URGES G. 0. P. TO CAPTURE COUNTIES Emissary of Hays Tells Dur ham Republicans To Build From Bottbm By JAMES A. ROBINSON. Durham, Not. 8. Bert- Fuller, right hasd bu of Will Haya, ehairmaa of tli 'BopubUcau National Committee, ad dressed a meeting of a goodly crowd of promineat Republican workers of this section of the Bute, at the Conser vatory of Vnsia today at aooa. Mr. Fuller urged that Republicans in the State work from the township up, pattisg up a Uglit for every county office, instead of limiting their f eity, azainst Vennis Harden, of Handle Whitten. a prominent banker ia Fulton, Mo. He fort the purpose of acquiring Fed eral patronage. "The leaser off.ces of the btate, la the eoant'ps, are moat " important to a firm foundation for tho party ia the Btate, and -the worker - - must lead their ffrte- thorough .... campaign along mm anq county, aa ' well aa National line," he said. Un til such thorough action is tnken th real dsvclonaieat of th nurty within the 8tnto itself will never materialise." Synedical Asilllarr Cloe. Hf -WomimV-Byiiotlicat 'A a liliary- of th North Carolina cyaod closed a two days' session last night, with a pro grant of great interest. The tnsta.Ua tioof the ffirs for th OMHieg year was th leading feature. airs Jackson Johuson, pf Wilmington, was ' elected honorary president. Mrs. W. B. . Ramsey, of Hickory, was active presi dent with the following vice-president: First, Mrs. . S. Pagev at Bisener awr ead, Mrs. Y. K. Urey, of Devrnsoat third. Miss Conns Truett, of Uaa toula; fourth, Mrs. W. M Baker, of Tsrboro j flfth, Mrs. W, A.. West, of FayetteVillcj siath, Mrs. O. W. Old ham, of Taaeervillej seventh, Mrs. J, M. Baker, ef Wilmington. Secretary Mrs. S. A. Boblnson, ef Oastonia. Treasurer Mrs. A. 0. Carter, of San ford Secretary of Foreiga Missions Mrs. J. A. Brown, of Chadburn. . Secretary of Assemblies Horn Mia sion Mrs. W. E. White, ef Graham. Secretary of Christiaa Education and Ministerial Belief Mrs. George How ard, of Tarboro. Secretary" of Young FeopU's Work- Mis Mamis Mctlwe. of Statesrilie. Secretary ef S. T. and T. Horn Mis sions Mrs. Charles liankia, of Fay etterill. i - Secretary of Orphan Work Mrs. F. T. Hall, of Belmout. i Secretary of Literature Mrs. S. M. Sankia, of Ureeneboro. Two invitation for the Best meeting place ef th Auxiliary wer received on from Concord, and on from Gas touia. No decision was made. A Sensational Caa Cosnproalsed. .Th ens ef Maria Thompson, of this city, against Dennis Harden, of Bandla man, for mental anguish from alleged improper proposals . by th defendant. wail th plaintiff was a passenger oa oo of his "for hire" ears at Baadlo man, and which was expected to be a vary sensational bearing, was set for ' today, but it never cam to trial. . Th defendant asked for $10,000 damages, but the matter was compromised be fore th ess was colled, and it is un derstood that th plaintiff ia to recoive 1750, and th defendant is to pay all court costs. Another eas compromised and.settled without trial was that of Dora lAk, ad ministrator, against tha Liggett My ers Co. A judgment for 1,5 JO is said to bar been agreed upon by the attor neys ia the ease. The eonrt today granted a divorce ,to Mary Wbittsa from her husband, Joseph Whitte. Freeiofent ef Wake Forest la Durham.. This ia one of the great days of the Baptist 75 Million Campaign a far as Durham and the rest of th Mt. Zion Baptist Association ar concerned. At the Temple church during the day and at the First church at sight th workers ia th, fifty churches of th association kavs met in conference. ' Dr. W.