16 THE NEWS AND OBSERVER. TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 18, 1919. rORLY SOLD OUT Reported Sale of 207,206,653 Pounds of North Carolina's Estimated Yield : -"WILSON NOW IS ' LEADING ALL MARKETS Average Season Price is $48.36 Per Hundred Pounds; Wen dell Markets Sell Largest Amount During Season in Wake; Zebulon Leads Last Month in County Of North Carolina' present tobacco crop, estimated by tb Federal Bureau of Crop Estimates at 235,000,000 pounds, already 207,20(1,853 pounds have been reported sold, states tlio Co-operating Crop. Reporting Scrvir o of the Depnrt nteut of Agriculture in tlio monthly tobacco report issued today. Estimat ing reasonably for the few warehouses . tlwt have failed to report, 214,110,75.1 pounds, or 7fl per eeut of the farmers' tobacco crop, baft tnH'U sold ttt aver hk at-nson's price of W'Mj 1 per ttuti " tired pounds. About two bund rod mil lion pound producers sales for -September and October makes a record for the Btute. Tbe Octolter sales report amounted to 102.tti5,l!)7 pounds. Tbe total tales, including .resale, were l7fiWIU, nver;;giiit .ijlLaJi- perhuadrcJ . aabjbL. luring October, HUH, there was but J . per eeut -as much reported, October, J917, Jind 54 per cent as much, and in October, 11) 111, there wos 4Jr per rent of this year's October first band sales. The warehouses estimated that of last month sales 6.1 per cent was grown U.-thiLMuniSJSherosoldj the larger markets drawing from many oounties. Those that sold over1 five million pounds of first hand tobacco sales were. Win- tnn-Kalcm 12,2Ul,i!8 and total 14,3.14, f74 pounds, averaging $47.83; Wilson 30,.108,4i.t aud 14,5.12,339 pounds at S&JMui Urecuvtlle 7,srn,VKJ and Wv tW7 pounds at ,"1.72: Kinstoa 71,- 040 producers sail ,.tL'l,H.(0 pounds to tal sales, averaging 55.27 per hundred weight. Bailey and Know Hill averag ing highest, wero over IrlXOO for sales. The warehouses failing to report October tales are The Brick, Wallace; Graham's, Greensboro p Planter, Mount Airy; "Knott's, Henderson; Basnight and rianters, Aboskie; Farmers and Hook's, Fremont; Square Deal and Planters, Clinton. , Sales at Warehoasttv - The Drtober sales, aeasoa sales and averago price at reporting warehouses were as follows Seeeoa's Avrrare Bales. Price 1.IS7.1SI 4S4.17 1.478,711 44.74 1M.4S4 47.02 4.tt4.&S lt.t'4 l.SHS.ltta 47.14 I.JBS.707 (7.1S S.22S.147 47.M t.42t.49t 47.60 4.4,4t U.7 8.04. K4 IS.OO i,sj.i20 ss.se 1,144,464 4i.7t 1.477,40 41.14 MarWeta. B-jrltattsa ,.. Mrbnn I..... Wlndro ..... Waahinston ,; Nffwb.rn .... - Vtm-ibm . . Wallas ..... Warsaw Durham Rorkr Mount PiMtope Tartar ..... IrfMitabura .... Oct Rain. . ,U,61S , Mtu.ats 4M.M0 . l,S44,lt . 1. HI. OSS . 1,207. 1T , M4.KSS, . i,67&.47t S.43.477 .. SM.I2 . 447.412 . ' 77S.SM ' - ,74 Yeuaasvul t.S4.l07 4,OV4,t4 41.4 Winston-Sal. Baanri. Winston-Satan , li,2l.ift. lS.sna.44l 47.44 Snow Hill ..... 42S.43 1. 624.112 18.0 Oxford , 4,f,2.1H 4,764,444 (7.71 Crdmaor ..... 171,217 lIM.tOt M.74 Greensboro .... 44.071 l,7S5.4e tt.SO Enfold 414.44 l.ftOt.ltt 4t 44 Stntaevtlt US. SI 601.72 IH Mawllla ..... (12,14 ' S04.S74 41.4 BmlUiAahl ...... MDK.2.SS 4.S27.47 M.I Bmoa 1SK.7H4 HO.IM 47,t 8anfor4 540.S4 HI2.S17 47.74 Klnatna ....... T,tS.04e lt.H0S.Sllt IxGraiHM . ..... 1,144,42 4.044.81 11.17 40.U Abanfern ...... 42H.S44 8IS.HI 4S.M Carthajnl 40.84 7S4.I9S ' M S Bobrraonvilla t. l,ef,Hl 1.M7.30 M.7 WilliaBMtoa . .. 1.I42.7A 8,714.9; H.I7 BJ Maant Bear, .... . oSS.So 1.21S.1S II.S1 Sprinf Hoe. , , Koak, Moaat. , Kiohlanda Buraaw Aaaaore A yd n 5.,,... . Farmvftl ,.. Grawvllle LMkrrlll .... MaHiaan HoMsvill .... BtonavUl ...... Klkln 4. Air, Hotidanosi .... Apoa .......,. tueua, gprinc. Wandall Kebulon Warrvntaai , .. , Gohkbore ...... Wuaoa , m.4 I.08L21S 4.S7S.74 , . 