18 THE NEWS AND OBSERVER. FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 23, 1919. A RATES 10 Cents Per LINE fT B WANT AD RATES THIS IS THE REGULAR "WANT AD" type, (8 point). The fint lin U let it I point light eapi, I or wnica no xtr chart u made. Tb rata for this type ia 10 eenta r line. Th rata U based oa tb eonnt ' of ail (6) everage length word, to the lina hyphenated words count as two words. No abbreviation allowed in the body of the advertisement Svery aams or Initial in tb name and ad' dress counts aa word. Always count the name and address. For jour convenience, the cost of two or mora lines lor single insertions and ' f and 30 consecutive insertions in " regular want ad type are figured below l One Seven On Lines, Words. Time Time. Month. 2 12 8 .20.... $1.26.... 8 5.40 3 18 MO.... 1.&9.... 8.10 4 2 40.... 2.52.... 10.80 6 30 50.... 3.15.... 13.50 38 fiO.... 3.78.... 10.20 7 42..... .70.... 4.41.... 18.90 8 48 HO.... 5.04.... 21.60 9 64 00.... 6.67.... 24.30 10 60 1.00.... 0.30.... 27.00 Tbe 10 per cent, discount lias been de ducted on tbe above quotations. The above 7 and 30-time rates apply nly for consecutive day-by-day in sertions. These rates DO NOT apply on Sunday insertions alone, even though ordered for consecutive Bun days. If tbe Sunday only is used the rnte Is 10c a line each insertion, regardless of tbe number of Sundays the adver tisement appears. " THIS 18 8 POINT LIGHT CAPS. THK KATE 18 DOUBLE THK ABOVE OB 20 CENTS A LINE. THIS IS 10 POINT LIGHT CAPS. THE RATE IS TRIPLE REGULAR TYPE, OR 30 CENTS A LINE. THIS IS 12 POINT LIGHT CAPS. RATES $1.00 PER INCH OR 40 CENTS A LINE. COMBINATION OF 8, 10 AND 12 POINT TYPE $1.00 PER INCH. NO KEYED AD TAKEN FOR LENS THAN" SO ENT8 WHERE THE AN SWERS ARE TO BE MA FLED THE ADVERTISER. NO AD TAKEN FOB LESS THAN 20 CENTS. CASH MUST ACCOMPANY ALL ORDERS A discount of 10 per cent is allowed for severf CONSECUTIVE DAILY :a ti'rtions. Where white space is de- aired above and below a eharge of 10 cent per lina 1 made. Classification not guaranteed after (I: 0. HELP WANTED MALE WANTED ONE FIRST CLS8 FUR niture repairer, upholsterer, or refin- isher. lingers k Boone, 117 S. Wil mington Ht. 20-:it WANTED REGISTERED DRlHiUIST. Man that will work and has good habits and not too old. Ever'tngton'a Drug Htore, Laurinhurg, N. ('. MJ-Ht WANTED BRICK MASON TO PATCH boiler furnace. Apply to Engineer, Yarborough Hotel. 2U-lt WANTED AT ONCE-WIIEELRIGHT; job permanent. Address "y-205," care Ncus and Observer. 29-3t WANTED I'ORTER, GOOD WORK er, keep store clean nnd take out malt packages j wheel furnisled; regular jiil). Aildrens "Q-202," care f News anil Observer. WANTED UNREGISTERED DRUU gist; good habits good Worker; men tion salary ami references. Address "Q-20.1," care of News and Observer. CARPENTERS WANTED tiOOD wages. Apply Irwin Theighton, Jack son Bros. Co., Mill, Fayettevitle, N. C. 2H-7t WANTED A MAN CAPABLE F keeping a system ginnery in order and a good ginner. Jonathan Havens. Washington, N. V. 2!-5r WANTED TWO CARPEN- TERS AND TWO CEMENT FINISHERS. APPLY AT NEW GAS PLANT, RA LEIGH, N. C. SEE MR. PUGH. 29-3t. WANTED THREE OK FOIR WHITE bricklayers at once; $1,121-2 per hour; 'long job. Apply A. Stalling, Suffolk, Va. No labor troubles. 