tic rzv3 a!.d ozzmviiL tuzsday r.-orjG, szptlmzz:: 2, 1:1a CFFIGERIS HELD I! IDIERMRADE JUST RETURNED FROM FRANCE 0;i r.lURDER CHARGE VILLMEETTODAY H 16 D!0CESAIJ WORKERS ERE LABOR DAY Buy I ELIEJE & Pdy, Here ' I. . Special Agent Moon of Sea board To Be Arraigned For Death of Negro ' JOHNSON SHOTBY OFFICER, AUGUST 17 Died Friday Night At 8t. Agnes Hospital, of Complication! Beinltinf front Wound; He fro Was Found Hiding In a Freight Car On The Set. . board Yards X I Mooa, special ageat of tba Sea board Air Line Railway, si arrested yrstcrdsy moraine by th, police ea a charge of nurder, and will bo arraigned today for tbo death of Bufui Johaaoa, a . negro hobo. Johnson was ihot la tbo thigh by Agtnt Mooa oa tho early morning of August 17, when he ran front several . railroad officers oa tbo Seaboard yard. Tba aegro, togotber with three others. were found hiding la aa empty fceigbt ear. It wai aot kaowa that Johaaoa had been ah ot until eeverat hours after wards, whea spots of blood were found oa 100 ground wnero ido saooung icon place, Tbo blood was trailed to a nearby branch, where Johnsoa was found lrlnr half waked la tho water, lie lost con siderable blood. Tba aegro was carried to 8t. Agnes " Hospital for treatment, and bo showed . Imnrommant mtrt diva later. Comnii cations set Jo, however, and he died twelve days after being shot. Bpoeial Agent Mooa and other officers were oa duty at tho yards, guarding shipments during the strike which tied up freight traffic. Tho four negroes raa whea surprised by the officers. Mooa II red at the negroes, it is said, whea they refused to obey the command to halt. The shoo ing of tho negro nukes the second one oa the railroad yard within the past year. Special Agent D. B. Byrum killed A. C. Crone, a railroad employe, whea the officer found tho young man and a companion in a ear of merchandise. Byrum was eionerated by a Conner's jury. COMMISSIONERS HAVE LITTLE TO WORK ON Routine Business Takes Up Host of Time At First Sep tember Session Labor Day did aot interfere with the work of the county commissioners at tho irst aessioa of their regular Sep tember meeting but thy confined most of their activities to routine affaire. Approving bills and hearing minor re ports of committees took up much of their time. ' Mr. Brewer was named to represent the Wake Board of Commissioaora at the State and County Council la Chapel Bill September 13-20. Tba conference of Btate and county officials was called by Governor Bickett. The commissioners ordered that the pay of jurors, regular and talismen, be Increased to 2.30 per day ia accord ance with aa act of the last General Assembly CUPID MEETS HIS MATCH v AT OFFICEOF REGISTER . Whea Otis Grady, 17-year-old boy, and his bride-elect catered the register of deeds office yesterday to secure a marriage license they were, met by the boy's irate mother, Mrs. Florence Grady, who at oaee broke up temporarily all wedding plans. The mother registered her objection to both the register and her soa and to be sure that Cupid did aot beat her aha advised the register of deeds at Dur ham, Smithfleld and other cities aot to Issue license to the young couple. Upoo leaving the court house young Grady announced his Intentions of get tiag license somewhere. "The world it big, he said, "and surely there is some place, where we eaa get marled." civr nivnorc paccc . i ilk wiiwiiwb ungLii -: 'While the public generally observed yesterday as holiday, it was different with Superior Court Clerk Boyster, who aa a ousy day wuicn was featured by ine suriing 01 an uitotco cases IB the court. It was a big day for divorce actions. Tho Ave eases are Maggie L. LUlie against J. D. Llllie, Ida J. Pool vs. Malcolm B. Pool. Beulah Davis vs. B. M. Davie, John Williams vs. Blanche Williams aad Eddie Tersoa vs. Mollis Person. Local OBco,, Ualtod States Woatkor Baraaa. Balvigh, N. C, fccpt. 1. For North Carollaaf Fair Tueeday and Wednesday. . TEatPEBATUKg. Bunriae .6:40 a. m. Punwt .7.41 , a. m. J n. m.,t p. Dry Bulb M ' 72 f T2 Wet Bulb ,ei m ea Bel. Humidity ... 