HAS GIGAN OB Admiral Benson Receiving Medal for Meritorious Service Sweeping North Sea of 56,000 - Mines Tremendous Task Assigned To It . Laadoa, Aag. gO (CorMspoadcaee ef The Associated Pre.) Th Ameri ca Savy 1 kavlag a trmdout task la (weeping ibt Kortk Sea ef the 000 electrical and bighly attlitlv saiat they planted there. Explosion by lcetriltjp it the method mow tm a ployed. Botn w4r aval Very deep - t: as oeep a a ivbaiarin teui go. Each aiiaa wae fitted with entrenae eupded by float aa that tha hug naid waa act ealy (Barged with at lata, . 6a I hod also become a mate of nraii . tit feeler to splod them. Should a tubmxrin tern in contact with aa AWaas tha anina at a ahort distapr away at tha and of tha anteaaa weald aipiod. Th problem baa been to eiplode the ,, tnlae far enough away from tha .v, Weeper to ensura aafety and ai t ( fomtall tha danger of tha expiotloa at a miao at a aa'fa distance causing aaothar cloae to tb hip "going off. . Th vessels in tweeping ua apeeial leetrlo cable teveral hand fed yard long. Operation of a irate at tf le ' trie appliances prevent tha mine from tplodlng if the ahip atrikea aa aatea , but whan tha electric wire touebea tbo antennae It blowa tha mines up at a taf distance from the boat. Hun dred! rt being destroyed by thia wwv.vWaa: at. - v to tha khrdaaipa at tha America axil' . 'mi vsseei are employed, tha wajority af thea America. Sob. chain kelp by foaadiag tip Jflftlag mine that Kara bfokea fre their mooflnga tad flaking af exploding tha nine by firing a thot at it. ivmou. i i. trt.rait, Vatf WFknw-wwTf i rrV5- -".Jt.L!,Si,'.,l'-.:'-:!-., V"',f "' v V i Admiral V. S. Benson receivine the Distintuishtd Servloa Medal from Secretary of War Baker at tha War Department for meritorious services during the war. HARD TO CALCULATE HOW MUCH OIL IS EXPORTED BRITAIN KCSTOtlKG TKADC avretary Pantlaa Mala la ; aewwrat af ira-rtortatloa Baa. WaahinrtoB. Kent. 17. Aetiaa- Hm-m. tary Af State Phillip aaaarted yeatetdayl inai i ne eaDieffram received by the Btata Departateat from tba AmerWaa ' Cpaaul Oeaarai at Leadoa, daUd Sept. ju, announcing tnat the prohibitioaa on 'tba export of Aaneriraa tottoa have beea removed ia " other Indifatloa that Great BrHata ia attempth f ta ra tore ino aormal trad ehaaaela." air. . riiUif iciied tha foltowlag ttatemetit ' Mpa on Tii aetioa tatea by tha Brit : ui government t . -ureut Uritaia did sot attempt t) regulate the trd ia raw etrttea until the latter half of 1917, when the grow ..lug ahortaga'ef auppliea iadneed the povarnmeat la tet up a Cottoa Cent rot - Board to lieena the importation of raw eotroa, to tatioa cotton, to fix price. ana to reatrict tha output of mllia. "The eoaaranant rettrirtioa at tha t exportatlnn of raw cotton watl the ant' oral remit of tha deereaairw akin ton aage and the oeeeaaity for eonaerviitff auppna or raw eoiten. Tha re-export irane ia raw eonaa had heea n ttt portant part of Great Britain' re-export trade. In 1913 Oreat Britala Imported 70,570,547 pound and re-exported raw cotton to th value of 9,1434)14 pound. The Rrittak mm tml Janutau.t , .tan. 23 ltct aaaonnaed that applieatlo ror neeaaea for the export of raw eot ton, other than tiryptlafi. woold reeeWe ' con-Ulomtio ia aptirered eaaea, and tha Iirithk Board af Trad aa April S an nonnced that awpUeatio for Keen tea for the eaport ef all forma of raw eot ton toald reeeiva aonaideratioa. tlatll after tha laaimnaa af tkla teeond arder very littla eottoa hk being re-exported, but alaea tkea aaneiderabia qnantitiea of America eetton have been ra-ea ported from Great Britala. "Purine the trat Mentha of 119 Great Britala bat re-exported raw errN ton tmaantiag a a valwa af l,43!,MT ronnaa, aa unmpared with a value of , j 18,350 potiad iw tba carreapondlng period of 1919, It would appear that Oreat Britala aow fcaa doa away with tha aytteaa of Heeaeee oa the feHrapart or raw aatton. , 'l"i,.