484.22 2 on.; is I.UMS7 1,71,77 t,M6,IM IMl.t . 1. iu.ru 1,714,224 ste.Mt S64.18 1.0D7.SM l.441,AS 1.4S1.I74 804.047 1.S7M40 l.siNMe . l.las.seo i.m.tse 10,108.464 .l)8, 47.lt . I,14.t24 ! 541. IS.tO I.SM.S41 M.O l.l,S7T (I.M t,,07t 2.1t 14,2S.I(7 1172 - fnt,t4t 4I.ee l,tl.S4 41.0 l,47t.lSM . 717,21 44.M 1,128.024 41.04 t.7,S01 41.84 4,721,44 444 1,0M,2S 40.M l.m.tSS IS.1T (.1M.474 44.4 I,t24.441 44.SS 1.48S.4SI 40.S7 4,428,224 40.01 I1.4S8.S32 (7.14 Totals .102.44.17 II4.U4.75I . TANK CORPS NEEDS 2,000 SELECT MEN The War Department authorize pub lication of th following from th ollico of the Chief of tit Tank Corp: ; fcTb Tank Corp ia in need of 8,000 elect men, men anxious to learn go , engines, tank and tractors, men will ing to take adrnutnge of the useful training in the TaTnrtorp at Camp ' Meade, v.h,kh will be of great value to them after their return to civil life. On of th most important addition to th Tank Corp ia th completion of the large class room for the instrue- . tion of the famous Liberty motor used in the new American VIII heavy tank. This school, known a the Heavy Mechanical School, is complete ia every respect,, having Liberty motor and Epkyli drive assembled and dis sembled for instruction purpose. , , "Army record show that the major ity of men who served in th Tank Jot daring th war and who desired to follow mechanical linf npoa their release from th rvie, are sow en gaged la tractor manufacture, mainten ance or ope ration. N branch of the pervieo offer greater opportunity to Jhe young maa of mechanical inclina tion. , .. PLEADS GUILTY FOUR i V TIMES IN CITY COURT City Court yesterday wa nnsaal ta Its small docket for a Monday morn log. W. J. Partin, charged with operat ing an automobile whil intoxicated, carrying concealed weapon, and hiring ao brake oa hi car wa fined ar0 aad costs. The charge against him for not having brakerwa dropped becautt he hut sold tbe ' ear. Nick Taylor for drunkenness ws fined fS aad cost. In Ik'inent ia th ease of Duncan Hay wood was suspended on psymcat of cts and confinement ia the station loiif until o'clock .this morning. I o wood threw himself on the mercy of T co.irt and was pleading guilty all h-t te the stand from th bark ' f the court room. He pleaded y f "r times before litang down. MAYOR ELDRIDGE ' I TAKES OATH TODAY I - 1 Elected To Succeed Late James I. Johnson As '" ' City's Head WILL 0UTUNE HIS -. POLICY IN ADDRESS Chief Justice , Clark Will Ad minister Oath of Office; New Mayor Has Been Living in Baleigh for 22 Years; Be-t ceives Congratulations From Many friends . Mayor T. B. Eldridge, elected yester day to suceeed the lute James I. Jehn eon as Commissioner of Finance and official bead of the municipal govern ment, will be inducted into office at oon today M tbe itjr building. Chief Justice Walter Clark will administer the eath. t'non assuming his duties, Mayor El dridge will outlins bis policy and aims of odlce In the form Of an inaugural address. The exercises will be den and the public of Raleigh is Invited. Although no specinl program has neea prepared owing to the ism or time, tne cere monies are going to be made as auspi cious as possible1! Mr. Eldridge was elected yesterday ai the" reguTar" meng"trrtbe-T4MmM-- nioncrs on the first ballot. He was nom inated by Commissioner Mooneybam. The election wss only a matter of form as both commissioners had previously agreed upon Mr. Eldridge as the suc cessor of the lste Mr. Johnson. Tbe JjojccMt ?f, election was made yes- terday morning fiy the New and Ob aerver. The action of the commissioners ninkrs Mr. Kldridge a mayor for the third time of his life. He bus already erred in the same capacity at Lexing ton