80 Tr , T2 Highest temperature ....... Lowest temajBtnrr ttt;.-; 77 70 .07 DcOciency for the daf l!. Average daily cxeesa since Jaau. ary lt ., frttplUtt On IbcIms). Amount for ths 24 hours ceding at a p. m. ...,......,....,.. .17 Total .for the month to date 17 ' for the month .02 Deflcieacy since January 1st..,.. S.OI WAMtU AT ONCEj O.Nai BKCOXD hand retura tubular boiler; 125 boras , power desired. Bobcrt 0. Laaaiter ft Co., Jtnlritrh-Durham, N. C. 8t v.A.ji.D: tiuiiT tturrii ,wait. r w, also chef, for 100-room hotel. .: .'."care Kewi and Obserm. 1-71 " The Weather t '' , US MISS FLORA 'Miss Flora Creech, who has been do ing work with tho American Y. M. C. A. ia England and France, has just re turned, declaring that it was the hap piest eiperirnce Of her life. Blie spent her first five1 months la service in England, partly In London and partly further south. Then she was sent to Fraace and givea for ber specUn outfit, the second battalion of the 66ta Infantry, 7th Division. This was a very interesting riperienre as she was ths only woman V. M. C. A. worker with the battalion. And it wn- a strenuous experience. All day aad until JO o clock nt night alio was busy serving the soldiers drinks, hot and cold, and several time each week arranging for moving picture perform ances. This was at La Milcsse, where ths divisioa was encamped. DISCUSSES WORLD POLITICS AND THE CHINESE QUESTION Beturned Missionary Tells Story of Eastern Happenings of Thirty Years Explanation of Chinese politics aad their relations to the present peace treaty waa a part ot the lecture deliv ered ia ths Baptist Tabernacle last Bight by Bev. G. I. Bo-tick, who has beea a missionary to that country for over 30 years. Mr. Bostirk explained la detail the story of the seizure of the Shantung peninsula by Germany, of the Japan ese at Port Arthur, and of the actioa of tho Chinese students when it was learned that 8bantung .was to go to Japan. The actioa of the peace conference la preparing to rede Khantung to .Japan did more, ia Mr.' Boatkk's opinion, to ULify China than anything that liai happened in the past three or four hun dred years. Home 50 students demanded the resignation of three of tho cabinet officers, whom they called traitors, and were .promptly locked up. As a result, tbi entire body of students from Chiaa went oa strike, aad refused to study until ths SO were freed aad the cab inet officers were dismissed. They bad their way. Turning to a discussion of the mis sionary work ia tho East, Mr. Postick stated that there were about a half Billlioa Protestant church members in the country, sd a largo number of Catholics. He re&kled that several vil lages had beea Catholic for the past 200 year. A COLD AND HUNGRY WINTER AHEAD FOR THE PEOPLE OF GERMANY Unless the Sate of Production ... There Begins To Rise; Economic Crisis V Berlin. Sept. 1. (By The Associated Press.) The produetivese-s of ail branches of German industry has de clined at aa alarming rate, the official bulletin of the majority socialist tarty declared ia a recent issue, adding that ths Geruisa people will aot be. able to survive ualess tho rat of produrtioa begins to rise. "It is useless to search for a scape goat ia the present eeonimio crisis," says the bulletin. . The fact Is the whole Industry ot Germany is ailing aad aaless it rapid ly improves, tho Oe rains people wiH fiete and starve daring the coming witner." The publication calls oa the go-era-meat and the employee to Joia la I eommoa-effort to bring about such la bor aad wage conditions as to t6 pro ductisi ..olihe jruaiwum.jrffarifftr.jai concerned. - . . Addressing a largely attcaded meet lag at Osnabrueck, Dr. Gustavo Steeer aiasa, the national libera) loader, de clared aa ecoaomia crisis ia the com lag wiater waa threatening. Be called fof patriots actios ia the abaadoa neat ot all eoasidrstioas of party polities . aad for unity among the thoughtful elemeata of the people, from the social Democrats to .the conserva tives for the pa-pose of averting th possible cslsmity. - i ' t Sacred Heart Academy Oawtta. The