-T r- THE NEWS AND OBSERVER. r ' TUESDA-f MORNING, NOVEMBER 18, 1919. S VARRANTS AGAiNS T FOUR MERCHANTS Fruit" Store Owners. Charged With Violating Local Health Regulations Proprietor of four Raleigh fruit and confectionary stores will be defendant! today ia city eotirt for alleged violation of the city and county health regula tions which nrovide for the uroteceion of foodstuffs and fruit from flics and dust.' The stores involved are the Cali fornia Prtrlt Store and Florida Fruit Store," on Fayetteville street Cain Confectionary ptnre. West Martin j Burns and Holland, Martin and Daw son streets. The warrants against the places were sworn out yesterday morning by Dr. Tecry Ahrons. superintendent of health for Raleigh and Wake eounty. They . were served, byi the. pollee, , All cafes and stores having eiposed "foodstuffs for aale were notified some time ago of the apecisl health regula- ' tions requiring fruits and food to be screened from flies and dust. After the .notification the health department made regnlsr Inspections, Whera viola tions-were eond' the lroYfrM'lrrw,re' warned to remedy the defects. DURHAM LAD KILLED BY FRJEGHJ TRAIN Durham, Nov. 17. Gilbert Williams, seventeen, years old, the youngest sob of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Williams, of 234 Mulberrv street, West Durham, was so injured by a freight train Sunday afternoon sbout S o'clock, that he died T ftneWaFti Hospital at 105 Bundlf night. . ' There were no eye witnesses; so far as we ean learn, of the unfortunate eir " eumstanee. One theory is that be was walking on the track at the time of the passing of the freight, and waa struck br the engine and whirled under the wheels. Another is that, he was at tempting to catch on the train when he lost his hold and was thrown upon the track under the wheels. His right leg was mangled about the knee, being en tirely ant off, s.le a few ligaments. Young ftUlliann was a member of tho " West Durhiyn Baptist church, and was a .young man highly esteemed. Confederate Vetera. Die. kinsion, Nov. 16. Jumes A. Hinee. a Coal'ederuU veterandied yesterday at the residence of B. B. Waters, this city, lie waa J5 years of age. Paralysis was the cause of "death. Mr. Hinea served with credit in the rjouthcrn armies. He was a native of Duplin eounty and had resided hero 20 years. The funeral - was held this afternoon at 2 clock, Hcv. UeoYgo B. Hanrahan,, pastor of Atkinson Memorial Presbyterian Church, ottlekiting. Mr. Hinei was a member of the Presbyterian ehurch. , Ha Is sur vived hr the following children: Mrs. It. B. Waters, Kinston ; Mrs. O. A. Dail, Keuly-j JU Uines, Wilmington. FARMER HORNE GIVES $25 TO HOSPITAL FUND Mr. Charlea W. Home, of Ashley Borne and Hon. Clayton, yesterday do nated twenty-five dollars to the fund for financing the campaign for the elec tion on the proposed hundred thou sand dollar boad issue for the erection of a . tuberculosis hospital ia Wake eounty. Mr. Horns aaid he understood the institution was a Wake eounty affair bat ha wanted to show hi ap proval of the idea by contributing, even though be lived ia another eounty. "It ia auch a good cause," he said, "I want to have a band in it." Sorne of those who subscribed to the campaign fund have already paid their subscriptions, but many have not paid. The committee asks that these will send checks and thus save the committee the trouble of celling mi them. Checks should be made parable to V. C. Moore, treasurer. Those who iave not eub scribed are also asked to send their checks. Funds not used in the campaign will be applied to the endowment fund. Five dollars additional expressly for the endowment fund waa subscribed yesterday by gentleman who , re quested that bis same be withheld ,A separate account has, been opened at one-of the-twrnks-for-thr deposit of subscriptions to the endowment fund. STATE UNDERWRITERS IN SESSION IN CITY A ' meeting of the North Carolina Association of Life Underwriter was held in the city yesterday in the Cham ber of Commerce assembly rooms. About !5 were present at the Yarborough for the luncheon, which preceded the meet ing. rSeeretary ef the Navy Daniels made a bnicf talk at the luaetfeon. J. A. Sbeeta ia the president of the North Carolina Association. Mr. C. W. Swivel, of Pittsburgh, ex-vice-president ef the National Association, aad Mr. Broad en, of Columbia, 8. C, vice-president of the National Association, were the principal guests