28-:i WANTED A DRUGGIST. PINOLE man, preferred. Addres W. E. Lewie, Mount Olive, N. C. 2t-2t WANTED A E1RKT-CLANH HAHHKk at onee. Fotty ft Elks, 1 rrlneesa Ht:; Wilmlnirton, K. C. 1 ! WANTED EXPERIENCED WAITER for quick lunch room. trust be" nble to produce results. AMress "Q-204,M ear of News and Observer. 2-7t I WANT A LIVE MANAGER FOR MY branek (tor in Elisabeth Citr. Am willing; to pay 11,800 to 2,000 a year .to Start, with chance of promotion. Must com highly recommended. O. 1 Gilbert, Elisabeth City, N. C. 29-3t WANTED FIRST-CLASS SODA CLERK. FOUNTAIN KNOWLEDGE AS WELL AS FAMILIAR WITH THE ' REXALL LINE. STATE AGE, EXPERIENCE, MAR RIED OR SINGLE, SALARY TO START WITH. DON'T REPLY TO THIS AD UN- LESS YOU i MEAN BUSI NESS. GIVE REFERENCE ADDRESS T-204," CARE NEWS AND OBSERVER. 28-St l'WM'EB WANTED TO ASSIST IN ad and job department. The Herald, fc'mlthfleld, N. C . 28-t II talis ais R I N IMMEDIATE IIIOLTlH HELP WANTED MALE WANTED EXPEBEENCED COIIBI nation bookkeeper and salesman to begin work at once. Git reference and state salary expected in first let- ter. Bot 107, Farmcrville, X. C. 29-7t WANTED -r ONE DOUBLE ENTRY bookkeeper; young man: must hate ' good references and give bond. Ad dress "P-203," care of New and Ob server. 28-.'lt WANTED FIRST-CLASS BARBER. 70 per cent commission. Can make $30 to 80 per week. Write or wire at once. J. H. Matthews, Roanoke Rap- lls, is. c 57-7t WANTED MECHANIC WHO CAN RE pair oil mill machinery; steady em ployment to righj man. Address "O- ;iHJ, care News and Observer. 27-71 WANTED REGISTERED DRUGGIST for small town. State age and salary. "O-203." care of News and Observer. 26-7t WANTED OOOD BOY TO carry News and Observer route in Goldsboro. Apply to A. B. Morgan, manager lioldaboro bu reau, 104 S. John street. 27-3t WANTED J I'MOK DRUGGIST FOR small town. State age, eiperienee and salary. ''O-204," caro of News and Observer. 2-7t WANTED PLANER AND MATCHER Apply "N-Sni,' care News and Ob server. 24-7t "WANT ADS" FOR NEXT Sunday's paper must be in the News and Observer office before Friday evening at 6 o'clock. WANTED: TWO MEN FOB FIRST AID WORK FOR THE TALLASSEE TOWER COMPANY, RADIX, N. C; 8 HOURS TER DAY; PERMANENT WORK; GOOD LIVING CONDITIONS; GOOD PAY; MIDDLE AGED MEN PREFERRED. STATE IN Ar T L I C ATI ON EXPERIENCE, WHEN1JEBVICE8 ARE AVAII, ABLE AND SALARY EXPECT -i ED. ADDRESS J. H. DEVEREAUX. EMPLOYMENT MANAGER. 251 lOt WANTED MANAGER FOR 14-HOR8E farm. Must be capable manager. Send references with answer. Box 277, Enfield, N. C. !:t-7t "WANT ADS' FOR NEXT Sunday's paper must be in the News nnd Observer oflieo before Friday evening at 6 o'clock. HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED AT ONCE DINING ROOM and kitchen matron, aingle; middle age preferred. Pleasant, congenial work. Write Siiperintendoit Pythian Home, Clavtnii, N. ('. 2!Ktt WANTED A HOUSEKEEPER FOR family of two. Address .M'-IO"," care Newn ami Observer. 21-7t WANTED YOUNG UIY CO.MPE- tent to keep set of lunik and do sli'iingrapbic work. Good opHrMin ity fur advnncement. Call between 12 anil 1:30 Monday. A. J. Crafts i'iano Company, 3.11 Fnyettevi'lc St. ' 2!