TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 18, 1919. THE NEWS AND OBSERVER. ARTILLERY UNIT SALISBURY j Major Gordon Smith An nounces New Commissions instate National Guard ( JULIAN WOOD IS ! CAPTAIN AT EDENTON ' Col. , Doa Scott Goes To Dur ham. Today in Find Another Captain for Supply Com -"--pony; One Company Will Be Shared Jointly Between , Edenton and Plymouth Major Gordo ri Smith, assistant adju tant feaeral, today announced th loea- tion of another coast artillery company u Salisbury, tbe commissions for favber of new sfficeri for- the National Guard, and the splitting of an infantry company bctwee Edeatoa and Fly mouth. It was fonnd necessary to make tun dirision of the company fceous it was fonnd practically impossible to - . cure enough money for a company la either one of the towns. A company is . desired io thtseHmr-efr thwHt'xre'."! l'ljmouth will he given an opportonity to raise a platoon and the other divi sion of the company will go to Edeatoa. Julian Wood, of Edenton, will be cap taiq of this company. :v ' Salisbury has been aaxioua for a com pany since it was announced that tha National Guard would be re-organized, but not until it was decided to place another unit of the Coast Artillery in -the eentwHsectron. -trf- the' State'vnuf there a company available for that point. Major Smith has a telegram from Ool. A. n. Boydcn, of that place, in which he gives the positive assurance "that the company will be raised at once. Major Bin it h expeefs the company will organized and ready for. Federal In spection in a short time. Delay At Ashevllla The organization of the troop of cav alry araiacd to Ashcville has been de layed due to the absence of Capt. B. N. lltzpatruk, who is back in camp to rx mustered out of the Federal service. Captain. Fitzpatriek is eoasidered a very competent officer, and it is the hope of the adjutant general that he can, taka ever the organization of the cavalry troop in .Ashevjlle. The probabilities re that Captain Fitzpatrick. wilt be asked to name his lieutenants so they ran go ahead with the recruiting of the company. Lineolnton, which has the other troop of cavalry, has re--cruitcd it sixty men and will be ready CAUGHT MOTHER TERRIBLE COLD? Relieve It quickly with Dr. Dr. Bell. Pine-Tar-Honey STOP toting around disagreeable and dangerous cold. Let Dr. Bell' Pine-Tar-Honey exert ha ability as 'a supremely beneficial help in relieving phlegm, stuffiness, in flammation, congestion, hoarseness, ' difficult breathing. Let it help you as it regularly helps thousands of other for whom its balsamic and healing antiseptics never fail to promote results. Safe for the little ones, too. Aa economical bottle can be procured ' from your druggist today. That' wise thing to do. 30c-, 60a, 11.20. . For the Youngster's Bowels Relieve that aknr-aetin Hvar and thos behind-time bowto with aiue but noani Po-Do-Lu. Cslomcl is toe violent, Ufeaves tHwomfortable aitcr-ailecta. Po-Do-Lax keeps . ths (unity m and Mint snsd. hm fcorn the lowine-im of wie!lmii. howeK Arte. lVtrr1t North Carolina's ' Musical Center Home is Happier If .There Is Music Aad "you caa indulge 'your )wi talents,' or hear tha plsy ing of gresteet artists repro duced lor you "ia " your own" tome, if yon own the Asspir Rrprodacing Piano. J- V ' ' Select Year : 8het Maaie aad . Mask Bolls Here. ' ' Barefl 'fi Ttrzias J. T. BOWLES. Mgr. RALEIGH, . C. aTYWWWVWYSfWWYWYWVVS asmnlHnnnHn j GflbcrtC White CONSULTINO ENGlNKXa ' OiihiavlLC WATER WOBKS, LI CUT AND rowrif, STRisrs for redsral Inspection aad acceptance by tie government at any tim. Charles E. Ifeaafea, t Wilmlngtoa. has baea sslseted as second lieutenant and battery adjutant of ths aeeond brigade of Infantry. Captain Z. , O. Hollowell has bees aaraed captain of ths Goldiboro company. . Major B. J Lambs, of ths ll&th infantry, A. E. F. sad winner of ths D. 8. C, of Fayette- ville, has baea named captain of the Fayetteville company sad his accepted Tn since. . . , v Ts Darhaai Today Col. Doa 8ott.,wa has eharg of the infantry company, has just completed a tour of inspection - to tb various towns which will have units in ths regiments. He will jo to Durham this week for a conference with citizen in terested in getting tha machine gun eompany in that city. Since the resig nation of Captain William Vmatead, no man has been found who eould take