TUESDAY MORNING, SEPTERU:ZR"2, 1919. TH tews AND OBSERVER. v v 1. :V" ., V 1f 1 FiEAU PESTILENCE V .;. ( HITS CAPITA 4 Y Creen Host' of Millions tlpon Billions Invades Ra!e:h . . Tarty aullioa bopping bufst BAKER OPPOSES USE OF " ; UNIFORM FOR PEDDLING Writes Letter Calling Upoa People Te Preyent Com. aereialisatioa , t lettf received fro M. Baler. laleljh, the capital tity, BvIeT Scwtary i TCar, Coljl Arthur bj th great tree bott early but ve , alas;. Tb visitor earn uabcralded ami ruealaad without reeeifiog aa isvita tioa ta tav. Millioa epos milliea af then r to be aeca along th whit WIT Of rayttville street, and a billio i ot tw turatd lata Mc-DomI! for a peep into tka lighted windows of store. Where tht viiltors eame from was aot ascertained. Whither they were boond was likewise a mystery. Th eldest etti aaa recalled that bak la 'IS there was . similar visitation, while another attid it s a eomiaoa thing for these visitor t drop la o Raleigh to (ire it the we ortr. Taka Yoa Choke. Ti aewsnaper man sauntered late a nrarliy eafo fr lunch. Hu ran iato a a W.nm am', a halt or the pesky insects? -X. after abate crafty maneuvering, got through without turning In mora than a thousand into the lighted halls. Serve a , doors kept the bugs oii t. Not so fortunate wort the cooks in . the hear rooms of tha raff. The bugs invaled their field of activities, and by mldaight.tbe tafee were forced to alos ."to await the, rising of the sua to drive them away The Department of Agriculture, which forecasted an invasion of locusts thst never anattrialiicd, seems to have slip' ped a cog, as never a btnouiing word was said about the eomina;oj,kes bugs, which settled down like one of the - pestilences that botlieted old' Pbaraohi . Terhaps these were city bugs, eoraa to a real cits', and that was the reason th department dids't bother about these kind. Bill McDovitt, of Kinston, who la an authority on hugt, says these bopping bags ara Matured from tin green clover worm, which has started sura have re eeotly. They eame to Kinstoa last week ad put thluga out of business for while. Like some city folks, they aecm to liko the eonatry ia their youth, but in their maturity they hit for the towns. ,. SENATOR OWEN DEPLORES DELAY IN SIGNING TREATY Stony Brook, X. YH Sept. 1. Cbr- aeteriaing eritirUnt of the League of Nations as "specious" and declaring that the President should not "he torn to piece ia a captions spirit," 'Senator Bebcrt L. Owen, of Oklahoma, speak- lag at a mass meeting of the league of Nations Association here tosight, de plored tha delay in signing the peace treaty. "Tht delay," he said, "might ba good politics, but it keeps the world iu suf fering and preveats America eiteading bet credit to the markets of Europe." Senator Owen declared the covenant's obligations were "moral" aad that ar ticle ten provides for the safeguarding Of political integrity and mskes military sutocrncy impossible. The promises of democracy,' he said, ''can he relied tpon even 4f not perfect in form.'' - TRAVELED 72,74 MILES BUT - HOME GOOD ENOUGH FOR HIM. ' Uenly, Sept. L After an abeeac of . 55 months, Albert B. Bakoake, son of Mrs, Emma Bukoske, has returned home, after receiving his honorable discharge from tha navy. During the SO aaeath h served with Cnele Sam, k traveled 72,718 miles while aboard U. 8. 