-.ik. of Petroleum tndflatrr in nezico ; - ifetlc City. Aug. SO. (Correepond- aaea af tka Aaaoebted Free.) A atu aaadopi array af Igurea groeta the ia- veatlgator who attempt ta aarertaJn how much oil baa been eonreyed from COMPOSED NOTABLE AIR DIES A TRAGIC DEATH SAIX4JEJiEPJUlDUCT0IL -OF MEDAL IS FORBIDDEN Oberpreaident io Oooupiad Area of Germany fitopt Sou i.' Ytuir Sellinf With lh Amerleaa foreci ta Get maay, Aag 7 (Corrrtpoadent of Tha Altoeiuted Prea.)-al of a re pfoduetloa of tfie Imaitanl medal, which for A time wa being peddled M tha oetupied area, baa beea forbidden in tha ihln provine by th eberprre Meat, Uaadreda af the madale were bought by Amerieaa aoldiart aa aawraa aera. Writing ta Colonel I. I Hunt, officer ia harg af civil affaira ia th Amarlea area, regarding tka aale of tha mtdai by Garaaana tha eberpraei dant aayit "I wUh ta inform yea that aurh a medal kaa, of eaurae, never beea cola ad ar tented ta be coined by any Ger man government Tha medal it aim ply tha outcome of misguided thrift and greedinea oa th part af certain pri vet dealera who. in a moat uowar raatabla manner, published thia U Me lee reproduction and hav hawked it about, without eonaidering for one' mo ment, that by to doing, they tiraulate tha anlmoaity against Germany.' Tht atory generally current with th tall of thia iasue of the BieJaH wat that they wet mad In Munich by the manufacturer af tka original whkk wat leaned ia 1913 after th linking of tha LuilUni aad from th earn die oa Which th Original lean Wai cart, Thoao die, kceording to the tory, wer order ad destroyed bf tba Germaa goveta aiaat after but twenty-eight medal had beta (truck off weta aurrep titioualy laved by Karl Ouerta, who i reported to hava been the designer. Tha Germaa government baa tereral time denied that ay Loaitaaia medal waa aver iiaaed with eonient ef any gov ernment affieial. her during th Germaa occupation ha juat" become known to the city. Do- geyter, a man of atfong chafactof, la- borjoua workiflcmari. had writtea v ral aonga which, ha aad hi brother in-law used to ling, He made no pre' tenaioa to being a muaiclan but took ffrftlit nlaaalirji in rtlu vin 0 th fiiif,1 Uexle during tha paat f year and it wna on thia instrument that be played DENf tKTAXt 1NTRRCSTS BAT MEXICAN OIL BOtpIftCI " UMfetf Clff, Aug. M. (ByMalt.) Tha Bapartmant of Industry aad Com- merea dealer emphatically that Japa nee fntereato' have acquired tny ta troleaaa- holding ia Mexico, but any part lew f Jar nee geologiat hav vie- ited the repnMio recently an a tar of rxpioratMw aad have located ou de- poaita ow flie I'acifle eoaat The) eVpavtntental denial earn a th reaulF af atorte omanatMig from th t'Bltea" State that Japmteaa) capitalkrtt . wr aegotiathig for the, tranafer of larg wetroleaea hoMlaga In la Tarn- pico didfriet; , 1 Monitor x recowtly interriewed a Japane1, X. E. DouarL wk waa aent t be f Member of tba oriental explo ration' parry, h asserted that th Fa eifio aoatrif had been thoroughly covered la laa arclr for oil and that large de posit af f latter had beea found. Ha bins -MAii that Jina . , eaa oil for eommercial purpose and will attempt to avqu tr that pradae out if a Do inteatloa : af baying , weveloped ox tdvlope4, aa WO AUaarftt aoaat. , .. :. i ' Faatlry Farm aa Kaof. Londow, Aag. ti(By Jiail.) One huadred feet abora tun of Leadoa'a buiieirt. f reete, and within 200 yard of Big Rew, tba roof of the