up the work f organizing this eompany, Ths adjutant general's office is par tieularly pleased with the way Winston Salem took hold of the organization of its Unit, and with.' the fact1 that the city appropriated a substantial suut on- anally for the maintenance of the guard. This action is recommended to other eities aad towns. BPIDEGROOMSUSTAIAISA BROKEN LEG IN ACCIDENT air. Howard E. Mitchiner suffered a broke a leg aad a severs ahaking np when his automobile left the road Sun day afternoon and, turned over soon after he started to visit hit Intended peen married this evening. Mr. Mitchi aer's leg was broke below tb knee. TWO OFFICERS QUIT POLICE DEPARTMENT Within the next few days Commis sioner JJooneyhani will name two new policemen to succeed Patrolmen Welsh and Scott, resigned. The- two officers who bav just left the department will enter other lines ef business. Both proved valuable members of the de partment, f .'Lots of animated thinkers are "poor talkers. Ease the Painful Rheumatic Twinge 8loaa's Llalment will bring comforting rall.f ..(.LI- 'V X T EVER breaks faith. Sloan's Lini- I me i doesn't. Justv penetrates w.,hv j m".i. sou rases ine external pain and ache, rheumatia twinges, lumbago, neuralgia, sciatica, lame, sore, strained muscles, bruises. sprains. For 38 years it has gone ahead win ning new friends, holding old ones. strengthening its reputation as the Worlds Uaimsnt, Clean, effective in relieving ths aches and mint of men and women, this old family ttandby can be relied upon to do its work promptly and surely. Don't be without a bet tie another day keep it handy. All druggists 33c, 70e, S1.40. Adv. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ' '; No, at r In the District Court, Eastern District of North Carolina In th matter of William Walls, bankrupt. This petiUoa of William Walls,' of Wilson, North Carolina, fpr a' full di eharg ia bankruptcy, having beet filed ia said court, it is ordered by the court that a bearing be bad on the 5th day of January, J020, before Hon. H. O. Connor, judge of said court, at Raleigh, North Carolina, at 12 o'clock, noon, and that all known creditors and other per sons interested may appear at said time and place and show just eatise. if anr Mhey have, why the prayer of the said petitioner Should not be granted. This 17th day of November, 1919. 8. A. A8HE, Clerk V. 8. District Court, ' Raleigh. N. C. Day TRUCKS And1 Every minute a truck spends In tie shop' is a double expense. It is earninjf money only when working., ; Truck must be built right to keep out of the shdp, but more is necessary- :: . .. They must be inspected regularly to prevent trou bles due to natural wear and unnatural abuse. " That is why we maintairTa monthly inspection serv ice, by trained, inspectorsmake sure your trucks make good and continue to earn money. 'M; ; - This is why Day-Elders are tne most econ6micai trucks in service. They are always on the job. - .You cannot afford trucksthat lose time when they should be on the. job earning money. Vy!': ' ' MONTrlLY INSPECTION , FREE FOR SIX MONTHS Our Record Not a Day-Elder Worm Broken in three years . . See us today for, prompt deliveries! ' ' . G. Bullock SorreU's Garage ' - Pboti 294 . Ralclflv Nortli Carolina RALEIGH FIRM AMONG. NEW CHAPTERED ONES N. C. Hines and Others Go Into Eeal Estate Business; Nine Charters Tb Standard Realty and Sales Com pany, of Raleigh, was among the char ters issued to, new concerns today. Th eompany will hare offices on Martiu street, -and has the charter rights to engage in the real estate investment, insurance and automobile business. The authorized capital is $125,000 and of this amount 2,000 has been subscribed by N. C. Hines. G. Jf. Fetter, A. H. Pleasants and J. M.f Templcton, Jr. Other charters issued were to the following concerns: . , A. V. Bobbitt Company, Ooldsboro : Lauthorized capital, $50,000 and $19,000 paid ia by A. V. Bobbitt, T. M. Bizzell aad Royal H. Spcnce. This concern ha barter rights to do a real estate aad investment business. The Workmen's Club,. Hamlet,' non stock, with IT. H. Wright, Robert Kirk Ian 'and D. K. Mudd, incorporators. Gastonia Storage Battery Co., Gas ton in; authorized capital $100,000 and $7,00a subscribedr- by J. M. Holland. J. I. Holland and B, M. Holland. . Sandy Bidge Supply Company, Mon roe, H. F. D. '4, general mercantile buni. nesst