and delivered addresses at the afternoon session. OXFORD SINGING CLASS HERE WEDNESDAY NIGHT The singing class from the Oifnr.l Orphanage? will give a concert in the' t.ity Auditorium tomorrow (Wednes day) night A committee consisting of J. B. Cullins, chairman; Dr. HaroTO Glascock and Mr. W. T. t'eltsehl. is arranging for the entertainment. The local Maaona have invited the State School - fof the Blind, the Methodist and Catholic orphanngee and the veteran of the Soldiers' Home, to at tend aa the guests of the Mnsouie fra ternity. The class will corns here from Wen dell, arriving tomorrow ninraing at II o'clock. Those who are goiug to en tertain the children for the day are asked to meet the train if pesxitde. "All things are possible," quoted the Wise Guy1 '.Yes, it's wonderful how some- people outlive their usefulness who never had any," replied the JSiinpic Mug. : Sprays and Local Ap plication WU1 Not Cure Catarrh ! Don't deceive yourself, if by the per sistent use of sprays, douches, sMvc and other local applications, you hav ' stopped the discharge from your so. : and thrdot.'' The trouble will return i- 7 a more aggravated fomw , , It is said that the glands of the not and throat acj as an "emergency plu ' for the human sewage, system; ' tli: when the kidney, skin and lungs ni , unable to properly dispone of some I ' the impurities thnt collect is tho organs, such impurities are throws on theougU the glands of the nose am: throat, v n ' Head eolds, due to exposure, mult sot be confused with that chronic, aggra , vated condition of the nose aad throat ' traceable to impure blood. .'N ,. - Toe test way to relieve this condi tion of ehroaie catarrh is by cleansing the blood ef all the impurities that , have collected in the system, There is no better treatment than Plough's Pre- eeriptionC-2223, the great blood puri fier. This reliable alterative prescrip tion treatment corrects the impure state ' of the blood, gives the tissue an oppor tunity to exercise their normal fuse' : tions and results in th relief of the catarrhal condition so dangerous to good health. ; 1 . . ' To' secure the best-results In taking Plough! Prescription C-2223, the liver should ve msde active and the. bowels regular. . 2823 Liver Pills ' are reeoai - mended especially ; for this .wurpost. . These pills do not sieken or gripe. Oa pill is 4t dose and eaiy three need be , taken i week to keep the liver -end bowela in s healthy condition. ' ' .Plough's Prescription C.2283 can be supplied you by any good druggist in Urge 'bottles for ST.50, the Pills for 25c j er the 2223 Laboratory, Memphis, Tenn.i will mail both postpaid en re . eeipt of (1.75. Samples of the Liver Pills and leaflet regarding Plough's Prescription C-2223 will be sent yon without charge on receipt ef this slip ping wita name. ana saaress. eav. v : . vPrescriptiori ..... 3 United States RaltreaeV AdmlaUtratiea ' . ' : Annonnces ' Xedsced Kewad Tria Fares NORFOLK SOUTHERN ; RAILROAD ; ' To '. ' ' " ';'( PIN'EHURST ; . Aeceont . BAND HILL FAIR1 Tickets on sale daily Nov.MS-19 20, and for trains scheduled to arrive Pinehurst ' before noon Now. 21st, Limit for return to reach original starting point before midaigbt . ef Nor. "3rd. For particulars call en or writ to your nearest . ticket ifnt. V Howitb KeepBaby Smiling and Well See that tk daily functions are regular and normal YOU cart expect the sol caa to be happy and playful wfaca She heed iseh dull said th atossaek Useted. The h Boraul habit ti childrca ii ts b kapor md whsa roai netiosnWas cress sad trenSilyoe wMaeeaUyaadaiastyetioa awmnaaible. Perhepa tbsy kav aaaaed that daily fuectioa ae aumaiy te eoafart and beskk Look at U. loagas sad ase i DM braetk it bad. Watch br beklng. ' TImm are lb ItH-tals ajauam el cee Sbpatioa. Toasjht give a iittis ei Dr. CsUwelTe Syrup Pepsia, wbick yoe caa bur t any drag Kara for 50t aad $1 a Unrlbottla, aad it wjl ect is thanraa sad lbs tjeub loams tjm ptuew pioasptly Dr. CaldveJiSyranPefaaisa) bawiioa ci ample laaatne serbe witk ptpsia. Ualik the aatsber physics k acts sandy and wkhaat grsog se that wUe grownups can tut it freely it caa alas be ens to a tiny baby with pttftct safety. of Asarriree UmXta wwuld not nuik pi Uiag witboat a bottla in rVa h l lot the tswrgsacy arses shasst daily wUakbaeschd. tpif ittUfti tkt Dr. CtUwW Simp Ptfnn it Me tUm tiqnid Jantire aa th mmrld, thrt Wta- mm i mulli ttUUt H mch ytm, mmuy HU m4 if btntfu Jaxw t