THE NEWS AND OBSERVER. SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 15, 191?. MAXIMUM PRICE OP BEET SUGAR FIXED Confercoce Ooens To adoui mce in aou Coal Fields (Continued from Page. One.) Brina runrm ninnnnu m 1 V, Decision Reached at Confer ence Between Refiners and Dept. of Justice Washington, Not. Uj-A waxirauni wholesale price of tea and eae-half cents pound for ell beet lupn at all points in the United Bute aa established to day by the department of Justice. This price waa flit (J at a lengthy eon fsrese between Howard Tilt, special assistant to tha attorney- gessral ia chargs of food price aad Bepreseata tives of tha leadinc beet sugar refiners. wb had sought a a, iucresse ever tha of broadening tha definition of "i present prlee oa tha grounds that they service, aad giving tha iataratata eom- eonld not make a reaaoaable profit. mere eoranaiasios complete control of Previously boot eager prices, Tsnged traffia aovssaent ia aa emnrgeney," from 10 orate a pound in most sections ,h ,ectioa w .Hacked by members a to 10 eents. It wsg said that a gen- -robbery 0 ,ut righU." which would change ia Misting commerce Jaw that tha intersinte commerce commis sion aaay upon tie eaa initiative com pel a division of joint . ratea ao ai not te "unduly prefer ar prejudice aay participating carriers. 8hort lines often nfraia from taking complaint against their trunk lines connection for fear af giving of fence, declared Chairman Each, ex plaining tha necessity of change. , Aa eooa aa tha section, proposing ei- tensioa of the interstate eoinnieree com nUsioa authority over ear service, had been read, aereral members, part ien larly thoes from Teaaa, sought to pre vent adoption of the section. Because ear eral order would be issued-withm a week which would "settle tha sugar prices and aroid further suianndsrstandiDg. ' Plans are being considered by. ths da- partment for tha creation of a sugar distributing committee to ait ia Chicago -and to have complete control ofthe dis tributing of all beet sugar. HEARING ON ARMY AND GUARD BILLS i froni;lga-OaeJ crater "absolute eontrol of traffic with the interstate eommrrte. commission. Early ia tha evening aessioa, op ponents of the aectioa scored a partial victory wbea by a vote of 83 tc 39 they forced -adoption of aa amendment offered- by -EcproaeniatiV firfet, Bepub licaa, Iowa, expressly providing thai state railroad commwmtons would retain the authority aa limited only by the state police powers to require "just and reasonable freight and passenger ser- rct--ant aigtrihiutjon -of eqaipBaeat for Intrastate' traffic " Tola amendment tnkes the itality out or tae-ear service act,- aeeurea AT MASS MEETING te the governor of btates tha preroga. tiva and authority of SDDoiatmeat of of IteiK whir-, 4h,wera not exercised I a",aeB.t w an at si '," ITaWfa ArinAanj a that VhrAVWanfll ia eonaeetlo wiTn'-trte-aaMea-wu.i efe-lHr.ijrKlUliB81 weald be likely to apply to other forces . . ,,,,,,. --' furelji .state Migia to the eoaf usioo xef the whole naiUtary poJlcy.. . '1'bIiu tha national e-uard is organ Ised aa propos thin bill," General Macon continued, referring to the na tional guard association bill, "there 1 would be little If any inducement to the ; states to eontlna the appropriations " whiih they kavir enstemarUy prerided in recent years and it would be neees tary at this time and in this connection ' te provide for materially larger miv nrlations to aaeet the requlrementa ef . tha naUoaal guard. The ej-stem devised WENDELL BOY ARRESTED