Tuesday Mcrj;r;c tzffit.'zm 2, isn. TILE KZWS ATO OZCZIWCL 1 r- UnVEiL lilARKERTO RICHA5DCASVELL Lenoir and Kinston People Pay Tribute To North Carolina's 'First Governor : Klattoa, jiept. 1. Thia' tows, which .has dwelled? la thai 'apathy character istic of North Carolina -toward their atoa and institutions, today for th first timt in many years took a eouple of hour off to pay homage to the mem ory of iti f oremost citizen, Biehard CaawelL village official, legislator, gov ernor aad ooldier. The Bute, eouaty, municipality, patriotic societies aad Masonic order joiatly participated la exercises attendant npon the unveiling of a bronie market poiating the way front the central highway, principal road In the 8tate, to the grave of the revolutionary Celebrity, The market beara thi Inscription : -.-- 8uU ol this tablet. 168. yards, is the grate otBiehard Caswell, the first Governor of North Carolina as ta lade pendent 8tate. 'I will most cheerfully join any of my countrymen, even as rank and file man, and whilst I have blood ia my veias fre1y of er It ia sup port of the liberties of my eeuatry.' Caswell to hit son ia 1773. The North . Carolina Historical Commission 191 Citizens' of Lenoir County) Caswell Nash Chapter, D. A. R : Appropriate Exerclaea Held, ' Escrows held at a theatre lasted one hour J They began at 10:30 o'clock, , Tliey were opened with patriotic song, Bev. Charles I Read, pastor of Queea Street Ifetbodist church, spoke the In vocation. George V. CoWper, State Senator and ebatrra.m of th marker r oram it tee, introduced the spesker, Hon. It. E. Htary, brother of Judge Btacy, of Wilmington, and the Into Dean Stacy th" l'Bivprfiiv of North Carolina. Col f-rcd Olds, of the BUte Hall of liMiory, Kuokc briefly. One or two otheri notnbers rounded out the short bat impressive program. . From the theatre the official party, Including State, county, society and city officials, representatives Of patri otic bodies and the Masons tad others, -motored to the site of the raised tablet, a short distance west of the city, where the unveiling exercises proper were held and the fraternity men -honored their distinguished fellow Mason. Caswell , stood high la North American hla- soary 190 years sgo, as Is told by inscriptions on the Csswell monument at Queea and Caswell streets here. Small Misses Kathleea Hatch, daugh ter of Edwin I. Hatcher, aad ore lace Itiszell, daughter of J. Atwood Bissell, drew the veil 'from the tablet, whiehJvoungest aoa, who disappeared oa a Ice. EsrW la his residence ta North i Carolina he was a depaty surveyor aad ck of the Orange eouaty court r , Promlaee la Bevolatto. . When the young faiwell ioceted la Lenoir the county was a part of Dobhs eenaty, which afterward was ob literated by partition. H broeared H eense to praetie tew. Ia 1771 tad ore vlonily be was a member of the colonial assembly froavJohastoa. He was speak er of the House of Commons ia 1770 aad 1771. He was colonel of militia aaa Commanded the right wing of Gov. eraor Tryoa's forces at the Battle of Alamance, May 16, 1771.' He was a aeiegate e the coagreat at Philadelphia before the Deelaratioa of ladpendencee. He resigned from the delegation to become one of the treas urers .of State. A biography accepted as 'aotlieatie sayt he went to Philadel phia in 1774, and resigned la 17751 ' At 'the battle of Moore s -Creek, uat- well and local militiamra covered them selves "with fiery. They Touted the Tories, taking a general officer prisoner, oa February 27, 1774. ; Caswell follow ing this became brigadier-general of the New Bern distrist. Ho was asmed preiidenfof the provincial .poagress ia the winter of 1770. He was made Gov ernor late ia 1776 aad served until 1778. He was different from most office hold er! of this day and timet he refused to be compensated for his services to the State. With his retirement from the Gover nor's effiee CasweH took the field as a ImiUtary maa. He had many soldierly eharseterisucs, aaa lovta ins trumpei s alarm more than the eicitemtnt of po litical campaigning. He held the rani of major-general. Ha was with the North Carolina troops at Camden ia August, 1780. More than 1,000 of Cat- well s men were at valley lorgs ia tut saddest hour of the Infant nation. Agala Made Governor, Caswell became eemntrollerHrencral