THE NEWS AND OBSERVER. WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 8, 1919. 23D CONVENTION . . T U. D. CONFEDERACY ,...... ...-'.'... , " Lane Chairman" of Industrial , Body Called By Wilson JCoatlnatd ram page Oat.) Bad ago : be " First Day's Proceedings Fol lowed By Brilliant Recep-: 7 r ; tion at Night (Special to the Newa and Observer.) - Uuflt Foist. Oct. 7, Tho twenty -third ananal convention of tho United Daugh ter of tha Confederacy of the North Carolina division. cos vened in first open .session la tho graded school auditorium tonight with Mrs. J. P. Harden, prcsi- 'dent of tha High Point chapter presid Jag. Splendid addreiaca of welcome were made by reru-esentatyves of the . various local organisations. Prominent .women from Btate bod lea weret Mr. W. O. Spencer, of Wlnston-Salcni; Mrs, Marshall Williams, of Faison,. who brought greeting from the daughters of tho American Revolution of the Htato , and other representing sister organi zations. The convention thi year has tha distinguished honor of baviig aa guests, Mrs, Josephut Daniels and Mrs. Nwtoa Baker, who were introduced to 'tha treat audience tonight as the wives of Jtht greatest Beeretarlet of Army and Navy that the Unit-1 States has ever had. - . Mrs. Baker charmed tha audience with. 'her voice ia a beautiful solo.' The meet ing tonight waa followed by a brilliant -reception given iy Mrs. C. F. Long and outers, the Misses Alexander at the , beautiful Alexander borne. The first business session will be held in the 'morning with Mrs. C, '. Ttarvey, State president presiding. Largo Attendance. Oreat numbers of delegates are arriv ing on every train,, The executive board bold a meeting this afternoon and it is aid many important reeoinmcndutions -;will Wfrropesed to the convention. The 'first social function was an elaborate luncheon given by Mrs. Uaydea at i spacious home) today at two o'clock. liueats at this luncheon were ths Btate officers, chief honor guest Mrs. Raker and Mrs. Daniels and many prominent 'state women. ftateat Whoever he Is, you will tiiat at , is soino boy that years worked for wages; and there can no clax where tuck a thing ia possible. '"I look upon liis conference as the" greatest and must . important extra legal body that has been called in this eor.atry, certainly in our time. There are lonie here who have doubted its success. Why, gentlemen, this confer eui'e it bound to Ce a success. Its ex fent ; not to be measured by resolu liana that come from It by platforms .r i)jr program., or by pits X machin ery that -it may- invent or reveal. The spirit of this conference ia its Justifl ra'x.n. "W will draft here a decleration of dependence, not of independence! a declaration that we wo united one with another, and that we au not live in iso LatisvTi ; that we must, jyin- hands to gether not for onr ownriiike alune, but for tho greater sake of our country and of the world." Ml no Barrage Removed. Washington, Oct. 7. Removal Of the Ore at North' Bcajnine barrage laid by tho American navy during the war, has been completed. This was disclosed to day whea Secretary Daniels made pub lic a cablegram of congratulation sent to Hear Admiral Joseph Strauss, who eom-mjindeJL-th' force which since last Oc tober had been engaged in the hazard ous tnnK or sweeping the wurw mines from the nr. , cut-over lands may be made mora val uable. The federal department has jest issued a bulletin on tha "war on atumps? ja Ueorgla At a raeent conference la coimtiMi r.d toda- of tL .noointinenT gainst the suggested program of price filing on fHah scrap, a fertilizer ingredient. Representative Btedman was form' The Tickle Makes Yon Cobs h. - HAYES' HEALING HONEY Stops the Tiekle. Heals the Throat and Cures the Cough. S5c. A free box of OROVE'b O-PEN-THATE SALVE for Chest Colds, Head Colds and Croup with every bottle SUGAR SCARCITY NOT YET RELIEVED (Continued from Page One.) To Drive Oat Malaria ' An' Balld TJ The System Taka th. Old Btaadard UROVE'H "TASTELESS chill TONIC. You, know what you are taking, as the formula is 'Printed on every label, showing 1 Is : Quiaias and Iron in tasteless form. . Tho Quinine trivet out the malaria, tlic j Iron builds up the system, 00 eehti. i , Av. - : POSSES GRIMLY CONTINUE I . SEARCH FOR JOE TURNER Greenville, S. C, Oct. 7.