Sacred Heart Academy at 104 Hill-bore street, which is.aader ths care ,of the DomiaWaa Sistera. opens today for the carollracafof pupils aad assignment to elaesea. " , ' ' . t ... :) " V ) ' A Jx : - f.. - -''S r 4 v CREECH .Whea. tho 7th Divisioa left .for America, Miss Creech went to tho great Belgian camp near Ls Maaa, France, where largo numbers of American troops were located. She wae busy there for the mouth of July. Then for about a week she and other work ere were enjoying an outing at St.M lo, a seaeonst town in Brittany. , Miss Creech returned to this country on a ship specially chartered by the Y. M. C. A., the Haverford. On Board were about 050 Y. M. C. A. workers, men and women. There also were three French women, brides of American see retaries. The ship landed at Phila delphia, ths flrst week ia August. Since that time Miss Creech hat been visiting in New York Btate and la New York City. She is stopping for the present with her nieee, Mrs. Herbert Korris. III- N OARING FEAT Harry Rurtser's Performances To Be One of Attractions " At Fair Officials of the State Fair promise a great free attractioa ia tho perform ances of Harry Burner, the aviator, who will at the coming fair, give a demonstration of ho aa airplane is affected whea struck by autl-atrcraft gun or shot down by aa enemy plane. It is a part of the Burner program to fall a mile in smoke and flames. Tho following from the Journal Gazette of Fort Wayne, lad., tells ot Bunser's work at a fair in that eityi. "Tho airplane ia falling, the aviator has been killed.4 Such were the ries raised early yesterday evening when Harry Bunser made, his daring drop in the midst of a cloud of amoks and flame. But the machine waa aot fall Ing aad the aviator was aot killed. After dropping hundreds of feet. Bub ser gave the eitiaeas of Fort Wayne a demonstration ot just how a machine is affected rhen struck y anti-aircraft guns or by an enemy plans dur ing times of war. "It was a wonderful demonstration and ju-t credit is duo the aviator for his dsring and skill ia righting the plane after it had beea placed in the position that it had, which gave Im pression that it was completely out of control and tho avlntor waa doomed. After righting the piano Aviator Bunser turned- about the city aeveral times giving the throng at Swlaney Park a few stunts and flew to his landing field oa the Snider farm north of the city, where his machine is be ing parked. CHICAGO DISTRICT SROPMr . AGAINST ACCEPTANCE OF , WILSON-HIKES PROPOSAL Chicago, in Sept. 1-Bailroad shop men of tbo Chicago district voted against acceptance ot the four cents an hour wage increase anaounred Inst week by Preaideat Wilson and Director Gen eral Htnea, neeording to an an uou nee meat tonight by J. B. Bandera, district secretary. He aald tho vote completed tonight shewed 9 Oper' ceat of '.he men opposed to acceptance. The results hava beea forwarded to the interna tional ofBecra at Washington, he an nounced. . NEW MAN ON TEACHING STAFF OF THE: UNIVERSITY ,OF TA. "ClirloWs Graham Edgar, reeentjy connected with the department of the Interior branch of research in tho nitrate division, has accepted an nppointmcat on the teach lag staff of tbo School of Chemistry at tb- Uaiversity of Virginia. John H. Yo, new doing research work tor tho broverament, has also received an ap- poiaimeni, . . : "v.v Carter GW Solution. Kewport Sown, Vat Sept L Seeror tary of the Treasury Jlaa, speaking nt the auuaal , lAber Day celebration hero today, declared that the best way to bring down 'tho high soot of living and pay off the hugs war debt ia to work harder than ater before and save morn than aver before. ' Alii Campaign Committee To Out line Program Df Drive In '--Raleigh District i " V-VVv:, -rrv . The Diocesan Committee' of the Ka-tioa-Widn Campaign of the Protestant Episcopal Church will meet la this city,' at Christ Church Parish Bouse, today (at if a'clocki f; Mr. William .A. Erwin, of"Purhsm, la chairman of this committee, aad a futt representation la sipeeted. This com raHttee la rapidly