Saturday r.:orjr;a, august :3, kid. Ti.3 Nevs csd Obscfvcr BaMr. It . a . to the Vrnt Bp TS3 KXVB 139 OSsCTTtB FVftUSSXXA ccj.taxt ' gzwt aim ouuiu mums 1144M Vestl - Lteni Pan .M. .tt ...UT t unBtrtnwoeumnDi Tho Ajaadatat Plans b nM eanklat e the ase tar raaUaataa at am lmHi nW It t) ue aa eihwhc araSltr a ten spaj M afca Ik avcai m miktil , All IWw M Mm at mm ess kssato ace oh to awocuto nm wrTi J, ' Ml ... ..I. I ' I - - -1 Tl - -" '.fCMCtmiini rvm . ra ;,;. r.m-m .........hut Maatte ....... Ut its Moaths ....... H Tbaat aaMrtbS ..... Lit , Taraa Heaths ..... MO, 6m Heath M One Maaih , J On TW .........It Its Heaths ..! jTt Wtjfhij f4 ObMMp ti 4WIH"im4I wvmfb to )lftrt m4 a Htna mm par weak IHHr EaSarat at Jl I wwmcIH W k ntankrf o MORNING TONIC , (Mareu Aurelius.) W art born far ee-operation, like tin feet, the bands, the eyelid and the ppr d lower jaw. UNCLE WALT MASON the scaMti eWiiiiir. If man's an optimist thaw tyt when lata aid world at m all silos, If ha can gtyly king and ) Malik, h la sa. optimise wail. Thar Is ka trick la being gay ioa eprtag ar aataaVday, whea geetl tree see alp atoag, anal Mrd pat ap fladtomd stag, AM trt la atraia a Ikaar bring' ill pleasant thing la view, irae ear It an can weif a (Ha, the endaef which abaca re f chin. Bat wkta the ana raye eroreb year pelt, tad ill year Innards seem ta melt; whea after lay that make )raa weep, yon ga ta bed aad cannot lleep, aad let ap at the break af dawn, all In, rata aat aad apeat and gone, niethlaka It la aa Mher thing la beaat araand and aaiile aad aiaf. I'va Barer aeea a aaaahlaa gent waa ahaaa la aan ar rth a cent. I knew a lot af 6a any Jlma aha arane araand ad baavaat Unaa at athar aea tone af the year, bat they all wilt wkea aaaiaier ' her. When they break aat with prickly haaU their varda aa atara are honey eweet; when they ra paatered by tba liaa, they hand aa aat aa MulMi wlaa. Like ail the read af atartal me a, lhay aia aad raat, aad caaa again. Til UCM hUlUOAD 1IIL. Tk EKh. railroad bUl la going t attract eon lidarabla attention baeturt af tb fart that tt ataa that tb eoaatry ia golac forward and ko backward. Ml ttal idea of rjllroad legWatloj air aaeaa ideu iaitead af tba old oaea. Tb bill to ppnllB la that it prepoaet to inelada la trtatparUtiai amtar roataa aod bard-aurfaead raada, for rifbl tharo it aay I thai traniporUtioa fi a ajaooUoa of oln traffle, add aot aioriof It merely by rail . .. .. ,'! U tbo put M aader tba euitom wo art moriog away fra tii yajlroad ooadoeted oi Ibt tboor that It it tbrotUo wataf traarparUtloa of any. tkiag alaa liat abowyd git belpleg along wit tbo work, t ktrV troaMd tbo dlrida, aad ow t M ahead ea tba theory thai all Ifetla trtfRc art for tbt beaeBTof thfe p9pli aad aot for pri vate gala. 1 la eonilderlag tbt pooplo the railroada art alaa to be coaaidtrti by tbo kill, tad no doubt beford Hla vtry far along" o tbt takadar amend menU will W added tbtjt will ineludo featnrei not now (nelodtd and itriki out tome that iro la tbt bill.' f"''i-'.l ' K '"' Tba- Eaeb aieaiurt ia oufleieat to foreahadow, a reatara into tome of the nntraroled Heidi. It tttorti a ' tukgeitlol that VI taeklt ' tbt rtllf old ; perpleaity from a viawpolat different from thoaa we baobee holdiag, and in, (oln that far it it tnUaaaUcaHf Inciting all klade of at Ideat, which ia juat what ia needed at thli time. No, aa io oeer enough to look into tba future and tell what ia wiie, to all men will need to prophesy it thi matter. Hero it the eaee for eongreaaioaal iavettigatioo, aad ont that hat tome eenae aad parpoaa. Whether thy are called or aot Capable mea are certain to get their viewi before thie in quiaition, and we will know more about trans portation three months from now than wo do at present With an honesty of purpose and a fair ness of intent it is to be beliered that a food meaaurt will be shaped up as the bill morel for ward on its way. Pressing demand for a ipeedy settlement of the question will hurry things along, and it is reasonable to kept that Congress will show same business tactics en this business mat ter rather than ita dilatory euttom. met BY rXOCUMATjOft. ' It totudi mort liki a Jokt of little boyi that the deliboratt sense of grown mea fef a member af Ibt Stittt to ask tba frotldaat of tkd TJalttd Btotot to declare peaet by proelamatiei whe tbo Boa. to lrt,ha4?ade