ms pys wp ozzmvuL FRIDAY MOSKIQ, AUGUST 23, 1S19. The News and Observer aWaUm, W. ft ;". rakkM fvarr Dor to ' Test Br TBI XEWS Alii OBSIBTBB rVBLISHIKO fPtfJAKT ferny PWfff. nun iy aw patEn-pta roitpmy , U-llf WO IMi I aWntai Imm .....H AeSavttjnaf Beat ...Iff LmI Neim Davt ....ff Cbvajatta Das. ...Itt MEMBKS OF TBI AAtOOATU PI CM 1m AaaiHnl.s Pram eeJnlailr aatftM a ha fat raaaklhaHaa af H Ml InaattkM afMU4 ta H at Ml HWIm maiarl la (Ms seta serf alaa Mm aMl Mm MMtoM Weak. AU mtai af mmMm. ttea at (Mttel tet-jhsata art also IMmi rUI4" 4S0CTEp MESS kfffHTf One Ymr.. rim Oh Tor fit M Mntti'i M lli Months AN Pmi ITl Tkrw Maatln ..... M4 One MX ........ Oh Month J no Tajy ...gMt l Maatka tl.yy TW Kawe nee" Okaaraar to' deNvera! W eairtart la at the hnMa raatatlaa at BaMck, Mart CamttMX M ntwH mums MORNING TONIC ' (Addison.) rise nensy ad yxnle4 scph art pot half panful ii common sense; tilery an forty pita of wit or om mil or gooa kdm; ma by toyt wii tarry nothing tboiit with him but (old will U ttery Of y ii i loss ror reidier change. UNqJ WAIT MA3QN CLOSE TO KAITH. I never yet hsvy ridden la nlrplmt ar balloon, . !.. r'V f !rP Mit M W? t im" . It antadla' anana the sailing awaa. Ia Motor tin I'ff gadded, bat I'm aot ktfi le In a ail I , tin earth if padded, with velvet cuhlaat ddd, I , rU aot Mat biarb. I yett tki pbae aad ttaa t It, bat If I fH from that, tha Jolt woald shock tht pbaet, apd aU the feiky wha maa It. aad leave tkt bindings lit. I hold It right ad proper for rflthl fa tear tha alrj for thjy'iro pi lab m coa r, lad If thijr coatf i craMr Ihff da aot aetd If car. Bat air ld bhtad Ii chilly. I llama) la tinr ftybi; ipd 'd lof( rather alllr If nil, wiiyauiy. aai loiaa aallaa. My yan vri lb;ro ararf tn fd I d dh dlgilty, If can .. 49wn fra brar Haf (pirtaf ' tnta af V". U traa. I hrlf th,a ir (iia cIUac "CM with u, If yoa pUinl' Tha iport la taa iaoljla far ff tkm fctd S nillll. 1(1 aaewy, te hikata. Lot rKklaaa aaU aa. rirol tha claidliid'i MyKcryi tha aall aa whkh I IWTtL, tha aahalatirad inirfl. b nad aiovgh Jiwclari aay pr0hibtloi )ia!p-tbir tiadi. Buni tfil aii of all linn Had out that prohibition holja , anjthiaj thit U fqr h eyqitry'l faod. Til Aaitrlraai aow in the irmy in Europe iium l aboit iq,pp0, fi lhT ioii!4 b brBb (oMi Ii A fee; diyfif wi fould erer eft paipe aigncd up. Belgium rjtjiM treaty. Premitly peaca wjll be reatored i Europy vei if aot between tlii lauatra aid Qeraiiajr. If tbia keepa oi and w tia't irn with tin treaty and hive to fight out ar aaire oaei more with Germany the job of Hud lug plica to fight will be n great when the - 1 mi W "range meet ia tha Vaitad Btitea. ' Tha f reaident ii ufa ia liking that piaaport regulitiona be continued far a yer ftr th bratioa, of peiee. Thii rQuutr bai cop thro,),. a uperieaee with tndoairable foreign influtneel that it H Jutt ii well to hold ia ehoek, aw tbtt It ia chtfkid, ind then U ri gmt difiulty Ii Hcurisg a paaaport if qm ( edid, aid it i . Wfll to be ou tin m( lide until the other aid la determined,. probably BhailMg brm hilfaamueh wprrltd ' ltattf aa kaidful af American Senator ire, aad irohibly Bhmtung ia worried ai math aa there ia any aecaijoi to be,-and poaiibly there ar other thjaga aeeding atteation ia tbia country more thai Ehiatuag dot. Bow many peoplf hive yoq trtf .eird apeak of it who erer heard at Bhantung atil tail lummer or who earea if it ilipa off tha m$9 lafo tha