14 THE NEWS 'AND OBSERVER. TUESDAY MOFuJfKG, 'SE? lIEZT. 2, in?. RATES lOCenU ,v : Per .-, ' LINE f v WANT AD RATES THIS IS THE JtEGULAB "WANT AD" type, (8 poiitt). Tht first lint ia Mt U 8 point light cap, for whica ao extrt eliarg ii mad. Tht rata for thit typ Is 10 eenta r line. The rat la baaed on tht count I of ail (J) avert length srorde to tb line hyphentted worda count aa two ' worda. ro abbrttjationa allowed in the body of ttt advertisement. 3ery same or initial ia the name and ad ' dreta eounti aa a word. Alwtyt count ' the name and tddres. For, your convenience, the coat Of two , or more line for single inaertiona and ' 7 and 30 consecutive inaertiona ia - : regular want 4 typ are figured . , below: Ob Serea One Line. Word. Time, Time. Month 8.,.,,. 12 .20... .11.26.. .. S.40 3.,,.., 18..... .80,... 1.88...., 8.10 ,...., 24 40.... 2.52.... 10A0 8...... 10 50... 3.13.... 13.50 6...... 38 80.... 3.78.... 16.20 7....... 42 .70.... 4.41.... 18.90 8..',.,, 48 .SO.... 6.04.... 21.60 9 64..... .00.... 6.67.... 24.30 10.,;... 60 1.00.... 6.30.... 27.00 The 10 per cent, diacount baa been de ducted on the abov quotation. The above 7 and 30-time rate apply ' only for eonaetutive dayby-dy in aertiona. These rte DO NOT apply ', oa Sunday insertion alone, even . though ordered for conaecutive Butt' day. li the Sunday only i uied the rat i , 10 a line each insertion, regardleaa of tht number of Bundayt the adter- tisomcnt appears. THIS lb 8 POINT LIGHT CAPS. THE BATE IS DOUBLE THE ABOVE OB 20 CENTS A LINE. THIS IS 10 POINT LIGHT CAPS. THE RATE IS TRIPLE REGULAR TYPE, OR S CENTS A LINE. THIS IS" 1 2 POINT LIGHT CAPS. RATES $1.00 PER . INCH OR 40 CENTS A LINE COMBINATION OF 8, 10 AND 12 POINT - TYPE $1.00 PER INCH. NO KEYED AD TAKEN FOE LESS THAN 60 CENTS WHERE THE AN 8WER8 ARE TO BE MAILED THE ADVERTISER. NO AD TAKEN FOB LESS THAN 20 CENTS. CASH MUST ACCOMPANY ' ' - ' ALL ORDERS A diacount of 10 per cent ia allowed . for aeven CONSECUTIVE DAILY U- aertlon. Where whit aptee la de aired above ami below a. charge of 10 cent per line 1 made. I Classification not guaranteed efter 6: 0. HELP WANTED MALE WANTED 100 BRICKLAYERS AT ' Quantico, Va. 81.00 per hour; union , jubj white only. John K. Turon, Corp. ; 2-4t WANTED ONE FIRST-CLASS WHITE : barber. Pay 70 per cent; gunraatec : $35.00 per week. Single man preferred. ; , Beaton married man can't get a house ) to liv In. J. I. Iancaster, City Bar ber Shop, Boeky Mount, N. C. 2-3t WAITED JUNIOR DRUG CLERK, . with pretcxiption experience. State aalary. "T-Soa," care Newa and Oh aerver. 2-7t BAiLWAY MAIL CLERKS EXAM , lnatloa aoon; easy to prepare by our method. Write for particular. Civil Servic "Alliance, Washington, D. C. 2-lt BOOKKEEPERS WANTED BY V. S. government. Examination every Tuea . day. Fine opportunity for men and , women. We can prepare you quickly. Write for particular. Civil Service Alliance, Wahiiirlnn, D. O. 2-lt COUNTRY NEWSPAPER WANTS AN i editor; alio a printer. For 8 rat poli tic prefer a voun maa with ome daily paper experience. Excellent op portunity to work into ownerihip. Alto a young man with a year or ab . ennntry ihop experience to work on floor and learn -to operate linotype. Poaitlona in both linea in teveral 4 town toon to he open. Shopi all mod- era. Addreaa "T-204," care Newa and Ohaerver. 2-3t WANTED STENOGRAPHER FOR IM . mediate and permanent employment. . Apply in own litndwriting, to Box 7f), Raleigh, attii.g age, experience, reference! and aalnrr wanted. "t WANTED SAWYER FOR MILL CUT , ting 23 mUliots ateaia feed; will pay right man good price; long job. Ap ply at once. W, M. Eubank, Holly "'"'Ridge, N. t'. 