ON CHARGE OF FORGERY Held For Giving Worthies Checks To two Firms of This City- Charged with giving forged eheeks for merchandise which he later eold, Cecil Chamblee, a 17-year-old Wendell S ...l how was arrested testerdav moraine- bv ttZ.ZlZlt Vto "4 .ld under bond for The vtewa ef General llaoea, which a today m eity eourt, : are tadoreed by the majority of the - thamblee, aeeording to the polio. ,?wa alaa heri to .ppe.r before the bought an auto tire from Hardy Mill mTlitary affaire eomulittee, are shared Save a forged check for Vi ia II tie main by Adjutant General Boy- Py.t alw bought tro tire ess "erTef "ortk Cnroilna. and klajer Oor- from th. Dnited Tire Company ?o. adjutaat general. Bf"; '"'f J- i ,7 -. i. .it.. i n .. h.. young nun thea sold tha tires and ap- fora the wmwittee at the instaaee o( W"'"" "." tot ka UM' :wV-V.T n,..,d aoeitloa. His . Tha Wenrlell boy was recently par. 'familiarity with military affairs, aad j particularly the National Guard, comes from thirty years' service which was 1 continued under the last hal( of the Young administration whea he waa ap- ?olnted to take ever the recount of njor George Peterson. Ia lsXO, he ' served "on a sub-committee ef six an nelated th draw th. Dick bill. Gaara a swgnmr Army. doaed by Governor Biekett, it is said, while serving a sentence ia Wilson county on n similar charge, NOTED INSURANCE . MEN COMING HERE Those Interested in Sunday Afternoon Event Hopeful of Large Outpouring Those interested is tha mass meeting Sunday afteraooa at t o'evbek ,ia the Auditorium la the interest of tha Wake County Tuberculosis hospital are look ing foa a large outpouring ef the pcaple, They have sought particularly to let it be know that the Hospital project le a Wake eounty project not merely a eity. of-Haleigh project ana county spirit i counted on to bring large numbers ef automobile parties into Kaleigu Sunday afteraooa for the aisss meeting. The program ia expected to prove an attractive one. There are three speeches bnt it is promised that neithei the speechea nor the musical program will be such as to mate the meeting pf in ordlnnte length. Those who are te speak are Becre tary of the Havy Joiephaa Daniels, Dr, U B. McBrayer, superintendent of the Wats Tuberculosis Bsnatorlum, and Col. Albert Cox; Prof. Bagedora will have charge ef the musical program. No collection will be taken at the meeting. Contributions to the campaign fund preliminary for tha election on a bond issue of 1100,000 with which to buv aite and erect buildings for the hospital abw'amount'to 2,07. TesfefdtryVsrrbi scripuons were fl.W.75, the subscribe era being as folio wm J. O. Council, 5i George P. Pell 5; eash, M.75; Miss Mattie Jtenn, So; w. A. Withers. 5t 10; K. U. Htrong. tl: i. J. Mackav. HO aCharles Lee fimltn, 5i J. 8. Me- wm'i fin, uroip Muitn, eiuj i friend, 2; J. D. Turner, S3; C. E, Hornaday, 8; P. IT. BusVe, S3, Eugene Armbruater, SSt Dllloa Supply Co., S10j B. A. UcKinney, 10 A. A. Thompson, ; v, j. uram, go. , . W IDOW OF fa MOLS RUSSIAN NOVELI8T TOLSTOI DEAD Air. Frank K. Brondnox, vice-prcsl dent of tha NaUoaal Association of In Qnestlonsd about reputed hostility of (ft aBi Mr. Clias. W. Scorer, ex-nred the National Guard to the rcgaiax araty, dt cf the National Association, will Culonel Macon aaid! . . ' l on Monday, November IA, be the guests ' "Since arriving In Washington, I am I of the North Carolina Association of advised that' those of ua who are here I Insurance Underwriftra here. These 1 to advocate the National Guard bill " are suspected of hostility aad animosity to the regular army. As a guard of thirty yearn' service, I channels any man te point out tne Instance in mr military earccr whea I hare held any but the frleadlleat feeling aad high est tcseeet far the regular estabiiia meat. ; - " ' ' '. "Perhapi I have had as much direct dealing with the' army aa any Natloanl Guardsman in tha country," ha added, and the record af my association and deallmr with the regular serviee will support my assert Ion of friendship aad respect. It waa through this affiliation with the regular service that I ehoea to send my bey to West Point The gevemmeat today advertised : sale of motor : Tehiclee ef all klnda te be held at JetTeraoavllle, lad. very eooa. ' Charitable institutions with tha endorse ment ef the local chamber ef commerce are eligible purchasers at greatly re alised prleea. Detailed information re : gaining the aale eaa be had from sons eupply efnecr, Washington, Tar Beew aad Ji. C Newa. Representative Doughtoa today ap- ' feinted te take the army and navy examiaatioae. Luther Virgil feleheaek. of Meant Pleaaaat te West Point, aad ' WUliaaa ! Orist, at Collettavllle, te Aanapolla. A soil survey of Oaslow eon sty, with rrdersj aad Btate experts co-operating will begia.on January 1, according to aa agreement Representative Briasoa has just made with the Departmeat of Agriculture. Mr. Brlnscm has recently obtained pensions for Mrs. J, T. Pitt man, ef Wayne eouaty, aad Zadok K. Basdea, ef Onslow, " CoL P. M. Pearsall, of New Bern, ts among the distinguished North Caro linians ia Washington en political nstaeea. , E. Jeffries, general manager of tha Greensboro Daily News, is here aad will appear with the Greeaaboro delegatiea tomorrow to args a millioa dollar ap- propria uoa ror a new postofaee there. Senators Bimmaas and Overman both went today with tha party ef Senators to Charlottesville to attend the funeral of the late Benater Thomas 8. Martin, ef Virginia. V Tha party, which included Viee-Preaideat Marshall, went oa a spe cial train aad returned to Washington tonight. The Navy Department today issued Instruction for the- removal of the naval air station at More head City to fogln tomorrow. Such building as were erected there - by the aavy will .be torn down aad the eamp abandoned. Tha eontinuntiea of Caaipg Glenn, at Morehead, it ia naderstoed, depends largely oa the action of Congress with reference te the national guard If the bill favored by tha guard through, aext sumsser will, In all prob ability, see , North Carolina's militia with most af its eld time pereoaael baek at Camp Glanu. , . . - A Qalnlne That Peea a4 Alecs lead! Because of its tonie nnd laxative ef-f-ct, LAXATIVE BROitO QUININE (Tablets) en be take by any one without eauaiag nervousness or ringing ia the head. There le only one "Bromo Quinine. K. W. GBOVf 'B signature en tne box. 30c. y . ' : . : I'', t, W. Eimpk'na Dies at New Bern. New Bern, Nov. li- Mrs. E. W, Kiiap I'ns d el at her home oa Queen street l ite this afternoon. 