Tin r.Y3"A:D c:szhvk: TUESDAY I'QTuZ r -r ' t inin V w - i -. . IflJ "yj.-. . 13 A jilAirSTdBMFIIS ' , ' eltlle V I Villi U-IIU . Sheriff At Knoxville Takes Ten , - White Men Into Custody ,) ; On Charge ; ; r SEPARATE RACE LABOR- DAY CELEBRATIONS Troops BtiU Patrolling Bus! , sen District But There Was ' Ho , Disorder Yesterday j Many Negroes Beported To Have Left Knoxville ; Work ;ror Grand Jury KniUl, Tt 8pt L-(By The Associated Press.) Although still nnder heaey ptrol by National guardsmen and tpeclal officers, following the rata riots ar Saturday night and Bunday morning ia wklch two men were killed aad eiateea , sent to hospitals with . peaceful holiday. Two of thoaa wound- 4 is tn mala battle Saturday night im not expected ta aurvlva the night. fcberiff Cata tonight caused tlia ar rait of tea white men or charges of assisting prisoner ta escape when the jailwaa attacbitd-BidaXJMal'J. .Other arreits aa tbia charge and that of riot if art promised. Those arrested to night ara Pava Fox, Arthur Clinton, Von lautrell, Jobe Couch, James Fia Dewey Layama, Will Davie, Bruce Caffey, Jim Dalton tad Jeff Claiborne. The situation baa so far improved that Adjutsnt-Uenorsl riweanry tonight sent home the third battalion of the fourth Tipnrw Infantry from the weatera counties of the Stale, and expect fa release all other ontsldo companies Tuesday, leaving biro the machine gun company, and one rifle company, wbtcb have headquarter! in Knoxvnje. Labor' Iay celebration were held separately today by the white and ncgrce aa originally plaaned, the only change being that a etheduled parade was abandoned. No disorder of any kind wna reported today. Machine Cana StiU la Paaitloa. Troopa atill art patrolling the bu.i aes district, tfii -the negro faction, with mschin ggni ia poiitioa ia the heart of tba Dark belt, but March of cRlwn for weapons bus been dlseoii tiaued aad the barred aoncs in the negro district have been abandoned. Two hundred and fifty cltlien eworn ia a spoNul deputlea or po'ieoiuea ar assisting the military autlioritj.g. Squad art patrolling all suburban sec tion n nutomobiles, with reserves hold at the courthouse to? answer rails fcimi nervon eitixenr. The uprcinl officer - art under command of Col. Jnmej A. Olessen, lata of the 114th Field Artil lery, and other demobilized army offi cer ara acting aa lieutenouts. . Bpecial Saaaiaa of Graad Jary. -. A iperittj sestlon of 'the grand jury Las beaa ealled for Wednesday to la , i)iiubw mi run inn to eoaviuer ine caao of Mavriv F. Mayes, the negro nr. I cuscd of Murdering Airs, Bertie Li'id ;aey aorljr Haturday mornina. whl'h rrime inspired the storming of the county jail 8nturd.gr night and the aubsequent rare riots. Mayes ia in jail at Chattanooga, where he was tuken Ralurday noon tcfore the trouble atarted heret Ia addition to the casualty list, the Tifctitfg eaued property loss of mora than fifty thousand dollars la damaga to tba jail and atora buildings and loot ecured by the mob, areording to rare, ful estimates today. Railroad men re port that many negroes have left tba city. , Iaveetlgatlng Killing of lent. Payne. A eourt of inquiry, presided over by Colonel W. B. McCakey, instructor and inseetor of the Tennessee National (luard, was held today to Investigate the killing of Lieut. James W. Payne, dur ing the heavy fighting on Vine street early Sunday morning. Colonel Sk-Cai-key stated that the Sndinga of tba eourt would be sent to Washington, and nothing could be released for pub-J iieatieu. utt ut. Col. P. 11. Candler, who wal atanding In a few feet of the young officer when he was struck, atated that Payne first was wounded in the chest by a negro sniper, who was firing from window ncresethe