authorized capital $15,000 and $2, 000 subscribed by J. M. Richardson, and others. ' Eagle Gin Company, Ooldston ; au thorized capital $15,000 and $2,400 sub scribed.; by Fred W. Hums, E. M. Hold ston, and others. Cleveland Motor Company, Shelby; authorised -capital $50,000 -and $5,000 EASES A COLD '. WITH ONE DOSE 'Pipe's C o I d Compound then breaks up a cold in a few hours . Belief eomes instantly. A dose token every two hours until three doses are taken usually breaks up a severe cold and ends all the grippe misery. The very first dos opens your elog- ged-up nostrils and the air passages in the head, stops nose running, relieves th headache, dullness, fevcrishness, sneezing, soreness and stiffness. Don't stay stuffed-up! Quit blowing and snuffling I Clear your congested bead! Nothing else in the world gives such prompt relief as "Pap' Cold Compound,'' which costs only a few cents at any drug store. It aets with out assistance, tastes nice, contains no quinine Insist upon, Pape'l (Adv.) , NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Bealed bids will 'be received by the county "board of education of New Han over county, Wilmington, N. C, until 10 o'clock a, m., Wednesday, Decem ber 3, 1919, for the erection and. com pletion of the following named build ings to be erected in the city of Wil mington, Ji. C. v - A three-story brick, reinforced eon ereto, high school building. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for five thousand ($5,000) dol lars, made payable to the chairman of th board.' This check will be for feited: in th event the bidder refuses to sign contract or is enable to furnish Surety Company's bond. ' .Also, for addition to the following schools: : Bear Memorial, William Hooper and Cornelius Harnett Schools; also, for new buildings for Peabody and for Willistoa Industrial Schools, whieh are to be brick wall, wood joist con struction, with composition roofing. Certified check for five hundred ($500) dollars to accompany each ef these bids upon same conditions aa mentioned above for high school. - Plumbing and heating will be let un der separate contract.' ' r Plans and specification may be had oa application to W. J. Wilkin A Co., Architects, Wilmington, N. C, All bids to be addressed to th Chairman ef the Board. The board reserves the right to accept any or reject all bids. THOS. E. COOPER, Chairman. CHAS. B. NEWOOMB, ."; B. SOLOMON, " " . Member Board of Education. Service subscribed, by C. P. Peeler, J. C. Smith and R. E. Carpenter. Ernaldson Cotto Mills Co., St. Pauls. Robeson county; suthorized rnpitnl $300,000 and $130,000 subscribed, by A. K. McEachan, W. D. Johnson a nil R. C Law rc nee. Wad Realty .Co, Dunn; authorized capital WWO and tW,0Hl siil.-rilvl. by G. M. Tilghmnn, SlarVin Wade and A. C. Barnes. ,. ESTABLISHES FREE RURAL LIBRARY AT FL'Ql'AY SPRINGS. Marcus M. Smith has establUhed a rural free library at Fuqiiay Springs of 10,000 volumes of books which he owned in connection with his Old Book Store in this city. Miss Pearl Kitt is in charge of the library which is free to the country people. liver works a r all right, th fat of Yoi.e Insid works i ant to Walt rtvtrt otherwise not ao. 'hsn look after vour liver, see that t runs "smooth and steady''; ist It doesn't -t rl.ir- red up or skip s en and irow the whole zoachlrarr (vni ot veer. Dr. Thacher Syrup Is a Liver Regulator. a Blood U Tonio of 7 years aUndlnr; nine prescription or an old family doctor of larc prao -tlce; a standard remedy for the whole family from the children to the arrant parents. , "About three yon go, I wu Ut "iiifT1 J". wW- "T dr. I brgu the a of PR. TUACHSH'S LIVES ASB BLOOD Svnup, and today I sat thankful to aay that Vm m St baalth, and weigh IS and attribute av good th to the uaa of th.t now wonaerfu; mtdtclaa RUVItl fiVHITD U. i. I Joint aw ia rmniamdu u. a. vawrwica, Ala. TI.ICIEI SffiDICINF CS, Ckafti S3'tM j - I "v r . re I KW av "V "W arm. m 1 Bw 4 BJ ' i' ' ai mm Shoes especially First quality leather throughout perfectly smooth linings each stitch just right are ' ' the! qualities that supplement . correct style and a superior fitting service, in the Shoes we sell. - ' , V r .it Just a Little Different Just a Little Better , - 4 ' Z KING & HOLDING ; ' ,. CllOTrIIERS--41ABERDASHERSHATTRS 315 Fayetterill SLSX' r'f, .V,' '',:::'"';. (:;T;'..'Xt'.V ' V