14 n:z tews aiz ozzzavzz. FRIDAY KOMaJGJ AUGUST 23, 1919. 4 EiSHOPSSUGGEST i SEVERAL CHANGES IN CHURCH RULES Abbreviation of the Ten Com mandmcnti Among the Al terations Recommended REPORT RECOGNIZES HIGH CHURCH IDEAS farors Omission otjht Word "Obey" From Hamate ser vice; Layinf en Of Hands, -Anointing With Oil tad Re quiems for Dead Approved; ; leport la Book Form Be York World. Omission of the word ''obey'1 from the marriage service, laying on of heads, knointinf with holy oili, heal tng by faith, abbreviation of th Tea Coauiiidmente, confession, requiem tor th doid, ind th optional uee of bread dipped in wine a a method of tdmlnletering both elements of the tueharitt at ana tine, ia place af pees mg communion wine by cup In the ae trpted way, are among the practice! which will be recommended to the Protestant Episcopal Church , ta the general convention in October. , These changct are advised by joint tommimlon of seven Bishops, neve ' Frosliyters and serea laymen appointed ' by the convention of 1913 to consider a.d report such revision and enrich ment of the Book of Common Prayer as might seem advisable, with the pro , vision that no proposition be enter tained involving faith and doctrine, the title of the l'rayer Book or the name of the church. A report won made to the convention of 1016, aad this ia the eecnd. It is in book form, so that those wishing to study it In advaace of tl convention may do so. While high ehnrch practices are rec ognised in the report, it Is the pro duction of hicli and low churchmen, who were ekosen as thr embodiment of the highest scholarship in the church aad of the best' thought in every part of t' c ountry. Membership of the commis sion wan recruited from Massachusetts to California and from Wisconsin to Louisiana. All the members of the eoej vimion did not uswnt to the entire re ft rt, and elements in the church are strongly opposed to other innovations. So it ia expected that the diaciiMioa of the proponed changes will furnish oao of the most interesting features of the loavention. Marriage Service Changed. : Conforming to inclination or to gen eral tendencies, many Episcopal clergy men have long refrained from electing Of bride a premise to "obey" her husband, and the omission has brought o reproof. Now it i proposed to sanction ft openly. The promise as amended will he: "Wilt thou love him, comfort him, honor and keep him in eirkaeas and la health aad, forsaking til others, keep yo only unto him, to long a ya both shall livef" The eommlaale advises that the words, "With all my earthly goods I thee endow," bo omitted from the eer Vices, oa the ground that these words to meaningless in. view of the safe guards for dower rights which tko law provides. This aenteneo wo originally prescribed to accompany the transfer of the weddlag ring to the Itride, but la went timrs many clergymen have placed the ring without it. Iaaoc aad Rebecca Cut Ont. Another owilealoa involve the lino, Aa Isaac and Rebecca lived faithfully together," the present form reading; 0 Eternal Ood, Creator and Preserver of all Mankind,. 01 ver of nil spiritual grace, the Author of e veriest ig life I Bead Thy blorsiag upon these Thy aer rants, this mnn aad this woman whom ere bhm ia Thy name; that aa Isaac T tall Harfott St. lat Twenty ivo Step from rayettevtlM Jul! VVTut You Heed fa , Now ; Beautiful Patent or Dull Pump $9.00 Special Felt Spats In a H fro AA Colors ,,.t?,UU Wm. HELLER 1 E. Eargett St -, Juot II ftep From rayottovlllo Street. ' . tai ttebooe lived failhiully together, so 'Ate two young pereoa may onrety perform and keep the vow aad coven ant betwixt them made.'' .Critic of tko anelenta have objected 1 suck aa exhortation because, they say, tko lives of Isaac and Rebecca were not a model for aowly-wade. The eommlHloa yield to