6b il survived by ' lm-1 -.nj and five cliildren. The 'y te buried her Sunday morn- gentlemen are here on an itinerary which includes Colombia Tuesday and Jacksonville, r la. Wednesday. At 1 o'clock the visitors will be tbs guests of the North Carolina Associa tion nt a luncheon at the Tarborough, ana will attend a meeting of the asso ciation at the chamber of commerce at 3 e clock. Mr. Beover fa aa nationally known figure in th insurance werld. Be is from Pittsburg, Penn, Brtdgere-DaaM. A lovely wedding was solemnised Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock, at the home of the bride wbea Misa Nellie Daniel, of Henderson, N. C, becam the bride ef Mr. Kdgar Lee Brldgers, formerly or iUlcigh. The home waa beautifully decorated witn lerna, aad white aad yellow ehry santhemums. Tha bride and - groom entered the pnrlor together te the. strains of the wedding march played by the bride's sister, Miss Helen Daniel, and were nnlted ia marriage by Rev. L. E. Thompson, the ring ceremony being .. I ft. - l. I.' . , ! . "wu, m. unuv ronum waa ok wnue Jersey satin, and she carried a bouquet of bride's roses. The marriage was very quiet, owing te recent deaths which have occurred In the bride a family. Oaly near rela tives aad a few intimate meads were present. ' Among the ent-ef-towa gneat pre. eat were: Miss Julia Bridge rs and Mrs. Joha Bridge re. ef Raleigh t Mrs. Baas Daniel and Mies Mamie Daniel, ef Oxford. The Weathcr Lacal Omen, l-alted Statea Bareaw. Weataar Mlllwit Raleigh, N. C, Nov. 14, 11. Fair Saturday; Sunday fair, slightly Sua TEMPERATURE. - rise .6:51 a. m. ( Sunset .5:0o p. m. Dry Bulb Wet Bulb ....... Rel. Hnmiditv .. S a. m. It m. I p. mJ :.-... AA Am SO 79 80 8 J Higkeat temperature ......,... 48 Lowest temperature ............. Z9 Mean temperatnre ...... ....i.... '. 38 DeSelsaey for the day ....... U Average daily excess sine Jann- ry 1st l.i Iondoa, Nov. 14. Countess Leo Tol stoi, widow of ths famous Kusiinn nov elist, died at Yasnays Poliana, Novem ber 4, according to a' dispatch to the Daily Mail from Helsingfors quoting me rvrasaaia uasojte. , Countess T-dstoi, before her marriaars waa Hophte Behra, daughter of a fanh ionable Moscow physician. She was mar. ried to Count Tolstoi in 1862. The couple had 18 children. Count Tolstoi's his Inter life which led him to flee from his fn ro ily in search ef a simple mods of liv ing, wore aaid to have been a great - 1 i. : ! j i Wbea. ths novelist became critically ill just prior to his death ia November, 1910, he was lying in a poorly vtntilated room at a small village 80 miles from hia estate st Yasneya Poliana, attended by hie daughter. Count Tolstoi had ex. pressed the wish that ao one seek ixim oat. Countess Tolstoi sent an urgent appeal that she be permitted to join him in hia self-imposed eatle and hardship. Tha Conntoaa later received a touch lag letter front tha Count nnd proceed ed to the village, but waa admitted to the alek room only the night before ha died. , STUDENTS CELEBRATE ARMISTICE SIGNING Wake Forest. Nov. 15. Thirty -eight Wake Forest students whe saw overseas service celebrated the anniversary ef the aurntng ef the armistice in the law building on Tuesday evening. ' Cigars snd Jruit were served. Dr. N. 7. Gulley and Dr. B. JY Blsdd made short talka. the former telling the A.' E. F. men what was accomplished at horns during iL.I. '.I . L i 1 .L- 1 . . .v UCt r iiHlHN, wnm tun nti.ii fob . in turone at the- outbreak f th war, discussed the reasons why the allies were sueeessful. "Doctor" Tom, who Is ia de mand oa all occasions of this character, praised the wtea for breaking the "hum mingbird" line. The following named men were elected officers of th elnb: A. D. Odom, President B. 0. Brack stock, Vice-President; C. E. Brewer, Secretary! Boone Arledge, Treasurer. Mias Catherine Hardin, of Meredith Col lege, was elected as club sponsor. . . Dies la Railway AecldeaU V V, New Barn. Nov. 14. A telegram re- eelved here this afteraoo brought the new of th death ia w railway accident ef Jasper Wood, a former resident ef New Bern and who had mnny friends is Eastern North Carolina. Details ef the accident were aot given. . . j CALEDONIA FAi-.