31-3t WANTE1 A FIRST CLASH BAKER. - Kiag' C.h Bakery, Oxford, N. C 31-7t BUYS WANTED CAN USE SEVERAL ' good, boy a meiMnger; good pay Weitern Union Tel. Co. Sl-6t WANTED TOBACCO FARMER ON 1 halve to cultivate 10 acrea er more. . , Good clinnca tot tht right man. X. John no n, Apex, N. C, Rmite 3. 31 -7t. W A N T E D EXPERIENCED FOUN taia man. Statt age, experience and aalary wanted. Addreaa Q iW care Newa and Obeerver. - WANTED REGISTERED DRUGGIST. - BIXGIX MAX I'gKl'EHBiD GOOD ' PUTURE FOR RIGHT MAN. "8-203," ' cart Ntwt and Observer, Raleigh, N. C. ; i -k,, .... t, , 31-St WANTED, AT ONCE, RELIABLE BOY. Steady employment. Apply C. W. . Beabura. Irnell A Thoma. 1f.3t. .WANTED 8TEAMP1TTER8 FOR work at Naval Operating Bate, Nor. folk, Va, $7 per day. Apply by let ter to Elmirall A Comnnny, lac, ne ' Dominick ttteet, Xw York eity, or at Submarine Bate,, duratioa of work u AAILD ilOOn.hLtPEtt JOB TO tarco warehouse; anno but competent riofd rP'y- Aniwer quick) aalary ex r . t" 1, Alio watt food auctioneer. i s Iyiu'sbury, S. C. l-?t 31A88iOE lm tFBKIKfi IMMIDUTB UIOLTItl HELP WANTED WALE WANTED AX EXPERIENCED SODA clerk. Salary eiehtT-ive dollar. Key Brown, "ruggbt, Greenville. N. C l-7t WANTED -EXPERIENCED TRUCK driver; State age, weight and aalary expected in Irtt letter. 8. V. Woody Trantfer Co Wilton, N. C. 31-7t mem bTopi don t look for jobs we guarantee to teach you barber trad. Paying positions guaranteed ia chain of ah opt, Full course 830. Toole free. Grrateat Soothers Col lege. Bead for catalogue. Jaeksoa villa Barber College, 8..J W. Bay St., Jacksonville, Pin. 31-4t WANTED FIRST-CLASS BARBER. 7u per cent commission. Can make $30 to 40 per week. Writ or wire at oace. J. H, Matthew, Boanok Rap Mi, N. C. - 7-7t WANTED KATERJEN CLP COMB1 nation bookkeeper and salesman to bogie worV at oace. Give reference and stabs aalary expected in firat let ter. Bo 107. Farmcrrille. N. C. 29-7t WANTED EXPERIENCED WAITER for quick luneh room, trust ne n bit to produce reiulti. A Mress "Q -CtM." rare of Xewt and Observer. 29-7t WANTED MECHANIC' WHO CAN BE pair oil mill machinery; atcady em ployment to right man. Address "O- 206, car News and Observer. 27-7t WANTED REGISTERED DRUGGIST for email town. State ago and salary. "O-203." car of New and Observer. 26-7t WANTED JUNIOR DRUGGIST FOR tmall town. State age, experience and aalary. O-204,H car of Newt and Observer. 26-7t CARPENTERS WANTED GOOD wage. Apply Irwin Theightos, Jack eon Bros. Co., Mill. Fayetteville, X. C. , 28-7t WANTED A MAN CAPABLE Or' keeping a ayitem ginnery in order and a good ginner. Jonathan Havena, "Washington, N. C. 2-5t WANTED A FIRST-CLASS BARBER at onre. Petty t Elks, 21 Princess ft., Wilmington, N. C. K-7t HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED COOK FOB SMALL FAM ily on car lino tear Country Club. Apply by letter, Box V, Weal H leieli. 31-.lt WANTED GIRL FOR HOUSE WORK in private family ia New York City. Railroad fare paid to New York. Give age, experience, reference aid aalary expected. Addrea "B-210, care Xewa and Observer. 31 -3t. WANTED AN EDUCATED LADY TO take chargo of culinary department oi largo Institution. Uive reference; tate what experience nnd where. Addret HO210." rare New and Ob server. N 30-31-2 WANTED GIRL FOB GENERAL homework, cliierly cleaning, plain cooking. Wngei $'J2; want reference. L. Shepherd Wilson, Llnihurst, X. Y. 30-3t WANTED: LAUV riTENOGKAPHER. lawyer' office. State experience, aal ary expected. Percy J. Olive, Apex. N. C. 3H-.1t WANTED A HOUSEKEEPER FOR family of two. Addrea "P-SUI rare New and Ohterver. 29-71 WANTED YOUNG LADIES TO train aanurie. Apply to superin tendent Rarah Elizabeth Hospitul, Henderson, N. 0. 