-JU. Potest, the president of Wsk Forest College, spoke to the workers this miming at 11:30 o'clock on tb Subject, "A Viow of th NsW Condi tion' Under Which We are Living." - Lo Rood Speska la Durham. To seventh weekly meeting of the Hl-Y-Club was held tonight on the sec end poor t the X. 11. (J. A. building at ;30; at which lime Mr. Lee W. Rood, 40 kas recently returned from France in the Y. M. C. A. oversea! work,, talked -to. tha-boja, Mr. Rood before going overseas was a prominent banker in Fulton, Mo. He spent several months at Camp Gordon, end later M months with .the Service of Supplies In the western part of France. Here be came ia csntact with th men going to the front and the returning wounded, lie ha splendid message for tb high school pupils. Enumerator Lacking.' The -enumerators jobs la the taking of the fourteenth census are (ding begging. Very few applicants are showing tip. The positions are many and few seem to be interested la the msttsr. J. 8. Euykendnll, chief clerk ia the office of supervisor of census for th Fifth dis trict, at' Winston Salem, hat written Gen. J, 8, Carr, and call his sttcntipa to the matter, . . i , Death ef George Garrett. It wns Genrg H. Garrett who died In Ashovill of. meningitis. He was 4: , year of age, and was a tobaceonfat of . Rocky Mount. He is brotliet of R. M. Garrett, ef Greenville, and G. J. Grr rett, of Winston Fnlem. His tcmalns! wer carried to the old Gcrett home place et Roibnro, where the funeral ao4 barial took pkiee today. 'j--cr" Fra-ik L. Faller. Ir, Chslrmsa. ' , - Mr. Frank L Fuller, Jr., has been designated and appointed chairman of the Red Cross Roll Call cunpaign for this city, sni will begin immediately to organ:x his forces for carrying threu?li the drive for membership, which .will end next Tpsdsr, the llth. . .'-isoM-TnrWekle'- ' '' Heal th ThroaWnd Care the Cough. HAVES' HEALING HONEY. S. A free boa of GROVE'S O-PEN-TRATE SALVE for Chest Colds. Head Cold and Croup nith every bottle. . .,.... Mrs. Morrtsoa Critically I1L ; Charlotte, Nov. 8. Mr. Csmeroa Morrison, wifo of th candidate for Governor is critically ill ia a local hoe r .til, and little hope is entertained for ! r recovery. j SILVER SERVICE TO LT. B. W. MAYNARD eMUaaed From Fsge One.) the Tar Heel delegation. .This pleasure will undoubtedly be assigned to Rep re tentative Brinsoa, who dircussed the natter tentatively with Representative Kitclua and etaora today. The same move may bo made in. the Senate by Senator Overman, v ho was the moving factor ia getting permission for the "Hying parson tj go to North Carolina. Oa acount of the treaty program of the Senate, however, there is Jojs likelihood lha- North Carolina's famous flyer will be signally honored by th Senate, than there ia by th House. When th legislative urogrr.m ie put through, as planned tonight, Represen tative Brinson will be host at a dinner at the New Willard tomorrow Bight for Uaynard and will have as his guests members of the North Carolina delega tion ia Congress. Following this. May nard will be carried to the meeting to morrow night of the North Carolina So ciety where he will be the guest of honor and called on to speak. 0 1 1 As Influensa. is aa exaggerated form of Grip, LAXATIVE RRUMU QUININE Tablets should bo taken in larger doses than is prescribed for ordinary Grip. A good plan is not to wait until you arc siclr, but FKEVENT IT by taking LAA ATIVZ. BKUilCJ QUININE Tablet in i ime. Ad Republicans Block Move of Democrats For Vote On - Peace Treaty in- Senate -. (Continued From Page One.) a notion te the- sane effect, but Sena tor Lodge called attention that his mo tion to take up reservations was the pending business. After the Vice Presi dent had overruled Senator Under wood's point of order, the reservations at kst rvere formally laid - before, the Senate. Debate ea Reservations. Th first paragraph of the reservation group the only part considered today recite that th reservations must bo accepted by three of the other four great powers to msks ths treaty binding. As presented it bad been slightly modified from tiie originrl committco draft, ao that tho aeseptsnee would be secured "byxchange of notes." Senators Lodge and Eiijrc, Republican, New Jersey, cpvke in support of the preamble and Nona tors McCumber, Bepubliean, North Dakota, and Thomas, Democrat, Colo- redo, against it. - Durinir the ier two-'new reservation proposal were placed before th