niz r sws atd oniERVEit SATURDAY KOrJ&NG, AUGUST 23, 1919. Society w SEARCHLIGHT DRILL. . fl ailvoa beans fa up and down And flicker to tad fro, " la eadtes disiy play of light, A aerial heel aad toe, )nadrlll sad hornpipe, polka, Jtg, . Aid rl tad puck-and-wing, lli ehottiehs, tad thi minuet, ' Oavotte aad Hifhlaad flint. They tanga o'er the purple iky And Imp th todiae To shimmy wilk the Pleiades, Aad then tnasurka back, Or far along tk horlsoa Like summer lightning glaarc, Behold aaioag lk flushing start Tha aavy searchlights dance. Uiaaa Irving' la New York Herald. ' Mr. aad lira. '.W. C. Douglass, Mr., C A. Douglass, Mr. T. A. Rickardl, Jr., and Us Josephine Riehnrdsahav r laratd from a meter trip to Wsdcshoro, -whore they hart lieea visiting Rev. J. J. Douglas. Mr. W. 3tH and kit tittle taa, Winfleid, will leave this afternoon (or Bnew Hill, to visit Mr. aad Mr. Grant. They have lieea here visiting Mr. Icon's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Irda, oa Morgan street. Mr. Lyon Is ronSdential clerk to Secretary of the Nary Joseph ii Daniels. ' Miss Jnsi'liine. Buchanan, after spending soma-tint at Orean View and 'visiting Iter sister, Mrs. J. N. Norwood, 0 Oxford, kits returned to the city. Mrs. E. C. Putter, who bus beoa se riously ill at lha homo of her sister. Mrs. J. Hunter Uwrcaee, 10(1 New BerJ Avenue, is Improving, . Miss Lronita Yatee boa returned to the rity nftrr spending soimr-ftWp at Radford and Petersburg, Vs. . - Mrs. Ben T. Wad and children, nf p.... . i. . i , si.,, urn . r , lUjr, RIV III glll'IIR VI UlfB lit, .l. Rogers. ; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jones, of tonia, spent yesterday la Raleigh. Miss Catherine Stevens lias returnod ta hrr home la Greensboro after spend ing several days in Ralaigh. Mr. Baaincl Lawroara lias returned from Marietta, (la. , Mrs. Carle A. Woodruff nud klis Eleanor Mason trill levs Monday for a visit to Mrs.W. D. Snrtin in Brook ly, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Klias Carr nnd iIuukIi ler, Miss Martina Cnrr, have returned to thelf horns sffer a visit to Rev. and Mrs. Milton A. Barber. Miss M.irgaret ll.irris. anil guest, MiftS Nancy Hawkins, of Winston Salem, spent yesterday in Raleigh en route to Oifonl. -Mr. W. H. Lvpn, Jr., and soa, of Washington, P. ('., :ire the guests nf Mr. Icon's mother, Mrs. W. H. Lyon, ou Morgan 'street.- Misa Knllicrino I -or, of Oxford, Is D visitor here. Misa Alice Qulnnerly, of- Rinston, is spending th week-end with Miss Josephine White. Miss Alle White, of New Undon, Cone., ia the guest of friends here. Capt. aad Mrs. R. T. Lawrence, of Fayettsville, spent yesterday in Rnleigh. Miss Gladys Kirhy, of Krnly, is a vis''-- In V eitv. Mrs. James F.nnia is spending soma tiinti in Nvw orL. r iss Bessie llinton is spending some time ia Western Csrolinn. , ' Mrs. fi. M. Green, of Adrian, On.; Capt. and Mrs. 8. R. Pain nnd three eons, of Canton, Miss., are the guests of Judge and Mrs. J. 8. Manning. Mr, and Mrs. , W, N. Jones, Miss "Anms oncs nnu Mrs. ivnue un i.iiir hT retifrned from a visit to HiifTilo lithia Bprirgi. Miss (irare Wynne has returned from Tfrightsvitlo T.erh. Mrs. Hrr Hirrin, of Zeliulon, spent yesterday ia Raleigh alioppine. Mrs. Georjo frinow n.ud Miss Ade laide Uoylston liavt) returned from a ' visit to New York. Mrs. Jnnies Ttnylsn is spending some time in New York. . , Misa Nonsie Williums, of Hiuh Point, apeat yesterday ia Rnleigh shop ping. Mr. Ross MrSwsia, nf Pkiludi'lphin, ant yesterday la