27-7t HELP WANTED (Male and Female) TRAVELING MEN, WOMEN, BEST aid line in the world; 1 1,000 monthly; aothitg to tell or carry; in formation only. J. U. Walker, Boul der, Colorado. 1630t TEACHERS WANTED WANTED TWO TEACHERS FOR special tax rural achsol. Must hold State certiflralet. Term,. 7 months. Liberal aalary, reasonable hoard, about 25 pupils. Apply S. A. Hurl ing. Hubert, N. C. lst-4i WANTED PRIMARY TEACHER Urst and second gradea in Farm Lifo School. Halary. titi.OO for H months. Write Supt, 8-201," car Newa and Observer. 3Mt. WANTED EXREB1ENCEU MAN principal for Wiatoa school; e'evea grades; eight months term. Salary, $130 per month; aingle man pre ferred; wire application. J. I). Benle, Winton, N. C. r.O-4t WANTED: AN AhXlSTANT HIGH school teacher, one primary, and teacher for the Aft a to eighth grades. G. C. Uerritage, Trenton. N. V. 30-3t positions: wanted POSITION WANTED AS FIREMAN engineer or oiler by young maa age 24 yearn, have had aix years expert ear. Have just received an honor able discharge from the armv. Ad dress Paul F. Lllim, rare Y. M. C. A., Raleigh, N. C. until Friday. Can aim repair all machinery la this line of wnrk. DO rou SEE , THIS ADf PjXSELJJttri. JKLJT.IS printed to show yon how easy it It t fad t ad if It It ne rottded with rleaty of white space. NEXT TIME YOU" WANT AX , attraetiva "want ad" try three blank liaet above and below : like this. Also tell at te give yoa white spate aa each aide. BLANK LINES 10 CENTS A lit. Let wkitt space. It will '.pay. yew WANTED POSITION AS MILLER IX floor mill up te too barrel. Ha had 12 year experience. Caa famish hest f references. Write K. H Ramsear, Council, N. C. t-tt COUNT : n 1 kX WORDS ' u i'-Vv LINE a POSITIONS, WANTED WANTED POSITION AS bTENOO rapker la Kaleighj 3 year expert ence. Employed it u resent, lot de sir change. Addresa 206,'' care News asd Obeerver. 31-3t BATTERY MAX WANTS POKITION Eight year experience. Best of ref erence. Competent to handle any place as manager. 8-202.'' care New and Observer, Raleigh, N. C. 31-t BUILDING SUPERINTENDENT DE airea position with general contract ing corporation as auperintendent or foreman; experienced in estimating and handling job. W. H. B. Biggia, Box W5, Portsmouth, Va. U8-7t WANTED POSITION AS BANK president or cashier by experienced banker 29 year old; mdn make in vestment; complete reference. Mar ion, Drawer 278, Laurent, N. C. 30-5t. THE BEST LIFE HEALTH AND ACCI- dent policy for colored men and wo men with liberal commissions for good agents, anw is me rigni Time, to ami. money. Writ L. C. McCabe. Greens- boro. N. C. . 23-10t WANTED AX S0.W) POSITION OR aixth and seventh grade work, by an experienced, well-trained grade and high school teaebrr. Address "8-207," care The Newa and Observer, Raleigh, N- C. 1.7,. AGENTS WANTED AGENTS WHITE AND colored, to solicit subscriptions for popular magaxines. Good Tfcy.Apply now to W. 400 West 27th atreet, Nor folk. Va. Mt AGENTS MEN AND WOMEN; 00 monthly advertising, demonstrating and introducing our waterpropf house wives apron. Essential nnd nttractive. Big demand. Monarch Apron Co, !6 .W. 1 10th street, New York. 2-7t ' "AMERICA'S PART IN THE GREAT War, with introduction by Goneral Pershing. Most wonderfal story of names ana achievement ever written. Many illustrations. .Authentic battle scenes in beautiful colors. Outfit onfjH ureat opportunity. Urrier quirk. Houfhern Miip t'o., Atlanta, in. 3l-5t AGENTS MAKE j0 WEEKLY TAK- ing order for fast selling Goodyear Raincoat and Fountain pens. Hun dreds of orders waiting; t2 an hour for spare time. Bnrri mado 617 In 3 hour. Palmer mad 1146 in one week. We deliver and collect. Sam ple coat and pen free. Write today for agency. Goodyear Mfg. Co.. 125 Goodyear Bldg.. Kansas City, Mo. s-t-f. SALESMEN SALESMAN AGER (DISCHARGED 8QL- dier preferred), to represent us in Cumberland, Hoke, Robeson, Lee, Richmond, Harnett and Bladen coun ties. You can make f." to 10 daily selling a household artiele, endorsed by U. 8. government. Writ tit at once for particulars. De Luxe Dec. Co, Fayetteville. X. C. 2-7t SALESMEN WANTED JANUARY 1ST fur the Gents Furnishing Department in one of the largest general merchan dise stores in Eastern Carolina. R. G. H.'irrison, Williamson, N. (', 31-51 LIFE INSURANCE AGENTS, L'ST.'N, here ia what you have been looking for nil these years. Ordinary life, 2Q pay and 20 year endowment for col ored men and women anj I ;g com missions. Get in on the gnnnd floor. L. C. McCabe, Greensboro, N. C. 2.1-IOt BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY TOR THE investment of capital. Tbo Pepsi Cola Company of New Rem, X. C, has unusual business opportunities to offer to investors of from $5,000 to 2fl,000. Business will 1 taught to investor, advertising and sales asist nnefcgiven and if necessary, interest in fie business will be taken by the company. Apply to The Pepsi-Cola Company, Home Office, New Kern, X- r. ni-7t. WANTED TO COMMUNICATE WITH a reliable and experienced Fire In surance and Real Estate man a partner in an Insurance' and Real Estate business. Address "P-202," car News and Observer. 2H-Tt PVSK-IAN WANTED AN ASHOCIATE in the practice of medicine and sur gery. Must be well qualified, clean and under thirty-five. Eastern Caro-1 lina town, twelve thousand. Send references Address 'P-2nt," care i News nd Observer. 29-31-2 5-7-10 WANTED ' ! (Miscellaneous) FOR SALE-NEW NATIONAL CASH register trrount file. "T-201,"' care , NVsrt and Observer. 2-7t 1 WANTED SMALL CASH REGISTER; ' must be bargain. "S-210, rare News aad Observer. , WANTED AT ONCE UPRIGHT 6- horse power boiler; must be in good condition end price right. Auto Tire Exchange, Burlington, N. C, 2-2t WAXTED-SECOND-HAND GASOLINE tractor, to be used for ploughing and sawing lumber. J C. Mull, Wake For- 3-7 FOAES WANTED-WILL PAY GOOD price for young nnd old: must bav four good legs. W. G. Smitherman, Troy. X. C. 31-7t WANTEDTO BUY OiJ) . FEATHER bed for cash; will call any where ia rja Carolina Jo,KCJLhonuAddM "N-50. ear Newt aad Observer. ' S5-t WANTED LIMBER AT ALL TIMES. Unas, poplar, ata, oak, maple, juaiper aad pine lumber. Never tell your turn ber without roasultiae us. "There's a (reasoa." We pay t per eeat cask oa nreipi or snipping papers. EAST CAROLINA-LUMBER CO, Xew Bern, North Carolina. -21-tf CALL 638 FOR WARREN'S TRANSFER. AUTOMO BILES FOR HIRE.- WANTED TO BUY. SECOND HAND fnraitart aad tutv.t tat household pod f every description. ' Krf Furniture Store. Ill E. HazawU tnet. Bell FWm sal K 'Stores and Offices 7o Rent eoht in the modtm buaioeas way. Yotf can ten thonitandg of people aboot the $tor or oiBce 900 have for rent throoch the Went Ad cohimne of tltie ijper-nd the cort U ooly a trifle. Try heathtu cannot do better then to watch the Want Ada fat thie paper. The best bargain, re advertised here regular. If you don't eee what you want insert a Want Ad of your own. If the quicketl and wrest way. as a f img twa. ' smi m mm Ketanm, frequently reach advertiser, within a few lmiraafttvpabltcation. - Read andUf the Want Ads in THE NEWS AND OBSERVER I 11 "The Best, Not the Cheapest, Want Medium In North FOR SALE (Miscellaneous) TWO 8ETTER Pi:P8, LIVER COLOR, three months old. Malo and female. Seven fifty nnd five. O. M. Mann, Holly Hpringn, X. C., Route 2. 2-lt FOR MALE MUNOER 70 8AW GIN cleaning feeder, condenser, presa and shafting. All practically new. A. H. Oliver, .Mt. Olive. X. C. 28-31-2 APPLES BY PARCEL POST-TWO pecks, in First and Second Zone; 1.50 in Third Zone, prepaid.