and Grohnm. Lived Her 22 Years. ' Mr. Eldridge en me to Raleigh 22 yCnrs ago to engage in newspaper work a,nd in 1907 he left tlio telegraph edi tor's desk of the New and Oberver to enter tbe employment of Edward and Brongbton Printing- Company a proofreader. At the time of his elec tion he was filling the simie position. In the year he became of age Mr.' -Eldridge. wa. licensed -to practice Jaw but he displayed hi "ahinglo" only a few years, forsaking the legal profes- aion for printer ink and, a printer any, he never succeeded in getting the Ink off bis finger. He established the Lexington Dispatch and was Itn pub lisher for 13 years. Hia newspaper ex perienca subsequently has been in eou section with the daily press and at one time he was editor of the Morning Post Dublished in this city, While living in Lexington fee was ac tive In public life and served a term of Mayor. At various time be wa chairman of th Democratic committee of Davidson county and of Congreasion aJ and Judicial districts. He served one year a president of the North Car olina Presa Association. Active In Chnrefc Work. Early in life Mr. Eldridge Joined the Methodist church and ainee residing in Raleigh bat been a member of th Edenton Street Methodist church. Be ha been, attending Sunday school a long ss he can remember and haa been a Sunday school toacber for 40 years. He wa twice elected superintendent of the Lexington Methedist Sunday school. Hi family consist of wife and thre children, Mr Buft Eldridge, luperln tendent of mails In the Greensboro post office; Mr. Charles Eldridge, Iden tified with twe building and construe- A SAFE TREATMENT FOB CROUP rhuuaaads of ehIMm dw mrf rear iraaa twa awin ana miwiMif (Usees. Svary aVMlMrahauldkam an kaad a ntUkk km aid ran.dr.aad tkara kB safw ar mwr lualajiia lui issupaaaaaiawkfis aaagpir Marjrnz&aJoY tth ajalal mm Yam luat rah a - adeuannl k to thefmlaiist aa IUoal , anunaa canta. Kara Mstk. easera eaaaa. Dacaora North Carolina Wak County. BALE OF VALUABLE LAND. By virtue of I decree of the Superior court or Wake County. Korth Caro lina, made en th oth day of October, Jitf, m tne special proceeding entitled "Thomat H. Turner and hia wife, 8udi Turner et al. vs. P, V. Mit.hener and hi wife, Nelli MitcheaeV et !., be ing Ko. 2012 Special proceeding Docket ef (aid court, I will offer for sal at futile outcry, to the Highest bidder Cor cash, oa th home premise of th ite 8. a Turner, Sr., , deceased, 'in Panther Branch Towaahip, said county and State, on Friday, tbe 8th day of xvovemoer. Jl, at twelve o clock the following described tract of land: Situated ' ia Panther Branch Towa ahip, Wake county, Korth Carolina, adjoining th lands of Thomas H. Tur ner, John W. Turner, deceased, and other land of 8, 8. Turner, 8r4 de eese4 containing 130 acre, more or let, including the residence and old home plar of 8. 6. Turner, Br., de eetsed. Bvfeience J made to the judgment in laid apecinl proceeding for a mere particular descriptloa ot th mid tract ef land.' ' W. BAJONES, , ' I. .1 If II II mm i '-ii-.:-v3",'ii,C'' 4e Jar. ; I 4 ommiBsioner. . Thi October 27, 1 RALEIGH'S MAYOR: TAKES OATH TODAY MR. T. B. ELDRIDGE. , tion corporation of Baleigh, and Mis Virginia Eldridge, teacher ia tbe local puTdie schools. NEGRO ARRESTED FOR . FLEECING FOUR MEN . " i i Charged With Bobbing Baleigh - Negrpaf By PuDing 'Pock- -'etbook" Stunt r i Charged with playing a "pocketbook" fleecing game n two people of this city, a negro giving his name a Hervin Evans woa arretted yesterday a he was trying to get out of the city oa Tr"trrim It He-lbTrett be-wtole from Henry Binitb and $750 from Percy Yarborough, both colored. Evan, according to the police, pro tended that he found a pockelbook