8. Ta enma, aot including bia trip from Nor folk to Mexico and from 8s n Fran tiiea ta kia home. 0 what a nflraele is man t man-Young. Woods, ia eharg of aecurisj pty meat lor retarscd flgwtiag mea, is called apaa' ta ate mury . aoasibl meeaa ta prevent the aalauta sad eon- merelauiaiioa ef the United Kates uniform by diabarge4 soldiers, wka ia nearly every cast ara tkt dujwa af patty profiteers an swiadiers. The publie la asked offleially aot ta boy anythloe out af sympatky fraas . a peddler who wsara taa army aa aavy anifona. Thera. ara lOw caaaeaa to aae that tka panhaadlc does net want to work at any .regular jna, beeaasa there is not a place ia tha aoantry where k enssst get a better jab at better pny thoa he eaa possibly aute la a pcadler. Secretary Baker s letter follow s!' "My dear Colonel Woods: I am writ tut this ta euggest that yea bring all the discouraging lnfloaaee you eaa to hear niton the practice 'which has grown up here aad titer la tka country of employing men strtl wearing the ani form or the army ta peddle npon tna publie streets. Th Adjutant General of tha army, when appealed ta by tome employer, replied properly that the ae pertinent bad na legal rigbt to inter fere with such employment by tis charged men, but . obviously every sound eoaaideratloa ia against tha prae ties, for these ea-eoldier are, ia maay instances, -emploved to fieddle more' or less worthless do vices aad articles, and sometimes, indeed, very, shabby napert snd mementoes of a pseudo-patriotic character, with th plain expectation thnt their uniform aad their recant military service will appeal ta the enar ity of nassersby. This bring the whole quest isu ot tka anifona and of the splendid serviea wkich anr spldiers hsv rendered th conntry iato disre pute, and teem ta imply that th country ia failing ta pravld suitable snd proper plsee of amployment for discharged men. Tha work wkiek yeq are doing has cooperated in placing agencies--throughout tha conntry la tuoh fashion thst discharged sol.liers can find profitable aad aasful employ ment, and I heartily w1an that the people of the country could b induced to advise the young mea they find peddling boon th streats ta abandoa suck a dead-end employment and seek a more productive job, as well aa one which has in it for them the oppor tunity of growth and progress. "Cordially years, NEWTON D. BAKER. "Secretary of War, Slae tka Wat. "Do you intend, ta resume your visit to Europe next summery "I don't know." replied Mr. Cnmrox. "Mother and the girls don't seem to be takln'. near the interest they did ta royal titles and ancestral estate.' Washington Star. ', H. UANGU'J INJURED IN AUTO ACCIDENT '-J- . t . . . - Oanitd To lex Hospital ,tnXh Iractared Collar Bout Aad . . Oas krokem U Wkil riditi in bia 1gV aa Bin- bora street last aigb a k wsv to the city from Csry, Mr. W. H. Uaagum, of SIS aoatk Cast atraet. wa pain tally injar4 waa aa auta aoJlided wtth hu vehicl wear the Utrectia at Glen wood tvaaae. - J Ha was carried ta Baa Hospital later- tag frasa a fractared coUar-baaa, brokca rib aad aamereoa body toatusieas. At t aVkwk this morning b wa reported a rti as twforubla as could be Taa aaJica did aot icara ta aeiau of tha aceideal, aor tha asm at taa driver af tha sutomebila. Th aar wa going wast aa Hills bora street. ; E County Map G CMirtfcs thst are feBniwrme. ImUw i kuiMina aw ) nd Mhool in aflud m ho without an SMsrot am. taJratiM Uhsi Walla A Brbkley SpwUUtma bV CwK Has. iMky tfeeat, . C ili' r V AMERICA SHOULD TEST ENGLAND'S SINCERITY PropoaiUoa of D Valsra 1 Ad Orets u hsw Tfor ont ... - Luivtcu r WESTERN LIVESTOCK. Chleaa-e. 8et)t. J. Hog market dos ed. duLU better gradea mostly 9U to T3 csnta kicher tbaa Botumaya general traf! alrady pocking grades. Tan, SOXii heavy, 17-tlJ; madium. 