' .... TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER ts, 1919. : ', THK NEWS AND OBSERVER. 15 L . REAL ESTATE FOR-SALE i -" FOB SALE. , , i WATEB POWER 1,000 bone loca ted ia aortbera Georgia cheapest devcl opment ta the Stat, (in location for eottoa Bulla: abundance, of white tabor: fine climate the Jear around; sale fqr aurplus power A GREAT BARGAIN to ouk buyer. Write for full description tovW. . Harris, 819 East Mai Street, Richmond, Virginia. J ' 14-7t TWO VTBGINIA FARMS. First B30 aerea with large brick dwell- inf. briea. store house, barns, sta wee. U, 490 acraa ta timber, 800 of which ia young pioai three miHo from rail road, 30. miles from Biebmoad: price, 10,000. , Beooid 611 acres, 100 of It eaa be cult! rated, fine eld brick mansion that coat tl&flOO to boild tad ia good eou- aiuou sow l Darnt ui other improve msaUi ( at ilea from Biahmond and foar milea from railroad: prica for thii nlaeai. ilOJKM. Theae two plueea ara real bargains, but 1 1 40 not represent them, aa being ta good condition, having ba somewhat neglected. Call or writ A. V Shea, Richmond, Va. a - j7-3t. DCWT BIT UP NIGHTS TBIINQ TO Heart out bow to keop yoar bom aboa water. Beat thia high coat of liviag thing by retting back to the farm.- Everybody 'a thinking the aama. Neat spring you 11 at a grand ruata. I kaa S2S neras good rich soil I want the timber, you ran have the land. j5) Mrwt BAidalpt cottO-tyJ Address "farm Uad, car Baa 001, Charlotte, N. C. t30 ACBia, J09 UNPEB CULTIVA tioa, plasty of wood- and Umbel, Bright tobacco land l fi room house ia fair condition, good barn. Good road, 3 miles of Biebmoad, Priee 30.00 per acre. . ' FOB THE BEST BARGAINS , VIRGINIA LANDS, BEE, IN E. F. SCHMIDT A CO.. INC, M N. ith Street, BICHMOND, VIRGINIA. 14-7t WE GET BESULTS. LET IT3,SUBDITIBfc, AM) SELL TOUB FARM AT AUCTION ' 'j CAEOUNA REALTY COMPANY. BALEI0Q, N, C, ' SS-sot ,187 ACBE3. 6TECIAU 0MIY'I23: Easy terms Fine bright . tobacco land and cereal farm land; 3 publie roads goes through the place) 1 dwe'l ing housaxand 3 tenant bouses; miles front railway atatioa a bast 400 aerea cleared. ' I have p other farms, all sis, for aale In tobacco belt of Virginjb, at fSO.OO and up per acre. . I got just what you want. WrKe "Wlfffc ior particulars W.'A. BREWER,'; ' -, Yale, Va., Sussex. County, ' . , r.-;... -12-7 DO IT: . Start that Savings Account r To . day!' Once-started you march ; up the road to Happtoestiind In-; v . dependence will .be sure " and -r x uninterrupted. Let ui help you Save.'-- . ; .' , r. c Citizens National Banlc " "SERVICE, WITH SAFETY" 4 Per Cent Try OuS This For Yourself Yoa will be Wiling a hog from day ta day now. 'Look at his tiver, 'had . aoe its eoadltion. Your ay ia aa good as, anybody's, and yoar judgment " will tall yoa what' yoa aa. Look at the other organs and see hew-tmanyr -worma yoand. ;". ' ',;' " ."' I ..-..''; ,t C ' . ; v 1 S TOO KNOW YOir TfjT IIAII PORK ; r V r v AND WORMS WITH TBI SAMI FEEp. '" "1 ( - ThBeMprU Lt f loMft hogt froa tht aexd and ptt them NATIONAL HOQ REMEDY Uatil yoa kill them. Look at those hogs as yoa kill them from tinje to ' ' time aadtompare thenv with the on that bad soar of the remedy. Ba . your own Judge of thir test Try it yoar way and satisfy yourself. ; It ia not aa expensive experiment to make. But if you find that it is J. making more pork aad healthier meat it will be a profitable n, won't itt " You don't need ta depend on any. ona else for your information oa thia - subject, although If won -happen to hiva a neighbor who hat used the iimedy.he may give yoa eome light on bit oxpsrienea. " j ' loa know that worms ara the universal