Rnleigh. Mr. Jesae Ball has returned from Wrighlivilln Reach. -Mr. William Bo vis n Is spending aomo time at Rlnrk Mountain. Miss Kate Smith, of Ashoviile, Is visitor ia Raleigh. Mrs. Adsasa 111, Mrs'. C A. Adnms la quite, ill, at her aoaie, 309 8. Dawsoa street . Retara from Moaatataa. Prof, aad Mrs. R. K. L Vntet, Urr Frank Fahrioa, Miss Ixiwise Yatrs and Wr. R. Wilbur Yates have returned to . the eity from a motor trip In Westera Carolina. Pir,p!cs, SoriSi Jlumart tnd Skia Ercptisnt Are Ctaeed by Impar or Bad Blood Internal Treatmeat Is Nsceessry. That are a rrrst m.ny rMHilhw ot new iMsitk nwi b; Ss Msd. TImm diwmlsrs ' ai sWnid br skin svavtloM, swvllui ( th stsnds r faints, falllne hair and sons a diffmnt SirW ot th '. linibs t wait. , WkU N s bad notch to be sick, sock trw- ' bk smlhiaal orre M emkarrsssment a samrane. Im can atWvlal lbs traublss suwd Or , nwssi ar Wd klona kr taklwa frwripikm C-t:;. a bld ra f rnerH. Ts awdlct. ssl isendwwl srMth irt aud ta h smshIs. tars in so prssTilMwd ad Mwklnrt so. t a difSTtlr to th snit at the tmkk. swep w th fcweurrits ssd pwl'v th kfeod, last OS ami aN,lt t e healtkr kody. PrastrtotkM C-tftt esatol s mary, sslwa, msrwkinst sklml r strrekslnet M ns riataaHr ta procrlptlea tt pnmtatwt skrtkain. la ka entw to tk trtst. Mat f mdltkMs du to town fcknd. If ta Mm dOTtrts ta SMtK af to awsisiml sismUmts , th rctiirw will (Ml? (rab Shis talstaiattoa to Ihttr tsmur ShnichMi. PrMcrtottoa C.mi ton h (rand st ill md drs slan tot ti. a bottle ;vr lbs SMiniIstm will was prrrold m nnirl ar rlrL Writ tk C-Uil Lakmtav, Mmvki, Unto, fst frs Ktorstf.o(dv.) v Ascriptions S MESH' BAGS The makers of mesh bags certainly have catered to-woman's toveTfor things that are beautiful. It eems to us We have' never seen such ex quisite bags as those we are showing. The luxurious silken mesh and smart style appeal to aesthetic taste, making the mesh bag an article of refinement which lends an added touch of beauty and dis tinction to the cos . tume. Cold Sterling Silver ' Siltterplate JOLLY'S C.UkliaWd SI Ttsrs. Jelly a Wm Jtwdrv Cs, lac lit PayttUvllle St Mr, 0eorg. N. Btw., ,ml Mr j A Winston, of loungsrillr, nero visitors ia Rulrich yesterday. Receives Hie Discharge. Mr. Peyton Brown has returned to the etty from Camp Grant, where he rrreived his iliaehnrge ' from the army. I Country Clab Daare. One nf the most enjoyable uncial events of the season was a dinner iliineo last evening at the Country ('lull. About fifty ontiples .were present. r.e To Norfolk, Etc. Mrs. W. A. Horton, Mrs, Albert A. Parrish and Miss Bessie Piper, wilt leave today for n trip to Norfolk, Oernn View mi-' ' 'v -tia liearh. , Mrs. Millk Lonoree. Mrs. W. Ilartwiek Mills wss honor guest at a rereptiou given by her sister, Mrs. t'rsnk U Barrel! In, Marshville on Tuesdny nfternoon last from 5 to 0 o'rloek. Por the oeeaslou tho house na A profusion of nil and potted flow ers. Mrs. Mills espeets to spend some time with Mrs. Hnrrell In Marshville. In September, following the 0. Henry Number of "Kveryuotnau's Mngozine, there will be a business and' profes sional woman's, number containing pic tures of the most prominent business and professional Women In the Rtate aad articles of interest to alt business women. There will also be two attrac tive shoft stories by well known writers, for information address - Mrs. N. 