Institute of Civil Inglaeert. there i on of the beat kept aad moat properou poultry farm ta tb any, it com prior M aeaa, hauaed ia three apaeioB coop, but daring tk greater part of tka day tka hen a allowed to reani about the roof at will. Although tka oooahag ia wot more tka oighuea lachet hich th ben aever attempt to reach tba graand. eontemmg tnemuire with aiovnfittg th . tow and there announcing their satisfaction after an egg hat been added to the record they have beea making. ; ttiaa Itollletof To Wed. ' Kow Beta, Sept. 17wWhll ae card 1 av yet beea aent owt, raforaial a nounremetlt boo been made ef th ap proaching mmrting of Wis Sepbia Hol lister to Jlr. Joha Curtis Bagg, the roremofly t rake pVace ta Xrw Bern October IS. TBe bride-to-f la a daugh ter of It. aid Mr a. Joha Tull Holliftor end j e,l known ia aastera North f 'irtl.M'l eif ai circles. Mr. Bagg ia i,;. y th ICofHI but taa aaala s L !i I f rcra for -mny yenrev ) r- r ':" t fr-n .rvlc it; f ef I what th profit are to tboira who hav ventured to aink fortune in an effort to tap the petroleum-epoatta that are kiowa te underlie eertaia pertioaa of tha Bepublic. A atatement furnished recently by the Associated Preaa by th Department of Commerce aad -Indaatry graphically portray the growth of this industry which now, aa during the war when it wall furnished muck ef ' th tnotiv power that took troop and supplies to France and victory, ovcupie auch a prominent place ia the relatione be tweea ilcilco aad tha United Btate. From 1901 to 101X inclusive, the oro duelloa of erode petroleum ia the re- publle amounted to 810,708 barrels. every year showing a , consistent gam over that previoua. In 1901 only 10,313 barrets were produced, la 1914 produc tloa retcehed Sd33.403 barrel; and ia 1913 K,KS,320 barrels. ' - Daring the year of 1918 out of 63.8C8.. tka famous air which ha wrote to th word of Eugene Pettier' hymfe and the flrat time he Ang it was to om af hi comrades In a cabaret here, Then hia wife died, nil brother went t Pari and tinesed himself eft aa th author of tba famous air. Tha two misfortune worked disast reusly oa Degeytor wind. He began t drink heavily and eoaceived for all musie a dislike ao Itroag that ha would leave a safe if any one bom a to sine- or play sent musical Inttrument. Thea th Germaa came. Detertef asffered acutely from having to work for them on the town water supply. nuea the typhus epidomie spread ho wa ordered to report at the milltarv hospitnl and one day ho failed to pre sent himself. The "Kommandnntur' i. sded a wnrrant for hia trreit. Id th evening he hanged himiclf. lie is buried in the cemetery near ine mil nere where a little wooden cross wito tbo name "Adoluhe Dogavter - . . . . , r - --,v, ...... w earrei p petroleum nrouucM two I mnrka the e-rav of th. anthi. ifcA eonrpaniia (r,i aguiia ana nunqprca I Internationale. produced 37,107,104; according to th atataaieat' figures. export data indicate that Tampic leads all porta, in 1918 more than 0,271, 011 totif of petfoleant having left that harbor. Approximately half amount left vis Tuxpaa. BETTER LIQUOR BOUSftS FOR LONDON SALOONS ADVOCATED London, Auf. El. fCoffeanoadanea of Th Anoeiated Frees.) Better pnb 11 houses, aft imnCAead ine tn s.