THE NEWS AND OBSERVER TJJICDAY MOrjrJiG, SEPTD.tSER 2, 1819. "TUESDAY MORNING, SEPTET.IZEH 2, i:::. ( WHO GOT BETTER OF THIS TRADE? I ACTION OF MINORS IS CAUSING MAJORS WORRY E No Plans of World's Series Will SALPEIufll LEADERS DIVIDE HOLIDAY GAMES EAST A!iD WEST U RIIAL TEIIiilS PLAY HI Be Arranged Until Teams ' Cinch Banting Chicago, til.. Sept 1 Tentativeplaas tterkle's Homer Beats Reds In t Morning Bill;. Giants Vic- . - ', torious Once' ' Chicago Sept. lv-Chleego aa Cla tianati divided the-- holiday bill today, the league leadtra dropping ihe mora log t to 4 aad, winning tb afteraooa gtme 4 to t VaaghaY wlldnesa In th first inaing ef the second' game, coupled wKh Bath's double, Dauberl'a sacrifice, Nel' single tod a double Itoel by Nesls and Kopf, gave the vlsl tort a lead which Chicago waa amble to overtake, although they hit Belle hard. ' Foor bate running eett the lo cale aavcral runs. V Merkle't heme rua info tht left field , bleaehera today gave Chicago a 4 to 1 - victory over Cincinnati ia the meralag .game. .. First Game." ; Scoret R.H.E. Cincinnati ....... 030 000 000 3 7 1 Chicago 800 001 00 4 10 "1 Batteriesi EUtr, Luque and WImo: . Sliirtia a ad Daly. -:7? .. '-f: -i Seeead Game. '"" Ceoret '-.,-.. I.H.B. ' itdenatl ....... 801 000 000-4 I v Cheaga 000 001 10O t 14 1 Battorieai Bailee . and Baridea; Vaughnarter and Klllefer, . NEHF DEFEATS FORMER , ' fcV TEAMMATES FOE GIANTS. New York, 8ept' J.-The .New ,f or Gianta defeated Bvefoa litre thia after- aooa, I to V.The morning game waa postponed On accoont of rain. Nehf, . the former iBravfc pitcher,' pitehed hie first gam against his old team aiaee being traded to New York. Bo twirled , good ball, holding Boston to teres hits. Catches by. Young and liana featured, though aa error by Man a enabled New lorx io score 111 aeeoBd rua. Seeret t -- B.H.E Boston- . J.. .KW 010 0105 7 1 New York . . .000 110 10 3 10 , C Batteries: Rudolph, McQillaa and dowdy; Aehf and Snyder. PIRATES EVEN UP , , j DAY BY WINNING CAST. , Pittsburg, 8pt. 1, Pitttburg and St. Louia split erea on today's game, the vlaitora taking the afternoon contest by A score of 2 to 1. Cooper woa the afternoon game for Pittsburg when he tripled. with a man on flrtt.lA.tha.4fth inning And scored himself on a balk, lift also held the visitors to six hits boldiag-them to one ran. - St. Louia defeated Pittsburg la tht morning game today by a score of 9 to 4, knocking Miller out of the boa ia tht second, inning after they had secured three runs in the flrat inning on four hits and fined the bases with one out ia tha second. Hamilton took Miller's x place and after two more rant were sooted in the second, ha held the visl. tori teorefns to tha flnlth. ' .v'-.iJtaat Cant. '' Score; , r R.K.K. -Rt. Louie 820.008 000 5 13 0 Pittsbarg 003 110 000-4,0 0 Batteries? Schupp, Doak and Clem' ons; Miller, Hamilton and Schmidt. Seore: R. H.E. St. Louia .........001 000 0001 6 2 Pittsburg 000 020 00 2. S 0 Batteries: Bherdel and demons; Cooper and Lea. ' L PHILLIES BAT PFEFFER OUT OF BOX FOR WIN, Brooklyn, N. Y., Sept. L Philadel phia batted Pfeffer out of the boa la Are innings, accumulating enough runt to beat Brooklyn 8 to 4. Cadore relieved Pfeffer and held the visitors down to one hit until he waa taken out by pitch hitter. Mitchell pitched tha ninth inning. Hogg waa effective eseept in the eighth when Ave hits scored three runs. Boors I R. H.E. Philadelphia 010 220 601-6 11 1 Brooklyn .. .010 000" 03O4 10 2 ' Batteries: Hogg and Adams; Pfeffer, Cadore, Mitchell aad Wheat. NATIONAL Clahj aadnnaU New York Chi ear .. Pittsbarg , Breeklya , . Wen. . II . 