SATunpyg i.:o?jc;g august 23, 1919. 1"H NEWS AND OBSERVER. IP TEXAS OFRCERS White i Promoter of National . Negro Association Ordered ' r -Out of The State---v.; ' AnftU;Tem,Attf.:S2.-J. B. Bldl. .lady, whlta bm, aeeretarr . o the , National Association for th Advaaee toeat of Colored People, who km sev erely, beaten and placed a board aa . .utboond train lor 8t Loalt today, had bees "inciting feegroet agaiaat ' the whites," and had previously been warn 4 to lesvt Austin, according to County Judge Dart J. Pickle, of Travis eoontv, tonight' . ' Tho attack oa Bhillady, Jndga Piekla aid, was made by himself, Constable Charles Hamby and Ben Pierce, none of whom, he declared, would " shirk ponaibitiry ia the matter. Judge Pickle emphsslrtd, however, that he aad hia companions were acting oaofficiaUy. , Up to a late boar tonight no charges had been preferred against any of ' Bhillady j assailant. 8hll)dy was returning from a taeet ing with negroes, Judge Pickle deelar ed in describing the attack. "I told hiai (RiUUdy)," the Judge said later, ''that hia actions were inciting the ne gore against the whites and would cause trouble, and warned him to leave ' town. ' I told him our negroes would cause ao trouble if left alone. whip pod him and ordered him to Kite be cause I thought i waa for the best, ln- ' terest of Auatia and the State." Bhillady came to Austin yesterday and visiting the Attorney-General' de partment, it waa learned, made inquiry 1 concerning the operation of "foreign corporations" in Texas, aad asked why a local branch of the. National Associa- t tion for' the Advancement of Colored ' People ..had been disbanded here two ; weeks ago. He waa told the associa tion bad no permit to do business ia Texas and that the disbanding of the branch was entirely in the bunds of - local authorities. . Bhillady thee went to the Adjutant General's department, it is said, t and asked why the Texaa rangers, wera in terfering with his association-. Assistant Adjutant General W. D. Cope ia aaid to have replied that the rangers have been investigating organizations among ne groes tinea the race riots at Long View about a month ago, and had found that the teaching of the advancement associa tion, "which advocates racial equality," waa creating trouble between the rare. Late yesterday Bhillady was haled be fore a "court of inquiry,", the proceed ing of which have not beea disclosed. , Jadgt Pickle saye that this time he ' warned Bhillady to leave Austin because he waa cresting trouble. Shortly before noon today Bhillady held a conference with negroes, and while returning to his hotel wat ac costed by Judge Pickle, Hamby and 'Pierce. Constable Hamby, according to the county, judg', asked Bhillady why he was holding meetings and ''stirring up mors trouble than Austin citizens can get rid of in ten years." . ,4You dont aee my point of view,' . answered Bhillady, according to Pickle. i "I'll flx-yoni to; you cjjn't ,see,"vra pn!d Hamby, as be struck Hnuiaay ia the eye with his fist. Judge Pickle "'says he and Pierce joined in the .fray and Bhillady was beatea until his face bled freely and he "asked for mercy. Bhillady then waa escorted to the sta tion, where he purchased a ticket for Bt Louis, tad left Austin with a nnal warning by Constable Hamby not to top in tho limits of Texas There .was no indication that local ne Croea resented the affair. Neti-"I wish I could feel sure rll never being disappointed in love. Bella "That's easy. Marry for money. Wigg "I told him to eaa hia advice." Wigg "Seems to me it't already cant?' r rCDO MITT Lit UPPf tUlHLUU) II ATSUMMER RESORT President Riddick, of State Col lege, Principal Speaker v At Convention - Wilmingtoa.T Aug. Cw The North Carolina.- .Society . of Civil Engineer opened at the Oceanic Hotel, Wrights' ville Beach, tela morning, with an ad dress by President W. CBiddick, of the State College, Balelgh, who la alto president of the society. The conven tion wat welcomed to the city and beach by Mayor Wright aad Secretary J. H. Cowan, of the Chamber of Com merce, B. E. Bnowden responding. The attendaaea ia small bat enthusiastic With the exception of a brief bust teas aeaaioa tomorrow, today's Program covered practically all the associations! activities at the convention. The fea ture of the program tonight waa the address of M. Linenthal oa the subject of concrete ships, illustrated with stere opticon views. Other addresses during the day included a discussion of East Carolina problems by W. A. McGirt, manager of the North Carolina Land' owners' Association; bituminous pave' meat by H. W. Kenffaer; North Caro lina drainage, by H. AI. Iade, Tj. 