TUESDAY r.IQUNING, EZPTEr Hl 2, 1519. THE rSV3 AI.D CrZlVEIL i v ar- iSHiii Committee ' Complete Finan cial Arrangements for Hand '.some Pullding Soon. t By JAMM'A. ROBIXIOX. Durham, Sept, JJrtia 1 to,kT & Masonle Templeon c' tlx aaadsom est la- tli 6outl. rragtmsata for CuMdng ths proposed m bulldiai tare been rmplet4 by tit tsaaoa com. mitteo recently appointed for thi ynr poo. Tho uqvm uui to member of tho order her assart tb tretlo of till , ew sddities to Durham' growth rod th report to th tommlttt to th lodge i a most satlsfgetory at, Tho building will b located o tho eor nor. of Mai and Boxboro strseta, op. potite the Y.iL CJk., tho Firs Proiby. tema church and diagonally -across h I7t.l U.IK...... V, aid li ft by 120 Th alt baa already boea purchased . a feet. Th city will tat 19 fool of th at a coat of $25,000, lot to widea Koabore itreot, paying ; IWXW ror thi strip, taut making th Maaonio lot aoit 120,000. Ttatl plaa for the building bav been lubwitUd to th local lodge by Durham archl- xtteta. aad are likely to b aaeepted ' vary aooa, with minqr change. It i proposed to begin 4be rcetioa of this handsome Temple a aoo ai th paring ol "Main street haa bee completed, which will probably be la th early I priB, , v . Baffia Geta I Yava. The August term of Durham Superior ' court for criminal cases,' Judge Stacy presiding, tha latter xart e( last week. Arthur Baffia, segro, for killing Jeter POPULAR OFFICER loi Webb, wa 0Biete4 of murder la th second degrM, and was girts a sentone of 20. year ia th pea, wher k wa f placed Saturday. Sistee ether (oarleta wer assigned t tb oaaty roads. Th total eatees of tho term Aof th court amoaated to three hundred and listr-vIaM months, oat f th largest i th history of tha couaty. Th docket wa o rowdd that many case had to go an til th neat term. Darkam Haa BUwdheaai. - Catabl Geo. L. King tliis morning received from th Bockwoed kennel, at ; Lexington, Ky a flue bloodhound, well v broken and ready for amice, Mr, King 1 making tbir experiment wita DloM heund at hkfewa personal eipena. H la give 30 day to try out kia-aewly acquired bound. 'whea the registration of th dog and bis nam will t aeat. Ceaaty acheola Open, , Tea ef th SI white oehools, aad four for" colored, opened their fall cession in Durham county. Final instructions were girea th teachers at a meeting held Saturday, last, by Superintendent . Holland Holton. ' He also stated that - the county beard had seen red for tho ensuing year th laerviee of a fln body 'of toaeher and h wa looking forward to on of the most ooeeessful years ef work the county schooli bar see a. eompliahed. Many new feature will mirk th school work thi year. Tho eirj aekeon will the Star latt. 4 I. Wak Cmmmtv. ' i Tfc'ibTleral rrleeW ta W4 ' main at Mrs. a. v. uuae, oi lua tyoa street, .who died Saturday aren- ing, were eoadct4 this afternoon, at . her residence, by Bet, a C. Smith, ef th Edgemoat Baptist ehereh, at 140. -' The interment waerA the Beedy Creek Baptist chunk cemetery, ia Wak 'county, aear Cary. Mrs. Uka ww " paralysed last spring and ine that - time kaa bee a1 aa iaralid. Th only ' . suxTiviag member ef th family are two daughtere-atis Deli Blake, wh Bred with her mother, and Mrs. Cbarl Orady, of Eaat DorhamT K COURT 0RDERTREVENTS . HOLDING JAZZ DANCES ' ejsmnamavmmm ' : FayettevUle, Sept. 1. la ebedienre to an order Issued by Judge T. H. Cal vert to Supreme Court htra, a the re- 1 salt of a settlement Dy agreement, ae aaora "Jau" dance will be held la th " ' kail of the Pcmbertoa building, reated by the Moose elub, antil euek time or teaaot aa to admit of tho window ef the kali btinar alowd n u sot t disturb th patient ef th Cumberland General Hoepital, aearby.. The order suspends a temporary tcstrslalaf order secured by the hospital to prevent th holding of th dances, with th aecem naabaent ef a "jass" orchestra, th complaint; of th plaintiffs being th jass" mnsi wt detrimental to tb re - eorery of their patients, Judge Cal vert' order will b la -effect aatil April 1, 192Q. . . , Lieutenant Payne, Killed In rvnoxviilo. formerly station- ed At Camp Bragg TayetUville. Sept. 1-The aewa of th dtatk of LleuU Jam W,. Payne, who was killed by machlnejrua fir ia th rae riot ia KaoiviiU, Ten n, early Sunday morning, wa reeelrsd with pro. feuod regret her, owhtrf Ueuteaaal Paya li4 auay frleads. Tt y"ag officer was stationed at Camp Bragg with the e'tk Infantry bat winter. Hi batUlBM wu later transferred t th Charleston port terminal who that city war- made Aeborkatioa port, aad U Still o duty there, though Lieutenant Payne bad bee detailed to tb National fenard eneampment tKaiYlll as as instructor. HI duty there would bav been concluded today, wbea h wa have returned te Cbarlestoa, v The news f bis death whll serving as a volunteer ta th rae oismrjanee la th Tennessee city wa telephoned to Dr. J. V. klsOouna at a early hour Buaday morning ty ueouaant rayne t l .... I . . rl.. r. D.. rla. "Jack'' Parae. a be was kaowa U hi friends, was ea f the most popular of th younger officer wh hare Dee statioteq at umg nragg. H wa practicing Uwyer ta rrov Enteriac thr fret officers' traiaing camp he wa eommlssioned swead lieuten ant aad later rsaebed tka rank of first flataant, Tboagh eVtmprary officer, kis JUtary tffleiar tnai a was to har been retaiaea a a mem- bcr ef th regular amy nUblishment. Ueutentnt Paya was th only con of Mr. and Mr. Jm Whitney Payno,- aT Provider.ee, Ky. Iiatasnt Pya wa ireaueni vhitor in Faretteville after having been traesfsmd i 4ty lswkrs. Mr. W. N. WilUama aad Miss Aaa Williams f thi eity, will attend tt funeral ia Provtdense, Xy -. rU Beaadew ef Maaeaa. ' Aahevllle. Bent. 1. Th fall reunioa of the Ancient aad (Aeeptcd Bit of Free Masonry will be held la this city September t, I aad 4, and will take ia the Orient ef North Carolina. In vitation ha been estended to all brethren of theAncient and Accepted Scottish Bite ef Free Masonry and to all Matter Maaops ia th Jurisdiction of North Carolina to attend the re union and a very targe crowd ia ex pec ted to be her for, the three day ia which t Mason sneet. Bntertaln la Beaer of Frleads. Fuquay Springs, Sept. 1. Mr. and Mrs. T. x, Puryear entertained a large number ot their friends ov Saturday evening in honor of their guests. Miss galli Hood, sad Edgar and Vw i Hood, of Zebulon, and Misses Maggie Puryear aad Mary Buchaaan, ef weadeiL . Pbpls), Seres, Hur.cn end Ekn Emptier. Are Cae4 hy Impure ei Best Bloed Iatrnl Treatment Is '- Neceeaery. There are a imt many ModttloDS of poot W1U cmw kr bed kkMd. Thwe iMrdtre are eHiaci If