7 i f 10 THE NEWS AND OBSERVER. TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 18, 1919. A HALIFAX COUNTY PEOPLE OBSERVE ARMISTICE DAY " m Parade and Other Exercises ; Feature Celebration at ,.y Weldoa '' Weldoa, Nov. 17, TWrroad of Hall- fit eooaty Beopl that assembled ia Weldoa W tkow it appreciation of our world' war veterans and tn Balifn canity boys la particular wan th largest lae tba dart ef tk famous Weldoa fain. Tbes people convened ia Weldoa ia response to an invitation of tka Book Club of Weldoa aad Mayor .Winias, to da konor to tk occasion. Tki day waa observed ai a holiday, buuaoaa bcinf suspended under proela- natioa of tk Uayor. Th snnrihaT. Vr. G, B. Pierce, R. T. aaicl, C K. fcssry, C. B. Corawall aad H.- Vi Bounds, oa korsebark ,t-d (be ' patriotic parade The Aurelian Springs band, ia a float representing tn. farm- art of tk county, cam Bf it. ThenJ BMreaertne Halirax county world "ar veterans, tka majority of whom wr preseat. Thit waa indeed an inapiratioa t tha spectators, who eiperieneed many thrill aa tba boya passed along, for deep ia their keartt they realized tha eauao for whisk they Lad fouKt, the sacrifice they hnijnade and tha won derful Morale they sustained through oat the strife and struggle. Dinner wse served to the aoldicrt and the band gratis, lour young ladiai bearing the v sjtars aad tJtripes preceded tha soldiers. Tha various activities e( tha county were represented by floats in the follow- , ln " order: Manufacturing iaduat.v, school, heolth, welfare, good roads 'iml eoaning. The county aad food road eomniaaioBers road ia deeorated fart, alto the speaker of tha da and the bnaid of tw commissioners sna the Mayor. The aeit were the Weldoa floats, the Book Club, tow a of Welilon, Bed Crow, school, seeuts, V. D. ('., Inursday Aferaooa Club aad otherej O. H. WETBERINGTON DKAD. Waa Merchant St Tascarora for Thirty - Years. t H Kew Bern, No. 17. Mr. O, H. lnlh ringtoa, ef Tnirarora, died Saturday afteraoea ia tk Oenera! knapital here. i U had conducted a me wan tile busi If Thin and Nervous TryJitfo-Phosphate While axeoMlr Ulaow miaht U aU wuted to .vaiioas a4 suttl sausss ha fersat Individual, It b a wsll-kaowa fact Ua the lack at PWMiaroai is the kanun mtUm mj iBir rsspoasibki rev tab aoMlKioa It Bsems is bs well aUblislwd that this sVaskstcr la vkosphaiwai nuqr new te mti hr the aa af Bitra-rhraphata, wklch a aa eotainxi frwa any ami drussbt in eaa Vrawt tablet loraa. , la aaaar laatanea tk aaakallalbia al tkaT anapbata kr tka Bern tisMsa aasa prod una a wataonw rkaiwa-wrv taaaioa aiaappaan, vlsvr aaMl atmHrtk raelac waaknaaa aad lark W aawTBT aad tka wksle kor kaaaa Ita asur hallowa ana abrupt ant In, Waaminc ra valopM la a flow ot parfact knltb aad knutr jr iatrasik a ka ap-aad aoiaa. CAUTION i-Wkil. tiitra-Pkaapkate la an sanMaaad tar Ik raiiafNs aarvouaiwaa. feanaral wtbiiitgr, ata., tkaaa Uklna tt wka da xH 4m Ira J pwt awak akauM aa catra car la avoid, sa fat-prWwcias (Adv.) Full Force and will .continue with vim And vi&ror. . Each and every day you will 'find especially good bargains in our stock. Great SPECIALS $65.00 Coat Suits ..... $40.00 Coat Suits .... $47.50 $27.50 $85.00 Winter : $22.50 Coat $20.00 Wool -Coata All Wool Middy 'Suits: $15.00 Chil dren's Coata . . $15.95 $14,95 $9.95 $10 Children'! $6.95 i Coats $7.60 Ceorgette .'$5.95 Waist Bait. ran. ' CMr wear, Swatera, aad atbar Wlatar Thlata at Barraia IMcae. ON TII2 BUSY CORNER a ' -v n i ; ' tl.'Jr pro) J 11 B. Hargelt SL J I Tlianksgiving ji SALE!) 