nt iirTmmrmnir-T r AN' Mi Hi if h I Will I W WWI.UII.IWIl VORK OF COUNCIL State- Welfar Worker Form An Organization With Beas- lev As President 1 STATE COUNCIL WILL BE MAQE PERMANENT Opreroi; icctt Jesids at CJo?iugS3iQ ql University School For State and County j Officials; Maxwell Talks 1 Taxes and Dr. Brooka Preachea. Education " By SPENCER STELL. Stag. CorreapoAdan,. CltepcJ.HillSeVt. 19. Permanent or ganisation through an executivo com mittee of the council of county and State officials! fqrniation of tlia Stato Association, of County Superintendents of Publm Welfare, proposals for a united, conference, of. the nurses, public welfare,, workers, women and news paper 'men of North Carolina at the I'ftirjwaitjt, at, we., early, ditto, and ad dressee oa health, eouuly welfare ac tivity, taxation and ejucution featured the cloning session' of the State and county council hcra this afternoon. - Governor Bickett presiding ut the final session, announced that certain &ixs bad been awakened and act. in toe, touw U and tq niaxq the program ni d arrange the time of tlia next meet ing. Dr. K. C. Branson, of Chanel Hill) Mb A. T. Allen, of Koloigb; '.Mr. Clarence Johnaor., of Raleigh; Mr. W. 0. Jonee, of High Point, and Dr. l t KCgisiCTr-or uaieign, were auiuu-iL n the committee. It was tits opinion of, the oiaciajs thai the plape, of. meqUog should be Chapel Uilf. , Walter Workers, Organise. County fuicr intend uts of Public V'elfro met tliia. aiorniug and elected Vf V. Uoasley,, State iupcrintenfleu ox, publie welfare as presidesit -, Mr,. A. 8. ' MnrFarlane.'-of Forsyth 'county, vice president; Mrs, Wane lie B. Chut, ot Guilford county, aerratary and treas urer. The president Vas directed to ap- . point as exitcutoo eoniaiittee, to formu late lulcs. ind regulations, aud to wake tentative constitution for tlio govern ment of the association.' H was, sug ip?tf d tliat tlia aouuty superintendents ii-i-et Srith tlio clerk of ths Superior Court at th tlinu.snd place, pf the meet ijg of (ha older organization, a joint meeting of the two, organizations for j the consideration' of 'rubUa welfare problems arcing doomed advisable. TJit nuociation wa of spontaneous growth, 1101! tha luporluit'ndents elected Jit Itaacley over hie. protest and in his able ace." -Wimna renrnseutatives at the coator- enc ne( with Mri. Mr If7tJtaey-td4 Mist Ernestine hio during at inter oi'taiou of tlio. morning session and passed rcnoliitioni for. the' eorreUtV t W tk foreea wkia eontributo to '' - ittctreat oi iocjl wolar or,k M Va HtaU. It wot doci'lvd to iuvita to 9 t'tttvritj tka l'ciVe.r.ts;4 Wa' uVa t,t tk Btiiw, tho Bint?, Kutucaf iaocUtion, the &u,te and county eou,n il, and tho Btato Pros. Awoclutivu, a data ouvouinV to (how orgni it:on-1 Joint Coaivcatloa ProDoaci.- I'lam coutoniplo,ii joint wvutinj o( : U tkoM prganUationa to rooaidcr proti I -W4 of Vital intsrett to tho peopl of North i'ucolina. Th joint tuvotlug uiy k luuda up of trprcaentativci froui vk o ht organiwtioiis, but it ia Uujmd that aej of tko four orgauza tiuna caa piker iu VCQ in tke aummer sithin a few. day of each other, tho contentious oT ih tvrtio eulmiaatiag U a huge euaventioit to MuiXj tk forces, fur hHWu betterment. The ar tentative plans, sud a com mittee Was appuiutej, composed of Mrs. B. E. Ltttk, ( yVsdesVvroi Miss, L'li ubeth Kelley and Mra. C-iarenei Jubu aon of Italeigji, invite tke diTircnt ur(janixations to eo-opctata iu the movement for- the biggest social eoa vBttva tke Slate has, ever knows. A ruutiuittcs, from csch uf tho four orgaui xations wil bf gppointod to form joint committee, to, make ticllnHin plans fftt h ilfied eunerc, Hacwell Mskos. Address. Govvmot Bickett, oa the program for a, et B,(dr,fM this tcrao, di his speaking Is Introiluciug other speaVors, and (hiHi) the eoufereuce hy directing the permaaent organicatioa business. i joirouuciug noa. - a.