ait Jft aa. Mr. Veld, of the, packet,!, uya, the am mriry i me iraee utmatwaioa ire aewapaper me a aad their lherie an, niaonid, he might raaliaa from what k aaowi af paaapaparmea that bffora they get through with him they will hire ...tht facta tha te, tkt iohM aiei ataag with ' thiiunind onei, and he might 11 well give down I bat he'kaoii la truthful atta aad without eill lif tea many namra. Very Uttle uaaiti laaaa ahould iha the' friend ( tk tegro that inflaming him agilait the whi'e , people ia sot helping him. 8lneere friends of the egro try ta preaerve harmony lnateid of ereiling haitillty, for hoatility aever geti aijbody my. when. Nobody geti anythti aat af fight ueept Kkfraw, The ricee ia the Beuth, r markiig to ard itronger baraoniea and tha nUtloia In thi Jouta, ira mora 4oairib1i thai lay plaea elee ta lull ouitry or my ether, and effort! to dliturb Uiatiag eonditiona an only harmful. Charlotte itriken and atriken anywhere elae or lay oth pereoal any place ia thia country tea iraBt if they remember to heap ejoee ta public . ttatimiat, fot it ii never ery far wrong. The Majority af tha people in, it a nib, right. It b rtre thing for the moat af the a be wnai. U'hea tka aeaUmeat of the paopla b back af a, maremeal it foei. b aot, that, bottmevl tai a lot af wibaioaary. work ta do befon it ran ex-reed, and the quicker everything alae la called tT and tha mliaiuniry aork hegua thi mat bipa i f autceisT Otberwiw, failure b tha moat likely l titw litm mhB aw auwh b baUg ii4 abaui tka reapeetlve rigbti of bbor md capital It U well to recall the wUa worda of GoTeraar Bickett la i atateaacai bayed with egwd if Iha difebarg J eottoa mill operatirei it Charlotte wbe had re fined to withdraw from Jy organized union. That abtemeat of the tjovernor'i ahould be read and r-wa4, by re prefentitivei of bbor mJ eipi' fll fll T f 6tAt. aui with Una pvidf ffaoy ahould get togethir ai a baaii of mutual aader' ftaadiag md eo-operatloa. Bevbwbf tha teitile eitiutioa ia Charlotte whteh led to the luggeitioa thai troopi ought to be ifat to oucirpoeaible dUorden, thf Povernor faidt - Thf facta Uidlff to hf prMipt d". geroua eilxiiioB irj oidbputed. A foiaidcr ' abb aumbry pf mi)J ipfritiyea joi a bbor uaioa. Tbreupa thy jawacry nptftr theye operativea that they Kuat withdraw from the uaioa.-or tbey will aot be permitted to work ia thi mi)i. The operativee refuaed to with draw from tha "uaioa and wire diacbirged;. Thif potjiioa aa the part of thi mill ownera b BBwjae, unjuat md cfnuot le ajiintainfif, Ibjsr ba juat ia muck right to ergiaisf fi capital. rjiht thi right to collective bif (nain 01 tie fart of bbor b reepgniced by every civilised government in the world. Thia right b guaranteed to bbor everywhere by the world treaty of pcice that haa juat been framed ia Paeif ; When the mill ownera diecharged thi oper ' ativea beeiuea they joined union, they re torted to force aad aot to reaaoa (ft iqataia their potitba. lockout ii war jndustril war waged by orgmiud eapltal ggiinali labor. A walkpi)t if war waged by orgiafaed bbpr gainat capital. Neither a lockout nor a walkout bean any relation to the aourcea of wiidom md of juatiee. In the can of a walkout ar a lockout each fide if tryiig to etarye the otbr aid into aubmiay log to itf, will. The right of bbor to organite cannot be challenged, but I tm periiaded that the kind pit organinHpB ttt both capital gad Ubpr now maintain