Sen ate and, together with several others presented by individual Senators, will U)e taken up after the committee list. One waa by Senator Knox, Republican, Pennsylvania, proposng that the TJnited States become only a ''consulting mem- hur'' ot the learn with full liherrv to govern it own course in all respects, and the other was ny Senator Johnson, Republican, California, relating to equalization of voting power in th league. Trying To Prevent Btrik. Miami, Fla., Nov. 6. Behiud closed doors, carefully, curtained, representa tive of organized labor and the busi ness interests of the city, president of city council and chamber of commerce, today struggled, esch ia hi own way, to prevent th general etrlke of several thousand workmen comprising twenty seven unions affiliated with the Ameri can Federation of Labor. The strike Is called for Monday, November 10. It wns said' after the meeting that noth ing had been accomplished. GIANT AIR LINER CETS TO CHICAGO ON JOURNET YLl' VII V m T-i. - vujca;.. - 4'. llll -iui Lawson air liner, carrying eleven per sons, including three women, arrived here today from Indianapolis, making th trip in two hours. The huge ma chine ploughed Into the mud In land ing at Aslibum Field and several team of horses will be required to drag it oa dry ground. The machine will leave for Milwaukee within two days. The Weather Local Office, l-nlted State Rare a. Weather Raleigh. N. C, Nov. 6. 1919. h For North Carolina! Fair Friday ex cept rain-extreme weet portion t slightly warmer; Saturday fair west, local rains east portion, somewhat colder. TEMPERATURE. Sunrise .6:4it a. m. Buinet .6:18 p. m, a a. m. 1 p. m. fi p. m. Dry- Blb-tTTrv 40 -6t W Wet Bulb 11 48 44 Rel. Humidity in 3 Highest temperature 60 Lowest temperature 38 Mean temperature 48 Deficiency for the day , 7 Average daily excess sine Janu ary 1st l.T Amount for th ti hour ending at 8 p. m. , 0 Total for the month to date .... l.OA Excess for the month . A. ....... .04 Defleiency since January 1st.... fi-32 Railroad Schedules Mt'iii'i htr?wrtits.TsrthsirsMfMMS1' tulfn StnSsr THMt erLK.euiMisa aaikMAB. rxt . a. ttrt. WstaMfM," .III . c as s. f as) s. m. !, Wsskisswe. SrMl MBS a. m. Btiiims. WukiMIM. Wll whim in p. w. Ml . a. cntrit. VwiH. sur... fa s. m. MM a, Fvittiviiit. kMUaetM. '. a. Sp bb laBfcSh in a. si- rrMiiii, tni". r Skmm, rayanrrlNt IM.Sb t 44S . SI. rwwtlll, UUHfM, fs CMS Ssriask taeea.se. ai uri MiiaeaB. . Am In. Srwn Lws fm It M a. Jcl.mi ....... Dn VtHi 11-Hl.a. !. a, m. s. '! NfMi-WH, l.s a. m. tl a. m. Nart.ik-WMjilafiM.ir'iii t a. m. 1 U s. m. . Vwt ...... J'ttMnoto 44Ss.sk 4:41 . m. .!.! BIIM,:kM S4.ak lt::s . ll. Ntrt.Ui II I, a. 1:11 . m. .c...rtlii Hn VrS 4:lt . Ik NMtalt ............ AII..H 4 4 cm. s-sr . k km vwk .....7 iMkiiiii4 is . . . . . wikMs km . s. aeOTNsaa All.OA H" fm Tai m. m. 11:41 . Dart.1 ....a, W1I.MHI.1 :i 1. l:41 4. m. ewh.a ........ 4 00 4. . DurH4 - 4:1 a. si. S.4 ...... 4 'MMMT, er.4.4w4 44 4. U .I4MT4 It 14 4. a. S.IX4 I.UiMf. 4-OSa.. txi.al.i4i ton II 49 4. n. 4Mi4rs ttM s. ak UNiTte avavr iieo oniTsrieB ' eoNsoLioane tickit nrnci en n..-4. 411 i?4. a..-. pmw, Mim, ASHEVILLE PREPARES FOR PHYSICIANS' MEETING Asbevillo, Ktvri-The programmer the thirteenth annual eoaveation of tb Bouthera Medical Association which will be held ia this city during Novem ber 10, 11, '13 .and 13 has been.com' plated snd all arrangements have been made for the entertainment of the hundreds of Drofessional men from six teen Southern States who will be here for th convention. The general headquarters ef the as sociation aad convention will be ia the Y. If. C. A. and badges and all la formation will be given out there. B- eansa ef the number of delegate ex pec ted to attead the eoavsntioa it 1 felt that the convention halls ot the hotels will not be so (Helen t to accom modate the crowd and some of the ses sions will be held ia the city audi torium while others will taks place in the Y. M. C. A. anditorium and the dif ferent churches of the