ooaaidoratioa ferwoekt tbt matter of peaet and la to omphttjeally raaged tgalttt toy agjeemsat oa a scheme of peace.. - react kai beeo prorided for ia a treaty betwsea the aatiett that wort at war with Oat aaothtr. Our owa aOvorament bat asotated to tbo pone a!oH with tbt otkers, but it bai aot yei officially ratified thai peaet by teaatorlal action, which th law tptelltt t tbt toarta that must bo followel Wo art tot if peaeo with Oermaay, aad we taa aot bo at peace) with Oermaay aatll tbt treaty at signed it ratUled, or another of toao tort i substituted and ajpeed ea. ' The process it tlmpls. Tbt Beaatt ea without much trouble ratify the treaty which was drawn after much time and toatideratloa at the part of the represents tires of atort tatieat that trer be fore assembled for tnel a purpott. It it art ismabls ihat this peaet will tool become effective through the ratines ties of tbt docamSnt boB08b of the other natlent to irt it a binding dednlUoa. Tbtfl wt will be la tbt singular predieatatat of country that bat been to war, which lat aot toa- eloded peace, and which possibly eaaaot oatldt peace beeauss of our owa weight we will hart at compelling power to make Oermaay assent to any thing but what she bat already agreed to. The eat plain atep Is for tbt Beanie to ratify the treaty, which is the sentiment of tbo eeantry. To attempt to reach the end desired y any Other step will not bt tffectlrt. Neither the Presldeut nor the country is entertaining' the idea tf dodging the issus, especially ia a way ' that would be apt to lead to lurtner complication. ' Mr. Plumb seems aot so ansa whether be is or is not. : Mr. Bhillady appears to hare come into uncom fortable proximity to tomebody'l thillalah. y,v.4 : Commerce of a billion dollars with Italy 1 And tbtra were those who predicted that war would destroy our foreign trade. , . k Massachusetts pestoffiee closed becsate it could pot pay salary enough to get a poet master. Teach' era and preachera are not the only ones, evidently, ta this dlscuasioa about the ignorance of Henry Ford it it not to be forgotten that ha baa furnished tbt world with tertral ideal that hare beea nc : tepttd. Tbt wrWtti wan ia Erepa oeem to bo mere dis posed to let blood occasionally taaa those i art tarrying ta aver hire ia lha Beaatt had else- Wbeto. Germasf li aat of automobile tirea. Ia that event the folki over there dodge a big bill through tba eoirst tf tbt year which the tire man would get If at hid aaythlagJo serve. The Prises it Wales who comet this time does aot wear tah a forfeeai plume ia hit bat as the Prince of Waist did who came to this country in 1860, thst il if the pictures ef the older day are accurate in their effntlvencsa. Several brands of Oil Ire recommended for a iao knocks. Mr. Led ft might try one of them for kip kin! of knocks and if it proves helpful ka eould confer a favor on tame folka bt knewt by pstsing bloat Iht iaftrmatiot. The automobile tiro aad the safety rater aad the elgarettt Ipptar to think they are more lm portant that toagrtssioaal oratory. At least they pay mere to get their Staff Into print, which is t pretty good way to fat at ita rating. Tnlk tonlinaet that Great Britain may trade Jamaica to Vaela Bast oa her account. Probably . well enough to tncenrago oar British frieads to bring ia anything they have ia the way of trade, for they are going to ttvt a big bill to pay be fare they harvest mock. Of-eoBm It It to bt remembered that fht packers may not be tbt cause of all tbo trouble, and that If that bo tbt oast wt want to keep aa aye out for tbo fellow who art, aad aot follow a wrong trail tot ptrslsUttly and let the ether fellows tet away with tbt ylaadtr. iL. Jfow Germany anyt It was Bassla that Ignored tbo tmplorjif effort of Germany te keep tbo peace aad brought tbt WOtll lata war. Germany has txplaiatl that It waa M naay other teaauiea that startsd tbt treublt because William eonld aot bold them back that people are getting tangled ap in tbo tarplai af Information. If tbt mta waa art trying to 4evlt tqulpmsit to talvaft taakoa aklpt art tejooaaafal ta tktir work, tr assart battiatWill boeomt at ftrotak la tbt test hw ytart ai iwwiai wood, aal Captain K'M aal all John Btlvtt will bt met eemltg tip i' trk with a wbt'irrow loit of plunder on err la tit tc'.'.'