TUESpAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 18, 1919. THE NEWS AND OBSERVER. . , a - SOCIETY" "t r A TIm Oils Pedrlda Oik, To Oil Podrida Clab will meet this ittonon it 8:43 oVioek with Mrs. W. W. Kltehln. i New Arrival, "v . K Bora to Mr. aad Mrs. W. Ki Eldridge, of Pittsburg, Pa, oa November 10, a daughter. Prior to her marriage Mrs. Eldridge was Mist Chios Bockwith, ol this eity. t , - Settle Peaick Claw. - . The regular meeting f the Bet tit Psnick Philathen Clan of tlia First Pres byterian church will ba held in lot primary department Tuesday evening it 7:30. Mrs. ,E. P. Curry will address tha meeting. V ..'-'-'. - , . t Receatioa U Visiting Daughters. The members of the Woman's Club, the book elwbsv the Daughters' of the Kevolatioa nod other organizations to gether with ail resident Daughter of the Americas Revolution are cordially Invited by tha Caswell Nash Chapter V. A. B. to attend aa informal reeeptioa to bo fives on Thursday. November 20, at a p. m., at tha "Woman's (uh eomvl piuneatory to ."sorts Carolina's vice president general, N. 8. V. A. B., Mrs. William N. Beynolds, the State regent, Mrs. W. O. Spencer and to Mrs. Ldnd- ' say Patterson, a Daughter ho has at - bsV --own capon wv 4Wt- prmuioa of tha government, 'gone into the devas tated regions of Serbia and arbo in , artiatia native eostume will tell of her observations and experiences while over- ' teas. All who are interested will receive a hearty welcome and it is asked that all understand - that the invitation is Mnd-' ;.;... . ... JHcDoweM-HcCrorey. -- ----- A recint issue of tha Birmingham ' Age-Herald says: ' . "A beautiful ceraiaony marked the marriage of Miss .Verna Allein MoCro itj and Mr. Charles Gordon McDowell, which took place at tha Highlands ' Methodist church Wednesday morning at lOiMLn'clock. The church had been made attractive with a profusion of greenery, palsna and fern, and while the wedding guests were assembling a musical program was presented by Mr, W. A. Thomas at the organ, ase. Mrs. C T. U Blssell. who sang -'At Dawning.' "Dr. Preston B. Wells, who officiated at tha Impressive service, stood at the altar awaiting the bridal party which was led by the ushers, Mr. Charles A. James P. Yate,.of this eity, followed by tho matron, Mrs. Joha St Counsel- ' men. only sister of the . bride. The bride entered with v he uncle, Mr. . Ueorge Reynolds, by whom "ho wss given la marriage, the "groom and his bnf. mas, Lieut. Cecil , K. Watts; of Principle Md., meeting them at the ' altar, where- (he vows were spoken. Mrs. Counselmn wore a costume of silver , gray charmeuse with - hat to . match and carried an arm bouquet of Ophelia roses. 'The bride was hand . soma in a going-away suit of French blue silVcrtone with trimmings of Hud- .. son seal and her bouquet of white roses was showered with valley lilies. , "Following the ceremony, Mr. -and Mrs. JUcDowell left for s wedding trlji t points in Florida and upon their re turn will bo at home at 1110 South Thlrfeenfb. afreet; ? r t ' "Mrs. McDowell is a charming young woman, who baa been muds' entertained any prenuptial affairs and a large circle of rrtonds eoaaratuiate tnem- selves that the is to make her home is -this eity." " ' ' v . ' Mr. McDowell is thtyson of Mm.-W. J Y. McDowell, 412 North EssJ street, , of this eity. N ' - -.; v . - '' ' , i Joaea-Zolllcoiror. fNew Bern, Nov. 15.-An interesting i marrinira wss solemnised at Centenary ' Mothodist ehurvh this' afternoon at 6 o'clock he 'Miss Julia Bryan., Jones, dauahter ef Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Jones, became the bride of Mr. Jere P, olli roffer, of Honderson. The young couple later left for New York and Canada where they will spend their honeymoon, later tasking their homo at Henderson. , . ... .. e Tattrell-Haekaeyv ' . ' Wilson, Nov. 17.