'II. Covington, Editor, (130 North Blount street. Raltigh. N. C (Adv.) WHOLESALE ROBBBRY OK STORKS TAKES PLACE IN GIBHON Gibson, Aug. 2!. Robbers erttereil the two bnnkk, a grocery store, a dry toods store sad the drug store here, bring effected in most eases by 1 renking the 'front glnss Wednesdny '.light. About one hundred dollars worth of Jewelry and some cigars were taken rom the G.'ison drug store and the cash register Uas robbed and contents talyn. About S12.1 worth of clothing and dry goods knve been missed by liovin A Hmitli, and a few dollars w,orth of canned goods nnd cigarettes were lost by II. H. Mndd. The robbers were eyWlcntly no' profes sionals, ns no sttchipt were made to blow open tho safest mid tli two banks thut were entered sufTercd- practically an loss more than t!ie diimng. done 4o the plnte glass front. Blood hounds were sent for and placed ou the trail but they soon lost it, probably due to the fact that the robbers niado ue of an automobile to get away. R0TEIJ3 AND KE80KTS. Virgin: Mineral Spring BOTBL aad BATHS .Craig Co Va. A thoroughly modern and up-to-date Health aud Pleasure Resort, oa the Appatacblnn Divide -of the Alleghanies. Kav of access. Reasonable rate. Ask fo booklet. i. i POH8TTH, Manager, Hiplcy Spring P. 0., Va. Dogihs this Morning You 'will find no better chsncfl to fight the hljh cost of living than at this sale, so come early. There art bargains for every member of the family. Remember It starts this morning. . "Big. Sale oraoYTO BUY TOBACCO CROP Commissioner- Sutton Says - Heavy Prospective Bonds For All Moonshiners . Kinstoa, N. C, Aug. 81-Prepari-iions being made by the Tobacco- Board of Trade here for the delayed opening of the sales market oa September 2 In dicate that the body anticipates tke big gest eeasoa la Kinstoa' history. Fa cilities afforded by the board and war housemen are materislly.tacreased over last year's. Mors buyers will be stationed here from September to Jan uary tbaa in any previoua eeasoa. Tke government's , aggressiveness le dealing with illicit distillers will cause W. H. SuUda, United Btates Commis sioner here, to throw (till another high capacity bomb into the works of local violators. ' The minimum ball for a silspected moonshiner ia future will be ,m, Commissioner Button announces while an alleged employe win be re quired to deposit at, least (200. Few defendants are espected to claim "de ferred" or "preferred" classlflcatioa escept la eases where they plead guilty. Commissioner Button has dealt with numerous offenders in recent weeks, and expoeta eight or tea more to eome before him shortly. Hal. King and Miss Elisabeth Tilgh mau, members of promineat lnoir eounty families, were married August 7 but did not aanounce the fact until yesterday afternoon. The totem ony was performed in an automobile in front of the residence of Rev. Bamuol W. Sumrell, that minuter officiating. The groom ia a soa of Richard King, well know a threughont this part of the fttafe. - SOME OF MORMANS DRIVEN OUT WANT TO COME BACK Douglas, Arir., Aug. 22. Some of, the savers! hundred Mormons who were driven out of their colony-at ColoSla Morelos, sixty Douglas by VII -five miles Southeast .or ilia's army of invasion lu 1919 are endeavoring to recover their homes from the Mexican equattert who have usurped them. About tea Mormon families still live ia the colony but are not permitted to occupy their own' brick houses. Mexican families are livintr in them aud refuse to quit, pro elaiminn the doctrine of "Mexico for Mexicans.'', Many other Mormons, disheartened by their reversals have begun life anew in the I'nited Slates. ' Appeals have been made to the Mexican goveromcnt In the Mormoni without result. Rfl' cently the American Htate Department aitkeii the Mexican government to drive out the usurpers and restore their prop erty to them. The colonists hope this effort will be successful. Stomach Out ot Fix? 