con taining I1JKI0 and then asked hi vie- tmis to accommodate him with" enough money to hara tbu big bills changed into small cub. Tbe stranger secured the cash offered by hia victim and then disappeared, leaving the robbed men awaiting hia return in vain. Th arrested negro could not d xarborough who kept op a long search until he spied Evans at the union sta tion. Evans, it is said, worked with a partner who haa not been arrested. TOURISTS TRAVEL IN r OWN MOTOR PALACE A touring ear, a regular motor palace, drew the attention of a large crowd a It stopd in front of tbe postoffle yea terday afternoon. The ear i about 14 feet long, painted gray, with plate glass window shaded by light cretonne. This ideal traveling home contain a amajl oil range, a sta tionary washstand, with hot aad eoltt water, beds, light and a well carpeted floor with wicker chairs. The ear ia the property of Mr. and Mrs.,Corwin of Bear Niagara Falls, N. Y who are on their way to Florida. v, v'-- . - ... -' I cleared my skin : " Do you remcmher Vm'. v i- bad mv -.kin looked a Vhon'K no i I wa. ao' miserable about it. 1 never really enjoyed .myself? 1 wouldn't have beloved what i' an " improvement Resinol Soap eUld make. It i, tronderful how kt. G OOD HABITS Of all the good habits you can ' acquire, the Bank Habit ia one . of the best. ' i Si. j. ., '. " "b. Make no money deals that are not checked up through your bank.. . ' Use our "Commercial Service"' it will be to your advantage Cbmmerciril National Bank B. H. JKRU1H ALT A. THOMPSON V E. B. CBOW ........ ....... A. P. BAUMAN. B. H. LITTLE BIG WAREHOUSE E Raleigh To Have Storage Place For Wholesale Trade jn f j 'This Section : i ! Th Chamber pf Commerce yesterday announced lit 'perfection of plan for th erection of a big bonded atorage warehonle la Baleigh, which will be available for the atorage of all kind Lof goods ,'and merchandise by Raleljb merchant or merchants of other see tion of th State. The concern, which will build the big warehouse and pro vide railroad terminal, will be known a the Baleigh Storage Company, of which air. J. B. Chamberlain ha been elected president. Tbe concern Will have a capitalisation of tZQOflOV. Other interested in the new concern, which will help develop Baleigh a a storage and distribution center for all of thia section of the country, are Messrs. E. C. Duncan, B. 8. Jerman, C. J. Hunter. J. Bufus Hunter. W. E. Edgerton, Henry T. Hicks, all of Baleigh r Charlea W. Hnrtie, of Clayton, and F. M. Bridge, of Wilson. ' Th company haa already purchased three acre of land oa the 8outher railroad at the foot of Fayettevill street and will, sometime in the near future, let the contract for the erection of the warehouse, which will be built in unit, to that additional apace may be added at aay time in order to take car of increased business which is ex pected to develop" ia the not distant future. The announcement of the plan for thia development yesterday waa th Terolt-tf--the"-eff ortw -vf 1tter Chamber of Commerce to provide better itoragt facilities) -for merchant in thi section of the State. It will be used by whole sale merchant aad other who buy good in ear lota in order to get better price ana better freight rates, but who do not want to store the good la their own place Of business, because of th For Liver and Bowels DreeCuier K. & B. Tea A Mild, Gentle, Vegetable Laxative aad Healthfal Drink. You can keep the whole . family ia good health if you will brew a cup of vegetable) tea every other night and have them drink it just before going to bed. ' Por very little money you can get package of Dr. Carter B. Tea, and after you and the dear one have used it for a week you'll ar it' th finest, gentlest and moat eomplot