'r U Now On nv ill ness at luaearera for over thirty yean aad wat widely knowa in Craven eoun ty. The body waa burled Sunday it Kinston. Mr. Wstheringtoa it turTlred by kit wife and three datfghtert, Mr. Walter. Richardson, of Bellalrt Mra. Limen Wetheringtoa, of Clark's Station, aad Mul Julia Wetberington,' of Tut- earn. . PRICE OF COTTON Faadaaeatsl DepraaaaBt Still With Ct, Says Dr. Street. So long at tha -fundamental eaus of ehtap oottoaNa still with at, it it ea ti rely BBBeeetaary for tha Kew and Observer t"- begin to worry about a permanently too high a prie for oottoa, aa in it editoriml of the 14th. Tba ravage of tha boo) weevil, and tha accident of war, aad a few bad erop yean ia tueeetsion hav eauaed rotton togo relatively high ia tplta of tk fact taat tat noma as ami continued to serine It women and children to1 make and pick' Cotton. : " " It it a deluaioa and a mar for tta to pat oortelvet aa tha back and lay that w have don anything to taia the priee of cotton ouraelvea, aad for ut to tbiak the prlrt it going to remaia permaaeatly kiga to long aa w eoa. tiuue to aaerifice the Boutb't children aad women for cotton. The children, were kert oht af tehool thit year to make and pick the cotton crop, aad they will be kept ant of jrhnol for Una purpoae neit year. The bulk of the (tooth eottoa erop it raited and picked by familiea, whether oa rented land or .on their owa land. And all the member of tha family f mw.lattefBii; mother .dQw...to,the "BAYER CROSS" ON GENUINE ASPIRIN "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" to be tea. uin must, be marked with tho safety "Bayer Cross, Always bgy an aa broksa Bayer package rkiea eoataiat proper alreetioit to safely relinv Head' acher Toothache, Earache, Neuralgia, Cold aad pain. Bandy lis botes of 13 tablet! coat bat a few eentt at drug tore larger package alto. Aspirin I th trad mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaeeticaeldeater of Salicylieaeld. Built in different woods to match your furniture. Quickly converted , from an article of utility into an attractive desk or cabi net. Make tester, longee. perfect atltcli, tewi atlas, I s 1 1 COMC IN ANB LET US F.jt, PLAIN ITS SlTEIUOIt " - MERITS . Company UT W. Martia Street Bell Telrphen 13 asMsts,. mmtrvmm V - - ? - What Keeps a Battery. Voung? f - T. b. reliable . ttorag battery mtart have well-rjaade pUtea, . Battery eolation m n e t bo proper ttrengti ted required Purity. . Battery Jan must . . be mechanically wrong . and must allow no kakaga of current o. , battery sakrtioo. But It the newfe. ron tetweaantbeplata that Jterp that bat. tsry full of lite and add months to it f tana of otciul tervice, tVe) aad Mt a to RabtaC loaaOatloaTa me of the rarardi h lu aa the ok Hr krroa4 rka !Sss?ato-M?M?r'' raleichT STORAGE BATTERY CO. W. R. DENT, Maatter. Phone 14. Highest Prices ni:lly Hide pad Junk Co. lit . CnB 81. - iuijsit.a. m. c Moroni n m: tmallett children, who eaa do any work at all, all put in fall time, whether ther ia aVliool going oa or not. When North Carolina paaaed ita com pulsory school law it wat vary careful to put in a. provision that children hould not be required to be taken oat of. tka eottoa Celda and attend aebool, aad teemingly with th knowledge aad content "'f everybody. Why waa thit an just aad cruel dis crimination made against1 theta chil dren t It will remain a disgraceful blot opon North Carolina just at long aa it remain a law.. Th idea prevailing and la practie ia th South that eottoa mutb pro duced by . th ehrapeat poaelbl labor haa been the South' undoing. It nee etaitatod 4h mcriflc of th South' women and children, -and waatth aol eauao of cheap eottoa, - aad - of th South' poverty and illiteracy. And juat to aura at wt eontinu thit, Juet to tur will th return be cheap oottoa, poverty and illiteracy. Th maa.wbo cannot tee this it without viaioa. Th ttrongtat .human pataion it th mother' : lovo for btr children. . My own mother, God bleat her memory, aad th tear com to my ya aa I writ it) would hav bravtd th vert : . w ' Doctor Praises Eczema Remedy , Th care mt (kin dlnaasi (araiaia)aad dab uh f tba a-alp Is knowa to bad iSknlt. Dm var there ka aa raaMdr that k) aatiralr a tiaitaaae la tkis dialratais aad liaalil'snaea HaaatthatalO. D.D taaacnpUa . , . yU. t- ANDOLM. IL D. r tiakkanrt. Trass,' Cm naaad w will tell paa aaaaatklataksaj - waas if. kx; v. rraarnpi ma aa eccaaipi wnd t. : eur