SATUrJjAY KOTJSKG. AUGUST 23, 1S10. ? nC K2VVS ATiD OISSRVER. 1! WANTED ' " IT AS TJSD 800)00 Ke. I HARD BRICK . (or immediate delivery. Quota you , . beet.prleeo tti ears. Addraec - Henry v CUntoo, W. 0. 8l-3t 'WaNTLDV. WHITS COLLI DOU ' bout tit months eld. OtaaiioOoU li stock. Bos SIS, Scotland Keek, ' J. C- ;' - ' 17-Tt CALL 638 F6B 'WaRK's TIUNSFER. AUTOMO ," BILES FOR HIRE. " . teiAXiOJ-TO BUY WiCQXD HAND furniture and Wvoe and household good of every description. Komma Furniture Store, 111 . Hargett street. Boll Phono too. ' - 17-4-tt. WANTKD-ONB OH TWO, PORTABLE sawmills. Giro, full details ia drat letter. Address, "J-, ear Ktws tad .- Orleans - ' " . 10.7. WANTED TO BUY SUB- - STANTIAL MEDIUM SIZED ; TRUNK. IN GOOD CONDI- TION. STATE DIMENSIONS AND PRICE. ADDRESS ' "J-4," CARE THE NEWS AND OBSERVER. I9t " 4 WANTED i - ( 600,000 BRICK v FOB IMMEDIATE .ELlVtY wibe best pbiceand , shipping -polnt. ROANOKE MILLS CO... RpANOKE RAPIDS, N. C. 5 ' l-7t WANT YOU TO CALL AT OUR OP flee, and see floe lot of monuments and tombstones. Our prices art low for high ehua work. - -CAMPBELL-WARNER CO.. tlO South West 6tret, RALEIGH, N. a 1-Tt DON'T FORGET "THE ETERNAL MAGDALENE" TONIGHT AT THE BUPEBBA. x ROOMS-HOUSES-Fi-ATS . (For Rent) I x CALL 638 FOR WARREN'S TRANSFER A U T O M O BILES FOR HIRE, -ROOMS HOUSES-FLATS. TOR BENT SEPTEMBER FIRST, BE ' crat rooms for light housekeeping, with privilege of whole house, 145.00 . per month, laehidea water aad lights. ...Close to eapitol. If interested address 'Privilege, M S," cere Nes. and Ob- server. IVlt. WANTED - FURNISHED ROOM BY Isdr. Permanently employed Miss Pattia Jordan, State De pnrtmcnt. GENTLEMAN WANTS NICELY FUH- aiihed took: elosa in. LrX rare News and Observer. '"V WANTED TO BENT HOUSE OB apartment or room, fnrnithed or un fnrniihed. Call Mrs. J. E. 8trutford. Hotel Baleigh. 22-2t WANTED TO RENT FUR- NISHED APARTMENT OR HOME. P. O. BOX 628, RALEIGH, N. C. 23-3t WANTED SEPTEMBER FIRST, TO ' real furnished apartmeat or house. Permanent tenant. Location mart be good. "M-l," care News aad Ob server. M-2t W A N T E D NICELY FUR- NISHED ROOM WITHIN : -TEN MINUTES WALK OF THE POSTOFFICE; PRI VATE FAMILY PRE FERRED: "H-V'CARE RALEIGH ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. 22-2t FOR RENT Miscellaneous) BENT OB SALE 7 -HORSE FARM,' 3 miles Cordele, Crisp county, Georgia. 308 River St., Palatka, Fla. - 23-8t. FOB BENT OB LEA8E j08-ACRE film, 828 acres cleared. All ueees 'sary buildings including three to bacco barns. For terms apply to Mrs. 8. B. Powell, Battleboro. Edge eombo Conaty. N. V 21 -7t "SMALL FABMS AT AUCTION. THE . A. C Green farm on Trswlek rood, about 4 milea cast of Baleigh, aob ' divided into smnll farms; will be sold Monday, August 23th. at 11 a. m. . This it an opportunity to bny a umnU farm at your price on very easy " T terms. Splendid tobacco farm. Free transportation from postotBeo. Cnro Una Realty Compaay, Baleigh. N. C. - t1-4t FOR SALE 70 ACRES VERY PRO ductlva land near Graham. N.,C Good Improvementn. Edgar t-ag. lT-7t A BARGAIN 1100 DOWN AND EASY PAYMENT8 for balance bays two-story house oa corner lot in northwest section of . city. High, ground; good neigbbor . hood. This ia an old house, just new ly painted aad shingled. Not a fancy placo but a comfortable" homo for some one. Price $1,500. Act quick. flri," care News and Observer. 22-3t FARM FOR SALE-SIX HUNDRED acres. 