I ? I' ft.. TUESDAY MORNIN'G, SIPTET.12ER 2, 1S10. ins jews at;d ozcznvEn. 15 PROFESSIONAL T T .WANTEIV-A DOCTOR TO , LOCATE AT vA .SMALL COUNTY TOWN; A GOOD LOCATION FOR THE , RIGHT MAN. J. ROGERS, . r. a. no. 5, WILLIAM STON.N.C. j 29401 Prince of Wales Wins AW ; : Hearts by His Neutralmss RUBBER STAMPS . RUBBER STAMPSWE MAKE THEM. H. 8. Story Compear, Raleigh. N. C Though Only Twenty-Five, and Looking Much Younger, lie is seii-rossessea ana uigninea OrtFormal Occasions; Friendly and Gracious WithWll Who Meet mx&'?.s - -:v LAUNDRIES v . TBI" THE NEW - CAPITAL CTTt Lauedry. Oat of towa gnts wsnted. leiepnonet 7. Careful aid unitary work. Prompt deliveries. 14-30t : 1 COAL WOOD WANTED TO BOT 100 CABS DRY aplit pint andhard pint wood.xl00 ' cart dry 4-4 log run pin ox poplar alio uveral eara 3x4 to 13 la framing. Alio 1,000,000 tut cypress. oodIm aid . gum log IX in. and up la diameter. ,. We pay uah, leu t pat cent discount. I ioob aa eari are received and un loaded. "Write us atating lowttt price s delivered fob eara, Portsmouth, Va. jseiereace, in mat Bank of Ports mouth. Addreu Hampton Bond Lata 'per Co., Portsmouth, Va. 28-7t FOB SALE DBY SPLIT PINE, GBEEfc and aeaaoned oak j also n mill ilaba. Write me for price. L a Olive, Apex, K.C. 20t SUMMER RESORTS HOTELS LASEYIEW FOB RENT A FAMILY . camp for month of September, Price 423.00. Addreei Bos 68, Ukeview, W. V. - ' i , l-8t, MACHINERY FOB SALE 13-BORSE 8TZAM EN gin and 24-inch Meadow's corn mill. (i. W. Collins," Middlcburgj N. C. 30-4t SPECIAL PLASTE KINO - PLAIN. OBN AMEN ' tat. Ornamental a specialty.. J. W, Fann. Box 58. Raleigh. 24-l.1t IfOB HALE COTTON SEED HULLS; quick ehtomcnt. Bittlcboro Oil Co Bttlehorn, N. C. 25-SIOt PERSONAL IMPORTANT CANCERS, ULCERS, . chroulo aorei cured. During four tee a years, my work baa proven I aucefsa and blessing to many kuf ferera. Mrs. J.. L. Broughton, 308 South Dawson Ht.. Unletuh. 27-7t -V f th I Corp. So thoroughly did h endear hiauelf that' whea Gea. Currie, corn. (Froai a SU( Cerreepondeut - New York World.) Q.b,CN.,vorkw wlU kave opportunity to view and teat Um 4 Wfiir m to Hie Jtoy-1 High th Prlnee-wt W,ales. Meanwhile their BMe to we anaeunud that the tokea estimate of thi youthful heir to the most extensive empire - in the worm, must be baud upea the preu reports iron Canada, v Necesurily, beeauu of the limita tions of room and because of their nature, there is neither space aor place n the daily telegraphed newe stories for many of the human aad Interesting in eideata and side-light eoaaeeted with the tour of the Prints. So that readers may have aa eppor- had been subscribes to aot only by ef- fkr but by the bum battalion aad the orderlies aa welt. They kad insisted ea "chipping la" te thow their regard. The Priae is Vot gives to speeches. but returned CaaaduM warriors recall tha brief but to-the-poiat addresa-H mad but May at Witley, wbea esvsral battalieaa were about to leave for Caa ada. Be said te them! "la October aad November of last tunity te judge the royal tourist better,! vear I paid aeveral viaita to the Caaa- tn. reporter tor ins woria. assignee, ioi diaa Beoond Oiviaioa la rraace, so J the royal train kaa jotted dowa these J feel no stranger among yoa today, and paragraphs, covering, la soma Instances, I r KMW how of tea yoa have covered little touches that have beta omitted I yourselves with glory. , tiff and formal reeepUoi at Govern meat House, Botkesjy, a camera man darted to the patch raila, beckoned te the- Prinee sad by gesture urged thai Hi BoyaJ Bighaeu eoaaa the. edge et the veranda to to photographed. Calling, tha Prinee accomodated. At Bothesay th Prc arrived quit spry aad alert." B left dog-tired. Hi right hand ia the brief spec ef ens hour aad seven, ml antes gripped oa th porch th land ef M00 mer aad women- Aad he fuad timr now aad then tOv halt and hat! with Cadiaa officer or two with whom be had Itood la Flanders. To each, despite th try- tag task, k gave; a mlw aad a plot- sit word, , v Digalfled ef poise, th Frrace, avver tbeless, 1 asy ef maaner. 'Thus, at 8t. Joka Military Hospital he tp griined, "HI sy there, hand yoa'r th Priic. hof WaM keyr . . , ; . -Th Prince, turning a wy, rf plied, ForgeHt." .