parasite ia hogs, and ... "i ; You know thatwrorms are costing yoa a lot of money, and ' : , ' Yon know that if you,eaa get rid of worma yoa will profit and . . ' Yon will know if you try it that ; - - v - .NATIONAL HOG REMEDY WIU Tara You will ba the doofor. ' Ton will make 4he test' You .will decide what -tho refenlt is and whether ft satisfiea you, and you eaa dependon your-, sellf, eaat you I Get the Remedy from V v Yoat Beater."" . If he 'doea not. have It order B di rect ot tell him to get It, for yon, ' J1.C3 Per rcLag. Zlx REAL ESTATE WANTED '. , - '.,-,.". LET US SUBDIVIDE AND BELL TOUB J'ABM AT AUCTION. x WEGUABANTfeE 1 ' , BATISlf ACTOBY BKSULT8. - . BALEIGH HRAti EfiTATB A'D , TBUBT COMPANY, - BALEIGH, N, C. WANT TO BUY FROM OWNEB. FARM ia Euttra North Carolina, eontntn. ing two ,to 4e hundred, acre, klust ' be wall located with plenty of road t frontalis and- necessary 'buildings. Bot aui, Balalgb, N. C- -,. - 18-30t fOQ SALE V. EASTERN - VIBGINIA faraw, any aiae, any locality, $30 an - aereuB. 7.' E. Barrett, CarraviUa, Va. ' . 1S-M v.v- :a i VIBGINIA. ' f -. Exeelleat brifiUt tubaec land, 375 acres, 40 in ultlvatloa, balsnca al' 1 nable timbers abnadantly watered 4 nam eo-.tage, outbuildings r railroad station 6 miles, Bichmond 14 mjlui good road; Ideal plaea for a borne, Vstock farm, grain, trucking ; and bright tobaeeo, Hanovar county is jrodncing-bright "tabaeeo thai ' is bringing $1.00 per pound. Price, 000, 1-3 cash, balance 1, 2 and I year. Antoa C Thionnaan. ' Bieh ' moad, Va. 18-9t LOST FOUND STOLEN FOB BALE VERY DESIRABLE MOD. " ara residence ; steam heated. Hillsboro street, aear1-Capital. 'P. O. Box 70. BTOLENJ-FBOM WILSON, ONE FIVE, passenger new Ford) lieeaso number 8?50; motor number 33723548 1 top . toraoa lafV'"1 abououa-inoh long, sewed with black thread; left oil lamp ia froijt with glass e racked rear fires ara non-skids and f r)t tire are plain tread. Reward for ear, $50. Notify. lm B. Finch, Bailey, N. C. r 18-St, $30 BEWABD 50 BUICK AUTOMOBILE. ' ' , STOLEN FBOM TABBORO, . FRIDAY, NOV. 1. ; Description: New five-passenger tour, ing ear, dark green; yellow, wood t wheels, rear tire n right side -Diamond, extra tiro on back vulcanised, bumpers ia f rbat pad behind, spot light en laft. Frame number near gas tank on back or oa front apring. Frame nombot 638449. Lioense nnm ' ber T9389: Notify Chief Poliee, Greenville, N. C. , 13-7t BED 6ETTEB PUP, WHITE tCE, white br'cast and' four wblto . foet, about four nionths old. If found notify J. T. Bowland, Wast Bataigh. Phone 404. - ' " FARM OF 800 ACRES, ,U MILES 'aonth at Greensboro, or aale ; good dwelling!' barn aid other outbuild . ings; 160,000 feet of standing timber, A. I Ooltraao, Greensboro, .,? B. NOW! 3 1 . 4 Per Cent Little Schejne th Trick. , . , . . , . - ... . - ,'... Manafactared by TBK NATIONAL BOtt REMEDY COMPANY, . .,; ; v- v, , s RsWgh. N. C. ': Box" 703. Packages t the Cox.' LOST FOUND STOLEN DO NT FAIL TO ATTEND THE AUC tioa sale of, valuablafarm land 8at arday, November 29, at 12 o'clock. : This laad la the Bt rick land property, eonelatlng of 43H aerea subdivided iato three lota, and it situated irfand near Middlesex and a part la suitable for aub-diriaion into reaideatal lota. A great opportunity for aa invest, aient ia a thriving town. W. B. Htrirklsad. Earl Strickland and Y. Z. Parker, Conimiasioasra.' 1MI LOST CAMEO PIN, ON N. SAUS bury Street Cbetneen Lane and Jones Htreett). Finder, please - rtlura to thia ofhre aad get reward. . LOST OCTAGQN ' SHAPE WBIST watch betwoea Boy Ian ' Height and Singer sewing pTSchine qfflce. IndU " ; ttals oa bao A. H. C. Reward for re turn, ta Newa and Observer Offlce. ' 23.00 JtraVABD FOB BETUBN OF stoln "Ford, ff-passenger, one man top-inotor No. 3076000 J license No. 8-S53t right haad front fender broken aeroaa the ridge i fixed np with selfrftarter, but ia operated by erank. If loested notify O.