100 acres cleared, 7-roosa dwell ing? necessary outbuildings, fences. etc., good tobacco, corn and peanut land, fronting about one mils on tha historic, James river, about midway between the eitiee of Richmond and Petersburg, eieellent Agricultural Hia-h School Price $30 per aero; Will saaka terms. '(With, some work this land will bring $30 per aero.) ' W. C True heart. Cheater, Chesterfield Coontr. Virainln. - 22-St FOR SALE IN ONE OF FINEST TO t baeeo aoetioaa, 20 milea of Kinstoa, ' 8 toyles of railroad. L720 acres of . cut-over lands, will sen in small lnt or as whole. Address Geo. T, ".tuIlocki'ScJ Eyriiig. K. C- I" 4 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOB SALS !i-ACE FARM 3H MltES of CnpitoL New f va-reem house, paintcdlll bars and - cotton, bouse, Address Boa 18.1, Raleigh, N. Ct tS-8t SEVERAL NICE FARMS FROM 0 TO 800 Seres each. Apply to Bos S3, Raleigh, N. O. ' -lt FOB SALE 150 ACRE FARM. 43 cleared, 1 miles to good town, oa good read, oas tve-room house, oas tobacco barn. Land level and suit abla for all crops, pries 19,000. W bar 60 farm of all slses. Writ what you want B. W. House eVBro., Oak City, N. Cl 17-Ot MCE COUNTRY HOMES FBOM TWO to 1,700 seres, from 118 per acre pp. Excellent lands for general farming, grain, grass and bright tobaeeoi t 000,000 feat original growth timber cseeuaat laaa or general farming. Owing ts ths "cheapness" of ,eut lands, tha North Carolina people are pour ing U aad buying them." Writa to Z. V. Robertson, formerly, of North Carolina, BUekstone, Vs., Bo 843. ' 15-15t. 2000 ACRES, 13,000,000 FEET TIMBER, view to Atlantic ocean. iso acres, a aad 7 room dwsUings, I milea from 'Durham, 4 from University North .Carolina. ISO, 140, 83 acres near Darbsm. W. A. Fulford, Durham. " - 20-7t A BABE CHANCE TO BUT A FINK aid Colonial homa and a good farm at - bargain. Large old Coloaial house, containing 13 rooms. Bath, hot aad J old water i all kind! of farm build agi 161 acres of good landr) acres ia ealtlvatioa: balaaea timber. 40 acres fenced for bops 10 i' alfalfa. Large orchard; only JO miles from - Richmond. Virginia. Price, $6,500.00. taiy tf'rms. - Jlatoa H. Thiermsnn, Richmond, Vlrglnin. - 14-10t FOB -SALE-lOOrApBES , OF FABM una ana a iu-room nonse, l-z mus from Waks Forest College. Apply: Dr. F, M. Hsrrison, Boom 830, 2.1 E. Washington street, Chicsgo. 17-Tt FARMS 433 acres fertile farm lead, located about eight miles from Norfolk by concrete boulevard and good macAdam road, over 300 acres cleared, soil rich and fertile, suitable lor raising cot ton, corn, stock peas, swaot potatoes, Irish potatoes, wheat, truck; coa tains 9-room houae, garage, stables, baras. chicken houses, stock pen three teaats' houses of 4vo rooms each; owner is old lady in very bad henltliand unable to look after placet only about half of cleared land un der cultivation this yesr; with two or three years' atteatioa this farm should be worth' 178.000; prler, 35,000; terms: 87.300 cash, bamnea tan year 4 ly installments; only twenty minutes' ride byt automoMIs from Union (na tion ; see us if interested and we will show you the farm. GARDNER INVE8EMENT CORP, 321-323 SEABOARD NAT. BANKj ON MAIN ST. JUST E. OF GBANBY, NORFOLK, VA. PHONES 4400 AND 8828 5l-30t FOR SALE-IMPROVED FARM AND timberlands. Situated in Bertie county ,N. C near Chowan river, consisting of 900 acres, SO acres In cultivation, balance well timbfred; large frame residence, store with good estsblisbed trade, two grist mllls (water nnd gasoline power), 'cotton gin, barns, stables snd , all neeersary out buildings, wsrehouso aad tendings on premises with twice a week boat. Will sell stock of gen eral merchandise, horses, hogs, corn, fodder, fanning implements, house hold snd kitchen furniture. Well drained ant fertila condition ndnpted to tobacco, cotton, corn, peanuts, pens nnd track. Fine hunting nnd filling For further informa tion apply to "M. E. B." Merry Hill, N. C g'-7t Tor sale-mw acres land t l-s miles west of Holly Springs, en w a us Oak Creek. Clay sub-soil, suited to tha cultivation of eotton, corn, to bacco aad small graia. 