til: mv.s ai:d osszrves FIHST STEEL SHIP LAU;;CHED IH STATE Thousands See Ocean Freighter Slide From Ways In Wil mington Shipyard SUDAN TEMPLE SHRINERS ' ' HAVE BIG CEREMONIAL City-BT-The-Sea , Celebrates Labor Day In Great Style 'With Address at Launching Ceremonies By Attorney General Manning and Speech To Labor Hen by Maj Moody (Special to the News snl' Observer.) 5 Wilmineton. Sept. 1. The1 first steel ship to be constructed in jvortn tarqiwa tint ths government tapped latent In dustrial power here, slid with aire-in pirinir grace from her ways t the Caro lina Shipyard tbia anernooa wnus a band Dlnyrd the National anthem ea4 twelve thousand Tar Heels (hooted their luatjr wiahei for many bon roj- .: are. The "Cranford, the rt of twelve freighter! to be eonatructed by the Carolina Shipbuilding- Corporation for the United States Shipping Board, was christened by Mrs. Lorenzo Dilks, wife of the president of the corporation, with full grown bottle of genuine chain pagna which trickled laxity down the bow ef the vessel as it moved Into the historic Cape Kear. I Main Attraction af Day. . The launching of the "Cranford" wni tha main afternoon attraction for the living streams of Eastern Carolinian! who cams to spend Labor day. A Labor day parade scheduled for tha morning had to be cancelled on account of the - rail but Jupiter P. didn't interfere with tha Shriners, who were writing finis to , tha beach season in brilliant atyle. , D.l.tnli wtnm wemi vftnrpapntpfl In til nt.tut ilninira. Attorney General ! T if hotlt a due. James 8. Manning, especially commis sioned by Governor Bickett to represent ' ths Stats at the launching of the "('run ford," felicitated ths shipbuilders upon tha completion of another link in ths chain of commerce. Major W. F. Moody, in a speech to orjrnnir.cd InlW. declared that "war in Charlotte and High Point against unionism was doomed to failure." On the bench, the Raleigh Shrine Club was contributing ita quota and then some to the merry snaking that began Sunday and con tinued through the elaborate bajl at Lumlna tonight. Second Ocean Vesoel. Launching the Cranford today sends the second ship built in Wilmington into ocsan traffic, the "Capo Fear," ' built at the Liberty shipyards, hsving been launched just a month ago. She ia built strictly according to . Lloyd's - register and has desd weight capacity of 9,600 tons, Drawing twenty-seven feet of water, the dispaccment is IV ZOO tons, while ths gross tonnage Ot ins snip is o,bw tons-. -v------ ,. Painted a war grey and decorated with the-Sags ot many nations, ths Cranford presented an imposing spec tacle lywg In he slip. Hundreds t ths workers who had a part in ths job' lined her rails as sbs slipped gently into the river. Bells of many kinds rang loud, sirens on river craft sound ed shrill noises "and factory whistles 0 ths Caps Fear fairly screamed with joy when the timbers that held her fast were sawed promptly at 4 odock. Ia tha middle of the Cape Fear the Revenue cutter Seminole, . upon which ths reviewing party was entertained during the morning, was anchored to mutely welcome ths now creature ot commcrre'ln the water. ; Exercises Were Brief, o Ths ship1 is named after ths home town ot President Dilks, Cranford, New Jersey, a town which stood at ths top ot ths column in Its contribution of money and men for tha war emerg ency. Tha eitisena of Cranford, sev eral whom were here for ths launch ing, presented to the ship a bronio bell through Paul B. Sims, of that city. Tha exercises attending the launching lasted less than thirty minutes. Sec retary Jamea H. Cowan, of the-'WII-mington Chamber, of Commerce, was master of ceremonies, presenting Mayor Parker Quince Moors to extend tha welcome to the visitors. Mr. Cowan also presented the Attoraey-Ocneral. Judge Manning spoke but briefly. lie referred to the event