ekia ruetloM, nrdllns o the er Joiu, failles karr m4 mtm a 4lSral sens W the (we, limbe r Mr. While HbM MKNick to kVikk, swk tn. Mm are a osetieswl eewwe tt wariirl en Mooyentt. Yea eaa allnlete tfc" trMbUe enuMd k fcapnta er M bM by Uktai PraeripUoe C-lHt. bkwd parlaer ot awrH. The iMdM. el iaendinti wlik an m4 te K aueafa. tare are iiwrtleae an eamMiw a ta se airaetlr to the, ewt ef the trouble. swm eat tlw..lBiDrHUe aad PVUy tkt klaed. that an anat HwlV mi a With? kad. rraMrlptioa C-ZtlS eoalahe aa BMrmuy, eptaas. wrahbie, abtoral at atrrehniMt II was arifiaaUf the SWilpllua ef a roaihient Skreidaa, bm la) ia araatita la the tnat. maat at andttWae tw to hnpere blood. If aay awe bw ka aarit af tke iBHdal meraflnbi bms, tka tMnafwtuma will Saly fanMtkls tntotautloa tottwir (aaiiUt akniciaa. wCTlpoa C4M ai be tooad at ad aad 4rf stone fee IU kotUai ar the auaafactama will amd pnpaM aa raaiipt of prira.. Write tha C-ttii Laboratorr, Mempkle, TeaM, fat fret Utoraiura. (av.) . Prescription Sriollzn Joints i BOONSBORO, MD., WOMAN GLAD SHE CAN NOW WASH THE DISHES y - ' .. .... . ' ;" Mr. Oin. Whow Hand Wr All Drawn Up With Kbv- . maitiMr), Tell How $h V. . " Found Relief. , "- ejaanaBssBBasaaawawasa) n ' Considerable lntereet be beet aru4 ' la tb strange ease ef Mrs. Mary Cline, wife ef Louis Cline, a prom(eat farm? at Beeaeboro, Md. lira, niaa waa'fflicted With Pala ful ease of rheumatism complicated witfc several tbaf dtsorder. Her " hinifa vara bent and crippled ka4 Oth k inr seemed te be able te relieve ker aatil ae day she wa persuade ta try the wonderful new scientific discovery known a Dree. She took tke medicine faithfully, aad, .the following aigned atatemant was received after she bad " takon her fourth bottle f IreOOi "For two. yeef ray knd- wr H1T , and drawn from rbeumatlsm (id were varv naJnfuL ' Since taking Preeo eaa grip anything with my hand. My knnbaad remarked yesterday oa bow , well I wash th dishes owv. Dreeo has alee positively cured my oaetlpatiea. Am telling all mr aelAbor about it." , Dreeo I pleasant to take aad re)ii rheumatism, cleaaae th blood ef im ' purities, relieve constipation and svts ' 1 on th liver and kidney. ' : Dreen la made from inieeo and ft. : tracts of mssy medicinal bsrbal plant which act oa tho vital srfiai. ts nlmiant and nrnmst manner.- ' Dreco hiffbly reeommenJcl In Bs ! leigh by F..W. Packer Drsg Co., Keb . Inn Drue Co.. Wendell Drag Co.. Pop i ..Pharmecy. aytoa A. V. Baaeom, ITAU WOST EXPENSIVE v . COUNTRY 10 LIVE IN Bom. 'Aug. H. (Correspondence ef th Associated frees.) Italy Is the moat sxplnsiv allied country ia which to live, according to statistics published by the Populo Bomane, whiek observes that "tb kumaa body mutt be fur nished wltlj t00atorie a day," aad that this would Oduire a ratioa equal U 000 grease o breed, 189 traau at meat. 20 gramsaf eil, 800 gram of potatoes, ft grama at rice, f 9 gram of vegetables, 159 gram t milk, 88 grama of sugar aad CO grams of fata. " "Sueh a ratioa eprts cents ia UshJ do,' W ocats ia New Yk, 9 eeats la Paris, aad 60 cents ia Italy says th newspaper, whose estimate is eoa Srmed by tke sUtisticsi aoaictr af t -1. 1L - : I ... . wmi nn ! ia iwm iaj tpe voes firing a rent us couairic ,t I el- lows I .. , Italy, SSI pet eent) rraaee, Id per ceatt England. 