8ia-soom resi dence ; plenty barns aad outhouses; 80 to 78 acres cleared land, oa high way, 1 1-1 miles to Stata high school; jitney to take children to and from school. Will sell for cash of part cash, balance installments. Writa or sea J. A. Hoekaday, Aagier, N. C 21-23-23-87 FOR SALE-SUTY-TWO ACRE FARM two miles south of Weadoll. N. C; in graded school district, daily mall; forty seres open and balance in woods aad pasture; oas nice eight-room-dwelling good ss new, one ten nnt house aad plasty of oat build ings. For price and particulars. write G. R. Btaneil, "Wendell, N. C, 1 18-21-23-88-30-4 C-ll. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED TO PCBCHA8B ,'VACANt lot within eight blocks of Capitol. Must be reasonable, price and goad location. Give best price, size nd locatloa ia reply. "L-10," care News aad Observer. V-tt. BLUEORA88 .FARMS - FOUR -HUN-dnd to forty thoasaad. Good roads, schools, churches. Catalogue free. B. F. Perrow.Jtemlngton, Va. 21-as-30t. WANTED TO BUY BUNGA LOW ON EASY TERMS. P. O. BOX 528, RALEIGH; N.C. 23-St HAVE FIVE IMPROVED FARMS FOR sale, neat Durham. W. A. Fnlfprd. Durham. lnV7t. IWR SALE-SEVERAL NICE FARMS . nesr Apes. Good roods, schools, churches aad Sue- tobacco market. Produces tobacco floest quality, as well as cotton, cor and small grain. Terms nanged. L B. Olive, Apei, N. 4'.- f V -30t WE GET RESULTS. LET US SUBDIVIDE AND SELL ' YOUR TARM AT AUC TION. CAROLINA REALTY CO., RALEIGH, N. C. 10-80 LET ' US SUBDIVIDE- AND SELL .YOU FARM AT AUCTION. WE GUARAN TEE SATISFACTORY RE SULTS. ) RALEIGH REAL , ESTATE AND TRUST CO., RALEIGH, N.C. 14-80 LIVESTOCKPOULTRY FOB BAJjE POLAND CHINA" GILT, ona year old, weighing KX) pounus, with Iva pig two weeks old. Price $75.00. Poland China sow, 3 years oM, weighing 80$ pounds, with 8 pigs, $125.00. W. M. Bureh," Walstonbur , N. C.' 3-8t. VOUNd'S TWO-FIFTY KGG STRAIN of Bingla Comb Whits Leghorn Cock erels, March hatched, $2 each. I acre tin, Parker; Duke, N. C. . 3-24-2828 20-30-31 BUFUS BED BELGIAN ' BABES ; : health d red; from imported stock, at aseriflctt young and . breeders; moving. R. H, Bryant,, Brown street, Petershar. Vv ' v Zt-t WHILE , WHEAT MIDDLINGS, ' AKil . scares and ugh, bny our voivet flog ' Feed for bogs and lows. It, nukes .meat aad Jilk 110 ton cheaper thaa , middlings, and goes just aa far for feed. Satisfaction guaranteed. COLONIAL CEREAL COMPANY, Norfolk, Va. - 3-321 FOR SALE SEVERAL FRESH COWS from I to yssrs old, 3 to 8 gs'loas , milk ver day. Writa mo fo doscrlp. tioa and prices. .1 8, Olive, Apex, N, C STFto8-2 FOR SALE CAR LOAD' OF OKEF cattle, also one rcgisWrcd Holstela ' ball two years old. Sea J. M. Ar nold, Vnnceboro, N. C. 18-t PREPARE i HENS FOB THE MOULT. Dont go without eggs this winter, wliilo hna are moulting. Eggs-wt'J be h'gh this winter. Mik yeur heal vpuy. Uao )''0 "Mor K Tonic, $1 post paid. C. K. Marshall, ' Agent, Gantonin, N. C. 21-7t PRODUCE-JGRCCERIES CUBAN MOLASSES vTHAT OLD sweet black molasses wo old kiddies were raised on; 80 gallon barrels, 28e galloat guaranteed to keep sweet all summer; aah with order. Winston Grain Co-rtaston, N. C. 21-7t i GUBERNUT FEED MEAL GUBE It- nut Feed Meal, best food oa earth for hogs and rows; highest ia protein nnd fat; $48.00 per ton. Cnsh with or der. Winston Sraia Co., Winston, N. C.- 14.7t BUY HORttE AND MULE FEED MADE by Colonial Ceresl Company, Norfolk, Vs., made fresh every dsy. Yon get it quick and good while the molasses nrs still sweat. Wa sell Bin's Hand 'Bsrrell Feed molasses. Scratch Feed . Dairy feed, Oats aad Cracked Cora. n . . . . T . - 1 oniniaeiion guurinipeu. COLONIAL CEREAL COMPANY, Norfolk. Va. 3-37t -SEEDS PLANTS FALL AND WINTER HEADING CAB- bacoiDlaata: also eollard plants ready for shipment. Parcel post paid. 100 'for fiOe: 600 for $2t 1.008 for $1.00. v By express, 300 for $1.80; 1,000 nnd over, $255 per 1,000 ; 8,000 and over, $2 per 1,000. No plants shipped c. o. d. F, E. Hull, Rock Hill, C 9-lbt, BURR CLOVER. 