atreet ' According to Colonel Candler's state. " meat, Lieutenant Payne stepped into a doorway with him when the first volley Wal fired by tba machine guns, and was struck by tba sniper's bullet wbile J I - . It. . . . .... eiaamna; ai nn sine. Aiicr mis, ne stated, Lieutenant Payne reeled from the Caorway, falling near an alertrle light pole, being riddled with machine gua bulleta aa ha fell. Ha also stated that Lieutenant Iavlns was in com ma ad of the machine gune and that Lieuten ant Payne had gone ahead of the guns ca a mlsstoa of his own, i4id not to direct tba Ira of tha machine gunners. ( REWARDS FOR CONVICTS , RELEASED BY MOB FROM JA1I. Kashville, Tenn, Sept. l.-Governor Roberta offered Monday Bight rewards ' FREE TO I ASTHMA SUFFERERS - A New Mama Car That Anyone Caa . Ve Without Discomfort or Law .- f ; . f Time. i . t :. - We tune a New Ml) that mm Aatbma, sn4 we want f- ! try H at aur eaawiM. . miter wImOmt m cm Is el Ions u)mI ina r rraM onalaiMMOt, wlMtlwr tt la pna n I. Hay Fm ehrenie Atttima, yoa , shmU tn foe a tn Mai tt w utmOnL MlMt la elaaate ysa IHr no aiatur ht ymr sat or aMvsatm, If t are wb Alusa, our BMtLa lUuM ra. Iwv ftm amaiatlr. - - Wr mwUIr wMrt ea mM N tkaaa ao. Crmtljr koptloo aw, wbtra all fonas et ta. tt aWlxa. oehua actiwratioBS. fams, -tnt aawhaO eta, aavs folM. We want to tww evtrrvie at ear eiipwe Uw hie , awtka4 Is 4mtwM la end aQ aiamll hnatklne. all whoasteg, ana all taeea ksrrutle pormcyinM a MM. , Thla frrc trr b tso tmaenant b aeslett a inl. tf. Wrtt new an4 Win the rtn4 at . Bona' a ateaar, Slawlf eaal empaa Mow. Do It.TwUr. ... of U0 for each of tha twa prieoaers sentenced- )o eJevtrocntina who aaeapad from tba jnll at KaoxvUla wbea the jail waa stormed tutturUay aigLt, and t-00 for each, of the two life termers who escaped. FellowUig a aoofereara by telephena with Sheriff Cafe, tba Gover nor decided ta offer ao reward for toe apprehensiog of fna mob leadtra ia re sponse Jo a request to that effect from the sheriff. - Th Ooveraor said that aevea of the riag leaders of tba mob are uador ar. rest ia Saoivilla aad that the rheriff believe be ran round them all up.- Tba aituatioa ia Knexville L still viry tense, aoterdiat ta yoveraor Roberta. Fanaral j'tala Stirs Peoalaea. Tha hasbaad of Mrs. Bertie tjii.dwy, wkese murder by a negro named Uyee, preelpitatec tba riot, arrived .here to day for the t ueerel services of hia wife. Tba firternl atirred tba popnlaea agaia ta auelt a pitch that tho sheriff informed the ' Governor that th aituatioa atill held many clement! of danger Moaday night Kuoiville and Athena units of tho tttata troopa will spend tha night ia Knoxville, Governor Roberta said, and stay longer if needed. FIVE WAKE SCHOOLS' OPEN mi SESSIONS Gary, Apes. Gamer, Olive's Chapel and Clements'. Acad emy Starts Business Fivf Waka county acboola Cary high school, Apex,. Earner, Olive's Chapel and Clements' Academy opened their full termi yesterday with an attendanta graatar uUwAjUie J)p.ea!nf day lat je-ir. (Jsmer's enrollmant was exactly jod studoals, : tS mora thaa enrolled last yar, Other acboola will opea every week from now until tha latter part of Octo ber, when tho 70-odd county acboola will have atarted their fall terms. In creased attendanea over 1011 is expected a all tha schools. . Teaehera knva beea bard to secure thisjrear and a number of the schools ara yet to be supplied. tJupt. John C. Loekhart has bad a big job getting teaehen for all tho schools. NEW MUSICAL DIRECTOR ,1 AT SUPERBA THEATRE Capt. J, Kdward Fisher, late 'of 'the Canadian army, hai surevsded Prof, U. Bllnn Owen aa musical director and rgaiiist at tha Buperba theater, TTe began his duties at tba theater yester day. Captain