Opposite Postoffice ' Ml , I IlffftL. DOCTOR TALKS Says With I'aqaalified Support, of In ' stttatioa N Oa Need Fear Fall re. SIMPLE MATTER TO OVERCOME AILMENTS HE MENTIONS NOW i"or years we have prescribed a cer tain combination of medicinal element to people troubled with weakness, that proverbial tired,' worn-out feeling, de noting debility and a run-down condi tion of the vital organs. We have con clusively proven to our absolute satis faction that it is only a matter of dav before the user of this prescription will begin to report vast improvement from symptoms and ailments arising from a ease of nervous or acute indigestion, constipation, lethargy, or sluggish liver, and stomach trsubles. Headaches, loss of weight, appetite, energy and ambi tion follow such disordered condition as night follows day, and now that the staff has agreed to help those poor few who cannot be helped by this powerful, yet harmless, remedy, I am for it heart Pat yoar bsrdeas oa as. That's what w are her fer T help yes solve year with remittance the rest come eaiekly as easily Classified Department. , W : -I'M Standard of Quality for Men of Critical Taste , v For sheer quality, luxury, style, price anything wor ' r' thy our ready-to-slip-into . ' ' ' - Are the Standard of .Utmost " . Value in Men's Clothes. ' v CUT RIGHT, TAILORED RIGHT,' FIT RIGHT . $37.50 T $62.50 ; : .'; ,. , ' Good SHOES Are Least Expensive No person can economize' by buying "cheap" Men who'knownarticul arlv the man. $12.50 ANDr $13.50 b-CVH t- anil fti 111 anil. tMlioii m. wo oro tending to such sufferers a helping hand dared Dr. Stuart Wray Koldon, if. D. A. B., enter or stair. Sanaa Ia Its Name. ""We named this prescription of ours Kanux, because it'a au easy name to re member. It avoids substitution (a rose would ' smell a aweet by any other J name), aad so it matters not after all Sm. u . .1 . - ...h.i.i.. wuav in u, wuic mm i;im rrguiitiur is called, so much as the results it pro ducet within a reasonable; time and if six bottles or a ' tax-weeks' treatuieat doesn't do th work we know there must .be something either radically wrong, calling for more heroie treatment, or else your trouble is not due at all to these conditiona for which Hunux ia good. Ia either case we want to help you. There are ao strings on our glad welcome at tbe hospital to those Banux dee not relieve quickly and completely ia the short treatment at home, whieh we recommend for any man or woman neediag a reconstructive, invigorating, aystem regulating, Intestinal and blood cleanser to correct the condition grow ing ut of stomach, digestive, liver or bowel derangement, ssys the president of this United Medico-Chemi Hospital. Ws are' going to have a representa those " of 'experience everywhere acknowledge ' V MANHATTAN SHIRTS ' Are ' Superior for Comfort; Fit, . Style and Wearing Qualities. , Rea son? why you find them here! . , ' $3.00 -7 $20.00 Halted Medlee-Cheml Hos 1 : tltal, Richmond. . "Home of Sanax tive of the hnopltnl in this vicinity every sow and then jut to meet and consult with Sanux users,, . We intend 4e follow up'tKe'ISaairraimenTTa'li' successful''" conclusion and drive out of the tows all, uncertain, haphazard medicine-tak ' ing -for once and for all. Half of the medicine bought we jndgo, ia taken with no scientific knowledge of treating ones- , self and no wonder some splendid medi- , cines fail of their purpose," continued this gentleman, well knofn in medical ; circles. No wonder people, often beeoma discouraged when we ace liow carelessly ' some pjrgct it ioners diajniDsethe-o' jtiaints of tlio average patient. Only the wealthiest patients get's treatment in smaller towns a a rule. If real sick . we say go to your boat doctor. Demand of hiui scrvico as yu would from your bank. Insist upon a thorough, pains taking treatment, and then put your eon fidence in him absolutely. But if only a little run-down as so many are, stay ." right on your york. Take a bottle of Ronux home, ff art using it gradually, Increasing th dose as the system be comes used to its powerful effect and watch how the system respond and th whole outlook on life and work broaden out Banuz is being sold here by sll good druggists. Price, $1.25 large bottle. 1 -Adv. badness problems. Send as year AcT rtt V 1' f -7 i. ' i 4 : i v:

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