!E NEWS AND OBSERVER I FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 23, 1819. Gardner Acting Governor; Hurries Royster's- Order Relieving Troops at Charlotte Now Be fore Lieutenant Governor As 'the State capital of North Caro lina, kalelgh's interest in the strfcS eq uation at Charlotte last night-jumped several degrees when the news came that Acting Governor O. Mai Gardner via on his way from Morgantoh to Charlotte to take hand in the crash there between capital and labor. The Lieutenant Governor goes to Charlotte for a conference with the of ficials minus the lieutenancy but vested with ths full powers of the Chief Ex ecutive. As a matter of constitutional prerogative, Mr. Gardner hns been the Governor rf North Carolina since Gov ernor Bickett left the Mate ten days ago for the West to participate in a conference of Governors on the high cost of living. ., What action the Acting Governor will take with reference to the demobiliza tion of the State troops ordered to Charlotte to quell the riot, no one here wauld guess last night. Adjutant Gen eral Boyster sent the troops to Char lotte under the terms of an executive trder left by Governor ltickctt before he went West. Acting Governor Ganl ner can issue another executive order and keep the tfopa there until the Charlotte officials believe the comli tioni are once more normal. GARDNER CAN RESCIND GENERAL ROY8TER S ORDER I'nder the order of General Hoyster sent to Captaia Hhemnell lust night, tin' entire six companies are to be relieved of duty in the Mecklenburg capital by sit o clock this evening. The tlrmnhi lixation might have begun Inst night under the terms of the order made by General Boyster. Captain Hliemwell, at the instance of Mayor McNindi, de ferred issuing tny rntrainment orders until nftcr trio conference witn ine aci Ing Governor, scheduled for the early hours this morning. If, as a result of the conference, Lieutenant Governor de nies tli.rt troops should remain in Charlotte .preserve the peace," he w i 1 1 issm order directing General hVyster rescind his order H yesterday after noon. Then the situation would auto matically pans from the control of the Adjutant General, wlirre it was under the tcTnn of the Mii-krtt order, and shift to the Licutcna'ut (imeriior. AMPUTATE COVENANT TO SAVE THE LEAGUE Sentiment Expressed By French Deputy In the Course of Debate Paris, Wednesday, Aug. "7.-The French deputies are watching with great interest the controversy going on in the United States Senate over the treaty, with uufavorable comments on the Sen ate's procrastination. One deputy, who heretofore has been a staunch supporter of 'he League of Nations, said: "If the League of Nations is the cause, then 1 nay amputate the league covenant from the treaty, but for the sake of every body ratify the treaty." Premier Clemeneeau will speak last in the debate on the treaty unless drawn Into the discussion. Ijouis Klotz the finance minister, Captain Andrew Tar dieu, of the r'rvuch pence mission, Iouin Loucheur, minister of reconstruction, and Ltienne Cleinentel, minister of com. meree, will help present the i-B"e of the government. From present indications the French nave given up hope of prompt action by the American Senate and are looking to Italy's ratification enrly in September TO put tne treaty m force. While the question on the im'iico treaty SO EftSY TO HEAL YOUR SKIII WITH P0SLAF.1 Don't let Uxia. eruptions remain to blemish aa4 anno any lnnirir than It tikn Pulam to heal thank And fa. lam U bnt equipp.il to a tlx work bacauaa It htalins power, art saasintraud. Rellnrta Itching at nnre. Applr Paelaai at night andlcova it on In the dajrtlm. too whn conv.nl.nt It arta ajulcklr. Yo can aonn m brncnu. I'mlam I. t i So .fftttiv. la Poalan that a liltla o( it will mm a lanr aarfaca. It Is tha QUALI TY? Ant th M.t.nt If 1, tk.t A4m lha Kn.k BoM avaryvbera. For fr aampla writ, ta tiwriwfy Ijitaaratoriei, 241 Wnl 4"lh New York City. Poalaia 6oan, SMdiratod with I'mlam, arkflitvM, baaulifWa cumplaatona. Colter Lawton SWEET FEEDS Keep Him Healthy Strong Vigorous Common-term col sea's lor all Uock. Saves 25 per cent (rain. Cheaper than whole grain. Cssier fed. Easily obtained. ' Near at band and can ship ? promptly. A full supply always ready. Better balanced fatten. Contains food for every part of the animal Makes anal keeps them strong, healthy, active, vi parous. Manufactured by experts whe 1 : know the eecesaisies of good ford, for your stock's sake ask your , dealer lor Mi writs CcLer-liwton oocLCo; CAXTSVILLt, 1 c to Charlotte is tne most important at the-present time, the depuies are looking' forward to the elections with mingled hope and anxiety. There li tome discussion as to-j whether .the Senators or . deputies shall go before the voters first, the Sen ators declaring that the deputies should face