71 , . M . 17 Pet. J8f Oil Ml 17 43 It SS 44 ' 44. 71 71 .44 17 44 41 41 ,M1 444 84. Lela ... PklladelpkU J44 I ' AMERICAN Clehl Chlcag Wea. .77 LaaU 41 41 It II '17.' 44 74 SI Pet .447 .tot J74 J44 41T Cleveland Detroit 44 ' 44 41 . IS 44 II New York St Lenta Boston Alt J7I Jl lmr Li . Philadelphia V SOUTHERN QiW .'. Wen.i Atlsnta 7t 'New Orioaaa .-. 71 LlttU Back 4t- Chattanooga 42 Mobile 44, Mtmphla r.... 41 Blnalarkaaa ,r...... II ' Nashville M , Loot II II II 44 17 71 71 77 Pet JM 471 J4I Alt 1471 Ait AM Alt ""7 INTERNATIONAL Oabi ' Woa. Leal Baltimore ........... IS 4 Teraatt) .............. U ' 41 Bsffale .............. 74 , ft BlagmamatoA ........ 44 v 41 Newark 44 . 48. kachoater ....... II 71 Jersey Otr .....w... 44. II Pet 48 431 411 444 .4M .437 441 433 Reading 41 II SOUTH ATLANTIC : Oahi f - . -Wea. Loot. CalambU II N W . . Charlotte v. H .41 . Groen villa ' i; 13 . 41 , . Charloateai ........... 41 48 ,. Aagaata 41 II CaarUabarg ......... 83 41 PcL 484 4TI 431 441 471 '431 V" Standing of Clnbs I u v-' -J ' ' 'Wr Si : i - k ,& At left Dave Robertson, formerly of the Giants and now of the Cubs. Up to date he has his showing was not up to the mark. At right, Douglas, form erly of the Cubs and now of the Giants, has not made any howl ing success According to latest reports he has deserted the team.'' Pitches Double Victory For New Orleans; Atlanta Wins And Loses New Orleans, Sept. 1. New Orleans made a clean aweep of tba three-game series with Birmingham, when Wslker twice this afternoon defeated-the. tiiit- ora, shutting them out, 3 to 0 la tht flMt 'aad beating thea 4 to'S-Ha the second. Walker only gave ap ont bit ia toe- nnt game. t -'Flrat Game. Score by innings: ' B. H.E. Birmingham . .... .000 000 000 O 1 2 New Orleant 002 000 01 -3 8 1 Batteries: Morrison and Petert; Wal ker and Deberry. ' Second Game. Score by innings: . B.H.E. Birmingham ..100 010 02 7 2 New Orleant ..Ill 010 4 7 2 Batterieti Glaaner and Peters: Wal ker aad Deberry. - , KNOCKED OUT OF BOX, ELLIS THEN MAKES GOOD, Mobile, Sept. 1. After he had bees knocked out of the boi la the morning game, Bill Ellis, Mobile pitcher, came right .back la the afternoon contest aad blanked the Atlanta league leaden in a wel! played and well pitehed 1 to 0 eontest. Tbe only rua of the game was . .. .. .... ... coreu on a orive oui or, me para oy Tutweller'ia the second inning. Tbe gam abounded in fast fielding playa, fotir double playa being made. Atlanta played great ball Against the Mobile team and easily took tbe morn ing game of the 'Labor Day double- header, 7 to 0. Ellis, who started pitch lag for Mobile, was knocked out' of the bos in- tht third inning. Utt, who re placed him, held the visitors scoreless until tha eighth. -whea they bunched three hits aad aa error bv Coleaua gave them three runs. Flrat Gtme.- Score by ianlngsi . B.H.E Atlanta .....'......004 000 003 7 19 I Mobile ..000 000 000 0 6 Batterlstt Thorburs and Iliggini: El lit, Utt and Colemaa. ' , 8mo4 Game. Seore by. lnningt : R. H.E, Atlanta 000 000-OOO O I Mobile .............010 000 00 I, 4 " Batteries: Robert t and Hlgginij El- ut ana boiemaa. ' ' POOE FIELDING HELPS ;".