today as a rewelding ef a new link ia the chain of industry ia North Carolina. .,; Adverting to the novel feature ot ths occasion, Judge Planning expressed the holta that a. tha TrmmlnrA" mmWm from country to country sbs will carry the nation a products to the uttermost parts ortne world and return irons Green land'a icy mountains and India's coral strands with things to enrich America The deUeieney ia tbe merchant marine, which ths war critically pointed out, is being speedily corrected, aad never again, he said, will the United 8tates hive to depend foreiga countries for Shriners Hsvs CeressoniaL ' Oa Wrightsvllle Beach ths red-feszed hosts -of Shrinedom havs been dispens ing fun for the Labor Day visitors and administering to two hundred fresh meat. The Ocean ie Hotel waa com mandeered Sundny aad for the rest of the bliriners stay here. Illustrious Po tentate Kend ricks, one of the heads of Shrinedom in the United States, is ths guest of Sudan Templet far its cere nonial here, as also is Potentate Hunt, of Mrera Temple, Njw York. With the latter is a menagerie sad a corps of assistants trained in tbe art of handling the novice. Potentate French, of Sudan, was boat today to the Shriners, their wives and jwecthenrts at a lunch at the Oceanic. Tonight the usual Shrine banquet was liven st tbe hotel, and the ball at Lumina started at 10 o'clock. Special trains arriving yesterday brought No bles from all tbe larger pointa in East tern Carolina, and ths red fez aince yesterday has been tbe dominant head gear on tbe beach. - The ceremonial proper took plae at ths Harbor Island Auditorium at 2:30 this afternoon, 'and at the same hour the Wilmington Shrine Club was host to ths ladies of tbe Shrine on an automobile- trip . around the twenty-mila belt, with a stop for tbe luncheos. . UIIGT07J PLANS 0 EET FERRY BOA I New Hanover Commissioners Will Open Bids For Contract This Afternoon I r Body of Infsnt Foand. Salisbury Sept. Lr-The dead body of white infant girl wa found la creek in the outsckirts of Salisbury Hundsy afternoon. It is believed to havo been thrown from an auto Tissuing the road. OT'.or are working oa th rnso but Wilmington, Sept. 1. Tha New Han over county commissioners will tomor row afteraoua opea bids for tie eoev struetloa of large ferry boat to ply between' Wilmington aad the Bruns wick side of tbe Cape Fear. Phi as far the craft have been drawn by Kiadluad and Drake, prominent marine engineers of New York. A auaaber ot contractors end shipbuilders hare requested the specifications aad aaaay bids are expect ed. ' .'.:,, The commissioners estimate the coat of the craft at about $40,000. It weald be constructed of wood, have two drive- wsya for vehicles aad ample rooms for passengers. A powerful oil engine would propel the vesaeU It ia expected construction would require three mouths, and taking thia into considera tion, the commissioners do not think the ferry boat will be available to aapplant the present ferry until sometime ia De cember. The New Hanover county teachers' In stitute opened for a two weeks' scasioa in the. Hemenway school this moraiag, with Miss Susan Fulghum, member of LEMON JUICE- TAKES OFF TAN Girls! Make bleaching lotion if skin is-sunburned, tanned or freckled Tuesday r.rorjcir.o, znrrn:zzx 2, m the State Board 1 ot ' Examiners aad Teachers Institutes, In charge. Over one hundred teschers attended the opening session. Because of the general holiday, today' session vas devoted to orpaaizatioa only. :-. . The second cargo s)t cotton to Rotter dam from Wilmington ia the past six weeks started oa ita way yesterday with the sailing of tbe Uaited Ststes ahipping board steamer Fort Pitt Bridge, under eommaad of Captain J. L-Wood worth. Tbe vessel carries 11491 bales of eottoa. ihe shipping board steamer, which sail d several weeks ago for Rotterdam reached her