6 THE NEWS AND OBSERVER. TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 18. 1919. Society ' THE BOY. Be u eoly boy, but he cheerfully went . With the -other two million.- v I "i they '' ' were tent . To tight . For the riglit, Over thru. And hi nother wept, auj Ins siatera, too And m wrethrart e'ghed when the troops went through Snowing th thing that they had to ijo Arid the brunt that they had to bear. There' a grave in I'lamier, smi m it -.) grows A bent and tivi .' l, but hardy rose, That waa . Iwrn , under troubled ' akiea; - ( - grew' ao well That never a thing ii needed to tell The story of how he went through hell. But the roe That grow Where he liea. Mr. George 8. Dixon and little daughter, of Woshiugton, D. C, are visiting Mm. ,C: H. Iuon on Hillslxr'o road. 1 Midi Butie Stephenson, of MeCul " rersTNT Cr Irjtent - the week-end with Win Mary Gardner on 8. Harrington atreet. Miss 1 na Wriglit aent the week end with friends in Ooldeboro. Mra. Boger Eceles and daughter, JJiss Hope Ercles, are spending aeveeiil ' day in Norfolk. , Mr. 0. B. McGrady and Miss Lil High, ef taulshurg, aent the tveek-enl in the eity. . Mra. Fred Hnliel and Miea Vivian Belt and Margaret tlabel aro visiting ia New York. Miaa Kdirina TJzzt'll ia viaiting in Greensboro. Miaa Inbelle Rkinner hai returned from at visit to Hertford. Miaa Laura Tillett haa returned .from a visit to Durham. Miaa Blanrbe Htockard haa return"! from a week-end vUit te Saiapahnw. Miaa Oeorgia Squires la visiting in Siihmond. Mis Beheera Wull, of Hillsboro, Ir the guest of Miaa Bell Cameron, i Mr. Ernest Peachau lias returned to his bowe ia Wilmington after penil lng everjtl,dnya in the eity. .Mrs. Basting I'ne has returned from a visit to Morchcnd. Miaa Florence HI one haa returned from .a visit to. jUreensboro, -, , , Mrr. Willis Bhaffeer, of Memphis, Ton ii.. is ia the eity to attend th Bhoffner-Rogera wedding. Mr. aad Mra. William Davis,' of Greensboro, are spending aeveral days with friend in Raleigh. Mis Rebecca Hiutpsnn will leave to day, for a visit to relative in Vir ginia. Miaa Carrie Travis, of Philadelphia, is apeading some tint in RnleigH. , I Mr. Arthur London, of Pittaboro, i a visitor in tho eity. Messrs. Frank B. Daniels, Krnnon Horde, and George Dewey, of Holds boro, were visitor in tho eity yeater- Mr. and Mra. C. 51. Lende and aon, Dr. Ielia-l)iion Carroll and Mis Olnyds Biehards have returned from a visit by motor to Mr. W. K. Hutt at Candor, . f Army Overcoata Dyed and Civilian Buttons put on ot reasonable price. Furs, Velvet, Plushes, Heavy Wrnns and Holies Properly Cleaned by FOOT ER'S, Raleigh Agency, 18 West Hargett street. Both Telephones 3WS. Adv. 4, ' . ' ' ' t ) v Afternoon Tea. Mra. France W. Smith and Miaa Pat- aey Smith will be "nt homo" thia after- aoea at th "Elm. ' '' Baataeaa Weatea T Meet The Business and Professional Wom en's Association will meet this evening at t o'clock ia the assembly room of the SHOOK WITH : NERVOUSNESS A Udy Wa. Flat On Her Back With Terrible Spell., Bt Her HnaUnd Cot Card ui, And Now.Ske It Grateful. M.Rinncy, TeuaMr. Mary Steph enson, ef this, place, state: "About yea aad-a half ago J waa dewa ia bed fof aiz weet, not able te ait 6p. 1 wa flat oa'sny beck aad aid terrible apelkaj . . . .Why, it looked like-1 would die. At time I didn't know anything. I would get nervoia, t couldn't bear any one to talk t me. I would jut jerk 'aad anook with aervooxaeta' . , . across'rny back waa so sore and ached in all the time. would hr . a diary feeling. My limbs ached ai and J would get numb and fee) so weak ... I (aid t any huabjnd I knew Cardut waa jood -nr t believed I diad lest tr it. , , ;0; He get me a botf . of Cardui, aad when I had only take one-half bottle f Cardui 1 felt at ranger. I took a ha:f a dozea tottln altogether, thra ia -two -ort-ka after I began taking I waa up, i i three I wa doing my. work.