- aweii, t , . i . .... ,.15 rsumi or mo emio sas v-vmaiisaioa, Governor Bickett declared that the wl- xarw eincmia must cut out teaiimeai and sub stuff and carry back to the people ef the State that there can be ne Individual health aad security as long at the community ia not sanitary, that ia spit of the wealth of cut State aad of progress ia, industry and agriculture the btate caa net maintain that position -unless the health of tha people is eared for and that back 'of ail programs ef education, health, and social service, that there is the tax question which must fee tBiwered ia clear aad uncertain terms. ' Declaring that the general property tax ii( Inadequate la carry the public ouruca watch Is- increased by enlarged programs of health, roods, education aaj publie welfare service. II r. A.' J. ilaxwcll explained the irn-bme tax as th most rcjiiitsble" of taxes and si the logical source cf revenue for (he State' .Mr, Jtuiwe.li strengtitenea hi icwf fiy lute or ii r. i nsries, j. nuuocx, depart meut of ti'aaqnin .t?Ha,'rrara iJmver- s-'.y, hg was, unable 'a attend thf conferencj!. pt. Bullock wrote M'- "Max well fht Then Ijprth t?arlin with it vtaiuawoa ff fast IBCPUie IS fmjnar mcnt ia force would Jiare at good sj. i m any State Sa the usloa. Dr.' Allfh W. Freeman, rprami$(datr tt health of Ohio, wade aa iddresf on "The Motlei Pisa of State sad Local Taiatioa' ulllniiig. this 'phie system h,i) ba itate supervisory office v. ii the county as 1 t)njt. Plilo cnic ta Xurih Carulina, he said!, tp pet the ' -y system aa first ' mad tiraetica) ! v- It. liankiu, of the boajd of health. ." ' : . Eatf Brf V"cli spoke of the .-'.iiice tf conscrfing ifif itf nd ' of the bujy. ' pr. Qeorge M- r ! on tne fonservation pt " i) sn.l Ittackt'd the prtetice of ci.ii,.!rtu fr'i-n shool to dig ' r- J r '! i '- r. ' " ;', -. .' ; ..i) l d S lll.elis-' : v -". .Vr.l - - . 1 Mra. tllarenc Jolinaoa, Be, a. a. Una- rahan, of Kinatou; ilr. B. E. Little, f Wadboro; JlraWeavef, of Ab- villa; Mr. A. V. liowellT of Goldsboroj Mr. Banaon, of Mecklenburg, and others tjok part ia tho discussion of child problems. k-Babr'a Second Baaiaaa will correctffia 8tomacJ-"ajnd -Bowel Troubles and it ia absolutely harmless. Can b given to infanta itb perfect safety. He directions, 0 tha oottle. jyc. Adv. ALBEMARLE MILLS WILL OPEN MONDAY (Continaed from Paga Ope,) De Porter, who shot Sheriff Blulock, Is the only man over .'(0. Grady Ilojd, Paul Austin, Jack Morris and Ceorge Linberry, count WjsJlh-tJrrir combined sgra, trr rw-n arrestcu. inier allegedly on iniormiuion received, irom the. first prisoners as to their promm ence aa union leaders Pink Kutsell is Of years old, Bon Carpenter is 62, W. H. Smith is GO.-J. A. Ve, vice-presi dent, 06 and the president, U, it Bor bee. is SI. Six of theso men are prop- erty owners in Btanly nounty, owning in tho. aggregate) twelve lota wrh a total valuution ot',ttJO. Mayor Isaacs statement. Mr, J. A, Groves, sccrctaiy and treas urer of a Iciciil mill, said in reply tn in, quiry that tlie manufacturers had no utiiteini'Mt to iiiiike as to-tn) siiuition, thut overythipg wna over ami they hmi no wjah to revivo pnst LruuUles. Ijiter in liia capacity ua Mayor ho made the follow inn stnti-nient through tho local papers "t liavo lanvi nmny reqiiesta from tlio mill, employes askiiig rue to use my iiilluoucc to 'start the mills. Tho iil-.4uamuaJHi:riJL has. ngreed to stnrt inn!, ami' I trust ni iria'WwY n uorV uiifbrlUTwif a' mtstiiirteTMnn'tinja.'' (Signcd J. A. OUOVKS, Mayor. Says Roosevelt WrQt Axtiplje in Favor or League . (Continued front Page One.) al tlirough the principal streets. Tho ebnngo will leave the . ,hpla lny f ree, but bu will attend a, public dinner at 7 o'eliM-k nnd, will stieak fter.wa.ri, at the Hhrincrs auditorium. Although tho President's1 health Is said, to' lie cvelleu, sixU-en days of a-ivel nnd speech-ranking havo bePr very fatiguing. Death Toll Goes Higher Still in Qorpus Christi - (Continued from Page One.) tAtal doatk lint for Corpus Christ! and vkinity would reach one thousand. Many Washed way. "Many of the bodies "never wtyl be. discovered," Mr. Xclson said. hUn questioaably so ma bodies, probably many, have beeu swept awny down the bay, probably into tho Gulf, or as' the waters, of, nceea wver, receuvo