destinatioa safely tea days ago. The eottoa waa shipped ia boat eases by Alex. Sprnat and Sons, Inc. to the Hprunt agency at Rotterdam. There, are some remedies worse than the diseaetv Pnbhu Syrua. ; , Where Can I Find Relief From ; . Itching, Terrifying Eczema? Jhu Question It Ever on Ut Up of th' Afflicted. Eexema, Tetter, 'Erysipelas, - and other terrifying eonditloaa of the akin, are deep-crated blood diseases, aad ap plications of salves, lotions aad trashes eaa only afford temporary relief, with out reaching Ui real seat of tbe trouble, . But just because local treat meat has doao you no goodTthere hi ao reason to despair. Von simply have- aot ought the proper treatment, that is withia your reach. ;1 ; j ' Ton have the experience of others who have suffered as yoe have to guide you to relief.' Nr matter how terrifying the irritation, ao matter ho anbearable the itching and burning of the skin, a 8. 8. will promptly reach the aeat of the J trouble. -Givs it's, fair trial to be tear vlneed of its efficacy. - ,' . ,; , ? ; vur sun memcaj aavuer ts si an- thority on blood And ikln disorders, aad he will take pleasure ia giving yon such aavice as your iau vidual can suae aeed. absolutely without cost Write tow day, describing your ease to Mediesl Do partmerit, Swtft -84 Co 252 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta. GfcAdv. . Senator's Wifs Air Pssaenger. Asheville, Sept. l.-Mrs. W. B. Pol lock, of Chcrow, S. C, wife of United Stutea Senator Pollock', of South Caro lina, went up in an aeroplane recently. She was the only passenger to go up during the day and, had an extensive ride, sailing over the city and riding down the French Brosd river. Senstor Pollock expected to go up, but high winds prevented, another flight. Most of the wickedness in bis? cities imp:res itself only on .those who are looking for It. , ' Squeexe the juice of two lemons into a bottle containing three ounces of Orchard White, shake well, and yon have a quarter plat of the best freckle, sua burn aad tan lotion, aad complex ion beautiJer, at very, very small cost Tour grocer has the lemons aad any drug store or toilet counter will supply three ounces ot Orehafd White for a few cents. Massage this 'sweetly fra- arrant lotioa into th tmr. mlr and hands each day aad see hew freckles, suabura, wiadbura aad tan disappear aad bow clear, soft aad white tbe skin becomes. Teal It ia harm-J Wholesale Retail ; Wyatt. Quality Field Seed Get your supply now while stocks are complete. c '.:;' .:. ' ALFALFA ',:- 1 ALBJES CLOVES ' , CRIMSON CLOVER . BCBR CLOVER RED CLOVER. . MAMMOTH CLOVER TIMOTHY HERDS GRASS ORCHARD, GRASS V TALL MEADOW OAT GRABS , KENTUCKY BLUE GRASS ' -j ; ' . "V- - D. B. RAPEy- ;;-" laocalarn for Clovers aad AM Lrgamea Acre Bixe fl.N In Stock One Everything for Farm end Garden. JOB P. WYATT & SONS CO. Raleigh, N. C YOU CAN CLEAR YOUR COMPLEXION Remove) Tan, Sunburn, Liver , Spota, Frecktel tfndpfheV Skin BlemUhes. ....... ... 4 , ; : let Preparation. Sam twoput dislike to m htm iwwdtm. eraaiw ar roue, but thtr cannot sutrr the ffllMrraMawnt of a dark, sallow, Motchr. pimp,? Hin. in7 iMctors noon to e mot to hid Uwlr facial blamiahoa, llulai milling hat Um lenor Uwlr iw b eoa tlnutd, tha mora assravattd ths trouble ka. It rod want' ta ckar 'your aomplaxlos and roinon thoa akin kltmbhas which caaos yon smhamuamtnt, fat ahauM aw tha Black and Wklte Baaotr tnatawnt at hadtinw, dranslns rr face ta Uw asoralaa, Uo ta rour dnarefat and aak him for SI nt packara of Black and White Olntmonl and a Mr or tuna ot para, wbtta vaMllna. Rlaek and wan soap at apamdld aid to aant. LHaratura and the treat. ample uppllad roe on raqucat Writ Black aad waits, Boa sta, Mtstphis, Tama.