aaiahborkoad. fsar mtmtf soak 1 1 mmlmm th Sni kottla lallaiaa aaa. sac m I aaatl-ss. in).iE2).ie. m lotlaniOr SHn Uistsaso Hear t. Hlea Co. TjckarBuila-in PkarnuM. Wak fni aiare, (Av.) The stomach analys is, the urine analysis, : the blood test and all of the many compli-' " "caied forms of health building may have a place, but v(hy worry with them. , , '' ' , If the stomach refuse i handle' slaipl diet thtr is bo etker .vidsae. of ita fanetlonal 'weakness aeeee sary. Th .sly coure of itrn0i ia any bf th r ' bodily orfaat ! th arvw, aad -only preisur 'at th ' tplnt eaa prevent th aerves from delivering 100 per esnt . of their power. Th spinal adjuatmsat freea th. aerra; It 1 doat1 iy hand. It it impl and direct bectut th CMS. it rtnovM . JfO CHABGE . Ther it ao eharg for con tultatioa aadlt places yon under at obllft , tioa whatTv , Dr.RT.HOFF-' ttyWUGxmmad Ml Beak Mttaff aaMMMWM vr vch aiPBt amalvscq raw - iABT asTTCNOANT Oyi Why Worry ! slW. With . " JTi $ Contpllcat lQfJl od Form ' Health " iiWW Building , How do they : wait for YOU? " ' " . i - .: ? .: ' XJOW about your wife? Does ahe listen for your home-corning foot steps and anxiously wonder if yoa are , sober? And your children. Aa you opto the door do they run to you or ; are they afraid? v , k There would b im doubt of your (lad erakoota koma If your eravinx for atroag drlna war noa Happiness at sorrow, whkn do yea cbooaaf . U tt aalr to, Uar-HtluM Mflartaeb Taa tk.mf ft a a, dCaiaas.K&.B.osB. '-' tnHJjl !? " 1 vala.l wreaB ea risaratte, an alnml Im( bhw. mur aa. aei.ae rackaa m.. taa XLZZ. T. ''? 1 Onaaaaia rrjT?!t?f aatf to L. -rrT' - eaaoiaal " J 55L"ia !S!Jmm wh' a So4 ltM a aaa . ' -H. , T' "rea aAa taalna the Traat . Jaalaa Bletw w h.ha, nlbli Mt lbs. , ' KasreUM ", 1 '"- mmw u aannaanso. ? I 77 llnotitutS L !trV. atora, or would hat waded through new or mod. or would 'hav walked through th hottest day, to tho otmoet umii 01 cer inngia, lr mum cooia bij liaiwai aV.JI a- and voted for a cempuUory law that would kava compelled atteadaaco at tehool o that her ehildroa might tave aao aa tdueattoa and a eaaac la in wnq equal so uias inas any oier mother' ehildroa might bava by having aa ajlueatioa. And any of yoa who read thit know that your own mother would hav don th earn. All mot li en want their children to hav aa edu cation so that they may hav th chance for tueres that education gives. Aad it ia savagery, diabolical cruelty aad aamaatiaess to deay tka mothers to axpreat their love, th greatest of all love, at th ballot box for their chil dren 'a best interest, Th 8outh; in denying woman th ballot, ia denying itself tka most pow- Ssfered Torfxres For Yeas UatJ Draam Tao Now Hawt) aWtsts banal ta ear rkramatUHB, sat sat eoe ta brtaa Ing M tk Public Ik evMcnca tnrmiZi "w ran tammy, urate. m raausaauaai msatlr J, h dyer aaa," Oaelarea Mr. JTlt al lit Castr , Wmrtei lsi; . 7'! . !" "n -para everything I ; kaara ut. kat arltk.at "eult. anttt Inslly I alarovcrwi tkkj p.. '"!: im rsauy aaa ratkrvea ny terrible paUa, nr la Bo ue fa ihissMllssa rtepl who haw fcna tartared tar nar. Tea. .evaa . e IcrtnpM tkat lb i m aaakle ta help themetive. tall kw thM save ka braai-kt kack t rokaat ktsJck iTek hrtes tt aaa wbb ia iouu aad aiascka caapklela ,eus, JBPaar, l)r l)ro la a Barsalaaa rmmAw Im mmm "T ""'"- nwa ta Para, natural jukeo mt nets and here aaaTeaa. fjne.ao snlaeral acuta of auearoa All Bead slroaVlsIs sw aall Draaa. had ft to kkjklr w nM ka tki at -kr y. W. Park Dru Cw Zahaloa Or Cat, Wendell Dru C, rap. Pkae In cuurtoa: a. v. Baaaaaa. Apaa; , Drat P Wake rra-Aav.) BUYIfOW While we;have a com- - plete ' display of, Bath Room fixtures - before our stotk , gets picked over of ' any Idnd of Gla.ss Sfielves Mirrors, Medicine Cabinets and 'Towel Bars, Etc " X ' " G. L. Vinson Co. I Kvarytkiat It Plumbing i ' Heating . : WANTED Linotype Operator l Write or Wire. MitcheU Printing - . Company ' Raleigh, N. C Will pay ?35 per week, or more to satisfactory