eixr' lor That CHILLY reeling Take Grove' Tssteless CHILL Tonic It Warm th Body by Purifying and r.nriching th Blood. You csa soon feel its Strengthening, Invigorating tncet. rrK ouc (Adv.) Still Hopeful of. Settling Strike After Saturday - (Ceatlaaed From Page One J was easy for a man to Agar, they aid, how long present stocks would last, assuming the bins wer filled for s avenge run f whirry ityn' -- A full report of ths strike situation WilMe presented to th cabinet at its meeting tomorrow. While it hss been wiHHioeed thai the cabinet stood solid ly together ia formulating the govern ment's strike policy, it has been com mon talk in labor aad official circles that Secretary Wilson, a former officer of th United Mm Workers of Amer ira, strongly opposed injunction' pro ceedings. ' ' MINERS FILE MOTION TO DISSOLVE THE INJUNCTION Indianapolis, Ind., Nov. 6,-r-Taking their first step in th fight against the government s euorts to bring about an end of the cool miners' strike through Federal court action, attorneys for th United Mm workers' of America to day filed a motion ia the United State District court here asking that the re straining order issued by Judge Ander son last week be dissolved. The mo tion will be argued Saturday when the government's petition that the restrain ing order be made a temporary injunc tion, comes up for hearing. Ths motion attack th right of the government to Interfere in the con troversy and declare that it ie with out "equity and clean hands in 4he nroaeeution of this suit." The lattr assertion waa in connection with state! roents made to show that th adminis tration in bringing about conferences in Wsshingtoa between the representa tives of th operators and miners, with Secretary ef Labor Wilson, recognised the right ef collective bargaining but by its later action would arbitrarily deny this right The charge of lack of equity was baaed on ike argument that the President had dissolved the fuel administration following cessation of hostilities and was without authority te re-establish the- administratorship "without the exigency of war," and that the Unitod State haa thereby brought about confusion and disorder. Con tinning the motion declared that "the real and substantial purpose ef this nit is to have the court extricate the admlnistratloai from the unfortunate state of disorder in which it baa in olved itself." The document attack the clause of the . restraining order which prevents disbursement of strike benefit, declar ing that the benefit fund, th property Ixatlon Is dented them without just cause and without compensation. Other sections ef th motion declare that th government' petition for aa injunction doe 1 not disclose that th plaintiff, the United States government, has any Interest in the subject matter or ia the relief (ought and that it does not allege that the common lot of th miner will not be improved by a bow wage ' agreement. It eitea th act of Octbocr IS, 1914, aa providing that no restraining order ahall be issued ia any United State eonrt ia any case between employer aad employes "growing out of a dis pute concerning term or eonditlon ef employment Unless necessary ts pre vent injury irreparable to property or property right, for which there Is no adequate remedy in law.. Report to Indianapolis today .indi cated no change in th situation ia' th coal fields- ef the stats. A' few wsgon-Bvine are ia opratloabuton ths whole naioa mine are ddle. Th Indiana Public Service Commis sion today took the first step looking to eeaservatioa ef coal ia the state, wbea it ordered all eoal burning pub. We Gote Saturday at 9 p. m. Tlhie L. Samuel, 215 S. Wilmington St.' Now That Cold Weather Is Here it will pay you to see the big values we are offerinsr in Fall - and Winter CLOTHING for Men, Women and Children. ..... For FRIDAY and SATURDAY We Shall Place on Sale . N Ladies' COATS S A neat assortment of atvl. ish Coats, made of food, warm material; regular p e v A; vtseii $24.50 ua.vu value, on sale