. V mnmmrmn,lw,m,Mnw,umm mm Shimmbislm ami mi '; ' ll4mlmmrMmUtmltM-utMtM Hi" ""'"""" "'""Tri I,,.,,!,! n M ! imi ii mm..Mi.iu,,,,,!,, mm,, ..... I. l.. ;, iil.. mmmvuLjiZ ' ' I ' I IB 1 1 I it hi 1 1 1 i "" ' ti f ' THE NEWS AND OBSERVBR QTHE BE5TNQTTHE GHELRFEZST VSNT MEP1UM5NORTH GfvROLj INAl pii ill aS-Baa ia ELS 10 Cents aLfne m A$iW-4ft--0t " wstnaw w lO COUNT 6 WorasJtpjElrJE RALEIGH. N, C, TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 18, 1919. WantAcLRates WulK vast m4 m " M. WklM two. 1S4 THIS TTPE ( FT. CAPS), 20e A LINE, Cwmtt word to a Nate. Ka ad likMi Lap h-sea itiaa Me Kyd 4 aknr Ira tku Mk wilHi thf A Md mm th a a ltd Mtnt M fuH Mm. ftf7 mtUal a MJM Ud ft4dTMt b CWMMI CM of Htm wt$S Otwmr Wnt Ada for entdtr and for en vm and MM Mooifc la ratuw Wi AA iwit-a IoUmm; . Am m tlM ... S. .. WarSa. . t.... . Is.... . . . M . 41.... . 411..... TlM. TlM... Maatk , aW . JTT , .11. 14.. . 1 .. . ISJ.. . 118.. . ft. . . 41.. . . iM.. ...I I. .,. SIS ... Ii.m ... II M ... 1 .S., ... Ill S. ... , 14. ,M. ... 21 U ... U to .U. ... H M fat 14 Mr rmt SlaiaaM ha lavs SMlurtrS M tkr MM MM44tMM. D anew f and S4-llar rata I rati au-av-daf InMruoM. it sal for eorr fhna rain DO ' NifT ftftoty a rr allar dar or on BwruUr In atnMma 1 In . m Uewk arafras tar ooomcmMMj Sunday V tt ihiMar Mm, h met mm ra M ls Una ! 1 irtwwi. rraardHai of laa suartwf af Hui4lar taa Simrrmar,t awrar,. p. it, B in nnr M b la Um aaca mi laut ikaa : P. M Prtilav. 19 tr cent, aliammai far I ar mmn 4wll, raiurcurit HELP WANTED MALE -WAXTED CJ1EF ICPOK ANO REC- OBtt eook. huurtrrd room liofel. ifno.1 Mlar, plcaunt tirrounding, town flftecs tbounnnd population, Kualera Carolina. Addrcaa "U-510" enre Newt and Olmprvrr. 18-4t -VANTkl MtX-i'lU.l-A B K AS J'l KK bcb, brakemen, rolorrd I ruin portera, tlM 4)200 per month. No aipcriea'C Beceiurr. North rnrolinn roada. Write Inter-KnilwHT Dept., 103 In- diannpolis. IikI. 1S-20--.':; UNBE0I8TERKD DRUOGIST WANTS position. Married, ten yrara' experi : enca ia drug buainmia. Jvnw rm- ployed, food rcaaon for Thanffr'. Would buy Intcrent in buaineaa. Write 'details in firs', letter. Can fi' ref- erenre. Addrrsi 'W-SOZ,' eare New! and Oluaerver. 18-lt WANTED IMMEDIATELY, WATER anil light aupcrintendent to act alo , a tow clerk for a town of twenty , five hundred. Location aouth eentr.Hl of North Carolina. State eiperjenes and aalnry rxpeeted in trat letter. Arply Box 105, Rowlnnd, N. C. 18-2; WANTED EXPERIENCED WHITE ' nisrried man of good standing to ' rcue on sh.ircs, flue tobseco, corn and Iier.nuts on Improved tnrnt, 6 mi'.ra from Petersburg, Virginia. Fine flue , bad. Apply Mixi Mary Hiimlin, ' ?Awreneeville, Va. v lH-?t VAFTKD Al 0?ERAT1NC MILL " wr'a'jt for double liaad and ro-saw w"H, 0e reerences, age, and salary trautcd. In first letter. Rowland Lum tr (' iiiirnnv, B-nvden, N. C ltJ-3 V.V.XTED r NON UNION CARPEN tvfj, trimmers and rough hands - s.eudy winter s work ; good wnges, Apply "39 New York Avenue, ,N. K. Wliinrtitii, I). ( 10-fit VANTED I'LAXIXO. MILL BITER intendent to manage planinff mill of t GO.000 feet r.i: ai-ity, - Must bo a man I tit rrperCcnee, ab!o tJ handlo Inbor, , tnd got remits. A pernuiueut posi . tioa v.itti a large concern for the mnn who ran dir good. "T-005,"eare rf News and Olmorver. In-l7-18-2.'ti WAXTiD SOlJl'i'iOlt TO SWIRE rillk r.nd butter customers. Apply W.:.tr M.'iry Products Company. NIGHT Lr:H!v WANTED FOB THE BHIGG8 HOTEL, WILSON i SINGLE MAN PREFERRED. THIS PLACE - MCST BE FIU.KD AT ONCE. 15-7t LVLWY. ACCOINTAXT OR BOOK keeper iatcrcst?din their profession should be a mrmlier of their only na tional org;ini:atioii. I'urtieulnri free, W. U Tenl, Wilisb:iro. N. C. 15 :i(K WANTED -r- EXPERT ACCOUNTANT. Apply with refereitees ta Camp Manu lecturing Company, Franklin, Va. 14-7t UOOD CLEANER AND PREHSEsf WHO can use Hoffman machine. Come ready to Work, or address lioyle Tail ring Khop, Clsyton, N. C. l3-7t WANTED THREE OR MORE PLUMB rs; working conditions and wages i good. O. D. . Murray, Rocky Mount, N. C. i 