- Aeeording t tha atatement tber wtt I loons, ia tha newly announced poll A n.Jij(MM 1 1 1m Mai m I . . . . . , . , . ei in iiniiaa liquor trade. near Admiral sir Reginald Han. a member of Parliament, who wa re eentry elected t tha directorate ef ana tOt producing well la Mexico. tAtOft MERCER HAS MM, STOCK. Three Large M.aaf.riag Coaipaaie Jti' ,a?Si5'."pM.tef. ' i.M..a Ith kingdom, aaid that representative k. . - . - '"'. aection or th trade had drtwa Kew Tork, Sept. 17-The anaouBca-lna a. bill emhndvtnw an.k ..i,u.gnu ate at yearday of the formation of th I promotioa of obrlety, restriction af Amerieaa Safety Baaor Company flOftWflOO concern, incorporated aader tha law or Delaware brought ta light tha eoasolldatioa af three of tha larg aafety rasor eompaaie of America, namely, thoe mannfacturing tha Oem, Ever-Beady aad Htar razor. L'ndef tha plana af tha merger 400,000 hare of th aew company' stock wiil b of fered ta th public. Block, lfaloney a Co., of New Tork aad Chicago, have underwritten the aaw atoet which 1 reported t bar beea oversubscribed through tirivul tahscriptionat rTheV ti20,0tH)?il0 eapitali tation ia divided Into 800,000 share of tch with a car value of K5. and It wt eetimated yeVterday that th 1919 enraing of th three companies which have beea merged, hav beea at a rate euffeicat ta hw mora than d per cent aa the new company' capital at the close of th year The new concern begin ta operate if 4 front ladebtednest. and will fcav anly the one elaaa of etefek outatand lag. It I expected ta list tha ateek on th Curb Market, after which ap plication win do mad ta hare it ad m it ted ta th list a th New York Stock Exchange. - ueorge u. etorm, waa 1 known a one of th doaainaat gguro in, tha to- trace product buslneaa in thia conn ry, ha beea elected chairman of the board of th American Safety Baaor Corpora tloa, aad Jotwpb Kaufman ha reea elected president . Included in tha dlreatftre ia addition to Mr. frtetm and Mr. Kaufman ar Leoa Bchiaasi, lormct aeaa or KchlBast Berflifra, la corpo rated, which wa absorbed about three veara aga by the Tebaee) Prod act 8orreration. and Tleniamln Rlnck. fa Block, Maloney Co. piaettaeing pronucuoa yesterday J Mr. JUufmaa aaid: .... . "America today it alona fa the field. Last year wa manufactured 10.000,000 retort, and the number of bladee waa mare th a 20,000.000, Tba prodnetioa Ll iwiftly iaereatina. Ia addition tn- maaufaeturfna ratora tnti oudea. M l nnderstood that th aetr company will be abl I handle ether tmlet article, which eaa be dis tributed through ita diatribntlag cha. acii witnoot adHitlnnal coat, - . Bar School Oatdo Borne. Aug. tl. Br Mail) School I children of Borne ar allowed to at tend tenant tnl-dor ia tk treat I publle park of the Villa Borgheoe inj smatser. Teacher tkr asmater detailed I number of the children ta Patrol the beaadarle of tha auNdoaa achool aad capture the atragglera. Irish Mako r Dublin. Aag. . (By Mail.V-There r nmerou protest ia th Irish press gainst me aoonaonment or Uueena-1 town a a port of call for arrant AmwH. eaa liaer. I fetar onlv th email yesaehj art to estl there and ft r point M out that thi ineap that the rrofiN e tniirnf ten,: a front Ameika Will I drunkenaen, teduetloa f th bumber of license where they are excesslre and enlargement f premise! aa at to provide greater pnTtunitle for 10 eial amanitlea. . Beereation. ineludina . veadlnw rooms, faellitiel for writing, musie and games, ehdnld be provided." Admiral Hall aaid. Th entry into th trade f those who would set up and maintain a high soctril itandard ihould ba n ceuraged tq tba exclueloa of that who ought bring discredit on th tadudry,? Loadoa Nor ralatlng ttp. London. Aug. f5.(By Mail.l Ia doa office and mercantile building ar bioaaoming out la eelera, hear that tha war it nded nd th Dona nnlntor ha returned to hie tack. Loadoa it faf lee smoky thia year than ia farmer year because of the decreased at af coal and th increaaa ia tha ate af ga aad electricity. Thi prempt tba us of lighter color . by th painter. th Associated Ff ess.) The tfSgiS et Af Adntnh DeeiMrter. fhli niitnAMr -A w-iisr k f Micro ia a -yean daatiat. H juonuon, Aug. iu orresponaence or WEDDING OF MUCH INTEREST """INKBDnATRINCafOJt Prince tdn, Sept. 18.