ia 1782, aad Governor again la 1785. It was during his Incumbency as executive that the ""State of Fraakland," or "Fraaklia." seceded from North Caro lina, with sensatioaal results la the mountain country. The "state" waa named for Benjamin Franklin. It waa aa ill-fated commonwealth. Caswell was firm ia auppressing the revolt. Later Tennessee wis given statehood, parting from the mother State with good will oa both sides. Caswell was named a detente to the convention to draft the Coaatitntioa at Philadelphia ia r787, but declined tad. having that pausuai authority, appointed William Blount to go ia his stead. In 1789 be was elected a Beaator from Dobbs, He wss a mem ber of the"8tate convention at Fayette rllle ta November,"'!?!, which ratified the Constitution, Caswell was stricken with paralysis while presiding over the State Senate, Re died five days later, aged 60 years, For some time there had beca a cloud over his mind caused by the loss of his FAVORS CONCRETE FOR MUCH TRAVELED ROAD atarbovnd Macadam Aa Ob- oleto Type, jeci&res n. . Bnckner, of As&eyill To the Editor i There it the keen- est sort of interest among the people I Buncombe county la the road pro gram now being, carried out by tat Buncombe eouaty commissioners Mr. B. A. Pattoa. chairman, Mr, Otto ta red, commissioner of public highway and Mr. G. D. Stradlty, commissioner of pnblie buildings. .'- . Within the past four months, th commissioners hive let contracts for 11 miles of obsolete type of hard In trace road knows as the weterboaad meead- The word obsolete ia used ad visedly ia that wnterbonad macadam was the best knew type of lard ear face road for transportation IS or CO years ago, which all of at know, was horse and aa drawa vehicles of Various kinds. - 1 M Today the method of transportatioa at exemplified ia motor- vehicles has grown far away from tb waterbound type of road surface, aa It proves wherever waterbound macadam it laid throughout the State aad nation. Heavy, high powered -automobiles to getljoj with the almost tnanmerable nivvere aaa irueas op io a ions ttpae- i.l .v.:. i ti fim iwir iTn tnccvuing iwrr aad speed, make the semi-soft surface of macadam Utterly Jaefficieat for thia traffic for more than one or two yen rs at the outside, during which time the st of tires tad geaeral upkeep of will attract the attention of hundreds of tourist sad other travelers dsily in the years ta come. An asphalted roadway will aooa run past it Elisha B. Lewis, at sloqueat speaker, eulogised Caswell ta the members of the Masoaie ledges aadothcrs la tw party. The aatem blago at the marker waa not largo. The State road was closed for improvements. For that reason a parade which had beca toatemplated waa sot held. ' Business' Uoaaea Close. Tklaay placet of business were closed from Q:30 to 11:30, whea the exercises .were la progress at tha theatre la the city, ia compliance with a proeUaUtloa by the mayor. The occasion was holi day for county officials. The unveiling was tha principal event of Labor Dsj, aerce . , Birhard Caawell wat one of tht great est statesmen North Carolina hat had for a citizen. Ho waa bora la Mary land August 3, 1729. Bit father wat merchant. The elder Caswell experienced bad luck la business during Richard's youth. North Carolina was oae of the most prosperous of the toloaies, aad shortly after the revolution stood third among the state! ia population. Cas well brought letters from tht Goveraor ef Maryland to Governor Johnston, and aooa tfter bit arrival ia tht colony found himself employed is a pabllo ef- voyage from Charleston to New Bera It was the opinion of some that young Caswell wss captured and murdered by pirates. "BAYER CROSS" ON GENUINE ASPIRIN BETTER DEAD Life is a burdtq when tha bod bfacaad with pain. Evajrythinf worries and tha victim bacotnaa dospondant and downhearted. T fertaf back tht sanabloa taka C0U)lSDiUL The Bstioca remedy ol HoTiend for tot yearn Jt m as eooaay of all polae ta salting from kidney, ttwat sad nrss add troablea, AD dragghMS, three atasev aVoh fcw nU niCMUJw or aaa r machines en macadam road it about 50 to 60 percent greater- thaa for tht smooth paved roads or aand etsy. It has bees stated by both tht eouaty eommiMioaera and the st-tt highway commiM loners that macadam aa used I It I