- I pro's !ui for I believe It, aaved my life 1 I tm grateful." ever 40 - vf-A-, year t Make Jewelry Christmas Above all thing jewelry aspreosea let the needed by the well dressed, anil highly prieil spirit of a gift. It is beautiful, enduring, by every one. !t jewelry be plentiful "among the presents you give thia Christmas. Of nil merchandise jewelry has iieen moat lightly touched by price advanovr, costing but little more than before, the nuj. Jewelry at Jolly's Is known for the worthy character and correct style. It niennfi mure to have your gift come from this store. Diamond Rinn Colored Stone Ring Men'a Rials' Pearl Necklace l a Valllerea Brooches Bar Plna Hhop early for your own convenience ami satisfactionespecially early for articles re quiring engraving. Goods laid away for Christmas delivery. , 'Jolly's Jeweler aad Diamond RpecialiaU. IIS Payettevllle Street iCIiamber of Commerce, All buaincss and professional women in in city are invited to attend..' ' Tea Friday. , Mesdame J. C. Brantley and Lyaa Wilder will be "at home" nt the Wo- man' Club Friday afternoon from 5 to 6 o'clock. . ... ' With Mr. Norrls. The Twentieth Cenfury Book Club will meet this afternoon at 4 o'clock at-th home of Mrs. M. T. Norris on Edenton street. Move. Mr. and Mrs. K .T. Gates, who have been making their home ia Raleigh for some time, havo moved to Golilsboro to make their future home. Junior Chorr. The' Junior Choir of Kdenton Street Church will meet Thursday evening at 8 o'clock at tho home of Mis Margaret Royster, . . : i - Tuesday Afternoon Book Clab The Tuesday Afternoon -Book Club will meet this afternoon at 4 o clock with Mr. MeWhite. Motored to Fayettevllle. Mrs. Dsvid Fort, Mine Eugenia Clark, Miss Nellie Fort, Miaa Eleanor Husk and Mr. William Fort motored to Fnv etteville and spent the week-end. ' Hon Warming at St. Mary 'a. Dr.-and Mra. W. W. Way will lie "at home" to their frienda and the friends of Nt. Mary a School Thursday afternoon from f:3v to 0 at a house warming in Honor, or Mr, fcraine, th new auper intendent ef the school. , ' ' Mra. Rogera te Entertain.. Mr. Wiley Rogers, Jr, will entertain A Winter Romance By Jeaa tWrd L The Principals T "PTank," t enld to my ti us hand at dinner one evening "don't you think It would he nice if I Invited Naa Bad clit to visit us -this wlnurt" 'Bur thlnar. Jean." answered ko in hi inimitable quick manner. "Nsn's splendid I'd rather hav hr visit us than anybody eiM. Tell hr I . ald 0-" -. -.-- fwtrhat alfht t wrnt te Nan. m truly was a "splendid" girl. Hadlat ing eonliatltv anil warm friendliness, he had countkwa admirer. And hi , addition lo her delightful personal , traits, Nan waa stunntna-ly Waiitlful i the moat beautiful girl I ever knew. ' But It te Nan'e nnplexion that I her crowning attraetton. Really I never eaw k more petal-like ekln than hers. For a long time I wondered what her secret ifor nueh lovaliriva was uaill ah toM m that It waa he., cause who uaed Maan'af Magnolia Balm n Ideal liquid powder that ' really beautlnea. . , . Seeing Nan'a auecesn