-With "grim determination that, if Joe Turners' tho negro who shot and killed Patrolman . .!. L. Kitchin and A. M. Blair hero early , Sunday morning, is still in f his part of " tl:e country he must answer for the , crime, searching parties continue to , scour this and adjoining cpuutlet fo tho fugitive. Turner escaped after kill ent to raid t lug the two officers, who ; gambling game in -which he was alleged . participant. , ' Aa en poise wears. hself 'out in 'ths : maa-hont another take its plaeennrl tntro is no let-up in the search. Varloui rlues ftt to hit whrreanouti have been ' investigated, Hut ad clear-cut trail of Turner hasyct been'found. i Death of John Carr -of Wallace. t " Wallaee, Oct. Mr John Carr, One of the oldest nnd a highly esteemed elt .... lxea of Wallace, pemed away quietly Baturday aiorniag after mouths of pa- tient suffering, at hia home hero. He la survived by three daughters, Mrs. T. Q. Hail, Mts Anna Carr and Mrs. J. A. ' Tyler, and. one son, Mr. 8ion A. Carr, 'II of this place two brothers, Mr. Chaneey Carr. of Eenansvllle, and Mr. Arthur Carr, of Mississippi, and a num- ' br of grandchildren and othe relatives, ' Tho funeral took place Sunday after ' Boon at S o'clock, tho lntertrlen being ia Bock-fish eemetery, pastor sof the deceased, Kev.iW. P. M. Currie, officiat ing, Tha services wore simple and im ' pressire, tha beautiful floral offering! ' apeaking for themselves. JOYFUL EATING Unlosa ycnir load la digested with, ut tho aftermath of pejnful acidity, the joy is taken out erf both sating ml living. - ' ftMlQIDS ra wondeetul In their help to tho stomach troubled with Over -acidity. Pleasant to taka rtHof prompt and sjafinlte. MADE T tCOTT tOWNK Of KOTTI ONUUIOnl Joluison of Mount Airy aad our chemist reports that in none of these samples could there ba detected, nor did they contain tny water soluble arsenic. At most of th conYplnints of damage by fertilizers in your section was said to be caused by the action of borax, thi information would probably be of value to you. at tha present time,. We. expect to make a further examination of these cample", but have no reason to believo that they contain anything duniaging to crtfps." Wsr on Stumps. It is announced that the stumping trnin, which has been operating in Ueorgia unjer the direction of the Georgia La.nd Owners' Association, will move northward into South Carolina and stage demonstrations of stump pulling and land clearing by Improved methods. The train eventually prob at! will be brought into North Caro lina. Representatives of the Federal and State .itepartnients of agriculture lire said to be ro-operating with the land owners' association in showing how STOMACH ON ; A STRIKE "Pape's Diapepsin" put! Sout, Gassy, Acid Stomachs . in order at once ! Wonder what upset your stomach which portion of thn food did the dam age do youf Well,--'don't bother. It your stomach is in a revolt; if sick, gassy and npset, and what you, just ate tint fermented and turned sour; head dizzy and aches; belch gases and acidi and eructiito undigested food just eat a tablet or two of Pape's Diapepsin to help neutralize acidity and in five min utes yon wonder' what became of the indigestion and distress. If ysur stomach doesn't take Cnrs of your liheral limit without rebellion; If your food is a damage instead of a help, renrember the quickest, surest, most hwrmlcss antacid is Pnpe's Dia pepsin, whtch costs to little at drug stores. Adv. AN OPPORTUNITY FOR AN INTEL ligont woman with college education, who wants to make herself useful ia highrlass but not highly, paid call ing. Must live in Raleigh. State sal ary expected in first letter. Address "rMSS," care Newt and Observer. Carolina Land Owners' Atseeiation and of the State and Federal departments tf agriculture, with represeatativea of the railroads traversing tha State, ar rangements were made to bring the Georgia land clearing demonstration train of nine cars Into Booth Carolina and conduct demonstrations over pe riod Of twenty days at nine points, be ginning with Allendiile and concluding with Beaufort. " WealeraWadgeaaip Agala. Senator Lee 8. Overman today con ferred with. Attorney General Palmer regarding