organizing the Diocese of North Caro lina for thi campaign, and awakening intereat in tho work. A eoafereneo la tho nation-wide cam paign will, be held in the Church of the Good Shephera nest week. The eon fereneO'W'ill open with an inspirational meeting ok Monday night, at which time one 'or two of tho best speakers of tho Episcopal church. la tho t'nited Btatrs will prescat tho campaign. On Tuesday aornlng at 7:30 a. m. there will be a celebration of the Lord's Sup per, and at ten o'clock a. m.a meotlng at which time tho details "of tho cam paign will bo explained by trained men sept , out for that purpose. At this morning's meeting the Honorable James L Johaaoa will, preside. This' conference will be attended by delegates, clerical, lay and women, from the jparishee and miasioa stations ia the Convocation of Bnlelgh. Episco palians are asked to entertain these delegates for tea Monday, lodging Mon day Bight and breakfast Tuesday morn ing. Tho Ladies' Guild of Christ Church aad tho Church of tbo Good Shepherd will furnish lunch Tuesday. Those who will take delegates are asked to notify the Jtpv, M. A. Barber or the Bev. 0. A. Ashby at one. . WAKE FAIR PRICE BOARD MEETS AND ORGANIZES All Members of Committee Present But One; Plans An -' nounced Kex't Sunday Organization ol the Wake County Fair Price Committee was t'mpleted last night at a meeting of the commit tee in the office of Mr. Carey J. Hun ter, in tho Commercial National Bank Building. All members but Mr. I. M. Proctor, .epresenting -the purchasing public, were prescat. Tho committee arill spend tho re mainder of the week gathering infosma tion. The plana of the committee are to be announced in The News nnd Observer next Sunday. In the meant im com munications for the eommfrtce .hould bo addressed to the committee at box US, Baleigh. Two hours were spent in discussion of plane at the meeting lust nie-ht. Mrs. J. B. Chamberlain, county food admin istrator, prestded aa chairman. U. C Veto To Parade la Antoa. : Harrlaonburg, Va, Sept. 1. Ia the parade at tho annual reunion of tho Confederate veterans of Virginia aad the Grand Camp of Virginia on Thurs day, Confederate veterans will aot march oa foot but will be carried in automobiles. The Grand Camp will be opened tomorrow by Grand Commander T. B, Jackson.' On Wednesdsy excur sions will be made to near-by battle fields and the reunion will conclude Thursday with, the election of officers. A SAFE TREATMENT FOR CROUP Thaws-ale of cMMrca 41 mry ytar I-ms tkH swift m4 tortfytat otssasa gi-if hiS-i ! we toad atals tr aM r-aMd.aa taertl, aa aaltr sr -orcrsuai UIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllltIltlllllllll I North Carollom'a I Muaical Canter . 5 - Player-Pianos I Reproducing "JPiana I ! -.Sheet Music, "I lusic Rolls 3 c- i St s 3 mm I Dzrncir ,& Ttczns I S . ; : - ' l ' - - T. fi S a J. X. BOW LBS, Mgr. RALEIGH, N. C n:::::::::::s:!miiiiii!!!:!!!miiiii!!rtii!tr:l ii'i mmm -niiias t laaasaftsuaauaaiasapis' !) USLuSAXVIS II 1 It Is ha-vakts aa aootkkaj. MM raalaitrabtote.sadcaaappl Mm kiatket-wlar-jtsUB-rkiEsva MW IcrlUrtna ati. Mm Ke- Moilt. v M i '. I I -111 awa. Doctors I IV aad aan-s r I ' L-i toodSmftiM- i UrJ LA1 Moian. W 1,1 Cmsi&ssssCa , j UManos Appearance of Khaki Clad Men ; .On Streets Breaks Quiet ude of Holiday ; A parade of returned soldiers arouad the, Capitol Square wai tho only fea ture of adull Labor'Day in Baleigh. The observance of .the holiday hero was unusually quiet aad resemble aa ordinary Sunday, ; Labor orgaaizations had no elaborate program -but spent the day in peace and rest. v : -, ' The returned soldiers, stopped ' over la the city for an hour'a recreation while ea route to their permaaent camp. They had recently arrived la America from Franco aad were members of the Third division.. It waa tho Irst appear ance oi soiaiers in ine una oi marca on Raleigh streets in aevVral moaths. They attracted a largo crowd. , : The Central Labor Union did aot ar range any Labor Pay plans here thia year on account of the atertainmeat of the State Labor convention. A largo number of Baleigh labor mea spent the day ia Wilmington where a special cele bration wna held in connection with the ship -launching. " v . v RECEIVES DEGREE FROM UNIVERSITY OF. CHICAGO Prof. John B. nerieua, of the De partment of Physics of the State Aj A E. College,, has returned ' from the Uni versity ot Chicago, where he received the degree of doctor of philosophy. His three years of , vrork there hava beea under Doctors' MicKclson, Millikain nnd Gale, who are amoag tho -world's most renowacd aeieatista. . ' Life is not measured by the time .we live. Crabbe. Stomach Out of Fix? 