-On Wednesday at 12 o'clock lovely wedding, was aoJem aiaed. When Mist BudteHaekaey, daugh ter of Mt. and Mrs. W. D. Haekney, Sr., beeama the bride of Mr. James Grayson TuttrelL of Baltimors, Md. The home waarfceautifully deeorated with flowers, ' palms and ferns.. ' v -i When the wedding march" from Lohen grin began little Margaret Eichardsos, : niece of the bride, pulled the . wicker, forming as aisla from tha reception ; kaiq to the altar. ' The bride was beautifully attired is (Jarklue wool tricotine, witk hat and accessories to match, tarryhfg a ahower boquet - of lilies , tf tb valleyyaad J "' a I i Pepto-MAngan Brings Bloom of Health v Helps Restoro Worn-Out, Thin 1 Blooded Men and Women to Health suad Happiness - -1 ' Physician Recommend It : . , Sold in liquid and Tablet Form- Both Posses Sara Medicinal Value lai l ', aUt on "Gude'. , - i Most ' svery esse of a sstlosf. eon- , plexiow and a languid feeling is traee- ' able to watery, impovsriahed tlood da feient in szygen-earrylng red -blood eells.l:r - . ' - "! . Inasmuch as the satire system depends- oa tha blood for t nourishment - ant strength it is readily aadaratood shy ' thin-blooded people 1 always feel worn -est and ran-dewa. - v ' . And it is. equally plain that to restore tha vigor of ragged health, tha1 blood should be sapplied with the needed qualities to' enable K to build ap the I system. ., . ' Oude's Pepto-Masgaa ateeomplishes this very result. - la a abort time the beneficial results are -clearly anifeat Jhstaebeeks fill oat aid regain the bloom of health, the eyea sparkle, the siepVs- . gains its elasticity, the whole system is filled with greater vitality. .Oude's Pepto-Mangas is a safev bene- . leiaJ aad pleasant tonic Agrees with the moat delicate stomach, and is obtain. sMe ia either liquid or tablet form. Be sure the name "Guile's" is on the rucks (re when you buy Pepto-Msngsn. A-k the dnirsrist for "Guile's." If " .'.''' f t: t oa tha packsfe it is PHAMPION TRICK SHOT . , ' . POCKET BILLIARD PLAYER v' i - ' - .Hi , J . , , I ", - " . ! , V ' ( -i - J V ! r.. .. I" " ... ... - - i-.e v t i t ).'.. ; ' -" 1 t j ,t;Uvj . " : !. - ' i. - t ( 1 I . ' , l 'T "v,;." i ''. J Earl Williams,' Raleigh, ha will bride roses, entered on tltr rm of-tbe groom Mr. Htuart, pastor of the irst Christian church performed the cere mony.' After receiving-eongratulations pf theirmany friends the happy eouple left lov acw York snd Niagara. -The bride is the daughter' of one of Wilson's oldest snd -enost successful businessmen., ',''" --.. Apex Rod Cross Entertains. ' ApesNoy. 17. last Tuesday evening the laaies of the Apex KedVross enter taioed the returned soldiers of White Oak" township ' at a dalightfcl ' oyster supper, given at the Apex -Hotel. Each boy was invited to bring a friend, there foro thero was a fondly number of the fair sex present to add to. 'the gaiety and pleasure of the evening. I . ' 1 1 -' I Miss Bis Eyes Hero Friday ' Something new ia tho musical comedy field will be offered at the Academy of Music Friday, matinee aad night, when Harvey D. Orr presents George V, Ho- bart's latest musical comedy , success, "Miss Blue Eyes,' adapted from tbs Broadway "faree success, "What! Your. Husband' DoinaTt t ;. ' '"' ' Containing av screamingly Tunny plot GHDW01R W If -., - ... . Xhere Was Nothing So Good for Congestion and Colds - as Mustard But the old-fashioned mustard . plaster burDed aod Urstered while it acted. Get tha relief and help that mustard plasters gave, without tha plaster and without thp blister. - Musterole does it It is a dean, 'white omtment, made with oil of mus tard. It is acientificatly prepared, so that ft works i wonders, and yet does not Uiateroe)tendereat skin. V Gentlvmnsaace Muaterole in with tho L finger-tips. Se how quickly h brings re lic t Dow speeouy ins pain disappears. Use Muaterole foraare throat, broo chitia, tonsilitia. croup,1 still' neck, asthma, neuralgia; headachev conges tion, pleurisy, rheumatism, lumbago), pains and aches of tha back or iomta; pprains, sore muscles, bruises, chil blains, frosted feet, colds of tba chest (it often prevents pneumoniaf. 