-3t LADY- LADY WANTED IN GOIJ8- Ihito to assist nisnsgcr in collecting monthly dues from our nisgazine subscribers. Pleasant profitable work that ynu can do in your spare time. O. L. Dymond, 204 Lyric Bldg., Rich mond, Va. 2-3t YOINO LADY STENOGRAPHER capable of serving ss private secre tary and office manager. State salary eipeeted. "P-20.1," care News and Olmerver. , 28-lt WANTED THREE WAITRESSES FOB dining room work; $5 week, room and board. Proctor Hotel, Greenville, N. C. 2-3t WANTED YOUNG INDIES TO train as nurses. Apply to superin tendent Sarah Elizabeth Hospital. Henderson, N. C. 27-7t HELP WANTED (Male and Female) WANTED IMMEDIATELY GROCERY and meat clerk. Also lady cashier. College Court Grocery, West Baleigh, y- 29-lt WANTED - OFFICE ASSISTANT, must have knowledge of bookkeeping and stenographic work. State ei perienee and aslary expected fn first letter. "P-210," care Newa and Ob server. go.it CENSUS CLERKS 4,ooo NEEDED; 882 month, 18 npwsrd; iperlea oi aeeessary. For free particulars of examinations, writ J. Leonard (for mer government examiner), 103 Equitable Bldg., Washington. ' fi.7, TRAVELING. MEN, WOMEN, BEST aid lin ia ths world; 11,000 monthly! nothing to aell or carry; In formation enly. J. H. Walker, Boul der, Colorado. It-30t to U NT Sim WORDS to a LINE TEACHERS WANTED TEACHERS ONLY; KEYS AND translations bought, sold and ex changed. Bend list. Bav red tape. Teachers' Exchange, Greenwood, 8. C. 29-3t WANTED SEVENTH UKADfcJ TEACH- er; liberal salary. Address P. O. Box 914, Boeky Mount, N. C. 28-Jt H I X ELEMENTARY TEACHERS wanted for Kaleigh City Schools First, Second, Hth rand Seventh grades. Address, Harry Howell, City Superintendent Schools, giving train ing and experience with references. 28-3t WANTED TEACHER FOB 1NTEBME diate work in Lake Landing high school. Apply John L. Mann, Lake Landing, N. C. 27-St WANTED TEACHER HOLDING State Certificate to teach a two teacher rural school. Salary at least $SO or IHTi per month. Board not over 20 or 25. Apply to Mr. M. P. Bnwen, Whiteville, Route 3. 28-3t WANTED TEACHER FOB BUBAL school. Salary 870 or 875 per month. Apply to Mr. W. G. Howell, Chad- beurn, N. t'. . . 2S-3t WANTED TEACHER FOB KL'RAL school. Salary 870 or 875 per month. Apply to Mr. K. M. Thomson, Vine land, N. C. 2S-3t WANTED TEACHER , HOLDING State Certificate for rural school. Salary V5 or 870 per month. Apply to Mr. J. J. Gore, Bug Hill, N. C. 2S-3t WANTED TEACHER FOB TWO- tcacher rural school. Salary not less than $S.) per month. Apply to Mr. W. B. Babon, Chadbourn, N. C, Kouto 2. 28-3t WANTED TWO TEACHERS: Do mestic Science, and Agriculture and Manual Training. 9 months' school. Salaries from 800 to' 8125 per month. Apply A. W. Honeyeutt, Henderson ville, N. C. 24-7t WANTED TEACnER FOR THE WIL- linmson'i Cross Boads rural school. Term at least aeven or eight months; salary V per month. A,pply to Mr. J. U. Williamson, Chadbourn, N. C. Route 2. 2,-7t WANTED PRINCIPAL FOR A TWO teacher rural school; salary not less than 830 per month; term seven months. Apply to Mr. Henry Cole mnn, Cerro Gordo, N. O. 25-7t WANTED TEACHER FOR A RURAL school; salary 805; term not less than aix months. Apply to Mr. P. M. Stan ley, Bug Hill, N. C. 25-7t WANTED EXPERIENCED HIGH school teacher for Latin and English. Also a primary teacher. State salary eiected. "Teacher," P. O. Box 287, Greensboro, N. V,. 