TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 1S I01D. i THE NEWS AND OBSERVER. DISTINGUISHED GUEST , OF COMMUNITY SERVICE f M. ' w. Sheppard, Olympic Gamer Her, T at Fy- " ettevill Tomorrow, (Special to Th Nana u4 Observer.) layettevilte, Nov. 17. Melvio W. Sherowrd. hero of the Olympie game U I-nmina ia 1908 aid bolder oi ten or .m n,M record, will be ia tbit ity Wednesday of this k m goct of Jayetteville icmaaunny merrier, too IsatioH hie haa groa oat of tha War Camp CoMmanitjr Service, a order to eonfor with member or tne exeenflve'enaimitte aad leading citiaea rvRtrdin oaMoor athletics, plsygronod and parka. Sbeppard ia being tent hera by the national headquarter of Cosa asnnity Bervire, Ine, for tha aurpoaa of aMiatinf thia elty in snapping out iti proposed enniinnnity program ana Will; while here, mak h thorough sur vey of the city and surrounding om nsuaitiea aad probably the whole f the county. A year-round program ia jnat being perfected by the loeal ergam ratine. - Kheppard b an internationally famine athlete, being one of the greatest BiiiMIe diatanee rnanera of all time, and haa competed aneeeaafnlly ia marathon in every eon n try of the world except Russia and Japan. lie waa en route to Japan to take charge of playground and public aeheol athletie ia that country v. hen tha United State entered the -r. Ha rtura4-4e America -tn4 I catered tervlc a aft athletie director it tralhlnJTeantpa. n terved for year .. wilk the tn Division at Camp flNclby, Hatticabarg, Mis., and expected tr to oversee with hit division and got aa far ta Hobokea, but again turned back thd assigned to duty as athletie director at Camp Ureeft, Charlotte. Hlnee . being discharged from the aerviee Bhep pari hat beea engaged In Community -JBervliaii I'Aejierl'g where he la dc elartd to hare made a remarkable rec ord la developing a new department f athletic and physical education, with special emphasis placed on popular tame and out-af-rlor (porta. ' It Is ex pected that he (rill propose a plan for Fsyetteville similar to that carried out ik Hi eater, which waa to. organize com petitive fame for boy,'girl. mea and women, la boots, ebarehr and mill flhitrlera. Ftyrttevill lb aeeoaate fortunate by eIRclal of the Community Service la teenrina; the expert advice and judg ment of a man of Bbeppard'a caliber. tie eotnr te thia elty at the special re aarat Of the loeal ertanlaatlen. hUaa liella Yoe, head of the Community Serv, ice nere, la making the announcement, ttkted that leading citizen of the city tad tha surrounding mill towna, at well at aathoritie of all bodies Intereated ia the playground or outdoor porta program, will be invited to meet with Mr. Bheppard. e'ajTttevill. will be the firat of a nai ler tf Southern eitie to be visited by the hmm athlete, who will be aceom HAVE YOU RILES? then Toe Have Something to Learn... . Thousands who have pile have not ' learned that quick and permanent re lief can only be accomplished with Internal medicine. Neither cutting nor any anion nt. of treatment with olnt taeota aad tuppotitoriel will remove the cause. . Bad efteulatiea eautet pile. There ' I a complete ttagnatloa of blood lit the lower bowel and a weakening of th part. Dr. J. 8. Leoahardt wit first to and the remed.n Hi prescription la KtM-ROID. a tablet medicine; taken Internally, that It o told by druggitU generally. Dr. Leonhardt tried it In 1000 case with tha mrvelo retard of tueees ia 8 per cent tad then decided It should be told nadera rigid Money, back guarantee. ' Don't Wast any mora time lth atit tide applications, net a package of IXEM KOill from Klnf-Croweli Drug Co. today. It haa given aaf and Ut Ing relief to thousand ( people, aad thould da tht tame for ott-il teldom failfc Adt. naaied oa the trip by other omeiaja from national headqaartere. OtUer itixa laelnded will be WiastoH-Baleai m thia Ktate, and tijpartaairarf and Qrecnville, In South! Carolina. , driCK REBUILDING Of ' I - ENDEMSON COTTOJf CI. Henderson Nor. IrV Itoae'a