30c and 60c jsn; hoapUal vise SZW stC ; ' Saturday J ' 1 py .Popular Author J Robert W, Chambers PEARlMlTE give aa exhibition at the Wake Club. an-brUlianUawix of Pacini Jm'rJlt'ril dies written by Silvio Hem, "Miss Bluo Eyes" is receiving unstinted praise from both press and public, . - : i The company playins here is tho original one of forty people with such jpnsical comedy favorites as Peter Mae Arthur, James Polke, Centis Jensen. Marie Kemp, Clyde Long sujl Lamb A. Goodrich, the' . sensational whirlwind (lancers, .- . v - An exceptional chorus of beautiful girls are making the music of the piece woaderfufly popular with such -sons; hits as "Nobody Can Take My Heart Prom You," "Honeysuckle Inn," A Sort of Subtle Peeling." 'Blue Eyes," H of the whistling kind. V ' The advsncs sale of tickets opens Wednesday 'moral of 'at the Tucker Building Pharmacy. . v ' X To Look Younf Quickly, . ' For Special Occasion . How aftra have yws tvtS aad uttrd aritai your- f aoc on the eve of nai hnportant Matal evsnt Wbf ra wasted So look your awttio ana try wkat M would you Jool souldn't ret the d Iro romlt t Mat tine fowr foot boeomoS uaruly, oxhibltiiis a earo wora aa4 sassy apooamnea, and oriMenaoed wHh Sao Its, hora'a aomoihlnc that will qutrkly tranatorm Jt tata tmt at yootaful tnoaii Jwvt sot aa oonos of powdorod sasohte at mr dninri.t' ia tale with about hair pin of witch haul, aad oathe year taos in tho solution for tw ar thro minataa. Iat mcdiatoly aftac yott fool a "Srmins op" ol the skin and uadorlrins tiua. which naturally irooo out tha ; llttlo wriakloa, worry marks and aabbiaoM. The aontwi had vanoral ap-poaraaoa- oc yotar faoo ate so trop roved, you ill bo clad yoa hoard-at this simple aad harrclou attthud. (A.) k TODAY ONLY 7toy?fN0f Vbiir v a z yn xa Dorothy Viv V-'eJ , Shf was MbrokH and the ffang of social pi. rates aha called her ' ..-', .. "rriends" thought aha . V would he easy to . . "frame-up." 1 She weawNOT! ... . Come to see. TOHAV .... . .vwas.H.iiiVil , m , i , as ROBERTS MOST T Emma Roberts Sings Fop Ex ecutive9 Heads of Both the ' United States and Canada N Last winter' Emma Roberts, tbd Amorican contralto, who will be henrj here at tCie Academy of , Music on Nu vemher 27th, hod the dixtinction of sinping for the President and; Mrs. Wlllm and also for the Puke of Devon shirt, Governor-General of Canada and the Ouchess of Uevonslilrc. ' In Jsnuary it happened that she was soloist with the Rusynn Hymphony Or ehestra at its Washington concert in the Nation! Theatre and as a tribute to representatives of a friendly' nation, although not then, an ally, the White House family occupied the presidential box and wars most enthusiastic in lead ing the applause. After Miss Boherts had sung her' aria a great bunch of roses from the White House conserva tory waa passed over the footlights aad at the conclusion of tha program Mis Margaret' Wilson went bark n tho stage and asked to be presented and then in vited the singer to be her guest at as informal dinner, together wit& Modest Altsehnter;- the -conductor of the- Rosalia' Hymphony,. ; ... ' Just two months Inter, to s day. Miss Roberts was giving a recital in Winnie peg at tha conclusion of a tour of WesU em Canada