.'ftat tea regioa. FARMER MIDDLEMEN. The farmer il accused T holding up the price of farm stuff becsuss whea bt comes into town to tell aomething hs asks the same price that the oraer grocer iskt, and because he does that tbt complaint says the farmer becomes a middleman, tstcad of that salvation which he il, expected to be. There ia a right pertinent question, and prob- bly it will be docided in the farmer's favor, bc- cause bt ia tut man woo mimes me ar-mnn. When he producee his stuff ht is n producer, but when be brings it to town and distributes it to the ultimate buyer be ia exactly what he is accused of being, the middleman. Kow it cannot be a ques tion na to whether the farmer is right in being iddleman, and asking the middleman's profit, (of the farmer, f ht sells the stuff at retail, seems determined to get the retnil price and the only way to keep him from getting it ia to refuse to pay what be asks. But the' householder seems bo as willing to pay the-farmer who comes te tbo door with hit goods as to pay The grocer at the grocery. It ia not material vjlio is' the middleman. We seem to want the farmer1 to retail to the houses st the price he would wholerale at the, grocery, nod the farmer is not disposed te give his time that way. He Wants the middleman's pay if he doel the middleman's work, and evidently he geta it. He geta it because we all appear to prefer to have him act as the retailer and come to the house rather than to go to the grocery to get what wt want and pay the retailer there for serving. We can't get along without the middleman. The farmer makes the atuff. He may retail tome of It, but he prefers to turn it over ia bulk to the retailer and get back home, leaving the retailer to diatrtbute to the buyer. The retailer will not do thie without he ia paid, and ao way has yet beea suggested to dispose of him. Hi It aa essen tial factor in our organised industry.. The only real question about htm Is whether kt it paid toe much. He deea aot tnink so. When the former aett as middleman he doel not think ht it paid too much. All the years of human existence have not been enough yet to settle thli thing, and that leada to the conclusion thst n few more years will eetnt before it ia passed over. So wt may as Well pay tbt farmer and let him go his way happy, for that It What Wt will bars io do ia any event, for the goods are his until we do. TBS INVESTIGATIONS. Democrats ought aot to complain perhaps at the wholesale investigation! of the winning of the war that the party ia control of Congress is conduct' inc. For it Is a maxim never to disturb the euesny when be it making a mistake. 'And how can these useless investigations go on without acting ai boomerangs upon those respon sible for tbemt The Independent voters of the etaatry aeeosearily art disgusted ot the Bepub- UeAa attitude. Aad every time a new Inveetlga tiea it ordered human nature does aot work along regular lines it a number of voters who might otherwise ksre been favorably inclined to ths party a power ire not to disgusted that tbey turn in telf-dtfense to tome other party. Ilea eaanot make themaelvet ridiculous without losing In pub- lie esteem. Of the many successful war activities which lrtiaaa Bepablieaai art Investigating one it that ot A. Mitchell Palmer araltta property custodian. Palmer appears io have put a tremendoui amount ef energy end effectiveness is his work and from all artouata he was hated by tbt Oermaai about at badly as my of the American war eaecutlves Ho never lost aa opportunity to cripple German Inaneial efficiency. In fact, ht was so thorough and effective la his work thst his Republican foot art tare that there was crooked work lemewhero. Tbo more a Demoeretie official hammered the Baa tbt more ht was deserving'of iavestigatioa, It appears, according to the actions of the investi gators. And It may bt that after ill what out Republican frieads mea a by so many investigations ia. that they watt to kara Vow tbt Domoorata man aged tklagt to wait, .But if that it tba lata they eaht to toy to, for otbtrwiat tbt pabllt ar golag ta draw the toadutle tlreedy, tadtctted, kamtry that thty ar attlnf partly from partisan bias aad deserve to bt pnnlthsd by tbo withholding of support. i - . NEVER LOBES ITS ROMANCE. The good old dsyi ef Robin Hoed tad his merry men sound dreimy and picturesque enough In these more prosale times, but in the