with' Magnolia Balm I tried It myaelf. The result waa moat raetfylng. It did beautify my akin and. best of all. did not ta. . mote hair growth or leave -th akin greasy. Then It waa en easy to apVly and had: such a delightful fragrance. '- 'Ton Can ret Magnolia. Balm foe TS rent at dealer, or front the Lvna Manufacturing Vo.. 10 Bo. Fifth7!., : Brooklyn. N. - T. '' It earn In . three color white, pink, roae-red. hn Aid yon ask Nan to eowteP aaked Frank as I scaled tha lltr. "Tkankartrtng bay, I anewered. ' That tntereattng. h remarked dryly. '1 Invited Herb Kendall to be here on that day. too.y , u "Bnt he'n ttk Nan, I'm tart," . , "IJk her."' laughed Frank, "why, Jean, he'll be her every day that ahe'a her.-. iT - e-'-j , . To be continued.) V'' V Say.ItWith ' FLOWERS -Jut Flowers. Floral - Deaigaa, Wedding aad Corsage Bouquet. Palms, Fern aad all kind of Decorative planta, Nareissua, Hy-' acintbs. Freeeia and other Rallia L for Fall Planting. ' ' . H. STEINMETZ . Florist Raleigh. N. C. This a if Pendanta Caff Lie Waldemarf halna Coot halna Soft Collar Plna Hcarf Pine Belt Buckle at a dinner party at her home in Cameron Park Thursday evening at t o'clock in honor of Miaa Annie Bo gar a, a oride or the week. ' ... , . i 8honner-Rager. :. The weliing of Miss Annie Bogen, the daiiglitef of Mrs. 'Wiley Roger, of thia eity and Mr. Km met t Shoffnor, of Memphis, Tenn will take place Satur day afternoon at 6, o'clock i t the boat of the bride' mother en, North Wil mington street. , . Par Wedding Party. ' Messrs.- Cooper Youhg, Julian Band and C. Jl. Walton will entertain at dinner party at the Yarborough Batuf day evening ia bogor of the Slioffaer Rogers wedding pa'rtjr. . Called Meatlng. A call meeting -of tha Johnston-Fet-tigrew Chaptv-r of tha U. D. C. will he held Wednesday afternoon - at the home of Mrs. Jamea A. Brlftge, , on Hillsboro street. Large attendance is detjirrd.-" , vv Shower for Miaa Owea. , ' Roiboro, - Nov, 17. In her lovely home, Alta Vista, Mr. Troy L Barring and Mrs. Henry - Herring eatertainsd at a line abower gvea ia honor ef MIm THt OnieiNai, BaTcarrca Pieius rwawACg Thousands of Calorie Furnace are giving satisfaction In city, town and country. We have a book of r markable - letter written by Oalori users, and not in one it 'there word of anything but praise for the Calorie. Come to our store Vnd let tia show you the Pipe Ira Caloric Farnaee, and have you? read some of the letters in this book. 4 Investigate the furnace that heats through only one register, it a wonder. Thousand of ownara heated their house perfectly through th coldest weather ef Inst winter with a third lesa fuel than formerly. Remember that the 'Calorie ia Ipiar anteed to do everything ve any. It mqvt make good or you are not aaked to' keep if. Come ia. s i h WEATHERS . FURNITURE CO. Ill B. Martla'Htreet, JRAL'EIGH, N. C. . LC WEATHERS : . ; Uoetor ef .';..-' ' - CBIROPdDt and . ORTHOPEDICS 1 Practie limited to ' Dtssasa ad Deformltlee ( rt 117 PayetUvyi 8t Raleigh. N. a Dr. Dexter Blanchard Dentist """"" - - - - iii instie . if Mary Ellen Owen, a bride of thil month.;. '-. v .' ' , i On "Social Service" Ir. E. C. Branson, professor ef Rural Rociol Science at the University of North Carolina, will apeak at the Worn an'a Club on "Hoeial 8eriee Thura lHy afternoon at 3:30 instead Of four o'clurk aa wa announced. ' ' - Move ta Raleigh. - J Mr, and Mrs. J. U Page, of Baltimore, have moved to Balelgb to make their home. - . j '. . i Bora a Bon. Born ta Mr, and Mrs. Willifm Mercer Wells, of Elm City, a son,' Redmond Stanley . Wells, II, October 28. 