- ' "WLather la attack at defence, la trenck warfare r raid, yea have won renown. Future fenerations will re- I call your nobl deed in the battl on the Somrno, at Vimy Kidge, at Mns, Pataeheadaele, Amleaa and. Arras, aad wilt jealously treasure th memorable traditions yu haad dowa to thsm." fa many respect th tour of th from th dally stories. First of all. i to bli appearance t Cleaa cut, smooth shaven, pink cheeked, his twentjr-fht years areSt least alt more than one would credit hinY with. Hi alight, though wiry, build heighten tb impreuioa of boyishness. Withal, there is the twinkling, blue-gray eye and smiling lips that bespeak an -amuse ment with Ufa and a readiaes to akPthMfl uthn fTom tmU of hi graad th best of things. - I f.tfcr dmo. or then th Dominion' hi1 iwtiata nt visit Hi not al- Pignified when addressed with for-l, t-.i n..,,:. wm r tht mal speech of weleome and wherhim- provine trtehed vast reaebes that Mlf making addreu, the Prinee, never- wff nndovelopod; la fact, so much theleu, has an esiy grace of carriage M tha nniMt mm being maintained and manner' that luggest h fouW far . s-no-t--. loWBt, Edward found Halifax a naval station and Montreal and Toronto cities of leu than 100,000 each and posscuing none of th Tim that marks their present day He found that Caiada had few Indus trie : considerably more than half her Dniml-vtio wer arrariana. Tab Cana dian Pacifi Bailway, th great. system tl t oenetrntes throuah the Dominion, had aot Wen dreamed of, and the In tercolonial Bailway was still a distant proipect. i Osorg FarUe, deeorated v(ra of Mons, was tb drlv ef th royil cat at St Joha. . H wis onrpltmatd by th Prlac for kU bl haadling of tbt maekln aad was rewarded with a art f gold uC liaki bearing th Prluc rest. ; - -'-' ' ' .. ' , .' ' ' ' Th Prlne 1 a elesr. competent speaker. To theji (loo to kirn h ha confided that whs oa th platform h 1 oftea Ineliasd to diaeard prepared addruu aad Cut looe with a speech f itmporaaoui naaaufketuro. , H rcalUes, kewever, that Impulsiv vt- tersneet would perktp prov tmpolit. for that raoa h ebock we outre ro talk as h feel and adhere strictly te preached th et of a toavaleuent sot- speeche prepared for him, mort of dler, bent over Ind ald, "It Uu"M F ct th Stuff Opt Of OB v tkert, dOSUt mmary aioe, vou wr., III . I v. . v , , I i nil lnaaeeuoa or ta area ox m Aa Untl.Ua a,k. ... at. I.. I fll dVttatd bf th XDlosioa f lt lag desperauly to IllmpH th Prlac dy4 WOO v aad 600 from th corner of hil eya without at. hons,tk Prlae had to dp;d largely tracting tb atUatloa of th aospiUl Poj all r tslatloa to defilop a hmi.,. ... .iMnat ti.uVi fr.a u reallutioB ofih damat wrought. Not - - - - i . ....... . . piaa." a h put It Utor, wbea th onty ror ni occanoa oi a vish naa. Prlae suddtalx trod up to hint and ay of the' uptort oeetiom peea grasped aim by th band. . : urapea toi ouauui i, i t I mer naa ariua w ne anuwus evn- la the moviei w have often uen tloa a district far mora modern tba csrtaln characteristic of th Prince. h ene that etlstsd befor th biovrup. For Instance, an InvarUbla weetura Concrete boustt, with beautiful porches, whea listening to aa addreu or blm- Plou Uwas', trees, park la th trt elf mnkina a .formal aneerk U a flirt I roadway aad Other architectural d of th right hand to bis collar la aer- vOdpjaenta bar la a year and half voua adjustment of at tie, Again, trausiormea tn ugiy neaps or aeons frquetly he whisks a head 1 hia from a charred lad ihkkea regloajlnjo right eoat lapel, ai though t touch a an area ao longer unattractive. flower tkere. lie 1 erect ef caning and, despite his slight build, 1 wiry, strong and (thistle. MORPHINE CURED THE GENTLE WAY. SPECIAL AT " TENTION TO ANY KIND OF PARALYTIC CASES. DR.S. D. MILLER'S SAN- ITARIUM.' 501 TO 521 : EAST FORSYTH ST., JACKSONVILLE. FLA. .- .11 -4t. rsther roam arouad in mufti, unat tended, than put tip with tha irksom snd arduous duties Of the many atiff funetlok tkat bis position forces upon him. , -.' Distinctly formal whea the oecasioa demands, h can, however, shake th hand ai d grin with th milor who help him tshor or ih chauffeur who drives his csr. Th twinkle of hi eye doc Bit omit th correspondents snd photo graphers who are attached to the royal tram. i J.u.t Paaaita Meaivad hit Though not a T. B. by any means, he I mf v. nn!U.t- Prinee. who is a great hand-shaker. Often he will vi.ited B4r i- jpoi with hie conaort surprise a hospital orderly or barracks jhey were thea the Duke aad Duchess ettenoant or private in the ranks by of Cornwall and York. Landing at thrusting at him sudden palm end QuebM gn. W, they toured the asking how he is getting along. Aori ai-.Mk. ta it affectation. H doe it from th I n,,..;.