years tad then necessary patching, be. used as a found atioa ea which to law asphalt. From a ttatemeat mads by Mr. H. L. Tirtway la his letter which appeared Is the Aahevflle Cilirea yesterday, H teems that thecost of macadam Bow being mid by Baacombe eouaty would be 1S0U for le foot read aad at the tad tf three er foer yean would coat taother I 913,000 to have tht asphalt top laid aa tae m mteadaas. ar a total rest ef a,000 a mile for the road at the tad tf three er fowr years. The tame state eat thawt thtt BwSeembt eeontv paid between $24,009 and acs.ooo a mils for the Headorsonville eonerete high era, to feet wide at war prices. Taking the extreme Cost of this road, there would' he a taring la favor at the tea creto road tt kgaiast tht eld macadam tsphalt typo, at tht eod at foar years tf 13,000 which la tara would meta as average mainteaaaee eost, without any aetuhl maintenance tt all, of 91.150 per year for the aid macadam tao4 to the time whea the 'asphalt la kid. It ia tha belief tf the writer that the majority of people In Bnaeombe Meaty art apposed to tht mteaflaet read aad would prefer one of the types of the various hard surfaces, for the porpoe of read economy Is construc tion aad apheep aad fos the -eaormoot economical effect ia taring the eost ef tires tad automobile upkeep. Any hard surface read at macadam road invites largely laeteated travel. At Calomel Users! Listen To Me! W I Guarantee Dodsoh's Liver Tone - 'V- r- -:' ; -Your druggist givea back your money If it doesn't liyen your lirer and bowels and straighten you up without making you side. Ugh! Calomel makes yoa tick. Its horrabltl Take i done of the daagerasa dru, tonlghi sad tomorrow yos assy lost s day's work. Calomtl la mercury or ijulckailvat which caosei seerotit of the bones. Cal omtl, whea H comes into contact with tour bile, ertshes into It, breaking It up. This la whes yos feel that awful Bauaea sad cramping. U yoa are slug gish and "all knocked out," If year Uvtr It torpid and bowel constipated or yo have headache, dianaeaa. eoated tongue, if breath is bad er ttomsek sour, just try a spoonful of harmless Dodsoa't Liver tone tonight. Here's my guarantot Cs tt say drag rtors sad get a bottle af Dodsoa't Liver Toae for s few tests, Takt 9 tpooajfsl ssd it it doetat atraightea yoa right ap ssd make yos feel fiae sad vigorous 1 wast yoa to go bark to tht ttort aad got your money. Dodaoal Urn Tost it destroyini tha sals ol ssloeatl bo- eause It It real liver modteintt tntirely vegetable, therefore tt eta sot salivate ar make yos sick. I guarantee that oae tpooafs) of Dod soa't Uver Test will pot rat alaa-rlah Uvtr to work ssd eleaa yoar bowela of that tour bile ssd ooaotipatod waste which at eloggiag your ayatem ssd making yoa foal miserable. I gut res tee that a bottls at Dodtoai Uver Tost win keep your entire family fee Hag fiae for moatha. Oles It to yoar esll Irts. It Is harmless 1 d octal gripe aad they like its pleasant taoteA4v. aaam m V "Bayer Tablets of tsplrla" to bt. tta alar must be marked wit tht safety "Bayer Cross. Always boy as ss brokea Bayer package which eon tains proper direction to tafely ralievt Bead teht. Toothache, Ea racks, Neuralgia, Colds aad pais. Bssdy. lis boxes of IS tablets eost but a ft tttll at drug tores larger peeks get also, Aspiris is tht trade marl at Baytr Maaufaerare tf Monoaeetieaeldestet ol Stlieyllcaeid. ; i HOTEL MARTINIQUE a nmnun . . 600 ROOMS 400 BATHS VHsaVMnaaaaaw ItoWrea $2 Per thy a matter ef fact, aa infrequently trav eled eouaty road paved with inacadani will attract foar , or five times more travel after paving thaa before, with at least K3 pereeat of the inerewet la travel, automobiles and trucks, which means-rapidly worn tat matadaaa sat- Secretary ef Ashevills Board of Trade. Movie Cosassajr Is ttoeataiae. ' Asheville Sept. l.