can never bring ibout that con fidence and good will between employer and employe thai ii eaieitiil ia tha auMeee aid - appinefi pf bath. Ibpr and iipibl art if taparab eampe raB( ach other with uipieba and ilitruat. Such in ittitudo a pel la failure. Tha pnly hope fpr better eonditiona, for enduring peace ia for labor and capital to atand together (a uijrit ai a)u(ual (jelpfuU nt. Then muat bl co:operitjpn, ipd not competition between the men who furnish the capital md tha enci)ti ability on tht band md tba tt)in who furniyli the labor on f he other. I earneatly urge the iwaeri aad tha opera tivea fa Charlotte and in the adjoining aec tiona to get together, for eventually the happi neaa of all muat depend upon the proaperity of the enterpriee ia which ill ire engaged. I am ibaolutely certaia that a wiaa and juat plan of eo-operition caa b flerlaad. Ia tba forma tion of thia plan there ahould by the fulleat and fruit participation by the representative! qf labor and capital. Tending the working out in good faith of auch plan pf co-opern-tion, orgy thf t ill (he mily by reopened and that ill tny laborera return, ta their ork.v When thi oiillf reopen nnynd vyry Amer ican citiaey b ''lilt to work (n-the milla nhrtlicr hy byloagi fq a labor uqioa ar not. hjq mill owner hay yny right to aay myp aba 11 not work beeiuie he belonga, to a labor qnioa. Kq labot Uploy bai ?ight to any that aiaaa iliall not work becnuaa hi (mi aot be Lang ta' a Ubec naioa. That b a queition fat i each man to decide for hlmaelf, and the State P Nprtll Pr$UR fi" o toleratf, yny nyr ferenee in either taae. I give io lorn a warning t that the full power of tba State will be enerted tq protecj any niyn nh,o waqla to wprk ani) any any who ahyll dare to Intarfiry with n ril)in wyrkey will do ae it hit owa peril. Thi Governor in thit atatement laid dV a prrm vhbh both employery and onion u ployea con follow with prqilt everywhere in Char lotte, Winaton-Balem, Albemarly, High Point of anywhere elae whee etnployera and employee are at nub. ( ybould, be noted, that he eajli the refuaul of employ era to recegilu the rjght of labor to organUe 'unwise md uajuat" ynd deelircy that auch a rofuMl'taanot be maintained. In reaponne to hit appeal textile wqrkeri iround Charlotto ware allowed to orgaaizi and threatened trquble ia the rotton milla wae averted, union labor wa recogniaed by the ReynolJa company iy Wipiton 3ylm mil poiaibly other ividenaea of a dbpoltiia ta eo-opynti with labor were given, if there had been the ayme reeponaiveneai on the part of tiie corporation operating thy atrcet ear company t Chitlotte hy diaorder end thi tragediee of Mon day aad, Monday night "Quid have been averted. The Governor alio Mid in hia ityteiuenl that "ynyon who ihyll dare ty iatarfere with a willing worker wil da ao at hia ywa pyril," end asacrted mpbltlftlly that ye labyr nniyn hai y right It any mm abaU work beeauye he doea not be long te uaioa. The Governor iy hia atatamint threw the weight of hli great influence to thy aup port of labor ia iti right to organize and to the urging of capital to rycognize the. fight of labor to organize, but he waa ewiphytb in declaring thnt then must be ne latirfering with the right of mey te wirk regirdleaa if whether they belong te a uniei, H iy hr that union men have aemitimoi weakened their cyn with the nnprejudiced ah- aerver. It would be well for them to bear iy mlu4 tha