... SATURDAY MOIININC AUGUST 23, 1919. GEORGIA SUFFERS FROM BOLL WEEVIL Sampson County Natives Bring Back Stones of Wonder-.-. .' t ful Progress. Clinton. Aug. 22. Mr. Nathan D. Deanina. -who weut South tweaty-fiv petri ago to work turpentine, but h low U a farmer., located alxty ' mile WBt of BavannnV waa la- Clinton Wednesday for the irtt tima la twenty rears. . Mr. Denning. discouraged . by Bit haroe wrought by the boot weevil, ' la eonsideriag returning to1 hia old noms nbeta he atill owna a farm, lie aayi that the farmer of hit settioa have radically quit growing long ataple ' tettonaa the weevil U mUck more ruinous in ita effecta upos that variety this upon the ahort ataple.. He pre dicts that the spread of the peat to the leuhore of Georgia and South Carolina means the practical obliteration of the Sea Island variety. Another home-comer is Mr. D. 'A. Autry, a prosperous citizen of Moul trie, Ga. Mr. Autry, like so many young me of the last quarter of the nine teenth century, followed the turpentine - industry to tb South. Thirty -seven years ago, Mr. Autry went to South . Carolina, where he gut his start and acquired wife. Thence, he trekedjo South Georgia, where he grew up, with the country. Autry ville, tin., is named for him and thxre he owns valuable farming interests; while he reside in the flourishing town of. Moultrie and superintends his naval stores interests. r Mr. Autry is enthusiastic about his town and county, accounting his see tion the garden spot of Georgia. He rays that the bH weevil has practically killed the long staple cotton Industry, nd seriously affected the growth of the short staple, but that the -county is far more prosperous than before the Test came, as the people have developed l more diversified agriculture. Several years ago the Moultrie people erected ; a, SWOJKX) packing plant,- which - they bad to enlarge by half; that after three . rears Swift took it over and now the plant represents probably a million lollws' capitalization. Peanuts'are the rnnin dependence for fattening the nogs. The visitor states that "his county, which when he went there had only - four thousand inhabitant, has vptcd alf millio ndollars for building hard in r fared roads mid experts this amount to be duplicated by the National gov irnment. The experience with sand '.Icy roads has proven unsatisfactory, : V Will Build Warehouse. A meeting of the subscribe rs .to the itoektfJL the Sampson County Cotton "Warehouse Company ajid interested 'anuos' are called to meet in Clinton . Viurday, August 23, for the purpose if completing tuo organization. Messrs. iver and Onttis, the former of Carey, ihd the latter of Baleigh, have beea wliciting the stoek. It is expected thst they will have secured the required imounf by the meeting, and that the iontrsct for tho erection ot tne ware EVERY VJOflAH -VAIITS A CLEAR SMOOTH COMPIEXIO k Skin With the Tint of Youth - Free From Pim ples, Freckle or Other Blemishes. . i Happy Is tho woman with beautiful akin. Tacre to no joy like that which come fraai kaoaHnc that you look your beet. Whea yon meet people, the ftrat thins they do to to look t your face. Kirat bnpreaajoiu are Uatin. . If you have) a emooth, velvety akin, free from blenbhea and pimplea, you nerd never (ear the taapraailoa you make oa all you meet, for a weoMa with a pretty complexion alwaya appeara charming. - Bom aioaiwii are eeidowed by nature aritb ' clear, smooth akin: other,, not ao fortunate can acquire it by the uae of the popular Black aad White Beauty Treatment, which coiKUU) f Ointment and Soap. Thoae who auger the enbirraaaaaaat of a dark, aallow or muddy eompiealoa, pimplea, tan, aonburn, freekiea or other