25-3t WANTED PRINCIPAL ?OR TWO- teacher school ; eight months; salary 875 per month. T. B. Attmon, 8iiit., Stonewall, N. C. 2l-7t. "WANT ADS'' FOB NEXT Sunday's paper must be in the News and Observer office before Friday evening at 6 o'clock. WANTED TEACHER FOR 7 AND 8 GRADES, SEABOARD HIGH SCHOOL EIGHTY-FIVE DOIJ.AR8 PER MONTH FOR s MONTHS. SCHOOL OPENS SEPTEMBER 8. WIRE W. I). BARBFE, PRINCIPAL, SEA BOARD, N. C. 26-7t WANTED PRINCIPAL FOR POLK- ton high school, new building; six teachers; 8 months term. Address J. W. Cameron, Polkton, .V. C. WANTED TEACHER FOR A ONE- teacher rural school; salary 863 per month; term at least six months. Ap ply to Mr. Q. M. Lennon, Delco, N. C. 23-7t WANTED TEACHER FOR A RURAL school; salary t0 per month; term1 six months. Apply to Mr. Wm. Stricklsnd, Cerro Gordo, N. C. 23-7t POSITIONS WANTED WANTED A TOSITION BY A YOUNG man, age 21 ; cau do any ordinary labor; desiro indoor work and good wngen. Address "Q-201,'' care News and Observer. 29-lt and Ob lLJ&Nr MILLINERY BALES LADY OF CITY experience desires position with good firm. Address B., Box 234, Hender sonville, N. C. 29-lt BUILDING SUPERINTENDENT DE sires position with general contract ing corporation as superintendent or foreman; experienced in estimating and handling jobs. W. H. B. Rlggan, Box 8.i, Portsmouth, Va. 28-7t EXPERIENCED YOUNG LADY STENOGRAPHER. WELL QUALI FIED, DESIRES POSITION WITH ESTABLISHED FIRM IS BAL K I O IL BEGINNER'S SALARY NOT ACCEPTABLE. ADDRESS -P-SOB," CARE OF NEWS AND OBSERVER, RALEIGH, N. C 28-lt E X P E R I ENCED STENOURAPUER secretary with general working knowl edge of bookkeeping, deaires posi tion. Address "O-202," car of News and Observer. 26-fit A TEACHES DESIBE8 INTERNED late) work ia graded achawT. For in formation address X. YV X., Hender son, N. C. IS-lt TWO STENOGRAPHERS WANT POSI tion in some good towa ia NortS Carolina. Year's experience. Good reference. Address "Position," Dillon, 8. C. J4-7t POSITION WANTED A S HOUSE keeper or ia linen room by mlddl aged womaa. Answer & M. O. Bot 109, Boeky Monnt, N. C tl-7t WANTED A 1-OSITION TO TEACH French ia High School er College. I bold aeven certificates from raaklag institutions. Havs bad three years iperienee. Kindly atat aalary ia flrst letter. Address M-S." ear tb Kwt and Obserrsr. . I3-7t 1 xaaaw & IE Nearest the heart of every father and mother liee the vision of home. It it modest dwelling; perhaps, but comfortable and quM in a plot of grttn lawn. There the children may play and grow strong in the sunlight and fresh air. We invite every man and woman, who even remotely contemplates buying or renting such property, to read our Real Estate Want Ads. All the best bargains are offered there, for almost every one with real estate to sell or rent adver tises ia our Classified Section. Little Metsages like these get Qalck Action ton aiia-an muv ' M4 Vur u Mm Inn UtM mm m at II SUSS .4.' i iWl fill MUlr all Wmi- fM Mi iwrtrMl. tlkml Inn Our Real Eatate Want Ad Section is a great Central Meeting place for buy en, sellers and tenters. Reudand Use the Want Ads in THE NEWS AND OBSERVER The Beat, Not th Cheapest, Want Medium In North POSITIONS WANTED WANTED AGENT IN EACH TOWN in Eastern Carolina to ell flowers. Pecilin Bros. Floral Co., Goldsboro, N. C. 2.1-7t. THE BEST LIFE HEALTH AND ACCI dent policy for colored men and wo men with liberal commissions for good agents, now is the right time to make money. Write I C. McCabe, Greens boro, N. C. 2.'l-10t DO YOU SEE THIS A D f OF COUH8E YOU DO. IT IK