-V THE NEWS AND OBSERVER (ttmtr m n rplrifmn nrra4 til n I tvtj , T-V BB n BT B-tV 1"4J B VWJ m mm mm m-T mm. w -mm vsf worker nr evidently preparing, for a the State police and deputy sheriff in ' tb Pitttburgh ttrlk xonelfor alleged "unlawful law," were flled aero $"lay in tb -Allegheny county eourt. Th tuitt were entered againtt tb Stat po lice for an alleged assault oa two reai : deata of Uniaaatoad who ara laid to be non-trwert.- . , .. Omaha's New $1,500,000 Cotirt Houe Partially Destroyed In Riots. Froiongea arruggle. It wat announced rpm tba National 'atrike beadquaYter that tb matter f paying atrike bene flta would be on of th chief (ubjeets to be diteuMcd at tb meeting ol the twenty-four internatioiial president of th ttrik committee with the executive twenty .four international president of Labor to ba held, ia Waakiagtoa next Monday. Tb flrtt of a number of tuitt againtt f fOT YET SETTLED AS TO DELEGATES -l--MM.W.Iiltl tm - W.nfflUtl palneo yard in 1799 atill is bearing about 400 Jmncbcsya year. v , . . MIL A UNIONS ' 1 Industrial Conference Opens Monday and They Have No Representation VALUE OF GATHERING WOULD BE DECREASED Bert M. Jewell, of American ; federation of Labor, De , dines To Serve Unlet Efts - Appointment It Approved By ', Unions Affiliated With Hit Department " ' Washington, Oct. 4. Arrangement for th opening Monday of tbe Indus trial sad Labor Coafereae calltd by Pretideat Wilson, virtually war com pute tonight, with, only th question of whaiher Is railroad nalpaa would tend ' delegate - vnTtettlrd. .... n l'-a in transportation, worker! ua- represented, many omriali. think tba tJb of th tonfeiwaee reduced beeaua f the tremeadous part played by the rail area in, Ui eeoaemic lie! of the country.. There it no question, however, but that Ui deUbaratient will begin . Monday afternoon la tba' ball of na flout at ta fan-American building, at planned. ; Doaat A T JUsranoatstlaa, Timothy Baca of Uie Fireniou Urotu erhoed. the aaly executive of tba four big brotherhood bow , U Washington aid the railroad onion were -acting to tether ltd ao deeliiona bad boea reaeh d at to whether they would tend dele- sate. Be wat la telegraph! common)' 1 eatioa with other union xeeutivet. It , wa intimated' that there wat eerlout doubt at to the railroad' union t par ', tieipatiaf ia the conference, because their suggested change la, tb jrepreteu tatiea of orgaaiaed labor bad not been accepted. - r- The compromise propotal tubroittoj by tb Bailroad AdmlMittratlaa altar conference1 with Pretidont' Compere of the American Federation of labor and ' Secretary of Labor Wilton would five tb four big Brotherhood ogineert, firemen, condurtort and brakemea oa representative each ia the conference, leaving the other railroad uaiont whU'b re affiliated with the Federation to ht repreeeated by tb 14 aica named by tb Federation. , i : Represent Organised Labor, la addition B. M. Jewell, acting proti' -M4i4itj.'.';-:- .ill r fww- - - t:-j : tt- - - .' ,z - i ';rrVgt f aaaaw 7 . 1 a The bulldinff was fired by -the mob which Sunday made two attemcta to lynch Mavor Edward F. Smith. The nearo first aought bjMhe mob was confined in the jail in the courthouse buildinj. The infuriatetTTloters stormed the building while otherp set itablaze with fire-bombs. . . s. $.