23e POUND ; CRIM or. clover. $12 bushel. Turnip seed) Sonthern Prise, Seven' Top, Purple Tod. White Globe, Buta Bcgn, Large, White Norfolk, Yellow Aberdeen, pound. $1.25: 8 pound. $3, postpaid. Job, p. Wvutt ; Sons Co.. Baleigh, , N. C. . v -int. AUTOMOBILES TRUCKS FOR SALE DODGE TOU'RINGT CAB IN A-l condition; one Studebaker tour ing, one seven-passenger Premier, nnd two Ford tourings nt bargain prices. J. R. nnrwnrd, Apes, N. C. 83-7t, FOB SALE FORD TOURING CAR, 1918 model, in good shape. Leaving town. Owner, R. D. Garvin, 2224 Hillnbnro. 23-lr. FOR. HALE FORDHON TRACTOR : run !3 miles: owner bnvinc? larccr machine; $430 will buy it. WrIU Bpi 40.S, Bland Hotel, Ralelgb, N. r. 1 SU2t FORD COUPE HfECIAL ORDERED, with demountable! rims, extra tire, new Kelly-Springfield kant slip tires, shock absorbers, Stewart speed' meter. Willsrd batteries, electric lights and horn, Gray and Davis self starter, new hood, Yale lorh, newly painted, genuine leather hack and cushion, with scat covers. A great bsr gain; trst check $tt0O0. Taylor Csn- nany BiiSTT (' OiforfT, N. C. 2:t-'t GRANT SIX FIVE-PASSENGER. R re built motor, jew Neverleek top. Just painted s looks as good as new. Big bargain, $050.00. Taylor Cannady Buv Co.. Oxford, N. C. 23-2t $100 BUYS A HUDHON SUPER SIX ia Irst-elass condition,, if you act nulek. Cord tires; extra tire. Drives by Isdy, only 8.0Q0 milea. P. a Bos ' 138, Bockiaghsm, N. C. 19-7t WANTED FOHD RUNABOUT BODY, Ista model, fair condition. J. Banks Yelverton, Fremont, N. C. 18-8t FOR SALE 111 17 Bl lCK SLX TOUR ;Tng ear; looks nesrly ns good as a new one. Price $1050. Address Boa S70, Klnston, N. C. u 20-3t $1,230 BUYS A -WILLYS SIX CLUB Roadster in perfect condition. Driven only 4,800 miles. See J. W. Under hill, Hotel Bland, between 8 snd 7 o'clock. 22-.1t I HE HANSON "HU" HAS ARRIVED, See it at Bromley Motor Compaay, 310 South Salisbury, or nt Blnckwell Motor Company, Greensboro, N. C, 8 rate distributor. 2-30t FOB SALE NEW FORD TOURING ear. Some .extras; run very ittle, Price $685. Bos 203. Soldsboro. FUR HALE ONE HKVEN-PA88EN ger Oldsnsobile ; good ' as new and wtin new nres au rouna, f i i'pu. un sell and Thomas. 22-.1t MAXWELL ROADSTER ' FOR BALE v AT SACRIFICE. OWNER LEAVING CITY, ' . , X8EE IT AT -MOTOR 8EB VICE COMPANY. -" ASK FOB MR, CARTER. j AUTO REPAIRING WE P A I If T AUTOMOBILES AND cover automobile tops. , John W. ' Evens' Bon, Raleigh. SIMOt ; -MOTORCYCLES . WE BUY AND BELL NEW AND 6EC ond hand metorcyelea Bepairt-for all atakes. We aell oa time. L. Franels Motorcycle Ehop, 131 8. Wil """ aungtaa Street ""'.', , "I-30t LOST FOUND STOLEN LOST BUNCH OF KEY8 EITHER IN Postoffiea Building or between post sfflee and Bis ad Hotel. . Return to Bhind Hotel and. get reward. 23-lt lost Brown and white setter dog. Also brow a and a hits pointer dog. Reward if returned to C. U ; WUHamson, 122 W.,Hnrgett, Street. LOST-A BIRD PUPPY DOG WITH lemon spots; i moatha old. Reward, Henry Mayaatd, (Op 8. Bloqdwerth . street. - K-St STOLEN FORD TOURING CAR, ' practically aaw, without shock ab sorbers ox tiro rack, uetnss fo. vuii equipped with United ; SUtes tires, Useo tread reaa wheels. Carburetor rod with white. streak serosa brass "button. Lights work from data. Upper cotter pia in front top post, right side, gqne. No mats in ear. Wood bat ton oa foot boards to hold boards -dowa. Hora buttoa oa steering peat had been changed to 1918 push bot ton. Data an ongfaa arassd. liberal reward for information leading to re covery of ear. H. O. Covington, Lai renburg. N. C. , S3-71 SOU REWARD FOR JUitMA .Ur stolen Dodge tearing ear. Now top. Lsft-haad froat wheel sets out at bottom, Man suspected of having tha 'tar crippled la right hand. Address Tha Claytoa Garage, Fayettevillo, N. C. 0-4t STOLEN FORD 8 PA8MEN0EB CAB (new). Motor No. 3024843; N. C. lieense No. 78409. 8mnll tern plnce Cushion rear seat. Reward, $30.