14-7t UOVER.NMENT CLERKS WANTED Railway Mail," Postoffice and Deiwrt meatul xamiaationa coming. Short, - thoYooga preparatory course, 93, Fed ersl Training Institute. S01-A South era Building, Washington', D. C 13-7t WANTED: EXPERT, EXPERIENCED ' ateaographer. Apply wlfa referene , to Camp Manufacturing Co., Fran; lin, Va. -14t WANTED REGISTERED DRUG MAN to put in drug store ia new up-to-date building j small, growing tobacco towa; (004 eouatry aurrounding( will navw us support or two active physl. elans; good pro posi tioa for a lire, acuve man. Apply , "J-50S," esue News and Observer. I2-7t WA.ME1) AT ONCE: YOUNG MAN . willing to start at bottom aad leara salesmanship, Must poasess coafi deaea aad good education. i A., CRAFTS PIANO CO ' RsMgh, N. q l.7t i-APi-RlEXCED MANAUR AND saJesmaa ia elothing aad shoe busi aesa, bow employed, desires to make 1 a change; reference aad bo ad fur . aished. "U-aOO," eare of Newi aad Ubeerrer. ...,T . jj-7t . Put your bardtai on w. TKat's what we) art. bar for To help you. aolra your busi mm problems. Send u your Ad wUb remittance - the rest .... ,.. X. r e quIcVly and eaaily - 1 r'TtrJaent. WANTED MALE WANTED 3 PEACTICAL PBINTEHS to work in open alio). Write, wire or come ready for work. Burton Broa, Auction Co.t,Wllont N. C. "1 17-4t WANTED AT ONCE A UOOD CAB- penter who owaa a ear, and can drive from Kaleifrn to'Zebulon eorli day: permanent job; work inaide aad good wagra. W. J. Btephenaon, Zebalon, N. C. 17-7t WANTEi-f blTT. Of KNITTING room, that eon fix Acmee k George I)., machines. Huberaonville Hotiery Mill, Hnberai.nville, N. V. 16-eod St WANTED AN EXPERIENCED BOOK keeper; none other need apply. Good salary to right party. Knowledge of typewriting deairablo but not. essen tial. Barton Bros. Auction Co., WU- WANTED i'lliHT-CLAS COM HI N A" tion Duplex pressriian and )mtype operator or ad mna on afternoon pa- 1 per; eight-hour day; ;I8.00 a week; clean shop, working conditions aborc average; permanent job to good man; "slate n ir flm-"trtterr- Apply "T-507," care Newa and Observer. lfl-18. WANTED: FINI8HER8, MEN EXfE- fieneed in vaftiiah work desired. Htondy work, under good working condltio'na.- Montagus . Mfg.Co, Richmond. Vn. 14-15-18 EXPERIENCED BENCH AND MA rbina men for steady work ia splend idly equipped woodworking plant flood working conditions. Montague Mfa Co.. Riehmond, Va. 14-18-18 WANTED TEN BRIDGE PAINTERS also ten good house painters. D. G Hnrd Co., Carv, N. C. 15-7t HELP WANTED-FEMALE WANTED INTELLIGENT GIRL FOB finishing department. Siddell Studio, 1 S-2t. WANTED REFINED YOUNU WOM na to take charge of millinery, busi doss in small town. -Good proposition to right party; permanent, position. Address W-501, News and Observer, 18-18-23 WANTED WHITE Nt'HHE OR Nl'R' , aery gowrncss; reference required. Address Mrs, E. V. LAirit, Jlonu mont Avenue, Richmond, Va. M-lt WANTE1 COMPETENT, STEJfOO rapher to accept permanent position December 1st. State (experience, age and salary expected. Address Bo: 3S1. Wilson, N. C. ' - l-3! EXPERIENCED StENOGRA PHER WANTED BY A LARGE WHOLESALE HOUSE. GOOD HOURS CONGENIAL WQRK PERMANENT POSITION ACCURACY AND NEAT NESS ESSENTIAL. STATE SALARY EXPECTED AND GIVE REFERENCES. AD DRESS "U-508," CARE NEWS AND OBSERVER. - 18-7t WANTED liADY CHIEF OPERATOR. Telephone Exchange Common Bat tery Must have big exchange experi euro, and well recommended. We will pay salary in accordntiro with your niiility. Tell all nrst letter. Write Uvri. Idnr., Iredell .Telrpjioae Com pany, Htnteiiville, N. C. 5-.tt WANTED AT ONCE CAPABLE LADY to take charge of pantry and store room of -first-class hotel. Good posi tion and salary for suitable person. Address, with references, T-503, eare News and Observer. la-7t EXPERIENCED LADY BOOKKEEPER and stenographer wants position Jan nary 1st. Now employed. Best ref erences. " Address B 010, ears News snd OhaVrver. 