'Phone your grocer or druggist for s dozen bottles o this delirious digestant, a glass , with meals gives delightful rellei or no charge lot the first doxen used. Shivar Ale im itbtsiivi aaoMATib iih SHIVA MINfMl OMTl 4HS SlNQtR Nothins tike it lot renovating old woru-out stomachs, converting food into rirb blood sjyi sound flcnh Bottled end usrsnleeo by the cele' , brsted Shivsi Mineral Spring, Shel ton. S. C II vour regular dealer . cannot supply you telephone PORTER CAN1H CO, f Uistrlbatore for Kaletgfe. no faSS" H. AViNu your, house fired by folks who know their business is not a thing to be dreaded. It Cat b done with far less muss and fuse than you put up. with in having th home papered or painted. V ran wir your hone In two or three days aad leave not a scar on y o a r wood-work or pluster. t There's no dirt, nor any iheen vcnitnN to you and the rot I ' less than you'd eipeet. W will eorno aud tell you ex actly what it will wst if you wiih. Walker Electric Store v HI y Martin Bt. Phoae Wit PEABODY aALTiMoaa, mo. , Tk. tMriki P'OavS Hnk?t (tti,T I ta ton ulr . SrtwMnklnl. Oamlll ttuamc 1 1 1 1 I" I ' siktos. omiM euiita. Hugb A. Thombaon, M.'D. Anaaaacss kts aarmsaeni retara to aahngk riaiiiss Mmltod to - Orthopaedic (artery v tPbiMM, to la rM sad maUsrmattoas : sl smms tolau sad masslas. ItMtt Cmmrtlil Nstteaal ptnk PMs. 7 no ALL DAY CELEBRATION i .. JN HONOR OF SOLDIERS Bertie Countr Ptopls Hsrs An Elaborate Affair At Ayocs . " This Week " :: . A voce. Aug.' rS. Ciirrvlnt cut the idea of home coming dsy in earh township of Bertie eounty, Merry Bill Auxiliary of Bertie eounty Chapter, R. C, entertained the auldlera aad sailors of Merry Hill towasbip here yesterday. Mrs. K. Hubert Walke, chairman of the local ornalaatloa was in Charge or the program which was Interesting nnd complete ia every detail. Judge rraneie D. Winston delivered an Interesting address IK which he dis cussed Ibe treaty and League f Nations. us paid high tribute t President Wll son. A Bertie county dinner was served aad thai menu would fill the patrons f the Waldorf-Astoria with cavy. After dinner a came of baseball was played' between the married men aad the single men! the former wianiua- easlly. Tha married me were fortu nate in having o their Bins Chaplain William i. Alfriend. late of tha 110th Regiment (Vs.). who has iur returned from across and who has secepted charge or tne episcopal cliorehes ) Bertie eoonty. Potato rsces, running races and bag raeea were enjoyed. , I lie days' festivities e used w tk an old fashioned squsre dance on the beau tiful lawn, with Judge Winston calling the figures. The occasion was Meal and had on an ideal spot overlooking the broad and beaut,ifuf Chowan river. More tuaa a thousand people attended. DOMESTIC SERVANTS NOT SO LARD TO GET IN LONDON London. July JO. "(Bv Msil.l The domestic service problem, according to the Ministry of Lnbor, is gradually becoming- easier, and 'girls are showing more iaelinatioa to" return to household service, . Further imorovement is ezrjeeted when tha domestic service training centers organised bv. the London County Council are ia fall swing. One of these centers was opened today in Hammersmith, and Immediately all va cancies for tralniug were