- la dependent Naval Stores Co., Fey etteville, N. C. l-7t, CLEANING PRESSING OLIVE ' DRAB OVERCOATS DYED seal' brown or black. Foottra , si ways safest aad best. Baleigh Ageney at Liudley's, 1 W. Hsrgctt. Tele phone 305. KMOt SUITS CLEANED AND PREeMED, 73 cents: pressed, 40 cents: Pslm Bench 80 cents. 'Bell phono 1749; Baleigh -phone 808. ' sJamestown , Tailoring Company. X - gt-30t BUILDING MATERIAL UNTIL SEPTEMBER FIRST I OFFER beet grade British Columbia Star A Star Bed Cedar Shingles $8.00 hero any quantity. Eighteen inch Eurekas $8.00. Cost thirdmore now by esr loads. Geo. -H. Wright, Wendell, N. C. i tt-tt FOB- SALE SAW MILL SLABU CAN aklp several ears per week. Write me for prices. L. S. Olive, Apx, N. C. w.-f. -$-1 MONEY BONDS SECURITIES LONG TERM FABM LOANS 5, 7, 10 aad 20 ysars; can make cheap and quick-prepayment privileges stops in terest. Correspondents in every county! Chieknmauga Trust Co, RaS eigh, N. C. 17-Tt MONEY TO LOAN ON WAKE county real estate; amounts from $100 to $20,000, Southern Insurance ft .Realty Company, 824 Fayetrvllle street. ' , 11-141 COAL WOOD BIRCH PINE, HICKORY WOOD FOR sale. Honest measure. Prompt de livery. Order now before higher prices.'' I also sow wood.- Bell phone 1.W4. B. A. Lambert 17-M SCHOOLS COLLEGES BOOKKEEPING, SHORTHAND THOR- oughly taught. Special Summer Rates. Address Greensboro Commercial School, Grceasboro, N. Cv 'or Cata logue. !t-14-10 LLARN AT HOME OR BCUOOI Shorthand, Salcmjtuhip, Bookkeep ing, oa credit Positioas guaranteed. Edwards College, Wiastos. Ni C S-l-30t. SUMMER RESORTS-HOTELS WESTBROOK COTTAGE, VIRGINIA Bay Station, Ocean View, Virginia, serves delicious home cooked Sunday dinners for 73c. 21-'t. SPECIAL . TO CORRECT REPORTS THAT ABE being circulated, wish to ssy the Hotel Harper, ' LaGrange, N. C is not closed but still open and solicits aad appreciates your patrpnnge., R. 11. Harper, Prop. ' 17-20-24 NOTICE THIS IS A GOOD TIME TO order a monument or tombstone. Prices are apt to advance later en. If you have n grave unmarked write us or call to ace. Wa have a aire stock oa haad. Caa givs you advan tage in price, now. CAMPBELL-WARNER CO., 210 South West Street, RALEIGH, N. C. l-7t MISCELLANEOUS QUOTE 1T8 YOUR VERY BEST PBICE , for painting, monthly, 1,000 copies of small mngsaiac, . sine 8 by a, twelve pages,' two eolumaa, with 600 600 words per page. White book stock to bs used. Prompt reliable service . wanted. Address "L-8," care Newt and Observer. WE ARE MANUFACTURERS CAN i mnke yon better prices en the, best ' elnst of work In monuments, tomb-' stones, curbing, iron fences. Wo buy ' our stone in carload lots. Phone ns ' ''.and let us see you or call to see us. , -CAMPBELL-WARNER CO., 10 South West Street , RALEIGH, N. C. Ifl Tt ' PERSONAL chronic sores cured. UUring four . teen years my work ' has proven a success and blessing to mVpy suf ferers. Mrs. J. L Broughton, 308 Hoiith Dawson St., Raleigh. 18-7t SEE THAT BIG STAGE SUCCESS IN PICTURES, -THE ETERNAL MAG DALENE AT THE JSUPERBA TO- L NIGHT.' ; ' ,. , ft . v ' ; ! smmw'W'm'vus abouts of Shade Tucksr please comma-1 alcate with his wife, Mary Tucker,, ' Ayden, N. C B. T. D. No. 2. 18-8t I LCCT YOUR OWN HAIR WITH THE duplex uair gutter, the greatewt in- j vsntioa.of the age. Sea it at Flem-1 ming's Circle Pharmacy, BaMgh. Price $2. Worth $3 Price will soos be $3. ( You can cut ytfur own hair at easy" as you can shave. Just oomb yeur hair aad It.euts at the earns time. Just the thing to keen your children's hair ia perfect trim. Pays for itself U few months.' By mail post paid $2, The Duplea Bait m ter, Cox 7u3. Baleigh, N. C. v ' ' - I MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS rr ATTENTION-WILL SELL FINE MA- haguny plane, beat . condition, Idw prico Jcv o,ulk onlo. -4?' care Newa and Observer. ' ' 17-Tt- THLKTY -TRADED IN PIANOS, FINE Vodcr Uprights. Maay snndard makoa, Including Bukle, Ivcrs Fond. Chiekertng, Boward, Fiecher, Kimball sad others, $183.00 upward. Oldest music dealer in the State. Fif teen thousand instruments sold. One f xed price. 