this view and makes Bo ollunioa to Isaac aad Rebecca, leaving ia thnt part of tko prayer only the words, "living faithfully together." ' Coafeealed aad Aboolotlaa. The chapter radiation af the'siak reeommeads forma af prayers from which choice may be made by the min ister. Ia respect to confession, Nibso lutioa, laying oa of kinda aad keallag bv faith, tko following may bo auoted: "At oceasioa demands, tho minister may uddroee the nick porno, oa tbo meaning, aad aa bf tko time of sick acta and tbo opportunity it nffords for apiritunl profit. He may inquire of tho aick person as to whethor fee re peat him truly of his tiee aad U ia charity with all the world; eihorting JUm to forgive, from tbo bottom of bio heart, all perteai thot have offended him, aad, if a bath fended any other; to ank them fotgiveaeee; and ban ho hatk doae iajnry or wrong to any maa, that he make amoadi to ike t.fmoet of his power, i - . "Then shall the sick person bo moved to mske a special confession of bin etas, If ho feels bis conscience troubled with any matter; after which confes sion tho minister ahal) assure brae of God's merry and forgivoaeoo, aaytag) 'May tha Almighty aad Merciful Lord grant thea pardon tad remission of nil thy sine, and tho grueO ood oomfort of the Holy Spirit, through Jesus Christ our Lord." "Depart, O Christina soul, out of thli world, in the name' of God the Father Almighty who created thee, ia the asms of Jesus Christ who redeemed thee, in the nsme of tha Holy Ghost who sanetifieth thee. May thy rest be this day ia penee and thy dwelling pine ia tho Paradise of God;' and when tho soul haa departed, the follow ing commendatory prayer may be said: 'Iato Thy hands, 0 merciful Saviour, we commend the soul of Thy servant, now departed from the body. Ac knowledge, we humbly beseech Thee, a sheep of Thine own fold, a sinner of Thine own redeeming. Receive him lno the arms of Thy mercy, into the blessed rest of .everlasting peace, and Jat the glorious estate of Thy chosen saints ia Heaven.'" Prayer for tko Sick. There ia a specie! prayer for hea'.ing, and thea this! "Following the teaching and practice of our Lord aad Ilia Apostles, the church from the beginning hath exer cised the ministry of healing,, always with a prayer of faith, often aecom pnnied with unointing with oil or wUV the imposition of hands. "When nny sick person shall la humble faith desire this ministry, through nnointing or laying oa of hnnds.Mh minister may use the follow ing form: "0 Blessed Redeemer, relieve, we beseech Thee, by Thy indwelling power, tbo distress of this. Thy servant; re lease from ain, and drive away oil pain of soul and body, that, being re stored to soundness of hearth, bo easy offer Tbee praise and thanksgiving, who liveet land reignest with tho Father and tho Holy Ghost, oao God, world without -end. "'I anoint tbee with oil (Inv my hand upon thee) in tho nsme of the Fnther, and of tbo Son, and of tho Holy Ghost, beseeching tko marry of our Lord Jesun Christ that, nil thy pain and sickness of body being put to flight, the blessing of health may bo restored to thee." , Wine At aartnaaomta. Ministers at some af tha RnSAnl ehurtiirs in this city and elaevker have lor a long tame, without the sanction NOTICE Of SALI OF BOND, Notice la horebv riven that in 1Kb dsy of Nnptrmber, 1P18 the Com- m twiners or Washington County Drain age District No. S, Washington County, North Carolina, will Mil ( u bonds of anld drainage district, ia the sum or iau,uuu.