-. .'' - NATIONAL GUARD Ing heaviett on the mill ewnert. They, too, may -be invited to offer up tbem wlret at tneriflcet aceepUbla to the O. O, P. The eonfounding thiiignliout it .it that the otton mill oucr in North Carolina are almuat wholly Dem oeratie. True, tber are among the number a good many who prior to tho Wilson adiniuiatratiun voted with tho HcDublicani nationally lut no one hua ever thought for minute thie type of More Than Thirty Towns Want iha mtMm'm a tirt It u ant I I on r n I . . aywraw ar winHtaaa "UW'U tHWinn IUO IS'TAKING Wttt dent of U railway employee dcimrl- teat of tba 'Federation, hat been an -pointed a repreeeatativ of the public ta aa endeavor to meet tb opposition of tba anioat whkh ha repreeeatt, but . apparently the roault arhbtved w. 3 not barmnay, but only turpria that organ. iaed tabor thould bin bee a given ttill another delegate, credited to publlo rep reeentatioa. I A pretidlng otTleor oftlie eoaferenet la the abtenca of Preaideat Wilton ' whole illnett will prevent him from at - teadlnay till ta to be ehoten, All the afrSHfOmente hnve been in the . aaadt of Secretory Wilton, but beeaute ftf ill clot eonaertina with the Ameri ca reiteration or labor, titer nav Vieea tuggettion that tnme other eabU att elHrer thould open tb deliberation ia aveid any appearane of labor dom- ' laatioa ot the gathering. Pretldent Goraper called together tb Ameriraa Federation of Labor delrgntei for a tbort eoaferenee today, but awing to the abteae - ot aevaraL repretenu tivet the meeting Adjourned until Mon day morning. Jewell Net Natlfled. Bert lL Jewell, acting pretident,of tb Railway Employe Department of . tb American FeJcrntlon of Labor, mid today be had at yet reeeived the invl. tation of tb Department 0 Labor to '- participate ia th Xaduatrial Conference Monday, a a rcproKBtaCv of tbe pub. li but that ia any event h could not - accept it without tb approval of th union ajniiated with hi department iitner omciaJ of th railway m ployer department regarded Jewell' a p. poiatasent at aa attempt to indue th tan railway anioat in th Federation Labor to part:clpt in tb confer aee with only ne repretentative. while ia roar brouterbooda would obtain four ' rprtBtative under th comnromitt pita tul-mitted by Director General Hiaet, jjoth Jewell aad other labor of teial aaid ttey regarded hi appoint f meat eolely a th reprttenUtiv of th affiliated railway anion aad not of ui paoue.' , - At a retult of th day' developmeatt. th pottibllity of partioipatioa of the railway mea in tba eoafareaea appeared mora remote. Th voting of th fourteen (Dilated and aaaffilUted anion oa the compro mta propotal hat not bea completed aad Timothy Shea, of tb firemen, aa veacea laai Bail aettoa would not be takca aatil tb BttlUid of all railroad aaioa had been determined. He ttid they were bound by th original agree, meat of tb fourteen aaioa that none weuia partujpat ualett aek wat al lowed a teptrat Ttprenentetive, Republican Plans Partfally Shown in Recent letter leatt bit over Kepublkaa protpeett in North Carolina. . Ia It "Bel.hvUr Tbi auggettod line-up between the mill ownerl and Mr. Morehead it a great deul mora tignilicant than th Alexander combinution with Mr. Ilutlcr. Th aignificaue of that combination ia not to much in the number of farmer tb doctor would carry with him, but in what percentage th labor vote at a whole would go. North Carolina la hardly without itt radical element in erganixed labor and if Doctor Alexitndur invited one craft of th bolahevitt ten deoey be would not be to btartlett at to refute to invito all. The Gubernatorial Nomination. And, to dlgrett aomewhat. the aua. gettioa in thia eorretnondenea a raw day ago that Henator Butler wat get ting in tb tuotlillllt airain bsesuu nt hit prominence in the cotton aaaociotion VH i""v rtcvna in '.gnincanr the aonUnuing report i hat tho Senator will eventually reaeh an agreement with the other wing of the party and offer th Republican uomlnatioa for Gover nor to the doctor. There hat been at no time an intimation that Mr. Butler wat trying to injtet politic in th eot ton aatociation and for all wbattoever it it admitted that th. ... toclatioa' it both non-political and nm. entarian. , Jl remalaa, however, that M. tiuii.