printed to show you how easy it is to find an ad if it is sur rounded with plenty of white space. NEXT TIME YOU WANT AN attractive "want ad" try three blank lines above and below like this. Also tell us to give you white space on each aide. BLANK LINES 10 CENT8 A line. Use white space. It will pay yon. AGENTS AGENTS WANTED-TO 8EUTHHEE Books of Knowledge"; just off the press. You can make from 10 to 825 a day selling them. Wri'e us today. J. B. Sanders A Co., Box 2.19, Cincinnati, Ohio. 2X-3t GET IX THE TIRE BUSINESS Agents wanted every whero to soil direct to car owners. If 810 per day looks good to you we enn use you ; all or spare time; samples furnished. Tires guaranteed 6,(HX) miles, our prices will get the business. Refer ence required first letter. Answer, P. O. Box 72.1, Raleigh. N. C. 2S-4t SALESMEN SALESMAN BY WELL KNOWN FIRM of importers and factory agents to ell crockery, glassware, .tinware, enamelware and aluminum from cat alog on commission bnais. No ob jection to other line. Can earn 873 to 8100 per week. Prefer man travel ing in auto who visits merchants in small as well ss larger towns. Ad dress ('. A. Smith, Sales Manager, 32 8. Howard St., Balto. Md. 26-29-31 "WANT ADS" FOB NEXT Sunday's paper must be in the News and Observer office before Friday evening at 6 o'clock. WANTED NORTH CARO LINA'S BIGGEST, BEST DEPARTMENT STORE, IS IN NEED OF THE FOL LOWING SALESMEN. MUST BE EXPERIENCED AND K N O W HOW TO SELL THE GOODS. PER MANENT POSITIONS AND GOOD SALARIES FOR: CLOTHING SALESMEN, MEN'S SHOE SALESMEN, AND MEN'S FURNISHING L.G0ODS SALESMEN. AD DRESS S. COPLON & SONS, DEPARTMENT STORE, NEW BERN, N. C. 27-3t LIFE INSURANCE AGENTS, LI8TN, her 1 what yoa bav bee a looking for all then year. Ordinary life, 20 pay aad SO year endowment for col ored mea and women aai big earn missions. Get ia oa th gronad floor, Lv C McCabe," Greensboro, N. C. 23-10t SALESMEN WANTED TO CALL ON farmers, aell "Nitra-Gem" and seed, atrlctly commission basis ; atat ref erence aad past experience; must be bl to start work at once. Ad dress, Salea Manager, Box No. 363, Savannah, Ga. 22-1 M "WANT ADS" FOB NEXT ' Sunday's paper mast b la th . Newa aad Observer offle before Friday rrnlng at I 'clock, lryr S ILI I TV -V-. VTfc.. ,m ..I.. I ' " U2 2aHCa3 -l-iMSSZ TO nsNT Km mit f-ma kw i Mrnw. I wm wtani 1!S. Tun. Hook, from Mnt M Iim t4 enlf IS Prtnuui fra kMit W at BwMla st utm ss n ADllRnWt : . Carolina" BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED TO COMMUNICATE WITH a reliable and experienced Fire In surance ana itcal r.atate man as partner in an Insurance and Real Estate buainess. Address "P-202,1 care News and Observer. 28-7t AN OPPORTUNITY. WANTED GOOD dairyman on salary or partnership. Good pasture and land, already pay ing business. No good dairy in city. Unlimited prospects. For full particulars write P. O. Box 383, Golds boro, N:'C. 27-4f GARAGE AND SERVICE I HAVE the best location for garage, galea and service station in Alamance county. Will develop to your requirements. Junius H. Harden, Burlington, N. C. 23-7t WANTED (Miscellaneous) WE WANT LUMBER QUOTE US "coat," price and quality. Milling transit any sizes. Building materia! furnished promptly. Try us once. Ellington Lumber Co., Raleigh. 