'Pbono -your grocer or druggist for a dozen bottles of thia delicious digastant, a glaaa with meals gives delightful relief, or 'no charge for tho first doaea need. Shivar Ale mutt otcEsnvs aaoaunc. , snin IHIVAR MINCMl ATU AND SIKCI Nothing tike it for renovating old worn-out stomach converting food ' into rich blood and souad flesh. Bottled and guaranteed by the cele brated Shivar Mineral Spring, Shcl ton, 8. C II your regular dealer cannot supply you telephone PORTER CAND1 CO, . OdatriWcra for ftaieigh. iii::!::i!3;'5!i!:ifi8!..!i ,M.'"i,.'i-' ''..,! E!::;:::ii:'!ii!i.Jv.Ki'i!i:!ii!i!.:i!b m. Li'SrMiwiiT;::J;J'L;,j;,;.p-;a.'- 1 . ' Ssl., They Married! ir'M,,nt!!!t!'!l,!,H!,'!'w'mMi''im,,wmmM',"w"w'TI lwmUlllillliluiliiiiiiiUiiiiilluiitiMiutuuiMiuiwwtuiuJ : VaiStd tatts bOHW AaadaMtstlM. . Aaaouneee Round Trip Excuraion Fares :',v'.4-': 'tat v ; 'i- SEA3HORIBE8QRTS r .'oatha: Norfolk Southern Railroad SUMMER EXCLUSION FARES . , ' ta r YlflMa BWW Vs. Mseafcial C7. N. C Cmf H-arr, Va. B-m-n, N. C , NarMk, Va. Naa's Umi. N. C. 4 , Maatta, N. C. ; .Tickets asr sal daily vmttt SBtwtW K Saal limit lor -atara Qt WEXK tNB tXCVMION : raaaa. ' Ts aWr nasMd aetata, Tlektts a aah K-a -ttatard. mm4 SmuU. Mtu " .Wr T, ISlt, Sui Ibait tor mara la Twn- aar ivuownui ana af aaia. -r d4aB Infwawttaa, asv4r la ataeasl i i. "- 'L. '..:h s.-m I w itt i mrr i 4 N( !7 J .ETHEX t GINGHAM: SALE TODAY y ' Utility Dress Cin(hamt In a variety of Plaids, Stripes, Checks. Solid . Oft-, Colors.' Special, yard .7. . . . . .; CVC For School Dresses, House Dresses, Street jOresse&v FOR THE DINING .ROOM Better Class , ; v , The best patterns in Dining Suits are now on exhibition here, in a Tyide array of designs, in mahogany, walnut and fumed oak. Also ' some clever period reproductions. . . It would be impossible to go into a careful description, any way to see is to better comprehend what beauty, service and good values are herein combined. Our price range affords you a selection at most any figure you wish to pay. But, speaking of that feature don't forget our Easy Payment Plan which is always open to you. We invite you to an early inspection. You Are 'Always Welcome to Credit Royall & Borden ' The Hosae af Deneadabla rnraltaro Goldaboro t ' RALEIGH , " Kill the Germ and Keep Him on the Floor -With Our Ductless Sweep It Oils and Polishes at the same time. Positively Keeps the Dust Down. Does Not Get Dry if Kept in a Cool Place. SHIPPED ON THIRTY DAYS APPROVAL Price As MS rh. Barrel fUl per harrri 2SS lh.Barrl v...... .. tUi per harrcl IHIkKeg USperkeg F. O. R. OXFORD, M. C Oar Na 1 Fluor Oft. ,........ .....I2epor Calloa la Barrels Oar Ipecial floor Dreealag...: ..'..loc per CalloalaBarrola 1-1 Barrel 4c aad II Gallon Cans tie above Barrela ' ... DELIVERED to roar R. R. StatUa. Ordorn nhlpped direct and promptly. w SOUTHERN FLOOR SWEEP COMPANY ' . r.a BaalU , t iv'l OXFORD, It, C B-rfrrrrrrrri WILL YOU SELL? Do you wish to sell your Real Estate ta Baleigh I , We have customcra who wish to bur. Give our office a triaL Wo are fully equippod ts ' ,; ' handls your business- t . . t ' The PARKER HUlVlTER REALTY CO. ' Ovet tLSes clieaUtloa aad oar 1M,0S dallv rsadaro ara swtao of tho Sdvaa I tagaa sfferod advortUera ta The Raws Suits Durham Follows t frstsiit imaM a I Mia. s saaca, Urn t pn mm m I kMa, se ssssa. Mail as raar srdr. ' r-rf rrrrrrrrf tri ujj aad Observer CUsttfltd aelaavna, . u r

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