'Quality always iha best -.For full list, description, prices, eta, address W. F. Blount, Fayettevllle, ' N. C. - 17-Tt. tub miY WHO INSERTED THIS AD WILL . PLEASE SEND HIS NAVE TO THE. NEW8 AND OBSERVER. A "WANTED TO SELL XtM CABINET vVietrola. Used ais nsontha. '30.00 worth records. Good as new. Will take .05.00 cash for et8t." PRINTINO MULTIGRAPHING WK DO JOB PBLVTLNO OF ALL kinds. Propmt service. H. B. 8torr ft Company. Phone 4M. Ml'LTlURAPUINU, PERSONAL LET- tern, addressing, asailiag, lists fur nished. Special attention given par cel post orders- Carroll Latter Writ ing Compear. Rale iarh. H-am Ol R MULT1URAPU LETTERS LOOK like porsoaal letters. Mail orders solicited. Raleigh Letter Writers, 808 Citixeai Bank Bldg.. phone 1811 - 11 -30t OFFICE EQUIPMENT NEW LIFE A THOBOUGH OVER hauling of your typewriter by us, will mnho it run like now. We are ore- pared to rebuild all makes. Write - J. E. CRAYTON CO., CHARLOTTE AND BALEIGH. 16-Mt TYPEWRITERS, NEW REBUILT. WE buy, sell, exchange, repair all makes. H. 8. Storr ft Cempoay, 123 W. his r Us 8troeu We Make nnd Sell National Cash Registers and Credit Files Lowest prices. Bmnll monthly pay- meats. No interest charges. Written uarautee. Old registers repaired, re built, bought sold, aad exchanged, J. E. O'DONNELL, Af it The National Cash Register Co., 107 W. Martin 81. Phon Bell 30 , AMUSEMENTS AT THE ALMO SATURDAY THE GBEAT GAMBLE," Episode No. 2; Eddie Polo ia "Mining BolWt," nnd a Fugg Comedy, "The Con in Economy. THE ETERNAL MAGDALENE FROM the Big Stage Ruceeas with Margaret Marsh and Maxiae Elliott She strikes at every heart and the sympathy of humanity. She in tha ever pretest sinner of all agce from the birth of the world to the end of the world. Sbe'is in svary city, every town, every vilbge on earth opes ,snd boldly or secretly. She is civilisa tion's grestest mystery. The basted wensaa the 'strange woman the painted womaa. The problem of the painted woman aad the little girl sround the corner has gripped eivill ration siaea the dawa of history. . Rurterha Theatre Today. LAUNDRIES TRY THE NEW CAPITAL CITY j Laundry. Out of town agaats wanted. Telephones 74. Careful aad aaaitary j work. Prompt deliveries. 14-30t ; RUBBER STAMPS - RUBBER STAMPS WE MAKH THEM. H. ft Storr ft Compaay, Raleigh. N. C SAFES VAULTS FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES. Wo have ia stork of safes of all aisee aad styles, both new and second hand. Get ant prices before buying elsewhere. We enn mnke immediste deliveries. If you wat to buy, sell or trade a safe write us. L M. Church ft Company, 4:i4 Cove street, Norfolk, Vs. 18-7t TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOB SALE-TWO BESIDEXCE LOT" on Harrison Ave., ona block from Hilshcrn street. Attractive terms Allen Hrne. STRAYED FORM MY FARM WEDNE8 day night, yellow mule; fgc, 8 years; weight, about 1,000' pounds; witb V. O. L on left shoulder. Will pay for nnv trouble. Notify O. L ff rap kins, Raleigh, Boute No. 3. lit rayetteville Street Announcement Wo wish to inform the public 4hat we hnve this day opened a breach Hide and Jnnk business in Wilson, N. C-, under the sim of the VVOaon Hide & Junk Co. Office aad Warrhouee , located at Morris Popkins old stand, one bltk south of A C. L. freight depot We will appreciate your patronage at onryicw place. . , ". .. .; N. C. Hide & Fur Co. - -Rocky Mount. W. C HAtEJCH fj COMMUNITY SCHOOL AT KNIGHTDALE IS SUCCESS Feopl Practically Lrr At Bchoolhouse For Four Days, From Tuesday To Friday One of, the most interesting eoo munity achisvemnats recently occurring ia Waks county was a four-day com munity school held at Kaightdale uadr the nuspiccs of the Woman's Club snd given andsrthe direction of the Wane county homo demonstration agent, Mrs. C. P. Blaloek. The school began Tuesday moraing with appropriate opening exercises and