--A wedding ef much InUret to tha people of Priaee- toa waa solemnized Wednesday evening when Mist Myrtle Edetrds, daaghter Of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Edward boeam ,tbe bride of Dr. Berry Letter Aycock, ton af Mr a, B. I Aycock, of Micro. - The wedding music wa in charge of Mis Lri Woodard aad wa very beautiful ni impreftsiv. rVhumann' "Traumerci" wa played. Mia Ueiter Carley thea sang two appropriate sole. Mendeiaaobn' wedding march waa used a proeesaioaal. Promptly at 8 o'clock tha bridal party entered. First cam tha wsbrra, Mr; Henry Fitzgerald of Micro: Mr. Waverly Edwards, brother ef the bride; Messrs Moultoa Mnaaey aad Robert Weill of Princeton. Thea Were followed by the bridesmaid, Mia- Bessie and Jesuit Matter, twia titter And cousin ef th bride. Meiar. w. j. Masse, jr., aad Vim Bolt ae ceinpanied th bridesmaid a groom men. Th brldesihsid wpr white georgett AVer Oatia aad Carried ophelia rotes tied with "ophelia tull Next earn th ttild of honor, Mia Agne Mattey, wh wa dreesed i pink georgelta aver pink aatia wltk pietui kat and ahoe t march aad carrying Ophelia roae tied with ophelia tulle. Th bride wear' ing traveling -suit of midnight blu with abac and bat ia brown aad car rying a ahower boquet of bride' rote aad bud, catered a.fhe arm af her father wh gave her away, . 'Humorciqufl" was played - aoftly while Bev, J. Gi Johnson, paetor af the Methodist Church performed tha cere mony. Br. aatt Mrs. Aycock left aa a north bound train for Washington, Kew Tork aad other placet of interest. Tba bride it the only daughter a! Mr. and Mr. W. A. Edward and ia a woman of rare beauty of character and loveiiaeea Of personality late B. I Aycock and MrrTXv HEWPOBT IIBVS IADY-TELIS I'KOHADE HER VELL Had Suffered for Three Long Yer aad About Given Up .. Hope of Cure. Loat. Steadily la Weight And . Had No Appetite. Th Associated Preaa.) The garrett in Which the engineering genlut James Watt pursued hi mechanical ttudlet il ta ba removed intact, if possible, from it positioa on th top of Heathfield Hall at Wandsworth, whore Watt apent hi but year, and re-erected in the central memorial building to ba opened ia Birmingham, where the Watt cen- tenry celebration ia ta b held Sop- -xemoer-te-iK ; . When Watt died the garret waa locked tip and remnined unopened for about nny yeaa, i even aow it i it ill in exactly th stmt condition aa when Watt worked ia it. The piece of iron Watt waa last ed- gaged ia tutting lie ba tk lathe. Th ashes of his last Are wher Watt need to do hit own cooking becauae af hit rift bjetioa t leeing kef husband "looking like a blacksmith are still ia the grate i the last lump of coal ia la the aeuttle. The Dutch ovea la in it place over the itove, and the frying pan In which ho cooked bi meal i hanging on it accustomed nail. Part la Clvea Attendant. London, Aug. 4 (By MaiD T. P. fTv Pvi IVlVnant ,lin rt ha Hdust ot Common, today presented to William Broadbent a check for 82,230 and the tbankt of the House a tes timonial for hia 43 year' faithful rervir" ll eloakfodm attendant t 8t. Stephen' Chapel in the crypt of the Parliament building where Oliver Cromwell one (tabled hia horses. MJ LfVjJ Make, atry wopteyil Vookaatldv. It la know foot that Load BiUrr Hill Improve the look and la What all women want, and To too eaa awve Jong pretty hair if roe trill us thia saw dia eoveey. ooilod "QUEEN"! HAIR DRESSING If matter how abort tlnk vm balr is IUUI will it make lemg, of tnd ailky. Get a boa today and for