akin bhmuakea, J oat cleanae the akin with warm water and Hack and White Soap; at bedtime apply Black and White Ointment according ta di jectiOBi civen in each package. The next morn inc. wa the akin with Black and Wkhe Soap, aad repeat the treatment for a few aighta or ontll the dcalred reaulte have been eeeered. It'a' safe, aimple and as delightful .' to) see aa other eoametiee. Both Black and White Ointment aad Soap can be bought from any good drug a to re at I be a package, or the tnanufacturere will aead . . It ta eu Boetnaid DDon receipt of the price. Free sample and literature can be had by writing Black and White, Box 1J. Mempait, Tenn,-(Adv.) BLMtEWHITE MUTT AND JEFF MirrT-AatrrruN (VtVV g0Mg MOMCyA fTHCRC' MO SCMtC IM KOrXRbmft YftU fbOT tUPPCe YOU NfUCfi . ' " ? T 1 ??' rAAiV4err. -aluou. coin, buy PueA-ivme witk it. hme amy chil-omm: J & , 1VC"TT5? UoWEY:? J V,r0 Arte . -L J t J IT 1 W A VT 9 ' Five KUMbtei, leAue YovrtejVjST fi'tt ?7X I caw - V -- i 1 V 1 ' I n . , ' , ' : .', 'j '' - ' .' ' ---r v-,i '" 1 "vV' " ... ...... r- -,r-rr- ...... , -t, .. ,, :. , . ' 1 t . - '-: VV; ;:vv ; .';,..'. ' :r-r -f ' , ,'!.r...' house will be let immediately, witk a view of having at least on unit of it n awadiaeaa for tho storage or cotton whew the season open. The amount of stock is limited to 1100 to rack sub scribed. - This limitation ha mad the raisina- af th capital more difficult, but has nerved to enlist the interest, of much greater number ef people than would have been secured if tha- amouat A county institute, or summer senooi, fur teachers is being held at Balemburg, and about firty teachers are earoiiea The Instructors, in addition to Superin tendent Isley, art alias Strutter, el Columbus eounty : Miss Hymaa, af Hali fax, and Miss London, of this eounty. ... . t - .1- 'I. -l ........ mo inner aaving ittowj uc a. auoervisor of rural schools, and aav ipg taken a special course at tha ft . . & : - . v cent summer araaiuei i p Still another home-comer ia Sir. Everett Peterson, a prominent young buiinea maa of Savannah, wfco, wit hia interesting- young family, cams through by automobile', aad is visiting hia mother, Mrs. Moggie retereoa, m tha rower part of the county. Beaatlfal White Lake. White I.ka ia a Donular resort for Clinton people, scarcely a day passing without a pay leaving .for taar most beautiful of inland waters. It la 4aly a matter of time when White lake will he nationally known. A good road from Clintoa to Elixabethtowa by way of the lake will do ranch to heighten ita popu larity, while an. electrie railway from Elizabethtown should quickly pot the resort da the map as a Finebnrst, or Southern Pines. Every characteristic that makes the Mntvre county resorts popular exists at White Lake, la addi tion ta the unexcelled beauty of the lake itself, n . ANXIOUS TO HAVE BODIES RcTURNtU (Conflated Fran Pag One.) charged from the army. He left here thia afternoon for Kaieioji, wnere no wilt visit bis parents, Attorney General and Mrs. Jnnirs 8. Manning. Major Manning- quit his law praetieeJa Kia- rton to nnswer the call of the color. pHe, is well known at the University of North Carolina, where some years ago h participated ia the manifold activi ties of -college life. , The Ingenuity of former Judge beorge Kouatree, of Wilmington, outwits even the Iron-clad ruling of the United States Shipping Board, when h obviate n objection of John Barton Payne whea he declined to name a steel vessel at Wilmington ''Pembroke'' in deference to a policy of not naming- any ships after individual. The former Wilming ton judge ha discovered that there is a village in Bobeson county named "Pembroke" and he inquires of Seas tec