Tuesday MoiNq September 2, 1919. THE NEWS AND OBSERVER. it I PA ETELLSVHY JV HE IS GA NDIDATE Indicated What His Policies v: Will Be If Elected - -1 . Governor , v OFFERS A REMEDY ' ORJ-ABOR TROUBLES Pledges Himself To Economical -' And Efficient State and i County Administration, Bet ; ter Publio Eoadi, Better School r and Better Health and Greater Sural Progress 1 '. la execution if proraine made when ,he first declared hit intention to become . candidate for Governor, Hoa. Bobtrt , N. Page, of Biseoe, hu issued a state .' ment indicating the esusrs and policies to which he . will devote himself if - electee, we pieages nimieii to six great ' taika on of whir affects the question hi much debated in North Carolina at 'thh time the relations of labor aid . rapital. He says he believes the quel--lion ran be settled if approached fair- minded l j-. His solution: After nicd charges and an agreed return ia divi dends have been paid all profits beyond this should be prorated between the stockholders and the labor that pro' dueed the profit. He expresses the con rietioa that eo-opcratioa on some basit like this eaa be worked out to the hap piness of all concerned. The statement ia full follows: To the Democratic Voters of North Carolina : Las' January I announced that I would be a candidate for the nomination for Governor to succeed Mr. Birkett. I then said that at a later date I would set forth more explicitly my reasons for becoming a candidate, for I could sot seek this place of leaderihip merely to gratify my personal ambition. I have delayed making this statement, because I have not thought it proper for candidates to inflict on our people s long drawn out campaign for this omce. j I believe, moreover, tint the people, in this master have wished, ss I have wmJi ed, no prolonged campaign, no cam jfiaign of mere personalities, no cam paign which woo id breed a spirit ol fac tion and division in our party. . The people prefer to know, and have a right to know, to what causes and pol icies any particular candidate will uc vote himself and bis powers, if chosen by his fellow Democrats as head of the State Government in 1921-25. tV;ii on the following statement of purpose! that I solicit your support ia the pri mary: U Economical and Efficient 8tate and Ceanty. Administration. Economy of expen diture ia essential to good government Ia no other waya ia it poasible with' out undue .burden of taxation to attain those necessary and vital things rightly demanded by tie tiUzaaihlp of a pro gressive Bute. The necessary machin ery for the conduct of the people'a buii acss, ninslly designated "The State" constitutes one of, if not the moat tin--plpi business concern. In the eornmos wcnlth. - With ever, .increasing- activi ties this development has not always been the result of csreful study, but rather along lines of least resistance, GIVES HIS REASONS ' . ' FOR BEING CANDIDATE Vi (? HOX. ROBERT N. PAGE. with .result that the multitudinous agen- eies and activities' do not always func tions The management of any modern business finding itself in this con dition would undertake a thorough going, scientific study of .conditions, including ' the employment of tbt beat knowa organization experts, to so co-ordinate those various activities that the greatest possible economy of management and expenditure would re sult. If elected Governor, I shall nse the lrr.dership thereby conferred - to press upon the Legislature the desirability, aye the necessity, or authorizing the employment of experts to study every agency of our State Government and report thereon so that our people may be assured of the utmoat efficiency and economy in every department of our publie service. This survey should in-, elude county organization also, for there is probably greater possibility of effecting economy through proper organization and administration here than at any other place in our sys tem. Aa a business man I shall make efficiency and economy in both State and rouuty government a chief purpose of my administration. 2. Better Public Roads. We have begun a great era of road building. These roads must be built scientifically and economically. Good roads may be worth all they cost even w:th wasteful construction but this does not justify our former waste of millions through unwiie construction and luck of proper maintenance. If elected I shall consider it a high, duty to moke my administration notable both for p.