-(Adv.) BLACI&VIIITE r Keep Your Hair YounQ Do not allow premature grayncsi to rob your hair of its soft, datk, youthful lustre and beauty. Gray or faded hair deadens the most perfect complexion makes you look older than you really are. Preserve its natural charm and loveliness by means of a few sim ple, harmless treatments with ... st aBMpaaaaaaa Hair Color Restorer It brings back tbe dl, natural shade to hair that is gray, ieded or streaked withj gay. Renews Its lustre -revtves and stimulates growth stops the hair from Ming our. '?-,. ;-".:: ;. -: -; : Absolutely not a drt.snd will not stain the scalp. Restores the color grsdusll and nniformly by a perfectly natural process. Docs not tub of or Interfere witK shampooing ef waving the hair. ' For Hair Health ani Beauty Q-bsn Toilet snd Shampoo Soep $ .25 O bsn Liquid Shampoo Q ban Hair Tonic . $ SS-IM Q b Hair Color Restorer tibia Dcpilatot sa , eae fet For tali el eft Jruf Mw nJ ithamm ioiUt foaVs sve see " Maauhtwnail hy ' I H!Is,CltBiM,KtempQis,Xe J5 ' 7 East Hargett St 'Jsat Twenty Sve ' tteee From Fayettevtlle Street" Fall Footery For Grown Ups One of the New Ones) This moJeJ fa.browa calf leather . Losls heel ' - $14.00 Wni-HELLER, ' J AV sjargett Bt , , , Jist SI ftsae frsm rayetteville .' Strest. X -'Raleigh's Busiest Department Store" ii i.liiliis f ! I M 0 , K - 1 w a ,. . , r YVf Z r ? ill b'15 ' i'i,B,,NHri. t ll.Vf , fT- I iiie uisn i si , ., i Bones IL-J3 & L . lhrhatVYere Rl i - I V Shoes & j zz-y. ... ..' ffel "Jj iMi- FDCAToi:. ' I , wy v ' rKOE J n,,,nnlmZ - far Maaad mUMh Esn mil tat swa, ' ' ' ' - '' ' YxM Feet ari? of Pointed Shdes CONTOJUES ALL THIS WEEK i Blankets Going at Prices that are less than the Wholesale CostToday. Better Com e See and Buy. l v . :: GET THE EFIRD r : -Sit Pays" ii il rf IWtwiwiiMmwiiiMHirwirmtwomtmrwtmtwHtmw IIWIIMIWWWiMIMtilllMMMHIIlMWMtlMIIMWSWIIIMlMMWIIIWMWMMIIlMt II"! !'"'"H "'!"'!!!'' " ""!''' " nn'mldi I liil iilllliiiililiiiiiuiuiiiiiliikiliiiluitllll !i iiillil CHI . ) .. KAINIT 12 to 16 Water Soluble Potash V I- MANURE SALTS 20 to 24 Water Soluble Potash We are sales agents for a large importer of above materials and can offejr same to, responsible buyers subject to the, usual contin gencies of foreign contracts for delivery during December or'Jan- I f. iinrv spllcrcl, nntmn . - . I v,"v,' ww.a.W VfVtVtl, ' ; . ' . , i v V I . - . , ; .... -;. ,.'... . , , We are also in apposition to quote'on Nitrate of SodarAcid Phbs-t . phate, Blood, and Tankage for prompt and future deliveries, v i Inc. Ashmead F. Pringle, N ' T . ' ' ' .' ' " " . ' 21 Broad Street Charleston, South Carolina C 3 ."I J . ' . C 3 .' - 3 - " ' ' - - era ii u M i ill T i ( - - t 3 1 .A. W- - - . . 1 I i , '; i ", P-. 1 7, SICK of coras bunioni ingrowing nails callousesfallen arches-rtll v those terrors that come from bending, ; cramping, pinching, tender feet in shoes not shaped to receive them. v Come here today and slip those de serving feet of yours into a pair of good looking, long-wearing Educators the shoes built for real feet, the shoes'that let the feet grow as they should free from cornsY. bunions, foot ills of any kind. f Never any breaking in, never . any discomfort. - The shoes our boys wore in France were modeled after the famous Educator last, and the boys will tell you how .much foot comfort means to them! - For your protection, remember un " less the shoe is branded EDUCATOR . on the sole, it is not an Educator " RICE A HUTCHINS mi Sai.iusai.'ais, Made for Men, Women and Children Herbert Rosenthal ' v, 129 Fsyetteville Bt I?ublicrLaws4919 Now on sale, Price $1.50, Postpaid $1.60 we supply ytfur needs ia all kinds - i Books,' Stationery a n d : Ofiice Supplies Orders and enquiries given prompt attention. We have done this for 52 years. . , ' Alfred Williams &. Co. : RALEIGH, N. C. - ! rittmeintvMmiNtnmittmtmtHnntt y','' MU4e.sMtmtstHHUIs4is4wSi.,Msiitl(iiM.siH mssisillMissit'fM've "

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