Pjher eomee to Raleigh from Loew's Crescent theater In New Grimms. Tha Superba lias receutly rdded another violinist. Rice fiaiitb, to ita; oicheatra and a' cellist will arrle here Mondiie". CBARTER FOR NEGRO CENTRAL TRADE AND. LABOR COUNCIL Riihinond, Vn., Sept. 1 Joseph C. Michaels, general orgnnizor of the Vir ginia 8lfe Federation of Ltihnr, of Newport News, dec hired he a prepared toKiffor tba negroea assembled at tho negro lahor council here a charter for n central trnde and lolmr council coming from tho American Federation of.I bcr. Uis statement was greeted with applause. Tbe resolution to he sent to Congress asking for a commission provide fo' the naming of three negroes and two members of tho white ram to h ap pointed by the President. The duty tf the commission is to investigate all propaganda that may arise in any sec tion of the country tn connection with different problems concerning the ne gro race. The commission also would stimulate thrift among tba negroea and cultivate friendly relations between the races and "aid the government of the I'nlteiV Stntes in the solution of all problems pertaining to tha negro rnee, sometimes called race problems, Street Cars Ran nt Greenville Tbia P. M. FEDERATION URGES I mm SICE Greenville, fl. (Y Sept. 1. Rtreet ear service will he resumed in Greenville tomorrow afternoon for the first time since g striko was, called' over three weeks ago, an agreement between offi' rials of tba Southern Public Utilities Company aad tho striking employes having been reached throngh the State Board of, Conciliation this arternoon. Concessions wcra granted by both sides. Public Prayer at 'Wlnstoa-Salem. -Winston-8alem, N. C Aug. 1. A ae ries of public prayer meetings was started at tha First Preebyterinn church here thia afternoon to extend through the week for' the. purpose of offering prayer for tho leaders in city. State and nation asking Divine guidance ia aiding them to solve wisely tie problems concerning the American people. OTHER'S FhlEND lADodMothcrs A Soothing Emollient jaumaAOMMTm.co.nin. um,i, 7 i - FREE TRIAL COUPON . . FRONTim ASTHMA CO., Ion , X Mtacam and Huomu It Buffalo, M. T. Soad free trial of year eaatbod le eapVlnVa Report of - N. Y. Committee Would Suspend All Strikes . ; w - In the U. S. . ' (By the Associated Press.) V Kew York, BepU LSaspcamoa of 11 atrikea throughout tha t'nitc4 - Baton and tba declaration of a labor truca aa the, basis of tba status quo for ail mVaths ar mora to aoabla President Wjlaoa to bring about reduction In the coat of living ia fceommonded la n report of a oommlttoa of tba New Yark State Federation of Labor mada public bora today, The reoeramendaticas arg American orgnniaod labor to tcaaa gc gad hour coltioversies ia order ta increase pre duatioa and reel ore normal toaditiona. They eiprass the hope that aa new strikes will be ordered except to relieve workers fram "intolerable oppression," Tba committee waa appointed hi Jnmca P, Holland, president 'of , tba Federation, on July 9, nnd mada ita report after conferring with repreaen, tativac of iadustrlsl, commercial, mann facturiag, SnaneiaJ, transportation and other iatereetn. - Tent of Renart. Continuing the report sayoe ' ' "Aa a result of President Wilson's ap peal backed by thf attitada of Samuei Gompara, Preaident of- tha-- American Federation of labor, nnd tho leaders of tha Railway BrotherboodV, tba threat ened railroad 'atrika waa averted and tha country spared a terrible tragedy. "On every band there are atrikea and threats of strikes. Most of these dis turbances kava bea provoked by radi cal agitators who have aot tha interest! of tba toiler nt heart, but who seek to promote industrial warfare for tha pur