THE NEWS AND OBSERVER. SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 20. 1919- TEeTNcwa andpbserver it. c" TBS. HEWS AMD OBfUTU TTJBLUaUfJO COMPAWT nnrnjiuiouji men mri un owtm tmjwe u-tu wh I MterM .Bootm H Adnrtlifnc Dtrrt. ,.! LmI M Dept. .... CMiIIm Daal ...111 MMBtB OF TH UMMUBU MIS Ta Arltl Ma a taMr tMHM klbw tar MaaklkaUM ! all am mIm nljlal Is H art MharwlM vWll4 la tat, as w4 J-lae ImI m fMM kmkk AH rtatra at naiillis Maa af akl FULL ASSOCIATED PS US JkBPOaVTS fWjaMsal AIM ' h al Inltf DUr Omlr OMrw Om Tor ..MM Bt akataa ....... IH ntx Month at Tkm waa I.T Tan. Hiatal XM Oa Mai la ..... .M m Maeth ........ . J Oa Tea ....j.... MM BU Keats ....... 1.M TV Km e Otoamr I Mtml er aurtar la BMfx ! at MHM mm aar Ball a laaUr. Ualtr amtr. swain at aar weak. atn4 at ta f-aft at BaMcfe, Narth Car alia, ' All wrlft will a wll ka tOa-aat, K (Grorget Moiuieme.) . . r ther is lit! I jimlice. iajaatie ja the beavtting vice of individual., auit of nations and hut infre quently it i worked under the guise of morality and piety. A DOl BLK-ACTING TElBl'Tfe Taa oaajreosin! daleapUaa that went 4o big employer of lutior, and lb mere hand m ployed the freiter th induatrial dispute. fTSnulrtoirto tf"T dy-4h-f.teri antUiu,jto, pand, and to take 0f n ever increasing number of bands. It 1 natural therefor that th dis agreement between employer and employe is more frequent than i 4 h older day. But a, com pared with th Korth tad Xew England ir are proposition, wa ompead by number of big military men, among 4b number General. Billiard,, who broughfr iaek frwmr IVanre a commendable uaaaixr f taw. Duriag th iaformat barbecue dinner give at Loagtrt, ia the caxap bounaUry Gen am I Bulla! wa asked tow a word to the people who had guthored to diaeosa th camp ques- lion. lie wa brief ahout it, but he took the time to (ay that bit father was a Robeson county man and he waa therefor interested in North Caro lina, and that a far a making a lucres iu France was coaeeraed, a remarked by th waster of eere- onies, he had simply helped in accomplishing a task that had been mad possible by the backing lh boys hail give him th boy from North Carolina, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, and alt over lie country. It waa a cordial tribute thai Oencral BullarJ paid to the boy, and one of them Prank Blue- just home from Germany a few day, took ocea-J sioa to tell General Buliard there ea the ground that be was on of the boy who had followed him for mouths at Chateau-Thierry, in the Argonne md elsewhere, and that he appreciated that al lusion to the boys, but that th boy followed because thy had leader who wa worth fol- owing. But the One feature about it! all wa that Genernl Buliard is a man o brg that he realize that the soldier wa a rector, ana mat no matter now awe he commander unless he has the material to com nand his rase i hopeleu. It is a pleasure to kaow tbat thi commander one fro North Carolina atock, and that the urth Carolina toek play fair in placing the recognition of every man who took a hand In the job. You ean t beat that kind of a combination. Uf JCLE WALT MASON TAXES. lTeW 8am' a alirk a wai, and ae's la a claa alone; when he aaka me for my taiea, I dig ap without a groan; oh, I dig th hayl-earned money pit It in a aark of gnnny, aad with amlle serene and aunny, carry him th back aad boo. Aad I'd da it st ill mure gayly If a did at wast It sa aopl tell me, hourly, dally, that, our Vacle barn Ike dough; he blows in the p'reclea roabla Ilk a drunkard blowing bubbles, caring Utile) for the troubles that their earning md u knew. It I wrong, O t'nele Sammy, all our struggle to fur- get; for th dollar, cold and clammy, w have earaed in toll and aweat; you ar welcome, whoa yea need em, la tk sacred cause of freedom, bat yen really shouldn't feed 'em to the cows, already yet. W bar earaed litem at the large, we have earaed them altcblag bay; w have earaed Ike digging corse la th hard, anyieldlag elayi w kav erad Ibaai digging 'later, wo kav earned theaa ateering freighters, and it ara a te oar gaiters when you throw th arads away. Uncle, let there be an ending to the carnival of waste; quit tkte jamboree of spending, quit II all, with aeemly haete; save fb taae and Ik wgee, e Iket o the shining pages of the work of future sages, year redemption mayb traced. General Tershing is now officially returned from France and ready to start sawing wood at the old file. Senator WaiUworth cnwplnln of the fighting In i-uropi-. Well why