years to come no doubt some romancing genius will weave up the tales of adventure based on those stirring episodes of the early twentieth Century' whoa the gentle and joyout bandit roamed the Mississippi alley and the broad interior basin of the busy United States. v ' Bandits on the Louisville and Nashville Railroad . Tennessee, down there in the limestone blue- gnss, there where did Hickory is in the tang of the ilr, and you stop to talk of the gloriei of the famous Belle Meade farm, and the old sires, Bonnie Scotland, and Luke Blackburn, end Great Tom and Bramble, and the Jersey cattle, the mild eyed, mild-mannered queeni of milk production with pedigrees 11 long ns a chapter of Matthew where so many aamei get into print. And there whert history, and pastoral romance, and scenery and innocence are the productions of the soil, the bandit appears oa the scent and holds up the train, and earriet away ths tressurt, snd electrifies the State of Tennessee, and no movie rtist there to catch the elimlses whea they would be worth money to the aim concerns possibly enough to make the business ot ths modern Bobin Hooding profitable if properly etaged and executed with not too much frightening of the passengers and without bloodshed, and in ether why la tbt same gentlemanly manner to that tf yesterday. Tennessee may be getting away from the days of chivalry sines Bob Taylor and Parson Brown low and the O'Connori nnd th llabryl aad tbt Zollicofferi are la history, but never away from romance. , beftrd. Vttartod. itt waa disappointed U!I tn bit wSy.. He wit "disappointed after he arrived aad after at left. Nothing tkat tbt President coald kav said or doat would ava satisfied Bsary Cabot Lodge. . . We might as well expect that tbt aperationi tf nay finite mind could hart removed the objec tions of Borah, Hiram Jobnsoa, Now, Brandegee and Motei to tbo treaty af peaeo aa to have ex pected that the Delator from NaessebuMUa could hart acquired at, tbt "Wait Bouse or la, the heavens abort at lb earth beneath or th waters under tbt etrth tbt peculiar kind of information that ho to keeking. . Ia the msiaUxit th 'fast it worth feeording that tbt Beaatt Commute Foreign Relations, of which Senator Lodga it ehslrmaa, hat had this treaty under eonslderatiot for Hi wttkt aad purposes to continue Hi ao-ealltd "hearings'' It defttitely. tbt committee was carefully packed la; advance to prevent favorable report oa tht treat, aad la that ntpeet sitae it actios hat beea coaaiettat. , " ' .' J 5u Edflaf' A-Out) i a. J PUBLIC VUSr BCONOMUB. ' (By William Mather Lewis, Director of Iht iavlagi Division Of the Treasury Department.) , leery sound analysis af tht present pile situa tion leads? back to confirmation ot Governor Hard ing't deelsioa that a tolalioa tf Ugh living costs eta bt reached until Ibt country shakes off ill present spending UtoleUa lad tattles down to demanding tht receipt of. a dollar'! worth of food or material, measured by tht labor or effort re quired to obtala that dollar. Our treat trouble it that mllliont of portent ar aot spending from their earnings, but front their savings of the past twa year. : , Liberty beads aad ether securities, accumulated by tht most worthy patriotie tacrileo daring ths war, aft being cashed at a loot to parthste luxuries jt priest exorbitant evea for luxuries. Tht pet pit have themselves to blame if prieea of aecet slties hart followed tbt prices of luxuries upward, whea mercaaat observed tht absolute tareless nest with which people parted with their money. We read without particular surprise, because of numerous slmilsr insfaaces, of a farmer-buying khe entire stock of expansive haberdashery in the store, where ho was previously accustomed to driv htrd bar gal ai fef necessities. It is hot essential that wo rehire to the extremes ef eeetomy, still lest tht actual aacriileoa of war timet. It il ttseatlal, however, that wt keep firm hold on the savings accumulated by piirehaae of war finance securities, aot only tl a matter of stilish benefit, bat at-a faetor Ik bringing prices down. , - It it absolutely necessary, at Govsraor Harding has pointed oat, to work regularly tad efficiently ia order to produce aad distribute tht largest pos sible volume of eommeditiel kid to sxerelee res soaable economies la order that mehsy, goods and services may bo devoted