- ,,.tm Bra tha futures of heart. He is meoting a new people la ,. MMBt trin. -n., .nectaeular OFFICE EQUIPMENT NEW LIFE A THOBOCGH OVER hauling of your typewriter by us, will make it run likenew. We ore pre- pared.to rebuild all makca. Wri'.e .... 4. E. CBAYTON k CO., v CHARLOTTE AND BALEIOH. l-14t TYPEWK1TEH9, NEW REBUILT. WE buy, sell, exchange, repair all make. H. & Storr A Company, 122 W. Martla Street. FOR 8Al; STANDARD MAKES typewriters rebuilt and second-baud ' at prices to suit Write for catalogue. ! - J. E. CBAYTON CO., CTTARLOTTE AND BALEIOH. 10-Ut a new laud ana is getting acquainteo aa fast as he knowa how. It is no uncommon thing now, snd he lies been In Canada only uveral days, to hear him referred to aa "th democratie prinee." Crowds seem to thrill him. Particularly the cheering throngs. His face flushes with de light, his stc ;i becomes brisk,' his lips part pleaianl'iy and bo converse hap pily with too equerries or dignitaries with him. His closest comnnnion has been Ad miral Halsey of the Boyal Navy, who is always or the side of the Prince, sometimes dropping a hint of Informa tion about this person or thst who la standing in tin to be preunted. event of the 1901 tour waa entirely dif ferenL It consisted of a powwow at Calzarr with torn 2.000 Indians, democratie mingling with the lumber men near Ottawa and a rid througa the Canadian Rockies on a cowcatcher, Like today's royal tourist, the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York mingled democratically with folk whenever pos sible. mul- We Make and Sell National Cash Registers and Credit Files Lowest prlces.-'Small monthly pay menta. No Interest hrgs. Written guarantee. Old register repaired, re built, bought, told, and exchanged. t J. E. O'DONNELL, Ag jnt The National Cash BcRister Co. ' 107 W. Martin St Phon Bell 20 PRINTING MULTIGRAPHING WE DQ JOB TBINTINO OF ALL kinds. Propmt service. U. B. etorr Compnny. Thone W. Ml'LTIQRAPlIING, PERSONAL LET. tors, addressing, mailing, lists tur nisbed. Special ktterUoa given par 1 mat orders. Carroll Letter Wrh- inw Comoanv. Raleigh -30t OUR MtJLTIGBAPU LETTERS LOOK like personal letters. Mail orders ollelted. Balaigh Ijetter Writfre, una ritiiant Bank Bide., phono 1811 w-sot tl Fayettorin itreeC SAFE Barou Sf A Vault Cm Ul Karl Mala itr-H, lUetamd, fa. lUSt. B. aTwav fnr ea4 Utt, APUDINE H ..I I i i ' ml ' LIO QUICK RttlCV - rift DOPE - - NO COOZE rrsRCLUUiroti. ., -I.MEVD.ACIU2 He falls Readily into conversation 1th those presented. With Governor Earl Millikin of Maine he chatted sev eral minutes shortly after landing at St. Joha, New Brunswick. Nor dors he forget face readily. At Halifax he waa reminded by a gueat that I have now been presented to you three timu wittun the day. Replied the frineeu ''Yes, so I have observed. And he smiled. At the reception at Rothesay, suburb of St. John, b uveral timu held up the function of presentations by greeting Mine Canadian offiecr r other whom he had met while attached in Flanders to the Canadian Corps. A few of tlie correspondents from American and Canadian paper and from prcu associations were planning to r.ttempt aa interview with the Prinee, approach to whom uems so easy. - They were informed, however, by English corrupoaaoats wu ac quainted with royal etiquette that it would r a serious breaea to seek aa interview or to approach the Prinee unless be himself made request. In deference to this method of procedure the Yankee scribes on the trip hart kept faith. On la almost startled to And how many members there sr in the Cana dian branch of the I-Bemember-Wkea Club, For example, there was Benja mil Havener, of St. John, N. B. Whea the grandfathsr of tho preeent Prinee of Wales viaitedlSt. John la 1880. He enor baked th bread, buns ind rolls for th "party. Though today 83, Hev- ener was the spryeat kia on the curb wbea the modem Wales arrived. Th other I-Bemember-Whea boy eould only relat that they n tb lit King Edward la 1800. Even befor ht advent to Canada, th Prine was high ta popular favor la tb Dominion. 