Simmons why not designate tit vessel after this' village. Thus far the Shipping Board has made no nnswer. Becaros Passport T England. ' Thomas Croke,- of Nazareth, Wake , A tied Letter Day Make Tuesday, September 2d, Your Red Letter Day by tfe&r.bera , entering Kind's Business t&SmMem t7 ? "ScOaaibchxi College. . eVlM School t That 4 the opening day of the First Ssaaiaa of the Fall Term. King's training count ia tha business world. Writ for catalogue. RALEIGH, N. OAY WON T HC BE tt)Wf1! TO ET THft 0ARV 'S" Mutt's Right, You Can't Take Your Coin caaatx, has obtained a passport to ga oa a business mission to England, nil lag from New York City August So. He will ba away from America for 30 day or more. , Mr. Crok goes abroad in tha interest of tha Wake county. Catholic school for boy, and his specific duty will b to complete arrangements for tha aeeeptaaca af Allied war orphan. Mr. Crok i interested la tk Catho lic orpbansge at, Nazareth. William Hammond, former-clerk ef tha Superior Court of Randolph counfy, wa ia Washington today for comer sac with .tha chairman of tha Farm Loan Board. Mr. Hammond ia an agent of tha board la North Carolina, amoag his duties being to ptss upon tho merits of applications for Federal loans ta farmer. , . Telegram to Frank Hampton, secre tary to Senator Simmons, indicated that railway labor ia Kocky Mount was con siderably agitated over tha letter writ- tea by a Kocky Mount business man, No on can reasonably blame Mr. Hamptoa for the' views expressed la the letter since he was only the receiver of the protest and the letter wa made public as would any other correspond ence ef a public nature drifting into the office of Senator Simmons. Carolinians la Washington. - - W. A. Lucas, of Wilson, wns here to day representing the interest of som people in his section whose War Insur snce and allowance have been permitted The next time you buy calomel ask for The ourified and refilled calomel tablet that ere nausealess, safe and sure. Medkin&l virtue retain ed and improved. Sold' only in aealed package. Price 35c -CHARLOTTE, N. C. l i mi ii in ii II I i mil n I fceaaJ II '' "-w I I ..a, a. r.. I I I I -N I - i ii ill nAv cr ti-..o.. i i "i vwmi u i .i v-r . ii eain ii . . I I . i nil ii f a fc ..I 1 . -. . -m, I . Va ua V lt l II THE NEWS 'AKOJOSSSRVUL to lipse by tile War Bisk Insurance Bureau. ' ' -; --.v - f ' Commander David W. Bagley. of North Carolina, ha beea detached from duty ia tha Bureau of Navigation of tha Navy Department aad assigned for servic as naval attache at tha United 8Ute Legation at Tha Hague. A marriage license wa Issued la Washington today to Bobert 8. Roper, of Dysortville, N. C, and Miss Georgia R. Padgett, of Washington. ; Mrs. Margaret', Monteiro Berry is spending tha summer months at her country home Overton ia Bradly Hills, Md., having dosed aer apartments at the Farragut. Her nephew, William D. Carmichael, Jr., of . Durham. N. C.,'4s her guest for tha summer. Mr. Car michael left tha aviatioa corps in Jan uary aad resumed his collegia t course at the University ot ft or to Carolina, which pad beea interrupted by bis war service, Destroyer Marcus Launched. 6an Francisco, CaU Aug. 22.--The destroyer Marcu was launched at the Union ,plant of tha Bethlehem Ship building corporation nera xoaay. one was tha fifty-third destroyer to be launched here. - . ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified a administrator of C. P. Band, deceased, late of Wake county, North Carolina, thia ia to notify all person having claim against the estate of aaid deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or be fo re--te 26th day of July. 1920, or this'otles will be pleaded ia bar of J.heif' recov ery. All person indebted to laid estate will please make immediate pay ment. This the 26th day of July, 1919. LESLIE P. BAND, , Administrator, McCullers. N. C. LEON S. BBASSFIELD, Attorney, Baleigh, N. C. ITJlI ON E Powell 41 - 41 The United States Railroad Administration Announces Following caaag la chednl af train 1M and 144 between GREENSBORO end GOLDSBORO ' a Beginning Sunday, Aaiast 24th 7 N. ltl Lv. Greensboro 7:25 A.M. Lv. Durham 9:33 A.M. Lv. Raleigh 10:45 A.M. Lv. Belqia 11:52 A.M. Ar. Goldsboro 12:40 P.M. SOUTHERN RAILROAD LINES For detailed information apply to CONSOLIDATED CITY TICKET OFFICE l TELEPHONES i ' Raleigh 141 Bell SSI BRINGING Kara . n With You When You Kick Off. ri.H' i DISAPPEARS FROM HOME HE HASNT COME BACK Life Weaves Tanjled Web In Elizabeth City, .One Princi J pai Ii Gone ,; Eliubeth City. Aug. 22, Mr. Joha H. Bolick, a maa of about 45 years of age, who came her ' something like six months ago from th upper part ot th State, and waa employed la one of tb hosiery mills of the city, left his home about two o'clock Tuesday afternoon nnd has not beea heard from since. He disappeared ia the asm piece of wood in which Daniel Ik Jones wis shot from ambush lea than two rear ago. It is generally believed that Bolick i dead, eit'.. . by hi own hand or that of an enemy. ; The Bolick. family consist of a wife and three children, all srirla. thr eldest about eighteen years of age. Bolick gave this daughter hi key, hi pocket- $10.00 REWARD Will fc paid to anroM wh can ttv anr htformatiaa m to the whmabeuts of Harry Ut, white man; hwht abst six ; utehl ahirat 171 fomM. Has bUk hair, ruddf tompltaion and Una r. Thl wa la not tudtr of anr erlme. but his iMople offer tha above reward, as ha hm not ben heard af tlac Ancmt IS, 11. wb ho loft Boiwon. Wbni loot wn b won a srar coat, triptd tnnuca and a straw bat Notify D. G. ALLEN N. C, Host K. t. No. 141 " Lv. Grecnsbora 9:20 A.M. Lv. Durham 11:35 A.M. Lv. Raleigh 12:40 P.M. Lv. Belma 1:45 P.M. Ar. Goldsboro 2:40 P.M. UP FATHER " . f t ' j book and all th money he had whea he left homo telling her that , he, would be back by eupper. . Bolick waa in police court oa the morning of th day of hi disappear ance na a witness, when Police OffSecr Grandiaoa Phelps and Ed. 8prnil were before the recorder for a statutory of fense. The ease waa dismissed. The women involved were Mr. John Bolick and Ethel Little, a young womaa boarder ia the Bolick home, both of whom had left town. Officer G. Phelps lias also left town 'A TODAY is the Last Day Warning! You can get for some time your measure taken by the master: tape line man, Mr. J. Thomas Townsend. Come early and avoid the rush. These days have been busy days. There is a reason The values are righL They fit right They are abso lutely guaranteed. "COME AND SEE" Is All We Ask. The shape is made in, not ironed in and they keep on fitting. If you have worn one of Boone's suits, made by the "needle masters' you know, if you haven't you'll find what you've been looking for today at Boone's. C "R "irSoOrU "Good Quality Spells What Boone Sella' "BOON TO VOL" . i "BOON TO YOC" aiQ O.m' Willi ALL,N Trad Mark Reg, U. a Pat 0 I (Oaprrfcat, 1(1. a? H. O. riaaec since the trial. He had been oa vacation ' and his time was op, but h did not report for duty. This tangled web of sinister eircum tnnre accounts for the belief that Joha Bolick did not leave home Tuesday af ternoon with the intention of returning. Many a girl after visiting a drug store appears in the pink of conultion. ' , Th ocean has its uses; therefore, poets are wrong ia calling it a watery: waste. ;. 4 , i',- ...;,...::.' ,(:."'" i By BUD FISHER a. j i