pose of destroying our present economic system and , substituting Industrial ownerihlii by tba proletariat.' Fortu nately tha nana leaders of organiwd labor have, after abort period, sue eeedt'd in regaining control of tkflr temporarily rebellious onions, aad re- storing' orderly procedure under tba lawa and rulea of the American Federation of Labor. ''Tha conduct at men who call them- elves loyal supporters of trade unionism in breaking nway from tha authority of their duly elected offleials and in. augurutlng uncalled for, unnecessary and unautborixed atrikea ahonld at all tlmca be aevorvly condemned and the agitator who foment eueh outbreaks should be visited with tba severest pan nltiea possible nnder trnde union rtiloe. For trade onions ta permit themselves to la brought, nnder th influence jf lawless agitotora at thia time of na tional stress is treason not only to the principles of trade unionism but to tho United States tif America. It would not be too aevere punishment to revoke tho American Federation of Labor's charters of such unions add put them outside the pal of decant organixed labor. ; "Your committee ia af tha opinion that President Wilson' reasoning is based an sound aoonombj principles nnd that organised labor airoa a duty to the President to give him whole-hearted assists nee in bis efforts to reduce, the cost of living aad place tho nation on a atrong business basis. We own th President of the United Stat tba same loyal support 'that w gaV him during tha war, evea though wa may suffer from a temporary disadvantage which after nil may be more apparent! than real. Have You Heard The NEW " SEPTEMBER RECORDS?, Come, in and let ;us play ' them for you. RALEIGH Talking Machine Shop ' Victor Specialists V 111 rAYCTTZ VILLI STREET A Brilliant Array of Stunningly ' Styled Fall Dresses 'if Beautiful conceptions artistically executed in Serjre, Tricotine, Trlcol lette, Charmeuse, Satin and all populaf ma terials and colors. , $12.95 P. 5; GLASS tie Faycttevilla St. The Bam hKrchaadlsa Fot' ,.....(,. ., Lea Money ',-7 ' -"'V sV- :i " '. " PROSEGUTIOII OF ERSPEl! PACK N. Y. District Attorney Takes ; Initial Step Before . , - . Grand Jury Chicago, Sept. 1. Witb tha retnra to dajr from Waahingtea of Chnrlet F. Clyne, United State district attorney, it became .deflnltely known that sub. Boeane bad 1oen iasoed for the seat, plete, records of the 3lg Five" pack or ia about forty eltie tn which tha packing eompanles hav offlees, Rec ords, together with tb testimony af witnesses, will ba presented to-the grsd jury, which convene tomorrow, it waa said. fi 'r;-."..i..' ' ' ' plstrict Attorney Clyni hai held tare conference with Attorney 0nr Palmer U Waebiqgtan, preparatory tt launching tha government' legal at laek on tba packer, It wa reported tonight that Oliver E. Pagan, indict ment expert la tka Attorney Gcnenl'a offiea, would arrive ia Chicago tonvr row to aid in preparing tha ci for th grand Jury. v The grand jury will also consider evidence, against alleged food hoarder, prof tears aad fvw sugar dealers arrested for violation of tha food control act, ARREST MEN AND GET : PINTS ;0F LIQUOR ' Charlotte, Sept. L The police this afternoon arrested two men from Kan napolia, v. he were driving an autoniobil to North Charlotte, reinforced Jth ia pinta of liquor and a pistol, aa k14 them at tha instance of tba polica at Kaaaapolis, who ttd that tha maa r responaibla for running into aad seriously Injuring twa nan thir thi afternoon. Before being turaed over to Kanaapolia authorities, J. R, Kcevea, driWr ef tho car, will ba ahargad with having the liquor in his possession gad XL A. Linduey will be charged with carrying -oneealod weapons, A third occupant