yoanelf how pretty H trill im i prove your hair. IJtElalsoreatovea I daodrog aad ttopa falling hair. Ba aura and get a bo. It will anrprita ! yoe wtu tha wonderful affect H tu on short, ttnbbora aad Unruly hair. Bold at all drag atoraa, or aaiid Ue for a boa to tztln L'fg. fa USanta. Ca. S -4.1 C.. ot , ,r. M - lh Asrnts tcart:cduriufrtirtr,$ Perplexing Isat It ba roa feet that Ma laria "coming on, or your next door aelghbor i lying la bed with ted Iaflueatat ' , i U ft. GRANTHAM'S P.D.Q.Tonic "For Yoor Health's Sake" I a thoroughly tried remedy, aad Jia relieved thouaaad af person af Chill, Fever and aattd ia. wardiag' ff tha Kpaaiea Influ- It get year rrtteaa ia a gaod Condition, thereby allowing yaw t tritbttaad th rarag of the dictate. , - ' ' GRANTHAM'S P. D. u. TOXI0 U ld a your favant drag atora, at aaa ba abtaiad from a. Price ts the botti. L. B. GRANTHAM DaIUGCO. Maaafactarera. GCLESS0RO. t-r ir. t t experienced rm ef th fiercest attack la th front lines of trenchet. aectajora Cheer P let art. Pari. Aug. ElBy Mail.) Whea ever tbo figure of General d Castle nau, viator of tb Grand Couronaa of Nancy ( wkick made possible th first battle of the Marne is thrown oa th screen, in a moving picture theatr here, which it displaying picture of the ietory -Proceaaioa. la .Pari July 14, th tpectators rise, cheer aad ahout "Marshal." It I n xpfesioa of their demand that do Caatlenau thould be a marahal of Ftanee. When tha mar shall wet being created, de Caatleaad wa overlooked. Some my that th pa pert to tnake klm a martbal wera drown bp fof signature but wera rejected la me nignett quarter. Oaa wamaa auffrd tkre year with constant pain had yet kept ap her daily bo'uaework, gradually declining antil h had aim tat given hp all hope, aa medicine affording avea permanent relief. Whea all looked darkest ah happened ta read bf torn ot,the cure Koxak ta making and at aaea visited her druggist and purchased tha treatment Today ah ia well a ever And Write tha following letter of testimony of th merit of Koxat. Th lady is a wall kaowa Nttiport JTir housewife, Mr. J. L. Hudgint, bf 136 E7th street. 6h ayaj - .'' "I had beea troubled with indigestion for two or three year -aad 1 aevr dared ant meate ar any rich food at all for the Woyld eius ga to form in my atomoab and give ana awful pain in my ekett Even whea real particular about what I ate, my itemaeli would our aad para abd8nally aiy appetltt fell away until I teldota desired to est. eapecially mornings. I just felt languid and Weak kit tha time. Tha fligbteit exertion tired me ktl out FOUND RELIEF AT LAST "Lacky for me I heard about Kozak. tka hew tonio for,pebple with ttomack trouble And decided to trv it. eontin- poeted anything ia tha world to help ase,?fcari!ijSrt,b thoe bad feelingi I had for so long in my stomach aad my appttit ha im proved. "I'm eating earthing I eioot without tba lightet fear of atomach trouble! or indigeatioa any mora and have gain ed a maeh atrength I do my housework easily. I eertaia ly feel better thaA I have ia a long time." "Theabev" atatement -" from Mrs. . Hudgint regarding th Koxak treatment which i being Introduced through th Tucker Building Pharmacy here in Ra leigh it but one af many. Tha West erner, with hi eommoa-sea health theories, aurely baring won vait aum bera of convert. Tha Kok Ma Talk. , Commenting - on tba above teati- mbny, ha aaid: "It people only reallted bow impor tant it it tit keep the ttotnaeh end di gettioa working perfectly, they would seldom atrugglo along with thil fcindi enp for year when by th us of our Koxak treatment, it can ba overcome a quickly aad completely, ii Mrs. Hudgina and thousand! of other