-TO BE AUGTIONEIT Prison Board Awards Contract For Sale of Farm To ,t Allen Brothers ' Th Stat farm at Caledonia in Hali fax eounty, composed of 7,300 acres, will be old at auction' preparatory te ths removal of the farm to Wakr eounty near Raleigh; . The State Prison Board, ia meeting yesterday, awarded th contract to Allen Brothers, of this city, for ths sale'' of the property. Ths board now has options on th property to be porehssed near Raleigh ss the hew locution of the farm, but has sev era! weeks in which to complete th deal. , Th hug tract of farming land will be sold at auction to the highest bid der but xut aa a whole. It will be di vided into smaller farms. Allen Broth ers state that it will be the biggcat auction sals ever held in North Care Una. .'. V . The sale will be held some time in December, probably ths 19th, but de tails are yet to be completed. ROSS-THROWS ELLIS WITH FLYING CIRCLE Goldsboro Wrestlsr Usable To Work After Tltti FsJl ; JTonl.- End Boxing Bout After en hour and Jlveininutcs of nlurlwirld wrestling Jack Boss defeated MdiHie ealr-eatei night by throwing .the Goldsboro ath lete with a "flying eirete" and disabling nisTietim. EiinrTnitaea en "hi Head and was unabls to continue tha match. Joha Henderson, th lanky lightweight, waa given- a decision over Clarene 1 Johnson, on a foul; th latter striking I Henderson while he was down oa ths Wife- Th he toxTEFu'VeTitnly-en and a half rounds, ths end coming in the see- ond round after both boxers' gave a good exhibition of fighting. Henderson displayed a keen knowledge of tba gam and boxed like a fighter of ex. pcricnee. He showed a strong guard and used speed in dodging Johnson's blows and landing in quick return. Jnhneon tAnka Int nf ntiHiihmAiiw In tb brief period" of boxing nnd dolivil orea several gooa . oiows out never seemed to phsse his tall opponent - rtoss antreilia provided' the fastest.' and in many resnects. the best wrest line of ttib season. Both worked hard and got out of many difficult holds. They war evenly matched and each gav punishment with the toe hold, tllis used a ',head scissors" repeatedly on Boss but ths latter always msnageir to extricate himself from th punishing hold. , ' . . , It was sftor Boss had secured a strone to hold" on llm that the fall was se cured. Ellis jerked away from Boss aad crawled toward the edge of th mat.' Ross seised him by .the fset and swung tllis in a circle for several min utes. After daxing Ellis, the victlr turned him aloose and dropped bun oa his head. Referee Simpson snnouncsd to ths audience that Ed ,'Strangler'' Lewis and Antoa Fsuleska, Bohemian champion. will meet next Thursday night at the auditorium ia the stellar match of tba fall. "Cyclone" Barnes and Bobble Woods will furnlah the preliminary ia a six-round boxing bout, . x CHARGED WITH SHOOTING L DANIELS THRO' WINDOW Bloodhounds Tr&il Tracks ' To Home of White Man Who Is , U To. Be Arrested , New Bern. Nov, K. Bloodhounds I employed to track th prsoa wlie late I last night shot aad seriously wounded Lionel Daniels, a prominent resident of the1 Oriental teetlon of Pamlico (County, tliis afternoon trailed to th home- of a white nan named Roberto ! who lived a mil an a half distant A warrant has been twom out for .him snd his arrest is to follow. Dsniels was seriously injured when a load of small aot fired through a window struck