-'. preetig- nationally and at home ha been tomewbat enhanced by hit recog. nitioa and trbacauent lirnniilinn... In th Bstociatlou. And when ho win em ployed by th Farmer Union to ap pear in ita behalf in thn BiiHtntln. ality tett of the wnrehoniui lu. D. Alexander Wat both tb preident of th Lnlou and a member of th. Hint. nnn.j of Agriculture. Bepabllcaa Money Seat to the Stat. inete are noma of the thlni.fh.r .r. engaging the attention of Tar Heel Democrat! in Watldngton and there art ouit a few of th faith here. It ha been known far mm. dm. Republican money coming irem nat ional pool waa going into North Caro lina and halting tomewher ia th pro- of fomenting publicity. Newt paper have been bought ia th State aad htve atarted thalr a bold banner of Republleanlam. Other Companies; Several Meet ings Scheduled THERE WILL BE MANY DISAPPOINTED TOWNS " Only One Regiment Infantry Allotted To State and Thirty Towns Have Made Applioa tion Tor Units; Overseas Men Anxious To Get-in If a tional Onard Th movemeut for th re-organiia tion of the National Guard ia North Carolina bat ttarted bff well, and th office of th Adjutant General hat re encouraging aeport from every part of- the Btate. More ..than thirty townt have expretted a dctir to hav couipanie allotted to them. Aa there ar only twelv rill eompanie a lioadquarttrt Company, a Supply Company and a Maehin Gun Company inTtk regiment, and a only on regl ment bat been authorixed for the Btate, it followt that there will be many di appointment. . , (Ctnllnatd freai rage On.) ; x - i i. -.:r ge. Pny. "If tt RepuUleaa of North Car. .na are to make any approach t - the ttmoit of th opportunity now pr. aeuted them," be toy, "it U not ooly detirabl but entul that wo, have at ready command an immcnte amount of detailed information." 8o- get tb namet of tb mill owner tnd employ era, ht enjoin. JJ wtnti all thot who employ "twenty or a doxea men ttetd ily," becana. a add, "t it detirabl to hav the, complete add rent of these cinpioyert with approsimately tb nam. tor of employed. . - -. t- UttI Odor of Llnaey or Danean. . It it, indeed, at tbe North Carolina Demoeratt here view it, aa iaterctting prepntitioB. Itt dee act carry muck ct linaey or Duncan flavor,: and to bring a cloud aeros the bop f t-entfor Duller tliat Morehead, Lia rfr and DuncaB would get together and 'tree North Carolina from U- burden fi I'c miwratie rul. - ' . !', JTr. Uorclicnd belicTe at . - ;e t-.; t t.'.e lur jcnt are ret- hv cought to mnk aa appeal by fly Ing tho independent flag. ' " Iha tupiajr in the Hi ate 1 not r territory of th old Sacond North Coco Una, there teem to b aoniidortbl onthuaiatm. Mas meeting will be held in Edeuton, Rocky Mount undJf'a.T'etto-TlllOi-"- Itorty - Mounft maaa-meeHng will be held Tuetdny night and Fay ttavillo'i on Tunidar nleht. - In .Fay- ttttville, Majorxambt, who wo dec oration for lire very with th Thirtieth Division in Belgium, ia eDtbutiaitically backing the movement for the reor ganization of th old Faycttavill com' pny, which mad a wonderfur record la th war. Wlnatoa-Saleaa I nt treated. ' In Wintton-Solrm tb mayor and board of alderman are deeply inter eated and prom ita whole-hearted tup- port, several good elttxen of Winitoo flalem, including Benator Jamot A Gray, hav written tba Adjutant den' oral, They aiure him that Wlntton- Sojem will furnish a company that th aew regiment will be proud or, la vcry town thoae mott interested ia th movement, it appear, are tltl etna nf wnrtJi tnd ntHnAin 1h th. nm i"'h .uujumni, ncfiorainw vn th. nv.. i mnnitw anfl m wrv lawa-tner. 1. . nniua ox opinion regarding the More I nueleu of