calm, tenoned worda of the Governor and rely an It eaUghtyned. public opinion rather tbia violence to ennble them to gain recognition. Two big thiaga atand out in the Ooveraora atate ment and they batp been emphaaiaed in the week! development!. TJiey an the duty of 'capital to recognite the rigty of bbor to organise aad tha duty of labor te refnia from vbleace. Thety jbllgatlona ire fundamental. Capital will never be it peace with labor aatil the right to orgmlay ia freely given. Uber will never aamauai) the full luppprt of public opinion ia long aa it n orty to violence to keep tha uaergaabed yam from working. ,TiI VOTKI OP THI XHOPMKX, t What (ha railroad ahopmen do with respect to the question put np ta tknaa by tha President ia a matter of volt imperbaea and ena that tbey ahould conaider la ill aeriouenela. pa whit they do probably turn what other tradei aaioni will da, aad tha ahopmai evidently barf It la thai? aani to give tha govemmeat time to ace what can ba done with regard to prieya, or they caa force iha country into the mighty undeatrable turmoil that i strike alwayt briagt, . It la i atce that deietvei the moat careful de Ubentioa. A atrike tbat fail will be a etriky that will leave ia Its wake much diatarbH buaiuen, haraakip md abaoa that will Inkt bnt limi ta recover from, aad which, will ban made mitten ameh wtryt than gyw, A ytrlkt b wit, tad war b a ! " 1 " 11 " - 1 "i it1 Tba aentiment of the country b andeubtedly with tha Preeident at the preeeat timc.'nad it hardly aver paya to By ta tha face of public aenti ment. : Eapeeblly not at thb tlmt would yaeh a atep be discreet. The people are toe apt t abjaw that y little tim.mitt bf giya ta nriing tba Pnejdeyt'a ad v icy and effort to determine what can by dqne, and pi tha pooply will hare p pay t'e iaexaaaed tm ftf higher wages tbey will aat b a diiiiterested party. No mistake will be made by rotiag ta ait, yi4 y gryry om ntigbt U mii by j recipitate ictioi it thii time. jPOOp OUTLOOK BETTER. For A ek or two the tendency of prices hai been downward, and it b a natural ynd. interested questipn that people isk when they wonder if the movement means inything. ' The eiports of food ra deereising. Europe b showing the effects of harvest time. In 'the interior of Europe ) b re ported that some seetiony yre making wheat tnonyh ty car for thy pyoply pow. Fraacp aad fiwrnsyy byvy beea ab,ly tq ivyorp sites tipy t thy farma tbia year tbiy it yny limp nice wyr epamintyd, ind Oreat Britain hat made a ttniuout effort te feed herself, with results that an aaid to be ex tremely encouraging. It b assumed that Europe ii in better shape now. thia for at leant two or thne yeira la thi matter of food. Shipping be gins tp hiydle the aupplbi from Australia better tbaa during tbt rash pf war, md Bputh American eontributioni of food in easier to procure. If thb is a correct summing up of the' situation in the war territory we may take it for a fact that wy hiry pissed tby biggest job of fepdfpg Earope, and that we will find foal suffiebytly ibandait ta this country that it trill be hunting a yurket Instead of the market hunting the food. The de crease of exports bst month noted n mnrked de crease in thi export of food. Whether thia hay conn ya thy permyneyt ytyty, or ynly far time until Eutopp ahall yat np what it bis midy thly year, b spftulitivy, But tf rtaia It b that Europe iy adding materially ta the feed anpply