SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 23, I91tf. DOSTOII '0 HJ DURHAM HOSIERY MILLS ; INCREASES ITS CAPITAL MAINSTAY BEHIND BAT Raises - the Authorized Total 1 1 THE. NEWS AND OBSERVER BATTERY SEE HAN'S W ORK GETS HOME RUNS HELP TO ATLANTA FIHE FOR SPEEDING . Rudolph and Gowdy Drive Eller From Mound; Reds Are Winners ' '"""""""" ' - . Isnstoa, Aug. 22. Cincinnati made it thtp ttrti(ht of tht teriet today, wia- ainf 7 to 4. Ia the serentU Gowdy nd Rudolph made home runt on tht first ti pitched by Eller. Later la that in king Blag replaced Eller and held Boe to hltlets.' Cincinnati ntdt four ruai la the seventh aa the result of a'u . tingles, mostly aeratehea. Score hf inaiagi: Ciaelaaati .'000 000 4217 11 S bottoa ...4.......000 002 2i0 4 11 1 Batterie: Eller, King and Wingo; . Rudolph and Gowdy. ' NEW YORK CAPTURES y': FOURTH FROM ST. LOUIS. New York, Aug. 22. New York made it four straight from 8t. Louie by win aing today, 7 to 6. After the second inning Mrtiraw used three youngsters i ia the Infield. St. Louia rallied in the closing inning and Toney waa called to - tat mound ia the ninth, 'after the Car Uinala arnred twice and bad two run nen on the bade. Score hy Inningi : R.H.E. U Lui .........012 0(4 012 11 3 . New York 410 S00 00 7 8 4 Batterin: 8hcrdcl, Woodward, Tuero, Clrnona and Dilhoefer; Winter, Du bue, Toney and Gonzalca. ! ALEX ADDS ANOTHER i , VICTORY TO HIS. CREDIT Philadelphia, Aug. 22. Chicago bit 1 ' Smith and Murray for seventeen sin . . gtca today, winning by 10 to 2. Up to 'the. eighth inning Thiladelphia'a only hit off Alexander waa a fly by Williams, which gut lost ia the sen, falling be tweea Flack and Magee for a two-base kit.-: Heore by Innings: R. H.E. Chicago 202 001 02.110 17 1 Philadelphia 000 000 002 S II 2 Bntteriea: Alexander and Killifer; Smith ; Murray and Tragesscr. v ATLANTA BOY GOLFER WILL PLAY IN FINAL rg, Aug. 22. Robert T. Jones. Jr., of Atlanta, won his way to the final rnund of the National Amateur (lolf Championship twlny by defeating W. C. Fowacs, Jr., 5 and 3 in a semi-final snatch. avidon Herron, of Oakmont, de foattftl J. Wood Tlatt, of Philadelphia, 7 and S. Herron will meet Robert T. Jones, Jr., tomorrow ia the final round for the Championship. MAY STAGE BIG SERIES AT SPEEDWAY NEAR CINCY Ciaclnnati, Aug. 22. That plan are being dbcuesed in Ciaclnnati to have the world series baseball games played f the Speedway at Sharearllle, f.1 tnilee from Cincinnati, provided the Cincinnati Nationals win the pennant, waa learned today. Within a week or tea days, it ia asserted, the proposition will be ready for submission to the board of directors of the Cincinnati Baseball Club. It Is pointed out that the speedway eaa easily be arranged to seat 100,000 persons. , Standing of Clubs NATIONAL CUB: Won. l.oat. Pet. Claciaaail T 34 .Ml "New Yark M It .HI Chleeg 48 Ml PttUbarg St 4 - .41 Brwoklya It it .477 Boston 4t (I .3M W. Uats M U .171 Philadelphia I U .341 AMERICAN ' CLUBt Woa. Iet. Pet. Caicaiw 74 3 .442 iMrwit 44 43 .41 Clerelaaal 41 44 .374 New York 17 4 M U LmIs 17 4 431 Bwatwa 4t 18 .448 Waahlagtoa 41 4 .34 railadtlpkis Js 77 J47 SOUTHERN CLUB i Wm. Las. Pet. Atlaata 73 48 .44 Kew Orlsaaa 48 41 JU ilUhs Rack t 81 .114 CkattaaMga 88 M .442 Mobile 88 4 .478 Memphis 85 44 .443 Birsnlatkasj 31 4 .414 tiaakvllki 88 . 