7 THE NEWS" AND OBSERVER. SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 20, 1919. President . Wilson Answers Questions About Nature of League of Nations GREAT BRITAIN NOT . TO HAVE MORE VOTES America Would Not Be Obliga ted By Article Ten To Aid Great Britain in Suppressing a Revolt in Ireland; New Fo- rnm Created For Discussing Self-Determination 8an Francisco, 8ept. 19. Replying in a statement to a lint of question put to him by a San Francisco league of Nations organization, President Wilson declared : ''Great Britain eould not outvote (he United State in the league; ''Foreign governments could not un der th covenant order American troops broad; "The ' lcsgue would have a powerful iuflnenc toward restqrmon of (Shan tung to China ; ' ' "The United States woiil.l not lie oh- jiguiru oy Ari.irie a io am iireui nrn : am in suppressing n revolt ia'lrelnnd; "Under Article XI fliers would lie (rented a new forum for questions of elf determination." Mr. Wilson's statement containing the questions and answers follows: (Jueation 1 will ygu state Hie under- '"T - I'lTif Hm it mITl rt nnTi rn m i -! ilin li nli i I adai Jicagne of Nations mid thereby' control tha league s mtian ' 7 Britain (snV Out vole l a. "Answer Tho ronsideruliun which led to nssigtiing sli votes to self gov erning portions of the British Kmpire was t lint lliry lime In effect, in all lint foreTgn policies, become autonomous elf governing atntes, their policy in nil lint foreign nffairs hcinji independent of tho control of the .British govern ment and in many respects dissimilar from it. "Bat it is not true that t It o British Empire can outvote us in the league of Nations Mini therefore rout nil the Met inn of the league, because in every ni.ittci except the admission of new mem lion In the league, no nn'kin eon he taken without the concurrence nf a uiinoimnus vote of the representatives of the atatas which, are mem tiers of the Council, so that in all matters of action the nfflr mativu vote of tho United States is nep essary and equivalent to tho united vote of the representatives of the several "part of the British Empire. - Tho united vote of tho several parts of the British Empire cannot offset or overiome the Tote of ths United Htates." Only Congress To Send Troops. Question 2 Is it trim that under the league ftf Nation foreign countries can order the sending of American .J WU'n in M H Wf III ursi (i Answer It ts not,- The righl rcn gress to determine such matters is in no wise Impaired. Question 3 What effect will the League of Nations have in either for warding or Hindering the tlnnl res toration nf Shantung to Thins t What effect will the league of Nations have in preventing further spoliation nf China and the abrogation of all such special privileges now enjoytd in Chin by foreign countries! Answer Tha League of Nations will liava a very powerful c it cot in for warding the final restoration of Shan tung to China and no other instru mentality or action can be substituted which eould . bring that result about: Tha authority of the league will, under . Article X, be constantly directed to ward safeguarding the territorial In tegrity and political, independence of China. It wilt, therefore, absolutely prevent tha further spoliation of China, pro mote tha restoration in China of the several privileges now. long enjoyed by foreign countries, and assure China of lha completion of. tha. process by which Khmtuug will presently br returned to her full sovereignty. In tha psst there has been no tribunal which eould e resorted to for any of these pur poses. . United States and Ireland. "Question 4 Is there anything in the League of Nations covenant or the peace treVy which directly or indi rectly in any manner imposes on" the I TOTedTaWany-TSTi or otherwise, of tha slightest character I to aupport England in any way -in ease n"Vfilf "Til TrelahitT 7" i 4 Anawer There Is not. The only guarantee contained in the covenant is sgamst external aggression, and those who framed the covenant were scrupu lously careful in no way To interfere Ma what "they regarded as the sacred rights of solf-determinstioa. Question 