no,t tlwlur and oe what the League of Nation can do to e ; op the rtusf Wilson say America' one vot is us powerful aa the sli of Britain. And at any rate America is powerful enough that from now on no more cont tail will be trailed for I'nrlc Bam to step on. Put mark on tbat. After all the discussion of th influenza it is apparent that it is not certain that it will return and it is not certain that it will not return, but it I certain that it i a, good idea to be ready for its retnra if it comes. I A policemen' strik is the equivalent of a mutiny. But the fact impose a responsibility . ob the public a well as on the police. The guardians of the law in Washington, Boston and 'everywhere else ought to be paid a fair wage, Hcnctor Sherman any that on a salary of seventy five hundred dollar a year the' high cost of living bothers him ia Washington. If that is true, the iwlieemea. cannot be hating any easy time of it. The sub-committee of the Houso Military Com tnittce mad a hit at Loagstreet when Congress man Anthony, of Kansas, and Crago, of Pennsyl vania, declared ia decisive not that there is the most suitable place for am artillery range, aad that whatever is done ia th way f a camp or as camp Juitics should be don th people whos land have booa taken. North Carolina appreciate the eeati meet of the eommitte and will always hold aa open door foremen ef that sqnaranest of judgment. Th South will never discharge lta debt to th saca who fought for It ia th siitie. Those gal lant mea are rapidly paasing away aad what is to be don for theat nutt be dos quickly. There enght to be a liberal respoas to th appeal that 1 being made la behalf of the fund' (9 send a aumber of. tha weteraaa le Atlanta for the re union. They are riehly worthy ef this bit of ap- The' speaker wh have the faculty ct drawing groat crowds at people bar a woaderful oppor tunity. Last sight a treat crowd ef colored peo ple, and not a few white, essenblad at th Audi torium to bear the lev. Baiter McLdon. aad be gave these advice that was helpful and that wi'.l do good. lie reached them aad he reached them ia a wajr that is effective. The prese ia powerful, but truths thundered home through the living Toice reach many who sever take time to reed or perchance read the wrong things. Evangelist McLendoa catches hi rabbit before be cooks him. lie gets hi crowd and thea be tells it what ia what The preachers and pubHa speaker generally who cad lure the crowds unquestionably reach maay h aesid not be reached ii any other way. Hit remarkably free from -labor disturbance. It h to be hoped that the who! country i eater ing a new period ia which tb -unsatisfactory method of adjusting' wages aad other differeaecs that has been practised ia the past will be out of favor for the future. We may hope that North Carolina will not have the aeriou difficulties' that the more strictly maeufaeturiug State hav, for the largj number of people ia this (State who are not engaged in factory work will help to maia tain a mors evn keel. The farm population ii mighty conservatipe aad (low to look -with toler ation on exciting disturbance ef any sort, while the large proportion of native population, a eom pared with the large rati of foreign population ia the North, make another difference. Workers and employers ia this Stat ar better acquainted with each other, and that counts for a lot is qucs tion of difference ia wage or other actor of working agreements. With a smaller aumber of disturbance it ia rea sonable to anticipate that th future i destined to so n encountering fewer strikes , than the other section of th country. TIMI FOB A FRESH START. The time ha com t wipe from the slate the mass of figurss used in making freight rates, and to regard North Carolina as aa important in tegral par( f the railroad are of the United State. W started out as an agricultural State and hav built up pur manufacturing and wholesale appoint a "national finance ofliter" to pvene the ipeaditur and cheek them. What particularly arrt attention la all thi li ' ttra-asy -mnuniptien thet-Uendmiaistratien.J aad not Congress is responsible for th aituatien described. Chairman Good ought te know better and probably does knew better. H must know that the President ka no power to create such aa office or appoint such an officer as be demand. He mast know that Congress alone eaa do thia. and he should :b aware That "President -Wiisow ha asked Congress, a President Taft did before him,- te create an eieeutive bureau of