further tha sjnkjngjif rcckngorrill press many bodies into tho sandsBeyiiDdr hopo of recovery' The number of persons hero that are willing to predict the total dead will not oxcocd 500 has become negligible and stuuocd by the thpidly ioexcasiug num ber of known, dead. Estimates, such ns that of Mr. Nelson do not Sound vx truvagaut to them. Mayor tsuca Apical. aa.vnr Gordon Boono. aitd, Uoy Mil ler, chairman of the local relied com rait tee, today requested the Associated Press to niako 'publia the following statement: "Tho sltuution so far as food sup plies are r mcrrned ia well in hand. Donations received from various citios added to the subsistence furnisked by Federal and State authorities here have for the present at least solved the. food nroblein. - - Oitrm44at and financial aid.' Jlundrcds, in faet, thousands, were compelled to leave their uweumga on, oriel notice scantily clad and leaving alt their worldly goods be hind. In tho storm' a,rcjr contiguous to Corpus, Christi nt leas 4,000 aro home less and dependent upon the generosity of the people of Texas and other Stnt.-s not on,iy for food and raiment, but for a new tart in fife. "Wo, refore, urge, the publie to continue to, ecud their gifts of cloth iug s,nd nipney. We are hopeful that these gifts, especially of, a fluanelsl nature, will be large enough to enable ut tq help these destitute people to re pair some of the material damage they have Buffered, and with regenerated spirit, to begin life anew. AH contribu tion tions onld -be-at. te Cdirkppeastf enatrm,a,n of in nusncial committee, Cnrpu printi. toxat ' . ' ALABAMA STEEL WORKERS WILL NOT JOIN STRIKE Birmingham, Ala., Sept. 10. A meet Ins of nnion steel workers and their sympathisers waa Vtd in Ensley to night but there were no important de velopments. ' " Ca'npsratively little interest hat beea shjwu in the' strike here although two suUsidlsr'iei of the United 8tate Steel f.ortHirstioc Have extensive operation! in inn aisirici. Tne anion men claim a iih-mi of their members have been recently discharged by the companies. They tCnjit their organisation work hat not nude satisfactory progress in the Alabmn field. T V ' LEXINQTPN MACHINIST KllUO BY CURRENT : Lexington, ept. 19.-aasie U Tori, tnaehiaist ia the Pixie furniture fac tor here, was electrocuted this after noon. He was la the act of removing aa ehtctrie bulb from itt socket and in some way receive? the fatal shock, death ('aiming pim about fire minutes after h reeeireS the current. A phy lcia fs rushed. t hit, assistance fat nuttusg could tare hit The, d.c- ccsscd, tho wss t,bout forty yeart old, Is tnri.iyf4 'fa f hlldrtn. reril CwaaeU Consldert Pan. Prl, Sept. p. 4t tpJayV meeting of the Supreme Council a report wat presented on the terms of the treat tp be eoarjuded between, the allied pow er ml Toland, In regard to fba sta tus of Galicia. The. founfil nUq consid ered the situation f Auitria with ref erence fo the roal siii'inty. Jitil fvnch eur, t l.o TrcB)! minister of rcoonstruc- tion, wns h'-url en t ' is tuHect. frrrrg-GrBroki, nrWjtM,nJr: lib ur iwsm New Light Township. Constable. i - -afk al A I a... anq.ij.. u, anntp fliTesijrja ay Revenue Offipers CLAJMS THAT HE ' WAS RAIDING TOO Sut Constable Didn't Know ' Where Still Waa When Offi. cera. Sarrounded Him and Twelvq Gallons of- Whiskey Kcax 'Blockade S; qig Raiding Day Can you imagine a worse, plight, than to be. raiding for a blockade still, to stumble upon twelve, gallons ot moon shine whitkry, tp prepare for a destruc tion of the spirits and tp be then and there arrested, hy revenue, officers for selling whiskey and operating aa illicit distillery 7, Th.it s wb.it h.iDDcned to Notr Linlit township eonstflnl, Arttiur.Bailly, orn ci r of tho, low;, now reposing in the Wnke county jujl, if, lijs stpry is to be helierrin ,ith Uie offteer is W G. Siuilh and. there would, ho a third mnn to sfaivl trinLfor selling and blitknding hiikcy beore United Stub's Camtn: sium r V. i,', Ilatcbelpr toIay i he hndn't outrun the revenue ofliccrs, The a,rrvnj of Ic'puty 'Collectora X. K. .Raines, K. G. Bichnrdaon.' IViiutv