5 What effect, if any, will the League of Nations covenant have in either hindering or furthering the cause of Irish freedom f Answer It wis not possible for the Peace Conference to act with regard to the self-determination of any territories except those which hsd belonged to the defeated empires, but iu the eovenant of the League of Nations it has set up for the first time in Article XI a fornm before which all claims of self-determination which are likely to disturb 'lie peace of the world or the good under standing between nations upon which tha peace of the world depends can be brought. DRUMMER BOY WHO BEAT LAST ROLL CALL GOING C0N$IE IN SHELBY PROPER Official of Department of Com merce Can Find No Evi dence of Profiteering Atlanta, (ia., hjept. 1?.-The v!rum. mer boy who is said to have lie:it the last roll call for lienernl Kobe'rt' K. lice's army at Appomattox Court House, Virginia, also the man who carried the wounded Stonewall Jackson from tha battlefield, are planning to attend the United Confederate 'Veterans' Reunion in.Atlintn, October 7 to II. T. .. Taylor, of Dickey, Calhoun county, (ieorgia, is tho. drummers name. He' writes the reunion commit tee that he eipects to lie among those present and that some of his "buddies" are going to make every effort to come along. , ''I hsd a letter today from Hluflton, t true that pected to. try to attend the reunioar He pnny, I), Twelfth (ieorgia Kcgiinent, oh- Cook brigade. "He drove General 'Stonewall' Jack son off the battlefield the night he was wounded at Chnncellorsville. He writes he is now 7 years old. Kven though it was such a sad mission I feel sure that he is proud that it fell to his lot to be the driver of so great and gwod a mm on Mint ocasion." Then follows a rather touching post script to the eftVe-t that - ."J.. .T. Mc Knddin. of liable. S. C. who belonged to the snme company we did is ton ol(T and feeble to attend the reunion. New and Observer Bureau, 603 District .National Bank Bl:g. By S. K. WINTERS. (By Special Ieased Wire.) Washingtoa, D. C, Sept. 19. "I da not think a price of 3H centl at Liver pool when the price is 30 cent at Shel by, N, (..', indicates profiteering," says Director Philip B. Kennedy, of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Com merce, in answering a criticism from Bush Stroup, treasurer of Cleveland rouuty. In a letter to Senator F. M. Himmons, the Department of Commerce proceeds to make an analyais of the cotton situation: "For both the United States and the world, the consumption is the lowest for four years,'' states Mr. Kennedy. "The stock held at mills and in pub lic storage in the United Htatee on May .'SI amounted to .1,326,803.' bales, the heaviest on record. The cotton was evidently held with the expectation that (he conclusion of peace would result in a greatly increased demand. This in creased demand has not materialized and probably a large part of the Stuff has been thrown on the market." 'the Department of Commerce denies the charge that any branch nf the gov ernment has singled out cotton as a large item in its efforts to lower the scale of living prices. However, the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Com merce -indicates that its efforts have been to reduce commodity prices all rlf'S-Vn-''- art freight on high density cotton or 174 Ma-tlB8lK.rdaarxOTpjon i axing the high density figure w get a : S cents increase-' between -United State porta and Liverpool. To this must "be added insurance, freight, to seaboard," other shipping expeaaea and commissions.. .. , , "A Khelby iSj aa interior town it is not likely teat cotton would be sold direct to English importers. Mr. 8 1 roup does sot seem to realize the real effect of the fall in sterling. '- If eterling should go to normal sad every other factor ia the market remain tha same tha price would drop in Liverpool, but there would be no corresponding rise ia tha United States. Of course, the lower price in Liverpool would si m ulate buying, in which ease the other factor would not be the same. "One factor in tha deeline in price is the decreased consumption according to the annual cotton review in the Com mercial and Financial Chronicle for August 30, the eonsuuiyption daring the year ended July 31st, being as follows: United States, 1P18, 7,17:lA4fl bales. The world 17,9,678 bales. MO, United State 5.KU',47(j ; the world 15,- 8S3.52C Germans Prohibit Gambling. Berlin, Aug. 25. (By Mail.)