filled. Training Is free to all tirls who are receiving unemployment donations. Parlor maids will receive special at tention, being taught to wait on table and to observe many little niceties of service, sueh as not joining In the laughter which follows a aood Joke bv one of the gueWs. The correct way of passing around vegetables and moving plates silently also are parts of the curriculum. . Rheumatism is completely washed out of the system by the celebrated Shivar Minora Water. Positively guaranteed by loney-haek offer. Tastes fine; costs a trills. Oeliv e.ed anywhere by our Raleigh Agenta Porter Canty Co. Phone them.--Adv. The Fragrant Odor of ear Coffee 1 tempting In Itself. Tke very smell f It cooking I a lavltatiaa to taste, and th Savor la dsllcioaa, th body aatlafylag. What la ater. It ta aa oconontleal Coffc becaaaj aa little of It ia ad.d per cap. After tk Srst trial yoa wooh' not car for any otkci Coffoa. uot a aaatpM pound todsy aad ngln '.a know what r' iMly nloyahle CBo la. C. D. KENNY CO. 108 Fayetteville ftreet Both Pheaea f. When You Write Letters You ought to hat th most suitable stationery you caa get, whether you ar writing for a job, or acceptaing a pro. . posal of marriage, or simply sending a long gossipy lettef to a chum. ' Our stationery supply is composed of styles, tint and weight to please n vaflety of taste. It makes writing t real pleasure. And out prices your money's worth. Hicks-Crabtree Co. ... '.SI , ' tl "TOWN ST Oil , ,; Phone let-.H7. -' Dr. Dexter Bl an chard Dentist - ISM T acker Betiding . . RALEIGH, N. C BU Pkdo i 114 REFORMS IN LANGUAGE , ' FOR HAWAII PROPOSED Honolulu, TV July ttl. (Corre spondence oWhe Associated TreesO Reforasa ia the Japanese language school system' of Hawaii were decided apoa here at eonfereace of forty -five teacher. Tke 3spaaese educators plaa to Americanly Jhe schools an4 to stress the work of Inculcating American ideals in their pupils while ' retaining the privilege of studying their language aad calturt. ' .V ' ' ' ' ' Tha establishment ef a normal stbool for Japaaese tftckrra, with at least part of the ataff to be composed of Ameri cana, ia to be taken ap Immediately, ' It waa knanimonsly determined that mere attention must be paid, ia the Japaaese sdoola to the teaching ef American history. Ideals and easterns and tke EnglUb language. The issue was clearly proseated to the teachers by B. Moroi, Japanese consul general, who declared that if tho Jape aeaa are to retain their privilege of teaching the Japanese language, they w' ' have to do it la suck a way as to satisfy Americana ia Hawaii, lie said tl e Japanese schools could be so Main tained that there would be no fear of disloyalty to the raited States, and that tho schools mast be no conducted. la the last tectorial legislature two Sticky Perspiration This dirty auiaance is jmiy a handicap Jo all bodily com forts at all times. -d snoro especially In - tho euaainor. your clothes beennso almost a portion of your skin. Do what yon will with aoap aad water. It can't relieve pr ' cpifatton permanently! tho , riersplratloa will oome back n a few minutes worse thaw tt wad at first. If you will dissolve one or tws table spoons full of Trroe'e Antl aeptlo Powder In a basla of water and bath th fae and body freely as often aa you can you will obtain Instant and permanent relief almost while you ar using tt, Trra Antlseptl Powder ta almost a speclft for Prickly - Hat PoImb Oak aad Mos quito Blua. Wha aoed ta th same dilution Its appli cation