- East from Raleigh ia in third tone. Sunny iieigntt urcnara, Summit, X. C. 31-3t. FOB SALE TRACT TIMBER COX tainlng 60,000,000 feet pine, located in South Carolina, beginning within 2 mile of railroad. Will tell timber rights, or in fee simple. For de scription and further information. addresa P. O. Box 406, Florence, 8. C. 2K-7t r'OK HALE REGISTERED KNUIJHH bloodhounds; pups ready to train; female trained. Address "O-207," care News nnd Observer. , 27-t FOR SALE UP TO DATE AND FBfiLY ! .1 . t . ciuiieu Homing plant ill goou lora tion. Write "N-204."' Newa and Ob. server. 24-19t FOR SALE ADDING MA CHINES. GOOD SECOND HAND MODELS Al BAR GAIN PRICES. ALSO NEW MACHINES OF ANY SIZE TO FIT YOUR BUSINESS. BURROUGHS ADDING MACHINE CO., RALEIGH. 3-tf. 16-TON YORK ICE PLANT FOR SALE. In perfect condition. Will sell for operation at loention or dismantle. Reason for selling, buying fargvr plant for mother town. Thompson Ice Company, Rosemary, N. C. . 1.WM R00MS-H0USES-FLATS (For Rent) FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED room, 3 blocks from Capitol. Man preferred. 309 E. Morgan St., Phone P90-R. 2.4 CALL 638 FOR WARREN'S TRANSFER. AUTO MO BILES FOR HIRE. ROOMS HOUSES FLATS (VYaited) FURNISHED ROOM WANTED BY A trained nurse. Stat price per month. Addrest P. O. Bos 97, Vaughan, N. C. 2-lt ROOMS WANTED: TO CARE FOR 100 returned oldier in rocntional courses. Stale College wishes to find furnished room In Raleigh west of cipitol. Any housekeeper having rooms to let please tend number of rooms, number nf men they will ac commodate, location of house, men per room, price per man. Men will begin to arrive Monday, September 1st. lnflurmntion in writing wontet' at once. E. B. Owen, Registrar, Wert Raleigh. . 80-5t FOR RENT ; :x 'Miscellaneous) FO&REXIWOB UASE-42)TgO hore farm. Apply to J. D. Carroll, leputy Wicriff, Garner, X. O. Sl-7t THE MONTAGUE HOTEL, ClXNTON, N. C, it for rent Sept. 1 1 20 roomt, almost completely furnished ; at pre, ent doing business with tteadjly in creasing peonage. Write at jnce. .A. W.-le4l,1T'Hn(,n X. C. 2n-Tt REAL ESTATE FOR SALE- WANTED-SOMEv PERSON. FIRM OR corparatioa to buy a house for me. Addirtt "8-208," car Xewt and Ob servee. t ' jv . --.-' , " , j.it WANTED TO RENT SMALL FARM; aot to excctl 10 acre, with tht privi ' lege of boyinr with good house and water near city Emits nf Rsfeigh. References furnished. "T-203,"' rare ta Ml Oirv'T i U-5 T tj 4tn, f-SZZS North Carollaa- 1K I I1W1 ?S-4ir -STrjT hi kt aa hut mmt si as thtm sn Carolina" REAL ESTATE FOR SALE PRICE RIGHT, TEAMS RIGHT-670-aere farm near Angier, X. C. Fine tobacco or cotton .land; 300 acres cleared, balance woods; 6 wcllings 9 tobacco barns, 2 tobacco pack houses. School tnd church located t near center of farm. For further information, write A. B. Currin, An gler. X. C. 31 -St FOR SALE GOOD FARM, 100 ACRES. Fine, level land; 30 arret in cultiva tion; two housct; ltrgo barn. Price. 2,500.00. Write owner. K. M. Ram-! saur, Council, X. C. 2-2t 350 ACRES, 150 CLEARED. THIS place Is located between Hobgood and Oak City. There 1 a platform on the farm and a aiding within 3-4 of a mile, tchooLl-3 milt. Itend it level nnd in a good ttata of cultivstion. Out five-room house painted, 3 or 4 tensnt house nnd 3 tobacco barns. R. W. House A Bro., Oak City, N. C. C0-7t BUSINESS LOTS ON MARTIN street near Union Station nt auction. The Hobby property tub-divided into business lots will be told it auction Friday, September 5th, at 11 a. m. Thit it the most detlrabls property for- business purposes on Martin street. Carolina-- Realty Company, Selling Agents, Raleigh. N. C. 28-9t A GOOD FARM, AT A BARGAIN price; must be sold at once; 175 acres good land, 50 in eliltivttion, balance pasture and timber; slightly rolling; watered by aprings and creek; 4 room cottage; 18 miles from Richmond; ideal place for a stock farm; $3,500; 1-3 cash, balance on time. Anton H. Thirrmann, Rich mond, Virginia. 