78 .417 INTERNATIONAL CLUB I Waa. La. Pet. i Valuators . .' 87 33 .713 '. Nfwala 73 4T .414 1 fake 78 , 13 .341 Kewark 8t Bt J44 Rlaghasstea 88 3 .471 ' laaksetor 83 t .414 Jaaaey Ctty 41 M .Sit teadlag .33 73 .334 SOUTH ATLANTIC lsakla ... taarUtte ... Pbarleatwa) ,. Creeavllle .. Aagawta .... tpartaabarg , 37 31 48 42 48 88 J74 Jit 441 417 .441 431 It Where Tlier Play NATIONAL J Cileaga at BmUs. St. Uala at Braaktya. ' PMUbwrgk at New Yarkv . OiKiaaaU at Pklladelphia. AMERICAN ; Xew Tark at CMcaga. Washlngtaa at St. Laala. .F's at Detroit, fi.,. .'.lla at Cleveland. ' HEROLD RUEL. ... 1 YANKECS. "Middy" Riiel, catcher of the New York American League Club, who has made a startling improvement in liii all-around work. Huggins is now using him as first eateher, with Hannah in reserve. ES New Pitcher Bests Shaw Duel; Gives White Sox Sweep of Series In Chicago, 111., Aug. 22.-Big Bill James, recently obtained from the Boston Red Box, engaged Slmw in a pitching duel today and Chicago made a elean aoep of the aeries with Washington, by abut ting out the visitors 3 to 0. Score by innings: R.H.E. Washington OOO 000 000 0 ft 1 Chicago 001 010 Of 3 7 1 Khaw, Erirkson and Picinich; James and Schalk. RUTH PREVENTED FROM HITTING I'MPHfJ BY PLAYERS Cleveland, O., Aug. 22. Cleveland de feated Boston in a long drawn out game 10 to 7, the contest being marked by lack of control and ineffectiveness by all th niti'hera. Ruth tvna nut ntit nf the game for arguing a third atriks called by Umpire Owens. He threat ened to hit Onens but whs stopped by players of both teams. Score by innings: K. H.E. Boston 113 000 Oil 7 15 2 Cleveland 033 000 31 10 9 1 Pennork. Mctlraw nml Walters: Buir- by, Morton and O'Neill. WILD HEAVE BY KINNEY COSTS MACK MEN VICTORY Detroit, Mich., Aug. 22. Kinney's wild throw over first in an attempt to catch Ainsinith gave Detroit tho win ning run and the gnme 4 to 3 in the eleventh inning, making a clean sweep of the aeries for tho Tigers. Score by inning: H. H. E. Philadelphia ..INK) 011 KK1 00 3 1.1 2 Detroit 001 001 100 01 4 2 Kinney and McAvoy; Boland and Ainsmith. NEW YORK CET8 ODD GAME FROM ST. LOUIS 8t. liouis, M., Aug. 22. In a bitterly . fought eonteat New York triumphed ' over Ht. Louis today 3 to 2. It was tho odd game of the series uud by losing the locals moved back to fifth place. I Ia tho first inning when Ulster was at hat he complained thnt Mays was de facing the hKt. Umpire Moriorty, af ter condemning four bulls, examined Mays glove and clothing. The pitcher then made a remark to Hisler, who hur ried toward him. Trouble was prevent ed by the interference uf Manager Burke and players. When tho locals took tho field tho New York flayers continued to hcckla Sister and when the umpire admonished them Hhankey beckoned him aside to settle the dispute. Hhawkey was promptly banished. Score by innings: R. H.K. New York 000 220 010 S 11 o St, Louis 000 200 000 2 8 3 Maya and Hannah; Davenport. Shock er and Bevereid. Baseball Summary NATIONAL At Philadelphia 2; Cklcage 3. At Boston 4; Clnciaaatl 7. At New Yerk 7; St. Louis 4. AMERICAN At St. Loais 2; New York S. At Cleveland 14: Boston 7. At Detroit-4; Philadelphia 3 (U U. aiaaw). At Chlesge 1; Wasklagtoa 8. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION At Mllwaakee 3; Kansas City 4. (Na others srhednled.) INTERNATIONAL At Taroate I; Baltimore a. At Rackeater 4; Newark 8. At Rafale 17; Reading 4. At Biaghamtea 4: Jersey City SOUTHERN At New Orleans 1; Mobile 3, At Chaltaaeega 3; Memphis 4. ' At Little-Rock-Naakvllle, rsia. At Atlaata 1; Birsnlaghasa 1. 8. A. L. soutiTXtlantic At Calamiia 8; Aagasta 4. At Charkwtea 1; 8psrtsahark 8. At Charlatts 3: Graeavllle 4. VIRGINIA At Rkkmoad 4; Safolk 8. , ' At Newpart Newa 8) Nerfoll 4. At Pertsmoith t Petersharf I," BIG BILL JAM BLANKSSENATORS New Orleans Loses In Face Of Fulton's Hurling; Memphis i. IsWinneC '- ,f ,:J;: - - Z,.'.:-;p-J, Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 22 Sheehaa bold Birmingham to three hits today and AJ lanta won, 3 to 1, the visitors lona tally coming their half of the last Inning, Score: U'.f.E. BiraringUam 000 000 0011 3 1 Atlanta 010000 002 3 7 2 Higman and Peters ; SUcelian and Big gins. TAKES EXTRA INNING FOR MEMPHIS TO BEAT LOOKtUTS Chattnnooga, Tenn., Aug. 22. Mem phi a was forced to go an extra inning today to win from Chattanooga, 3 to 2. Score: K. H.E. Memphis 100 001 OOO 13 a 0 Chattanooga OO0 002 00O0 2 6 1 Foster and Biachoff; Vines and Nci dcrkorn. FULTON 18 STINGY Y'lTH HITS; MOBILE VICTORIOUS New Orleans, La., Aug.' 22. Xe Or leans wa: uunhle to overcome the visi tors' knd of three runs in the seventh inning anil Mobile won todny. 3 to 1. Fulton only allowed the, locals two hits. Score? It. H.E. Mobile 000 000 3003 0 New Orleans 000 000 0101 2 1 Kulton and Coleman; TorkeWn and Deberry. CHERAW 8; CHESTER I. Chrraw, 8. C, Aug. 22. Chcraw de feated Chester here this afternoon be bore a small rvrowd by a score of 8 to 0. The feature of the gnme was the hitting of the Cheraw club and the pitching of Lutehor for Cheraw, who allowed only six hits. Score: R.H.E. Chester 0 fl 3 Cheraw 8 1.1 3 aBtteriri: Henry and Bowing; Luteher and Botbaud. Tarbora Wins Frbss Aulander. Tarhoro, Aug. 22. In a most interest ing came of ball on the Tarhoro dia mond Thursday afternoon, Tarboro won from Aulander by a score of 4 to 3. The teams were well matched and the game was not won until the list half of the ninth inning. The hattoriet were: For Tarboro, Barnes and Carson; Au lander, Minton and Hollowell. LOSSES IN 120TH WERE HEAVIEST IN DIVISION Adjutant General's Office Re ceives Report of Casualties in "Old Hickory" The Adjutant General's office has re ceived from the Department of War the first full- report of casualties in JtlM 30th Division, which contained tht North Carolina- National Guard regi ments. It ia shown that the 110th and 120th infantry regiments sustnined major losses as follows: 110th, killed In action, 6 officers snd 293 men; died of wounds, 4 officers and 95 men; died of disease, 2 officers and 35 men ; died from other routes, j) men; total deaths, 12 officers and 4"4 enlisted men. 120th, killed in action, 1" officers and 304 men; died of wounds, 6 offi cers nnd 91 men; died of disease, 1 officer and 44 men; died from other causes, 1 officer and 2 men; total, 23 oflirers nml 441 men. The 119th, 4 officers and 49 mea taken prisoners by the enemy; the 120th, 2 enlisted men. Tho llolli mnchine gun company, which with these two regiments made up the tiOtli brigade, lost 4 men in ac tion, 2 offirrrs and 11 men from wounds, 7 men from disease and 1 by tome other CttllhO, , The 1 1.1th artillery, not with the 30th Division, hut