only little girl, who died several year sago. The bterling Cotton Mills, which has been closed down for a week for the purpose of giving ths operatives a va cation, resumed work this morning. This mill runs full time, night and day. While the people ef other towns ia this seotlo.i are seemingly at ths mercy of profiteers, the morchants of Frank linton have not even, been under sus picion of charging aa eieeas profit. It fnr' .11 SCAlCO 11 1 saaaaaawawaaaammaajanj, ' ' , ( Lar I EQUAL 70 XXZtmYV 1 1 1 mil fc " sv2 lea lajMyawCasr I Oi .avR.GLEYsg. tin ; InA PERFECT GUM KltO g) Look for All In sealed , t the name: r wckanes. ' , - j ........ Na - S -w Helps appetite S g and dlfiestlon. H pV Three flavors. , It .8 i . m "' -mm is true that they are charging mora tkaa 11 cents for sugar when they caa gat it, but they are paying 11 cents and freight wholesale, hence it is necessary for thea to charge more thaa what the govern, meat has declared is a fair price. It ia impossible for the merchants hero to secure sugar at a price that will justify them ia selling it st a price less thaa 12 or 13 eenta, and if there is any profit eering it "is at aaothcr point ether thaa the Franklinton merchants. ' Messrs. Plummer Speed and E abort Utley, two of Franklinton's popular youag men, have takea positions with oae of the large rubber eompaaiea ef Akron, Ohio, and have gone there to make their homes. F earth -Class Peetaaaater Elimination. Tho United States Civil Service Com missioa baa announced aa examination to be held at Holly Springs, N. C, en Stptombcr 13, 1919, as a result of whieh it is expected to make certification- to fill a eonteihplated vacancy ia tha po rtion of fourth-class postmaster at Holly Springs and other vseaaeiea aa they may occur at that office, ualeaa it shall bs decided in the interests of ths service .to fill soy vacancy by rein statement. Ths compensation of the postmaster at this office was 8671 for the last fiscal year. Just Whst She Did Mesa. Hewitt My wife is a ehesrful sort of companion. Jewett How is thatf Hewitt I told her I had takea out a twenty-year endowment on my life, and shs said that ahe hoped I wouldn t mature before the policy did. Ontario Tost. Q) not enough to make WRICLEV'S good we must KEEP it good until you get if. Hence the sealed pack age impurity -proof guarding, preserving the delicious contents -the beneficial goody. The Flavor Lasts tight llUljllllllil yiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiitiiiiiitmiiiiiiiiiiiiiu:::: North CaroWa ' I Muaical Center 1 i ' - I 4 Player-Pianos ?-.Ampico I Reproducing Piano I aa Sheet Music . ' PJS . . - mm .Music Rolls I 5 a a Darnell & Ttczas j J. T. BOWLES, Mgr. , i RALEIGH. N. C iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiimiiR PianosI KEPT RIGHT ; lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllit' :.;

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