--'! LITTLE ROCK GET: COUPLE. Mempuli, Teaa Sept L Poor field ing behind Foster aad Browne here 'to day allowed Little Rock to win both games ef tht double-header, 7 to 8 aad 8"te 1 :'',';;.' : '!.a-,.,:,-,;'i. 5p-'t'- ': -"--Ftfat. Caait.;: -n'-r.i. Score by innings: R.H,C Little Rock '......300 100 0307 7 Memphis .........010 200 0003 8 Ledbetter, Karr and Brottem Potter aad Bischos. ..''- i Seeead Cssm. .. f.'1- Seore by iaaingat , -, " R.H.E. Little Roefc -r,Wtr.0l0 100 - 8 Memphis , 010 000 01 I ' Ledbettcr, ,'81ofae ' and ' Brotteia Brwa and Biachoff, , , ODCE TRIES TO WIN : ' ' 1 . NaehviUe, Tehn, SepK ' lHedge tried the lrot man stunt thia afternoon and pitched both garnet of the double- header against -Chattanooga, winning we nrsi ronr to one, tad losing tht secona iwt to one. - ','."-,. r V rint Gsttt. Score i . -. , ... . i. . ..' : .B.H. Chattanooga . . . . . .010 000 0001 I Nashville ..: 001 fill 01 4-10 Batter let: Lehman aad Nelderkora Uoage aad Kohlbeeker. ROM played in only a few games and - ; . Baseball Summary NATIONAL ' . - (Moraiag Games.) M New Yerk-Beetea, rain. At Brooklyn-Philadelphia, rain. At Pittsburgh 4 1 St Leele I. A Chicago 4; CiadaaaU 8. - "(Xftrmooa Games.) At New York 3) Bestoa 2. ' At Breoklya 3; Philadelphia 4. At Pltlsborgh 2; St. Leals 1. At Chkage 3; Claciaaatl 4. AMERICAN . v. p. - aasapaaaaaaaat) . r V -. (Meralag Camea.) At PhlUdelphla New York, wet greaads. At Detroit I; Chicago S. At SCLeaU 4 i"aevelaad t ' At Boston 2; Waahlagtea I. '' ' (Aftomeea Camea. At Philadelphia 2; New York 8. At Detroit 1 Chicago 8. -At St LeaU 3: Clevolaad I. At gotten 4f Waahlagtea L AMERICAN ASSOCIATION - At Toledo 2-8 ; Colnmbaa 4-1 At Kaasaa City ll: Mllwaahoe 1-4. At Iadlanaports 4-1 1 LealevlUe l-L At Mlaaeaaolla 1-2; St Paal 113. INTERNATIONAL At Baltimore 7-1) Reading 1-4. At Newark Mi Jersey City I"!.' At Blaghamtoa 14; Rochester At Toroate t it BaRale 1-8. ' SOUTHERN . , (Meralag Gamea.) At Mempbla 3) Little Reck T. At New Orleaaa It Birmingham 8. At Nashville 4t ChaUaaeoga L At Mobile 1 Atlaata 7. , , . . . (Aiieraoea iiino.) ' At Memphis lj Little Reck 2. . At New Orleaaa 4;. Birmingham 2. At Nashville is ChaUaaeoga 2. . - At Mobile J i Atlaata I. SOUTH ATLANTIC . , . (Morning Game) ' .At Charlotte It Colombia 8. At Charleston I; Greenville II. , . At Aagaata II; Spartaabarg 2. . Wfteraeea Comes.) , At Charlotte III Colombia 8. ' At Charleetoa li Greenville 9. 1 NATIONAL Philadelphia at Brooklyn. Z Boot en at New York. St Louis at Pittsbarg. , Cinclaaatl at Chicago. . , (Two garnet each.) . - , AMERICAN Cleveland at St Leala. , Chicago at Detroit , ' New York af Philadelphia, T Washington at Boston ; (Two gssaee each.) POTOMAC CLUB WIN' r Philadelphia, Sept 1-The Potomae Boat- Club of Washlagtoa woa the junior eight-oared race today la tht fifty-eighth annual middle . ttatea re gatta on the Schuylkill river here la 8.19. The Vesper boat elub of Phil adelphia, finished second, while Malta Boat club, Philadelphia,' was third. 