estimates o work with a centralised appropriation com mittee of Congress ia placing tiie fiscal affair of ta aatioa upon a systematized footing. in responsibility ties with Congress. This at tempt to shift it ever to the Kieeutir is ridicu lous on iu faee. Congress holds the Durse-strimts oi in wnoi government. They ar loot or tight a congress determines. Th executive power cannot spend a dollar save oa th expret author ity of Congress. If more War taxes or war loans lis abesd things ar now going, the Dower ia with Congres to intervene, and particularly with Ihe House ind Mr. Good's committee in th House. it t'liuirmun tioed s outcry ia not a eonfessioa that the Bepublieaa House is aa incapable of per- minim us junruous a me senate, wnat la It T BBsBaswaBBaBnnBjaBBxaaxaaxaaBax 1B1 I Th Horror ef War. Lieut. John M. Utkison, ia Leslie'. I don t think I need to tell you about that trin by tugboat to Corfu thirty hours or so of sailing over a pleasant sea with the mountains of Al baaia over to our left. Two thinge I learned about Corfu: Kaiser Bill had a wonderful castle on the island, the most southern of his outpost of-cul-ture ; and it was here that 4he starving remnant of the Herbjan army were shipped at th end of 1015 and the beginning of 1916 to be fed. clothed sod turned into a fighting fore one more. There they told ma about seven thousand boy under the righting ago who were the survivor of thirty thou sand. When., the Germans, Austrian and Bul garians squeezed the Berbiaa army out of the country and drove what wa left aeros Montene gro and Albania to the sea, these boys were shooed out also. They crossed 'the border of Serbia, oa the-way to the sea, thirty thousand atrona-. without' food.. Fifteen 'thousand died of starvation ind jM . isg will sot b uadertaken. The men, he lay, will go fishing. ' It will not be a bad idea. The men are leaving their jobs because the wage do not satisfy th which i their right. If there i ao picketing is reasonable to hope there may b no rioting. th striker stay away from ta mills they cannot get into any disputes with tho mill worker. The scene of a strik i not a good plart at any tim for visitor. Everybody know that a tension existing tbare, aad that th taaaioa ha frequently resulted is serious trouble. That tension is always i possible danger. The outsiders and the enrious have no buaiaeae about th etrike xone. Their presence la In Itself an aggravation. They add to th confusion aad excitement, and frequently meddle in something which they ar better ont off. They lose nothing if they stay away. The picketer argues thst he is bent oa a peace' t'ui mission that of doing miaaionary work for h cause. II ne ean keep tn peace wane doing thct it i probably a right h baj to meet and talk with other men oa a- subject ia which be i in tereitcd, provided h doe aot fore hi eovrsa tioa a uawilliag litaers, er max hie argumeat offensive. A a eertaia number of persons cannot srguo calmly the danger from promiscuous picket' ng ia that argument leada to quarreling, and from there it ia an easy step to violence. If Chairman Fitxpatriek is right ia hia predietiea hut the atrikera will go fishing, and they stay fishing, the expected strike will b conducted on a more logical economie basis than ha been tho custom in the immediate past, and it will be a test of legitimate strength, and a struggle that lU-'be watched by the people with more" of sense of fair play than has characterized moat strike of late for the people do not like violence and rioting. A SERIOUS SITUATION. Much has been said about th pay of the teacher, but not enough, and it haa not been inclusive enough, for it should take in sa well th preacher with the teacher, and with other teachers should nclude the college instructor, for all alike are paying the penalty of a ahort salary. We may look ea it a more or less of a' tern porary condition. It is not. It is a situation that threatens the future more than the present. thoughtful clergyman talking to the New and Ob server recently on the eubjeet deplored the fact that young men are not taking to the ministry The inducement held out are so Insufficient that few men are willing to consider th pulpit aa a calling because It entails too many hardships. Then th custom seem to be growing more and more to dismiss th older man, or to pass him for a younger one ia selecting a pastor for a vacancy, The. teacher ia taking up ether Work. Young women are going to school to fit for ether call ing. Th