13-Bt WANTED YOUNG- CAPABLE WHITE womaa at mother s helper,. t children. Good home, laundry and salary.' All conveniences. Address "Q-Q03, "r News and Obserrer. lt-llt THREE OR FOUR WIDE AWAKE energetie Isdiea for demonstration work. Experience - unnecessary. No canvassing. Good salary and perma neat arrangements made with those who make good. Write quickly for Interview. 'T-811," rare News and onserver. , . . io-6t WANTED CAPABLE 8TEN OGRAi'H- er, desiring modern office typewriter, dictaphone for, publie work. Write P. O. Boa 70. ' 16-3 WANTED COMI'ETEXT SALESLADY, siesny posui-oo ; reterenees required Apply ia person Royal Baking Co. 17-St ; -vHELP WANTED ,-;-3 v (Male and Female) WASTED EXPERIENCED SHOE sales nice far ladies and children shoe departments. One of the largest de partments 1b the Rate; good salaries aad permanent positions. Addreea, North Carolina's Bigjreet aad Best Department Store, & Coplon Sons, New Bern. North Carolina. 17-lOt. MALK AND FEMALE Nl'BiHES .AND attendajnti at Ue State Hospital. Sal aries for women begikaing at (25; in creasing to 3S per month. For mea begining at aV15; increasing to 45 per month. Board, room and laundry giv en with salary. Write Dr. Albert An. dersosj, Supt. , . I. . . Iff-Tt TEACHERS WANTED ' TEACHERS , WANTED TWO PRI- mary teachera, and principal aad as aistant for two-teacher school. 8al ariea a66.00. Address M. a Terrell, Graham, N. V ' . lg-jj WANTED: MALE OR FEMALE PRIN- eipal aad mathematics teacher, for high school. Salary, $123.00 and up wards. Open at once. Notify R. U, Bachmaa, Tsrboro, Norfh Carolina. HELP TEACHERS WANTED A EXPERIENCED TEACHER DE8IRE8 m tt.ilinn ill nvtinarv Ar intar- v , ,. . .. . . . i -. . . .. . ..I. a .1 nt ' a I meaiaia wora. iiaureaa r.,jcrinu, Btneer. Ni 0. 18-lt, POSITIONS WANTED v EXPERT BOOKKEEPER AND CA8H Itr, returned' from servicer ope for position at once. Wide 'experience in accounting, controlling aWTAlnta, pay-' rolls, etc.; also hold first and second year certificate of leading Northern university ia higher accounting.' Age 29; A-I reference. Out of .Raleigh proposition considered; ia answeritusJ tsrte aalary. "8-507," cart News andl Observer. 15-7t WANTED-i-POHITION AH TRAVELING salesman with good firm; lots of ex perience and good reference. Marion Stanley, Pour .Ooks, N. C. 13-7t LXPERlN(JED BOOKKEEPER AND stenographer dosirea position. Do not answer this unless strictly honest and can par good salary. Write Mq S0l," eare of News and Observer. - 12-Tt ELECTRIC LIGHT AND WATER Wf. erintendent wants location, towa 2,1 000 or over. Address C, E, H, Drawer 90, Swlishury, N. C. 12-7t I SALESMEN -. TRAVELING SALESMEN, FL'RNI- ture: Write us for side line; every ffealerwit Tmy-TjXnrpr ectt guiel. Haekett and Purycar, 16 S 8th, Phil adelphia. 14-1M8 REPRESENTATIVES WANTED throughout yopr state to sell reliable aeident and health insurance (real in- coineJnsurnnce) on popular payment plan for' TrreeMitltotrb11ar-Oonn pany. Apply' for agency 'promptly. Johnson A Adams, Southeastern Man agers, 595 Southern Bldg., Washing ton, D. C. t 13-16 18 SALESMEN! CAN YOU SELL JHE BEST TIRE EVER y OFFERED FOR THE PRICE t 8.000 miiS GUARANTEED. INNER TUBE" FREE i ' WITn EVERY CASDfa , 30 x 3 17J50; 30 z 3 1-2 S22J0. ' . AIX OTHER SIZES ' ' IN PROPORTION. i WIREtR WRITE I S FO DEALERS fcONTRACT, . , BOX 295, GOLPSBOBO, N, C v WANTED EXPERIENCED TRAVEL. ing shoe salesman for North Caro lina to represent a well knowa Mil- waukee factory making a high grade . line of men's, boys', youth a dress. semi-dress and work shoes. . Have some established business oss terri tory and offer a good opportunity to I right man to make big money.' Is replying gives amount of annual sales. I references, 'etc. Address P. O. Box No. 864. Milwsukee, Wis, ' 18-lt TRAVELING SALESMEN WANTED TO COVER North Carolina f By one of the . , Ijirgoat Manufacturers . of Trunks, Bags snd . Suit Cases in this country. V MUST BE AN EXPERIENCED Salesmen, who is welt Acquainted with the Trade in North Carolina And capable of holding' ' ' And Increasing our , . Established trade, , Built up during ths last '' ,f Twenty years. ACTUAL TRAVELING