ytutd ft. yu kmwt mot, mud ymr a aim mmd mddrrit ft a frt trial aMi la Dr. W. B.HmtU. ill VwsiaXn S, Urn. . ftttt, Illtmtu, NOT A THEORY If a fact that the use of alcohol even in moderate doses at taken in tonics is often habit-forming in effect SCOTT'S EMULSION an easily assimilated tonic nutrient supplies the body with those elements that contribute to strength. Frt from alcohol or any othir harmful Itmmnt. Scott't build $trength by nouriahmmt. .sVe.omakaUU,-Mv:-Mr. The Profitable Thin s To do is 'Visit Richmond and 1 - i , rr. Shopat : .HleSiafpimg Cmttr" ' , BECAUSE:; ; Idler y Mew StrWee is thaeMghlw synXSMsdaed j r a a ' oounpooi mm (KiivcfMt atft pcmpc. better wnatans. snore ctesrsnlstt aad ; the snore and Bendy KUtr 9 Bitot UrrrkmJim is ths most keJattt of Q-Iiey that rans i a : uung mm oam aOCst thaci voedb KOn 9 JO Ston is tbe osael acosaabls from ; rwimaiuit to any pert ofjNorrK Catobna a sseQavVMrak. ' . AmdfmoBy, Hitler 9 UoobTricam Not Displaying Complete Stocks of ; i Kesd7-tiwear ' stppssrcl, MiSincry and , sCTaaoiica .for, wonxa and children, : .f, , drcaa fida, auka, deeas rrncnings ; nd ' hsrnssiitngi for tb '. Extra Heavy - - Whipping Buttermilk Butter and Eggs Can be had at our plant WHITE DAIRY PfcODUCTS COMPANY 10S-SS 8. Wllaalhgtoa St. 1217Phone 1218 "Raleigh's Shopping Center ' : : ' Bo i lan Pear ce Co. : : ; . . . 1 i i Today Another Important Sale of . Women's Dresses , t i .... A large special purchase divided into two lots $30 - to $45 -22 The $30.00 Dresses if bought in the'regulaf 'manner COH CA TO A AA' would sell for from i)J?.)U sb jU ,UU The higher priced lot would ordinarily be $59.50 to $85.00, show ing a very substantial amount saved at the sale price. They're Jerseys, Tricotines, Tricolettes. Georgettes, Satins and Crepe Meteors; many unusual details in their make up, that must be eerrto bereally appreciated Seethemrwhether you buy or not.- Women's Suits Two Lots at Exceptional Pr ices '40 311,1 ?75 Just one of the extraordinary features of . the occasion can be told "Price" the others Style and Quality, must really be seen to ba appreciated. You'll be well paid for investigating the earlier the better tomorrow, i Women's Winter Coats Featured at $34.95 AND $49.95 Occurring st tlje very threshold of th Winter ai-avin, this sportal selling of new Coata in approved Winter modes should pfove of very unusual interest. Women' All-Wool Coats , Including such fabrica aa Peaehbloom, Polo Cloth, Bilky Fortune the Wooly Angora, in semi-ntfed models, for full er lender figures, belted models and loose back styles Features include great pocket, cable stitching, ailk linings and warm collars ef self materials or liuurioua furs equally becoming worn high or low. MAILING TUBES r C Sizes 1, 1 1-4 and 1 1-2 inches in diameter. Any length "P to 36 inches. Let us know your needs. . ' Ccnrr.crdal Printxn'T Co- Inc ,. C ;u w mi T.- f ... 'V t i xa ;.;'' ........ ,v. , ..... .. . 1 r 1 u . jf m mm am- 7:v.yy. it the naiicirial itxf Rmnlrt ) . r ) 1 if V 7 v . , v 'VS ws ' ' The sport of 'rolling your own with P. A. V or 990mmm ff aa I - n . . ' ; w - . C f ""- X "nee Airjen ior your maxin r cigarettes witn x. A. oecause it is enmp. '.'71 .wv nal wn rar avll 'am nnd vll 'aim actrt - ...e . a.w .mwv 4 w IX T 9 A F have the smoke time of your life. , Every ; . half the tobacco every time you roll one. cigaretteyou fashion-up tastes just a little . It 'a a cinch to get the knack of doing it better than the last one Prince Albert is quickandclever-withPrince Albert! so refreshing and free from bite and parch v ' ; " . , which are cut out 1 by our exclusive All the joy Prince Albert hands you in patented process. . a cigarette it has been putting out in ', "7 '.::. : . jimmypipes these many years. P. A. The thing to do Is to &et started roll- has revolutionized pipe smoking. It an- t ing 'em with Prince Albert! Get in swers every pipe question any man ever quick on ' the' toppiest of smokesportsl asked Just like it answers every home,, , YouH take a liking to making your own V rolled cigarette demand! . , : s x ' Toppj rerf b4, tidy rd Htf, kaadtotmm pomad and half pound tim Aaau efore ajirf thai aleeey, pemeHeml asat eryatml glam hwoudor tritk pongm mtolttmnar top Out ireepe "Vi'noe Albvt la ewca pmrfoet coaditiom n. j. nr.vr:oLDs todacco co:.!paiiy, vir.:tcn-s-r-, ir. c. -:il!.i.- 'MiU RALEIGH, K. C

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