college mea ar taking job with bnsi ness concerns that giv mor monty. Th church ad th chool ar losing ia their competition and. we are not to realise the damage that ia being done until we come to count up a year or ao from aow. Then we will Dad that we have been loaiag those that we had, and bar aot been training a new crop to take their places oaMo adJ to the conatantly increasing need. The war ha been responsible for the aituatioa to a large extent, for ia additioa to calling for aiere hand la Other line war haa awakened the whole country to a bigger activity. The teacher it aot satisfied with a job that taxes only limited aumber of months a year. A aew idea of otinued work i abroad. It I a serious matUr. A thortag of teachers aad preacher is a eoaditioa that the country haa war cotmplated, and that H is aot pleasant to think about. But it em a certainty; aad w ar doing nothing to prevent.' Vher 1 thi likely t lead aa W may all giv it a littl tudy. Th worst feature ia that a logical remedy ugget Itself. STRIKES, .-..y North Carolina i aot unduly beset by strikes. W thiak th aumber Is maay because ia th past they hav bea remarkably few. But th differ ence I plain. The State is eaaergiag froaa in significance ia manufacturing te prominence.. The number of hand employed increases very day at phenomenal atride. Mea bow operating mill remember vthea th total asaaufactured product of the Stat reached a boot fifty aailliea dollar. Now it 1 shout fir hundred million. Industrially th etat hat aprong from nothing to b one f th coata to th carrier of actual transportation for equal distances. It takes the same' amount of eoal, ear, rolling tock, te., and the same ex pense for train crews. The roads should aot be permitted to nmke haul to the favored point at lost or for insufficient profit, and recoup oa the intermediate point or on short haul beyond. Any fair competition should be encouraged, but only when the carrier is' in a positioa to meet it at its own coat. Otherwise, it is the taxing of the people of a locality unfavored by the pres ent system for the benefit of th carrier snd the people of another locality peculiarly favored, Our manufacturing and wholesalev bnslne Is burdened with thi tax la a field which should be made fair for all competition. It is wrapped up ia the price, of commodities paid by the eou- sunters, whether the good ar directly bought from our ewa buiines enterprise r indirectly from thoee of other and more fortunate localities It Is there, whether visible or invisible to the eoasnmer. Should u b accessary to have basi point for rate-making, why should we pot have a aumber of them la North Carolina, placed upon an equality with those ia our sister 8taes with fair and just rat t local points t aam applied te from Bartboldi's 1 Hell Gat is New York Barber itatueLiberty" to th conjunction betweea tk Last and North River, r Christi Mathewsoa i a famous - I - " ' 1 i--'"w..aii started frnm li,.. I . . ,, . i. . .v. -ilnortaule baa-WiilBssaHsa I joiiB-xiizparwicB, cbutms in committee oil- -.-. , rT'"m f iirrnrx -mri ynr itthti m iiniuli iiTt4n.n. fr'asiB transportation. Albania to Avion and went into camp while wait. ' I their intention of a etrike en Monday, flys pirht- Competitive and water points' caTngr baseball pitcher, bow a member ef the New York Giant. J Chariot Evaa Hughes, a N York attorney, a Republican, wh wa a caadulat for President i 1916. 4 A jiax i th slang xprioa for niafortun or ill luck 6 Aa isthmus is as aarrow aeck ef laad separating two large., bodies ef water. -Charles Diakens wrot "Pickwick Papers.'' 7 Madame. Da Barry was the mis tress of Kiug Louis the Sixteenth, aad during her period, a certain style of architecture obtained and exist ta thi day. 8 Havre is a port ia France, epn spicuou because all British bot. sail ing from Dover, mak that port. 0 The completed sentence i "As white at. a (beet. 10 A diplomat Is a termepplied to a government official who i accredited aa a representative. A diplomat ia so called because of the entente necessary to preserve between the nation of the world. New Questions. 1 What ia a cathedral t 2 What is propaganda t S Who is Carri Chapman Cattf 4 Where i Westminster Abbey f 5 What is "The double ring cere- Bsony"! 6 In mythologies! parlance, who wa Cireet , 7 What is a "blind-pig". . 