(in, bearing interest it the Nt of fix pet rtatum per aaanm, parable uemi-unnualbr : the fint itl ment of tbo priaeipal sbell metur at me eipirnuoa or inreo yearn from tko date of ioooo, aad oao iaotollmont each succeeding year for nine additional yearn. The data when the fir install, meat of tbo principal aball fall duo, tho onnutl Inetallmeatt of tko principal to u paia, lue torm 01 uo DOndt, Ui name of tha bank or tract company t wkich tbo Interest conpoH gal Initall manta of nelaeinal im a able may bo agreed apoa botwota thai araiaago commiaiionon Ind tho par lhaaer of th bond. Bida for mid bonds must bo oealed, tad will bo ro rtlvtd at tht olntt of tbo tald drain ago eommiaalonora oa mid dntt ia Fly month, NoHh Carallna. Tko aald drala ags eommiMloneta reserve tho right to reject any and all bids. A cask dcpoalt oi oi,uuu ia reqntrod to accomroiay Hck bin. j Dated August 7, 1919. I , H. C. RPRtTlLL, Chalrrnan, .Washington County Drainage District No. 6. Washington County. North I Cafoliaa. ! i W. B. WATTS, Bwretary. S-lt Notico ia hereby given thnt tho nn- rslgned tot collector for the town of mqaay Bpriags, Wake caaaty, N. C will sell for rank the following lota of )aad for rote for th year 11T and 191S on Monday, September tko th, IMS, at the Court Boa door ia the City at lalelgfc, K. C- at IS o'clock, m, TkO followina ta a IIkO m t, Of th Owner of tme Undo to bo eotd ' nd tko omoukt of Uat da then en.! a J J.J . r I A, D. Battle, 1 lot, If. IJ, oa Went Itreet, 1.2. B. W, Walker, 1 lot, No. IS, at Tariaa en Cook avenue, l.T. i. A. Williams, 1 lot, No. tl, o Bel-k-ntiae eirejt, 11.48. , 1 ' M K" U. Bnllentine street, il.7S. t J. B. Stewart, t lot. No. , oa Wood row atrcet, 11.88. T. . Matthews, 1 lot, So. . oa Cook aveaue, , B. r. Co'.llni, 1 lot, No. oa teat ntcwet, SLM. r . W. H. NcGulre, 1 lot K, B, B. Mm. doooeU Beoooa, 1 lot oa Maple ItreeVSUl - gnedt ' L. M. PAGE, t Colteclor. of tho eharch at large, administered tko mat eacvameat with eaee rated broad aad wiao reserved from tho communion service. Tho rubric as now proposed direct that if any portio shall remain after tbo eommonioa it aball aot bo carried out of tko church, bat ahall, Immediately after the blemlag bo rev erently consumed. But la deference to tho practice rf aiaing each broad aad win for tbo last aaoramoat, the prleot IT permitted, aubjeet ta regulation, to retervo o muck aa may ao required roe tho comma nioa af the aick. Coafession and absolution at tho sick bed are spec ifically recognized. Ia the order for the barial of tbo dead tho word "body" ia to bo substituted wherever "corps" aow occur. t ' Tho provision whereby ministers are permitted to arrvo at communion bread dipped ia wiao, ia ptaee of broad aad win from the Cop, will probably be as strongly opposed ha any of tho other recommendations, especially by those who feat tko tendency toward Roman Catholicism ia tho proposed change in die ted above, aad, or determined to combat that tendon to tbo aad. Maay therehme who are quite free of no called High Church proetioe bavt fay. orod this method of aerviag communion, on anaitary grounds, aad that will prob ably bo the mala argument for ita adoption. Tbo commlaaioa advises that the change bo optional. Those who oppose tho High Church trend will find material for their eon teat, fat thla ia the first time the Epis copal Church has been asked to take over coafenaeon, absolution, the last aateamoat, or ovon faith curing a part of Ita ritual policy. la Ttar of two inhibition which pro serves the denominational title, tha re port Ignores the movement for a change ta the American Catholic Church. On thv other band, it favorn tbo Roman Catholic nomenclature to tha octant of making Whitsunday the Day of Pente cost; of making Sundaya after Pente cost ia place of Saadayn after Trinity; adopting Psatma of hope for tbo barial service; aad ia providing a collect, epiotle and gaapel for reqaiem commun ions. In additio to ta provident al ready indicated for confession and ab ooiutioa. Mar Satatn' Dot. Provision in also made for the com memoration of nn increasing number of Saints' Days, concerning