will verify. - -' "I doht card bow long a person ha beed bothered With their atomach. Tht . big queation i Whether they will tak ' th Kozak treatment and rid them aelrel of it now, or 'linger and drag along for a few month longer before realising -that aueh troublea doat just 'wear off.' - . "it it my hop that everyone to troubled will drop la t too m during my stay here, for they surely eaa learn omothing, and whea, you remember it took year of labor, untold experimen tation, life-long ttudy and vast turn ei money to finally perfect tb Koxak Treatment, it i certainly worth know ing tomething about," continued the Weaterheri who bai tart led aeore of people out 6f tweet complacence) con' mcntt, and who diutyTlriiitfrtl other scorea desirous of knnwinv mart aboutfffii .Mt&fj&Wte&flti& ment. , " J'" ; The Kozak treatment caa ba had at tha Tttcktf Building Pharmacy. Tou ara under Be obligation, to trf "th treatment tinlcs you Ar tonviAotd it will help you. (Adr). Many time you can Mp away from the other fel- low whea jrouP cylindera . AF oiled with thet aleek, heat-rwalttlag, aeieatlfla labrleafct Metal. Keep year e'kgtaa go tag tike a breese. Glvaa tka "gas" a chance la deliver IU fall pinch, aad aay NO ta th destructive frietlea that pale cylinder Wall aad piston ring oat af baalaeaa, ' whoa ordinary sit are aaed. GET A TRIAL CAM TODAT For fiat fcy R. MeC BULLINGTON & CO.. Rlchmead, Va. DlttrlbatOf for VlfglnU tad Kortk Caroliaa, Delicate, 1 U'OtW Cotnptlcafed MaeWnerf k helthcr ncecry bet twaaeaaW. " - an M. m. . J t - -t -f ai. omrv moncj in txruiuiaic yuur vnua wut - Tht Cibbe Corn ARB ' i ' Klmpteast EwMmkalDarabU V Ki akapllait earta, whole na chine easily aaadled, WttS tall- PIIMITII IfHHi n m nEn lunnillt mwvm . .,.1-, M"" "" W . Mtlta mvmm l.lllU, mm amoatai ninninc asldoBl part It raklsot. Had ef the beet of material, , Ataw lately (uaranuao. re unanratea nteratur ana pneat address- 6IBBCI iACHIHERY C0vO(i A.M,CotMBb. Q im arrtJBJ"5P3 SBSf3 '! OVEnSIZE Inner Tate PATCH Rvws Cast aWalad aasat Oasatw . .T-i - anet. Tlte (guilty IU4: aVAm Mt awsftw Mir a. mat - s aw-a We ar Headquarters ""For America,' Moat Dependable R Implements New Showiaf ' Good Stock pl-j Grain Drill Disc Harrows v Mowers v' 10 CHEAPER Tk Ualaa Central Lit Intannc Compaay Is New Selling tha Samel Kthdi af Lit Iartfaca PoUciea Practically 18 Below th Regalar Kate Charted Betora the "World. War." Thk Company latned during flrrf T month 1919 ...as701,82 Th Compaay ittHed during Srst 7 month 1918..... $5074374 6hwlng A gabi ever fcaaia pefiod of 1918.... .38,8,87d N ProStoeriag Beret Waar EIm I - AN VTHING Sold BELOW PRE-WAR RATES! Thi Company loans chiefly Oa beet improved farm laada, CAREY J. HUNTER & BRO. STATU AUINT8 r . tt ; RALEIGH, PL C".., Are You Intercited in , Good Values and .Saving Some , Real Money? . Clothing K folnjf to be very high ia price next winter tnd next Sprint? . alio. Thera Is no without warning at Boone's; out policy is to five you tha ", facta and you can then hi - governed Accordingly. . . . . - i Clothing Is also going to be scarce. It is doubtful if we will get near all of what we have bought ; it looks . like the manufacturers will hot be able to deliver near all they have lold. So take due notice these off days and , "COME AND SEE" liAU WeAk- Y. Rakes' You can nowanake a real investment at Boone's, aa we do noi raise prices, and what we have now will be much higher when we get it in again, as wa will hava to pay great deal tnore for the goods now. 3l7aDroi7cr end Gono , . iv'i-.- 313 S. Wilmington t Sood Quality pell What Coone Soil" "SooaloYou" it .1 "Coon to You i " ; v a C.:.. :t U I., aui.