pvrea vetertaa ready for .rin.i or tuotcnotiona to th aerviee, prVntod r wSKWauTfci! "21. ' 7 MBouneemoat of th intention Mtti bt M vnh'd,. U of tU w-orltie. to rt-organlx th Maw f. i Ctnlln h" birred up no litti lnter.it J l0!i'tir,t f?d m"1 returned .oldwr. On. of 'Mali. SI 2LV"PP them wh "" ,m CompaBy B, MOth Oavord aauonal dwtrind. v . th, Aflju,,Bt Qcnra that" ba it r.dy K.r... .? .w Uh,iy- . , to hu otry again and want WhTn2 bhw" t"'0" to get back into National Guard. Wnthlngtoa would appear mar t re- II write s v Tki. " U ;, ' Letter From Old Soldi. ' BM . 7 7vuld ,!rM lt mora -I gua yon with to knpw why I am l vi'Jtl 0BflJti Thoma. to much concerned. It it beoaut I waa ; Warrea. Edwia y,te Webb, Owen a member of Company B for tix year Gndger and a fw othtr- Dtraoertt and on montW I want to e th old whoa ultimtt - fat it dependent boy in khaki again at I need to ie Urnlff n. th. ....). m T j j . . i t . . . . a- ".4rm"i I invio wnea me pig pgni wa on. D Wilton. Ther ia every re to a to r 7 nv tnat ail ture will ba coa armed, aft-? taking inta aeeonat a few (lip twtit th cup and th lip. Another tijing th clrculatioa of a nation organ ia Korta Carolina would do, If don right away, would be to bring mora protett t th North Caro lina Senator acalnit tha Laaena of Nation. A Senator Joha Bbarn Wil. Ham frequeatly atyt, fhrr are at thla I urn writing -fnBnlteimally tmalL' lieve all of th old hoyi will be want ing to get back into the aerviee, jutf at I do. 1 believe that every yoang man . I .. .1. 1 .. 1 .1 . I 1 1L. X" -mi vmu uv vo auouiu H i u w kid inw- ion ol Guard, for tha eountry It in need of young men now. I would like to get back with my old N. C. O. rank, bat I mutt be one of Uncle Sam i boy tome way. REDS AND WHITE S0 TIED IN HITTING NOW Each ClnV Has 26 Hits Credi ted Tov It For Four Games of World Series Chicago, Oct. 4. Cincinnati aad Chi cago are tied tonight in tha total num ber ft hiti for tbe terie. Tbe National League club today touched Kddi Ct eotte, tbe Chicago "tee' for five hits. while the American Leaguer made only three off James King. Aa a retult each club it credited with 26 hit for th erie. Cincinnati, however, baa been at bat 10.1 time and' ha an average of .252, while th Comitkey aggregation in 1S3 time at bat baa a mark of -2U. None of th Chicago player fbday wa able to bow Improvement except Fetich, who made hit flrtt hit of the aarlet, Kathj Kopf and Wlngo added to their marki, but tba other member of tb Bed were unable to keep up th pac. .; ; Kaexvlll Ncgra Convicted. Knoxville, Tena., Oct. 4. Maurio Mayi, negro, wat found guilty late to day of the murder, Auguat 2S, of Mr. Dettie Lingtey.' 'Aa attempt to lynch Mayt toon after hrt arreat retulted in riot her during which aaveral poraon went killed, many wounded and tha ounty jail damaged. May protettt hit inqoeenc and an appeal probably will be taken to th Btate Buprm Court KllUd Children Say Jnr. Savannah, Ga-, Oct, 4. Th eoroaeri jury inveatigatlng th death of Eliza beth: and Hannah Nugent, little rirli -who died yetterday from illuminating ga (uppotea to uav beta admiait-1 tared by their mother, Mrs. Thorn H, wugent, brought in a verdict today I narging the mother wita infanticide. Mr. Nurtnt. 1 in a hotnital under I sufveillauc of th police. Bh will re- eover, J . -:- s. .j KxboH Kaaekr Tobaeaa. Mobils44l,, Oct 4.Tb Brltlihl reamer Meltonia cleared today for Englitk port with a cargo eompoitd I motuy or tobacco ohipped to- Mobi t for export from Kentucky. Th cargo ia vaiuea at as,uw. Memorial CMamittaa Meet. Bfehmond, Vav, Oct. .