which tho commlaaioa aaya: "The propelling argument for pro poning this list waa a practical one. There hi ao ehurrh ia Chrieteaieen What Will They Pay You in 1920? lar ia aUaojcJ am Work. Effi. citmt Work mmi Poor HogJth Do Not Go Totwther. HOW DO YOU STAND? Take an Inventory, fellows. Tko boo ia doing it. Ho in looking ever yon nnd mo, aa well a tho stock. Jot are too kard to got to lose juat boeoaao year eUttim interewt ia worn w lagging for want of tbo oldtime "peo and rmbi tloa. Nobody roa expect a ana a to work right whea bin atomach la bod aad aoth ing bo eta agreee wi klm; bat that isn't th boss'a fault, remember that Paiaa ia tho regioa of your apnea Jis, a stuffy, fall, dopey feeling after a meal in good enough enew.no off poo, but aot for him. After all bo I pay ing for work and be ought to get tho boat that ia la you. If be doesn't, yon nro either hnlf nick or crazy. Ton bet ter ejuit Int. Bead what oao maa who "earn back," ana ta ay nnd taka kia advice. ' "I think Milam la a grand modidao. I have take only a few bottle not tho effect haa bona splendid. I feel stronger aad better, mere aetive nnd able to ntnad ap wader my work; my digwatioa haa improved aad my eye sight aoomg to hove shared in the gen eral improvement. For some yeara I have suffered with caeeeo of aria acid to such aa rnteat that I eoald aot oat a tomato without a raak brooking oat oa my skin. To my aurpriac aad pleasure I can now ent tomntoes (of which I am very fond) to my heart' content, wttwoat the trao evfl con sequences. I tako plcaaure ia giviag Uhie tootimoaml. oa I thiak poa haoo a remedy trbhea dsaervsi lutsssa, aad I hapo thla may be the meoaa of help ing noma other sufferer to relief." t'or a bottle of Milam with tko en dorsement of thousand, which ia a vegetable prevaraUo eoatalalng ao danforou drvn r eleohol, go tp J. C, orantioy. at bar a bottle neat direct by Normaa-Perry Prof Co., Winstea- Haicm, k. a, apoa receipt of price 1 plue 4 eeate war tat (Adv The Free SewingMachine Juat tho Sewing Machine yoa have' longed far. It 1 an iavoatsaoat for the borne. A tVwtag Idaebiao-wwribi wkilo, built ta endure, doubly guaraa teed to give yon aatisfaction. It la constructed aa tbo vviy latest principles, tbo aoweat me ckaafeal improvomtaT and la moot convenient la every way. The TREK ia built ia different woods to mate pout furniture. t0 Inish may be of poor owa vheeeiug. The f'BEB io tie marklu yoa ought to buy. The price ie very low for tko O.oaaty flvea. Coma la aad let afc oaplaia tki woadorfol mackiao. Bit down and try it for yourself. Curtis Morong Co. . : I.VCOtPORATFD 1IT W. Martin St, RALttekt, K. C more truly eoompoltua than aura, and it eeema pocaliaxly 1 appropriate that nome-her la the prayer book should bo appointed for tha eommemorntion of patron aniata af. varleni aatioae aad races. Moreover, there are many ehurches bearing the name of oome of these saints, aad the pariabea may very naturally desira tt observe their name dart. The commission recom mend as port of it rpot a common collect, epistle aad gospel for a Saints' Day, and thla may obviously be need where any ana f the memorial daya in to bo observed. taltlat the Cemesaadmaata. - It ia aot intended to. eliminate any pnrt of tho Tea Commandmenta from the Book of Common Prayer, bat min isters are authorized to abbreviate the Commandmenta ao follow, the porta omitted being ladieattS below la p reatheee: . 