PVP"1 (if tbA Stpiiy TJLfl yesti-rdnj morning inter- njiiri, ihr operaons. oi; vunsiquie ua- ley, When the. offlecrs reached the still, the kettle w:as in' the furnace and about Q gallons of beer was almost readr to or. I ne operators had been working Thursday night, Tho o dicers divided, anu one aeruiin or tho ranting poty ran iiKn Constnble Arthur Builcy and 'L 0. Smith and an "unknown man about Vft ywi9 from the ifilt plant. OMcert miv that U)o men wcre'tusy with meas uring utensils nnd twelve' gallons or whiskey. Tuo men were arrested, the unknown man' escaping. Bailey's story', according to the raid ers, was that bo waa raiding for the.dia tillery and ran across tho whiskey, which ha was going to destroy. hit he was unable to til the ofticers w.hera tlia still which ht saiil he was going t,o de stroy wris located.' Smith did not ex plain hi prr,eue.e around the. twelve gallona of spirita. say tha oflicera. The still of .out hundred galhns ca pacity was destroyed and the Ver pour ed out. Not far away, from this plant v as found a fifty gallon t.tiU tad about 500 gallont of beet ' ' "' FoUowing a path, to tha home of i W. Davis, the officeta found one gallon of blockade whiskoy, hid 1 grape vine in tha yard. DnvU Ul bo indicted. Two stills, 13 gallons of whiskey, sct sral pbints, onaitill eapjLeonsblerablo number of, fermenters nnij . total ol noout ifiw gaUont of Inolasses beer wat, the not result, minus the men,' o( the day's work. At one. plant WOO gal lons, Pt another 600 and at' another plant -WP callous of beer irere, de stroyed. Hcvernl small plant were found. These distilling placet were all within, three milet of Stony Hill in New Light township. ' ' uaie mn 4du Atwara (Contlaned tram Page One.) ness of th eallt would, indicate either omngfo; or umprovvied ia uumcots. . . Pa teUndt. The faclj that faint calls by wireless apparently roin We Yluer hart been picked uo durinar the rl an almost countless number to the northward nearer tha mainland, lfanv of theso islandt are uninhabited, fomt vi vuciu oi swan arc ana oinera or considerable fixe. Even (hough thQ ooaia were poorly, woTisioned then it tn abuudtnch of sea foml to ba obtained which would support Ufa for tometimej Small eraft haye. been wttching het teys tor evri dayt. looking for post!- oi aurvivort 01 teveral wrecka and small craft that were lost it the hurri cane, among them tevoral naval tea patrol boa.lt. tome of wbish have, Wa recovered. One of the . ntval bonta for which tetreh it still maintained it the Sen Hawk, a tma,ll abmtrin patrol boat, which tore loose from its anchor age in this harbof the night of Septem per v, arid dnrted out to Ma vita oat man on board, George Haatea, whose BELIEVES CREW Of VESSEL WEN! HOWN WJtlf T4xfES. New Orleans, Lw., Sept. 1. Captait A. GardoquL of the Infant Isabel, upon the arrival ol hit ship hr to night from Havana, said us M eoa fideqt that the, Vjlvauerf tod ita erew wera lost." ",'' " ' The Iefanta Isabel, one of the largest Dssvagv 'i'1't m neruce irons iuu pari, if as uwt tine at fn vai banera. and it too operates from Bar celona aad Cadix, Spain, via fuba JO Prlraat. Rajuan Martia, eaptaia or tne vaibaaera. waa tht only Dcrtoa on tht thip whose name Captain Gar- floqul could gir?. Hf, tail that one pan ic ager, a man, bad gone ashore from tht missing ship at Santiago to take the trait to Haleaa, bii hid jcf hit woo iii s fHimim inii. ' Tha last that the Infanta rsabe! heard from the Yalbanera waa near Havana on the, night of September a. Captain Gardoqul said his wirelcH ' operator picked up a message from tho al baaero to Havana, asking if it wat MIS to come itid the htrbot. The wireless operator replied "Vet, with precaution," ka aaid. The Infantt Isabel tailed from Spain later than the Yalbanera end left uaygpt etaiurday. . i . "find Body a Basemenf. Wathington. btpu lil.