and it chanced that the Duke and Durness of Devonshire were paying their ant .official ' visit to the Pntlris vCity at the " same time. " Thi Woman's Musical Club, under . whos auspices Miss. Roberts wss singing ia the afternoon, had arranged an evening musical in honor of the vice-regal guests. The Duchess, who had heard of the contralto's suecets at the matl- the evening, "anV of course the wrlms donsa waa only too glad to accede to tho "command of " Her Grace," who proved '.to i be a most appreciative listener, i- On accounfrof the treuiendous edu eatioaal value of thia concert. Manager Upchurch of the Academy of Music can- f o Ladies Who are Stout fat ia fatah to health and. beanty-. iteaueo weignt senaioiy and easily ; im prove your health snd future. Avoid heart- trouble, wrinklss, aeivousnsss. weaanesaes. ets, nesiaes personal em barrassment, due fa obesity. Look and feel younger. Walk sprightly. Let your eyes sparklo with new fervor. Surprise snd delight jrosr, friends. Ba a sirl arainl Go to the druggist, get a small boxj of oil of Jtoroin (.capsules) and fojiow; directions of the korefa system. Re duce- 10 to 60 pounds under guarantee. Eat all you need (inclnding soma caady, -if desired) wnilo reducing. , J)oat pother about going throngh tiresoms exercises or following rules of f starvation diet .Why sot becomo slen der without rlrastio drugs, worrr ana self-denial f. Sere's your chance, . ; - ..'..... m SATISFYING MIS O. L. HOPKINS . .... .. ' El (Incorporated) a - 9 . v Six Thousand Dollars 'Worth! ' . On Sale at . r v Smashing Reductions in Price $24.95: $29.95 ; ! $39.95 aad up tr THE FAVORED PELTShOFTHE SEA- v Son, in any wanteix&lorc 1C1DEHY Thanksgiving EIU EOSERTS MEZZO. CONTRALTO ' . ' with' . ' ' ASSISTING ARTISTS Tb leading ' Critic of tlie. . United flutes snd ' Canajjif Have Paid Extraordinary Trl tute 1 Miss Bobert. No ealist . In Beoeat Seaeons' Has ' Beeeived, 6 a a Unqualified , Praia from th New Tors, , Press. ' v . i The) New York Tribune ' ' aajrst " ' :;. v - She ia one of the most. aatisfjrhrg artist now to m , be heard in ihe concert '. ; world. , : , ' This is a Concert of Tremen- don Educational alue and , - will be tarrely Patrenited i7 . the Teacher' Assembly. ' - S J j Prices I ISe, Joe, H, Seat Sale Opena Monday, November 24th. Mall Order Filled jad Proaaptly Ketaraed la Order Received. tdd U , Wsr Tat aad Make Cbtwk and Money Orders Payable to J. S. Upcharch. f colled a large musical show in order to prcsrnt Mis Roberts on Thslikgivln( sad especially whijo the teachers of the State are In assembly here. The promi nence of tho artist in adytum to the fact that this is the only OuTertulnment Wiedulod in Raleigh f or. ThankHKiviiig Insures a capacity house and "patrons are urged to buy seats early. They will be placed on solo Monday morning, No vember 84tk, at the Tuckef Building Pharmacy and niali crier will be filled and promptly returned in order re- eeived.. o 'Announcement of Marriage. Oxford, Nov. 17.-- Announcements havo bea issued reading as follows; Mr. William A. Porunm aunouaces Ike mnrrlage of his daughter, Beatrice, to Mr, Walter Simmons Ogburn on Friday, the 14th of November, li10, at Oxford, n. C. At home after the 1st of Decern- her, South Hill, Va. - , 'IVERBQTEN" Don't shock your Liver and BoweI, but take Cases rets. Caararets end biliousness, headache, colds and constipation so gently you're :ttve even tnonvwreireed.