10 per aeat. aad tha Uaitad State, 130 per au Of tour, it must be romembcre4 that the cost of living, before the war, was higher is America than la lurepe. VILVERTON CHUJtCH PLANS TO ' AVS COM1NQ KVBNT SCNDAT Pikerille, Sept. lieIvertoa churah will have a bom ttlcbratioa of old member and friends end welcome home te It eoldiere oa aext Ssnday. Folktsr ing tb servleo there will bo a ptenie dinner tarred oa th ground. Th eel bratioa begin at ttw'elock and clw at 4 o clock. Scout I haven't lept for days. Tenderfoot Whet's the matter, slckt Seodt No, I sicca tt nicht. Bora" life.' : - , " ) , filYSTERY GIRL f (O ii Tarheel Usss Finds Friend Tnrouoh Newspaper Who v 1 ComesJo Her Aid . (Special to tbe New aad Observer.) Baltimore, Md, Sept. 1. Th "Mys tery Oirr a such exists ao longer. She I Marjerie Dixon, 17 reefs eld, oi Durham, some time a resident of North Carolina, aad ia the revealing of bar identity tke power ot the press i again iastaneedV Beading a newspaper Satur day erening, P. C. Neplet, ef Phila delphia, who ia visiting bis sbtsr. Mrs. Louise Braaigaa, 1328 Hollies street, came aerota tae story or th gtrll o- teauea la ta Eoutawcatora pollc t Uea peadiag aa tavestigatioa at,r atory. . "Ifos kaew this girl.".b said to hi alitor. Mrs. Braaigaa took .tke paper, reed th atory aa4 acUintedi 6 Way, yet I we went ta school together la Dur hsm ' r ' Mrs. resigns yesterday visited tb girl in the static boa aa4 wa at one recognised A af result,, lira. Branigan wn to tnko tb girl ts bcr bom pending thorestitt of th police Investigation. More, he will get Iter a position. The matter ia bow up t Police Marshal Carter, who wired te Jacksoavill but hrs receWed no word ae ytt -r '; At on time tk family lived at Klghtdale, aear Baleigh, tnd lso had lived la JtckwotlUc, fla, Murjori tt ttitT to Msom f A food family. JU was found by tha police I tb uo!o ttstloa August ft witk but Hva aooit tt kr apitl, aad has beet held pend ing laveatigstioa af bar story. h aaid tnai sne came to OBiunore uu ker ancle, Csrl Smith, but th did not knew bi tddrets. " ' - To Opea New School Bedding. Asheville, Sept. 1. At a metting st tended by the city somwissloaers ad th Khool officials aad others interest ed ta th metier recently it wee de cided te make estensive plan to role bra te the dedieatioa of tk aeew 300, 000 high school reeeatly somplelsd, The ehool will be dedicated at toon a th remainder ef the furniture arrives and the plaa forh celebrttlea will be tomewhat held up because of t!v t tentative program tr to be ast., I out ia the aear future. : . Engagement ts Aaaoaaoed. Bobersesrllle, Sept. l-Of Interest to msny friends tka aaeeaaecmeat f Mit Mngntlia Bobarttea, daa;' ter ef Mr. J. L Boberteen, te Mr, Boy T. Hopkins, of Cretwell, which was mA at aiHtlsf f kt Buok Club. fectB:' i Your Nerves Jab . : You Like Hot Needles ' Wbea your nerves Jab 70a like bot needles is the time to delay no Ipnger, but to use immediately Wbitehouse Alboram Aatiseptio Powder. Thore le Both, ing better for tired, aervoua, run down women. Just a few cents worth dissolved in very warm water provide a solution of quick aad grateful relief wbea used as a douche. It is cleansing, soothing, healing aad deodorising. Bcflned women Insist oa hsvlng Wbttehonse Alboram for it ia a mark