tonic laxative you ever ran across. ,' ' . For stomach, live and bowehr and to purify th blood, nothing is more reliable. Uive it to the little one when they get feverish and eaa't eat, They like it and it doe them lot of good. ; FOR MERCHANDIS How quickly . ' SSJ ZL, .!" etl lV.b,,U ' du. refre.hLl . " mJ kin o '. Sh a wLlI b"u" jt aihin i t ' tit"' ' wTbodr would - .President ...Vice-President .Cashier .Assistant Cashiera f '',' A"1 z lack of space. The good will be stored with this company ia the bonded ware house and ordered oat as they ar seeded by the merchant. - It was Btatei yesterday 'afternoon that this was the only warehouse of thi nature in the Btata, There are a asm' ber at Birbmoad, tome at Norfolk aad som in Atlanta. Baleigh eoneernsjnd other ia the Bute have been forced to use the warehouse ia Virginia ia order te secure tbe aeeoiamodatsus that will be furnished by the hew-Baleigh -cam' paay. It is expected by th promoters that this warehouse will be" the means of enlarging the distribution business here and in making Baleigh a much later center for the distribution of coods to this section . of the State t haa -it haa ever been is the past. ' The erection of the big storage ware house ia th lower Fayetteville street aeetioa may sjltimately result in many of the wholeaale concern going to that section ia order to be nearer the center of distribution. This, of course, would result ia opening up Wilmington street for the' retail business, which is already beginning to become crowned oa Fayettevill etreet. Contract for the erection of th build ing will be let In th near future. , MAJOR JENNII CBAWFOBD WILL SPEAK TONIGHT. Captain tTatteraon of the Salvation Army announce 'that '.MajorV Jennie Crawford, Of Atlanta, division secretary of the Army, will be her today. Bhe will meat at tlia evening service on tbe atreet at 7:80 and the public i in vited; to hear her. -; , , -. . ..... . - ' ' BIG ULCER ...ALL.HEALED 'Now I caa Walk" Sayg Mr - Southcott of Medina. :...Wi. , , "Han Is another, latter that nakaa ma hapajr," ear Fotarson,, of Buffalo, "6n that f would rather have tkfaa a thoaaaad "Money iaa't emrUiln ia that world, Thar .la Bans' a bla fclartad.. rich nun who woum an au a has an aavta to be abi te prodae a ramtdr with each fel(hty healliuf power a Peterson' Ointment, te ell at all draczfate for 4 casta a lam DOX." -' . Bead this letter, written February 14. ltli. far Mi. Albert Bonthoots, ot Medina. N, Y, It Been like a mind, but It ia trot, mn word of It.' ' ( , . 1 . I fcaow It BtaaoM I aft timilar letters Imost vnr dav from n. xt s who bare naad my ointiaint tor aid aoree, uin and pllaa. mm is anj wonoer A am liappyi Petarsoa Otatmeat Ca-aac BulTsla- H. T. hw Sin . "I waa an antold auffnwr from an . old ronatae cor aad nleera. I had trkd asoat evwrtaaif wnaont anr relief front pain. A frtned told ase af rear wosiderfBi intatet and th trst boa look kvar th polo that had not left m before ia nan. and after waiaa Juat nine IUrs worth of th al' 1 ua enrao. -ih nicer -wss Inches br tneh, is alt boated and I can walk. Never, WUl a o vhinh, -ira a aaaia. Yen Bw na thia as nnaai olntoMiH kt res wish. I cannot sar nouck to prane n. Your tmir. Mm. Albert Beatheott, Medina.. M. Y. Mall orders tilled mr rwrsoa uintment l., inn, Hnffalo, N. X. KinaCraweU Drue Ce. HI supphr rosv Reulroaci Schedule . .... . i. ., . . ' a r ear trslss Raleleb, Illaie Been), H. C. Toe iellewie MaAb ars tntllete at laawaMUe. as not taarataMd. rCaetar Maadard fine) jjeilrgta-aouTHXHa aAiLaoao. F)4 a. m. Mertalt. WuklatTM. . , te oar Parte, wiwiliwi, . . VtMMtHs . 