continued until Priday afteraooa nt 8:30. Each day was spent nt the school- house, the people going home 'Only to sleep. Menls were supplied by the demonstrations in 'cooking fvods in the 8 relets cooker aad by the use of the other modern kitchen equipment In addition to these demonstrations with food, lectures sad-other demonstra tions were also given, Some of the things studied were better laundry methods, household msaagemcat buy ing and earing for clothes, story-tell' Ing nnd gamea aad higher education for girls. Miss Laura WiagBeld, district horns demonstration agent, who visited this school, said that it was one of the bet attended and most thoroughly hsndled of any community school that shs hs viaited. The larerest was good and toe people themselves seemed well pleased with the results obtained. WIDE SCOPE OF WORK DONE BY THEY. M.C.A. Atlants. Ga.. Aug. 21. The wide senp f the werk of the V. M. C. A, among fba allied soldiers of tea is not realised by the . America a public, uatil It reads such a letter aa thin, writtea by Geaeral Kikne Otaai. mandarin chief of the allied expeditionary forte la Siberia, to the Wat Work Council of the Japanese Y M. C. A., which is affiliated with the "Y" of the taitrd States ss l Canada "Allow me to congratulate you on the marked success attending the activities of your organisation. When our Jap anese troops crossed the sc. to Siberia ia August 1018, tha Japanese Y. M. C, A secretaries were the first to organise work on their behalf and as oqr lines hnve been extended your representa tives ksva kept pars with them. You have fitted up huts ia the principal cities aad hnve sent your Y clubs in railway cars out over the railwsy lines. By tbs provision of moving pictures, music, restling-msttcr nnd many othor conveniences, you hsvs striven to give reerestion, comfort and stimulus to 1 our soldiers and officers." The war wtfrk of the Japanese Y. M, C. A. is the outgrowth of nsaociiition Wt Ara Sole Agents for the Celebrated MOWERS RAKES AND CORN BINDERS Come in and let us show them to you and quote you our low prices. S.W.Drover and Sons 313 S. Wilmington St. WILtlAMSTON. k). a. hli Intflrd imllt l:M aVkirt f II . Auiml mk . lull. ON furnlililna til IMIWI.I, vorll .ml H'll.nol tlx! MMttltiKilnf runiibri, ' Mimlrlti.1 watrmwrkl ami Mtflllt illfw lw thf tMu f Ullllaawun, fi. C. . ttitrfe coaanrlaM: MaurliM .(id vtllna an em eld tl-lRn.. um en, la. j an. wa -komiaim Una Six m Mram Malna; l kurbmisl lim tabular kola-ra, llS-lMrwaaaw rarh; l bollff ICwl auaiia. mw ti aralO SHIfC laa aitHwaaMannk la. a ir -I'll auoil'inf autflta; all aaaruuf alalui. dulUas. suima an4 tilling : am frliiloriau ranema Trm wtt, im.M aal i ali.nmw klda aa aim laamair af an .apartta; aiat Man a.i.r Ma, M.ana .ala raxrltr, in ft. H kai m; aiwnliaii.lT t l-ls ml at aatn Mia i Irani l-lBrk I. "S lark, at ear mrilaa af ts. laaa a. Ia DoarC aiar aMmalar: aapraafcaairlp Sit laUaa Military acrt. rtua S-Hark a U-nvk. at aark aankm M Ik . a. tba SuarS aaay saupjalaa. Maa aal acta.ahaaa irin ' aat fca mt sat, M HI It t.aaHOaS at Ik aClM Vi kU. W j Mrwloa. WUIMaama, M. U , Sack Md mm t tmaaaaaM W wrtlfM Sack la tka .aal t II.KmS. wkkk kilt tmat a larfau la tka ara. af WilHaaaMaa. M auiM la aal aatanal asaa Ml Saa mmsM fnaualt aim ak, aaarA Tba aaxmaful kMaW ttt aa fnittnC n aaarata aa MiaVaaolta SoaM arttk anaa cfaatarf aaaranu a mean,, la Uw mm af l-'l ai a aaltaatd tar Um arMT aarfanaana ai Ik. aaawaM, Tka aaam af WilliaauKn miraaa Ik. rM a falrat aa. at alt SWa. awl la to Mm mtraa la ewta la SltmH aaaUMara, g Mui akaaW aMai liJiMbk ' aacnaii sr. t iir.snows. . . . WIIIUMaka, 01 I m. anni vn. etiii animm, ntikai.K . - il ii i Uvt V.aat Aaaaas, , jvrani ysso work founded in the empire tM r'y years ago by the American nssociat.n. Ia the United War Work campaign it fall, Japaajuked for, $73,000, gave !. ',- 000 to