EXPENSES, Salary and commission . Arrangement. l v .'' . ADDRESS, WHALE," i ' BOX 487, PETERSBURG, VA. . AGENTS WANTED LTVK MAN WITH FOB0 TO DEMON-1 strata aad sell the J. C. M. secelsr- ator; liberal proposition. J, C. Mew-1 shaw, 17 Stock Exchange Building,! Baltimore, Md. - -10t SPECIAL NOTICES j WE PAINT, AUTOMOBILES -AND cover automobile . tops. . John .. W. Evan- Son, Raleigh. ' ' 18-30t. l-SEFUli CHRISTMAS PRESENTS Af nan stors pr less i beautiful illustrated catalog. . Writer Columbia Soeeialtv Concern, 728 13th, Washington, D. C. ' ' ' ' ' 18-20-23 UAIU CUT 25 CENTS AT B. -8. Moody s Barber Shop, " 310 ' South Blount Street. First Clnss Work. WANTED NAMES OF EVERY HIDE and fur shipper ia the State. 8esd yours today. We will make yeur hides and furs bring you more money. Ths satisfaction housa, N. C Hide and Fur Co., Rocky Mount, N.-C, - ' 1 1 - 14-H5-l-gl-gt-2S. PLENTY OF UEEbE AND DUCKS herq bow. Shooting good. Special rates to parties. Write at AIMS. l.lftVii ;'i CALL 53$ FOR '. v WARREN 8 TRANSFER. . AUTOMOBILE FOR HIRE. WE ARE STARTING . A MILK AND butter route ia Glcnwood. . Ail per sons living in Glcnwood desiring regular service of sweet milk, but- lormiix or butter, should call Bell phone 1217. White Doiry; Products Company. . SPECIAL NOTICES HARDWOOD iTjOOBS LAYED, SCRAP ed aad inished.. B. U. Dresser, Belt Phone 1011 J. 3-7t WANTED FEW TABLE BOARD ERS; ROOMS CONVENIENT. 617 & BALIBDCBT ERECT.. , BILLS COLLECTED EVERYWHEBE No Collections, No Charge. E. R. PALUORE'S COLLECTINO AGENCY, , SO North Eighth Street ' Richmond, Va. 4 RALEIGli tSUBSCRIBIiRS Oi' THE News and Observer are requested to panne m before a. xa. if The News and Obaarver fails to arriva cm tlct Another copy will be sent by ariul meaaenger. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES A WIDE-AWAKE DISTRIBUTOR wanted in the city at Baleia-h ' hindle line of rntrks noted for their low; operating cost aad ruggedaesa. profitable eonneetioa eaa be made if applied for at once with advantages not usually give to other sgeacies. tJiDerai advetUaing auowaaea made, Write for dearriptire pamphlet and proposition ia detail. Address "8 ' 806," yarn Newa -emt Observer. iJ-lOt .PERSONAL IMPORTANT: CANCERS, .ULCERS, chronic sores eared. During .four teen years my work has .proves success and bleasing to many suffer era. Mrs. J. L. Bronghtoa, 308 South Dawson St., Raleigh. l4-7t HAPPIEST WOMAN IN GEORUJA I am free from morphine after using ia years. Write me for Informs tioa; ' free to all Batterers. Mrs. Mary C, Mitchell, No, 10 E. Linden Street, Atlanta, Ga. rod -11 -28 ROOMS HOUSES FLATS 7 For Rent) I FINE FURNISHED ROOMS FOB rent, one block from Capital. Call phone 1080-W. FOB RENT DESK ROOM, SCB8TAN- 1 tial oarties. Modern office: ateno graphic sefvkevsilable. Address P: O. Bot 170. ; l-3t ROOMS HOUSES FLATS (Wanted) WANTED TWO COMMUNICATING rooms ia homo of refinement; ho . children ; aged couple; references changed. Address "Q-ML" . eare of Nes and Obserrer. 18-20 WANTED TO BENT MODERN COM- mercial Hotel. Must be furnished and in good town. "T-606," eare News and Observer.--:,'- "- '. ' . lS-M WANTED ONE OR TWO ROOMS, kitchenette; must be in good locatioa; close in; Phone 1346. 12-7t CLEANING PRESSING -, jSPBUCE UPI BEND TOUR 8UTT8 TO the Jsmestowa Tailoring Company. Suits cleaned and pressed, 73 cents; pressed, 40 seats. Bell. Phoae 1743T; Raleigh Phone 608. - HAVE YOUR OVERCOATS. SUITS . and hats dyed st Footers, the safest and best. Raleigh Agency at Lind ley's, 19 W. Hargett, Msll orders given prompt attention. '. Phoae 305. '- ' 83-30t OFFICE EQUIPMENT ' TYPEWRITE BS, NEW REBUILT. WE bay, sell, exchange, repair all makes H. & Storf Company, 121 W. Martia Street. j- National Casta RegiBters and Credit Files Lowest prices. 