new eot ton gia tmraed te tha groand en the morning t Taeedty. November 4, it cipectcd t ha la aperation again tome time during next wee. When It re anme. ft will hare a marked record ia eetton gin construction ia thia etate, certainly anywhere in the I neighbor hood. Tha plant, destroyed two weeks I expected to be rebuilt, with eotirely aew machinery and complete equip ment, by the expiration of Urea week. The machinery and a factory expert are her aad the gin put in i declared to be tha best oa the market. Jt will aav capacity, it ie aaid of taming out a halt of eottea every ttn minute. and will be tbl to unload four at are ten minute. If AVAL MORES.' ' Savannah, Oa Nor. 17.Tlrpelfllne Irm. 1A7H1AW4I Mle. 8371 receipt, P2 nhipmenti, 544 ttock, Sosia steady ealee, Ca reeel pta, 409 1 (bip- menta, tvx, m,ihx yuotes , lJ5j V, l.e0 K, T, 18J3; 0, 16.85! H, 1T.00: I, 18.10 : K, 19.13: M. 20.25; N, 21.00; WO, 81.75; WW, 22.50. Visiting la Raleigh. Mr, C. J. Jackson, Stat Secretary of (Tie T. M. C. A. of TennnHCe, la f isitlng hi brother, . Mr., D.. JacJuMft,,,.. Here From Winstea-Salem. Mrs. R. J. Keynoldt, Mis Blatirhe EnirMMvXlr. Qeorgt W. Urr and Mr. Cle ment Manly, of Winston-Salem, r guest at the Ytrborough for a few day. (PPAKC AKAIMST LEAGUE Escorted out of town OHoBvlllft, Mlnn Nov. 17. Erncit tlmJu. fnm.l ,nn trr.RN m S Tt from tilC rifth,llinneaota. diatrict, who waa to spran a m lormi , n r n-. i - the league Of airtiona, wa tokea from ul ncmheri of the loeal Post 4k in.Hni Leeion. escorted to Hht railroad track and loccea in rerrigerator can ira r ..,nin .... a.i u ! Ivl eted the train AiA anl i I Jltll leea out aboard. M"" ' , t. . AppJeton, Btinn, ov. n. s Lnadeen, former Congrcsamnn from Minnesota, who wa locked in a re frigerator eaf at Ortonvilie, about 20 fmm here, tonuini arriveu at Aonleton ehortly before 11 p. m. Mcm- I t.i ,lu rrm heard hia shouts. Imiwim v w 1 v boleaaed hint, from the ear and permitted llua U rrae la the taboose vi wi chj ntwat-niu all ru PASTDttH 1 . . . . - VOTED INCRBASEU BALAKifcs WIA-- a.l.a- K'aa IT I tut nnairii TT iuiuin"ijHi"i ww. " of itW4rdi of Centaury M. . Chareh, ikiia tMihthi hiiiniti meetinr iasi week, voted to .nrreuw th tnlary ot . . . .-a,. L Att t-. Faster JH. Oil Bert Kowe iron a,.,uvu o 14,000. ' At the close of the tnornlng' errice at tha rirat Ppeahvlarian Church yester- riaa a ..Iah trfl, finld and it waa de cided to increase tne aaiary or ir. u. Clay Laily, the pator, from $3,600 to (5,000. Tbi i one of the largest sal aries paid any paitor in North Carolina. i Tou are only responsible for one .to.nKP.,.M..,.othejr plsaae. ACTRESS TELLS SECRET i Telle Bow t Darken Gray Hair With a Hone-Made Mlftare. Joicey Williams, the ' well-known he trees, who wat reeently playing at the Imperial Theatre in Ht. ixiaia, made the following statement about gray hair aad bow to darken it i "Anyone can prepare a aimnle mix ture at borne that will darken gray. streaked or faded hair, and mak it tift and gloasy. To a half-Dint of water add 1 auaea of bay rum, a email box of iiarDo vompouna, and l-i euara at giy- erine. These Ingredieate can be bought at any drug tor at very little coat. Ap- Sly to the hair twice a week until the ealred shade i bbtained. Tbit will make a fray-haired per so a look twenty yetra younger. It doet not color the acalp, i not sticky or greasy aad det not rub off. (adv.) UKITED STATES RAILROAD ADMINISTRATION aaaoancet Winter Excursion t f Fares ria NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD Ta Attractive Resort 4n Alabama, Arlxona, Cuba, Florida, Goorgla, Louisiana, MiuiMippi, New Mexlea, North and South Caralla. - . Final limit May Slit, 1980. Stop-overt permitted on Bound Trip Ticket For full particular eall aft ef rite your aeatfrt tlektt ageat. ONLY A POWERFUL v MEDICINE WILL END" RHEUMATISM It matter not Whether "ton have-' had aawnialna rheu mail" Ta Ins Tor SIT rsor dutl-aMing twiUhas lor 10 waaka, Mmbtm h muthtr and aewarful noua to help drive