1 Seeead Cai ' Score i B.E.I. Chttteaooga Oa , m m m ..... itiwt ia w m m v Ns.bvUU 100 000 0 I T O ' (Sevea lnaings by agreement.) Batteriee: i Vines and - Nsiderkoraj Hodge aad Kohlbeeker. ' ' r American Leaders . Capture Brace From Tigers While Indians Divide Couple . , Detroit, Sept. L Suatalaed aad op- portuae hitting wea both garnet for Chicago today, tha morning contest 6 to 0, aad the afteraoea game 8 to 1. The Tiaitiag pitchers, Williams aad Cieotte, held Detroit safe at all times, tha latter "striking eat Cobb aad Veaeh the ninth aa a climax to hla other wise spectacular gaata These two de feat! practically elimiaatet Detroit at a possible pennant wiener thia year. . Hitting Uaum and Lovt hard aad with Williams working well at crucial moments, Chicago woa the morning game 4 to 0. First Cease. ' V , Scorer ' ' ' R.H.E. Chicago 000 200 211-4 14,1 Detroit ........ .. 000 000 0000 -8 1 Batteriee: Williams and BchalhT Daass, iTe aad Ainamith. ' Second Caaae.' Score t . S.H.K. Chicago ......... 000 003 110- 1 Detroit 100 000 000-1 4 0 Batteriee: Cieotta and Rehalk; Ba. laad, Caaaiagham aad Staaage. RUTH'S HITTING. COCPLED WITH PITCHING, IS TOO MUCH. Boatoa. Sept. JBabe Ruth made his 24th home run of the season la the second game today, and Boston took Doth gamea from Waahinctoa. 2 to aad 4 te 1. Ruth, who pitehed the first game, tripled In tht third inning, scor ing Roth from first, aad came home oa Behang! single. In the second game, wun uc seore tied 1 to 1 ia tbe seventh. Roth walked. Immediately afterward Ruth seat the ball late the right field bleachers for A home raa. Ha received aa ovstioa from the crowd of almost 30,000, Russell held Washington te three Aitt in the second game. Hooper a field ing and Melalais all-rouad play were brilliant y First Game. Seort by iaaintss R.H.E. Washington 000 000 100-1 11 0 Bestoa .' 008 000 00 8 8 1 Batteries: Harotr. Gill aad Gharritr: Ruth aad Behang. Socead Game. ' Score by inalata :. R. H. E. Wuhlagton ......000OO0 100 1 8 1 Boston ...........000 010 30 4 7 Batteries: Shaw and Gharritv: Rus sell, Walters aad Sehang. FEWSTER AND PECK GARNER NEARLY ALL HITS. Philadelphia. Sept 1. New York ont batted aad out-fielded the Philadelphia Americans thia afternoon, aad woa aa easy vietory, 8 to 3. It was New Yorh's eighth straight win. Toaster aad Peek- iapaagk- made half ef the vUntora twelve hita. Nov York SD0 100 020-1 If PhlladelphlA ..,010.001 000-1 I Batteriee l Quina Aad ButI; Noytt ana rtriiaa. BISLERI HOME RUN f DECIDES ISSUE IN ELEVENTH St. Louia, Sept l.-r-fiialer't home ran late right field bleachers ia the eleventh iaaiag todaf woa the teeoad game for St Louie, 4 to S, aad act back Clere- uad a fnu gams la tht ptaaaat race. The viaitora woa tha flrat game 8 fb 3, mainly tbrough the bitting and pitch ing ef t'hls, who got three singlet la three timet at bat aad scored two rant. ruet Came, Score by iaeingt! R.H.E, Clevolaad .003 030 000 B 7 St Louia 000 000 021-3 S Uhla tad Thomas; Gallia, Davenport aad bevereid. Seeead Gaate. 8eore by innings: R. H. Clevolaad ...i.OOO 002 000 10-3 IS 8t Loeit ......100 100 000 114 Bagby aad Thomss.O'Neill; Uifeld, BothOron aad Billings, Mayer. ', BELHAYEN DEFEATS CRE8WELL. Belhavea, Sept 1. la a Utterly eov- tested game en the local diamond to day Belhavea defeated Creswell 7 to-5. Batteries Wilkinson and Daveaport watton, Pbelpt aad Bagley. 0 .PioU)vr(Niior peer th Hnkarr tftr dim-ft it . eluh ' and home, the Uexiiuttan Ogai py peaU erery dlecrlm-x toAtiOtf ernotwr. 