1019. ' Fortnightly Club. ' '.Th Fortnightly Review Bool Club will meet thia afternoon at 3:30 iiirtead of the nnual hour of 4i00, with Mrs, Julian Timbelakc. . Meredith Clnb. The Meredith Club will hold i's monthly meeting Tuejday afternoon nt 4:3t) at Meredith College. All membjta are urged to be present ... Hnll-Riggan Miss Mirinm Riggan and Mr. R. M. Hall were- qntrtly-mnrried- in Ilurhiim Katurday evening at 7:00 o'clock at the Trinity Methodist Church parsonage in the presence of a few friends, Rev. C. J. Hnrrell officiating. The of ids is the daughter of Mr. and MrK-; H.;Ri'ggaa--ot 4hU Jtitjt. The groom is a popular young business man of Durham and for several years! haa held a responsible position with the freight department of the Southern Railway. Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Hall left for Washington and joint Norths a - Bpragina-Willlngham. One of the prettiest wedding ever celebrated in this county was that which took place in 8t. John's Episcopal church, at Houston, Va, Saturday eve ning, November 1, at 7 o'clock, when Mia Rosa Lee Willingham became pie brid tn-. Coir Snrsffttis. Jr : " The church wse beautifully deeoratejl ni wljite chrysanthemums and ferns, and. made a lovely aetting for the im pressive ceremony, which was per formed by the rector, Rev, O. Wnllace Ribble. A short musical program was given before the entrance of the bridal party, with Joe Lee as soloist and Mrs. Dan Hanktna aa orgsolst. The bride, who i ft brunette of un usual beauty, wa gowned in white georgette erepe with a veil of white' tulle trimmed with a wreath of orange blossoms and earritd a bouquet of white. rosea ana wbbboum. miaa Virginia Lovelace, of Houston, the maid. of honor, wore a gowa of pink taffeta with a pink tulle hat, while the bridesmaid, Miaa Marian fiprsgins, slater ef the groom, wore blue taffeta with hat of tulle to match. Frank Faalkner, ef thia eity, waa beet man, and Mare: Ga-Phil-lipa, of Washington, D. C, waa grooms man. Th usher were Donaa Gray,, Robert Fonlkcs, Malcolm Lacy and Btebbini ExpectMothers -' ASoothinrtXmollient ai an aekecata- Talk of the Price of Shoes Being High! "Read This And , Rejoice - Men's Mahojrsnjr" Eng lish Shoes ' $6.50$7.00 and $8.50 i . '.' Men's Black English . Shoes :, $5.00, $6.00 and $8.00 " These values positively . cannot be duplicated when we sell 'this lot ' out ' Sample. Shoe 1 Store. ... ., I' 1 .. - ' '. 5 " 21S 5. WUmtnrttm St DR. A. R. TUCKER " 1 DR. T.. T. SPENCE V Osteopathie Physicians aad Burgeon. Udees SOi-ft-S, Haeonle Temple. Pboaeet Offlo 798, Hoepital 490, Beiidenea 1454 aad Mia.-,- - - . ! JJUUIGH. it. C". Misses Reese & Co. . lt rayettevllla Street" ' NOW SHOWING - All. that is New in i' Fall and Early Win:er PHONE Lawson. Miaa JUe Peachi Booker waa ring bearer, and Miaa Lula Ed raondson gave th bride awa. A reception wtss given -the bridal nartr Fridav' niirht f u.t Miss Edmondson at her home ia Hous ton, while Mr. Hpragins entertained the men ef the party informally Saturday afternoon at' the home of hia M...n. in this eity. The bride i a daughtei oi rue une Mr. ann jura. rrnk Willing ham and vrsad-danffhter ,f t!. - i.,- Maj.' H. A. Admondaoa. Bhe i a young lady, of great personal charm and is popular, Dota in Houston and thia city. Mr. Kpragins is a on of Mr. and Mrs. l. lyoiea upragins, or South Boston, and