-The bod ef Emmet ft ood, 18, a od disperuer. s foun4 in the basement of a building in iub eusiness ontnet bete today. Tht police ni I indications were he had bceu murdered and robbed. Wood formerly rwidcd ia CUajlottesville, Va. r?",r-r".'r"w V " ,;wwitelitU 'totitwrthrnentttrTIrV. z "Ytiz-,iTrzi uutT tsemoert ei ttt Ytihtnfra's that win teat six thousand oeonle With 7 wi company,, or par 9f the, number, tue- this, he expoett to come to IMtlA ,roB1, I" Tvr "" WM" Teconl- (seeding in making Und and set Vtp aa JIMfii Love. Xever PaileuT" from wenJd ta.t aerti of the eouotry impwvlted Tireleat outfit titn U a theigkh erse. thirteenth chapter of 9lUy r DePartmen ol Agricul- number of email Ui,ndt. ia ti Ticinity ttt CorinUUna, he tntounced t. hia rc' ni" J'tion, which oulfmeHn of where tbe wreck waa diseover.l. a.il text. V ' T ""f"i f m . totni 4 .bout 43.fJ00.fj00 aerea'thls " " ti? - -L..,..z Bev, Baxter. F. RjcLendon - t;reapne. sermon i o ru AUDITORJUM- FULL ' lF, PEOPLE HEAPt Came. Hej-e VnAsx A.Uflpicea, of ' Colored Miniatei' Unioq. for -- jia - Nigjifc - OnJyi,- Spejolal Musio Selpctiojii Bring Ap plause, While "Aina," Punctuate SerjnQn, . kA wagon load of divine love" is the antidpte for racial' strife, and, induB trial ' unrest, ofjered by KcV, Baxter I'. il London, South Carolina's cyclone evangelist, ' in a sermon lort night be fore mixed congregation of white people and' negroes U' the city audi tpriunf. Tke preacher, who attracted an immense following in Raleigh in his six weeks' campaign during ' tho I spring, came bnck fur Uie one night appeumnce at the solicitation' of the negro ininisterial union, and, the col lection takeq lasts night, went to pro vide' that organization with funds for Charitable purposes. But tHe auditorium was split forthe ronvcnieiice of. the white people, and they vied with, the negroes in the size of the crowd that overran .the west idtMf tllA Arena, deptta frrik ati.l .rrnA 1 thblialcoiiy. lt waa flfty-flfty ran- i . ' -fitl ni,nTIU ' ,1'. 1 f and malice, and envy fot the folks'on wi" ot;ier smo or, tha houso, ha thun tiered at Die eastern dress circle banked 1.1. L - , i xuu iiicnuvo negro races ana, n cliorui of aniens ran the rango of the section. -Ano you people Over here, he shouted with an accusing finger at Uie wcsteru siilo of tho house, "needn't think you havq a monopoly on religion and a corner on piety when you' don't love those black folks over 'there'" Kcgxoea More Expressive : If, tho, negro aide of the auditorium wns more expressive of emotion than the white, it Wasn't because" the even golist failed to impress' tho imrt 3f tho congregation of his own color. Whilo the truths that ho pounded, out as ha walked back and forth across tho rostrum brought t,he "aniens and the 'hallelujaha,' from tlie negroes who RaW themselves up freely to tho apeli of religiput fyeoling, the; atrict and, train ed tileaco ot tho white listener gave him abundant evidence that he wasn't bilking effectively to ju3 0n half of hia congregation. A groat many ijrclimlnariea, laclud iag the eollqctipn. preceded, the ter mon but the tmpaaaioned prayer ot ev. J, G. Robinson, who is now ron dueting an evangoliatjf! maatjjag at the ot- rauj, A. if, B. church, nwept the colored part o the congregation into a religious fervor that rippled across the west tide o the auditorium in" hZ? a moant annjririrvinrsius. Thert waii tinging, too, ot tha old fashioned kind, ahl the white folks nr. tended to do nothing hut baton while T.0,f'l "bont snndred voleet I Want to Bo a fkriatiaa! in My lionet A burst of aioilmi.a 1 tha aoog. a sounded amist, but tet titan niuinil , . . w rwucw, auv wten the negro qunrtet that hat morel than once de- larger gataeringt In the' city auuaionum ' sang au Over God't aeaven . a bill niin.ii. - - i 1 , ; , -v v, o , cu , nana ahyiplng invUed it back foe n.nK fmwmber.rMor Soul Ia a Witnesa for MJ aa popular. ' Preachea t Mat, The tvange list began hit sermon with tht declaration that he preached to more, colored folks than any other white man i. tie 'world. Ust week, he wid, he preaebed to ten ' thousand in his Every creature bu V. ..:T j: 7- . " "? "" . ''!tvn""s oetweea the var rtous kinds and "degrees of lerrud .en coming back to tke definition of the divine aort. ' ' "DJviae love." ha said. tk. that makes jrou love the linlovelv. It It the supreme test of the religion ot osus . arisi, where that -religion jumps over the ton nt all mi,... ? 