8man monthly pay. laieata, No intsrsst ehargoar-'Writtea guarantee. Old registers repaired, re Irmilt. bought, sold, and exchanged. J. E. O'DONNELL, Agjnt Ths National Cash Register Co. 107 W. Martra St. Phon Bell 20 SCHOOLS. COLLEGES BOOKKEEPING, SHORTHAND TH0B- oughly taught, Earoll aay time. Ad dress Greensboro Commercial Bohool, ureensooro, n. c (or catalogue. ' ' 11-15-10 . MONEY TO LOAN GOVEBNMENT FARM LOANS IM mediately available at Xy per cent interest, jyo SommtsSioBS or renswsl fees ehsrged. A. J. Fletcher, Attor ney, Citisens Nstienal Bank, Raleigh. - : , 25-30t , RUBBER STAMPS RUBBER 8TAMP8r-WE MAKE THEM. H. B. Storr Compaay, Raleigh, N. O PRINTING MULTIGRAPHING OUR MULTIGRAPH LETTERS LOOK like persoaat letters. .Mail orders solicited. . Raleigh ' Lsfter Writers, 006 Citisens Bank Bldg., phone 181 L . ,K . . n-sot WE . DO JOB PRINTING OF kinds, Prompt service. H. 8. Storr 4 Company. Phone 466. ' . COAL WOOD FOB BALE DRY -8PLTT PINE, SEA- eoned aad green oak, also sasraHl Bla,bs.,' Write me for prises. . U B. Olive. Ape. N. C. ' 7-30t : : ..WANTED , -;. WANTED TO ,BUT ONE FLUTE IS rood toaditioa. - 8tats prTtee. Write E. M. Rollins, Henderson, N. C. " '' . v , .- . . 18-St WANTED 'IXi iUY. SECOND-HAND Mwmill M.n tinted ai whoela! tweatv r twenty-five horse ,B re .box boiler. . and fifteen-or twenty tone engine, ia good condition.. Address Box 211, Fsrniville, N. C. 16-7t WANTED TO BUY DRbU BLSiLNLbi ia good live towa, preferably eas with population of five thousand or more. Address 8-804, ears News and Ob server. . - 14 7t WANTED A GOOD bbCOND HAND dental chair at a reasonable price. T - Methoiiist Orj-han.!"'-, r.-iN-'e-h, WANTED i CALL 538 FOB ' WARREN'S TRANSFER AUTOMOBILES FOB HIRE. WANTED 4JUM LOOtj. STAThV PRICE in first letter. Utility Manufacturing Company, Goldsboro, "N.C. 8-3 Ot. WANTED 500 FEATHER BEDS, OLD stamps, eld time furniture aad a.ny-1 thing eld; write promptly. C. M. Moors, general delivery, Raleigh, N. I O, m - l-7t WANTEQ CHEAP SECOND - HAND I outfit for making brick. C. E. Light- ner Bro, Raleigh. - 17-7tl FOR SALE FOR SALE PAIR POINTER BIRD puppies, 7 months old; had some I training;' ready hunters this eeasos. C. H. King, Box 263, Durham, N. C. a l-8t FOB SALE CHEAP, ON EASY TERMS, a alee a ve-room-cottage a ono- Woek of Capitol Square. Lock Box 26,1 Zebulon, N. C. 17-7t FOR, SALE INTEREST IN GOOD cask dental practice. Address Q-510," ears News snd Observer, Raleigh, N. C- ' ' S i 12-7,t FINE lND-Jls3HINERr-FORI sale.- Tire Cape Fenr Brick Plant, lo cated near Wade,' N. C, on maia line of A. C. LV with boiler, engine, J. C. i Sterl drying system complete; everv- ming needed to make brick; enough fine brio': elay to last 100 years a d 125 acres fins farming land; 60 seres ' Bleared r 10 good heusesi eases for drying brick; cieaiy terms. J. G. Iayton, Dunn, N. C. 18-20 U. 8. ARMY GOODS FOR AL U. & Army Wool Drab Blankets. class snd sanitary, about three pounds a RMl U. 8. Army Drab Wool Blanktets. eieaa. and sanitary, 314 pounds. 85 1 U. 8, Army Olive. Drab Wool Blankets, perfect, weighs four poinds (; . i 1 - 7.95 U. 8. Army Commercial Comfort ers, eterilized, $13 dozea, or each US I V. a. Army Commercial Comfort ers, selected, sterilised, reno- sted 8 J!0 U. o. Army Leather Jackets, wool lined, sleeveless, sew. 8.501 U. 8. Army Sheep lined coat. 39 inches long, great coat for the winter, aew 88.50 U. o. Army bteel Jtanges, 33 inehea nign, iia lacnes wide, 52 inches long, with large bake-- oven, warming closet; water backs ready to connect with hot water tank; condition very good: worth $200; aneeiat . srTnn U. 8, Army Heaters, "Monies. No, 1?. 39 inches high, 13 lur cher inside, 28 by 28 laches base .17 50 V. B. Army Hesters, "Cole" Blast; a special stove. Bpeeisl....... .320 '. , B. Army Hesters, Western Jewel, No. 20, ia good condi tion . 8. Navy Hammocks, made of extra heavy eaavaaa, about 20 ox, duck, 40 inches wide, 72 in ches long, waterproof, excellent condition. Special ' . 8. Army Leather Halters. 22 JO I.8J Only a limited number left. Order today 125 U. 8. Army Winter Caps, caps ars made of canvass with wool Us ing; have ear protectors; in good condition. Each' .... .... .65 U. 8.. Army Olive Drab Wool '. Shirts, elcaa and reny t wear,. save seen service but In good 1 condition. Everybody . knows v . wkst satisfaction the army wool ' . shirt givea. Prices, $1.5, $235 J" -and $2.75 grades C...." Englisa Heavy . Leather Waist . Belts, 24 inches . wide, good leather .. :,..'