8torie of his brav ery t th front, wbea attached as Captala to th Canadian forces, are any. ' Th World correspondent with th royal party, la lonvwrutlon with a Canadian lieutenant who tar thumb leu hand and Military Crou attested his right to declare aa opinion, asked, "How doe th Prlae tand with yoa fallow f This was tk vigorous reply t Before the war jr beard a lot over here e bout what a nie rtap th Prine. was; How w know it, W bavceeea him msk good a a asaa amosg me. h-It-4r-w- lir-wb t-tell-yow -that mer thai one, whll with th Cana dians, he was found la th trenehu with oaly a helmet a hi protectloa tgslast bullet aad shslls. Now, that may b a foolish tying forTman to risk eraea ae is te be tb ruler of aa emplr. Ind certainly his peopls do not want bint to expou hir person to that peril. . But tab it from , oa, urh laeideat did aot impair his pop ularity with as. Many a tim 1 bvt hurl a Canadian aay. after seeing or learning of such Incidents, That bey will do m for a King. I tta for kla troB. , , T Though strsnt to th MM f Ca ladlans, th Prine ts by to means a knowa to the hundreds ef thoaundi of Vetera, omlnloa troop. For uveral el 111 was attached te fntCanadlaa k Extra-territorial rights eover a tltuda of sins. Halifax, ofllclslly, i bone-dry. It wis eeeanwt for th o (Beers of th Italian battleship Conte di Cavonr. whiea eamo to Halifax to greet the Prineo after a stay at Boston. By placing their flag ea the table it the Halifax Hotel dining room, some ef thou officers who were lunching there created of the table for the mo ntent Italian territory o explained the hotel management to aaviou nu who failed -.to appreciate why they should b forbidden baeckaaallaa aec tar whll theu Italian officer without hindrance drank champagne His Boyal Highness, ia gold-braided Naval uaifora, stood at rigid muut at th Barrack Ground, St Job. ' A bi- talioa of th New Brunswick troops wss at alert attention. Heads wre bared as tha band played "God Sav Ue King." , Tbn. with. aoa to atop him, a moa rrel, mad-coated, hair Itringy with black mir, head hanging dejected, matt Indud if over there wu one, atragtied through the military lines, rubbed himulf against tho Prince's leg and trotted away. From hi first day ia Canada, th Prinee haa been "ia solid" with pho tographers. His twinkling eye ha aot hesitated to shoot te them a swift glance of frlendlineu aad hi lips have oftea parted ia a amll a they have fairly throat their cameras into his faee to get close-ups. At the Barrack Grounds, amuud by th persistence of tho camera men, the nine inrnea to mi omcisi pnoiog rapber and aaid, "Please get me a pic ture of the photographers while they are making sny picture. . Aa tour later, whll driving to th military hospital at West St. John, the Prine was startled to bur th sudden drum ef a fast speeding motor behind. A esr shot alongside aad slackened speed aa instant Oa th running board of tk fast-moving sue nine was poised photographer. The com panlons of- tho Prlaco were horrified. But the Prlae grinned into the cam era that clicked from th ruaaiag board. - Later la tb afternoon, during a very lug thi. W alwiya kw kW assay submarines the Germans had aad where they wr we alwayi knew ke maay they were building, wher they wort building them, their arahltectural characteristics, aad th itag of prog- t t tl .1 . a . . ' rvu womb sney naoj roacnegat-ar-par-tkular time. It waa not th simplest thing in th world to get a lubmirtn out of iti bass. The allies were con stantly laying mine at theu outlet; tnd before the U-boit could ufely msk it exit elsberate sweeplag oper stions were aecesury. It took a tquadroa of aln or ten surfse ships, eperating for uvtral hours, to got a lubmarln out of it btu snd Start it a it journey. '- -. So wo always kw whs ene cam out) aad w knew aot only that but w knw which ene it, wss and oftea who it aommsadsr was lad other val- uabbj dttiil. Moreover, we knew where it went aid w kept cherts, a which w plotted from day to day th voyage ef each particular submarine. At i give tlm w could thus point to al most th exact spot oa ths oeesa