full of North Carolinians and commanded by Col. Albert Col, lost 4 men in action, 1 died, of wounds, ,1 officers snd 12 men from disease and 2 men from other causes. NO MONEY IN SUGAR AT 11c SAYS GROCER Raleigh J4an Says Food Retail ers Are Not the Ones Who Are Profiteering; Mr. A. R. Morgan, of Ooldsloro, sends ! this letter to the News and Observer: "The News and Observer stated re cently that grocers in Raleigh were re quired to sell sugar at II rents per pound. With a number of others who sell groceries, in Ooldsboro I would thank some of the Raleigh grocers or' some of the authorities who required them to sell at that price to tell us how it is done. I have paid 10:50 and 10.115 for the little sugar I have; been able to get recently. How to pay that price and sell it for 11 cents is the ques tion. V A Raleigh grocer shown this letter said that Mr. Morgan was evidently re ferring to sugar in packages. This grocer said he paid 10.90 for sugar in bulk and selling it at the prescribed priee of II cents per pound eould hardly break even, considering the expense of handling. He said In weighing out a hundred pounds of sugar ia small lots there was a loss running up possibly to two pounds. "Did you ever set anybody get rich ia the retail grocery business!" this gentleman asked. Then ke weal en to. tell of the hardships of tht business, of tht difficulty of pleasing customers, of the great lotsc-a on perishables, etc. The government it .barking up tke wrong tret whfa it 'charges retail gro cers with profiteering," the groeermaa argued. "Yes," ht admitted. ! do ride in aa automobile but it It tot ta cipen- sivt one. It took me IS years It make money to buy it and I calculate it will take me just eighteca . more tt sate enough money to buy another pae." Start j Divorce Salt. A divorce was ttarted yeaterday ia Superior court by Mrs. Liisie Sanders tad J. A. Saadert. Bandera Is a ear pent r, who lives oa Fayette villa, street. Aay Ma eaa stake friends, "but It Isn't tlwsyi possible tt keep them wlUi- tat tpolllig.' .jL -- - From $3,099,001) To $9,510,. - 000; Other Charters ' ' t Charters for Svt new corporations tad amendment! tt tht charters of two old paes wert filed yesterday. . The document with the greatest financial In terest It the amendment incrcssing !tc capita stock J of the Durham Hosiery Mills by 86,411,000, ' Details of yesterday's filings follows: Tht Farmers' Trading Compaay of Simms, N. C, Inc., Bimms; co-operative. Authorized capital, 850,000; subscribed, 1,500. Duratioa, 75 years. , W. p. Bunn, Bailey f T. B.,' Iredell Stott, both of Stmms, incorporators. ' - The People's Bank of Ckadboura, X. C, Cbadboara ; general - baakiug. Authorized capital, $25,000; subscribed, 115,000. Duratioa, not given. Chester Edmond, D. B. Connor, D. F.- Kellv, all of Chadbourn, and others, incor porators. Liberty Realty Company, Azalea. Au thorized eapital, 8500,000; subscribed, 812,000. Duration, unlimited. ' Sieg fried Sternberg, James A. Sinclair, Canie X. Brown, all of Asheville, and others, incorporators. The B. J. Company, Gastonia;. general merchandise. Authorized capital, $23,- 000; subscribed, $8,000. Duration, un limited. J. H. Miller, Gastonia; V. B Blakcnship, C. A. Johnson, bath, of Bock Hill, 8. C, incorporators. Carolina Tire and Vulcauiiiug Com pany, Charlotte. Authorized