of the ear 1 old a wit nan. Uao Cocoanut Oil r " For Wahin Half If you want -to keep your hair in good condition, ba careful what you wash 'it with. Most tea pa and prepared shampoo contain too much alkali. Thi drie .Ua scalp, makes tha hair brittle, nnd U vary harmful. Mulaitted cocoanut oil (baan poo (which ia pure and entirely greaaaw leas), ia much better than nnything alaa yon can una for shampooing, aa thia cant possibly injurs the hair. -. s Simply moisten your l.air with water aad rub It ia. One ar two teaspooafnl willmak an abundance of rleh.erer- lather, and cleanses the hair ; id aealp thoroughly. Th lather rHse out easily, and remove every particle of dust, dirt, dandruff and excessive oil. The hair driea quickly and evenly, and '. leave it flne nnd ilky, bright, fluffy and amy to manage. - Yon can get Mulslflcd cocoanut ail shampoo at most any drug store. It la very cheap, nnd a few ounces ia enough to last everyone in tha family for months. Adv. , . . , . Ellisbefg's IS Eaat Hargett Street FALL WEAR for the School Girl - s In a Splendid Variety. Fit up your child with her school clothes now, before the prices advance. Serge Middy SuitsWool Serge Dresses, Cotton Dresses, ' School' Hats Sweaters , All Are Priced Right. "On tha Buay Corner1 TO HEAR HOOVER IN RE - . FOOD ADMINISTRATION Paris,' (Sept L, (By tha Associated Pre.) Tha anb-eommlttea of th Con gressional committee' on war expendi ture tomorrow, on hi own request, will tak tha testimony 'of Eerbsrt Hoover, director general of inter-allt4 relief, on certain question concerning th food admiaiatration Th sub committee bad aot Intended to innka nag Inquiry into the food 'wdmlniatra tion tn tho belief that it had au thority to do so, but in view af the alleged inaccuracies Jb tha, tvidcneq sd dneed before a Congressional eommfttee ia tha United State and alaa before tha sub-committee with regard to tba food aituatioa, Mr. Hoover r,nsttd a' opportunity to correct thcaV Trawler Sank, Halifax,. N, 8., Sept. i-The Nov Bcotia trawler. Promotion, f S8T ton, was sunk after collision with th French liner La Lorraine, on the Ishing banks 123 mile southeast bf Halifax todayr Tba erew of St were resetted by tba steamer, which proceeded for Havre. Ambition pills; For Nervous People Th ivaat' aerv tsehMha ram Weal dell's AmhtUaa FU-ta will it via, vim end vHalrto law nervetn) tired eat, all ta. o-pokAoM pesf I at a tew days la amai notians, . . ... , ..: . Anyoa can bv a ba foe eah; t eeaaji, and HM nfiawa (tera, Wan Dnm Star. W. H. Una Prua Ce, Taeket BMa, rhavmaar. an itorU4 hn th mshoe H wfw4 Im punkas arte tt aayea k) dawaUtM with the tr) tea anrehwil, . - TiMvswaa prabs tawa r aaeal eoatlHr, nerveua nrvatratl, mentaj dapressla) and Mstraka noyvos eanssd hf wt Malaene aleoaol, tebeaan, f everwetti i ny klad. . Fee- lay altrMhrn af the aeevaoa eyatom Wfotsirs AmWtlea Pills ere marpaaood. whOe far nyatevls trenhlriui d pralt ther art tlr salendld. pifU Mta at and Rtaks Vptowa Store, Wake Bnw etara, Mltn' UrMnvn line, W.k. Bruf gton, W. H. KIM prug COh Twkw.Slda. Fkw, desisr araiiwhe. (s4 TOUR tAST CHANCE To Buy trim's and Women's Low Shoes at a REDACTION. All new stock. No odds and ends. Come and look over these bargains Sample Shoe Store ' StS S. Wilmington St' TEXAS NEGROES DEMAND V THAT INTERFERENCE FROM ! -ORTSER,NEBS SHALL CRASS. Auitla, Texas, Sept, L (By Th At toeltted Pre.) -Beaolutiou.declariag emphati apposition" to "people of th North who da aot nndessUnd condi tion la th South, Interfering with onr relationship" adopted by th executive board of tht St. John' Missionary Kegra Baptist Association, wor mad publle at a meeting her last night of twf thousand aegroc and nur than ea