rhcoaarls poawn frsr. reur body and abolish all miaary, or tha ret, small aa it ia. will t chaarfullr nfundva. Drmdsts everrwhare an authorised to ell Hhetlma on a ao-ai-na-iar basis. It's abanlatalr harmlaas and attar. Uhlnc tha email aoat as dlraeted anae a dar for (a dar to should know that at la.t too iava obialnad a rwmadf that Will conooar rhaumatlain. Po trw tsa raan throaaheu America Rhaumk has baan ananibad and has r. leased thoasands from asonr. Kine-CrnWeU Prat Co., will supply roa and mtarahtae awnaa rat un dad H sat satisfactory- (Adv.) T. IV. Dobbin COMPANY . formerly Dobbin eFarrall j . i i .. Raleigh' TARD GOODS STOEE Black and Colored 52-Inch BROADCLOTHS Unusual value, &C AA per yard, .... viTtvU 56-Inch broadcloths, black and navy blue, splendid r"r...,.$7.50 Wa 111 for Cash aal Mark bar Good at Caak. Frlcea. 8X-GOV. CI.KNN IMPKOVEDt OFF TO N. T. ON Bt'SINESS. Winatoli8alem, No. Former Governor U. B. Jlean left tonight for New York to attend a meeting of the boundary commission, of which he ia a member. Hi health, which ha not wen the best for a year or more, shows torn improvement, hit many frined wilbe glad to learn. . . - Kaaaaa Take Over Mia. Topeka, Kas No. 17. The large eoal mining propertie of Crawford aad Cherokee eeuntie tonight passed Into tha control ef tha State of Kansas when tha etate tuprem court iaened order aad named receiver for the proper tie. Tb action followed tha Sling of quo warranto proceeding by Attor-1 ney General Bichard Hopkiat t bring abuot the receivership. Leonard Knack Ont Defy. Tul,-0k1a, Nov. 17-Beaay Leon ard, lightweight champion of th world of New York, knocked ont Jimmy Daffy, of Lockport, N. I, her tonight In the second round. Even tha ma a who is unable to keep a bona may afford a nightmare. GET READY FORlfiU" Kocp Ydur Llrer Actire, Your Statern Puribad and Fre From Colda br Taking CIo- taba, tha Nautcalaaa Calo ml Tabtcta, that ara. D liftfulf Safo Mid Sur. Fhyttcian and-Drncaiats are advising tbeir friend to beep ttuir aysteml purified and their organ ia perfect working order aa a protection against tha retura of influenza. They know that a clogged tip system and u lazy liver favor colda, influent and aeriout complication. , Td cut thort a cold overnight aftd to prevent aerlou eofaplleatlon take one Calotao at bedtime with a ewallov of water that' all. N aalta, ao nausea, no griping, ao sickening after effetta. Next morning your eold ha vanished, yonf liver It active, 'your yitm ia puri fied and refrethed and yon are feeling fine with a hearty appetite for break fast. Eat What yon please no danger. Calotab are aold only ia original sealed' package, price thirty-five cents. Every dnteglsMt authorised to refund your money if yon are not perfectly dt:i(hted with Calob.be.Adv. St. Mary's School ALE1GH, N. C, Now b 77th Annual . . SMaion Lff eat resident school of the Episcopal Church in tht United Statu for the education of young women and clrls. Addraat Rat. Warraa W. Way CONVICTED MCRbRIER RrTTTl-ES t STILL At LAMiEl DEatBlPTlOX, - Greenville, Nov. 17. The general theory her haw Kettles, convicted of kiUing hit wife, made hit escape ia that tome friend or frieadt Outside made duplicate key and a locked the eell. further deecriptioa of the .convict, ia mark aroaad th left aide ef hia neck made when he tried to kill himself while In Jail. Up to tbit time a definite elna hi been secured at ta hit where- aboatt; . v , - " , " " - : i SPECIAL PER VICE BT JL'MOB ORDER COUSCtLS Vi'lnstod-Salem, Nov. 17. The Junior Order Council here are arranging for Vigorous Men' and Women We in Demand If raw asaMtloa has left yea. iw 'bagpi. aaa has (oa forarar naiea res tJia ad- vaataew at Hiaha Vptewa Stan, Wake Drue Its, W. a. Km Drag Ce, taeker BuUdlne rtianaesrl aaaawmaant agr to refund oa aaaar sa the ral boa aarchaast tf Wa dell'a- Aaabttloa PilU ao net x yoar eatir araa ta . aoadilloa and give tew th a,in and vigoe yea have at. Be amMUooa. be atresia, be vwaroaa. Brla tha raddy glow at