capital, $50,000; subscribed, $1,500. Duration, 00 yesrs. Fred R. Millershan, Thomas B. Ball, Jr., Walter R. Stroiip, all of Charlotte, incorporators. Tht Pamlico Commission Company Oriental, filed on amendment ehauging the name to Oriental Supply Company An amendment was also filed to the charter of the -Durham Hosiery Mills changing the authorized capital from $.1,099,000 to $9,510,000. Five million is In preferred stock; $1,250,000 is com mon stork, Class A; $3,260,000 is com mon stock, Class B. ORPHANAGE GIRLS HAVE CAMP FIRE CELEBRATION Absence of the boys of tke Methodist Orphanage at Lakeview on a camping trip was the fact that suggested the outing taken by the orphanage girls last evening on the school campus. Mrs. M. A. Jenkins, "mother of the orphanage, suggested the Camp Tire Girls' idea to the crowd, and as a re sult some thirty-five girls took out cots for loungiug and supper materials on the lawn near the car tracks. A large bonfire was built in the cen ter and the space) arotmd decorated with Japanese lanterns. The fire was used to cook tht supper, which consisted of bncrin, eggs, white bread, toasted cheese. crackers, pickles and ended up with let cream, Mrs. Jenkins' own contribu Hon. Following the camp fire. sapper the girls devoted .themselves to playing games and Itaving a general good time. About 10:30 they cleared op the festival ground tnd returned to the building, satisfied that the boys who went to Lakeview had nothing on them. There wouldn't be half 8 many cart linwl up for waiat) rtptira, if owwors gave little tnorst beta t profMr hihri. sbm wIms you past kiaa at yea i art a Motul user. Moral iatka tdemifie lubricant that prevnla cylinder scoring and pittoa ring breakage. tor Trial CMToa 7tsfay R. McC. BULLINGTON & CO. I I I I H II 1 II II II -1 IB M - J-'l? LTf-.Ul-T RICHMOND, VA. W ' j S IUlGH, . ' N. C Vf-Nz : : T - : VT V?r iTZtt"XV?WZ Here Uanother,-F. I ADenwrftes from Kent, Wasfir "The Ulley plant saves utU n,., toe between two and, three hour labor every day, at well at increasing the rn-jXZZffi. ' egg production.-, Tbete are two instances lhere are thopanda more. I Lalley tight is Making Money by Saving Money for Every Lalley User Its endless electric power not only pumps water, but uves labor on the ftnn in a dotea dlrTetent ways. ;" , ,V.vj; jl ".- f- . It save in the hoAef Staves in the barn. .Wherever, . you iurn on a Lalley H Burlington Cop Praised by state's Chier txecutive For Performance- ; "V ' (Special tt the N " .Observer.) . Burtiugtoa, Aug. 82--meti,n, ago Wtt BlcxK A tka fact that n.. traffic jfcijrt.e, of thtt eity hti r. Uoveraof "ekett for speeding .hile viaiti8 in BuHiagtpn. VVhesi mrttttti tomt owt asked the eop if Srould trrett tht Goveraor .of tfc te and ht ttated ht did aot know "j wt tht Govtrttr i naa to treat kim tha . other eitize. v. .... - u, m (u P" few dart GoW Birkett bat written the following letter t0 Mayor Horner: , 'It, j i- a,tf r' . i unr -viuaea nnt cheek for gfj.95 to pay eostt and fjge 0t spetdiB, ia Burlington. I wa, jult 0B pom of tpeajtint; y chauffeur and t.: that ht vraa - . . -"Jiinj -. -- run BIBS B,,rely tot fast kem the ofReer ttop- Permit me inat I think tho .ft ..tirelv rll., i .. - action that be took, td I was especially pleased when tome 'n th tutomo- wit ealietf hu ttenton to ,h fact that tht Governor of Xorth, Carolina waa ia k. ... A tht officer .