the American welfare organiza tions; and la return, the American Y. M. a A. donated KSfSSm for use witn Japsuese troops when Japan actively entered the war- ,-:' 1 ACME 'if Cement PlastcP ' GAGEU fljrdraied Lime- STANDARD BtAMMOf v ' PnrtlnTtrl- IVI em W m 81 aw Cement Metal ul Compog'Uioa - E00FINGS BftllwihtSfedalties CtrtbM Toxdai Craest Cr ... UsrlrsteOfa.U Athiwa ilrmtasb Mew CMmm EIIOVE DANDRUFF BY C8W QUEEI1 Nlr Drotslng w will wraDAMDRUrr. to tha M' tram tall Ins . m will t4 iha y toU an4 make nr Hair toae, Wf ue-pnttT. Tw will ban w a baa of -QV RKH aa4 hew aakklv it will bum. ' bmm u asnts imw lot s sas teOaff, bUf8.C..inMta,la. AGENTS WANTED Nodra m hemir tlm uut. wkm ISrwa XoiIm rul Jail, neater Hwtm, m Juim it, mi. aamw bt ul ihm I. A. n. Manuf. trM, m ti(, imiwwinv waw m i. ... . ; iMWII''l Itorliool In. S14MM, M4 iMMlt kM Imi auuM la Um puwnt , MM Saa4 a4 "riikHKrons: nr tw. uw wa trmi. mM III a Ik. UniMIt Um of WMif N. ', In Rank 2t. ru MS. tm mii tiw. aril tk. MM mi Mtn, M sukll. Mvir. Ki Uw klali.4 Mikm n ok, at Un Court Nmu. i In th. CUT Of n.kHN, N. C , It . ww, va MoMlaf, a.iBkW tl, till, a. t ww of Nnrlh CwoHm. W.M fSmtr. flt Mutis i Tuubl. Mm U K. I k im rtrto af nk. tut wuul UdSM link, khlrk ril.Uia It ntmU4 W A, hm l to Ul. mmm f nw cm M Um a www Cwm it Sda Cwmht. awl tolas tk kuxi mmnl I. Jiill. U. Hii-hM hf I k Urlffl. bf iHnt la H I've mX ff SU, nniklMaa kkMii Ul mm and kuuntM: M-iimiUmi .1 a Iwn kM mk w Nnn. Mm M la. mmi nn. im m. a i mU dlvurtua. antl ntna lk,wra will IM A No. I Soulk II I I ikwrm mm rtaini In ll.ol. nioMl; lluan with Mkt nl wUm4 Ih. UM if lul Ka. t : lkww MMkMnl ik ttw lln. of L. N.i. I. tvo 0atM. mm ! rkaiut t. litnh m uhl imi Um mMmtSI m atkl rim m II awwHlm. w Ik. knttniilM. A II. HI NT, Tnal juacm a rHKsinna. Jn . auom.. a.kKu. Kank Cuullaa. . NORTH CABOUNA Johnston County v Pleasant Grove Tovnship. Scaled bids will be received by the Pleasant Grove Township Boad Cemmls sion until noon Baturduy, August 30th, 1019, for the opening, grading, building, repairing nnd otherwise Improving the : public roads of Plenaant (Jrove Town j ship aa authorised by aa election re cently held in said township la which I SJO.000.00 was voted for rosd improve ! mciit. T.c contract will bs let for thl ' ! building of said roads on the unit sys . I tem. Construction ia to begin not Intel . i than October 1st, 1919. j At the same time contract is let for I building of sniil roads an engineer will ! be employed for the surveying of Said I rood and making estimntes of work done ' by contractor. , ( . - ' ' Bids muat be accompanied by eertiflsd . check for 82UO.OO as evidence of good faith and must be addressed to H. 1 Ogbiirn, Chairman, Angier, ft. F. D. No, 1. The ar.'. township road onunlaska wilhjiold n joint meeting for the pa "pass . of opening said bids and swsrding eon. tract at Hmithfleld, N. C, en August 30th, 1919. II. I. OGRrXN. Chairman. J. H. PARRTHH, 8ec. and Treafc. -; C. K. PLEA8ANT, , Township Boad Commission. . NOTICE OP ADMINISTRATION. Having qualified as admiaistrator of W. II. McGhee, deceased, late of Wake county, all persoas indebted to said estute sro hereby requested to make Immediate settlement with ttie'onder signed. All persons , who hold Claims againnt said estate are hersby notified to file llirm witb the undersigned lor payment on or before the 13th day of L August, Ml-0, or this notice will bo plcmlnl in bar of recovery, Tli in the 1.1th day of August, 1910. CHARLES T. MrUHBlS. Administrator of WH. MxGbee. Durham, N. C, H. P. D. No. V 8-2.1-lsw flwks. CAPUDIfJE NO CCTANIM NO DOPE NO COOZE irt RELIABLE f0 . HEADACHE v Rightfully t r d "North Carolina's Greatest Market Plac,H tka Claiiifiod Pag In Tba ,Nws and Obiertrar tot thia recognition fcjr product j feiultr mm n d nil ir ISr i It Jter ill, . .nil

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