health to year ebeeka aad the right sparkle that deemta parfeat ass- m4 aad waaianhsod to fear svs. aatirr PHhbe araaaV; aarv bmle, art saVnuHd for that tirad (atlma, aar. von trouble, poor blood, beadashej, aauralgla. tlaasnsss. lisashlhia. aervoa proatraKon, ratal aanrmskm. aa, at amtltoan4 Jkid aar or Hver eomphimta. Tea tats them WH' thai andttatatalmt that! la two day yea will fH latter. Ia weak rau will last ana, ana aster team ae boa m will have your old-ttma conndnet and amMUaa or the draaaist will rfuaf the price ef th box. H. m-rm ial mmt a aant kha todaa and tet ewt ut a rut. lUmrobrf tfkka Uptowa gtora. Wake Dnw Stora. W. tt Krng fu C. Taekar BuiMlne rhannaar tnd daawra rmrvam are aataoriicd ta auaranU them. -(Adv.) a! big memorial service ia htfner af mem. ber who veer hilled daring tha Eurj penn far at who died tha past yean h aill be held at the North Wlnetoa School and one af tbe feature will be an. aa dres by Lientenant Oovernar Qardaer. Aa interestrhg prograal 1 being arranged.-. . . . . ; Catarrh and Deafness (--' Bdng o deaf In his left ear. due to cataarh. that h couldn't hear, Archi bald htcPhafl, a Garden City resident,' bsed Ur. MoMer- Catarrh Remedy aldat drtjg aturea) and reports that not only waa his heariug reaiored, but bajtot rid of ffenalv catarrh. Mrs, V. Woora waa trf deaf but tbit aame remedy enabled ber to haar a clock ticking (n next room I No stomach, dosing; wonderful relief by inhaling nwmini r.pvr. w( a. uwa vg store to-or. uuar ethert thia esVl ' pieaaant madlcate at ani busy drug i Sutaed. aihow U r Vsi Antiseptic Litiuld 2emd thtrt is trba remedy thxt ajetdora faUs to atop itching' tmtirtaiklrelieva akin irritation aad itiar"t iimHa aoft. clear and htalibf. . - - Any dniggiat caa atrppjf woa aritl Zemo, which generally ovexcoroeaskia diaeatea Eczema, itch, pimplea, nabea, blackheads, in moat Catea Rtve) tray toZemrx Freqacntfy, Ciinot fclemUbea disappear overaJghL Itchinjr usaaJiy atopa 1081811117. teoA is feaafa, aotA aeptie lirjuid, dean, ay ta jdaa ani dependable. It coata only 35q an extra large bottla, $X0a It win aot atain, ia Dot greasy or sticky and ia pomaito Ssitior tendet, aenaitiva aUria, Th M. W. BoteC..OiiveiiBlfi, ' T fj-TITT STRAWBERRIES PLANT. MO W"4 and b U3C ofT luscious bepiiei next .Sprmq v 1 " stroho syruftOY WELL LtVtLOPtO tmtftirr - -y -;- ALL'VARIETltS FRUIT TREES .&HRUB5. R05E.B06HEi, A5fVfU& ROOTS W-pilhl frwr priat-a, JOB P. WYATT SONS CO.. 7 " '; KACC lH" "It. C.. .r, J- Three Big Days at Pinehurst 1 SANDHILL FAIR ' Atid kdces BERKSHIRE JiOG SHOW and SALE ' s ,' 4 . .1 My. WKONCsfJAt Soldleri' Day All Soldier in TJflifona ad mitfed Free, Dinner served by tha Bed Cras. GOVEBNOR BICKETT will deliver tha addreta. BIO PABAOI Educational and Industrial floata. Baahethall Oatne. BACKS . THCRSDAT Victory and Peace) ' V Pageant J : ParUelpattd in h th Sand hill School, aatiated by Coh teraa College. - ; HOO SHOW rf . 1 aad Boy Judging Oonteat BASKETBALL GAME iiy Oirl of Aberdeen School ta. Oirla of Farm Life , School ' " ' ACt9 -- FR1DAT - s BIG HOG SALE! Shooti'itf ExhibttlonI br Annla Oaklejr RACES ; i AM Other kfvent he Anaoanead , . H- Wednesday Thiirsday : Friday Kav. 19-20-2i Chicken Sh'oott Each ... ',;-Day' ' Athletie Conteitt lor ' th Janet Baxter ' ; , Cup. ' Stotch Flit and Horta Traders' Convention AH tha Week leamorlao Military Band of 28 Men. THREE BIG DAYS! i ,13 La - I ".III J . 'sin ' -'Hi... , , , " 1 .'. 1 1 , , ttt - r- ; . j " ' ' ii ii in. i i I i)asiiiii wirwirmTnrrirrTnrwilm ; . . ... - .... .... ..... . . . . ... . ? ' i i n .' g-w i mm -a Mill Oft iPrapegf IKCTSOK PROPERTY. " bU. sU. NWJs VatUe XT, V 2 Good Business Lots on Martin St 3 Good Houses and Lots oh Harrington St. Convenient to the Railfoad andv an excellent site for wholesale business houses'. Will be sold to the highest bidder, oh the premises, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21st- K ! " f TO7CI2 - FOR BMD : r:''': - - EMriilB ySEMtTES a. -' Zzllinr Arrcnts ; t