8 How many natious ar there ia the continent in riouta America f LIFrS SALESMANSHIP. Th war lil it Jmt aa jsjghty stor s Where all that mea are looking for la stored, upoa its range ef shelves, And we r aiesma of ourselves. Kach of us, as he walks along, Would wit the faver of th throng, And each ef ut, ia various ways. Strive t delerv toother' praise. Since what" is false men will aot buy, No ansa should ever tell a lie; Men aoara th cunning of th cheat And apura the practice of deceit. In life today It is well known Thnt h who ia must liv alone, ' While ia it market honor bring Reward above all ether things. Who aeeka for popularity t'prigut and manly here must be. However great may be his skill He must be kind and geatl (till, And must not, though he weir a crown t'pon hi fellow man look dowaj Men eheer anility s success, But hat bad manner none the less. Youth sell yourself, but not for gold ur treasures which your hands cae hold, . The highest price for which maa spendi His days of life, is love of friends. Go forth Into the markets, here And carry kindly words of e!ieer. Be gentle, honest, staunch aad trus, And men shall give their love to von. (Copyright. 1919, by Edgar A. Gocsi.) ships came,. there wftre Only nine thousand to take nnd when th ship got to tho Island of Vidu where the refugee camp was, they landed only seven thousand. And then, because tlrtre were uo beds, no nurses and not enough food tt th camp, tney uegan to di it th rat of a hundred a day They say ther wa a apecial shio brousrht to tin island just to carry away their bodie for burial in th tea; it steamed into th harbor every mora ing, and orderlies carried th bodie dawa on stretcher,- from a pile that had accumulated dur ing the lost twenty-four hours, and dumped them on the deck. Then the ship stemd out to tea aui'. the waters elosed over those poor kid who had refused to stay and surrender to th Germans. Th ship wa named St. Fraflri d Asiisi. THE CONQUEROR. rvmi w ar paying attention to th con qucring general and their troop who hav come hark from th war it may not b too trivial giv a thought to a bit of newspaper information that tell of th penalty another of the victors has paid. General Foe a haa recently aaked th Bel gian officials to mak a search for something tha will help bim find th grave of hia bob, who was killed early ia the war, la all of th long struggle although th younger man was killed early in the hostilities, the father haa kept hia burden to him self, and few have heard him mention hia be reavement. Xow that all 1 ever he trici to fin the ple of Mpultur. While war ruled, and the country and the world needed the' effort ef th soldier, a soldier ha was, and h Ignored hit owe afflictions because his was only one among the multitude of sacrifice and tribulation of a sorrowing humanity. Now that it is vr h find thtt his work Is don snd .he esn turn away from th public service and devote hit time and anergic to things that ar pr sonal. War play no favorite, except in caaes like that of the Hohenaollera family, which produced ho heroes and no leaden and bo great nesa. There waa a commander who wa willing to sacrifice eouatlesa million, but not bit own. Ther were son who maneuvered other into the danger line but kept themeelve la af places. The world ewea them nothing, for they earned nothing. With Foeh it ia different. H took hi ehabce with th rest. He paid the great reckoning. He paid aad said nothing, but kept oa with hi one tusk of defeating the enemy. Thea he wound up hi work, and goea out t hunt for hi boy. Just a Fershing fought valiantly through hi house hold treasure had been th victim of dimeter equally a terrible ae war. tt eacrifices, and today it a day of sackcloth. But it it aot a day of flight from th task that had to be done. With all the load of torrow tbat war lay ahoulder of mankind th task wa punned to it victorlou finish. And if there are ae 'dead Hoheaaollera neither ar ther any who ar victorlou ef that fanyly, Beaalay aay thr is nothing th matter with the juvenil eourU.