18JX13rU5i bfbt. U-SW&JNi ptga. llSOCiai. Cattls few best Steer and ah stock ts cent higher, other killing steers, feeder and batcher eat tla alow to 25 eeata lower; beef steers, 13J01S,00; medium, S.IXSO; com- asnAll im. RnSrhe asttU. hif- crs, a.75HJ0; eawa, S.50 12.75 j eanaera. SJWetSO: veal carve, 19.000 SOJO; fweder steers, 7i5lX.73; stacker steer. .7o31(LS. . Skcep about steady: feeder Slow j lamb. i:.0Oll2.2S; cull. 7.75211.80; yearling wethers, 10.0Ot3lLC3 wea, 75Sj50 r culls, sjoe&so. - LIVERPOOL COTTON. Liverpool, Sept l Oattaa spot, dull ; pries, steady. Gaol middling, S0.I1 ; tally middling. 19.71; middling, 11.11; low middling, 18JA; good ordinary. 13.31; ordinary, 15.1. Sales, 400 bale, iaclodlng tfM Amarieaa. Ba- ceirts, S.OUO bales, including 700 Amcr- irsa. l atnres closed idle. September, 19.41 Oetatwr. 19J9; January, lists March, 19.88; May, 198; illy, 19 M. A death for lave' aa death, bat mar- tyrdom. J. Chapman. Nsw Tark, Sept. l.Clllg t rnerir eaa Ubor ta k!4 th aaa af Irish free dom, and art mg sWser -aprat! n be twee th worker af taa varies na tion a tha only meant af d (sating tha "pc'vllefod lass," ta It tTort to "keep tha mat at s aatio at th thraau af th mas af aaather; tarns da Vahjr. "rrMidnt of th Irish repablie," nddreated th Central Fsdertted Union t a labor meeting here today.- Mr. Da Valera "also luggeeled that America teat th ainearity at tagland through tha Irish aaeaHen. " hy ihonld it ho believed that t laad aata faaet whew she will aot pay th only frit by which peace taa ha purchased just lest" b ashsd. ' "It la important tor America ta knew whether England want peac and a reign of Justice, or whether, ' ta tha seposod Leagaa of Nation, her Inten tion ara tha same a whan her states mea were mouthing moral sentiments d liberty aad tha sanctity of ag" meats at lb very mnrooai inej were plotting secret treaties and disposing at their military farces thraaghout the world, so thst r- wight thant ta aassesslos a mora adtted. tvUr th all tha vast Val'.sd Stat. And while all this waa go Us aa, rromwr uay Ueor waa aalling apaw High Heave t whnese that Kngland had a aeinsk mativ in tha war The good ma prolongs l Ufej ta Ira abh t enjoy ' past life ia ta lira twiea Martiair n nlftmiuiajm ; m iimiaaa Highest Prices Raliabl HmS and Juaak Co. tit w. aALBHUL R. C Spuikt it Edward ' Municipal tnglnaar , " Maaoai Tempi , ; Wlaat-Sal: N. . 1 Sowar t Water Saaaty t Straata J. W.JAY St CO, COTTON MERCHANTS ' MlMimt ' flW f Crtwkmr mtVtmWSf Ntw OrlMae fMH Saianims New tech Pi slim Kwmeoe Hw Tark C sad I awociatb MBnaaamt Aa inrrhna sal m 9m m 11 BROAD STREET. NEW YORK COBB BROTHERS & COMPANY Brokers Hambara of New Tark and Narfolk Cottoa tsfhssgea. Prompt at ten tie ta telegraphl aad 'phooa rdra. Cotton, Stoeka, Bonds. Graa. Pro visions. Private wire. S23 Plum Street, Norfolk, Virginia AUDITS ?Sv 0-- RRmmmBmm9ammmaB-. Pullen, Henderson. McKinney & Company Certified Public Acceaataats (Va.) An adequate force of experienced and qualified accountants for service in GEORGE