primarily to tbo liquida tion ot debt and t tbo satisfsction of tbo do mand for necessities, rither than to indulgence of dssires for luxuries, i ' Along those llnej tiff unbounded opportunity for national eerrtce by war savings societies aad their member. Enrolled ia th socle ties are more thsn alt millioa people, close to the very heart ot American industrial lift. It it ia their power to Increase the flo of production through tbo arteries of iaduetry. It la la their power to cheek waste, aot only among themselves and those de pendent on them, bat among an la tht torn munltict in which thty live. Aaowora to Tosterday' BWIZ ' L Vet br mlnaturo 'air-Dump" la Ih extremities at popularly supposed, but by adbetid of a vlarous substance that It exhuded from tht tiny hsirs of tht feet. 1 Private Secretory to President Wil 3. Bscs use their cruelty aad trench. try likens them to the blood-thirsty Huns of old, who fought under the King, Attila, who conquered and do restated a large part f th stoma mpiro. T Pint thoet with I bet-work up per. S. New-e-days, the who destroy iraporty' through wsntoneisi a name erived from the akeieat Vandals. t. J aha Adam, wh beeam aeeoad president of tbo United States. i T. Aaytning doat by virtut tr an fflco, as for lastanee, the sets of a tat governor la a capacity at ehair maa of aoml subordiaate hoard or torn miatioa. I. A aam applied to A gathering of broker aad trader ea th streets, who do aot belong to a (tech exchange. ' I. it ia the groat assimiiattag nana. aad absorbs the nourishment of the food wo oat. It ia eituated below tbo dlaphrsgm aad abet the stomach. 10, A Chinese diplomat, who died to 1901, who visited tht4 United Btatet aooa after hi statecraft had adjusted difficulties between hit country and the "white world," dut to tht Boxer uprisings. . New Qaeetioaew 1. . What it the final word la the LEAVING US. North Carolina waa not many years tgo the lead ing sweet potato State of the country, but XU bamn, Georgia and Mississippi have, gone iway from us. Although our product has increased very much the other SUtec have Increased stilt moro, and now we srs fourth Instead of first, eyen thorijh we mass more swoeti than any Bute made whea we were at the front. Alabama made last year nearly twenty million bushels, with our yield not half so much. Tht States7 farthsf South havt beea making thing to eat instead Of to much cotton, tnd it it a good thing that thty havt climbed up iai their produe tion. It will bt a long day before the tweot potato ii Overdone In this country, for evea aow the total yield falls below an average of a bushel for each of us. Some day we will make tbt tweet potato for starch, alcohol and for chemical sup plies, for it is easy to raise add has many uses. It is another of those resources that the South hat in reserve in urge supply. The Benatt bat reported the prohibition bill out of committee, but what will happen neat nobody knows, except that it will not happen with any blast Of haste. Meanwhilt New York it gradu ally becoming accustomed to sobriety, and other towns in the limited wet sont of the North are finding thst tbey are going to live through the dry weather, and pretty toon we will be like the maa going to tht neat town on the stags who started U walk ahead a littles until he would bt ovtrtakea and got there before the stage reached him. No body would be -surprised it the) country ia dry un der the Intendment before the Beaat oatehei up. Thai sugar has been getting plenties sines At torney-Oeneral Palmer started to hunt for it in dicates thst it wit not so so s res before he com menced his March. SPIRIT OF THE PRESS Wat Conducted Ecoaomlcally. Philadelphia Record. ; "Extravagaat economy" eharteterlied tht con duet of our part la the war, according to Repro seatativt Banders, of Louisiana, Who hat been looking into the details. Price of everything hkye aounieo ana quadrupled unco tht war witk ttpnin, tad yet the coat of our war with Germany waa held dowa to "lest than a negligible luersss rer the cost per taaa ta 1808,'' Tht majiagemeat ot the war with Spain by a Republics administration was ok every side th most inefficient aad ex pensive thing wo ever did. The present dmlnls- tratioa conducted our marveiouily great part it tht greatest ot all wan with ta efflcieirey aid ia extravagant economy that wilt always bo