--The spread of gambling smoug soldiers has prompted General Noske to issue an order prohibiting rill gambling in bar racks, canteens, mess halls, on parade grounds or in public places. The Ber lin authorities are proceeding vigorous ly against tha owners and operators of all gambling places, who when convict ed ar invariably given jail sentences under the provisions of martial law which is still effective. Witli sterHng esTlmige at a discount P'f5 Shortage of Teachers in New - Hanover. (Special to News and Observer.) Wilmington, Repf. 19. New Hanover, like all other counties in the State, is suffering from a shortage of school teachers. Superintendent Washington Cat let t is very much worried over the effort f eeVbrS 4"rtfet Liverpool would be 3'i cents higher I uuTlneuroY Wgne VaeTt-'elslHfttre1 IPlNGPtANS TO LAUNCH LEAGUE Will Be Ready To Function; At Its First Meeting in Washington Washington, 8epU 19. Preparation for tha organization of the League of Nation a re being mad ia London by Sir Erie Drummond, secretary-general, and Raymond B. Fosdiek, an American under-seeretary, so that the league will be in readiness to function at it first meeting to be called in Washington. The date of this meeting is undecided. Col. E. M. Heus and Lord Bobert Cecil and other member of tb organi zation committee of the league have been . taking part ia th preliminary organization work. - The organization committee already has adopted a resolution contemplating that member state may assign some of their own officials for service under the league and ha recommended that "th government of states member of th league shall take into considera tion the service of their official in the International Secretariat." In preparatory work for th founda tion for tha International Court of Jus tice, the committee is understood to would be desirable to invite a num ber of eminent international jurist to giv thair opinion on th constitution of such a court, and has voted to take up the question in detail at some sub sequent meetings. The action of the committee is said to indicate that the work of organizing uch a court will be carried forward from the point where it was started by the United State at Tb Hague twelve year ago, when Elihu Boot, then Secretary of State, in. hi instructions to th Ameri ca delegate charged them to work for th creation of an International eourt abont twice the sire in member ship of the. Supreme Court f the United States. The member of the organization committee are Stephen Pichon, France,, chairman; Edward M. Douse, United States; Lord Kobert Cecil, British Em piret Marquis r Imperiali, Italy ( Vis tount Chinda, Japan; M. Belia Jae quomyns, Belgium; M- Veaizelos, Ortece; Guinnnea de Leon, Spain and Antonio O. de Magalhnes, brazil. Deaoaae Intervention in Mexlce. " Mexico City, Sept. 3. (Correspond- tt ft I rtr flssnrintril Mexican National Socialist party in resolution which Et Heraldo de Mexico asserts was adopted "at a eonf ereac" oi party leader, denounce interven tion by the United States and allies it self with the efforts of President Car- ranza. The resolution ti. printed is a tirade against capitalism and asserts the exercise of armed force against Mexico to overthrow the Carranza gov ernment would be only to aecur 'on "more obedient to Wall Street.' It iaua est! in Mevinaft vnrbfri to unite against intervention and to prevent thii "hideous rape ef a young, aspiring and democracy-loving nation." To Deport Emma Goldman.' St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 19. It became known today that a warrant for the de portation of Emma Goldman was served on her last Friday in th Jefferson City penitentiary, where she ha finished serving a two-year sentence for at tempting -to obstruct the army draft. Her release from th penitentiary is set for September S7. N?