It DOBIE Public Accountant ROCKY MOUNT, t N. C Coker. . Lawtes " SWEET FEEDS Keep Him Healthy Strong, Vigorous Camaraax omi- Sand and Gravel For Concrete and Building Purpeeea Prompt Shipments PETG. SAND Jk GRAVEL CORP. PetersburtvY. oal ImOt ht all ttodt. Sasas 2S Dec coat, anhv Cheaper tbaa wkol graJa. aUsi ied. Caall eatshsed. Near at kand and ea skip . prompUr. A lull luppjj aisray ready. Bettor balanced satiaa. kpt tWsm anaav kaahhy, ' active, vJioreos. Itaaafaetarad M aaperts who know the noceasilies of a good fed, far fwat nktek' ka ask yaat dealer M b. at vrrita OoketwtM t'ood Co, Baitsvilu. s. e, BuyNovr CRIMSON CLOVER ALFALFA RYE SEED OATS SEED WHEAT GRASS SEED and FEED STUFF Write for Prices Carter, Venable & Co., Inc., Richmond, Va. . Auditing t Syatematiiing t Accounting Ml-4 TraMSu Smc, aiCSMOND. VA. Pnnkw lot tU. LTNCHBUBO, VA. Ml BALtiCa. K. C A Creel Deal Depends ea Baw Year &. COTTON U Haadled Ta Sacare Bmt Basalt a. WTiea yoa kava aottaa t sell r ster. wtra, phea or writ HOLMES DAWSON Cotton Ptctora. NORFOLK. VA. Urge storage faeilltio aad Ubartl advsaee mad. " Ordara far COCA-COLACERTIFICATES in six hours' time exhausted entire quantity offered. We are prepared to execute orders in open market on a basis of 15 cents per share brokerage. Wire orders to us. We will give same im mediate execution at best price possible. Market rioted Friday 40 H bid, 40 aaksd. t BOND DEPARTMENT TRUST COMPANY OF GEORGIA ATLANTA.CEORGIA 5. .Profiteering Very near U the meanest word in the ENGLISH language (Wa. have never learned GERMAN, and never want to) is tha word PROFITEERING. If it did ifiot sound VULGAR, we would say, tha profiteer deservaa to be spit upon, Once breakfasting hi a Restaurant, we overheard a Gentleman, who sat next table, berating the waiter. After the Gentleman had gone, and the waiter came to our table for service, we took occasion! to remark, "George, the gentle-1 man gave yoa a pretty thorough "ONCE , OVER." ?Yea.M George replied. bt , don't you forget that I got even with" him." We ventured to inquire "HOW," ; and George replied, "I spit in his , Coffee" If we had our say, GeorgV , should sens Breakfast to every profi teer. - This leads us to remark, how few in stances, if any, we have heard of Profi teering among the Bankers. . THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK charges just tha same price for money that we have ehargtd for MORE THAN THIRTY YEARS. ABSOLUTELY we have never shared ia any BONUS, COM MISSIONS or RAKE OFF. So lonr as the STATE RATE of JN. TEREST is SIX PER CENT THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK will observe a clean straight SIX PER CENT discount rate.. Naver a Far-thin f more. Nor do we REQUIRE that a cer- fr .J tain per cent of tha LOAN remain to the f"9 a at 1 a credit 01 ue Borrower, enough some times this ia done, but it m NOT a RE QUIREMENT. The STATE INTEREST LAW regu lates the rate of Interest and namea SIX PER CENT. OUR OATHS AS NAT IONAL BANKERS, require us to ob serve and obey the ssme rate of Interest legalized by the State, and before we will "Whip the DevO around the Stump" we will surrender our charter, go oat of business and nail up the front and back door with 20 penny nails, and hang out a card emblazoned ICHABOD. Bear these facta in mind, THEY ARE FUNDAMENTAL -THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK PAYS 4 PER CENT ON SAV . 