aow tha harreyt b coning ia, ind we will aat ba sallyd on for aa much ia wp hive been sending over, nnd will hsri p greptet quaitity berf yt home. Jf bter we ire called on to help out it will be from a t- yervy tbyt will aot mist what b tyken. Thy food ontlpak ii yertyiyiy better. BELLING A TOWN. The government advirtiaei that among other tlyngi it has for sale il a result of the cloay of the war ii the town of Nitro, in West-Virginia. Nitrn ii i twa of about tOfiW peoplt. pt the people. It wis i town of that many people nntii business ytyppyd when tbe wir concluded. Now it is y town of few people ynd no proapeeti unlret it cm fiid mother owner. It wae n town built for the purpose of making powder. Whey war quif, miking powder quit, nnd n perfectly good town, thoroughly yqulpped for aVl powder, yupplied with ill modern fiyiliUae, such is hotels, hospitals and schools, found itself without inything to do. Unleti somi one buys it nnd mykes a pyaae tewa 1 of St it wilt have to wnii for mother war, aat t ii toe modern to w.-int to do tl'at. . 1 VfHUtet lf m t?I f Wtynytiog., It takes some big industry ta ase a town big enough ta held 20,000 people, yu4 money to luy a pb of thyt tort. Ta it b yyt iltogelhir im possible to find n buyer, for the location was picked liter 1 careful anamination of nil plneei in tby iquntry, wkifh menuy it b well Incited. It wis built to bi 11 efficient town, md big In duytrlyi ire yftey found ereitinf juat auch n plica. Bqt it ia not often towns of thb tort nn offend for ayle. ,Tb oourae of thia town's trnnafonnn-4 tiyn inty ypmethiig ybe will be mother one of the novel neti of this big republic. SHANTUNG. Tbt rknyty hya been troubled about gettiag aur country tangled np In foreign rebtioas. But what Is thi significance of tba Shantung affiirf An wi (a by ta ehay Japan my frysy Shantung, md If to" b it our sffyir, iinb-hyndedf te get into thb game which eeeatt t dbturb ta tyt bat 1 small bunch of Bepublicnni in tht Fedenl Sen ate! Germany held Shmtupg md we di4 tot worry about it b Ull eytynt of driving Gtrmnay cut. Japan took the Shaarnag rlghta fnm Ger many ynd hylb now no mory thap Germany held. nnd ne ary ayke4 to lnvohy oqr country with Japm to ihow that we in uiwilling that Japm ihi'J hire what ah took frq Girmyay. An w te be thy ynoa'tor fioy ll tby reytlety nitiont nnd aee thnt none encroaches on mother If our policy ie to hold aloof from foreign nffnin how b it that we atari la before a peace la ratified to notify one ebnntry thit it cannot by permitted to mnln- lain n temporary "claim on a territory that he original owner haa not hyld for myny yeyraf Ia thb in Invitation te Jnpan to poll of her coat aad roll iit An we to stand np befon tha world an) tny we We corny ant te eslebHea, y pro tectorate aver China Or what b thi Senate aiming it anyway t When building atarta u ly thb country we have en hind nbenl four yean" el hash jeba le eatth ify on, md when tbe etiff will come from to do it with b going te ha na Jatereettaf problem. Wt in short buildings for the Increased popubtioa of thi fivy years, ar about fivy mllliea peepla, u many is ill of North Cinlina and Virginia. That b tie building job ahead Hns just now, and it b getting bigger every minute. , I Onty in while Uernuay .qreaka ia with a eea- albly Uey. Her play b that mm who wmt to warn mora and. pfodue. mon ahall be allowed to earn aU they yya. flermaay needa a chance