-Th flrtt I meeting of th Virginia Stat Commit-1 tee of th Beoeevelt memorial aaaoei ilea which 1 preparing to raite'f uad I to erect a tultabl monnmental build ing la Waehiagtoa to perpetual th I Ideal of American cltiaenshlp' adva-l carco py, ta lata rretldent, waa held I her today. Plant war made for rep-1 reeonuuve to Danoj tb work la everv eetioa. ot in cut, r . .. . T-rr LITTLE CHANGE DURING SECOND WEEK OF STRIKE Preparations .Made By Steer . Companies To ppen Many of v Snspended Mills - Pittabnrgh, P, Oct. 4. Th end of th aoeond week of tha. ateel atrike found tha tituatioa ia th PI ttt burgh dittrict virtually unchanged1 from that of the laat few daya. Although the Steel Company' itate mcnta declared that many mea had re turned to work and that production wa "near normal' anion lender aaid th tituation wa atiafa'etory and that -the ranka of th ttrikert wore unbroken. Preparation are being mad by th tteel eompanie to opa many tutpended mill In Weitern Pennsylvania, Wett Virginia and Eattera Ohio Monday morning. Hundred of worker, tired of tha atrike, art expecTed to enter tha milta at that time, employer raid. Ia tha meantime th (truing tteel in -i 7ne; (iirip oa ,: A Man's Hand- : ' .. . . .. . - You .Find Strength or . Weakness - ,What Doe$ Your Grip SI?ow? foM the firm, forceful power of a whose blood is rich in Ironthe that inspires confidence and. wins success or have you the feeble hesitating' clasp , of a weakling, whose blood needs iron? Nuxated Iron builds strong, keen, red blooded men and women. - If yoa ara aot strong ar well, yoa aw It ta yewraelf t Start taking Naxated Iroa today and watch Ita strength- giving, aphalldlBg act. la two waaaa" time tee for yaaraalf what sort of a change - has take place year aaaa aaa tho aatoaat of trength aad yoa ptataa 1 VNXV Have I " nan 1 . kind .Vk -C1 T Ma IM mmm WHk Urn V MieMMr mum Ml -t-lfcc." fm tnt Men r tnm m. m ut ttv UBai'Hiat. aa . Cong far tha Cat Masks Da, Bumming it BP. th go? for th awa mask i about du. All th lien point to a tnappy ampaiga, but not eue to b feared. Th deprettioa aa political activity brought about by tb war It iu torn rsactioa and torn i expected. For that reason th battle) will start I earlier than usual thit seatoa and. apin, too, it u m presidential election. ' Dardea-Walker. " ' Mia Suala Alexander Walker, dturb- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur U Walker, m .o marriefl to Mr, JJavid Marion Darden. Tuetdty, October T, at Colom bia, 8. C. After th seventeenth mil October, they will bf gthoma at Coram I ui., d. a Mr. Dtrdea wat formerlv eennaetad with tha Marchsntt National J3tnk af Kateiga and ha a host of friendt la this ity. 'He ia now eathler of " th Bank of Columbia and is on ef th State' yonngett. ind most : promising Dsnaers. - . . Ml Walker 1 Well kaowa ia tocial circles, aot only ia her horn tow a bat In a aantber of towns ia eattera North Carolina. Tact ar atnSihorn, thing, tlmott aa ttubborn thapcopl aha, don't T W. DoLkn C Formerly Dobbin k Ftrrall -RALEIGH'S YARD GOODS STOR : . Wt have never offered superior lines Ql" MATERIALS, ACCESSORIES AND TRIMMINGS FOR EVENING v GOWNS These-iinei are well worth your attention.; V -:---r-v- -- -...:J,-...'. ' . V, We Soil for Cash and Mark Our Goods at Cask yZiyt:: : Prices. " " -- :-1 2 IFyou rjuyatirehcrcanothcr there, you- cannot expect ; uniform tire . mileage and service. v IQLhg; Festone 'Gray Si4-, "wall Tires .standard for your ret the car means you can tire questioa;And after that decision, the renewal question will come up far less -.''fro-' uentlyrTTr1T7 Yoi;' can easily prove this by equipiping with Fires tones now.' - IS mm ; - " Most Mileo per Dollar 'I h MILLS TIRE COMPANY Dittributort for FIRESTONE Tire in Eastern North Carolina 328-S FayetterUU St it' RALEIGH, N. 'C i benev in them.

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