1NGS AND SELLS YOU MONEY AT A STRAIGHT DISCOUNT RATE OF 6. First National Bank DURHAM, N, C. , We Know Yew Wants aad Want ; Your Business. JULIAN a. CARR W.J. OLLOWAY Cashier Hi I, - wWBPBsasga'u . n 1 ' 1 y . . , ., ; BOBTB 0-VlOyHA-HMMtt Caaaty. frv Taamshla,' i. 'wUa Md .ataived by tha fr Tsrohla Bsad Oomalsaioa aatil Batardar, a,taiaai V lot V aaUa 7adJa4h haOdlaf, repabiag aal ttkyr1t 'aaf tka aabll rati t tf aaahla a ktthoriied -r'hf--a: la-at- haW -a-atd laahi la akish SSO.09.9 aa aatad 1 ad haareveaeah Tka atrat ty i let tot tt baildlai S sid roads e the aalt rt. Oaaitfajsttoa 1 ta bata M hto Uss 0ta H JOIB, . Tka said taaasklf raaf aiiiatioa m taW l vUl tka vw fa f tH"S Ud a4 taardlaf osa tract at Coats, N, O, a Sptsbr , IMS. '':'.'" Tka right to njoet aa fs U Vida il rtaWTtd MT,Tvm,Catimaa, Liberty Bonds Bought i We wish to buy liberty and Victory Bonds. Mark e t Price Paid, The City Banjc Blaht la tha 181 af Bvemhiaa. R. G, ALLEN, President , i R H. MASSEY, Cathie Hi Bring It To Us YOURTRUGKOFI BUSirp$SCAR If It Jv'eeds Repairing We know hov. That's why We do it Right. : Let Us Do the Heavy Work .. Rqlolgh Iron IVorko foM.dert aad XfachbUta. Both, Phones, Raleigh, ft C V SUBJECT TO TRIOR ' , SALE WE OFFER The FoUowlng Preferred Stock, Taa-rrc ia North Carolina! frko. Tkld. Erwia Cottoa Mill 103 iij j. m. odeii Mfg. Co ,..rr. 100 im Etaiira Cottoa Mil) 'U ' 100 100 Durham Hosier htilla 1 a T.J Caroliaa Power a Uht Co. f tf, n im B. J. BeraeMs Tobaeea Co r..1 11$ S.JJ Durfey & SU.ai'r INVESTMENT SELTRITIES BALEIGB, N. C American Cotton 1 Grain Exchange aeorporat4 under th laws at Na Trk, registersd with, aad impeded by tha.Caited States Oeveraaisat. ' TRADES IN UNITS OF TEN BALES AND UPWARDS ' Vlarfiaal requirements, 14 eowiuias pu'k ' rose tbaa ether Exehanretl spleadidpportuaity offered $ mmos desiiiaa t be fomf aseaber. a hror. , QUR CLEARING ASSOCIATION PROTECTS ALL . TRADES- Tot full iaf oratatloa, tddrtn' " - " . . . American Cotton & Grain Exchange, Inev, If SuMt, Xaw Yrt pu, . t ' . ' r --, ' A, V BBABAJI, fSBSIDIMT. LIBERTY BONDS We r TODAf TAT ISO the fllot( arfcea le LIBEBTY gttNtXSi 3 V, I 99.50 for 1100 Bonds 4Va$ 9.25 for 1 00 Bonds . 4 Vi I 94.Z0 lor S100 Bonds First , Third Fourth Victory 1100.25 for 1100 Bonds Other dsaolaatMa aad laatallateat receipt la araportlea.. CAROLINA BOND & MORTGAGE CO, 1Mb Floor, Uaoety Nitloaal Baak BWa. COLUMBIA. S. C it PB0XE S7 BONDS and STOCKS 1 want to boy from 11,000.00 to $50,000.00 Stat of North Carolina Bonds. t -' $31,000.00 libertj Boad aa isau. 12,000.(10 t ISO.OoaoO Sskoal, Head or Coaatv Bead, aa seaaty la North Caroliaa. Will bay Baak Itacki of aa Baak in North Caroliaa. V n If you aaut la bui Libert Bonds, j will ll tkeai t job. OSie over Fleiihat' Bi Dry Good Stora. Oaea frees A, M. ta 1 P, M. ' - FRANK THORNTON jJP.eal?I!.n. J?t?c Klini JP?nds. raoxi sn II rATBTTBVIW,R,IVC Jakaa-MaaTltta BMt tutmmi BeeaBa. BUDD-PIPER ROOFING CO. cmcivii am a nuNVfacrvasaa ' a o q r t n ; DURHAM. tCc - sh,;.!lH- Distributers of JOHN8-MAN VUXB ASBCST03 BOOTTNO.' ' Caalraetan far BlAB, OBAVEU TILB, TlX ar jSLATB BOOmO, Maaafaetarer f 8KYLI041T8, VENTlLATOHS, COBN1CE. Dealer la (ALVAXIZEO aad BUIBEB BOOm'O. - lUt.aiatet fvsaisbsd fa Araaitettt PUss." CtrarU at14 ay , ? aw ia Nartk Caroliaa, atorM Srtrte tiu Soa : ' '

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