for hyr people to eara all they caa these days. SPIRIT OF THE PRESS l 11 11 i SPIRIT ' ; Thy Cheaaaena ef CatUa. Oolumbll 8tity Last Bundiy, ia the New York World, was m interview by Arthur B. Marsh, editor ef The Ece: nomb World, former pnsideat af tha New York Cotton Swhinga md ia earlier life a member af tha faealtba of the Varity of Kinau md af Harvard, from whbb we quotes 1 'The rise ia thy prices of nw materbb hjs not kept pace with tha movement ef prices af in dustrial prodncts. lebtivily. eottoa todsy at at tmtt pound fo aheiper than ever befon ia tht history af tha eottoa industry. The prices af taw wool art ta thy wat Iml ay befon tha war. 15 m Pit Qorw 'J 1 " I'liui ii siwiii 1.1 m.ju Jii-a mil ). 11111 m ne 1 mi 1 u- in - ' 9 9 I Ji...,..FlJ,.ai l 1.1.1 ' I.JU.HI U JilUi 4 11 Ii4 ., J. 1 H i.i. II ".P 1 in. 1 . Jl I I II 1 , I i lasi 1 1 w. 11 iui 1 ,11 1 ' si 1 i 'i 't .' 1 ... .'.I J. , . 1. 11 m "JyWwJ Pricyy of kidyy byvy tlaey bMt mocyratyl. But the prbet of eottoa goods, yf clothing ynd yhoey a. m . J . . . . r . in 01 pinyy mynnryeinrya yrueiey MVS nyaa nut of all proportion, to tht fit in tht price; ef tht raw myteriiv tht reison iy thy diminished pry- ancuviry yi inyyitry, This teytimuny of Mr, Myrih b fullr aeriobora- tive of tht eentmtioni ,ol the Seuthery eottoa planters. Wy On Tla Profiteer. Charlotte Observer. The State ydmiabtratba b Droeeidina with ra- orgayiutiyn of thi food, eontral mioijiary ay under wartime eendftipni. Mr, Iftyry A. page will resume mynygemeyt ef headquartyrs yt Bylylgh, and Mr. Plummer Stewart will ba ia charge pf thy inll-prbe?ing rampylpn In 1eek.lenburg. Anfi my preaeyt organisation win ne lennyd te patter advaptyge, ia thyt tbe penalties, provided in aeveiy ira of uaucuiaia appuoniisB. xaen an promt binf ladieaUeaa thit Iha pnfitewbl b quickly ty oecope n sonousiy vissy Duaineaa a jterin vary linn. Tht admiabtsatba, fwrtheraaen, will hut A united public taatimiat behind it. Senator Ladyw nnd Shnatnng Bill. New York Evening Post. Already the indications ary stnif that Senator Lodge, hating marched yp tkt Bhantung hill, will pnayntly march down again. En surrender to Senator Johnson on the nnti-Japanese issue b coldly received evya by hb own party. The Tribune yecki out polite phrisea te tall Mm thyt he hyt blundered groaaly. "A proud, aatby la not likely to bend ty y perempbry demand." "It be hoove! tht Senate to weigh moat seriously all of tba queitlgui involved in yy ypprovyl of thy recom mendatien of the Committee "ea Foreign Rela tions, "Beside the delicacy ef our relations with Jupny, it would seem highly iitxpedieyt to tike ay action that would jeopardise tba penea aa a wboia." These nre unqueattonabry the viewa of steady -going Republican", area ia the Senate. Whey yskyd yesterday if there would be a ma jority iy the Pen.ite for the Shantung amendment, Mr. Lodge yaid thnt ha did aat knaw; thm had beea ny sounding af yeitimeat , Ba it araid ap pear thyt the Republic! Jtydert ary merely trying t on. (I the Shantung ameadmmt finds, fivor, then it nijl be a fine piece of constructive atatet- mmthip ynd noblt simple yf red'blyoqed, Americyniim. Bnt if thy parry will ml folbw thi leaders, . the latter in perfectly ready to aay blandly of tht Shantung amendment, ai thyy did ef the Kam reaelutioa, thit it hay "outlived 111 ueefulneaa." MtaavMli Ledge fiid gnwl hyvy much the tir of aiughty boys making d.ynynahly