1 T Then ha took up faith and kope and brought love, out t the comparison, la tht triumphant judgment ot Paul ia his epistle to (ha rorinthlnnit "The gveate of theft is lovt." The attributes f m Wn HuaWfr. H pointed out, elared thai pufr thing that w',11 ever tolvji the quettidat ef tha universe if divine love, " ' He extolled hh rUtuet of lone tuffer tng, of patience ttrang out." eiDosed jam uii nwjti cnarn.iTiJriattA navfiv titii iin.' tht saarce of eayy and; the, vanity ot boasting: advised scalnst ' iinseemlv ""?vii wii aeuiast eii-iceteri and lauded tlie beauties of nation. Why aril WS not kinder toward on." anomeri- na asaea. and to hi tne storv of bit owa first day is' school. Whea We hfe the spirit ef Jetut Christ ia onr hetrta, bleat God. we will love everybody, high tad low, black tad whitt.a That nlrlt. he aaid. Is lb kind that driven mem to forget racial troubles, ditseaiiPBt. hate, bickering! sad til strife. Tht main reaion foe tht strife ia tht world ttfday. tha avans-elkt jla- elare.4 with emphasis, i that met and women have been taken into Uie church tad,, accepted at Chtistism bffor they have hcea rcg'cncr.itcd. 'Divine lore,- he continued. will keep you in yoor place. It will will keep tbtt wbm ma ia hirnltee and, t will keep that black maa'ia hia place. od if both will keep their places there will never be any friction Or any tton ble. urt tela men fret from nsssions and hatred, and I want you to remem ber that tht bet ! la tha world for yon te kill mta It ft tat, him ta death. Tlep y dos't havt tq bury him." - ',. fhlctge Ruildi.f gtrlke" Eada. Chicago, gepu la.-Chicaco's bu ldino-1 ttrike ami lockout, which fot mort Iha4: two muntbt had blade Idle mora th'aa lOOJIOO workera and halted construction contracts aggregating a-.a.OuO.00(L ' was announced ended tonight, when ,be const r;i, 'tion cmidoycrs yiellod to the demaii'i of the uuion carpeutcrs for il " ' - ."" --: : sr"." jvar W SISU out ,1,. h. l..,l TfO Popular. Star. U Better, in, lai ; usMai, Cr,ovyq - th, sjgna it Mitxi Hajps, hut was juat Mitxjl who dplighted an overflowing crowa ai mo Asariitv mat nig'it, wtien Henry W. Savage presented "Head Over Heels" for the first time in Raleigh. Kor over two , hours tie popular little klar held, ua hearts of all in eap- 4Jty,.aaoViiaaitJi..Wui!Uinc that the highly elated audience saw tha cur tain drop. - Tlie show was mostly Milii. who. a mweu r.uru. oiernng io America wnen silie fell in lpve with htm. Upon her ar rival in the .united tstatei she loarned that Sterling does hot. love her and then he falls in love with Sterling's Partner. Kolrert tawson. Anthony Bquibbs, pub- uciry man, books Mitxl ana her com pany of Acrobats for to stage. Mjtxi ia fooled Into believing ' that Lawson has jilted her. for another girj, Edith lenrield. Complications follow and in the end Mitzi is claimed by" Lnwson after he gives j00 to dance H"1tji her at a charity bazaar. ",' ' . " " nearly Ail irilizi, . While thai plot centers around. Mitzi; there is ft myriad of acrobatic work and tumbling by the Bambincttl. troupe, composed of Alfred Florenz, Harry Bo Gar,'' Timothy CShca,' Frank Delessio and, Julius dollar. These ntliletps pro vido a diversion and furnish many. .thrills;' ju -' : In conjunction with Mitzi, Joe Kenn, comedy,- an-4 : bis linw-T eaiWeW crowd, rnarinff from atjirt ia finiHh. rit, n aa iuu oiup mar a niuiil nujiiiori Others1 taking a prominent part' were .VI is: isa Butli Oswald, ns "Edith PeMeM;' Roy Marshall, " as 1 "Robert Lawson i" Miss Bevehak CauBle, as "Muriel SteVl ing;'' Joseph Danlelsv -ak' "BaMn 'd'Oul ti 1 monf," and Miss Dorothy LaMar, it ' Music IS Weak. The music is weak in comparison io the. work of the company, and even in '-Head. Over Heels," the song hit of Mm play, Uitzr was hot heard, to ad vantage on account of a cold, Misa Qs- n-abl won npplonse for ber singing ia ''I Was lonely,", and. Mist Caublo did well in the Oriental tea song, but