-and it it ia rdor to add that ther it aethiag the matter with Beaaley. If there are any ' today wh d aot appreciate the work thi maa ia doing for North. Carolina they will appreciate it a little farther along a the result how mora emphatically. Tha trouble with Mr. Lodge aad bit ewa -way ia that it i not n that 1 regarded aa a very good ae. : -' " : '-r1'-" SPIRIT OlvTHE PRESS Aa lacaaahto Caagi. - - ew Tork World. Chairmaa Good, of the House Appropriations Committee, find that aa ""orgy f pending" pre vail 4a Washington. He figure ap a deficit for th current fiscal year of $3,591,000,000 at things ar bow going. This mesa either another great public loan or radical addition to war taxea al ready intolerably high. He aay tbat the cost of living cannot be materially reduced under these eireumstaae, and demand that th President Mr. WUsoa'a Danish Critic Columbia Suite. Ueorg Brandt ranks, we believe, aa about th urst among European critics, and very high as maa of letters. It is all tha mor remarkable, therefore, to find him bitterly assailing President Wilson in a manner and style suitabl to th lowest order of political harangue. It i still mor re markabie to find that Brandc make the een sure of the President, not in a Danish or Bean dinaviaa Journal, but in th Berlin Tajreblatt. To give a tast of Bra odes' sryl w quote tha following which is, we tab it, translated from hia article in the Uermaa organ: "There waa once upon a time aa excellent North American professor in a little university ii a little provincial town of about 5,000 inhabitant. He gave up aeienee and took a plunge into nolitiea he became Governor ef New Jersey, and ia 1913, ia hia 57th year, he rose to the pinnacle of Dower aa 28th President of the United State. Them Woodrow Wilson waa la a wis inferior to hi predecessor, Taft, ia talent; to hi predeeor. .M.rviniey, in character; n cared for th limelight ratuer less than hi predecessor, Booaevelt; ia a word, he wss fully equal to hia position. H be came the author of the best fourteen point known to history, it is a pity they were never carried out." . " One might expect such twaddl from a Borah or a Lodge, but hardly from the foremoot eritie of Europe. The cheap sneer about the "best fowrteea nolnta known to history," and the atateraent that "it i a pity they were aever carried out," ar ailly aad fake. Th fourteen point, whatever may be said of them, actually formed the baaia of th de nizations and peace negotiation, led Germany to pauae in her mid ruah upoa the wetter world. ana lormcd th basia of both armistice aad treaty. That, surely, wa enough to make them "the best fourteen, ' or any other number of "point known to history." It alsowhows that they were car- rica out, at least their principles- wer carried into tne treaty and covenant. It comes in peculiarly bad grac. euch utterly taise and malevolent criticism as thi,'- from the citizen of a atate, Denmark, that owe A much tt the principle of th fourteen point. They wrested from the hands of Germany part of the territory tnat tne Muns had atoiea from the Dane. And to imagine a patriotic Dan leading to a German Organ such a diatribe upon th mta who, more than any other man, ha befrieaded Sea mark. - WOMEN ASK SENATE'S ATTENTION. (Letter in New York Tinje from a Woman.) Ia a recent letter i your oplumns "A Woman ask for torn plan by which th "hundred of thoueaads of obscure but tingle-minded American whom Congres i now blindly mltraprateatinc could find a way ope far expressing their eon vietiona,' TJier ar many of u yearning for torn uh plan. It it bard for us to initiate metli oda. A few of ua writ In Senator, but it la But they are only two. The world hat offertitrange how few have th idea of doing that. W do talk, but not many are good teatroveraialiate, although we belhjve from th bottom of our heart. Wa are bewildered that those alae Republican committeemen enould be able to da a ther wish) and w would tura them out if w Anew how. ana w ougnt to M am te a to. They ar wik ing u deadly injury. . Uaa't th 50 prominent people wb ar de manding ratification get at th hundred t thou sand who also ar demandlag it in their heart I We ar waiting for guidaac, lik sheep without nepoera. ' A MOTHER APPEALS FOR RATIFICATION. - - (Mr, it. d Hyd in New York Tim.) A th mother of a ion who ha tervtd almost eighteen month with the American expeditionary force ia France, one who ha been a tadat of history for mny year, as on wha hat read and closely observed the Stat paper ef most importance teased by all tk great cowers con cerned in thi greatest world war, at on who hat followed wit vital interest th development f the League e( Nation and treaty ef peace with Germany ia th Peac Conference at Versailles, -aa on wb haa anxiously examined the debate aad report! ef the Foreign Relation Committee of the Senat on the treaty and Leans of Nation, and aa on of th sovereign naita (with vote) af theee Unite Statea, permit me, through Th Nw York Time, most earnestly ts beeeech th repre sentatives of th overeiga people the United State Senate to ratify the treaty of peac with Germany