Is vwy. very pleasant and noneauttrltlng For ' thirty yar Tjrr'a ' AnUseptle Powder haa ba the accepted standard for personal orgtea. In small, medium and sargd else for sal at all drug aad depart snrnt storsa . Remember the nam TT RKB'S accept aoubsU tut. SqgOOIaS AND COLLEGES. rrn m4 For Women. Conlera the H A. an4 tt. 8. rkypreea represcntina four yengs ot gamine eoUea work, baaed on fourteca tjnita of sign school credit LMptomaa awarded in Art and Music. . J Library facilities excel lent SytVmatia training in pbyaieal education. Courts lot tennis and basketball Location in centra el the Capital Gty (dves unusual advantages. Room and board, literary tuition and minor college T iees az3D 10 $aiu. r 01 c. ot formation, sdclresa Charles E. Brewer, Prea Raidah,N.C L. C WEATHERS DocUf of CBIROPODT aad'OKTUOPEDtCS Practice limited ta Disoaoea aad Dfrstltto f ta Pest 117V, rayettevUlt 6U, Baleigh, N. a A modern of all ages! A story of s y f e m TOPICS OF IHE DAY and HAROLD LLOYD in -"CHOP SUEY" . . , ... - ' ' ::'; ' --;..,;r . t , ' '", - saAaaaABja&maStosaajmBBWasaaBajajBjaa , Monday and Tuesday JACK PICKFORD in "hURQLAR BY. PROXY" measarea were introduced for the regn lotion of foreign language schools in Hawaii, both bills-were killed. The Japaaee claimed their enactment would fore them to aloe their schools and promised, if given time, to work not a system that would meet all objection LEXINGTON VISITED BY GOVERNMENT MEN 1 . - :,-. (Special tg the , Kent and Observer J Lexington, Aug. ft. Food Adminis trator Henry A. fags, Special' Agent I". C. Handy, ia charge of Department f Justice work In North Carolina, aad assistant were here yesterday snaking Investigations In aa effort to roand np keardrrs sad profiteers. They visited namWroffTiil grocery stores, whole sal .heuseiud local f freight offices SUNBURN Apply - VapoRna Chtry4t sooths , tao tortured (Uo, SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. T ROANOKE COLLEGE SALtM. VA. A Suadstd Ammlisa Cslltt -of Hbml arts ise ami Its dssrss swsptsd tmtf, wbrn LsMtad ia th fam-jw Rmnuke VsJwr. nstad is asaltatal vl'mat od aisndiM f BMatain irT For all laforawtlsa addrss fb Pmldsnl Misses Reese & Co. IN PayoMavllld Stmt , Shoeing of Fall and Early Winter f i STYLES , Aagaat aad September Bridea win Bad aH tay ds(r t aslect f roxaj PHONE IN kM .e pame theykining buid holds for Sal At Thee Stare " jfs, " ;'-'' ti ft, $. C. Sraadap. Bkks-CrsMrm C. f Xr t Tartar aid. Phwawe. , WsNaas Plmreury. 'fifi'itill. ' WOaneas' Rrwf Store. Clkt Cmnrt rorstacr. ft :" ft kWpf . m TODAY teraal lagilalene" drama of compassion, the mystery woman She it every where you cannot escape her. your town and mine. Do you know her? securing prieel and determining quan tities of goods. Th results of theii iavestigstlons have not been revealed. U i .. is i Safe jlBi X Milk "' ' . T. aw Cesluag A Nutritious Diet for AO Agel Quick Lunch at Home or Office Afoil'taitatiesi tid Saiititstei Soutkern Atelier For Deaigniog and Fin Arts Technical lllustsations. Patsat drawiags. Map after Seldaotea. Ornameatcand lettering for diplomas, etc Artistte algni and ads.,' Painting of reproductions. Designs, for interior decoration ' Ine arts, monomenta, ate. Mo4eli for' ornament and of building. Perspectives and blrd-oye-view of buildings, factories, Tawps, ate, "Laadscspe archltectnre. 1 " . orricisi nerckaata National Bank BMg. T, 0 Bos 7W, Baleigh, N. a an.ta !) vast' aaara 0 Naaj mm ', r I or tieaa-ts v to) O) f If I UCk UX. Ham li;s.