mm la ths race and body. Pelncsre Betaras t Prance.. Calais, Nov. 14. President pnineare returned to France today from his visit to England. He had a stormy passage et tne unannet. : PERFECT HEALTH IS -YOURS IF THE BLOOD IS KEPT PURE Almost Ewery Human Aamont Is Due to Blood Impuritfc Tea cannot overestimate th import ance" of keeping th blood fret of Im purities. When you realise that the heart is constantly pumping this Vital fluid t all parts of the body, you eat easily sef that aay impurity ia the blood will cause serious complication. Any slight disorder or impurity thst ereeps into the blood is a source of dan ger, for every vksl ergaa Jf the body depeads apoa ths blood supply te prop erly pet form its functions. . . Maay painful aad dangerous disease are th direct result of 'at bed condition of the blood. Among the' most aeries ar Rheumatism, with ita torturing pains; catarrh, often n forerunner of drend consumption Eexema, Tstter, Erysipelas and othr -disfiguring skin diseases; Malaria, which' make th strongest men helpless, aad many other disesses ar th direct result of im pure blood. o , 1 . ... . Ton eaa ia a large raeasur avoid liability to diseese, by tho ass of 8. & & the wondsrful blood remedy that has beta ia constant nse for more then fifty years. 8. & S. slesnses th blood thoroughly. It is sold by druggists verywhere. , i... . , ,-, For vluable literaiur and medical advice absolutely free, writ Voday t th Medical Dept.' Bwift Bpscifla Com- Stay, 3 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, aAdv. . ., i. . . Amouat forthe hears ending at s p. m. .................... s Total for the month te date 1.30 Excess for the month .to DeleUney sine January 1st .... S.W Sure Relief mm 6 CtLL-ANS Hct watir You Should Seek : High Class Service li . . . . I' "Eauiiief 'Sale Day" -at TOD A Y Today we will cell more goods than in any one prcvkJut day h. the history of our business. Every department manager every salesperson of this organiza tion Will sell more goods today than they have sold in any one day before,;,;.:;, , ' ; r,. Great Specials of Winter Merchandise Mark the Attraction All Over the Store. ' ' -" ' " " -In The SUIT Vep offnerit Today $150.00 Coat Suits it'Tl? ti t-Aiii? "iV rrr f . ',, iJVV I T ' M J - V.U : I ZaLa.. - .. " ..... . Today ?85.00Xoat Suits at ..... .... ......... Today $75.00 Coat Suits at "4fw'wi".'a t ,;" vrf .... $59.50 .....' $4050 .Today. $60.00 Coat Suits , ' ' . m fA St r . ....... ,, .-v, , .TT.-,f. ','.' aysja eejjv ' Today $40.00 Coat Suits f $29 50 Today $35.00 Coat Suits $19 95 T $24 95 Today $85.00 and $75.00 Coats " v , $49 50 I The : V. Clothing Dept. Every Clothing Salesman in this Store Expects' to Sell More ; Clothing Sat urday. Read Their Offer ' Then Come! r Baits, Salts, Mea'a SalU; Teang Mea'a Balta " That Suit Tear Eye, Than Salt Yoar racket. Today Men's Uulta, priced V' 09Q CA IUM, $UM, W.ew and .;:.t:.e7selU Today Men's regular Conservative Model Suits, priced $it.7&. tiZM, : jM r An IM.O0, S2M. MS.M and .. ..... teUU , Today-Alan's Suits, priced ftJI, 10 7C 111, tUJa. I17.e and , lllel Today lien's Hats, 2., flA. . CA li.H, llti and ........ ........... PDsjU Today Men's Caps, priced , tM AQ He. t and ...V.;els0 : Today Mens Sunday Shirts, , PA priced at eJleilU Today Mea's Suaday Shirts; lion Brand, priced SMI, QP Vt IMt and tPsVeaJs) . Today Men's Undershirts, . QQa. lie and ....X.... ......... 70C Today JJen's Undershirts aad AO. Drawer, each 70C Today Men's Union Suits, ' CA tut, IX.TI and ............ ..... JJeOU BOY'S WEAR Today Boys'. Suits or sclool - (7 A C' prlreS $4.18. MAS and P I AO Today Boys' Suaday Buita, t00 CA IMS, 1 1 til, llfjJ, $114 te '- e)seJV - Today Boys' Shirts, with or without n1 AO collar, SMS, SMS and JIe70 ' Todsy Boys' Caps, Sic, TSc. SSe, tlcsnd $1.48 Today Boys' Union Suits, QQ ' WORKING WEAR Today-Men's Heavy Blue Overalls, An ' priced SUI and... 7le70 Today Msa's Carhart S Everett jO PA Overall, priced ; P.0U ' . Today JBys' Overalls, priced - S1 CO 8e. SMS, IMS aad ..,e)leUO Today Msa's Bine Work Shirts,' f CA so, SMS and . ...... PXeOVl Today Boys' Blue and Khaki N ( AO. , Shirts at HOC Dry In The ' Goods Dept. Today Raid Outlag 1 ft yard ,K lifC . Today aproa Checks akj v fQ, yard j. ..,'.ia.M'M4' - Jl iC Today 0-lnch UnWeaehed Bljeeting, 25 Today Half Wool Dassssk Cloth, an JO. colors, at OC TtSday SS-laeh Black Metsalinet. sf 1 AC apeeial, yard ...... Xe49 . Today 36-inch Black Taffeta , 1 IfJ . apeeial. yard .,..........-..., sfflel t Today 35-Ueh Black TaffetsM ' '' ! 4f A O special, yard al4o Today SSa Bath Towelsi special, 9c SHOE Department Hundredsof Dollars " Worth of. Winter Shoes.' to be Sold at Special, ; . - 7, Today $15 Vsln Ladle' Ory Kid Beets, welt sole, Military hesL . A op Bpeelal , elf.95 (A to B . Width) Today SIS Vslu ladles' Orey Kid Boots.' French heels, welt sol. . gA gg 8peUl .V........ $y.y5- (A, to B Widths) ' Today SS Value Ladies' Black Kid Boots, welt sol,yTaea heeL ar gap " 8p!iai a...........;...;.. $D,VO Todsy SU Value Udlsa' Cry Bnd Boots, 1 wlt sole, covered frah Hel 1 sj am . Bpeelal .4D Todsy SIS Value Ladies' Bnvans Brown Kid ' Boots, rreaeh heels, welt sol. vC AP Special .,. i ...... e 0.170 Today S7 Vslne Msa's Dark Browa Kngllah r Shoes, welt sol. . ..k . , e a am Special e4s70 ' V - CIsmss sitP la a Wphasard tr nee la rrl . DHteasa, Mnwfli mil this t msw ation. Tsswt ptnoaa nu Mum tor nan won we wiht Um esmrni Um k. Mar tMtaiMM, srrrt am ar lev rar ti vbtoa ft Ike ascllnin tears of lira, , Has tkb ha nw eapsrteaw ee the of " Morasl. Thre ar ml Orttwp ttots wke irMttn th miimnni SrtnclpU at ""W eSiMttMuiir evilUM. Ml .taeVata T Um hkm sd ttMlr vrark, swid.iw snll Slnd, Mrantf rwultst aimlnt dwars at HEALTH ll as eye SIUHT hth k f'"""T at vWton wl4 W mnrnt ror tin Utor ran Sd We mm w.11 m, rmimri far the .rmnt. Ir. l.lKon kMva fr h skm ! HMM SS iMtrMSat. Tk. Kim al wlthla the amns ef all gentre ef the hlsV at ereVr Is awllahl far uwh whe entram UMir armn te ka am - VUr Mr a kh th.a terse Ims are the rwil.. ef ratitud from his Mtrons our af wfcaas KkI flr.1 trM the Vuhuar" nttas. n son mmmm lssii at all rm a this Yse eaa save tine white at Nwfeik to tdvtain os kr anstl mr hne k.for ahif as Pr. Calbeua v. til srrsnire svMr yoa la .SvafMe ol whe have mot ajwoe aa pointmnts far whlok tkere la a. aalra ckarsw to eat of town doop) . . VIBCINIA OTTICAL CO, '" . I4U1I snh Bias. fkoM Ulll. Take Elmkf o Third gteor. Tto Src.4. IMf, k half block froot Orankv In the Millinery Dept. , Today Ladies' HaU, $3.S3; Values $G and $7. , "'-.., ' ' ' ' Oar Millinery' Department is allotted iti quota of these many hundreds of dol larsto sejll Saturday. - v ' . ' , ' , , - Big Line of Velvet Hats Placed on Sale Today New Winter Hats in colors of Rose, Bide, Blade, Brown, Sand :, CO AO and the new combinajtion Hats that are worth ,6 to $7, for each .... vJeeyO St. Two entmn.. mo st Citv Ha.ll An. ms mm saatr him. UU lm an opn. iooUotiio UoUlt see at neat 8a

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