the other selections did, not linger long enough for memory. The specialty by Eeno and Mitzi provei, one or, the hit, wniio the, mili Viry burlesque by Keno and hit eom- pany of girln wat well dpne. The scen ery and eoatumet showed, freshness and, blended nicely with the plpt of the rilay. ' . ' '' Bnleigh theatre-goers have thought Mxi! wa. at ht;r best in kPom Pomr but tne popular aetrest gave an agree abte surprjs to the extraordinary' au dience that greeted her. It la' neediest to say Mitzi will hlwayt bt welcomed :in thui lty.' ' ' , ' ' r.1' ; QLOSE LAUNDRIES AND ALL FOUMTAINSjjtf ASHEVlUE Ashevllle, SeDt. 19. Laundries and soda' fountains in Ashcvilii oaight were Ordered -closed as a meant of fur ther conserving the'eity't rapjdly dimin ishing supply of water, and it Was an nounced ' other restrictions ordered, during Qia liimf few days! wouli be con tinued in an effort' to make the supply bold out until Tain relieve the titua tion. At dusk tonight there remained, 2,500,000 gallons ot water in, the eittf reservoir, and ' officials were confident this would, supply the eitixent with drinking water the next few days. RECOMMENDS REDUCTIOK IX ;-, WHEAT ACREAGE P tO,Vl(TBX.' year, waa recommended. It wat said. on the basis of prospective eonijitiont of world supply tnd demand judgctl by spccialittt of the' department who. were seas abroaa, to rcpor oa tlit, crop status, of European foundries, - You never tan (ell. Uw a spotless reputation may be merely Tihiteivtshfd. and prevent com 4plictiQnaiVe The puriftec ancj refined calomel tablets that are nauseesa safe) and lure. Medictnal vtrtqei retain ed and improved. Sold -only in sealed packages. 1 v r-3 J Racnes Safe t fv Jlt a Um SireH. RlehMant. Vs. H. Karnes, frag. ut Wft. I TIMUIHKIV4. BCVta A. a IEUUCUUI ,H Tf1 l f S mm a a j F6R bALUHlGlT. CLASS ' llOML";- new fjudj modern; ho TeM,-'nti.-il sec- 1 tioa in liaiviiih'; U.x' ;:,;. ' 9- ""I I NOTIFIEK ALLIES THAT Bonfe, Sept. 19 (Hy The Associated Press.) Colonel' Sicilian!, chief of the staff of Gcnernr Bodoglio and' a per sonal.' friend of Gabriel d'Annunzio.bai returned from Fiuvne. where be had "a conversation, with 4'Annunr.k), wli an id be had, previously. Informed all the allied countries.' including the 1!'nicT States, o '.'ba J,ntnlIoj.';o occupy- According to the Msagero. the "land and' sea blot-kado of Fihme is complete. The national council erf Kiumo is sup plied with' foodstuffs for three months. DAnnuHr.lo rep6rtft tor te kujtcr ing from ftver. ' ' ' '" " '" ' GrOnt "signiilcnnee Is attached here to a long intcTvictlio Duke t Ahs(4 had with Premier Nttti after Jin eoualTy 4owg- edihceu.tha.- -PukelhosI . Kltli.h? King.' The Duke of Ansta is popula with the troons 'and a close friend ( d'Arinunriii,r'who is blpyed lw niay be able to iutlUeiHie ' '!l '''' 'J - " Drsmstie xyscape Causes' Comsnent. Pari.' Sent. 19. (By Too Assrx'iUled PressD-The dramatio escape cary this" morning of. I'iorro Lenoir from dontlt nt tho hands of firing squad in the vinrennea. woods was; tyie suojeer or, lively convorsntjons In politicil cir- elca tpdny. Lennir l?ad been tried with Senator Hnmbert and otljcr deftfiiilinW oa i charfe of havi'nff eommnnie.-iteit militiry' intelligence lto -tlje ' e'nem'y and waa sentenced to death. ' - ':' ' ' '. A,LL1EI) WARSHIPS LEVEL London, hrvii 19. After n'eoiiference between' allied commanders at Ahbuxia' allied, war'shlpt have" left the harbor of Fiuine and. hve leveled their guaa'ori the town, according to a German "govi eminent wireless report quoting ad vices in Berlin' to Ijaiharh nnd Vienna. The diPtch states tliot it is ! aniium- . tlilod,,arC ultimatum- will ho sent demnnd- evacuate the town within RWcat. Memphis. Tenni:'" Sept. ' l9Xrthur Woods, former police commissioner of New rork, and assistant to the Secre tary of( War) stationed at Chicago,' In charge of the work of finding employ ment lot1 discharged soldiers; has' re signed effective tomorrow and will be succeeded by Lieut. ' Colonel M. C. Smith, according 'to. a letter received by H. B. Phillips, local newspaper man and member