aad the League of Natioot without de lay, and without amendment-er reservation, o tht thia war-worn world may be revivified ia th anneal of peac. tk Wri..,t ' I l if , I ' .iiri, A J" . .VI OR; P0ED.StlSSE& -.4 The Latest Exea. Parmer "Hey, there, how came you to be up in my apple treet Boy "Please, mister. I just fell out COTTONSEED PRICES Says Farmefs Oaa't Feel Bight Towards Mill Men Till Va-. riation Is Explained To the Editor: I have a wiah to be unfair ia aay way to the eottoa oil interests of North Carolina. If there has recently been such a slump in prices as is said to hav occurred sine ( th recent Alabama and couth Caro lina agreement wr made, the eottoa oil mUIa should welcome the publica tion of the facts by inch aa iaveati gating authority or eommitte aa I thlak ahould be aimed. Th publi ha a . right to kaew whether th (lump ia eottoaaeed prieee hat been relatively greator than th tlump in th price of th material mad from them. The farmer alto hav beea unfavor ably affected by the fact that the de cline ia prie of raw cottonseed aeem to have had ao effect pa th prie of cottonseed meal when offered at retail. I am alto informed that ia towna OBly a short dittaae apart ther i a varia tion of ZOO pouada la th amount ef oettonseed meal offered in return for a ton of aeed. I am aaxieu only to get th truth and to get each a atandardixation ef price as will be fair both to tha far mer and to tha oil mill. It occurred to me that euch a result might b reach ed ia a frank and friendly conference, ueh a waa bald la bouth Carolina aad Alabama. There ha long beea aa inexcusably wide variation ia the prie naid far men lor cottonseed, and It ia impoe- aibl for the' farmen to feel right to ward the mill mea natil thia aituatioa 1 remedied. 81 x er aevea yr ago. for example, whea th prie of avery. thing waa, or court, much lower thaa bow, I aaked our Progressive Farmer reader to report the price ther re ceived (or cottonseed on a certain day, ana th answer ranged all tha way from filfi to $33 per to. Many or our North Caroliaa farmen knew of tha xtriea aareed aa hv tha mill themselves ia Alabama aad South Carolina; and hav naturally felt re bellious toward the exittiag price i ta ction in thi State. - . Ther i need for torn imnartial au thority to mak it clear whether the slump fully justifies th difference be twee the $70 or $7$ a tea recently of fered ia Alabama snd South Carolina and th $57 bow offered here. Aad even if the oil mill ahould Drove thi to be th cate, ther ia need for aa irrquiry a to whether thi eoaditioa may not soon b remedied, aad if far mer ahould not hold all cottonseed potaibl until th mill ar in a posi tioa to pay th fanner th better nrieea to which lie ia entitled. Present labor cost would make thee bettor price imperaUv even if we had a full eron ef cotton. With th prent , ditas- troaly short rp, it em ineoncoiv- able tbat farmen by holding ahonld not get eerier price. CLARENCE POE. Raleigh, N. a State Mutual Fire INSURANCE . Company ' Raleigh, N. C Will save you from 25 to 33 Per Cent on your fire insurance premiums. Afont Wanted. Our Polieie adopted by Federal Laad Bank. Sbutk Ateli er For Daaigtiiag aad Fine Aria Technical illustration. Patent drawing, aiaaa aftor leldaotas. Or aam ant aad lettering for diplomas, ate, Artlatl tigna aad ad., Pslatlag f reproductions. Deaiga for iatorior decora tioa, ia art, monument, etc Model for ornament aad of building. Perspective aad bird-eye-viewt ' of building, faetoria, map, at. Laadaeap architoetnr. OFFICES! Martha la NaMaaal Baak -Aldg. T. O. Bos 79$, Raleigh, N. C Prescriptions ft Special attention ia devoted to the fill J n r of Prescript tions at the Wake Drug Store. Purity of Drug a and accuracy by reiristered Phar macist is your jts lurance of satis faction. r Test Oar Service 1 . Needs keqnlr. : Wake Drag Store I brag t Ogata'- BB.lai-l2tw.l How We Go At It Wrtt wt loofc tnte the Wttonr to Ms if you pot aaaraatt. Thesi w tss th by. ilifwisrtcf1 whidl 1 tfaa bag tha coadriinsj of ita Thca, If m canata of xxxaibia appaas ww pot st oa th ha to ii tt wSl take coarg. Bat If there se patin ia dBcxmca'rioiaitroub( ; we open the baf t y xtp aad tusd eat axacf whmf whmt. " Doo" fxvat wotnT. ba Ixi y to aiimlema car - ' arbat ia gusaswwh, wfaw daira they caw U laaid evv1ltKj by aajttid sbv ideals kmra vvtmra yen ' Bad axtequata aaachiaea and apfsnratu to really ill part, crmrgatMid repaig any battery. RALEIGH STORAGE , BATTERY CO, W. K. DENT, Maaagwr. ) Pk Ufi.