...,..... English Heavy Leather ' Carrvua Haversacks, splendid bag for J hunting, fishing, school bag, tool bag, etc. Each U. 8. Army McClellaa Saddles, ia ..good eervicesble eondition. A special lot at ............ 1 ... . U.S. Army Rubber Hip Boots, al most new ........ , . U. 8. . Army Wool Underwear, clean, ia servleesrblo eoadition. Garment ........ .....1........ U. 8. Army Russet Leather Shoes, sll lises, repaired, pair........ U. 8. Army Bsineoats, used but ia serviceable eoadition.. Each. t I 1.50 '80.03 $.00 l.i.v U. 8. Army Raincoats, uwd . but ' ma:m.1 u!mI.J . 4 Si U. 8. Army New Shoes, excellent 1. shoe for wesr and comfort. The genuine U. 8. Army shoe, "made for government. . Pair'........ U, 8. Army Commercial Knives, , soms with wood hsndle. Per doxea ......... ........ .. ... . .8S '. 1.05 ! U. 8. Army Tents, 18 by 16 by 11 feet high 3-foot well, in ex if. cellent condition, nearly new.. 89.73 .235 U. 8. Army Wsll Tent, 9 by 9, 3-foot wall. Splendid condition. Almost new, with poles.... U. 8. Army Tent Flies, by IS, white ...... .v. ................. 18.751 U. 8. Galvanised Iron Heavy Wa ter, aad Fire Bucket, 95 cents ' each 1 C. 8. Array Gslraaised ' Iron Garbage Csns in good eon- " ditioa, but without lid......:.. 1.95 Write For Oar Catalog. Year Messy i Back If Net.Bstlsllesl. . . Price, f.o.b. Greenville, 8. C. Terms: Cash with order.. References iAny bank la Greenville. Railroad fare refunded both ways to customers visiting' our store and. buy ing $300 or more, within 300-mile radius. BFADU.Y BONDED ' . WAREHOUSE. COMPANY. GREENVILLE, a C . . ' . 1H-80-11-23 FOB ; SALE ADDING MACHINE acarly brand new. 0uiek buyer will I aave money. "U-COT," ear News and I Observer. 18-ltl FOB SALE KOHEN BARBER CHAIR I ia good eonditiea. Write- or are A. B. Mills, at Carsleigh.Mills, Box 154, Ronre No. 3, Raleigh, N. C 18-2t FOR SALE IN CORPQRATED WHOLE- sale grocery pnsineaf ia Eastern N.I now doing sice business; splesdid locatioa ; competitive B. R. junction; splendid building, with sidetrsck to door. It will psy sny prospect ts In- vestirote this proposition. "B-SOfl," cars ewi and Observer. 12-7t FOR SALE r- i FOB SALE D ALTON ADDING MA chine. Latest model, v column "fully squipped. Sells for 250. Will sac rifice at 1147. R. M. Psrrott, Raleigh, N. C. ' ls-3t BURGLAR-PROOF SAFE FOR SALE , 62 inches high, donble time lock ; cost 2,000, quick sale $500. R. A. Shirley, 01 Botetourt 8t Norfolk. Va. 18-20-23 FOB SALE MY MODERN , BRICK Commercial Hotel 20 bed rooms in hotel aad Annex. Doing good bnsi aesa. - Situated on R. R. right at sta tion. Reasoas for selling and price made knows oa addressing "U-501," eare News and Oenerver. ' 16-7t 8TOBE FIXTURES FOB SALE, ' THE FOLLOWING PBACTI- eally new stors fixtures ean be . l)ad at considerably less than , eoetr'' - '- ONE TOLEDO PEB80N Weigher,-- used - -thsa-'two., months, for $195; regular price, $265, f. o. b. Toledo. ONE UNITED STATES SUCEB , in appesrsnce and otherwise as good as new, but used about oaf year; $295; repre senting a aaving of about S7.V' -QXE HOBART ELECTRIC eoftee miil, used'Sbour threw ' years,, but practically as sjood ' ' as sew; $65. ONE BOWSER METAL- OIL . tank, good aa new; $90. I WILL PAY FREIGHT ON .. these to any point ia North .' Carolina. CLEE VAUGHAN, Scotland Neck, N. C. 13-10t FOB BALE -BIRD'SIJTJj FARM V wagons in xns 01a stanaara wiaa 60-inch track with ths regular ' old standard wide and deep - bed. Dealers should write us for wholesale prieesi i BIRDSELL MFG. CO, SOUTHERN BRANCH, CHARLOTTE, N. C. ' 1 7eod-7t STOVjESSTOVES STOVES NEW "HOT BLAST" AND ALL kinds of new heaters sold snd . exchanged for old heaters. Also ; several seeond hand "silver moon" stoves for sals "dirt cheap." Coma ia sad make ns - sn offer. THE KOONCE FURNITURE CO. lllEast Hargett Street. . 