-"The Man Who Might Have Bees'1 it the title of the latest Vitagraph picture which ia beisc made in the famous chimney rock eee-J "i imn vi viayvra, ncau ed by Harvey More, a well known movie actor. The eentpsny which is there it the preeest expects to romals for several weeks dariag which time several pietnret will be mads, featur. ina the moentaia scenery aad the toaatnr, Charles Kent. tMti aa the Vtad old mas of the ssoriet," ia another member tf tht company aad tawin u Hollywood it the director. Bobert O. Stewart It tht Samara dl- rector for tha company. The Governors' conference at Bali Lake City has docmred la favor of spe cial tesiont of legislature la varioui Statea to ratify the suffrage amend ment to that womea may vote at tht Presidential eleetioa ia 1920. FAMILY REUNION HELD AT . SPRING HOPE RECENTLY Spring Hope, Sept. 1, A more beaati fal and historlt spot eould aot have bees selected for a family rsuaioa thaa the banks of tha Tar Biver at Webb's Mill, where assembled ea Aayust 29th, the deseeadanrs of tht Ittt Major 3mn Bunn and Sarah West ray Buna. Those preaeat. Included Mrs. O. 0. Cone and family, of Spring Hope; Mr. O. B. Balnea, M. B .and B. O. Cons, of Richmond. Vs.: Dr. P. B; Con, of Wll- Iiamstoa Mr. G. W. Buaa aad family, of Spring Hops t Mrs. H. K. Withore pooa, of Raleigh j a W. tu aad Philip Buaa, Mr. E. K Bnaa aad family, ef Zebuloat Nannie, Christine, Mary Kemp aad Roger Buaa, Mrs. LeliaBunn Yai- borough and family, of Bpviag Hoptt Mrs. O. F. Walker. Mildred Vmo, Harry aad Alee Tarborough, Mrs. K. W. Bal lent I do aad fsmily, of Middhrsekt Mrs. O. O. Strsosa, af Wsshington, D. C; Mrs. Joe Edwards, of Rocky Mount; Mary, James, Jaates, K, W. Jr., aad Ruth Ballrntiat, Mr. K. V. Buaa aad fimlly, of Uetxlvrsoai Maty Buna, Mrs. J. B. Outlaw aad family, of Zeb ntou ; Allen and Edith Outlaw, Mrs. Ida Bunn Brttwell end family, of Mid d.escii Wilsoa aad Diek BriswSll. Others present Werei Mrs, Demaria Ber geros, of Spring Hope, aad Mr.'C. O. Buaa, of Zebuloa. the ealy living bro ther and sister tf Major Bass. BUI Which part ofyour face it t cheapest t " , Bill Your nostrils, they are ta I a cent (scent). hojt Life. mtnEIKl WllIEQSis tatily; arel palcLbjwrrsrdl an 4 - moras nervous or irf mkMifl v a Bts af meUa.! or tta1 Blues." get; mbloodeM imrned : fot iroa dsftclJ Irta.ttkti ttimeaadaTalbWmeabwffll rstrerotb aad aaxturi nee Wit ternary cacsv-FcxrtramtdKmg,Ml I awwWSAWaTwsWar' A'cAa; pfntCSAst TeH VnMaSBhf A n mh "ILS-fclStMSs4 . MMa tabMCBbtMna OmMhasrWtinlsr. f 1 R.M.Ti irTT tt - ... . .nw M sAiJR A-SPECIALTY 111 il Pcr Pay I BtKO Ul TOUR MAIL ORDERS-ALL ORDERS flLLED f ROMPTI.T. WS APPRECIATE AND CITE MAIL ORDERS PROMPT ATTENTION. Every Express Adds Something New To Our New line Of FALL fflAT S rm Coats, Seree Dresses, Waists and Skirts -i We invite your impection of a tremen dous ttock in whi you wi M that quality and style combined with our usual close marking system makes thee garments very attractive. A Word To Our Patrons It It tnr intcstlon tt do everything possible to help reduee tha Blgh -Cost of Living. Of course wo do not claim and are sot going to tell goods at hat they eost aa If wt did wt would aooa have to go out of basinets. Wt tould sot pay our falospoopls. . BUT, wt buy goods ' direct from the manufacturer, eliminating the middle maa'a profit, ' thit yon save. We took a ehtaet tad contracted for thousands of del ' tare worth of goods whea most merebaata wore afraid to bay. The we owa aad ia many instances art telling good aero th counter tt . snd below today's snaasfseturen rices. Of teams ws have aa cos trol over manufacturer! aad at oar stock become depleted ro bare to go into the market and buy aew stocks. As we pay adtsnc prices wt havt to get advance prices. Therefore oar id vice to ear esetomsrs ' is to do your Pall buying early and get advantage of stocks sow ta . head. 12 Stow Sail . For Leas Hudson-Belk Co. Buy Early Buy For Less 22 Storms Buy For Loaa BRINGING UP FATHER WtVUL TILL MCI. WTVt bean to eotTON ir V IP WC ttAVE . ' f. fiHITH V-NT-a U 1 TO CMl J . I t&SfsKsT I QHHwi m: jyce toow rJ Yif&3J I . T 7 J. 1 WI vivcrwai 1 r - ir 1 Mailt I "rr a ve tshiCH AWM-WE "WERg in ovrorv 01 io xoy ts BUNKER. zzLS y x fvt v , .. ' tVg.ii .i'a.i " " " "" .'J--1 . 'JJJ '1' MUTT AMXJEFF There's Gonna Be a Vacancy in the Street Geaniri Department in a Second r - 11 1 r r 1 1 1 i n 1 , r NO-WE. CcNLLCO ON MlrA ftOT HE. WWT IN- BBSl b 1 'mar 4 fet! tCearlaA Ilia .). rTsVs, By BUD FISHER a ' MftTrVcr W torn, ;..) TvUert 2f5r curM ) SmVI pvu ti Lv.o;a jov , ylek SwlJ Uc-t -V " t AttlNSPecTIONTrV WANT TO iCU JEB ' " " , .,, - ' " . .. , . A. " ' , - - . , ,.. -; - ; ,- ,. r-. . , ' , ' ' '"Kf -, I

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