memorable. And the Republican Incests aft da aouacing the inefficiency and txtravegaaet of tht tdmtalitratioaL ' , ' v " Ledgs'o Disappoints st. Sew Fork World . ' 1 wta dtsappoUttd I tbt lnformatlot gained, aid Senator Lodat after tht Whltt House eon. ferenrt with tht President. Thst was Inevitable, Sesetor Lodge went to. the Whit Boat ex pressly to be disappointed.. HrVst-' dlssppolsted SECRETART DANIEL TACKLES A BUST DAT. ' (From The -Tribune, Ssn Diego, Cat.) Secretary of the Navy Josephul Daniels had his "working clothes" this morning when he praaeed out of the V. B. Grant Hotel elevator and jumped into th all-day battle that was before him. Nobody called it a battle, Openly, but that' what it amounted to, and tht outcome probably won't be known for week or saoaths, although it wiU bt all ever today and the queitioa of how many more millions of dollar worth of government ap propriatlons Saa Dlega it to get will be settled ia a hurry. By war of "working clothes' tht Secretary wore tbat famous linsn suit aad fiat straw bat that all the movie picture ihow him ia. Perhaps ht hat two such suits, exactly alike, is one suit can rest while the other work, but there waa ao deviation thie morning from the Secretary's regulation togs. Also, he wore that well-known turn-down collar, or one ef them, aad topped off the whole ensemble with a stvlish stick that looked really Biddy. Millions of dollars, tht authorities aay, man be sint along th Pseifle coast te make it a prac tical plact for a fleet. The present facilities are sdmittedly inadequate, and the navy authorities freely ankottne that th port of 8a Diego, Sat Francisco, Bremerton aad miner' placet must bt built up. Tbt big work on hand today it to deter' mine what San Diego needs. San Diego aimed to put forth the atrongest men it had for the work of showing how this city can accommodate the navy's needs. The list of those San Diegsns consists of Georgs Burnhsm, G. A. Davidson, Congressman William Kettnef, Presi dent Rafts ChoatO Of the harbot board, Preeident Melville Kltubet aad Vice-President A. P. John son, Jr., of the chamber -ot commerce, Harbor master Cent. J. Brnna, City Manager W. H. Judy and Frank Spalding of the chamber of com merce. Th success of the efforts of these men in showing the city's advantages io the Secretary of the Navy will determine what Saa Diego will get, fof the 8eeretary'i recommendations must corns before Congress eak make appropriation aad a second "battle'' must he fought en the appropria tions end, . The Secretary bad heavy support, four rear ad' mlrals aid a lot of aides protected him. His heaviest support consisted pf Resr Admiral C. W Parks, chief ef the Bureau of Yards and Docks, and Rear Admirer J. & McKean, chief of the Bureau of Construction aad Repair. It t laid that th decision! ef th two sdmlrali will decide the result, Beat Admiral C. M. MeCormlck, tnedl cal corps, Bd present la the Secretory' partjr, ie practically A final authority oa the kind and aiae of naval hospital Bai Diego should bar. Stut Admiral 1. L. Ay, lommauder OX tht Twelfth District, it In tht party and his fsmilisnty with 11 local tokditloni probahly will be of the great est importance for the guidaar of ths others. The itort. scheduled for I a. tot wat, mads shortly bsfsrs 10 o'clock, beeauN Secretary Dan iels wa late la miking aa appearance. H kept to hit room in tht hotel, breakfasting aad looking over nil mail, aaui a wai may to nsrei too committee in, tht loony. . Whea ht strpearsd kt Wat kit . smile aad emanated kit usual good cheer, last aight'i beaquet nd ball leiving aa mark! of fatigue oa him. , The whole partr aot off la a harry, going by auto, the tcbedult including trip to the marl ao brlgad lite, shipyards, Saa Diego tnd Arisen railway terminal, North Island, coaling itstloa, hospital titt in Balboa Park, nd other locations around the bay that havt beta aader eopsidera tion by th naval authorities. Coagreosmia Eettner laid yo bet thU parry will ksl all day. H wat la baltl form, too, aad ha stated t hi friends that today' work tarried the most momentous Import for Saa Diego of any day' work thli eity vr knew. .