-ogress in road building and for eicnomy in road building. S. Better Pablle Schools. We mutt not only continue our work for longer terms, better-paid teachers, cad better attendance, but our most neglected tank is that of making the publie schoola train for industrial effi ciency and good citizenship, I pledge my best efforts to this endj 4- Better Health. A great advance' la matters of pub- lie health would be another high am bition of my administration. Our pub lie health service should be made as ef fective and thoroughgoing as our agri cultural demonstration and extension service."" I. Rural Progress. It will be my purpose not only to use all my powers to promote good roads, good schools, and the 8tsU's wonder ful campaign for better farming meth ods, but also to aid ear farmers ia their organized efforts to compel the world te give fair prices for their cotton, tobacco, peanuts and other products. We should also encourage home-ownership, either by tax-exemption ia limited amount or by lower rats oa home property, S. RelatMas of Later and Capital, .' Ths question most intimately and dis astrously effecting our industrial life is the continued war - between labor and capital. Nothing else so vitally and in timately effects, not alone the progress, but ths happiness of tbs people. I be lieve that this question' us be settled if . approached fair-mindedly. must be co-operation on the part of both sidei of the controversy. 'Capital is largely corporate and labor ia rap idly becoming' so thorough unionism, so that ths solution of this problem Is no longer a matter for Individual agree ment, but must be reached ss broader lines that may bo termed a policy. Capital is entitled te a fair return. Labor ia entitled to a living wage. Un lets both these conditions are met there can be no industrial prosperity. From the earnings of invested capital there are certain fixed ehargea constituting a first lien ; taxes depreciation, insur ance, etc. Then agreed return from the operation should be paid ia divi dends and all profits above this pro rated between the. stockholders and the labor that produced the profit. Co-operation upon some basis like this, hers briefly stated, it seems to me might be worked out to the benefit of the in dividuals in both groups, and to the bsppiness of all concerned. I may be srmewhat ahead of the times ia de claring for this policy but I am con vinced that in the long run the Vet in terest of both labor and capital will be subserved by working toward it, the ob ject of eaeh being to achieve it by a process of evolution rather thaa revolu tion. Having through labor attained to a position of aa employer of labor I think I can claim -the exptrienee and sympathy that may qualify me to as sist ia the solution of this grave and complex problem ia the States indus trial life.,-,. .-. . ' .-. . . -iti-r la Ceaclasloa. ' , la conclusion, let me say that If elect ed Governor I ' Shall, whole-heartedly seek to serve all our people by concen- There! bating my energies on these six great taiks without seeking say selfish ends by becoming a candidate for any other place. I shaH seek to unify our State and our party. While most of my life hat' been spent ia Intimate touch with tbs farms and ahopa and factories of North Carolina, I have also had four teen years experienee as a publie ser vant of ths Seventh Congressional Dis trict and welcome Investigation of my record. 6o far as I know, but one act ol all my fourteen years 'service has been brought out for criticism by op ponents or other candidates, and oa this issue 1 also invite the closest scrutiny. It is trus that in March, 1916 I waa op posed to war. Moat of our people were. The Democratic party as late as Novem ber, 1916, re-elected Woodrow Wilson on the ground that "be kept us out of war." But while I resented and de nounced in March, 1918, the efforts of special interests, and there were some such special interests to push us into war prematurely, Germany's persistence ia evil later convinced me, aa it also convinced my party, haVeondltions had so changed aa te give ns no choice but war end I aot only gave time and money to support ths Government whea war came, but ea the three pre-war measures hjh President Wilson de clared constituted the "acid teat', for 100 percent Americanism, my votes were uniformly on ths Presidents tide. To all Democrats and North Caro linians who believe ia such a progres sive and business-like administration as X have suggested, to all who wish to see a campaign based aot ea factionalism or personalities but aa generous riva'.- ia desire te serve our great Sute an J her good people, I. submit my candidly with perfect confidence as to the te ult, , - , ' . Ui- ...very AeepeeiiuiiT, r - .' . ; HOBEKT K. PAGZ. Children Cry for Fletcher's sasxajeieeymtasajsja ai-S'Saxi't4lllJl W W m l I T 1 I HI. V I .III- ...LP. HI 1 "IT H -H.JJ.UJJLJHJJJU.I 11" The Kind Ton Hare Always Bought has borne the slgna. tore of Chas. II. Fletchers and has been made under bis personal snperrUlon for over 90 years. Allow no one to deceive yon In this. Counterfeits, Imitations and J ust-ea-rood ' ' are bat experiments, and endanger the health ol CMiaren--jxperience against experiment. i Casta What Is CASTO rials a harmless substitute for Cast fjaator uii. rare st contains neither niMA. limns inn Boaxjxinsr nvrnns more than thirty years it has been in constant awe for the relief of Constipation. Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea allaying; FererishneM arising therefrom, and by retnilatinr the Stomach and Bowels, aids the as similation of Food ; eTirlnr healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friends Tho Kind You Ilavo Always Bourfit 'Bean the Signature of In Uso For Over 30 Years ... f el CARTE1-C0LTON CIGAR CO, Distributors Charlotte, K. C . Tea Can Help Tour Husband Stop Drinking AND 70a far what will he. t corns of yow, your children, out httie home, when alcohol finally ura bJmf H earsly will anUes help him atop drtaxinf jaoas Ho cant stop alooe, but with yoxw add bis dsatro tor drink can be eareo. -For drinking is emaase, and ths Kaaley Treatment its only provea ears, rout weeks of thr treatment, m irlvea at Oraentbore, N. C will feasors health to bis akcot-poeord tody and asnrea, take away all do. tiro IM Bquoc. and mass aim m w isneswteenii"i"" Onaaabor the Traetmtnt a hn STwhe eastopa. ntVm o4 fcVto. meewrre4Ws ere haaMHhe. Tfcemeaea el earae mm ana mvmn ' era.M.Cwtaaae taBvimsiWIilMtmt to Km sb.Tr,tt h- "it I ; . Mtttrao irinli Ml la Df 4wif wttkvrt h I have ae feet rjoal M the Sun he eeore ajtosateetMKra4. VenesawrHeM m imbta freak ae4 m sesiiinis Jewefc r o? ' fr i t of sincere ana Superior Quality Yet they are "A Mile From High Prices" True it is that precious jewels possess as great an intrinsic value as any article you can buy and a value that constantly increases. But it is the certain knowledge that the stones and their mount ings are correct in every detail that contribute so greatly to pride of ownership. The sincere and superior quality of our jewels plus the knowledge that all that is proper and best in jewelry is responsi ble in great measure for the con fidence the public gives this house. Watch, Clock and Jewelry Repairing r Farm Loans If you need money to buy a farm, to get easier terms Jn one y Jve contracted to buy, to Improve one you now own, or do anything that will promote Agricul tural development, we can loan it to you for as long time as you desire up to 33 years with very easy terms or re-payment at 6i Interest without, brokersgs or commissions. Write us, or better still Boy Id "Raleigh's Shopping Center" ' T1 n-Pearce Co. The Outstanding Features of the The Magnificence of Materials and Trimmings- .,-.. Lavish Use of Furs The Beauty of Silk Linings The Not for years have suits beeaso luxurious. The straight silhouette still predominates. Suit Coats are much long er than they were last spring, being from 30 to 40 inches. Straight line coats are expected to be best, but many manufacturers, especially the misses tailors, are show- -ing shorter flaring models With all the magnificence of fur-trimmed suits of beau tiful material, there is also a demand for plain tailored suits of men's wear material. There are semi-tailored and belted or plain tailored and unbelted, made with notched collars and plain skirts. They feature the longer coat. The prices are from $49.50 to $95.00 Among the popular NEW MATERIALS are duvetyn, peach bloom, fortuna (which is a new bolivia) . Other fashionable materials are silvertone, tinseltone, cher rona and tricotine. One of the season's best colors is brown. Taupes again are good under the new names of flying fox, raccoon and reindeer, navy always in lead as usual. Fur is the undisputed favorite for trimming. The less expensive suits are French Seal and Nutria. ; The high er priced ones Hudson Seal, Beaver, Mole, Squirrel and Australian Opossum. A Truck Built to Meet Your Particular Needs Choosing a truck of the right size one adapted to your business is Just as important as choosing a truck of the right make. Corbitt Worm Drive Motor Trucks are made in six sizes, one-ton to five-ton- capacities, equipped with special bodies and loading and unloading devices. Corbitt TrucVs are being successfully used for almost every type of hauling merchandise, coal sand, lumber, bottled drinks, furniture, drurs, by mills, merchants, hotels, contractors, cities and farmers. , Tht Cortylt dtaler will glad ly htlp you telect tht right Cor bin for your business. Set him - r- t write uh t- Hackney Bree., Automobile Department, Wllssa, N. C Lees! Dealers Cerhltt Tracks CORBITT MOTOB TRUCE CO, benseraea. X. C ; Come In and see us. i ... Inotituio , v. . 1 ' rcmUtrCM6nal . - : i" r- " "; Merchants National Bank Of Raleigh, N. C llWHCCBC-HeJliVi4 Jk wTn r I Air jw1 ''t7w "2rOKJ:"'