-' Thcrs m no griping and none of tho explosive after effects of cathartics like C'alomol, gaits, aJoaonina fill uriimmn Pllla. T.t. night take Cnaearets and get rid of the - bowel and liver poutm which is keeping you miitcrublo and half sick. C'ascureti cost so little -and they work whilo-yott sloop. Adr. ;- -- Ta.rortnj Yamr Choice) of Selected Woolens ; $35.00 to $50.00 Tho BeaaoVs Popular Flaunelj, ' Patterned in Blue, Brown, Green -rBlg Beleetlon - $35.00 TO$40.00 "Csrsfwl Meaanremeat Mean a faaltlee Fit Lee 0. Lay ton , r .Merchant Tailor , , ' , YarbwrMgauBalldiag -r ntmtm I A N $189.95 II vmi.ii, ),uoi; jmaiu.ii gut, t iui OF JUSfC November 27th -Vi t-ei L Uoif j J ast m aj.1 aw jkib 1 - . Braaks AH Tobacco Record. Apex Nov. l7-,Mc, M. P. Iiles, a farmer,' near Apex, broke the season's records oa selling the highest price of leaf tobacco la Apes. A load veigh ing ,4t( pounds averaged LIU a pound. Ia the' load he lad four pounds, that brought $S a pound. . CATARRH-DOES HARM Whether It Is of tho Neaw, Throat, or Other Organs, Oct Rid of It. Cstarrh of the nose or throat when it becomes chronic -veakens the deli cate, lung tissues, deranges the diges tive organs, and may lead to consump tion. It impairs the taste, smell and hearing, aad affects the voice. Tt is a constitutional disease aad requires a Coustitutional remedy.- Take Hood's Barsaparilla, w'lieh by purifying tbeblood remqves the cause of the disease aad gives permanent re lief. Thia alterative and Ionic medicine has proved entirely eatisfsetory to thou sands of families is three generations. If there is biliousness or eonstipstion, take Hood's Pills they are a thorough cathartic's gentle jaxatlve-Adv. ip 1? i 11 Today- Constance Talmadgo in , : "flWteousUaniEj" A 'picture full of snap and ginger on . the latest love angle fascinating every Human Being. v Helen Holmes in "THE FATAL FORTUNE" " TtVredtdajr William Russell in t "Sacred Silence" VvA- .lfit5'ariV;Wi Hot Biscuits. y : Alway A plate of hot bincuita What a tempting and 'satisfying dish. Nothing aleta avttraaa an K on annAtvingt friianVi 4 Visk 4 m irm 1...3 11 first meaf. . When .made S I Rising" biscuit flour, you 1 iri the use of this flour, for it has all the neces- iary ingredients in (he proper proportions to give the most delicious bakings. Try it for your i next biscuits. The other familiar Dan Valley brands, "Dan I Valley" and "Whjte Satin" have been the favorites of the good bread cooks in' the South ror toe past quarter oi a century, i ney arer made from Ihe 'choicest grain, and the full strength aha nutriment of the wheat are re tained. . , Now sold in pre-war quality. V DAN VALLEY MILLS DANVILLE, ssmi u wa 'SCHOOL BOOKS . and SCHOOL SUPPLIES . Prontpf Service.. Alfred WiUiatns &'Co, RALEIGH, N C BAD B1REATH . Dr. Edwards' Olive TaUet Get at the Cause and Remove It Dr. Edwards' Olivw Tablets, the sub stitute for calomel, act gently on the bowels and postrveJy do the work. People afflicted with bad breath find ' quick relief throuch Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablet. The pleasant, sugar-coated tablet are taken for bad breatlt by all who know them. Dr. Edward' Olive Tablets act tea tly but firmly on the bowels and liver, stimulating them to natural action, clearing the blood snd gently purifying , the entire system. They do that which dangerout calomel does without any of the bad after effects. All the benefits of nasty, sickening, piping cathartic are derived from Dr. Edwards" Olive Tablets without gnptngjiainor arry disagreeable effect, Dr. F. M. Edward clisoovered tht formula alter seventeen years of prac tice among patients afflicted witA bowel and h'ver complaint, with tha attendant bad breath. v OUve Tablets are purely a vegetable compound mixed with olive oil; you will know them by their obve color. 1 ake one or two every night for s 1 aad note the effect. 10c and 2Sct li'FWoo? s Irresistible on the breakfast tablet ' with "Dan Riwar Self- . get baking results that VIRGINIA. " -2 f - OT" Li aawass!l