1 41 1. . i2M k S. ftlewM. Wtdilftettoa. ...... T 1 WllMS tLB. ; frtl m CtitvrleWe. Vartna. W... JM Z . Tif Pf m, rajwvirw, MNaVfA4. r :m . n."FrS!,T iiiiiW.w.": M m- . erisi, rrrtt.iiis ia.. t S. n. ramttmiu. LiUMetta, f aai Serlsst; v , , . i '-!; ' KMIIH AIM MNt RAILROaO. ArHw freai , . torn Ser It N a. m. le(eaNle Men Vers II:Ma.sk t.St a. Sk eh-nleeliaa Nartalk.Waek. I.tS a. m. t 45 a. n. NarleMi.Waleaa-aa''kea l.U a. . 4:J3 a. n. He .Verk, laekseinllle 4:4 a. Sk 4tta.n.alelak ,u. Ratkarleretee Mt.m. Itdts n. .(. , . sl.rt.lt lljs a, a. , i :ie a. sk jeMMianne ...... sten vera i se a. a. :ie a, as Svf.lk Altaala 4:M a. n. . a, Sk Mew Verk ... Jaakaemille .is a. sk Wtlda 4.44 a. ak ' MUtNIRK BAIIROAS UNI, rrlss treat . Lone far ras.skmassw ...... WansiwWe !.. t ft a. a. Berten eraeasooi 4:11 a. a. ISieta Sk Daraaai ......... araeaiases fSWaak 4MkaDka ,. Sreeaiaere t:34a.BI. 4:ise. n. t.la ......t... eeieen 1:29 s.n. II : a.. S.laa ............ Oeieiaere Islia. jii: faMt.Sk eleaaera 1140 a. ek 4SS. Sk tiame trsrve asitansn anwiniaraaTin caaseuoATti ticket orrictt. aVHt ik 1 A t;s. SaMsh Paeaea, 174 S 444. Tawaeav saw. -osH sues aaadaa. , ''MM. mm ;-.. " I ! ' r i v ;f mm ;::0-V'T:;::.Aj OVERSEAS CLUB FORMED r AT N. C STATE COLLEGE. Th orgabitatioB ef aa Oversea Club by former member' of th A. E. ,F. of the North .Carolina State College Wa effected at Pullea hall yesterday evening at I o'clock. Th following o (Beers were elected: B. C. Young, presidents J. K. Coggins, vice president; B. 1. Pearaall, secretary and trcaturer. Aa entertainment com. mitte wa sppointod by the, president to' have charge of the- weekly' smoker L A til - I..,. " uint- wui ue aem. . . . It' a grots error to believe that every xsostoQian is ss turn tea with culture. LetGuticuraBe YciirBeautyDodor Two dpuble records by the' I famous Brown Brothers' Saxophone Sextette.! .carolina 'sunshine' ipeteKgink 1 MiMouri Blues I'll Say Sfce Does RALEJGH L Talking Machine Shop . -Victor BpecUliaU' 11 FAYETTE VlLLE 8TREET rmttJt. Priced $a.oo 4 Walk-Over i" $12.50 T!!i?3l AtUV Luxite ' A yl!lvj 4-ojors A -. . y .... $3:w . JXs 117 FayetteviU) St ) -- . f -: f Big, Rugged, Handsome Don Tire -f add distinction to any. ear, oa ob rloo ' reason for their increasing' -popularity. i, - ' -. - r '. AddMo this, the ob'sUaaey of'thes , ' Mighty Tire in resisting wear and j th unbounded eonfldeaee of South ern Motorists la Do Tire J ex-. .' AMiIeae Masterpiece, j .. . .' . I ' . .... The, best materials that money or skill eaa produce go into every Doss ; Tire and each eeperat tire ia mr- ' ; ' eilessly inspected by ' our expert. 1 rTh ever mileage ia built into each, ' "- tire. Thia i why they InvarlablT travel far beyond their high guar antee . ; .-:v; ( v v a : v All aix4a--futltv aad c aoa.' '. . kid . tread. . TotH r else guaranteed for 700 miles, . ' larger ais f et 6,000 mile. . If w are aot represented f by a Dealer ia your tow, - . ,' writ to a direct, ' 4 Ballt aad Guaranteed by TBI DOSS RUBBER A TUBE COMPANV. ' Atlaata, Ga. 1 . " ' T .: .: V i ttzarfl's M Where Prices Arw The '.. Lowest" ' , Offers-Today j 32-inch , " Dres fifthe eaon' prct tiest assortment- of Plaids, S tr ipes , Checlcsf b r VGirls school dresses. There is . no other material half so ser viceable. 45c Value Special ; Today - 39cyd. The Dawn A ntw aiodef WalkiOver pump to be won with kpata: Come in all the new leather. A de lightfully atyliah tnd comfort.' b) pump. i ' He. Boot Shop 1, ' - 1 Dom Tubes Dost Compression Is v aer tubes do aot go tai not ar aot Injured bi Functor ia ordlaary at. They irreatly la rreaee th lit of tires, QrtW r ahead ta Insure eiv-vr. , Dos laminated tnbe red and gra. made of tartt ' materlala. ttroef, tmpregnabl to eboefca and - atraln. Inna-llTed, aolt br loaa dealers ererjwber. T

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