1 Voi '. ew pi ooW J eatief action lt this choice Ha? ana bleodeslv cigar. It w mild eed e.'otniog eritk delicat fras-ranco. - It bar qj sBMvth andevea : ' and waver iatt tbe system y- '.."... -.Tb aledlUtloa Gear ts a paaeport tocomplte , amoke-happjoeae every where. . Eight Slseai 1 LUATirXRSACa UC ; 0 Tilden Opposes Johnston For National Championship in V Today's Round . Iorett Hill, N. Y Sept l.-Eatt and West will be opposed tomorrow ia the final rouad of the thirty-eighth Na tional Tnrf Court singles teaala cham pionship ea the eourta of tha Westaidt Club when William T. Tilden. Sad, of Philadelphia and William M. Johaston, of Gaa Praacisco, meet for (he titular honors of the 1010 are tea. These two survivors ef the 128 players who began the tournament last Tuesday won their final braekete ia the championship round by defeating , respectively B. Norris Williama, 2nd, ef Boston, and Wallace F. Johnson, Of Philadelphia. Tildea defeated Williams in straight aeta at 6-1, 7-8 aad 6-3, while Johnston eliminated Johnson, 2 8, 6-1, 6-3, 6-3. Viewed from some angles the defeat of Williama might ba termed A tennis upset. The champion of 1914 aad 1916 created a remarkable impression upon teaala experts, and the thousaada of spectators who ttw Aim pisy so sue eessfully agaiast Vincent Bichards, of Yoak'ers, aad Willis Davis, of Baa Frsa-eisro.-. , , Hit ' play today at compared with these exhibitions fell off fully fifty per cent .Tildea outclassed him in every department of the game with tha pos sible exeeptioa of placement shooting. The Philadelphia did not employ the same amount of speed aad power that he exhibited against Brookes and Ku magae. He was, however, . far the steadier of the two aad Williams ia his efforts to get his sharp shooting shots going, piled up an error column which would have caused his defeat against a player of lesser calibre than Tilden. The point score and atrokt aaaiysit ahowa that Tildea woa three sett to love 19 garnet to 9, 100 points to 73, while Tildea made 27 oats to Williams' 31, 19 aeta to 41, four double ftultt te tevea, 19 placement! to 24 and two bom vice aces to A likt number for the Bet tOBUB. CHAMP BANTAMWEIGHT WHIPPED. Waterbury, Cobb., Sept 1. Pete Her- i, ehampioa bantamweight fighter of the world, was defeated la every round of the ten round fight with Joe Lynch at .the Driving Park this afternoon. Lyach forced the fighting all the way aad several timet had tht champion ia danger. - for the world s aeriea will sot be made for possibly tea days er two weeks, when the pennant races are definitely settled, August Herrmann, chairman of the National baseball , commission aa- aonaced tonight ' The meeting of the eommlssion sched uled to beiheld here tomorrow wst gen erally understood to be ia connection with the world a serlet but Chairman Herrmann said tht question, of draft ing playert from the minor leagues arts tbe only businesr he considered. "We will not take any aetioa- ia regard to the series until the prospective winners have, won the championship," Herrmann tald. "It would be entirely out of order to make any plant at present." -The aetioa of the minor leagues (n abrogating the drsft rule agreement Is causing the major leaguers some cnarera. Chairman Herrmann aald. The minora broke off relationt with the American and National leagues several months ago, deciding that if the major league elub earners wanted the star