-. . ' Today I trip was aot heralded ia advance a ao desir wl flt for bringing out a crowd of promi nent eitlsens by way of making ap a welCow dele gation. Tht welcome business was carried through vaaai!v att4 Kva .11a fnF HA familiar sxpressioa, "par a 9. Where is th St, . Lawrcne river I i. Who is Cleo do Merodet 4. Who Was Stephen Collins Foatert 5. Ia mythological parlsnee, who is Pant & What celebrated educational in stitute waa founded Rear Bostoa ia 18381 . 7. For the production of what citrous fruit I (Southern California aotabief 8, Ia war parlance, what is a firing- Slept n 9. By what Insignia is a colonel ia the United States Army designated f 10. Wh is Andrew Bonsr-Uwl THE Y'S GREAT RECORD IN CONSTRUCTING HUTS Atlanta, Of.. Aug. 2!. A construc tion record that will stand for a long ... . i 1 l. ,it.. : line naa jum dcvb dtoujjih ui uim iu ftgnrel received at department head' quarter here and givea out by the construction department of the Amori era Y. M. C. A. oa ite work in France nd Germnny. During twenty-one month! of opera tion, the deportment built total ot 471 demountable hut with capacity to serve 830.000 men. aad distributed 1, 045 canvas tent that served to care for aa additioaal .811,000 doughboy i emergencies. Faced with innumerable difficulties In obtaining lumber and supplies, in transportatio. la getting ployment, in meeting shifting con dition ia the quartering of aoldiers ad ia th ehaaga from war to peace, ...MB - . . J . ' ... ino rx yws musgea auving we aum mer ot 1911 to hit a production rate for the succeeding eight month that averaged one wooden hut per dny, in cluding Sundays. It Is said that this record was aot even beatea by the speedy building of barracks la AmeH can cantonment whea war was first declared. -' The huts ranged ia size aid style all the way from canteens right behind the front lines to th 100,000 Pershing stadium for th athletie games in Paris ad twin L-shsped hut near the Bhiae, situated on property leading direct to the main door ot the former Kaiser's palace. J. HONOR MEMORY OF MEN , WHO WAS IN LOST BATTALION Santa Ana, Calif., Aug. S3. Nathaniel Rochester, of Santa Ana, war a member of America's famous "lost battalion" nd who waa hilled ia the Argoano, will be honored here in the ssme fash ion that his great-grandfather, Colonel Nathaniel Rochester, founder ef the eity of Rochester, X. Y., Sad one pt Washington's officers 1 th Revolu tionary war, was honored in the city be founded. In Bt. Luke's ehitreh, Rochester, ia bronxe tablet, in memory ot a Colonel Rochester. A replica will be placed in the Episcopsl church here. .It will bear this inscription: "In memory of Nathaniel Rochester, Ce. B, 308th U. 8. Infantry. Born Nov. 8, 1897. Killed la Franco while fighting for the "Lost Battalion," Oct 8, 1918. 'Just lihO skipping a grade ia school'." In a. letter Written to his ' mother while he was at the front, Rochester said that ''making the supreme sacri fice" would be just like skipping a grade ia school." AID PIS MOTHER TO ME. "Few aaderstend hira as l," ' - r Said hit mother to me "There art torn Who say he will lit, But I'm sure i seat be. Hit lipi km be wet with a ton a rem th day of bis youth. And always, whntavtf.ih wrong, w H sat told w tht truth, "Bit hand, which ' tht old-heartd spurn, t -x Has beea tender to met Hp has com whet th (tori fatntlj aura Many time to my knee. And though all tht old friendship! hav aieo, Aad met sneer at Hi way. I know just how hard h hat tried. . To b worthy of pr!ie. Through tht nights when his fever ran high' v , , , I watched by Us bed i . r I answered hi pitiful ery. . . I ' I heard all h said, "V ' It wa toy handhe longed far baek thea T stroks kit hot browi He haa called m (gala aad tgaia - At at a calling me aow, f DId I fail him because ht wat lilt Or whimper the night that ho earns! . ThenashaH I aot mother him (till . Though lit s blackened with thamet Though he's lost to tht world tad its. "joy, " ; ; . Aad it lick at can be. Oh, ehall 1 hot answer my boy ... . , Whinr he calls ante met" (Copyright 1910 by Edgar A, Quest.) FEATHERED VETERANS , BEING DEMOBILIZED Ortat BritAia'g Pigeon Stnrlco ' May B tied By Her Air Forot) M ' ' ' ' "'' (Londoh Correipondenct ot Tht Phil adelphia Public Lodger.) i Feathered "vetoraai'' of H. M. pigeon service art being "demobilised," and it hat Nek decided" to present them to. discharged soldiers. The pigsoa services of tht army and navy art to bo disbanded, aad ia fu ture the B. A. F. will, be responsible . for the varied duties which