faecaj aad. then taking to their heels. Treaty-Wreehen la the leayty. Coluxabb Itnte.. ' If my patriotic American bid bcyi told a year ago that it wai possible to behold, yt any future time, such scenes it in dally oecnrrlag la the Senile yf (he United Rrnlyy, ha wauly havy aeoffed t tha thought. It it iaeredibb, even now, thit thi 8mnty it self can. la any conceivable contingency, npprovt the Ireitv-wreekiig projects af tht Committee oy foreign Btlationt under thy evil blderyhlp af the Letw-Berah-Kaox-Johnson group. Tha pry gram of the yahal means nothing abeH of thy wryak uf 110 mat or peace, so far ay thb vatf ta yen eernyd, ynd tht withdrawal ef thy United Sjtitry from tht Ltflftuo of Nitloni thyt represents very brgely iti high purpose! aad idayla. Jwlhe midst of jhe display of so much blind partisan ryneor, the mon ntinnilly minded part of tht public Jiost ippbtid) the stsnd bhm hy Senator MeCumUr, nbpuWitan, yf Nnith Dakota. He not only vyted-igninit trying to amead tl so-called Shanlong nrtlebt af thy treaty, beeama ha declared the amendment waa nothbg Itaa thna aa insult, aad a futile) insult, to Japan, but yea ttrday eeainred hb own party far putting In jeopardy t entire treaty, the peace af tht world, ind yven the interests of China. Mr. MeCumber decbred. la the twaaty chamber thyt tk "rey ly tercsts af China'' wen tmil4 by thy vary amendment' the partisaas had adopted ta emt Japaa from Shyntnng, Thy mttdtnett ta for.- the nitomlloa ef the Rhaatang leaechold ta China, by a devba that would insult Japaa aad In ae meaaary aeeompVtah. anything that Japan fern yt amnd tba wU she wewlfi Aat tha aVaatee ohns ac'terbed aa "a poisoned dagger" aimed at thy life of tha trea'y. It would pbee thit country ia tht pooitbn yf "Myj bully." ' Kenater MeCumber well niki why hb party paused ta the midst ef the hearing ea tha treaty ta maha thb partienhr ymendmmtt . -The purpose b apwanat." he foebred, "It b 10 signify to th country that tba fbnit b pweri.b to thb treaty. It I t put Japm ty a positba when she yaaavt, without ia yppcirancy af beiig eoerred, da what ahy hat prowlaod ta da. It b to ereaty tronhle hetweca thit eonnt md Japan, aad thereby send tht first dagger lata the body of thb treaty. Aaawery ta Veytyrdyy'a IWIt. 1 Jamey 0- Bbina wnt m Amerl ui 1 talesman tyd Journalist wha died W hy waa abeseUsy yf Bute and defyyted for President hy Gnawer Cbvebad In 1184. - fi The eompbted exprsasisn b "at alippory as aa eel." s4-Joha Phillip Sousn b Mllod "thi Match King," because of hb teveial mush eempoiitlony. The nmyo 1)empadourB b givey a e rtaia styb af hair fisisaiag. for hbdimy Pompadour, the mbtiaya ef the Freaoh King, Lauly XV, wha wan bet haii that mode. -Thyy ana called ?obr hears be ta ma tkiiy habityt b ia tby Pobr Titay r gtyr tht Poles. t Arnw-reot b a itsrehy plant grown in tropical parts of the United Statee; it contains heavy lutritiv value. 7 Qoybey md New Brunswick ar two Cynydby provineey touching thy Stity ef Mail. 8-.Tha iaitbb "BS," in for Dae to af Dental Surgery. fi Henry Xyu wys thy first Seery tary yf Wyr uadap Preyideat Wnyh ingtey. lOr-ajtrry Del Vyl iy a Cardinal yf thy Oathtlji church, oeoapying a posi tion limibr to Secretary of State, far tbe Biy lee. New (kaaatbny. 