haa a wide circle of frienda here n. is in the tobacco business at gmith- nem, r. c where he and hi bride will make their futura tw.me Imnicilintelv sfter the ekrem AM Ii, and Mrs. Nprnginr motored to this eity, wnere iney toos tne tram for a south ern trip. . Among ' the out-of-town guests nt the - wedding were : Mis Mamie Kichardson; of Washington, 1?. '.: Mrs. Joe FfrrsJI, ef Roleigh, N. C, Mrs. At Craddeck, jin Miss Rita Gil more. of Lynchburg, -Va.j Dr. and Mr. R. (I. Cnnaila. of Urottne V. H. M. Harris, of Ciarsville, Va.t.Mr. Mare u. t'hillips, of Washington, D. C? Mr. Rirhord Harris, of Waynesboro, Va.. and Mist Ktixnheth Bnuldin. of Petersburg, Va. Halifsi Gazette, South ouniun, v a. ? . , We should alwava unenk r11 .a iv- dead. Still, It eome rather late te get who a jop. ... ; . Blue Ribbon Extracts art still pat np in two oa. Dottie. rull measure. Con sumer not only get more quantity in this lire bottle, hut thro i. quality, goes further and the flavor is leriecu Auv. - JESSE FRENCH A Name Wll Known Since, 1875 Unquestioned Excel lence y Quality First . First Quality One Price JESSE FRENCH AND SONS PIANO CO. Olivia Xaney Library Balldlag Pheae 411 Raleigh, N. C. T "'""iminiiiiuiiiiuiiniiiiiiiniiiiuiinMiiiiiiniiniiniHiiiniiiiiiniiiiNiniiiiimnniiniinmnn win Give. Utmost Satisfaction . I ,Thisye-ir no one can kets. Not because this Winter will be colder than usual; but be-' ' I cause of the rising prices it is the part of wisdom to buy an extra , ; I supply from our present stock. . . I ; Rit now we have : about them is better 3 i 5 la thi ahowlng an flat Elegaat "" All-Waal Blanket la White, alee ' aretty'plalaa ef canblaatkla ealare ' Whit Blaaketa with Pink ar Bla - . . Border, ale Cray Blaaketa with ' Pink' Blae Borden. And then " v- r- v V V -Of course there arean abundance, of. Cotton-filled Com .V forts and Cotton and Wool Mixed blankets n designs v equally v attractive . ' are priced ridiculously f ' ' this year. ! loyall;;:&i 1 " I v. The fl ' GOLDSDOnO ' Mile From High Prices ... a W j.i i ' - Ana wnen we mean that it is Here, now ene ; ate things to j"eiecuone early. I vjc-r (-an DWORSKY'S Watch, Clock and . Rightfully termed "North Place the Clasaified Page in The News and Observer got this recognition by producing reaulU. TheseBlankets - . v ' i j e and Comforts possess too many .Warm, anTabundance to choose than their quality it is BLANKETS, $ 5.00 Ul COMFORTS, $10.00 UP as the more expensive ones. All low because they were not bought . ' - ; Home of Dependabe Furniture RALEIGH ' ?V"t at . . Dworsky's Low Price Make Jewelrythe : Gift, A Gifts There i ao doubt about' Jewelry being the gift of gifts, nearly evefron wants jewelry and nearly every one. u.ld like to giva jeweLry,, but.fot.41i.. miatnken idea that it i too expenaive. , Bight here we want to aay that Qaality Jewelry ia sot expenaive at Dworsky's. - eay guality Jewelry wa America' Finest. (In da thousanda of appropri-' give. 'Come in make your ' A email depeelt a scare anything here till Chriatmaa Jewelry Repairing Carolina's Greatest Market i Comfortable Blan-; I , ; it v. from, and if anything ' I their price, tags. ' . 1 there- are Caeaforte la "ae faH ' ioahie-bed aiae, tilled with Umht' ' " Waal aad caver with Sgnred" Silk-' aleae aad Satin, af a Sne aaality, y 'Si .3 (; with herdara la -the Plata Colors. ' DURHAM I i m -. E V 1 I i Cardui haa been "mn ls-k to Try it. A iv. J M Teckrr Balldlag RALEIGH, N. C. Bell Phone t SIS