1 Thou shall have none otber gods bat Me . . "tt-Thoa aaalt not moke to thyself any gravea image, nor tha likeaem of anythiag that io ia heave above, or ia earth beaoath, or in the water un der tho earth; thou Shalt not bow doom to them, nor warship taom (for I the Lord, thy God, am a joaWat Ood and visit tko aina of too fathers apoa tho ehildrea, amto th third aad fourth generations of them that bate Me; aad nhow mercy unto thousanda of them that love Me and keep My Command ments. ' , ' . "IIL-Tkon nknlt not take the name of tho Lord thy Ood ta vain (for the Lord will aot bold him gailtleaa that taketk Hii name ia vain.) Cat Pom a eo Two Uaoa, "IV. Remember, that thou keep holy the Sabbath day (six daya ahalt thou labor aad do all that thou hast to do; bat the seventh day ie the. Sabbath of tbo Lord thy God.' Ia it thea ohalt do ao manner of work ; thou, and thy toa, and thy daagbter, thy man-servant aad ap maid-ecrraat, thy cattle aad the stranger that in within thy gates. For ia six day the Lord mad Heaven nnd Hoadicho Bow ntamank, and beoatt dad ktearod Ometdara aeetre jwr niin, M iiM tm tsamg COBURN CHAIN We are now mak ing preparations to show fall Shoes. Shoe prices have advanced, much - since) placing our fall order, how ever, we art going to sell, as long as they last, about" $125,000 w o r t h verjr cheap. VISIT OUR STORES AND GET PRICES NORTH CAJtOLINA-Hnmctt bounty. Grove Tewnsblp Sealed bide will be .ocaived by tbo Grove Towaohip Road Commission uatil seoa latardap, Bcpmmbwr t; l9, for tko open lag, grading, raildiag, repairing ad etberwiao inprovlag tks public roadi of ffrov Towaihlp u tuthorlaad by at erection recently aald la said kewaiktp ta which 100,006.00 wu voted for road improvement The eontraet wta U let for th bnildlag at aald roada aa th aalt aystcm. Coaorractioa ia ta begia aot later than Octobot lat, 1918. Tbo taid township road commlaaioa will hold a joint mtctiaf ftr tht par pose of opening mid bide had twerdiag contract at Coats, N. C4 on September 6, 1910. Tho right to reject aay aad all bida T. V. tiTtWABT, Chalrmaa. JAPUDIfJE Iuicm men NO a.CKTANH.iftC no dope riocoozB ITt laliAttl FOR HCZAHAnaUp AOhtlSISTIATOtl BOTICE. v Having oNsUM u admlplstrstor of tko estate of ft. O. PtwUea, teccosed, Uta pt .Boloigh. . Woke tonaty, M. N this ia ta notify nil person having claim against said catata ta J resent them to tko uaderalgned, tt Raleigh, N. C, oa ' or before the (Sad datr of August, 1920, or thio aotica will be pleaded la bar of their recovery. Alt person iadeeted to amid -eatate viil please make Immediate pavment. tDOAB IX PBL, 1 Admialatratot. Raleigh, N. C mi ias earth, tht tea, tai til that la them It, and, rested the aeventb day; where for th Lotd bleaaed the Wreath day aad hallowed it). . t "VUobo tip father aad mUhet (tbathy day may be long ia the land which the Lord thy God gireth the)," - ' '.', ! . i.v' Tko Sink. Sevealb, . Eighth tai Math Commandments admit of no tV broviatSott. -', i ' Simply Dha't "CovoU" , X. Thoa ohalt not covet (tap aeighbor'a -wife, . aor hie oervant, hat bio maid, aot hi ox, aor kia ass, aor aaythingthat ta hla)." i, : Under the title "Prayer aad Taenia givings", there are aew prayer for Cobgrtm. for a Btatt Lfgialatar, for courts of Justice, tor out toaatry, fot the church, for mlesioaa, for time of calamity foHowiag tha pro yet la Um of war and tumults, for tko army, for the navy, for memorial day for col lege, and schools, for feligioua educa tion, for children, fot Cartatia nerv ice, for aoeinl justice, for prioeaera, for a time af groat akkaota aad mor Ullty, for taia, for anity. A aew prayar for tvory man in his Work" toataina theee phraaeet "Deliver aa,'we beseech The, ia ever calling from the service of mommoa, that we toay do tko work wkich Thea ft vest a ta do ia truth, ta betaty aad la right eousneis, with aiagleneae of heart aa Thy scrvaata, and to the benefit of our feilow men." Social Justice and Officiate. The prayar for social joatiee reads! "Gnat us grace fearlessly ta teatead against evil and to make ao peaea with oppression; aad that we may revere al ly use our freedom, help ao to mply it ia the maintenance of justice among men and nations." For the prayer for tho President nnd ' vi -r 65,Q00 Cattle, Hogs and Sheep Vl. j also rujffvdled hv last season, giving Atlanta the most complete and diversified live stock market fa the Southeast. Tker era fremh akipnemta of Ivoraaa, mules, cattle, hoga and ahmcp reoeived daily, ' r f Yoa vol ind tlmodarmps hare Om very mwt Ono vialt wX oonrinco you. ATLANTA LIVE STOCK DEALERS Atlamta, C. iipi . i ii in i !Rpyall;&5Bordeii ynelloBt(beJeiidUaFni;tcre GoUhor ; i ' RALEIGH i . r DaVhai til la civil authority tko following tub ttftwta it reported.. 