wbr particular U-boat wu operating. , ' 1 i Admiral 8lmi ia tb Werld'l Work f r September.? ; ,-i Nat Mack Xal la "Moat. Camp Cook Did yoa bring tho "".' Scour-Sure, I gM six uata worts t ! steak. ' t, t ; Camp Cook Ar yea enxyl Scout-Not I paid tfty eeaU fer 1'. Boy Life. .. : ' ; . WM MMM MM MM .V " FeraasuU Ylewpelat, r "A fly kas tkaiuaad f "oy, r- marked tk aataralist ' "What pity," xcUlmd th P- ticlan, "that it toft big aougk to wear gbseesl"-Washiugt 8tr. NOTICt OF SALE. A Splemdid Hair Growtr and Wonderful Baautifiar Oa th platform th Prlac 1 hardly at much it cu n whea reviewing troop. Indeed, at Halifax, la th Provjme Building' aaditorium h wu pUmly aerveu. It toemed to thou eleu by that perhaps the formality of addresses of weleome aad of hi replies, Dotn being printed n advance aad read, waa becoming somewhat tedious. He shifted restively aad oftea lowered hi head, eye fixed apoa th floor, la strange contract to hi usual cheerful and alert maaner. Juat an hour later, out el the review ing field, h etrod befor the uni formed ranks with springy steps, laugh ing, conversing freely with members 6f the escorting party aad chatting fre quently with soldiers in th line. - Ia presenting military decorations, the Prinee always makes a personal in quiry or two of tke hero. Theu inter changes are always quite brief r But when the mother oa father of a dead soldier comes forwird to receive a posthumously awarded medal, the Priaeo softly eiprcsaes sympathy with their bereavoment and of fera a word ef encouragement, holding th parent for a longer moment than th ethers. The Prince's first opportunity la Cin- ada to elude formality cam shortly af ter hia arrival at Halifax Harbor. After half a day consumed ia exchanging ef-1 ficlai greetings with officials of Neva ncotta ana Halifax ana commanding of ficers of foreign warship ia theaharbor, j he was takea uhor ia a 'motor lauaea accompanied by two equerries. Tb I Prine and bit companion war ia mufti. They (trolled through Point Pleasant Park and th beach at hand, Th Prinee ut dowa with th equerries oa a bench and watched th nymph who were disporting in the wave in one- piece bathing suite. Neither the Prine nor his- companions wr reluctant to remain, A lew rods on were tw youag womea la bathing suit. Their eyu were fastened on th beach trio. Finally one (topped up to th f igur la th middl and tsked, quite without embarrassment, &ay, I just bet my girl friend you ar th Priaee of Wale. Ar you, beeauu if yoa ar I wia 10 .center . Smiling the Prine replied! "Ye. It happens that I im tb Prine of Wsles. You win the 10 cents. The girl went oa, "Thank you. nil u you tomorrow In tb parade." CEtMAN U-BOATS OPItf , BOOK TO SECRET SERVICE. Ttt terribly dutructlve it 1 theu V-boiti were, the . lumber operating Imultaaeously la this and other Holds wss never very large. The extent to which the waters were iafested with Qsrmaa' submarines was another par. lieularly ludicrous ind psrticularly pre valent miupprehsiiloa. Merchant ves sels constantly reported hiving been asailsd by "submarines la shoals," aad most civilians still believe that they uilcd together in flotillas, like schools of fish. Theu is hardly sn American doughboy who did not ue st least a dossa submarine oa hi way acrora the Atlantic; every itreak of suds caused by a "tide rip," Had every swimming porpoiu was immediately mis takea for the wake of a torpedo; aad every bit of driftwood, la tho fervid Imagina- tloa of trans-Atlantic voyagers assum ed -the shape of a periscope. Th fact is that, with few exceptions, we knew every time a German submarine slunk from it bau iato the ocean. The allied secret service was im measurably superior to that of th Ger mans i pay particular tribute to the British Intelligence Department ia say- Here's good new for ma aad women whou hair Is falling out, and hav aea'p covered with dandruff that itch Ilk mad. J. C Brantley or any good drrggist em bow lupply you with th genuine Pariaiaa uge (liquid form), which ia guaranteed to quickly, turaly tad cafery abolish vry sign of dandruff, stop itch ing scalp and falling harr and proraot i now. growth, or money refunded. Thousands caa testify to tho excellent result from it uut urn who fur J baldnna How glory ia their abundant