30-4t I HOTEL DAN, DANVILLE, VIRGINIA, at auction, October lit, 1919. In order to ttrtightca up tht estate of, one of the stockholder!, Tht Hotel Pat will he offered for tale on the premises October 1, 1919. Thit hotel is located ia Danville, Virginia, one of the best towns in the state, with a population of about thirty thousand. Ths hotel it. on a paying btsit with a good patronage. It it a brick building cf three stories, containing one hundred roomt, fifty tsths, twenty tubt and thirty showers. Hot and cold running water ia every room. Anyone looking for a paying investment will do well to nttend thi sale. Any information will be given by Bart Love, Manager, Danville. Va. Aug. M-Sept 2 4879111314 16182021 23 252728 FARM FOR SALE 100 ACRE8HIGH- elass tohteco farm, 10 miles from Ra leigh, one mile from Knlghtdale; on main road, near good school, seven room dwelling, large barn, ptckhonte two tobacco barns. All new. Terms easy. Box 78, Raleigh, X. C. 31 -7t VIRGINIA LAND FOR SALE. 257 acres, good dwelling, roomt with cellar; 3 tobteco barns, good stable, new corn crib and two tenant houses, Want to tell at it It or will tell 152 seres with no buildings or 105 acres and include all building. Thit farm it directly on National Highway, and is 20 mile touts of Petersburg, In Dinwiddle county. For further par ticulars, writt J. R. Beck, Butttrworth, V. ' 28-7t FARM FOR SALE-108 ACRES, 40 , cleared; flnt for cotton, eora and tnhA.A Dm. al. ' - r""" . guvu v 1 1 u 1 ajd;-good-fire-room dwelling and oiuouuuingti near school; 3 mile of Buna, on Raleigh aad Tar boro road) rural malt. Price $40 aa acre; cask or essw t-rfn . Pa. ..IA ..v... addrest J. E. Stallingt, Mapleville, TWO OP THE MOST HIGH PRODUC- mg cotton farm In thi part of the State, oat ,820 acre, tht other 1,200 acre well located with good build' iagt, A few choice tmall farms tl wayt ivilltblt. Com and look for yourlf, R. L. Godwin, Duna, S. C. ' " ' 1 ' " ; ' 30-4t OR BALK -SIXTY ACRES GOOD ftrnt land. Thirty-flv acre cleared. Five-room houae. Five mile from Garland, N. O, oa publie road. Term easy. For - further information.. ! ? ljM dress Ba 214. Bom 1LU, NYC- g7-7t REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FARMS " FOR SALE FARM 0. 1 contains 172 acres. Ninety acres tillable. Balance ia thrifty pine titn 'ber. Has1 2-story dwelling aad other outbuilding. On mile from Yale. Virginia, on food .' roads. Prie g-to per acre. Farm No.! 2 contain 210 acre. On hundred , acrea tillable. , Other cut over laad. Fairly good building. : Price f 15 per tcrc. ' Farm Xo3 contains about 480 acres. Two dwellings with . other outbuildings. . About 125 acres tillable. - Blace ia timber; thi is a eery good proposi tion. Price 125 per acre. . Farm No. 4 contains 293 seres. About 40 acres tillable. Balance la tmall tint ber. No buildings. Fin land. Price 115.00 per aere. All of tht above property lie within on to three mile of the village of Yale, Virginia, oa the Southern Railway, where there i fv tore and' a flrst-elass high . school. Thi land i fairly level and ndapted to corn, cotton, peanut, aad tobacco. Pottewioa eaa be bad Jan - . M . : J ..I I " . 