0 Lord, our Ooverner, abena glory ia iavnli the world: wo commend thin Katiea to Thjrnnorcifal core, that, be ing guided by Thy providence, wo may dwell secure ia Thy peace. Grant to tho'President af tho United States and to all ta authority wisdom aad strength to know and ta do Thy will, rill them with the love af troth aad rirhteoe neaa; aid kak them ever mindful fot their calling ta aerve this people in Tky fear; through Jesu Christ oar Lord, Amen." v - - Tho Xevloioa Ceas-OaaUa. Boveral member of the remmimidh have resigned' -died since tha original appoiatmeot ia 2S13. The aurvivora, wha present tha report, are th follow ing: Tht Bight Xev. Cortlaadt White breatd. Bishop oi Plttsbergb, ahaimaa; the Bight Bev. Frederick Barge, Biahop of Long Island;' tha Bight Bev. Joseph H. Johnson, Bishop of Lee An golee; th Bight Bev. Philip M. JthUo laader, Bishop of Pennaylvaaia; the Bight Bev. Thomaa T. Daviot, Bishop of Western Massachusetts; the Bight Bev. William Cabell Brown, Bishop of Vir ginia) the Bight Bev. Nathaniel Bey moor Thomaa, Biahop of Wyoming) the Bee. Edward L. Paraoaa, af California; tha Bev, John W, Sater, af Mama eamoetta, Secretary tko Bev. Beary P. Oammey, of Pennsylvsnia; the Rev. Lociea M. Robinson, of Pennsylvania; tho Bev. Howard B. St. Oeorge, of "Mil waukee; the Bev. Charles L, rMtery, at Grace Church, New York- the Be. MO H. Gate, Viear of tho Chapel of the InMreeaeioa, Trinity Parish; George Wharton Pepper, of Philadelphia ; I. W. Baeot, of South Carolina Bohort Tt. Gardiner, of Maine trenearer; George Zabriakie, of New York; Wil liam C. Bturgis, of Colorado; Joka 100,000 Horses and Joules Vere sold in Atlanta by the nine, teen Atlanta Lhre Stock Dealers during the past season. This made Atlanta the oeoorwd largemt korae and mule market bt tho country. I We kav ajrietm from the hfpTrthet there irfll be at lecuit 1.000 hemd of horaea om the market vreek Sept. lat Amo liberal auppr of naulea. tkea rlaW ' ALL WE WANT IS THE PRIVILEGE OF SB0W1G YOlT AT THIS TIME CrttlitlfYouWislu While we are mi w ays happy to have you see our stock of Furni ture and cheerfully invite comparisons, we are especially hhWota thkt yo com! ta at thfit Unte. BeclwM It will be profit, able to you. Furniture, like everything; else Is advancing, in fact, hardly a piece la ear stock could be replaced tut what w are editor !tior today, That is why we nrgaj yoa to torn, in at Vhh time.-" " " r - - ; toa .will bt more than pleased with the quality; frttttty, workmanship and valuta that you will find in out present stocks. Here are rood sub stantial styles for any room, or the house you -wish to furnish,. aad, o! course, yoa may take ad vaatafce 6! tut liberal credit terms if yoa wish. Ton can choose Jrour furniture bow to fc de v lirered Uter , N , ' Jooeph ' Graftoa ; liinot) of Maut ehaoettn. -' . ft L SAMUELS, Prop. . tit S. Wllmlagtoa Street BAUtlCH, If. C LADIES! DONT FORGET Pleaty af Warm Weather :' Ahead. Ladies' and Miuet' Voilo and Gingham. ' Dreases At Big aUdaHlaaa for ' i Today aad Satnrday. Ladiea' regular M.00 f J AO Dreasee oa mle t..le70 kOseeo age 14 to SO, aaonlly eold nt 17.00, eamdefi QO at ......,T..t.tTvsvv ' c Other Sodemdid Value la Deotroblo Silk Draaoca WE CLOTHE AND SHOD TBI! FAMILY . M 3 At 7 it