huedred whita persona, called to dinnat .tha race question. , , Rhcuniatirrn to aamplet! washed tat at tha ayitem by th aebibrated Shlvar Uinr Water, positively guaranteed by on-baA 0ffN Taataa flaai otia trlSa, TDeUv a;d nnywhara by r Raleigh Agent Prtr CnnCy pt, PhcMhm,Adv. J j!a VJiYM Ay Rom in dor! PHONE U To . Duplicate Your Order Loiter floads, BIR Ad. BUM. ' strau ganoieoa, awos Cards, afclppiat Tns, PoMors, riatwdo, -. -Jaiiuttoa TrsowrUtoa - Lottera, . . Colalaawe. BortMo, VlalMaf . Cards, Woddiac larHolrapa. Aa. , a.or,o)iu, ' PtocrsaMW ' a.fC - sm aad Qgo rrm af anr . -. - BoanipM . - ''.. Mitchell Printing Co, 1 Sonic Printer tH-IU W. lUfitH SU BaWgn, M. t : PlegseYou OOAJUXTU IT, oftor notes. -Mr contonlr ol IK ran accorClM ( roeUont, so or aot aaltoriod la wyrworol.row SToot, will rrrund tw mracjr jtm pi4 loM. SJVERY rotmB . ' OIJ m AM AIR-." , TIGHT TW CAM nfjSny QMake no mistaken At wimtever price you pay, S)x cannot get a oet r coffee valiie than Luzianne.g go farmer arxa taste better , than anv cof n t: . .iv rw tee you eye: nag, go to the merchant uno sold it to vou and oet vour monoy' daU Uur gnat anelsvpur protection afaf ( cottee The ReUy-Taylor Company iinrnrmwimiiiiDiBnuiiiitiiiniitiiraiinniniarannramu I SERVICE - O -r. 3- . . .' . : si' l ' " : : am . . , ,, ... . ...v.,1 I HAVE LONG SOFT I BEAUTIFUL HAIR Gflbert C White CONSULTUfO CNCIMKU ' IraxtaavlCC . WATERwoaas, lioht akd w-.0wi tTREETt -4 -law-fe aas BANOI 0.1 BAWPflWAff PCI v ann"t.rt fnbanola Pemaile aad Ralr TreV Inn la an exoMrat perfumed ql nlo hair tnale that will atnritbtva .krh. nnraiy hair, making all soar hair a lean, eoft.and pllabl Uat yea cna eailtv do fiir hair an ta modern ayle, Cnbawol will rlraa roar snip of daadruC aad eu fiiiintahalr. Money back tf ajot BatUflrd. v . CLBAWAf.A wnrtd Wbef others falL tETTER aI oiiirs. T 7125 S'3 By crtuxott MEPICIXB CO. AlnAtsitaa. Uaa- The Free SewingMachine Just tha Boning' Machine yon hav longed for. It i aa Inveetnfent for tha bom. A Sewing xlncbln worth wblls, built to ndurt, doubly giiaraa- teed ta give yon aatisfsetlon. It la constructed on lh ' veiy latest principles, tha aeweet me- ehahical Inprovemeata i and U noat convenient in avery way. Tha FREE 1 built in different wood t match roar furniture. Th folia may be, of your own choosing. , . V Tha FREZ ia tha Jnachlnajon ought to' bay. Tha price Ja Tery , low for tha quality given. , , Como in and let aa explain thi wonderful maehlna. Bit down and try it for yenraalf. , . - t-1 Co.- INCORPORATED 111 W," Martin St RALEIGH, k C . f M 1 1 ;l Vj lf iJlr The exacting depositor demands these things of a Bank; Experience, Safe ty, Financial Re- , sponsibility, Accuracy and Courtesy. These are the things that this s Bank offers you. . CommercialNationalBank I it! The WoIcoim Bank" a. a iiaaan a, a. Tnaaraaa ViaPrianMBnal L B. BMW ( A. . BAUMAtt tn'n a. n. Lima . . . ... . AmI MM OTMhTinirnimiimniiinnmM A Good Friend A Good Return Are two good things for you and they are two things you get at Boone's. It is a real joy to show you any way we can true friendship, and when you bay a suit of clothes, a pah of shoes, hat, shirt, underwear or anything you wear "a good return" means getting the right style, the right make, the Jright quality at the right store and at Boone's, the De Luxe Clothier, is the place to get "a vgood return." , r , I "COME AND SEE" -. Is All We Ask. Your choice of 300 Summer Suits at. $10 Shirts ,.m $1 -ui : Shoes. ..v.-:.,;: Uf.. . . V. . . . . . . . ;$4 up Hats .$2 up UnJerweai4 . . t .;-.. ........ .'.50c up - Bathing Suits, . .". ....... :.$IJ50 up C.R.BOONE . v QaaUty Spella What Booae SeJh) L . "Boon to W J, "Boon to You" Agents tS'tSCS (Adr.): 4