1 - . . . uar.v unt i niu wiinia mm biztv day. O. T. Partridge, Yale, Vir- ginia. i-et 100 FARMS IX EASTERN NORTH CAROUXA a , FOR SALE. V THEY ARE LOCATED IX Wayne, Johnston, Wilson, Edge combe, Xash, Greene and Hali fax counties. ANY SIZE, ANY PRICE. WRITE FOR CIRCULAR, OK if you have a farm you wish to sell or exchange, it will pay you to Mmmunicate with us, na we are in the midst of the best section in North Carolina, and have hundreds of farmers look ing to us to And them a home or a farm for speculation. WIRE OR WRITE KEXXEDY-MC YE REALTY CO.. IXC, OFFICE NEXT TO KRESS. Phone 158, Goldeboro, X. C. :e-7t WANTED BUYER FOR ONE OF THE FINEST FARMS IX 8AMPSOX COUNTT. One mile from Parkersburg, a nice 560-acre farm, 235 acrea cleared ; new 8-room house, 5 tenant houses, one - S-stsll barn, with brick foundation. Seven outbuildings, farm cleared and all improvements in last 8 years.' Price, $57.50 per acre. Oue-fourtb cash; $6,000 first year; five ye3r on balance. W. C. CAISON, OWNER, PARKER8BUBO. X. C. .tn-4t MAGNIFICENT NEW HOME FOR SALE IN VIRGINIA. ALL MOD ERN CONVENIENCES, TEN LARGE. SPLEN DID ROOMS, WHITE MAPLE FLOORS. 3 BATH ROOMS, HOT WATER HEATING. SLATE ROOF, SPLEN DID GARAGE, CON CRETE DRIVEWAY AND WALKS. BEST HOME IN ONE OF BEST TOWNS IN STATE UNEXCELL ED SCHOOL ADVAN TAGES HIGH SCHOOL, STATE NOR MAL AND HAMPDEN SIDNEY COLLEGE. QUICK SALE FOR $15,000; COULDNT BE DUPLICATED FOR $22,500. WRITE A. M. BARROW, FARM VILLjE, VA. 31-1,2.7 BUY FROM OWNER. A FARM OF 136 acres, 2 milcf from Merry Oak, X. C. Nice home oa graded road, splendid for general farming, fine paature with lasting water, school and churches convenient. Edmond Jour dan, Merry Onks, X. C. 27-7t REAL ESTATE WANTED FOB 8ALE SEVERAL XICE FARMS near Apex. Good roads, schools, churches and fine tobacco market. Produce tobteco finest quality, at well at cotton, eora and atiall groin. Tmt tnanged. L. 8. Olive, Apex, N. C. 9-301 WE GET RESULTS. LET US SUBDIVIDE AND SELL YOUR FARM AT AUC TION. CAROLINA REALTY CO., RALEIGH, N. C. 1O-30-t ' SEEDS PLANTS HIGH GRADE TENNESSEE CRIM son, new crop seed, at $3-50 per bo. Abruxxl aad Rosea ryt and all kinds of field seed. Prompt attention to f--ederr-Tha-lUB--(JptayWM-i- ehester. Tenn. 3wt FALL AXD WIXTEK HEAOING CAB bag plants; also eollard plants ready for shipment. " Parcel post paid, 100 for 50c; 500 for t2i 1.000 for $3.50. 3y txprcts, 5000 for I1J0; 1,000 aad over, t2i per 1,000 ; 5,000 and Over, - $2 per lJOOO. Xo plaatt thipped c. e. d. 1 F. E. Hull, Rock Hill, 8. C 29-1 Rt LIVESTOCK POULTRY WHILE WHEAT 1XIDDLLNC3 ARE caret tad high, buy nr velvet Hot Feed for begt aad cows. It make ' meat and milk $10 toa cheaper than , middlings, tad foe Just tt far for feed, ftisfaetiua guaranteed. 'COLONIAL' CEREAL COMPANY, - Nerfolky Va, i-fet i PRODUGt GnCCERIES mouxtaix -.cacdabi: - mouxtain rabbagj, ro" exceedingly Hut th;f year. V."e oI:er cabbage in lfrJ pound crates at .I'j cents poind cash with ordrr. ttmios Oram Co., Winston. NT. C. V.l-7t hOO PEEO HLY, -VVINSTOX. HUO Feed," best feed dn earth for hogsj protein, 14i per cent; g49.00 ton... Cash with order. Winston Oraln Co, , Winston, NVC 31-Tt FOR ONE WEEK. ONLY WE OFFER "Cuban Molattet," : that . good old black 'molasses that wt old kiddie wtrt raited oa at 25 gallon, in 0 galloa j barrel. - Cash with order. Winttoa C rain Co, Winston, N. C. - - zswr TRY OUR TIP TOP MOLABSEtJ FEE!) for horses; 'twill fatten them when every thing els fails. $53 ton. Cash with order. Winston Grain- Co, Win tton, N. C. 28-7t TALL UKOW1NU CAROLINA WINTER I rye; car lot and less. Robert Hnck- ' mm T . . . t . . A,, f. .' i a-m,iiui. 26-30t BUY HORSE AND MULE FEED MADH by Colonial Cereal Company, 'Norfolk, Va., made fresh every day. Yon get it quick and good while the molasses are still tweet. We tell Blue Head Barrell Feed molasses, Scratch Feed Dairy feed, Oatt and Cracked Cora. Satisfaction guaranteed. COLOXIAL CEREAL COMPANY, . Norfolk. Va. 3-37t AUTOMOBILES-TRUCKS FOR SALE HUDSON' , 1918 MODEL Speedster, practically' ( new tires. Buick 1919 model 5-passenger, near ly new tires. National 1917 model 5-passcnger. Dodge Roadster 1917 model, brand new tires. Maxwell Rocdster, 1916 model, new tires. All these cars in A-l running condition. Call at City Garage. 