player! developed la the minor leagues, they would have to purchase tneir re lease outright lnttead of drafting them, THE MISS DETROIT III WINNER. Detroit Mfeh., Sept. 1. ''Gar" Wood, driving the Miss Detroit III. won tbe third and final heat for the gold eup oa tht Detroit River course this titer nooa. Wood covered the 30 miles ia 32:43, aa average speed of 63 miles an hour.' W. E. Sanborn, driving Mitt De troit, II, was second. The Eleventh Hour, piloted by Paul Btrasburg, lost her orooellor on the eighth Isp and dropped out. The final aeore was Miss Detroit III, 17; Mitt Detroit U, 10; Eleventh Hour,' 4. , POLES TAKES THE TOWN OF BOBRUISK AND PRISONERS, London, Sept 1. Tht Poles bnvt captured the fortified town of Bobruisk, 83 miles southeast of Minsky according to aa announcement by the Polish au thorities today. Thl Pales took 600 prisoners. Tht Polet ased tanks , for the first time. The enemy retreated to; the eastern' bank of the Beretina river, destroying, the bridges. Fatal Fight With Moeashlaera. Augusta, Gan Sept laCounty Officer Dick Morgaa U dead aad a maa sawed Jones ia dying and County Officer C. O Williams ia wounded aa the result of a raid .on moonshiners, ten miles from Augusta today. a package before f d package during "Pea package THE FLAVOR LASTS SO DOES THE PRICE! Palmetto Team Shuts Out Char lotte In Morning Game; Sec 1 ond Match Farce Charlotte, Sept. 1. Columbia won the when that elub defeated Charlotte, 5 to 0, ia the morning game the viaitora oat elstainr the home club in everv dentrt- ment. With the' bitter race decided, the first and teeoad place clubs turned the afternoon eontest into a farce, which Charlotte , won 13 te 3. Several aear fightt marred the second game. Six thousand persons bought tickets to the opening tontett and saw "Lefty" Beoggins hold the home club't heavy ar tillery silent, allowing only five aits. Colombia playert fielded perfectly aad brilliantly, and not a hornet pasted aeeoad. Rube Eldridge who pitched aine innings Friday aad tea Innings of the -Saturdsy game, was tent to the mound by Manager Burke ia a desperate effort to win the crucial contest Chsrlotte't tlx errors gave tht pennant away, tha. errors of Butte alone sssurlng the viai tora of victory. ' The afternoon game wst a travesty aad the 3,000 persona present Anally prevailed upoa Manager Clark to re quest lheColumbi playert to .eeate their barn ttorming efforts. The play ers started la earnest but the Corners lost interest when , Charlotte batted Bacoa's offerings almost at will ia tho , second aad third ianinga. Wright held Columbia to three hita la the five In nings he worked, aad waa taken out to give aa amateur a chance. , Morning Game. A Score: S.H.E. Columbia ..210 010 0015 11 0 Charlotte 000 000 000-0 5 0 Batteries: BeoRgins and Bawsoaj El dridge aad Taylor. Score: " R.H.E. Columbia ..000 003 000 8 13 4 Charlotte ?092 010 01-IS 15 0 Batteries: Baeoa, Perritt and Baw soaj Wright, Guthrie aad Taylor. GETS I4TH HOME RUN. .. Boi ton, Bept. 1. George (Babe) Bath, of the Boaton Americea League team, scored hla 24th home rua of the season ia the afternoon game with Washiagtoa today. Ia the aeeond half of the sev enth Inning with Both oa aeeoad, Butk knocked the ball into the right Bold rjwnus. ,diu w was pucning. the war the war

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