the popular verdict first, while the deputies take the stand that the Sen- bIam hiiiiM tptr nnf thd nr plottotul law ine manauies 01 tne ucpuurs c pired June 1, 1918, while some of the Senators have been sitting since 191.1 without mandates and others since 191H. The Senate will assemble September 3rd. Members of )he budget commission ore anxious for the speedy ratification of the German treaty. Their impatience over any delay is because of the depre ciation of the franc and the rise of the dollar, for which they assert there will be no remedy until the treaty has been ratified by the jfc'reneh chamber and the American Senate, Deputies discussing in the lobby of the Cham lie r the financial situation and exchange said they ex pected the dollar would go higher, as all food shipments from America at present received iu France are financed through the American government. This arrangement censes September 1st, after which date France anil Italy must buy food in the tipen market or create a purchasing organization in America and the deputies look upon the future of the rate of exchange afterptcmber first gloomily. TARBORO WOMAN BURNS ,T0 DEATH AT HER HOME Tarboro, Aug. "H. A horrible death which occurred here Wednesdnr morn ing, was that of Mrs. Ma Glazer, mother of Mrs. A. Light. Jn attempt ing to light an oil stove the llnme from the match reached some liil on the nut side, creating a big blare from which her clothing caught finv Before help could reach her she was enveloped in flames and burned so badly that then was absolutely no hope for her lite. She hiid been H resident of Tarboro about -II years, having come here from Hussia. The remains were taken to Gobhdinro for interment. O.L.HOPKINS,Inc. "Farewell and Goodbye" Sale Of All Remaining Summer Ready-to-Wear TODAY and SATURDAY ONLY Price Reductions Unapproachable! DRESSES One lot of Dresses, consisting of Taffeta, Georgette Crepe, Crepe tie Chine and Voile, including a specially good assortment of Light Colored Dresses. Sold regular for $24.95 up to $39.95. "Farewell" dQ nr price p27) One lot of Dresses, consisting of Stripes and Plaids, Silks, Colored Voiles, White and Colored Organdies. Sold regular for $9.95, $12.95, $14.95 and yl AO $19.95. "Good-bye" price sH.jO Silk Petticoats in White and Flesh, in Satin and Tub Silks. Sold regular for $3.98 and $4.98. Sale AO price Pse70 Middy Suits of Middy Jeans, Middy Twill and Cotton Pongee. Sold regular for $6.95, $7.95 and d i AO $8.95. Sale price 04. JO .Slip-On Sweaters. Without sleeves, Light Weight Wool ; good assortment of colors. Soldreg-t AQ ular for $3.98 and $4.98. Sale price H.0 French Voile Waists. Daintily trimmed with Lace and Hand Embroidery. Sold regular for $7.95, AT $8.95 and $9.95. Sale price epD.llD Tub Skirts of good quality Gabardine; guaranteed shrunk. Sold regular for $4.98 and $5.95. o AO Sale price yL)0 ' ' ' ' H.. Mahler's Sons Diamond Merchants .jr. " JKWEI.ERS ill SILVERSMITHS PAGE IS PLEASED mmm Montgomery Candidate Is "En tirely Satisfied" With Campaign "WASTEFUL EXPENDITURE OF THE PUBLIC FUNDS'! Charges Contained . in Report By Committee to The Secretary of War In two words which most every Amer ican easily comprehends but seldom utters, ex-Congressman B. N. Page sums up his campaign thus far for governor. "Entirely satisfied." saya he, in an swer to the same question that he has been hearing for the Inst six months. Mr. Page hns just about covered the State, from Kinston to Asheville any how, and finds nothing in the political situation to complain about. He isn't claiming the nomination yet, says he prefers to wait awhile to do thnt, but uftcr a survey over the State finds him self without a kick to register. On the other hand, he is pleased. The Montgomery county candidate ran in yesterday to meet with the farmers, who are here holding a con vention. This morning he is going to Kailey, in Nash county, where he de livers an address. "Ones I was not inclined to brag about Montgomery," ho said yesterday, "but I feel differently about it now, for it has come to be one of the pros perous counties of the State. "Of rourse various things have con tributed o Montgomery's growth," Mr. l'ngo continued, "but as I look back SINCE 1858 The Ring For That Big Moment! when she finally decides to risk her future life with you the thrill that comes once in s lifetime is more keenly felt whea the ring you slip on her finger is one thnt you take pride in. We, hare just that sort. Wonderful settings, indi vidual in their deaigs and extremely smart, diamonds of surpassing brlllinnce and yet values that ths most thrifty will appre ciate. Come in and makt your selection. over my twenty years' residence there, there is one factor which I ant inclined to think was the most influential. That factor was the Influence of the 8tate College, er A. sad H. as it