- P. f Hedgepeth,-Chief of Poliea, . Boeky Mount, V. C. - 14 4t rOB SALE ONE BUNDB0D ACRES 'fine farm land aear the corporate lim its of Fremont, sixty-five aeres clear, od ; two dwellings and ' out houses. Twelve thousand five hundred dollars eaah, balanaa eaoeedingly essy, Doa't " write- Ohlewryw haVe) eash" payment. Write -Frank B. Ayeoehv Framoat, 133 rayottavllla Street. tUroea Saf A VUt 111 kM ataia atM, lilanina. Va. . ot, a. aasaae, rno. aM Slav. - . BEX I rARMIK AVDITOB AND ACCOUNTANT -Two Twi frfmi iMwae Tea AadHsr gaeelal AMmUms GmrwMI BtasfaS. III Twksi. Una - .. 1 BAIEI0H, N. C. , - m - A "Lar4 of Gmithfiold PEOPLE COMPLY WITH DRY LAW, COMMISSIONER SAYS Washington,. Nov. 17. Compliance by the people with provisions of the pro hibition enforcement 1 act, daring the first two weeks of its life, wan rajmrted today by Cominisaioaer Roper, of the Bureau of Internal Bevenue. "My eonOdeae in the desira of the American people to observe the law is being fully justified," Commissioner Roper aaia. "The Uw-barukini( ele ment ia small and growing less." The recent appeal to all moral agen IFarpliar ; x . For years the FARQUHAR line has represented the last word in up-to-date practljJ sawmills. These mills are built abundantly strons; throughout, so as to , stand the strain ot constant hard usage, and should not, be compared with the num erous unservlcesble light oulfltnold solelyoecauselaf thcheap price. The thou sandspf FARQUHAR outfits, now In operation all over the country serve as con clusive evidence of the dependability of this product. J We wilt be glad to talk over the matter . " - of the purchase of one of these mills with you. V 128 South Wast Street TPMORROW f edaesiay, ; The H. A. blcCulIers Land THREE MILES SOUTHWEST OF CLAYTONN. C 1,000 Acres Cut Into 28 Small Farms Adapted for Tobacco, Cotton, Corn, Wheat and ' Other Products . - : . s Some xf the Finesf Land in Johnston t ' Terms: One Fourth Cash; Balance in Ten Equal Payments, . v . . , .Running Teh Years' - -Anyone Can Own a Farm On These Terms Own a Farm -Buy One at This Sale For the Opportunity Is , - V 'NOW,Tomorrow,Weclnesday, the'l9th i' T BRASS BX V FREE PRIZES A GOOD TIME TO ALL f .: ... . - i . cies to support the government and aid in the law's enforcement, the Com nitaaioaer declared; had brought real asswtanea from evory quarter. Mr. Roper made publie a report from the collector of one important district which illnatrated conditions, he said. Thia showed little violative of the law and, set forth that 'the liquor dealers' associations, whieb had pledged hearty support to the law, and the press 'had )eea helpful fsctora. 4 3 If a girt is -really prttty site does not mind being told that some other girl is. iai7fiii.il raidiisiGry Of Recognized Merit STANDARD PORT ABLE MODEL They are built in four sizes.' is to ' mimm Office), Salesroom p.nd Machine Shops RALEICfl, N. C a fcmte Soiling V ar ' ev Knowledge 'is power. , But oa the other band many a man's reputation It based upon what Isnt found out about him'. ' '' ' '". ' ' ' ' Stomach Ills " permaoentlr disappear after drinking the celebrated ShUar Mineral Water Positively guaranteed by money-back offer; Tastes fines eosts a triCe. De livered anywhere by bar BsleiKh Agenta. Poter Candy Co Phone them.