8. engineer of the public roads bureau; Preach roads, by Col. Jos. H. Pratt, and discussion in' which various members engaged. Tomorrow's events will include a tour of the county ia motor cars, k visit to the shipyards and luncheon at Carolina Beach, and withal, a trip "outside" to catch fish and brave the dangers of mal de per. t Archdak Mas Get Oat. Paris, Aug. 22. (By the Associated fPreaa.) The j supreme ' council today teat instructions to the inter-allied mission at Budapest to inform Arch' duke Joseph that he must leave the Hungarian government in the interest of European peaee a Europe had tut fared ao muck under the Hapsburgt that there could be no confidence in any government with a Hapslmrg member of it. '- HAWAII EXTENDS ROYAL GREETINGS TO DANIELS Secretary of the Nary Eeceived With All .The Pomp of a ' ; Visitinf Monarchy . , (By The Associated Press.) Aboard the U. 8. 8. New York, Hon olulu Harbor, Wednesday, Aug. 20. Secretary of the Navy Daniels aad hit official party of officers and men of the dreadnaught New York, arriving here today, were treated with the hospitality thfl long has distinguished the Ha waiian Islands. - The New York and four destroyers were tied alongside their, piers, almost la the center of the' eity. Off Waikikl 'Beach the great dread naught wat met by scores of small craft, including out-rigged canoes, mo tor launches, i'U and row boats, which aceompaaied the, ship into the harbor. Oa the deck were Governor McCarthy, the mayor and other eity and territorial dignitaries. Native g'irla of Hawaiian, Clinese, Japanese, Filipino, white ana American parentage ware , thert also, carrying gaily-colored loia, the aecklaet of Hawaii, which tbey threw aboard the battleship until every -officer aad tailor aboard had a neck dress. Most of the loit were made of flowers, although thert were othert of gaily-colored pa per and feathers. ' , From the time he went down the New York't gangplank, Secretary Dan irU' time wat fully occupied. From the ahip he waa takea to a hotel at Waikikl Beach, where he wat' received with all the pomp of a visiting monarch, ac cording to the old Hawaiian custom, by the ton: and daughters of Hawaiian warriors SOMEONK HIGHER UP TO BLAMK SAYS MANt UNDER ARREST. wmm Endorses League of Nations And Elects Officers; Meet ; , Next Jn Wilmington Asheville, Aug. S3. The election of officers for the coming year, the. (elec tion of Wilmington, N. C, at the place for holding the nest meeting aad the adoption of many resolutions looking to the betterment of living conditions ia the southeast sad promotion of the interests of organised labor kept dele- tutcs to the annual meeting of the Southern Labor Congress busy on their final day of their visit to Atheville. Hearty endorsement of the League of Nations waa embodied in a telegram aent to the Senate requesting the im mediate ' adoption of the covenant. Another message to the House of Rep resentative urged that . "partisanship be buried . during these critical days and that constructive legislation be un dertaken by representatives serving at Americana rather thaa at- politicians." Jerome Jones, of Atlanta, succeeds himself aa President of the Congress over hit protest; James T, Barrett, of Asheville, aueceeds W.- C. Buekett, of Atlanta, aa secretary and treasurer. Fayotteville, Aug. 22. Joha W. James, transfer clerk of the American Bailway Express, under arrest here in connection with the robbery of inter state express shipments today, stated tint tome one "higher up" would be im plicated .f he were convicted oa charge facing him. The police declare that James admitted his guilt when arrest ed, but when a newspaper representa tive talked with him the young man stated emphatically that he had done nothing with criminal intent and that if be were convicted somebody higher up would go along" with him. mnrrmrpn it 'in- CABTER-COLTOX CICAB CO. Charlotte, N. C Distribatora 3 Today r I - n hi Visit the Summit of the Blue Ridge Mountains at v Raleigh's Recreation Reserve" Youhave not seen the Appalachians in all of their sylvan glory until you have seen MAY VIEW PAfcK, the border-land residence sub-division on the -crest of the Blue Ridge ; altitude 4,500 feet, the highest and largest developed plateau in the entire pioun tain country. - A summer residence colony is being located in a beautiful garden of wildwood, abounding in Rhodo dendron, Mountain Laurel and Azalea. The lots, are heavily forested with hemlock, spruce, oak and balsam trees. This is the only addition on the American continent fronting on a National Park, the Appalachian Forest Reserve, (Boone Area). Yon course over five - miles of roads inviting the motorists and equestrian, alike. Maximum- grade of 4. Beautifully landscaped throughout; with lake and waterfalls along the Wonderland Trail. The Community Club House will prove a boon to home' owners who find in it release from housekeeping cares. ' , Full information and maps on request.. ' i W. L. . ALEXANDER A . Blowing Rock, N. C COfJGRESS CLOSES 6 BtUAMI - Hot water Sure Relief gELL-ANS taFOR. INDIGESTION Our Repair Policy Recharging, repalrt, f est Ing these are part of our service. We have the train. . incandequipmenttodothit work w7, t the least price ntiitent with good work. Cheap work lent cheap art any price, and would only oe ut customers. But wnirdthir. woo a apart of oar obli. 4'tion to make Willard Batteriea last as long at poaaibta at least expense AwtW rf M oc.ric.tioM i, 4mttJbm for Wilkie n kat tny that wtn Int looter b4 Vara' t sate n uw ipir MWW B.twr taftnlZ traubfas jut cord til dor. 21"' ""I Snornnnc record ft" ovw I our ywrs of mrriT These two officials with the following five vice-presidents serve at atembart of the executive board, first. C A. Lynch, of Mississlpplf second, J. H. Undsey, of North Caroliaaj tairu, n. A. Hood, of Kentucky f fourth Sum C Hunt, of Alabama t Sth, Carl C. Kart ton, - of Georgia. In addition to - the Bve vice-presidents named, tne roliow int also were elected to serve in that ctpacity alone, their,aervleet not being required on the executive board. Jt W. Youns. of South Caroliaa ; Mis Stella Goad, of Teaaeasee; J. IX Star pies, of Arkansas, and K. u koung, oC Florida. Frank Price, of Charlotte, was named at aergeaat-at-arnii. The eoaventioa voted to coatiaue the or gaaization of the Souther Labor Cora- gress.- STRIKE IN CHARLOTTE " CONTINUES AS USUAL. Charlotte, Aug. 23.-At the eoaclu tion of a conference lasting from ft o'clock Friday afteraooa until I o'clock thia morning, in which Mayor Mr Kinch aad other officials, members of a citieeas. committee, repreaeatnives of the caraea'a naioa aad other labor orgaaiiairOBa and officials of the South era Public Utilities Company partici pated, H waa announced that no ma terial progresa was made toward settle ufthit of the atrikt which has kept Char lotte without atrcet ear arrvice since August 10. ' It waa the Irat time this week that representative? of the two parties to the controversy met in con ference. -"" WILMINGTON WILL OBSERVE . LABOR DAT WITH LAUNCHING. Wilmington, Augl . , S2. -r InViationt have' beea seat, abroad to the launching of the CranYord. the flrst steer ship to be completed here, and all tilings art being made ready for. the, event, .which ia to route off Labor Day.'Tbii'conflict with the big holiday hot moved local trade unionists to call on the shipbuild ing eompsny and request- that another date be named, sinee labor mea art subject to fines if they, work on labor's holiday. The- eompaay advised that it waa helpless now to make the change and aaid only about 100 mea would b needed, whereat thert would be 220C othert who could observe the holiday it they saw fit. This proved tgrceubW and the matter wat closed. ' ,' aimiiiiiiiiiiiiiniHiiuiiimMiiniimiinnmitmramrniimiiiiniiim t'RaleigWs 'Shopping Center" " 1 , . Vr r r7T A XT ' ...... -i Before the n$w fall gown or suit- The CORSET 5 Every womaiv knows how important her cor set is. And she knows the fashionable figure is a matter 6f correct wcor . seting. 1$ By which we mean not only the right corset, but that it is essential to have it properly fitted. i NEW MODELS ARE READY IN f GOSSARDS FRONT LACE LA GRECQUE MADAM LYRA AMERICAN LADY Cnwilttlnl.i,rt.M: Rftlcigh Storage Battery Co. W. R. DENT, Manager Pheae 14 A?DS $2.50 u $11,00 rA.... $4.00 u $70 FERRIS WAISTS for The Young Miss I LA " AM "f. $2.00 tq $10.00 . $1.50 ta $5.00 AMERICAN LADY tt r H. & W. WAISTS for , v Boys and Girls inuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiniiuiiiniiiiHihaim 8 Jli mm i a. 15 mil- 9q aff-y?ar-tound soft drink Tho first mans drink was -water .and grain. Bevo is ile highest refinement .of the natural drink of primitive man the accepted drink of modern America a beverage v iih real food value. A healthy and substantial drink at the soda,fountain,or with lunch at the restaurant , a comfort waiting for you in the ice-box at home. Vititott or inrilid to in$ptt out plant? ANHEUSER-BUSCH , AM t il - h - mi ST.LOUIS Diltribatara l!tl!!!Hi: Jones JBottling Works, (Ara ' felt trmrr w m -i-Ui L. ' : ........ ....I... iiiiM.uiuuiiniii . ' litwiii i til i m S. I S;,"'v:v."v.v. muaiaaiiHiiiUiiiiii - ? sisrJfe.i- . tmarasnaiTtfauTiUwtMM j i' . t-'v;" -r :.r uiliiiiiAT ' v.. ' 1 ' ..' I, 4 ryn inn