-u v., . - , 111,1. the Governor wat as much responsible w t law as tty w" nzen pcst convey tQ officer mf tntirt tB j w. qualified approval t"1 'toimeadation of his attitude in thit matter. "Very truly yours, T. W. BICKETT." Aa Uveatlgatioa It Proposej, Waahing-tpn, Aug. "2. Investigation of the oflire of the property eus- a adnUBisie." n, uitcbeii t. i . . . Vma:. a the nr..t ... .iAin. waa tirnnn..j i ! a resolutioa introduced late today by o""r earner oi "- --. v,onsia eraUaa tt th resolution wa tempo- rrilv . .1 . t'vaipoovu. Uaag BUI Wash!.... Auc. ---To K.ui. po'Wble retaliatioa by foreign govern menta should oU land leasing legi,tti0 discriminating gtirt l'tns bt en acted, the Senate lata today without recont ,a0pteJ omoot amend mcnt modifying the leatiig "bill to per mit alieg, to obtti" lealet to govern ment lands under rest ret ion. Jut because t t is buried in thought doa't jump to tht conclusion that he U t dead one. Panamas Leghorns That Fornterly Sold for $5 and $7 ' Now On Sale at $1.50 It is Worth while to buy one more and keep it un. til next Bummer. '.The f( 11 18 H 'a nn a. i i vi 1 1.1 j.i--.A'jr aa m aaraa n n aa sa era i ib rn .vn"iL" i fl nun fa 11 mi&$. Lalley Light anc Power Saves Money -- Makes Money t, ,'7' ' -Lalley Light saves time on the farm- It saves labor. .Therefore it . sayes money. . . . Even if you did not use its electric powerr you would, save on the Ught . AT E Hamrhondrof Kirkland,,VVash., actually makes money by using Lalley electric light in his hen houses. . , "We find by emerience,M he write, "that a flocks of hens under Xisht will produce 22 j, other way, and at '"n you find savuig accause of the THE MOTOR COMPANY mm ill III' :' '(:;'..-;. II I III . T?ROM-every viewpoint this New r Studebaker UGHT'SIX Us an idear - family car. v Driver and passengers stretcn out at ea? enve lull grown pep- , pie can nde in it all day without ifeelirii . crarajcu V tTowaea. 4 - Its licrht-weiffht ,w ' O"" ()UA4Uiv wwv , 1 sumption of its 50-h. p. motor - and ti splendid quality make it one of the' most :-t economical carato own and operate. . . $1685 V. b. V CARR E. BOOKER, Dealer , ft 105 V. Martin St'.,: BALKIGH, & fj. - "tcBUItJI MOTOR CAg CO.; Dlstrlbotert " A MMermHome in $ Means more than 1 just ihecoirifort and en ( joyment that moderh cohveniences4)ring. flit meansf, electric serviceeiectric light and powerf. tireless servants to serve you at the touch of a button, . . 9 Electric light means safety, convenience arid labor saving, an honest pride in the Possession of a really modern lighting system. . t ' 9 Electric power will pump the water, for the household, f of tile stock, for fire 'protec tion. It will turn all the cranks for all the jobs that somebody must now do by hand. ' Delco-Uf ht' brbfi you electricity, makes your home modem and f nrei you the aid of electric temce, quickly .and at low cost RALEIGSfl ELECTRIC SERVICE COMPANY . -. .' ' ' Dealer (or j" more egg,. Thi, t a gain which no additional labot coat.? Illejfc This matter U vital to everyxfarmer and every facer's family.-' ' f ; ; ' .It i worth far rnore than thVtirte it to tee the LaUey. . If you can't do ttat, telephone us will come w jryn. ., , LIGHT 1 a 11 the low Detroit v Wake, Johnston . and Wilson . . , ' can: be obtained ia no ' . , . .