1 Bell Uhone 600 , l-7t CUD YOUR OWN HAIR WITH THE : Duplext Hair Cutter, ths greatest in- ' . .1 . . . 1. -n; t -1 vcauva ua mv a rica v m uru $5. Price ill soon be $3. You eaa cut your owa hair as easy ss you eaa shave. Just comb your hair snd it cuts at theame time. Just the thing to seep your children s hair in per feet trim. Psys for Itself in a few months. By mail postpaid, $2. The j. isupiex atui vuihh, ox ivo, Aaieien, ' U.S. ARMY GOODS FOR BALE. Uj 8. ARMY REGULATION WOOL O.D. tleaa blankets, $595. U. B. ARMY COMMERCIAL COM- forts, renovsted. $1.75 esch. Cssh with order." ' BRADLEY BONDED WAREHOUSE Co. , GREENVILLE, & C. " ' 1 l-30t rrrn ni a h-m FHO8T-PR00F CABBAGE PLANTS Early Jersey aad Charleston Wake Held, postpaid, $2.00 per 1,000. Ira mediate shipment.' Proctor and Bod enhamer, Parkton, N. C. 16-18-20. ill! CABBAGE PLANTS. IF YOU WANT a thousand or a million, write the Durham Heed House, Durham," N, N. C. 14-l.1t iwnveren at z.00 per thousand. CABBAGE PLANTS FOB SALE ; Charleston, Jersey Wakefield snd Sue ' MkHiM. SI .VI iu, UtntiMBii if all VWa . cash with order. S, MPersoa, Char LEAPS PROUFIC, RED MAYr PUR- pls Htrsw.Hecd Wheat, $3.25 per bush eU Seed Bye,' $3.25, bushel; Hairy Vetch, 40e Ik-1 Winter Turf OsU, $2.25 bushel; Scrsteh Feed, $4.75 bagfl 2 bags aad over, $4.50. Beef Scrap, $6 per 100. ' Job r, Wyatt (tens CO, Raleigh, N. C. , 13-7t CABBAGE PLANTS.- EARLY JERSEY Wakefield; prompt or future ship ment ; $2.50 - per thousand, 1 prepaid, , parcels post,, insured. ; R. W. King, Kaleigh. . ia-7t PRODUCE GROCERIES MOUNTAIN APPLES-WE ABE SHIP- ping eur apples ia boxes, not bags j nice rod Limbertwig apples packed two pecks to the box, by Parcel Post, prepaid audi insured, $1.25 a box, in first snd second sones, $1.50 in third soae. Points fast from Raleigh and Fayctteville are ia third sons. 8unny Heights Orchard, Hum hut, N. C. 16-8t HOG FEED BUY ."WINSTON . HOG Feed." fatten your hogs st half cost: $49 ton. Fattens when everything else fails. Cash with order. Winstoa Grsia Co., WinstoB, N. C. l-7t. MOUNTAIN CABBAGE NICE STOCK Mouataia cab Dags tor one wees only; 170 crates at 4c pound: write' quick : cash with order. Winstoa Graia Co., Winston, W.'C r -. -- ZO-7t. BUTTER MILK FEED TRK, ONE barrel of onr butter milk feed; you mix 1 pound batter milk feed with I gallons water,- obtaining .3. gallons finest quality- butter milk ; . yon all know the value of butter mirk , for hogs , snd poultry. . Comes la 50$ pound , bsrrels. Cost 80 pound. Cssh " with order. .Winstoa Graia Co Win ston, N. P. ! ' 18-7t WANTED YOUR ORDER AT ONCE for choice shelled peanuts,' to be de livered by parcel post aboat the 15th ef November. Write today. Beaufort Peanut Co, Washinirton. N. C. 13-9t CUBAN MOLAbtiES GOOD OLD CU- baa Molasses: best molasses en mar ket; 60 callow barrel 5e golloa; 30 gallon keg 30e gallon. Cash with order. Winstoa Graia Co, Winston, N. C - 13-7t, LIVESTOCK-POULTRY FOR , SALE FULL BLOODED HOL , stein: cow giving twelve quarts milk now with first eslf. Address U-505, eare News snd Observer. ' 16-.1t FINE BREEDING COCKEflEL8-6Ur-ver and Buff Wysndottes; Single Comb, White Leghorns. , No bettor blood in America. Ernest L. Withers, Waynesvllle. N. C. 15-7t. FOB BALE TWENTY UOOD DAIRY ,eows; four fresh, balance freshea in 'few months. Two registered bolls, Holsteln Sod Guernsey. All aeeently tuberculin-tested by U. S,"; Govern ment Veterinarian. 4' interested see- . ing-is better than writing. ,E. B. Fitt gersld A Sons, Gretas, Va. . 15-5t. BUILDING MATERIAL ' EXTRA CLEAR NO. 1 RED CEDAR shingles, . all heart, 16 inches long; carloads, $7.75 per square, delivered " 'say railroad point iu N. C. J. E. Cogg-in, Raleigh, N. C. - 16-tlt FOR SALE No. 1 WESTERN RED CE dsr shingles, sit hesrt aid clear 5 to thiek ia inches ; lougi.;.-T$10iX), same shingle 18 inches long af $11.00 per ' thousand f. o. b. ears Apex, N. C. Sample mailed on request. L. 8. Olive, Apex, N. C. 8-30t MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS WILL TRADE BEAUTIFUL CABINET Phonograph for Piano or any useful ariicio. auuich, a www, - and Observer. 