hair, whll others who suffered for yur with dandruff ind itching head got a clua, cool scalp Iftsr just a few days' use of this slmpl home trestment. No matter ahethcr bothered with fall ing hatr, gray hair, matted, stringy hsir. dandruff or Itching icaln try Parisian safe you will aot b disappointed. It'a a ecleutlfla preparation that supplies all hair Boeds. Th first tpplicatioa will msk your hair aad scslp look and feel 100. per cent better. If you want beautiful, lus trous hair and lota of it, by al means uu Parisian uge. Don't delay begin tonight. A little ntteatioa now Insure abundant hair kf or year to com. Ad. V Is our Tongue WKite? Th Prine' trip through Cansdi has revived th story, and it at a tru on, of hi mow of democracy la th trenehu of France when be wu hnow to. th troops ss Capt Wlndur, th nr.-ne being derived from that of Sag land'a reigning house. A Tommy, so th story goes, slid up to Capt Windsor, stood it attention, then dropped his irms ikimbo aaa C1I1D AT l St. Mary's Sckool KALktCK, M C Now in Z7th Annual Largest resident school jof tha Episcopal Church in tha United States for, tha education of young women and girls. - a " Addrua . Raf. Warrts) W. Way Service First Advice Second Sales Tbird There's our policy in a nutshell. - First When the cu torn ootisu tn flssd out what HE waata, Oiv him atisfactioi at th lowest 'charge cjocammwit with a good, thorough, o . - : ' Second Tell him bow to prevent battery trouble,' -We're aot atuiott to re pair hia battery, except to soak it Ust kgsr, TWrl Was bo faaflv atala arw batsarr sM kirn te boy It fraat m, BaSusaly, aad ba a w Oaw wMa Thnadal that batSsryajUllaatl-aMaad ie kaa Isas ettaatoa taf aa. laar Aatmry A eaa Awy. Cy h aad lad aa m. waaSMfat oarvkte Moras at Will., Basterlie with' i inaaiauoa. RALEIGH, BATTERY CQ. White skin and pale tongue are the evi dence of aenemta or lack of red blood cor puscles. It may be f u r a laziness and ack of sunlight, but more than likely it is weakness of the lungs, kidneys and digestive tract. The - manufacture' of nour ishing blood has gone slack. Spinal a d j u stments . femove the cause of such "Weakness. Free nerves function ..vig orously. Spinal ad justments free the nerves of.pressure at the backbone, and Nature does the rest. . No Charge There is no charge for consul tation and no obliga- tlon. See me today. sF.TJHOFF 0AaM 4S0 roiM aexMC amaivxco rau UaW JVTBPftMHT 3& atiTiaai mu. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER DEED OF TRUST. II II r-J II W. tl DENT, Manager. '. II Phone 14. f J uotm sum a turn ifest. aa Jul BMMa) kiuaw. as lM It, ml. wcawj as tl Iratl ( A. B. Muiiim, rnalN. oa la Mmwiik Uaa W trnjej San hii la St. iaraaiuM"s Strkml IISS SS, sial il.fauM kw ait . THXHrcmai m aw m aa ar awa if max. naa Si la aMS tl IM BaftSMr Si Paras d Sla cawiw. it. c. in Boo ut rw. im, U MA Trail i all aH 0M Mrtnsllw aiKrtraS rail MUlf, al aaaltt aaavr. W IBS MaaaM Mr la) asiaw U UH Court flaaa, aaa la Um Cms al taMtk, N. C, IS a-tla. P . . . . . ... tais sr -ana vrraiiaa. waaa canny, oi starry aa. e m Inf Sltalo at era) Bar ask ei.alM ia ma4 is la Ut. aea at to. Cwrk i na miac VouH 1 WaM Caantr, aU salii Mia Una m run a. aimaia a? v. a, unma m ami SM si saa, aaalaliirns atami lit tan, aaaSialfflMliia St I Itrsa valla aaa aa aim la laa. anlrra tana nl .Im Ha S at Ml etnalta. sn ran Harm ana tha aaalan Una Wlaw MaTrSaai IS l-l aerM M ) u attain, tA load) laaM alik aakl fua aataam'ia ta) M a U f tl tmaaa aariliaar aim naw UM at at. T. aaaraas nut at mains it Mrc M atlj Majai Ihauaa aasiaanltr aa sM aaw aa aj aaaaawai ai aa, arrwinnia. , v av pinita Default hiving been made la payment of indebtedness secured by thst eertala dud of trust msd to me ss Trustee by Berry W. Brown and wife, Alie E. Brown, oa th 18th dsy of January, 1919, recorded in Book 331 at Pag 438 in th Registry of Wak County, North Carolina, I will, under and by virtu of th power of ulo vuted ia me by uld deed of trust, and at th loquest of the holder of th not se cured by uid deed of trust and for th purpoM of discharging th uld Indebt edness . secured by uid deed Of trust, proceed to sell to tho highest bidder for ush at the Court House door in Bal igh, Wak County, North Carolina t On Saturday, 20th of September, 