- Adv. r TcUphonai 752-753 "X1 19 ' Agent AUCTION SALE OF - MILL1 PLANT .AND TIMBER RIGHTS FORMERLY BELONCWO' TO CHOWAN ' COOP, i ERAGB COMPANY, TUNIS, NORTH ') , CAROLINA. :; . -,' .,.: - Pursuant to tho terms of a certain decree entered by the District Court', of the United Btatea for the Eastern District ot Virginia in the ease of Chowan Cooperage Company, bankrupt in bankruptcy, aa the 8th day of No. venilier, 10)0, the undersigned trustee of the above-named - bankrupt aad ' special , commiasioacra appointed by aaid decree will proceed to sell at pub. lie auction oa the promisee at the mill of the ssid Chowaa Cooperage Com. pan. , at Tunis, North Carolina, at 13 o'clock m.. on Monday, November 24, 1B1H. the uroiwrty of the Chowan CooK ertge Company, consisting of the fol- . lowmg tracts or parceia ox uaa, 10- gether with the . null, outbuildings. wharves, landing, ana improvements generally, and also all of the personal property of ..the Bankrupt located on the oremises or elsewhere. The tail sale will bo for cash, and will ba sub ject to the confirmation of eourt, and , the highest bidder will do required W dunosit with the undersigned tea per eeut (10) of his bid before the aaid property ia knorked down to hrnw- The properly ia sold free, and discharged of all liens, In accordance with the dc- , croe aforesuid. Description Of The Property To , Be .Aild....-. .-.-fcisvaai 1. All that certain modorn, up-to-date stave1 mill, heading mill, aaw mill, dry kiln, etc., located at Tunis, in Hertford eounty, North Carolina, together with all the dwellings asAi outhouses, ma chinery and equipment, wharves, sid- tags, landings, eteT, located en aaia tract or trade of kind, and being all - nf tit pruirty eoave.Ysd to , Martin ; Laus by Jtoltcrt K. Sbultieo and Ottien, trustees, under the bankruptey 'of the . Halifax Lumber Company, Inc., and by tho aaid Martin Lane aad .wife to Chowan Cooperage Compaay' by deed dated Febrnary 17, 1813, and duly re , forded " the . eler'a efflce ofJTert. ford county, Nortti Carolina, ia Deed Book 63, page 361, to which deed ref erence is-Jhereby made for a full and Lroyipluto description of the property intended to be sola. 3. Ail the' right, title and Interest of the bankrupt whatever the same may be, in and to the standing timber, and the right to rut the same, on thoae two certain tracts of land, known as the John A. Davidaoa tracts, ia Holy . Neck District, in Nansemond county, Virginia, being the same property coa- , veyed to the Chowan Cooperage Com. pony by Martin Lane and wife by deed dated February 17.1913. and duly re eorded September 3, 1013. (A Full de scription of the rights of the baahrupt ia and to Uie. standing timber men. tiened in thia-'paragraph ia shown ta a certain deed made by John A. David son aad wife of May 1, 1908, to the Sandy Bun Lumber Company, which baa been duly recorded in the clerk's o flies of Nansemond county, Virginia, on the 8th day of June, 1008, and ret erenee ia hereby made to aaid deed for A full description of all of such right! aa the bank nipt may have.) - 9. All that certain tract of land with the appurtenances thereto belonging, known as tbo Pinel-Seara tract, contain, ing about thirty-two (33) acres, ia Murfreeshoro township, . ia . Hertford ' county, North Carolina, aad being the same property which waa coaveyed to tha Chowaa Cooperage Company by Martin Lane and wife by deed dated February 17, Iftlfl, and duly recorded In the register of deeds' office, of Hert ford county, North Carolina, la Deed. Book.83, page 361, aad tha same prop, erty which waa conveyed to tha said Martia Lane by Robert W. Bhultio, trustee ot tho Halifax Lumber Com-' pany, by deed bf February 1, 1913, duly, recorded in Deed Book 60, page 344, aad for a full description of which by motos and bounds see tho deed of data August 14, 1908, from Plnel Bears aad wife to Sandy Bua Lumber Compaay, duly registered August 31, 1008, ta Deed Book '36. at pasa 532. reiiatei of deeds' office of Hertford county, North ' Carolina. 