-TABLETS" Iff i a s .1 a ntsutt liTWe I F. W. Parker Drug Company than in United States ports." savs the Department of Commerce in explaining the variance of 8 cents in the pries of cotton sold at Liverpool and ivhcn pur chased nt Shelby, N. C. "To this must be added 1 cent for has made the filling of vacancies al most an impossibility. The opening of several rural schools In th county Is being delayed because of the shortage and several schools are without an ade quate teaching staff. Th Original Patented Pipelee Farnac Practical Scientllc-Xconomlcal OFFER ATTRACTIVE PRICES FOR EFFICIENCY IN FLYING. London,,. Aug. 22. (Correspondence of The Associated Press.) Prizej ag gregating ;i4',0wj will be offered for efficiency in flying craft to be shown in tho aircraft safety competition which the government will hold March 1 next. AIT entrants must be British. Theobject is to ascertain the best typea of airplanes in which it will be anfe to travel and which, in particular, will be eapnhle nf rising from and alighting in a small space. Two types of machines will be en tered smalt machines witb a carrying rapacity of two, and large machines with a carrying capacity of 15, exclus ive of crew. The first prire for th smsll machine i will h -0,noo, second 20,000, third. J10.000. First prize for the large ma chine will be BIOO.OOO, second 140,090, third $2(1,00. Entries are to close De cember 31 next. Another competition will be to choose the best type of float seaplanes or boat seaplanes in which It will be safe to travel and which will rise from land a well as water. Prizes are: First, ,.oou, second, tUO.QOO and third lit),-000. t IK . J? II , m wiims - T-i .- - 1 ALORlf ensnsj i s m -HS!ACEHEAT FOR EVERY home fllIHI.. WEATHERS FURNITURE CO. '121 E. Martin Street. Raleigh, X. C. 155. E ... No Exportation -t Toys. With the Amerienn Forces in Ger many, Aug. 25. (By Mail.) (lei man I tradu .tournnls concede that th export ing of toy and porcelain war from the famous Thurlngrn district to the united state Is something ef the past for many years to come. However, the journals contend that, despite all re strictions and precautionary measures by the allied authorities, Germany will continue to control the world market in potassium. Arrested for Desertion. Paris, Aug. 24. (By Mail.) Private Gaston Molard w condemned by court-martial to ten years in prioVto- nay ror aesertton when abroad. Molard was prisoner in Germany. After the rmiatire he asked to be allowed to re main in Germany to work there. He wm arrested by the Germans and hand- esl over to the French suthorities. --rrrr f in, i, ,i , , , WILL YOU SELL ? Do you wish to sell your Real Estate in Balelghf We have Customers u no wish to buy. Give our office a trial. We are fuljy equipped to handle your busines. The PARKER-HUNTER REALTY CO. No, Maude, dear: a msnv.sided man isn't necessarily square. BROOrdS at a Reduction S cent each f g.to do. II. M each M ceaU each T.2 do. (l.K each , I cent each ,tll.8 do. $1.2$ each .I1J.M do. i.fU.M do. .tll.M do. Quality Unsurpassed for the Price. THOMAS H. BRIGGS & SONS - Raleich, N. C . THE BIO HARDWARE MEN . It Sells it For Less" Y EFIRD'S 20$ 7attevltU Street I TT U H TT Tx THE STATE'S PRIZE FARMSUBDIVIDED AND SOLD HOME At Auction on Wednesday, September 24th AT 11 O'CLOCK ON THE PREMISES. JLy Jurt a few miles from Smithfield, ClaytonRaleigh and Garner-suitable and adapted to the growth ot tobacco, cotton, corn and airi. 7": T" 7 : : ; v . 6 . .The buildings are as good as any farm in Wake County. The premises in perfect condition. ! ' mis is inaeea a sale worthy ot anybody's cdnsiderahon. Fruit anj grapes in abundance and a pecan orchard laden with nuts. 1 1 '''''''''','''111snnsJnwanJns .. . . . ' ' - ., -. - ' I Alton A ThtCl Cya3 rt Vvf UnJso,. i L... Oil f f aOf I - ---.WW. aMSi uii iicai rrcwiiwuu uvuieffiufsr 4zn ai u vj clock - """'"''"'""","""'""",,,""""""" " We will also sell about 25 Fine Jersey Milk Cows and a lot of farming utensils. 'TOU MAKE THE PRICE" ScidfcrMr.J.F.Battsby ; FORT IEJAILTir COMPANY Raleirrh. North Carolina

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