and reliable operator. i.Ka ua V ha a raawr. - bmtIf W th mra. If fclafrai. Wrtsea ml ! I erfal factor for making th South rkf, ooanmwq, popnion and powerful, - M. ECGEB 8WIEET. i -7t ww. I " 1 1 m ' - J" , Kiaitoa, Nov. IS. Witnesses ia the Recorder' Coart her awor they taw I wiuio IMvia and Willi Lae, employed For Tired Reiaew Ifouir, Streiigtli h ia a (act that any physician ean easily verify by looking over hit Case Record that the' majority of women patients who come to him - are more or let run down and ciovitaliaed. and that hi temediea frtauendy fail to pro duce pcrmanemt and satisactoey reaulta iiv lea they are tAipported and supplemented by a course) of tonic, and systematic atjrengthening ' treatment for the whole system, Wee "REOLO, ;- Young gtrla frequently need tonic treatment " ' during the period of delayed development, or maruhty, when the firstoymptorns of anaemia, or nervous and digeadve ditordwra develop. - . . A little later, when motherhood, both prospec tive and present arrives, a strength builder is ' nsoded to overcome the debility and maintain the vitality during this wonderful period of - woman's . existence. A 'strength renewer is . - etpocially needed where motherhood has ( . V Restores Vig k laa remarVabfe' tonic and Wonstructive properties. It improves the appetite, digestion ana aasunil&Uon; increases the red blood cells : and hemoglobin of the blood' tones up the , heart and nervous tyatenv--nd gives renewed strength and vitality. . r : . By special arrangement with the Dr. A. L Mothers Need Ask ut for a free J wttvderful strength The Calloway Drug FayAtowillo aad Merket Streets, ' Corner aULBIGH, H.jL EsUbluhed LPouore Attractions jntnniraiinnniuiniinaiinm have all sizes and colors). v Order now; Mail orders ' filled promptly. . ; . ' ' v.,, . ' MELLER' at Frank Taylors stora at th "Jroa Bridge," sell whiskey over the counter freely. A jury of sis men,. Including several representative eltiaeaa, acquitted th men after a fow minutes' delibera tion, - Th witnesses included Thad Tyadall, Jam.-s Underbill and William Ham. Th Stat declarer! Lee and Davis had elerked for Taylor torn tim aad weakened the longed nursing has made too great a demand upon the mother's system. .. ' f Later, during the 'most critical period of, woman's life '"the change of life""- various ' serious dittOTbancet are apt to occur; neuras thenia and even insanity manifest themselves. ' The weakest point of the body is where the breakdown is moat apt to occur, and it is only by tae aid of t strengthening and revitalising . tonic and blood builder Ike "REOLO" that the resistance can be maintained, and this danger ous period bridged over auccessfuHy, , , Later onwhen old age approaches arid- there ' is ah ever increasing lack of vitality the, - exhausted tissue must ha viven reniiw lifa and activity to . enablolhe body to .utilize to t .th utmo whateye vitality and energy it . ouu reuuna , or Reusing Laboratories, Akron, Ohio, we have , Jf-PP.0!"-11 .Licensees for the distribution ?EP.LOrrdip,ct t" Laboratories, certified by Dr. Reusing and positively guaratv teed to give satisfactory results or we will gladly refund your money. - Large- box of REOIjO IOO tablet.) com onlyTllXa Reolo to Keep eopv- of Or. ReusinBs remaratabtaTbAAV afMif Atm renewer The Secret ofHealth Co.. Havwood it Boone: IE Heller Brothers Handsome P ateritf Leather - Pumps' with 1 1 i i. French Louis or Baby ; Louis, Heels. Td be worn with Twedie 'Boot Tom (arid we : i RALEIGH, N. C J that they bad repeatedly TxoUted th prohibition , lava. Let Taylor, k wall- ' know man, waa tpeeifleally mtatleaed, aa having beea served ever th aoaator. with lutoxiiatlng liquor. . . ' Ton sever eaa tell, alasy a fortaa . ha been dliatinated that bad a bad babltt. 5 , r t-&j2 ?k . . ' . resistive powers or where pro a liLI and Vitality V Them'Strong' and Happuesse r - Msla aad Ksanst Streeta. DURHASf, N. C. ; ( Raleigh, ' , .sr. t .it ;,H LV 3 WWW ' M IHERS