waa then. As soon as the agricultural college had gotten nndrr way sad a good sized number pt our Montgomery boys had eome to the college and gone back to Montgomery, . I believe ' the movement for a richer and more productive coun ty wss under way. This had, I am sure, much to do with the development of our county. "Yea, we raise a good deal of tobaere ta Montgomery,, but the county is also going atrong on livestock. Many more cattle and hogs are being raised than ever before and this is helping us prosper." , INCREASE SHOWN IN SALE OF SAVINGS STAMPS Washington, Aug. 28, Officials who have urged that the surest way to bring down the cost of living was to increase the saving and lessen the expenditures of the people took hope today in treas ury reports tja' the sale, of Bavings Stamps in July shewed an increase of t CASTOR I A For Infanta aji4 ChUdrea In Use For Over 30 Years AJwaya bears the Signature of ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of L. T. Pace deceased, this is to notify all persons indebted to L. T. Pace to make prompt settlement. All persons having claims against said estate to present them to me on or before August 19, 1920, or this notice will be pleaded against their recovery. This I9th day of August, 1919. R. L. SORBELL, Administrator of L. T. Taee, R. F. D. 6, Raleigh, N. C. o more than tea per eentover June, while for the asms period1 the conversions of stamps inti cash decreased sixteen per cent. That there is Still' room for im provement was seen in ths announce ment that for the first seven months of this year tales hare : averaged only ninety-five cents for each person in the country, the total being 995,400,470. Miss Ruth Csia snd Miss Lotta Heflin returned yesterday from a ten days' stay St Ocean View, Va. sV"s tires. Mileage records show that "Southern" Tires are good for 10,000 miles or more. Our price list speaks for itself. All sizes plain and non-skid treads. Southern Tire & Rubber Co. AUGUSTA, GA. Distributed In Raleigh by THE MOTOR SALES COMPANY 131 E. Morgan St. Raleigh Phone 341 - o rse Street td You can't blame a man for feeling proud as a peacock when he dis covers something different to smoke. Take a man with Recruits. He notes they're aW-tobacco a com monsense idea. Then he tumbles to the fact that Recruits are mild as a cigarette. "fey tiieitime he's thru he'll tell the world that Recruits are satisfying as a cigar. Are you on? ' ' V yosrr dealer ca ot swpply yew, senj 1 aw fl.OO, easl we ahadt he laaiad to sassd tsss, hy prepaid parcel poat, 100 RECRUIT Little Cigars. Laggett a Myers Tshaees Ca, M sad Oatorie Streets, rtuUdal,hia. fa. o CIGARS E.T. BLEDSOE GIVES BARBECUE AT REUNION Mr. E. T. Bledsoe, who lives in the Baylesf section of Wake eonnty, gave sn enjoyable barbecue yesterday In connection with a family reunion, which was attended by a large number of friends snd relatives. . Among those preent from Baleigh snd vieinity were: Mr. snd Mrs. B. C. Beekwith, Mrs. Gertie Matthews and daughters, Cstherine, Mr. Gar owners sav that MftaitKrn" Tires give greater mileage and are more moderate in price than most other hiitlWrade taw a? atriesl troupe, af uw naani Kalian fs a widely an.- greeted foaia, Ha k sfiu ijbl ie deathmen U Ceersl ea behalf ef Hi. a. a. ii. At. ... AUsntlc Occaa KroonlaaaL. it rsa on this oeeasithl v. tbat Ueneral Kaaa paid S bigb tntmiei t tA tk. afU.Sn. mi Wttk amnltiUasl. , -Ksha Pn Trftsts ts Tresa a he msu- , ii(jtianers er tanisUiasr-alnTred ufasa) ontcerr parsed TowsdT snd PrivsU K ell am made la not oe 'said Fri- KKtmjrZ iZ arc giving sea sH'tVreuri'ar esteem, or se es see srr' eAKirsJ, end we want is. u because we use yon, there Is not e man in tbs 70th not behind yen heart issujbw ere proud te jmat tn wz'unf paw a ts the. eefove him. ) hsS'Vectrlr look-'ritme-whear.yoa wilt itars &euam asr said. i ui soeo ne atsm duck ef sadness ! sorb - I More . an vLabae srhc Uoba rita - kDa Made the machine way the clean way the quality way the less costly way Result- :or W VOlt"" iseamaisaf issesa snd Mrs. Clifton Matthews, Mrs, BnraV E. Bledsoe, Misses Aaaeretts, Helen and Annie Bledsoe and W. F. Smith. Mies Ayls Bledsoe, of Wsshingtoa, D. C daughter ef Mr. E. T. Bledsoe, wss an honor guest. New Coast Gear gtntlea. Washington, Aug. 28. Represents tiviM Sears, Florida, today introduced a bill guard statioa on tbs riorida coast aenr Coronado Beach. PRICE LIST Biie Plaia N. Said , 283 C$13.25 - 30x3 C 14.10 $15.75 30x3V, H 17.95 20.70 3U3V, C 19.15 3231, B 20.90 23.60 343Vi E 24.35 31x4 C 27.90 31.00 32x4 F 28.50 31.60 33x4 E 29.90 33.10 34x4 E 30.60 34.05 35x4 E 32.40 36x4 Ej 32.90 36.35 Price of Other Maes Proportionately Lew I 1(1 Car! Something! be J CiearaflC m." . - - j - rr Cnld RMiff SnaSwatA MSHIU T sale Htw hewn anas. ti Sa a fstk. .!' I act o' liA tMert. a a. A . iai nralaL ! 9A&