at . . WE CLOTHE AND SHOE THE FAMILY hoUtilities having lest than two weeks' supply of coal to discontinue at once street lighting, service for electric signs, water for fountains, coal ga for aeatiag and such other services ai is be lieved advisable. Thus far Indianapolis ha not been noticeably affected by the viuvr - PRESENT DAY STYLES IN WOMEN'S DRESS CENSORED Atlantic City, N. J., Nov. . Present any styles or eiotn worn by church women were censored today at the Na tibnal Training Conference ef the Inter Church World Movement of North America. " " . ''The indecent dress ef some women in oar churches makes it tremendously hard for a young wan to keep hU thought clean snd purs, deelarsd the Rev. J. B. Crowther, of Seattl. "In public these days yon caa scarcely tell the difference between a street woman and a church woman. CELEBRATE COMPLETION OF THE DESTROYER READ Boston, Nov. fl. The comnletion ef the destroyer Bead la H'A working days. a noun secura in suipouiiaiog, was cele brated officially today when the vessel fully equipped, waa formally turned over to the navy by representative of the Bethlehem, Shipbuilding. Corpora tion, litd. Th achievement ot the Souantum Ship Worker was recosnised by Secretary of ths Navy Daniels, who tent a telegram of congratulation. CHRISTIAN CHURCH WOMEN - MEET AT ELON ON SATURDAY. Elon College, Nov. 8. Th Woman' Missionary conference of the Christian church for the State of North Carolina will assemble here on Saturday for two-day session. About 200 delegate ar expeeted. Rev. and Mrs. E. K. Me- Cord, ef the Japan million, will be honor guests and tax a prominent part in the deliberations of the conference' Toshio. Sato San. of Japan); and Victor m. Kivera, of Porto Jtico, where the women have workers, will also speak. Other special features of the program will be addressesi ef the State presi dent, airs. w. a. Carroll, of th South era convention; President, Mrs. W. A Harper, by Dr. J. O. Atkinson, Dr. W. Harrell, Rev. George D. Eaates, offi ears reports, and a pagesnt by thai Young reoples Missionary Society of me .Burlington christian church. GERMAN GENERALS WANT TO TESTIFY ON THE WAR Zurich, Nov. 5. (French Wireless Service.) Lieutenant-General von Fal kenhayn, formerly chief of the German great general str.ff and Rnppreeht, the form-r Crown Prince of Bavaia, have written to the chairman of the German commission, appointed to inquire into the question of the responsibility for (he-war, asking to be heard oa the sub ject of the military measures taken in Belgium and f ranee. Frinee Ruppreeht ia ia (Switzerland. Three Mca Killed la Wreck. Conneant, Ohio, Nov. 8. Three men were probably killed this afternoon when th boiler on a Bessemer and Lake Erie Railroad freight engine blew up six miles southeast of here, near the Pennsylvania State line. Fireman Grant Noel was found dead, a brake man is said to be dying and the engi neer cannot be found. , Bad Cold Got You? Feeling Grippy? Dr. King's Now Discorory oob tarts yon on the road to recovery, S NCB tried, always used. Thai If a trite expression, but one never more applicable than it is to Or. hung' New Discovery. . Yon will like the prompt, busine like way it loosen th phlegm-congested chest, soothes the tortured throat, relieves aa old or a new cold, grippe, cougn, croup. Th kiddie caa take it in perfeet safety, too. No bad after effect. Standard half a century. 80 and $1.80 a bottle. At your druggist. Adv. Don't Continue Constipated Don't let your bowel bulldose year system. Hake them function regularly keep the body cleansed waste matter with Dr. King' New Life Pill. ilillousness, sick headache, - sour tto march, indigestion, disziness, furred tongus, bad breath think of th em barrassment and discomfort traceable to constipation. How easily they Ve rectified by the occasional us of Dr. King's New Life Fills. Move the bowel smoothly bat surely. Try them tonight. All druggists 25c aa aeaaL Adv. . Proa. it Raleigh, N. C Mens . OVERCOATS Well tnade, of good qual ity, just the kind for cold weather; regular 130.00 value, on t tjin 7C sale at ....... 