4. All that certain tract of land eon. i taining about eight , hundred (800) aerea, known aa the Bardea-Skinaer tract, ia Hartford county, North Caro lina, being made up of tha Skiaaer traet and tho Barden tract, tha said property being bounded by the Chowan river and the property ox tha Camn Manufacturing Company, and being fully described by metes and bounds in a certain deed front Howard E. Baker to Chowaa Cooperage Company, of date February 17. 1917, and duly recorded in tharofiiee of tho rVgiater of deeds of Hertford county, North Caroline, in Deed Book 50, page MS. 6. All that certain tract of 1 laad Lbflown as tbo I L. Smith traet, eon. .via. ".nut ,uv; ll v , in tiatea county, North Carolina, and being tha aamS property conveyed to ' the Chowaa . Cooperage Company by Martin Lane 'aad wife by deed dated February 17, 1915, and recorded in Deed Book 68, page 62, ia tha elerk'a office of said county, being made np of three tracts, for a full description of which see Deed Book and page above mentioned. ' ', a. All that eertala tract ef hud emtalnfaul live hundml (SOS) ami, morw ar !. know M the Vaaa tratt. ta Hertford emmtr, North Carolina, and twine tho earn proprtr wkirh oavrd br Howard . Bahor tho Chowan CootMraao Oonoanr br a doatl of Novomhor IT, 1SI7. and aulr roo ardal ia Hood Book TS. paa 141. aad Wins doMribod m boaiaalnc at the riahfcof-way at Wlntwi and Oatao Farry ,bm Ckowaa rivri-thoa run. ulna up aaid rlwr to a araroaa i tboaoa aorta- -aaatovlr Utrounh tha aoaaaia, to klyb tojadi . thoaoa alone tho lino kotwoaa hick Wod aad Boonaia to the rlht-of-wr of tho oaeao-war of tho Wlntoa aad Catao Form tfcanoa aloaq tho oolnt of boalnniaa on Chowaa rivor. 7. All of the riant, titia and iatoroot in d to tho timber rlahu on that aorta in tract of Load ta Oatoa ominty. Mortli Carolina, know a ao tho William Caddy traot. botna tIM aoaie propartr whirk waa. oonvoyod ao to tho timber riahta br William Caddv ta tho Ckowaa Coonor- aate Company ky doed datod Hay I. ltl S, and doly ' roaordod la Dood Book TO, paaw Sia, raawtor of doada' orlioa of, Oatoa county. So watch doad refaronea la made for a full doacrlBtkui theraof. S. All that aorta In tract of land soatainlnff teiit kundrad and aixty-two (SSi!) or laia, m Oata aouaty. North Carolina 1 kaowa as the Baaknlskt tract, aaina tho aama property which waa aaaveyod to tao Chowaa Cooparae Company by Howard B Bakor ay dood aatod aad duly reoordad la tho raetatar af doadar oflieo of Galea sounty, North Carolina, aa tho day af October. 1S1. to which dead refeames la hereby made for a Nil and eaanpiete deaartp. tioa af tho property Intended a be sold. a. All the peraonal property of the keakrept wherever aituate, aad alw any other property, real ar pmonaL boloaaiaa to the oata to at the aaid bankrupt. Attaatioa M aalloe ta tha aswaa aa op roe tun tty for the aoauiaitioa of a flrot-alaaa atova ailll and koadlna mill nrooerty. with aocoaaary and onronioat tin, her attached. The mill ia practically new. and the location aoth aa w water aad rail, uaourpawaa. . nA. S. KOCECOMB. ' ' ' ' Truatoa in Baaluruptcy. 1 ' THOMAS W. aHKVTOrr, n ijtavaKNrc i.iiON, r. Nortulkr-Va. , Special Commlaalonera. I hereby serSlfy thit tha bond reoirired of tho epeciel commiMionora ky tha order ia thia cause entered November a, IKIS, ha bn t sv". U. A. ft - i I . Deputy Clerk, United li'nice 1L-uict Cou -