1919, at 18. o'clock aoon, the following de scribed real estate, situated ia Holly Springs Township, Waks County, Nortk Carolina, aad more particularly defined and described as follows i First Tract Adjoining th land of B. Mason (th Borers land). Mr. Lillian Bell (the Woodall land), E. It Peany, the B. H. Scott Jandi (owned by J. H. Pou and others), tho lanJs of W. T. Williams, th old luae Hunter f i lace aad othera, had bounded ae fol owsi Beginning at a maplcoa th East bank of Whit Oak Creek, about 20 yarda above the Chair Ford, running North 80 degree East M poles to a pine stump; theaee North U0 pole to a stake and politer oa th crack; thence past 120 poles to two post oaks, Mary Ana Sogers' corner; thence South S01 pole to a wkitt pak oa th Fall Breach, luae Hunter' earner; thence dowa the meanderings ef uld branch 323 poles to White Osk Creek, at the Hraithfleld Eoad; thence up the meandering of Said creek 203 pole to tk first statloa containing 320 acres, mor or leu, be ing-th land coaveyed to J. B. Masoa by J. Daniel Honeyeutt the 2nd day of November, 1919, by deed recorded ia Book No. 310, at Page 342, in the office of Begtster of Deeds of Wake County, which deed, as recorded. Is hereby ex preuly referred to and made a part hereof for 'better description of the land herein conveyed. Second Tract-Adjoining the land of 0. W. Woodall, now D. F. Bell, do e raed, formerly J. D. Honeyeutt, aad bounded s follows: Beginaing st aa Iron stsks oa th East bank of Whit Oak Creek, about 20 yard up uid Creek from th Chair Ford. J. O. Brown's corner; runs East C4 polea to a stake and pointe-si thence North 85 1-3 poles to a red bud tru, Mr. B. F, Bell' corner i thenee West 43 polu to hdy Branch; thenee down said branch to Whitt, Oak Creek j thence down uid creek to the beginning, containing 26 1-3 aeres, mora or less, lad mor fully described ii a deed irom A. B. Free man, and wife, to J. C. Hunter, dated February 1st, 1877, ind of record in Book 2:U, Page 153, in the office of Register of Deedl of Wike County, ind being the same land conveyed b A. B. Hunter, J. B. Hunter sad others, Jaa 4th, 1917, to J. B. Mason, by deed re corded is hereby referred to aad mad Eegieter's- office, which deed re corded fn hereby referred to ind mid I pirt hereof for better dsseriptioa. Both ths foregoing tracts of laid wsr conveyed oa December 3rd, 1917, by J. B. Mason nnd wife, to Garry W, Johnson, by dud of record in Book 324, Psge 119, in thf office of Beg later of Peeds of Wsko County, and being the um land coaveyed by uld Garry W. Johnson and wife, to uld Berry W, Brown, by dud dated December Id, 1918, aad recorded ia Book 132, Pag 07, Hegistry f Wake County. Tbhr ith day-of AugdVrfltv HENRY A. BLAND,, ' Trustee. iUjm Snd Bewda af CeaU Tf akin, Nuthauptoa County, H. C Sealed bid will b received by th Board of Coaaty - Costaalauieners at ' Northampton County. North Careliaa. t th Court Houu, ia Jseksoa, N. C until Monday, 6th day f October, 1919. at 13 o'clock AL, whea and hr uli bid will be. publicly opeaed for tho purchau of 968,000 of fad Bead t Gastoa Tewashlp, Northampton Coaaty, N. C.i uld boada will bur iaterest at tb rat f six per uat par anna. interett payahle . ui-anuaily, an ill b dated October 1, 1919, a wUl "mature, respectively,, as foltovrai - On bond flvd. tx. una, aigu aaa nine yur from dato.rupooUvclyi two bonds tea,.levca, twelve, thirteen. fourteea. Sfteca. sixteea avatua. ightua, nineteen, twenty, aad twty on year from dit tcptlvlyt thru bond, twty-tw. tweaty-tkru. twenty-four,- twnty-fve, iweary-eix, tweaty-seven twty-ight, twwty nine, thirty, thirty-one, thlrty-tw, uir-ty-thra and thirty-four yr fim date, respectively. . Th prlacipal aad laurwat win nw payabl at auch baak la th city f New York a tha purchaur may dulf ante, or at th offir ef th Trusursr l, tha Couaty Bond Commluioa) of Korttt- amptoa County, N. C. Na bid wis be received tor ted turn -par, aad th purchaur win b ree,ulrd to pay interest oa tho boada from tha dau of th bond to tha data h actu ally pays tha bonds ia odditis to tha amount bid for uo beaas, aaa ta ngn i reurved to reject aay aad all hidil 11 commuaicatioa or hid shall b ulad aad addruud to B. J. Calvorta Jukun, N. C-s clerk to th aaid Board of County Coamlaalesers, aaa