0li7.D BIDS FOR CANTONMENTS OPENED BY DEPARTMENT Wash lngtoa, Nov. 6. Ths highest bid received, by the War Department for th purchase ef the cantonments in Chattanooga aad Chicks mauga National Parka waa that of B. A. Goldmaa, of Chicago, who offered 1176.000 for all the properties constructed by the gov- eminent The eeeond highest bid was 134,500 of the Fuel Wrecking Com pany, Chicago. Harris Bros New York City, bid $80,000. The Buffalo Wracking and Salvage Company, Buffalo, offered $321,000 for all th "improvement at Camp MiHs, Mineola, L. I. Th General Engineering Company, of Indianapolis, bid $188,110 and R, C. Hoffmaa Co., Baltimore, 1121. US Jot th New York camp. For the improvements at Camp Shel by, Hattiesburg, Mississippi, Hsrris Bros., of New York, bid155,000; Frank mB. Cole .of Newnan. 0a., $121,231 and th General Engineering C04 Indianapo lis, 1118,100. In the ease ef each camp there were numerous smaller bids and alternative bids for various parcels. III MISERY . FOR YEARS Mr. Courtney Telle How Sh Waa Cured by Ajdia Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound. Otlcalooea, Iowa. " For year I waa Imply in misery from a weakness and awiui psuu-ssu nothing aeemed to do me any good. A friend advised me to taka Lydia , Pinkham'a Vege table Compound. I did ao and got re lief right away. I can certainly re commend this valu able medicine to other women who eoffar, for it baa dona aneh good work for ma and I know it will help others if they will give it a fair trial" Mrs. Lrzzu Courtket, 108 8th Are., West, uskaiooaa, low a. WhT will women drag atone? from day to day,, year in and year out, suffering luch misery as did Mrs. Courtney, when such letters aa this areeontinuallv being published. Every woman who suffers from displacements. Irregularities, in flammation, ulceration, backache, ner vousness, or who ia passing through the Change of Lif should giro this famous root and herb remedy, Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, a trial. For special advice write Lydia E. Pinkbam Medicine Co, Lynn, Mass. The result of its long experience is at your service. $28.00' REWARD. Jorth arrest or information leading to the recovery ef two boys. 'seas of Mr. B. Hales and Mr. Askew, ef Whit- akers, N. C. These boys ran away from home' Wednesday ' evening. Both boys are about 15 years old; one about S feet 7 inches, th ether about 8 feet 4. One wore long trousers. Wire any Informa tion to 3. Z'. Bales. 'Whi takers, Vt. C. ea, muiniHWiiMfflumiUiKmiiw Boots for Discriminating Women You tban have button toots again now button boots with listening, patent-leather vamps, tops of dilTer ent colors, and lovely pearl buttons. ' Come in arid see this beautilful long-lined new model investing your foot with the trim slimness of a young girl's. Elegance at a .reasonable price I '', . " . ' ,rWeVe scored again" ' - - ' ae. field EXPERT buyers teamed up with expert blenders here's a combination you can't beat. For a touch-down on 41 l evr PI4.l.tf.M. Don't Be A "Ready-Hade" Man When you can get tailor-made comfort and individual Your Choice of Selected Woolens $35.00 to $50.00 The Season's Popular Flannels, Patterned in Blue, m:zMM $50.00 Vou will be measured care fully, and then, following these measurements closely, your Suit will be made so that it fits faultlessly. LEE CLAYTON Merchant Tailor Yarborough Building YOU MAT BB WORTH f tM A OAT FROHgivonr shouldersdoira. TOCB worth from your shoulders up depends ec how yon train your brain. If you let the BMITHDEAL skilled instructors teach you business, you can go, to the top, f " ' m t4.,V.'"-. Pa ' TriLiJLn ' Rightfully tensed "Njrta CaroUaa's Greatest Market Place,' the Claaailed Page la The Newe and Observer get this recegnltioa hr predadBp reeaHa, The ALSACE Price $15.00 WalkrQvzr Boot : ' 117 Faycttcvillc St. j3 shithdeal Busmssm COLLECE- Hni "l"'ei 'it- i K44i RICHMOND. VA. Shop J