the u-ri of "an addi tional judge in tfie Weflera District of North Carolina, the position which is scheduled to go to Representative E. Y. Webb, of 8helby. The Senator does not expect this nomination to go- in until the President resumes routine duties at the . White House.. However, it is aaid there has been no hitch in tho administration plana to name Repre sentative Webb and hia name it ex pected to go in at soon as President Wilson can give attention to appoint ment matters. j Congressman Robinson at Home. ! Representative L. D. ltobinson, of the . Seventh district,' who is now mingling with his constituents . ia expected to , return Thursday, Representative Rob-, inson it a member of the special House , committee . named la iavestigate the j right to a tent in the House of Victor j Uerger, the Milwaukee socialist, who hat ' a certificate of election, bdt at the same time is under sentence of draft-resistance utterances during the war. The . North Carolina member has been noti- tied fliat the committee may take final; action Thursday and he will return ' to sssist in the preparation of the com-', mittee report. It ia unofficially re- j ported that the House committee is ! likely to report against the seating of j Berger to long as the present sentence j is hanging over him. IWger has taken I an appeal to the highest court from bit i conviction. j Tar, Pitch and Tnrpentlne. W. M. Webb, of Morehead City, re- lurnoa nome ronignc arter actiag at a member of a delegation which appeared oeroro the Uepartmcnt of Agriculture oflicials yesterday. The delegation 1 composed of New Hern, Morehead City i nnd Bogus Sound, fish products manu- 1 faeturers has also returned home. i The . Tar Ileels were here to protest j of tX''T."L6c, Iti Censni Bupertisot Of tho Greensboro District. Mr. Iwe succeeds John F. Hacker, who resigned because of serious illness in hia family. Mr. Lowe's appointment was announced Saturday last. - ; The Wilmington branch of the Amer ican Legion of Honor today requested Representative Godwin, to obtain eon sent from the Treasury Department for the use of rorernment land hack of the postolBce in Wilmington oa which there' now stands hut used by tha war Camp Community Service. The' WU miegloa etrana want to takeover -tun but as a toldrers" recreation booAc if the government will permit it to remain bark of the postolBce. . Robert W. Wooley. Interstate Com merce Commissioner, . and Edward E. Brit to ij, secretary to Secretary Daniels, returned to "Washington1 todays from Greensboro where Commissioner Wooley festerday addressed the Woman's Col- lego on tha, "Foandera Day ceremony. . 4h weoJleg nnL. extended ,tb, .in vitation accepted by Mr. Wooley. The Interstate Commerce Commissioner ex- CATARRH Qakklr Ka4t4 ky PlwiuBt, Htallnt Antl sU Aib Jut Bratfc4t You, Too, an Have Soft, Healthy Luxuriant , HAIR It's merely a matter of care. Frequent washing, followed by a brisk shampoo, ia hclpruii but to secure permanent re sults you most rid yourself of dandruff. Tha SCAW TONIC Oe-Two 6Lti-i-$ 1.00 Ns it an unequalled preparation for dan druff and all affectiona and irritations of the scalp. It deans, softens and beautifies the ruir( promoting a more healthy and luxuriant growth. Used and endorsed by thousands. GctTono-, Scalps at any good drug start 50c and Jl.OO. Ask for it by nams. - Hie Tono-Scalpa Co, Inc.' icHMonn, moiNia The ilttls hard rubber Hromel InhaWr which pott caa sl II J. C. Brantley's or any rall.bla - drtlKfflat can sully be carried ia packet or pun. U will hut a lifetime. Into I hie inhaler ynu Dour . few drene of the pure healins oil of llyomei. This all Is abeorbeel by the antlseotls nine within and now you are ready (a breathe it in over She term Infected membranea where it will ppeedlly bevin Ite work ef heafahina ratsrrhal srerms and endlna Catarrh Hyomei w mad of Anstrallaa ewaalyptut ombined with other antieeptwe aad i vs pleasant ta breathe. It ia ruaranteea to haaUh vatarrh. broa. ehltl, inmymta. taaellltie. aara throat, ere, over he and eotde or money back. It aftea eleana out a stuired op bead, and opens claaxtd awsrila In ten. aernatea. - Complete eutAt, includinc rnbeler aad ene bottle of Hyomei. aoeta but little, while extra bottle, if afterward a ceded, mar be obtalaad St any drussl.t for a w ent.