12-7t tt : ! THREE PHONOGRAPH BARGAINS. Every one guaranteed. Will . play any make record. Lod jowCabinet M)hogany, regular- prfce7'$2(R)m.'CrsfTr- " Starr De Luxe, regular price, , $300 $233 ; Craf U-Sturr, finest machine made, regular price, . $350 $295. Cash or terras. Real opportunity. Write for catalogue. A. J. CRAFTS PIANO CO., 331 Faystteville St., Raleigh. 16-3t . MACHINERYv FOR SALE SIX HOBSE-POWEB INTERNATIONAL motor press for sale; largest site; complete, with wood saw attachment; too large for my use ami will sell for $650; good eondition; set quick. J. H, Frsnk,Gsrner, N. C. Route 1. FOB SALE AT SACRIFICE TWO H. P. Waterloo Boy gas engine, air com- ' pressor, 30x64 air tank, SO volt gen erator and storage battery- goaeratei newly rewound; perfect shape; suit able for garage; $250 whole outfit; investigate. Box 32, Morrisville, N. C. ' is-3t FOB SALE U TWO-FEET TUBING machines, 4100 needles, 8iJnch B. B, 36 gauge Wildmsa feed atop motional these, machines are in. splendid eon- , dition snd will be sold at big bar gain. Address W. E. Sharpe, Bur lington, N. C. - 1 18-46 SAVE HALF ON MACHINERY WE bay, sell, exchange, repair, r-bulld and appraise machinery all kinds. Atlanta Maehiifery Exchange, 825-T Austell BMg., AtlantrT, Oa. 18-20-23 "IN-TEN-BO" SPARK PLUG TRAN3- formers will pur new life In your spark plugs f increase power; add fuel mileage ; protect the igaitioa- system ; make old spark ' plugs work like aew; entirely eliminates spark plug troubles; set of four postpaid, $3; set of six, $40; satisfaction guaran teed or your money -cheerfully re funded;' agents snd. dealers wanted; liberal proposition ; order trial Set to day. Lonnie Byrd, Mount Olive, N. C. - 18-9t : MACHINERY FOR BALE: 1 150 hTT. Ball engine, direct connected., "West ern Electric alternator j 100 K. V. A. Bwitchlioard and exeiter, complete. 1 100 H. P. Ball engine, direct eon- ' neeteoS Western Electrie alternator. Switchboard complete. - 2 100 H. P. boilers, v hot water equipped. 3 Worthington pump. For further in formation, address or come to see, A. W Alston, Clerk, Town of Louis burg. N. C. D-ll 13 16 18 20 Au 1 oMObILEs Trucks " FOB BALE NEW AND SECOND band Ford -cars. Address 8. Taylor, '911 E." Broad St, Bichmoad. Vs. ''- - ' " -' - .r i8-7t . FOR SALE AT ONCE FIVE PA8SKN- ger Ford ear in good, eondition (bar gain). A. B. Hollowell, Clayton, N. C. " -' "' - " ' i2-7t FOB SALE TWO NEW FORDS WITH surters. . 515 Fayette Wile St, RaJ-eigh-, 17-3t MOTORCYCLES WE BUY (AND BELL NEW AND 8EC- ond hand motorcycles. Repairs for all makes.. Ws sell oa tims. L. Frsneis Motoreycls Shop, 131 8. WU minrton Street. . Ktot. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FARM 120 ACRES, NEAR BONSAI " 1 twiMiccu' unu, no -uuia or rocxs, . easily eultivsted, near school, Baptist church and national highway. 30 aerra cleared, -new six-room dwelling, barns and tobacco barns; ' bargain; price, , $3J00f one-fourth cashi Baleigh Real Estate and Trust. Comnanv. Ralela-h. N. C. ' ' is,9t OR SALE-MILL fcUTE. SOMK land, excellent water-power, on Buck hora, located oa D, B. Railroad. Box 186. Fuqnsy Springs, N. C. lKIt FOB SALE OLD COLONIAL, homh consisting of 213 acres, within 8 miles of Emporia, Va, on good roads, land suitable for any crops. 125 clear; ae viurape. - vneap u ooagni quiexry. Ad dress C F. Johnson, North Emporia,' v-' " - - ' 18-3t FARM FOB BALE IBS ACRE FARM 9 miles from Richmond, Va, one mil . from railroad, station, 75, acres ia wood, good tobaeeo, graia and grass land. Pries, tea thousand dollars.' Wm. McFsrland,. 213 Federal Bldg., Richmond, Vs. ' -i HJj - 100 ACRES. S- MILES NORTHEAST Cary; strong land; ens-fourth mUe Trinity road; frontage, 10 .acres, cleared; small tensnt honse; part fine tobacco ; land easily cleared : - and water; mile from National high way; price, $"0 per acre. Addres Box 3, Cary, N. C - la.T. A

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