of re. Inement to insist on kaviag all that at Blustery fee eorreet pereoaal hygiene. The antiseptic .and astringent properties of Wbitehouse Alboram make it essential in the home. Besides its use mentioned nbeve, it works, wonders for tired, aehing,wollea feet ooaked ia hot water ia whiek ha been dissolved small quantity of th Powder. There are two sixes, SSe aad 11.20. The flJO size coatains Ive time a much as the 35e size.. Oct It from Hicka-Crsbtrre Co-'s 4 Stores, of any other good druggist, or, if you live at a distance, yon can get the larger site from tha Whi'.jhouse Chemical Co, Lynchburg, Ysk, who make it, for 0 postpaid. Adv. V. Wt Can't Sell tk tho ) Ico Cream 1 in Raleigh , ' f Therefore We Sell r OnljTthe Best x Of It Eat Wbite't Orange ; Sherbet Delicious and Refreshing. OrdtPHarioq 0 .4 vv OA 1 c Cream Co. im O TC. Hfof Kins, 3nc. POPULAR Prevail On a Few SpeeiaJg For . Todays Selling FOR $4.9S MIDDY SUITS Made ofn splendid Middy Jeans. Values J AQV up to $7.98. Priced only ...Je!0 1 1 1 1 1 t Elxtr.a Special . On Middy Suits. U. S. and; Men's Wear Serge, in navy lluf all wool. Worth much more. HA Of On sale for $12.85, $14.95 and. . ... t 17.0 J v Coat Suits Look at these and be convince that this is about the same price as last season. An early Coat , Suit special. Colors: navy, grey, black; material, French , ' serge and men's wear serge.;" Two &AA ftC price $39.95 and ! $W7 t v '' 6e ' (ojakwv, einc jjj : m - k,w otJiBjSaaaaa" aBPwa 'A - itmna --.aSBBatjllr . aBnBaBBB,nnBape I His. Jones I VHis. Smith ' . "WHY do I have $o much trouble at Cleaning timegetting " ta a tt at htbsB a men wa i m V. such mtenpr workr asked JYlr, bmitli, I have tned a njim l?er of Cleaners and it's always the same story. "That's easy to answer," replied Mrs, Jones. "Why dotft you send your Rugs, Carpets, Hangings, etc, to RALEIGH FRENCH DRY CLEANERS? I have always found them rc--liable and thorough, as well as reasonable."-- . :. ( " ' , ' ? : , -'iW . " '' ' ' ' Our record for dependability igTour asset. You will find s here a service that will meet with your approval. Yes, we clean nearly everything. i - Special Attentlejt Chren to Out-of-town WerL Pkene er Write Cuolcigli IFroneEi Ory Slponoir Canter Morgan and Blount it PlteaM 7SI The Spots Have Been - . ; x Knocked From the High tost of living c We have closed out 400 Boys All-Wool BuiU in the latest models. These Suits have fuU-lined pants, every seam is taped, which prevents ripping. These ; are just the Suits for the roufh school - ( boy. ' , t i ; These Suits Are Good Values at $15.00. ( r We are going to sell them at Slaaa ft? - . ' , Buy them now and have the boy ready, for si Gobe Clothing Co. n ' - f Camat WUmltgtaet aatj Sssaaag Streets. ' Whoo Zoom Ovtr Yewr Trouhlu With a Clou ot i PEPSl-COLAl Stf the Irtf goost ever that ton fresh cloud alga op In the hearens be cool and happy. Are you Or ir rou set tnd iticky, men tallr Uggti and sluggish f Try an exhilaratinf toosa over your trouble with a bubbling, sparkling beaker of Peptt-CoU. & atairs jfojf limply tciniilUrii I To catch the Incipient headache ta give Old Man Humlditr th merry ba-bal Drink PEPSI-COLA RaleiA Pepd-Coli Bottling Compnn; A pet i Power Drug Co, wak Forest. IV. J. RICHARDSON, Mgr. t ( Adv. .. ... PHONE 544.