2S-7t WANTED THREE OK FOUR FUK nislied rooms for light house-keeping. Phone 207. WANTED 7,500,000 Piedmont Box Fronts. D. T. MOORE 80N. 10 W Martin Street, Room 210 Law Building. 24-7t WILL BUY CASH GROCERY, IAME price and reason for sale. "Q-208," care News and Observer. 27-20-31 WANTED FLAT TOP DESK. MUST be In good condition. Address Kline & IiOgnrns, City. 2fl-.'lt WANTED COUNTRY' BUTTER. MUST be best grade. Detroit Automatic 30-lh. Computing scale for sale, 8!.r)0. Allen's Cut Rate Market. 29-3t WANTED TH REE OR FOUR FLOOR show cases for clothing store. An swer "Clothing," care of News "and Ohnerver. 20-31. WANTED-TO BUY OLD FEATHER beds for eash; will call any where in Vorth Carolina to see fliem. Address "N-209," care News and Observer. 25-8t WANTED LUMBEK AT ALL TIMES. Gum, poplar, ash, oak, maple, juniper and pine lumber. Never sell your lum ber without consulting us, "There's a reason." We pay 9 per cent cash on receipt of shipping papers. EAST CAROLINA LUMBER CO., New Bern, North Carolina. 8-21-tf "WANT ADS" FOR NEXT Sunday' paper must be in the New and Observer office before Friday evening at 6 o'clock. CALL 638 FOR WARREN'S TRANSFER. AUTO MO BILES FOR HIRE. WANTED-TO. BUY, SECOND HAND furniture and ttov.s nnd household good of every description. Kniii', Furniture Store, 111 E. Hargett atrect Bell Phone 600. 17-.ftt. . FOR SALE (Miscellaneous) FOB SALE BABY CARRIAGE AND go-cart, in good condition. 11 W. Jones. 29-lt FOB SALE TBACT TIMBEB CON Uining 60,000,000 feet pine, located in South Carolina, beginning within I miles of railroad. Will sell timber rights, or in fee simple. For de scription and further information, address P. O. Box 406, Florence, S. C. ' 28-7t FOR SALE REGISTERED ENGLISH bloodhounds; pups ready to train; female trained. Address "0-207," rare isews and fjhserver. 27-7t FOR S A LE-i NATIONAL CASH REGISTER, 9 DE PARTMENT SECTION; FULL EQUIPPED COUN TER MACHINE; ALMOST NEW. PRICE $375.00. CAPITAL CIGAR CO., RA- y LEIGH, N. C 28-29-81 FORJSALE (Miscellaneous) 18-fON YORK ICE PLANT FOB SALE. Ia perfect condition. Will sell for operation at loeatioa or dismantle. Beaaoa for selling;, baying larger plant for another towa. Thompaoa ice Company, Boaemary, V. C. 15-30t FOB SALE UP TO DATE AND FULLY quipped bottling plant ia good loca tion. Writ N-204," Kewa aad Ob server. 24-WH FOB SALE, OB WOULD TBADE TWO pair of ale farm mulea; age, 7 aad 8, for Ford touring car. Boa 30, Apex, N. C. 23-7t FOR SALE ADDING MA CHINES. GOOD SECOND HAND MODELS AT BAR GAIN PRICES. ALSO NEW MACHINES OF ANY SIZE TO FIT YOUR BUSINESS. BURROUGHS ADDING MACHINE CO., RALEIGH. 3-tf. ROOMS HOUSES FI-ATS (For Rent) FOB BENT FUKNISIIED FRONT room in private home; within half block of Union Station; 211 8. Har rington Street. 2S-3t FOB KENT UNFUBNI8HED APART ment; two large rooms on lower floor; 107 E. LrTne Street. 28-2t FOR BENT NICELY FURNISHED room, three blocks from Capitol. Ap ply 309 E. Morgan street. Phone No. 990-R. , 27- CALL 638 FOR WARREN'S TRANSFER. AUTOMO BILES FOR HIRE. ROOMS HOUSES FLATS (Wanted) WANTED HOUSE UNFURNISHED in desirable neighborhood. Phone 16S8. 2-3t YOUNG MAN, GOOD REFER ENCE, DESIRES ROOM ONLY IN PRIVATE .HOME WITH GARAGE FOR AU TOMOBILE P.O. BOX 143. 29-2t. FOR RENT 'Miscellaneous) THE MONTAGUE HOTEL, CLINTON, N. C, is for rent Sept. 1; 20 rooms, almost completely furnished; at pres ent doing business with steadily in creasing patronage. Write at jnre. A. W. Colwell, Clinton, N. C. 26-7t BENT OR SALE 7-HORSE FARM, 3 miles Cordele, Crisp county, Georgia. 