(AdT.j nSl). Y4mr w s a I tttii em j i II n I I - II Drowns anu tant. wreamer uatt and short back modelt ia countless interprctationa. for tha little tf 4 QQ SBag; f I Cri"d ,-W'4 J.8 and sPeJO , To thde discriminating people who know the best and never - 'y"1? , sistible j . .r-t Say It With FLOWERS Cut Flowers. Floral Designs, WeddiiiK and Corsage Bouquets, Palms, Ferns and all kinds of Decorative Plants, Narcissus, Hr' . acintht, Freesia and other Bulb for Fall Planting. , II. STEIN1METZ ' Florist Baleigh. N. C. pressed himself aa charmed by tho hos pitality of tbo North Carolinians he met. at Greensboro, and Ms. Brittoa praised tho receptind given the griest of honor Edie A. . Jonea - was. today . named iourtb-clasa " post master at Denny, in yilkea county. ' StomacH tills permanently disappear after drinking tha celebrated 8hiar Mineral Water. Posttrrely guaranteed- by eaoney-back;. oftat.JXAe.SLm. cost trifio. Do livered anywhere by onr Baleigh Agents, Porter Candy Co. Phono them Adv. . 25 BELK , 'Store ' . ' ; "T."'.,s' Hudson-Belk Cr i WeelIIt For Le" CHARMING HATS ASSUME UTMOST IMPORTANCE YOUR FALL APPAREL IS v SELECTED . AS ; ' 25 ' BELK Hundreds of wottien now look to this storef f or the presen tation of corrtict millinery fashions.' - . One-third Your Millinery Bill Saved if You Purchase Here Creations That Enhance Muqh Loveliness of Vogue A. New Line Black Hatters' Plush Sailors Priced, $11.95 FALL MILLINERY MODES FOR WOMEN lists of Panna Velvet, Beaver, Hatters' Plush and Velonr. Millinery that. Incorporates the latest -and best ideas. Bcproduetloat of original .modes in tho newest Fall colors are well represented. TJa usual blendingi of the newest of Taupe, Purple, Black Seal, Brown, Navy and Bordeaux will bo found. Priced: I4.J8, $7.50 IMS ........... $14.95 The Claims of Youth on Millinery Modes Hato of Velonr, Vnlvet and Bilk anrf Cuvetyn, and Velvet Ribbon ia the gorgtous ahades so befitting radi ant youth. Crnthablo hats of stitched and tncked velvet with the slightest tuggestion of trimming. Draped Turbans and soft, crush turbans now much in vogue for young wenrers." Tarn O'Hhanters in velvet and in va rious developments. Branded street hnts of Beaver or Yelour in blue, black and all the popular shades of prowns ann tans, streamer uatt and short back modelt ia countless interprctationa. for tha little sister. Criced I1.J8, $t.8, $3.98 and HwapaaMJ 'NXQAHQ '4 XStTHHOI -Xieid j Jo oaand lasaaoaa re ot Tlpa JIM I ltt I 1 a no seeei it joi aajal aaq eao itanod eeo(. paw eajsa.da jo ajaad aoo-X)J.t o as em )o at eiv. aonajodjao ma epoijAno aVstae sfopeewj v eimsl. ten mo nsw ea 01 'Xeedere') en s SJataaiin )b troaefa rewairs am e ejoaoeiq ajaog aira o ejevjeea ea aatarui .neojo; -Xjlod em ia joi plo , at eaoued Jae aW 9eea f aeodjnd an Jo 'STSt Ja,aijaa aa "VI ee l -ilepao J icauar mn 'araaaki o M3 atn a jtaad -aaof aree 10 wain eaH N 4- pi"-e II VOIHSWV 40 AHVJM03 Sir)NTHOSNI ivuN:antM an. 1 ajapotjin m guneeai S leu? t f ! 331XO! varaxiiT to AMVjnoo idntuoeni 40 raxcnoUAariod ku KUAaOX Come In AND GET .''. Tanked Up CENTRAL FILLING STATION Thai Handy PUee.,,- r:.'.c jUlei, f I ..World's Greatest r 7 - - ---- " - oilelJlpacp 0Vu. y . w t 1 , GROCERS " . . .,. :s . where - . 'i 1 i O those discriminating people who know the best buy anything but the best, the Roamer makes an i appeal. They find in the Roamer beauty of designare delicacy of appointments and brute powe equal to any test of the road. They find in the Roamer that quality they have sought in other -Amcricancars andfound lainindividuality.The Roamer is a Eersonal car. The color oflt bodyTthe huq aria material of its up olsteryand top. every detail of finish, are carved out in accord ance with the wishes of the purchaser, without additional cost 1 -T BARLEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY, KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN : fcp RALEIGH ANDERSON MOTOR ' ' ' f , r" V . .?3&E RALEIGH, N. C ' ' It MAM Of . ! . '' -ryryr -HczSiSFZp. .' ' " .-, . ! , ' AMtlttCAt S ! " " ' .- ,i - -r- i-Eigsp .--"-:-' Agnto t or Eastern North Carciira. . mAM.TUtA.-.r- 1 '

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