are allotted to ''carrier.'' These will be almost exclusively con fined to Work in connection with sea planes, for whieh the birds have proved . themselves Invaluable, and, la conse quence of the development whieh II tak ing place in aviation, the establishment of the B. A. F. pigeons ha beea largely increased. ctsrr. v A Daily Chronicle jrspresontaUve wss . informed by the officer in charge of, the R. A. F. pigeon service that virtually the whole of the pigeon need by the rmy, havy and air fore during the war, numbering 0,000, were presented gratuitously by brtedsri, In rctura fu ' which' thi litter were givea free sup plies of corn to assist ia rearing fresh "recruits." v "Breeders have been tent an official letter ef thanks from the air eounetl," he said, "together with a list of thoss birds which rendered signal service, snd hav been specially mentioned in dispatches. "Many of the incident mentioned kre extremely thrilling, snd In a few easel old,, war-worn birds have beea "pen sioned off by ths government and are now living in peace and plenty. One ot these is the pigeon which wa shot through the eye while delivering a mes sage. It recovered from the wound and" is now at Westgate, 'oa light duty,' i The number ef live laved by pig- -com during the war will never , b known,'' added the officer, "for in addi tion to the many pilot and observers who have been rescued from wrecked mschines at a result of messages faith fully delivered, tlw bird! hav been used te sstablish communication with troop who ' were surrounded by the enemy, by dropping them from air planes it basket attached to para chutes." Carrier pigeons have, la fact, been employed in nil parts of the battle ions evea In the front-line trenches and, a a result, numbers of our aoldiers, sailor, airmen hare formed an , at tachment for them and are taking up the breeding of carrier pigeon cither sa sport or a hobby. In commercial . circles, the Daily Chronicle - understands, many trader! nd merchants hav come to the con clusion that under certain conditions, such as in isolated situations, pigeons sre invaluable for cheap and ready mean of communication. V Metis FASHIONABLE PLANT. junketing and much work oa th part af tht beat informed mea I th city. Every effort wn mad t hold tht party dowa to working propor tion!, at mention of it being made on. the official schedule, but tht Importance ot tht buaiasst at hand il fated by Kettner as being evea greater, than that ot yesterday' tslebratioa'tkat markJ aothf fag ia history, Haa Rpeeimea Tkat Chaagea Attire Thrice Daily. Detroit News. Tbat plants et aad drlak ia their owa way through the toil is a well known fact. Bat ia South America If a species of orchid which takes a drink whenever It feels thirsty tlmply by let ting dowa a tube iate the water. Whea aot ia use tht tub it coiled np on the top of the plant. ' ' la Mexico there' a plant that like to cbang it attir three times a day juat like, any fastidious person 4t is white ia the meraing, red at aooa aad blue ia tbt evening. At lime it gives Out a very strong perfume lid at other time it is absolutely odorless, Thert's nether odd kleiieaa plsnt, the odor of which eaase people te lose their way aad make their teas at directum ail antil th imell tease. , Central India own A tree whoot leave art heavily charged with elec tricity, aad to merely touch them gives k person a dist!act knock. In, BratU similar electric power it pat to lighting purposes. Within th immediate Vicin ity ef such a plant a persol caa see well eaough to read th aaest print had another is so luminous thst it caa be plainly distinguished la tht darkest eight for a distance ef mora tkak a mile. i ' But the moot woaderfully constituted plant, of Braail I th ball-throwing one. It Ts a Small fungal about the lira of a pea which project! k ball to a distance of several laches with a dis tinctly aadlbl report. . , Ifvea the people who live ia tht put eaa't dodge th. pre seat high tost af Uvtog. . . St. MaTij's Sckooi RALEIGH, N. C , Now in 77th Annual' Station . Largest resident school of the Episcopal Church la the United States for" tht education of young " women and tfuia. ; Rat. Warren W. Way '' Itoetar. ' "" Gilbert C White GONStlLTlNO kBlilMUJI . DarUkTattC , WATERWORES, LIGHT AM) rOWEB, STREETS '

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