MCI I4 mast b acewmpaaMd by ft urtuia check, vauehed for by ft local Baak la Northampton coaaty. N. (X pcyabl U a order f U Board of voaaty v miaaioaera of Northampton, Coaaty, N. for fva ner ecat of th -ftmmt ftf tke bid; all eommnaicatteac'tor lafoi- , matioa reUtive to said boada will d ignutc oa tha cutslds of the avlep that information la desired, aUttrwiM th commuaicatioa wiU b treated I ft sealed bid aad wUl not bo pnd nntilv ' rw-toher C. 1919. a aforesaid. Thu bonds ar lamscd aad uld aadsr aad ty virtu of aa Act af tha Oaaoral Assem- . bly of North Carolina, aaaaloa 1917, it . being chapter 384 ef tho PwblU Law of , uld session, and by aa eloetloa duly uUed, held aad carried. Thi te th first boad ton ef .9i4 Gaatoa Tewaahip. By 'order af tho Board of Coaaty Commiosioar at Northauptea Coaaty. North Carolina, this Aug- SL, 191S. , ! ' : . J. CALVEBT. Qsrk. Bosrd ef Couaty Coauaiuloaw ef Northampton Coaaty, N. C By PEEBLES HABBIS, Attonuya for Qaitoa TowaaUa, N. C. SI ti lilt, SI IKM snaT m ana. ; awi Canjime, i BIDS SOLICITED. Sealed bids for the construction of I uwersgs puriflcetloi system it Louis burg, N. C, arc invited. Plans and specifications of the system easy be eimind it tb cflic of th dark aad bid deposited with uld elerk, to b opened by th mayor and board of ttwa commissioners pf Loulsburg, N. C. a the 15th dsy of September, 1919. Th right to reject aay or all of aaid bids is reserved. - - Thi ths 20th day of August. 1919. - , L L. JOYNBJt, Mayor. A. WjALSTO.VClerk. BIDS CLOSE 8EPTEMBEX 1. 1919, AT 8 O'CLOCK P. M- WATEB WOBEJ AND SEWTBAGE SYSTEMS, WQ LIAMSTON, N. C Bids ar invited aatil S o'clock n September 9, 1919, a fumlaklif all material, work aad appliance, aad constructing complete water work and uwereg systema, for the Teem ef Wil liam sto a, N. C Tho work eomtriust Bemeving, rcaetting aad ncoanoet- lg oa old 73 H. P. tafia, ene BOW 125 H. X, talvalve, una flow eagiae, lor 123 lbs. steasa. Tw full froat hori- ' tontal ratura tubular boiler, ISO H. F. ach, for 129 lb, pressure. Tw d 1-1". x2 3-4x4" boiler fud pumps, IM tWf injectors. One open style fud wtr heater t work with both bollsrs. Two siagl (tag air eewproseor, WtlT. 470 cu. ft per Mia. belt driva, thaft exteaded for tight aad toe palUy. Two air lift pumping outfit, for pump ing three well 300 ft deep, igslMt ft -worklag preeeurc ef 123 ft. Two aader- wnters centrifugal pump, tm auena per minute, egainst 100 lb, preuur. 1300 B. P. M. belt driven, tight aad loou pttUvy. All asessury belting, pulleys, shafting aad pipiag. "Oa re inforced concrete reservoir, . 350,000 gallon capacity, about 3 ft diamctor. 1J ft high, covered with alab. Alter nate bids oa toel reservoir ef urn di mensions. On stesl water task 75,000 gailoas, ea tul towr 100 ft fresh pier to balcony. "x 6,065 llaur tx.nl r faivaauM wr S3J30 unear ft r fr un irea water pip, elau B. 1340 liaear ft f 6" eaet lrea wau pipe, cucis B. 150 liaear ft ef r cact irea water pipe, elau B. ' IJSOU unear ft ef lu can ire waiei pine, elau B. 13-2" valves, tz-T valves, -e" valves, 9 8" valve, 8-10" valves, 74 tw wsy, I ft bury, Sr hydraat. . ' , , 4095 linear ft S" sewer pipe. , " 7469 Unear ft 10 uwer pipe . 233 liaear ft 12 uwer pip. v 81 msnkftlrt ' 12 single flash task (S cypkoa). ; double alteraatiag fluk tmau. 31 flush saanhelee. ' , 4 lamp hole. One uwage dispual ', pteat FU( may b xamined at the office ef W. T. Mudowa, WUliaawtoa, IV. C Copies of specifications will be mailed apoa depositing a check ef S5J0. which wUl be Nturned ealy to tkoee aaaklng beaa fide bids Each bid mast be aaeea pealed by ft certified ekeck la tke sum ' of 11,000.00. which will become ft for fait to the Towa of Wllliaautoi if con tract is act eaterad apoa and bond executed promptly after th award. Tk auceeesiul bidder will be rqalrd to exeeut aa iademairy bead in the aum f S23J)00J)0 u ft Mftguard fer th proper perforauusec ef the ua tract. Bid ar invited ea both ft lump ton aad coat plus fixed aum. bute. Th Towa ef WUliamstoa roeeroa the right te .reject aay or all bids, er to let the eoa tract In pert to differeat oatrae. ton, if thi thould aunt advinbl. Address, - , W. T. MZADOTTS, ' William, N. C. 1008 West A venae, Bichmoad, Va. 1 J..N. AMBLE B, , ' ' ; Coasultisf XsgiMsr," '