308 River St., Pnlntka, la. 23-8t. "WANT ADS" FOR NEXT Sunday'a paper must be in the News and Observer office before Friday evening at 6 o'clock. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOB SALE BRICKJJILL COMPLETE. Location: main railway line near Fayctteville. Plenty good building brick clay. Home Land Co., Dunn, N. V., J. O. Layton. Manager. 28-2t FARMS FOR SALE THE J. F. COW ell, consisting of 200 acres of culti vated land, adjoining the progressive little town of Bayboro, near Norfolk Southern loading; near good school and churches and plenty of labor. Also farm, adjoining the little town of Al liance, 300 acres. Five other email farms desirably located. For right prices and reasonable terms, see Bawls k Tingle, Alliance, N. C. FARM FOB 8ALE-1U8 ACRES, 40 cleared; fine for Cotton, corn and tobaceo; fine pasture and good orch ard ; good five-room dwelling and outbuildings; near school; 3 miles of Bunn, on Baleigh and Tarboro road; rural mail. Price 4U an acre;, cash or easy terms. For quick purchase address J, E. Stalling?, Mnpleville, N. C. ' 28-7t FOB SALE SIXTY ACRES OOOD farm laud. Thirty-five acres cleared. Five-room house. Five miles from Garland, X. ('., on public road. Terms easy. For further information, ad dress Box 314, Roue Hill. N. C. 27-"t VIRGINIA LAND FOR SALE. 2i7 acres, good dwellibg, 8 rooms with eellnr; 3 tobacco barns, good stables, new corn crib and two tenant houses. Want to sell as it is or will tell 152 acres with no buildings or 103 acres and include all buildings. This farm is directly on National Highway, and is 20 miles south of Petersburg, in Dinwiddie county. For further par ticulars, write J. B. Beck, Butterworth, v- 28-7t BUY FROM OWNER, A FARM OF 1.16 acres, 2ft miles from Merry Oaks, N. C. Nice homo on graded road, splendid for general farming, fine pasture with lasting water, school and churches convenient. Edmond Jour dan, Merry Oaks, N. C. 27-7t FOR SALE SMALL FARM. 1 MILES Cary High School. Good road, good neighbors, abundance fruit, suits cot ton, tobacco, grain. Priee- aad term right. Object quick sale. Inquire 612 Polk St- Baleigh. N. C. 27-3t BRIGHT TOBACCO LAND FOB SALE. 121-acre farm, 815.00 per acre. For full description, write to W. A. Brewer, Yale, Va., Sussex county. . 24-7t WANTED TO SELL YOU A HOME ON EASY TEBMS. AXY SIZE. PBICE OB LOCALITY. D. T. MOORE A SOX. BELL THONE 1327. f4-7t NICE COUNTRY HOMES FROM TWO to 1,700 acre, from 815 per aer a p. Excellent laada for general farming, gTaia, grass and bright tobaceo; 8 000,000 feet original growth timber; excellent land for gentral farmiag. Owing to the cheap of oar had, th North Carolina peopl ar pear iag la aad trayiag them. Writ t Z. V. Bobertsoa, formerly at North Carolina, Blackstona, Ya Box 843. U-Ut. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BUSINESS LOTS OX MABTUI street near TJaioa Statioa at anctioa. Tb Hobby property sab-divided it ' basinet lots will b sold at soetioa Friday, September 6th, at 11 S. m, Thia ia the moat desirabl property for ibusiaea purpose Marti street, Carolina Realty Compaay, j Selling Aswata. Baleigh, X. C 100 FARMS , IS EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA . FOR BALE. - THEY ABE LOCATED IN Wayne, Johnston, Wilson, Edge combe, Nash, Greene aad Hali fax counties. ANY SIZE, AXY PBICE. WRITE FOB CIRCULAR, OB if yoa bar a farm yon wish to sell or exchange, it will pay yon to eommunieat with as, a we are ia th midst of th best ' section ia North Carolina, aad have hundred of farmer look ing to ns to And them a bom or a farm for speeulatioa. WIRE OB WRITE KENXEDY-MCYE REALTY CO., INC, OFFICE NEXT TO KBES8. Phone 158, Goldsboro, N. C. M-7t WANTED BUYER FOB ONE OF THE FTNE8T FABM8 IN SAMPSON COUNTY. ONE MILE FBOM PABKEBS burg a nice 560-aer farm, 223 acre cleared. New 8-room house, 8 tenant houses, 1 8-stall bora, with brick foundation. Seven outbuildings, farm cleared and all improvements in last three year. Price, 857 JO per acre. One-fourth eash; 86,000 Irst y;ar; five year oa balance. W. C. CARSON, OWNER. rABKERSBURG, N. C. M-8t REAL ESTATE WANTED FOR SALE SEVERAL NICE FARMS bear Apex. Good roads, schools, churches and fine tobacco market. Produces tobaceo finest quality, a well as cotton, corn aad small grain. Terms arianged. L. 8. Olive, Apex, X. -3frt WANTED TO BENT OB BUY A GOOD farm. Those interested writ or see J. Ed Craft, Wilson, N. C. 80-81 LET US SUBDIVIDE AND SELL YOUR FARM AT AUCTION. WE GUARAN TEE SATISFACTORY RE SULTS. RALEIGH REAL ESTATE AND TRUST CO., RALEIGH. N. C. 14-30t WILL BUY SEVERAL LOTS IN BOD man Heights (Portsmouth), if cheap. State numbers. Address 643 Florida avenue, Portsmouth, Va. 25-7t WE GET RESULTS. LET U3 SUBDIVIDE AND SELL YOUR FARM AT AUC TION. CAROLINA REALTY CO., RALEIGH, N. C. 10-30-1 FOB QUICK BALE. LIST yonr property with ns. D. T. MOOBE t SON. Bell Phon 1927. I47t SEEDS PLANTS FALL AND WINTER HEADING CAB bage plants; also eollard plants ready for shipment. Parrel post paid, 100 for SOc; 500 for 82; 1,000 for 83.50. By express, 5000 for 81-50; L000 and over, 82.25 per 1,000 ; 5,000 aad vr, 82 pcrl.000. No plants (hipped c. o. d. F. E. Hull, Bock HiU, 8. C. 29-lt CABBAGE PLANTS 8 USE HE AD, Drumhead, Flatduteh; also eollard plants, 8--50 thousand, f. o. b. growing station; 50e thousand extra by par cel post. Quality guaraateed. Bal eigh Plant Company, Baleigh, N. C. 24-Tt - LIVESTOCK POULTRY FOB SALE A BUGGY HORSE, cheap. Apply I. T. Gower, Claytoa, X- 28- AUROUXD PBIXTEB WANTED Prefer one who caa ope rat machine, set ads, job and make-ready. Offer permanent position ia good shop. State whea can com and salary ex pected. Felt Printing Company, La- i Grange, N. C. 2S-4t ' WHILE WHEAT MIDDLINGS All! care and high, buy our velvet Hog Feed fur hog and cow. It make meat and milk $10 toa cheaper tha middlings, and goea Just a far for feed, r-atisfactiuu guaraateed. COLONIAL CEREAL COMPANY, Norfolk, Va. -32t FOB SALE ONE HIGH GRADE, JER. ry row, a beauty; 3 year old; frcph ia about tea day. "N-208," car Kw f and Ornerver. 85-Tt YOUNG'S TWO-FIFTY EGG STRAW of Single Comb Whit Leghera Cock, rale, March hatched, 82 each. I jer. ti Parker. Duke. N. C. . 23-24-86-88 28.301 WANTED THREE FBESH CO 8 1 state pries aad amouat of milk aek gives. Box 117, New Bern, N. C. 25-7 GENUINE BELGIUM CABXEATJX AND Homer Pigeons, oa dollar per pair. : Beauties. T. N. Boss, Nashville. N. C I -WANT ADS"' . FOB NIXT I 8uaday' paper swat b la th 4 News aad Observer onto befor rridsy ortaiag at SJ 'cbxk. .