from this aection of. the. advisory cohimittee which hat been as4' sistin 'find)njr jobs fur Veterans. May Convert Leviathan. Washington, Sept, 19. The eonver- tion of the Leviathan, The former Ger man liner, now In transport service, into a' first-class; oil-burning ocean grey hound at a 'cost of. 11,500,0(10, is being considered, by the United States Ship ping Board. ' The International Merj candle Marine has . asked, that the Le viathan be allocated to it for use be tween iv ew oik and Moutnamptoa, England, and Cherbourg, t rance. am pi fw 'Phone your grocer or druggist for a dozen bottles, of this delicious dieestanL a glass with meals gives" delightful relief, or DO charge for the first dozen used. Shi var Ale tint oisunvs atoKATta itm IHIVA tUNESU wATEII MO CINCCt - , , , - . f fc s.i .,f , Nothing like it for renovating old, worn-out stomachs, converting ' fooct into ticls, blood, ana sound lies. ljottjed and guaranteed by the cele brated SbivSr Mineral Spring, Shel. toil, S. C tt Tpur regular ' dealer - cannotj supply jrjO, telephone - FOBTEB CA.NDJ CO, Dlatrlbntora'for, Kaleiga '-Ii!. OUhert C White . OOXSVLTIMO SNQUfKEJt f".l ,, Dwrhans, jf. C, WATERWlllRKi LltiUT AXD Heavy Whipping. Cyeam, . t '. . .. Can be had from . our plant - j - t w 50c per pint Bring your container ; PAIBY' COMPANY U3-C8 S. WilmiPtton St. i:i? rjiosE II WILSON UNDERSTOOD TO HAVE SMT WDRp'tQ GARY S'ew York, Sept. M. Boports current ia fbe financial diatriet today that President Wilson had sent Bernard B.irucb, former head of the Wr. Indus tries Board, to' seo Chairman Elbert H. Giiry,of tho t?TleT"SETeaBlecT Corp ration stnif reqwst him to meet eom niitteo of steel workers in aa effort to prevent the Strlko set for welt M""dsy. Wbm asked to comment oa the re port Judge Gary, said; ' 4 .'".' ' "Plense do not ask me thaf question. I would' rather not mate any comment whatever'. ' ' - Jfr. Uurueh recused o jjeny or con firm the report. ' ' ' ''The course of true love never runs smooth," quoted the Wise Guy. ?Ves, I nfi)nwo vry match, has it tUra-ups,1' . added tho Simple Mug. Local - OfQca, 'nUe4 8tata .Burma. ' Weatbet Raleigh, K. CU Sept. 19, 1019. For North 'Carolina: Partly cloudy Siturday, showers extreme west por tion':' ISiindnv fair. . 1'EAIPERATUKE. &un rin .7:011 a. m. ehittsel .7:1 :. m. . -...,.. - k a 1 p. in, 9 p. ni Dry Bulb M w n We bulb ....... Od 68 r7? BJ. Humidity ... 84 .. 55 . . p Highest temperature ,....r.-.-.i Lowest tcmi-ralure . .-j. , . . . Mean temperature ,....;,.' Excess for the' da...,. Average 4aiiy excess since Janu- OS J Amrnint for the 4 hours ending I iorai ror me montn to aaxe. .r.W .6 I Gcfieicncy fox tho month..' J.JS. I DoJicicncy since Jaituary 1st ... . 4.61 The majority of Philadelphia's min isters earn less than a) l5Kf a yean U completely washed out at tht tyttem by the celebrated 8bivar Mineral Water. N Paaltlvelr rnmticJ 1 m..K.V w offer.'' Taste fine; costs a trifle. Oelivt. eved anywhere by ear BnJelgh Agentt, Porter Canuy Co. Phone thea-Adv. - mnmttmtmmmmrmmm llMtollllliiiiiiniiiiiiitwiil Kenny's i j : High Grade Cee Other Coffees 3Sc, 3Sc, 40c, 42c: 45c, 4Sc, 10c Baby Tall Cocoa . , Chocolate " 4Jrc' ; ""44cV. c. a kenny. ca n 108 FavetteTill Street Both Phenea Sl i.lliliiWuiuiimiUilifeiiijmittiuiilwiiJ ' Coket ;v: Lawtoo SWEET FEEDS Healthy Vigorous I Commoiseiiie-nomt. Ij cat feeets (or U stocJfc. Stvea 2$ pet cent grata-. ., . Cheaper than whole grain, ( uaier icq. - . Easily obtained, ' .', , :' ' IMear- at band and caa ship -t promptly. A full supply i -j . alwayt ready. ' :',-.-.;-Better balanced ration. . i Contains food tot every part, at the animal Hakes and j keepe them strong, heaJtby, , ' 1 active, vigorous. ' - " Manufactured by xperta wbe . . V ' know the necessisiet of a . - - ''good' feed. l-'-Ji' - ' Fot vom stock' take ask yonr. 2 deslet lot "it eg write Giker-Lawton foo4 CcC Sand and Grave F-i' For .": ' 1: r - - Concrete and Buildup; -purposes - ' Prompt Shipments f ETC SANp A GRAVEL retorEb;.."-;', Va. 1 a ta il 72 l A

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