2-lt FOR -SALE 8CRIPPS-BOOT ROAD iter, 19 model ; practically new. Phone or write "Q 208," care Xewt aad Ob server. t m-lt FOR SALE CADILLAC! SEVEN PAS senger; eight cylinder; 16 model. First-class second hand condition throughout. Top, curtain and up holstery in perfect condition. 37 xS Cord tires new on rear, 36 x good on front. First certified 'check or Liberty Bond for 11.350 gets it. Sny nor Pump A Well Co.. Richmond, Va. 1-3-5. TRUCKS, TRUCKS, TRUCKS. ONE Corbitt two-ton worm drive truck. Factory rebuilt, new motor, new lire. One Corbitt chain drive, factory re built truck. Both in Drat class con dition and -at bargain price. W. Z. Bush, care Bland Hotel or Corbitt Service Station, Henderson, X. C. 2-7t WILL FURNISH TOURING CAR AND driver twenty-fire cents per mile. Ten dollars, per day minimum. Full time made. -S-209," care Xewt and. Observer. n.t HOW TO WRITE CLASSIFIED ADS THAT GET RESULTS WRITE IX THE MOST DC. teretting thing to others about your proposition. USE WORDS THAT WILL attract attention, arouse inter est., create desire and induce action. DOXT TRY TO ECOXOMIZE by leaving oat wordt which may have the effect of depriving tht advertisement of itt true merit. SELECT, SHORT, 8XAPPY plain English wordt. Use aa much space at you feel you need. Remember, the larger the "ad" the greater the chancct it will have to be seen. DO NOT EXPECT TOO MUCH of a aingle insertion. All those who read your td the first day and become interested do not answer it at once. If they art constantly reminded by itt ap pearance every day for a week or month results are assured. TRY A WEEK-S RCX, AND always end your ad with a positive auggestion, auch ai, "Write today, "Act quick," "Let u te you more," or "Write for free booklet." MOTORCYCLES WE BUY AXD SELL NEW AND 6EC ond hand motorcycles. Repair for all make. We tell aa time. L. Francia Motorcycle Shop, 131 8. Wil mintion 8treet. l-30t. LOST FOUND STOLEN LOST A BROWN AND WHITE pointer puppy. Reward for return to 421 Halifax ttreet. ".jt $25.00 REWARD BTOLEN, NEW Overland car, 6-passenger. Serial No. 90U-T, motor Xo. 176669; equip ped with Fisk tires. If found, notify C. J. Green, phone 8613, Raleigh, X. C 3t-2t $25 Reward fob recovery (tblea Ford ear. A reward of $25 will be paid by owner for recovery of Ford touring ear, 1920 model. Stolen at Henderson, N. C, about midnight Saturday, Angust 23rd, 1919. License: -It Transit." Motor No. 3264497. De scription: Black body and wheel. Liberty electrie self -starter. Demount able rim with 30x31-3 Goodrich Safety Tread tire all around. Hastier hock absorber. Dow body brace. Remington gasoline foot feed. Tire holder oa rear. If motor number it destroyed, owner bat other meant of identification. Owner, Richmond Hard-. war Co-, Richmond, Va. 0. A. Sherry, Chief of Police, Richmond, Va. . l-2t LOST BETWEEN BLOUNT STREET aad Firtt Baptitt church, bar pla, pean ana aappnire. suitable reward 4e return te Aewetsd ( 1-lt . , CLEANING PRESSING ,4 OLTV'E DRAB OVERCOATS DYED seal brow a er . black. Foottrt', al ways tafetnd best, RaUigh Agency kt Lindley'a, 19 W. Hargett. Tele phont 393. ' ' K-Mt SUITS CLEANED AND PRESSED, 75 cents; preseed. 40 cents; Palm Beach, 64 cent. Bell phona 1745; Raleigh phone 808.. Jamestown Tailoring Company. f 23-30t SCHOOLS-COLLEiES BOOKKEEPING, SHORTHAND THOR nghly taught. 8pecial Cummer Rate. , ' Address Greensboro ' Commercial School, Greensboro, N. C, for Cats -fegwt ' tV14-l . A