1-Whyt is tkt fini( word, ia the pyp ulsr expression: Ay fussy is in yid. fi-What .ty 1 Iquavat f J What celebrated musician b new tbe pryaabr yf a gaeat notion e-Wheay b the Gulf of California f 8 What b a aymbol? (What ia a eimbalf 7-rWho b Bobert W. Bar r be I tVWhat b aa aatosbkt yV-Who waa hbesctary af War under Preiident Lincoln f 10-Wbo Wis Jymyy . Hillt Ceagnsa it append b both Uyliaht 4 wonyyhtoy. Afak? Every Penny Count SAVE THOSE - PENNIES AND DOLLARS 6ur prices are slratdy known as the lowest in Rtleigk, T those who help us lessen expense hy carrying their awn fiurcBtsei w offers urther discount of one cent on every packagt, pound, quart or vcan priced at 15c. or over. Yea ase sere ml of our prd dut three timea dally. Think! want, even a nkkb saved aa ' jvery mcil mens, 134.73 per year.. Yon cm aavt4hit just axaetly aa easily -aa yea taa baa it, , juat call aur phoat number yr enlt at tbs store. WyU dy tha rent, ALLEN'S Cut-Rate Market Uv-ua Hergctt iy. I Paeat Belt IIS, Bihlgh 1SS. I i ' delivery. WITH TBB YOUNGSTERS, I don't knaw how te aay it, hit If each A thing eonld be, pd nlwaya like to have a pack ef young- st en trailing ayj : I'd like to take them ronnung tkrough the woods nnd by thi itreamn. And spend my life in painting little people's fairy dnyma. fyr y myy never lelnah., After tempted much ta wropg No matter whera he tryvtb hya ht't ot t ehild, ylyn. ; dnyd thy time that'y wmbg whm our babey will H he grown. And tht boyhood and tba girlhood, from beneath our foof hay fiewn. What wilt thy thy pbey af bughbr that b ann tn bear today f Why will tome ta thb yld todgat with tha gbd sequent ta pbyt Whoa than are -o gbd lurprbaa for the tyei of youth te vbw Aid no children needing eonasel, whit I wonder, shill dot I like to bo with younghtery, like to hive them in A band, And explain in bnguagy simpb things thyt they don't nuderittnd. Then'i mora joy ia childiih bughttr aad ia little people'y speech Tbaa ia yU the worldly widom which Vy gray-bcirds have to tench. 8y Pry corny te thb conclusion that if . yiich y thing can by I ylwyyy want to hyve a pick of yeuig- ytery trylHyg me, -CopyrUtbt, by Edgir A, Gnyat. Thi wise mm'i tongue b ia hit heart; and tha foolbh maa't heart b V hiy. mouth. . St, Mary's x Sckopl t . . tALElBB, b. tV Hvw in AamuaU SoAtja targeat rtsideat school' of tht) Episcopal Church in tht United SUtefi for th) education t pooos womea d ftpla. Adireaa Rot. Warrea W. Waxy ayaTaAoy yau. ' Naifc la kwM put Imt 4 fro to MM Ibat ofttm M Amln lUubw, Hm It. Wit. ommI A. B. ItaMtt. TtM, at Vk MmM a koal puahM M at. SuraUiu'a avkori Sn 11 M M, ud OrStvN SM ami nM hi Ik sciwm at mm) kw m4 TtimnVOICi A Bw ktm st nil a4 at tm. wi at Uw Ijri'tftff tf In4 of Wtw K. . M Boi 1M, Ph MS. SB MM VriMtr VIH til lk IMTUMnM OntHinl Mai ow, tt MW wrtm. ta bi kiirtiMi kkkM tw at U CM hw wa ki Mm ' at ktkiak, K. C. u u an) s en an tt, )iu SUM at Beth CaroMM. Wki hxMf. SB, Mirr tMMkltt. Wkw Ulhtklh Snkfaa d Hw Hv aiy UfMSt Bmkv akkfc. KtlHM a luiitie B al a. rm sit, mm im cm i m IiiwU rWm a WMa Omt. Ut Wkw Ska Wi tmmi In Julia A Hnabai D t CnBa k AfWI S, Iknl SM M Ym , aaaMlekif UuM U MM nl omuih-li BwMcbw si a am vktM aa m Una Uitm M Um MMia Sjm at M H at MM Blftataa, aiM ran. ikxm uttk tkt Mm BM . 4 LuU Ha. I Hgalli' ia t-S am na) 41 4 Aak m taHia Iu4: uwn vnh u m mw a Hw Una l Lu Mo. t: tlwan knttbaary "k Om Ikn at Lai Ma. I. Mm mm mm l kaMa a) MrHi aa mui nairi Sam Maaa)i aaae MM "V ta a. main m ibj aanwi a e ki:k i a- aunnnmajL n, tnmrr. AakK. Wank CaraSaa. -

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