Tuesday Morning, November is, 'im , THE NEWS AND OBSERVER. 8 SHERIFF WALLACE TELLS ABOUT CHARLOTTE RIOT Continuation 6f ' Evidence at Hearing of Policemen; Mill Han's Evidence (Spetinl to the Nee ed Observer) Charlotte, No. 17.' Three salient poiiils were brought out f the defease tiujay when th preliminary bearing of t'hirf of JPolit. Walter Orr and thirty Member of bis department, charged . with the tnorder of lire oiea killed dur ing the ear-bars riot on August S3, wat resumed before Justice Alexander. Thfough the testimony of Cha. Wil liams, night auierinteiiilent of the Athcrtoa Mills, Hheriff N. W. Wallace and Joe Garibaldi ,a prnmiuent (,'har lotte Jewelert the detente sought to . ihowt 1 Tfiat, a party of unknown men, coming from the direction of the. ear barat ca the night of the riot, sought to ascertain the exact location of powdor magaainea ia the Ticinity of the Ather toa Will. 1 That the first shot fired during the riot cam from some one in the crowd, and not from Chief Orr, aa the proeecu- tioa has sought to proe. .I.. - I 1 1 . I iua m cro vciueuj looa a Vol to lynch Policeman Merritt, the officer alleged to have struck Clem Wilson, and voiced their plans in loud tones. Evidence sf ftaperlatredeat. r " Wimanif testrfte that severat men tn a 'blind" automobile approached him oa he night of the riot and asked concern ing the location of certain powder mag azines la the vicinity When Informed that the explosives had been moved, V'illiams said, the men declared they Sheriff's Testimony. Sheriff Willse uiil ihfit h wo. ln front. of the tarna . when the trouble started ant! heard some one ia the crowd refer to Chief Orr with an oath, ad gunshot from the crowd followed immediately. - lie said that the chief sred in the air immediately after. Both the aherift arid Uaribaldi test!- ' led that they heard the crowd repeat edly threntrti to lynch Merritt, and sev eral times demanded him, although the aheriff had promised to arrest him the ext. day. ' The aheriff testified further that after Tin; Weather Local Office, l-tted States Weather Bareaa. Jtaleigh, N. t Nov. 17, 11. : I'aJr Tuesday Weduesday, cloudy, probably rain; north and northeast winds, increasing. TEMPERATURE. . riunriMi .6.54 a. in. Huimet ,C;IN p. m. Dry IJulb Wet Bulb ..... Hoi. Humid tv Ml 41 03 , ni. 12 m. 8 p. m. 4 47 55, 4 50 Iliglwat temperature ............ lowest tempernturo Mean, temperature ...A. xccsa or delleieney for the day . . Average daily-excess since Jaau ary 1st Amount for tho 24 hours ending at 8 p. m Total for the month to date .. .. Excess for the month Deficiency since January 1st .... DONT OVERDO OR OVER-EAT But If You Do,' Few Dose of Black-Draught May Pre , vent Serioua Trouble. Nowata, Okbw Mr. W. D. Dawson, of this place, soys: 'I have known of Black-Draught ever sine I can remem ber, and of all the liver" medicines I ever used, Black-Draught is without donbt the test. We would mt be with out it in the house. I nsed to' take - pills and different things, but after taking a course of strong medicine I would be left in constipated condition, and would need then to use a laxative. But' after I tegaa to take Black-Draught I dfd not have any trouble of this kindA I take a big dose at night and follow few nights with lighter doses, and 1 ata like a new man until I overdo or overeat,1 and neglect to take care of myself until the liver gets oat of fix. when Ijve to go1 to Black-Draught again. . , Black-Draught I have found la nit that ia necessary for the. bloated feel lag im the stomach, sour stomach or . tad taste ia the mouth so common In spring in the swampy country. Try Thedferd'a Black-Draught. At all druggists. Adv. Harade KINKY HAIR becomes Iobj, aoft, lestifa tai easy to arraagt. HARADE abso lutely remove tie cause ef dandrnS, carta tetter aae relieve itclarf the scalp. . -. v ,4 Don't Ukt raMltntet. At all irug store er 25 cents I y Bail, tend stamps ar coin. AjenU WaaU, c:;itolas.c.. 22 CouIJ Will Hammond, one of the five men killed, had fallen in the street, he turn ed him over and three empty bottles fell from his pockets. , The defense is seeking to shoV (hat each of the men slain came to the ear bsrns on the night, in quentionV for no unlawful purpose, and to this end the sheriff's evidence concerning Hammond wss brought Out The hearing will prob ably continue throojfhjlioweek TRYING TO KEEP OUTSIDE " RADICALS FROM FIELDS j - Indianapolis, lod.', Nov.- 17Agents of the Bureou of Investigation of the Department of Justice are bending their efforts towsrd prevention of outside radical Influence being exerted upon bituminous coal miners now on strike, it waa learned todny. Reports of plana of Bed leaders to go into the coal fields end urge defiance of the law and particularly the injune- rtion issued in federal Court here to prevent encouragement of the emus have reached government ageata here, sad steps sre being takej to prevent the carrying out of these plana. In one ease, H wss stated today, an agitator, who was tn his way to the Indiana fields, was overtaken by Federal officer and warned to keep away. , Coal Supply Is Limited. 6t. Louis, MofNov- South western' Regional uel committee which apportion the distribution of coal in tiyt Southwestern railroad region, today announced that there is available only about three week, euppjy of foal in the United Btatee and immediately, be gan making plans for fuel conservation in its district which the committee be lieves will be absolutely necessary in the event the striking coal miners do not return to the mines within a few day. l&sr : ..il1fl..:J 1mIiiiI Net wntCTti loriuiuMSSiia A4ctabterVepoTBlA Ltin(theSioi!MKaM . .iwtin DtieS; llneml. HOT Ay. &fca jiiiiigr t.i..tDemtdrfcr k. SLEEP III For Infants and CM13ren Hotheis Know That. Genuine Castoria v Always BeiS Jh& Signature LW Baect Copy of Wrappse. In Use For Over.' Thirty Years 0E3I Predicted by Doctors ' Physicians Advise You to Dulld Up . V Your Strensth-VYhat You j. ' Neod Is Pepslnol HAVE you read the warning by city, ttate' and national medical authorities that another epidemic of Influenza is coming? Did you learn from ob servation in the first epidemic how the weak, run-down, . nervous, debilitated people were the first atricken? Are you- taking the necessary precaution, to protect yourself? Are yon building up your strength? Every physician ad vises you to do so. This epidemic may be worse than the first. You may be attacked quickly unless you let Pep si not, the Reconstructive Tonic, Nerve-Builder, Blood Purifier, and Tissue Kenewer make your constitution sturdy and strong. r .;; , F.very one of your vita! organ will respond quickly to . l'epsinol -respond with the vitality and the "power that are necoAry to fight off disease. Pepiinol wilt fortify u against Iufluenaa. y . . 4 . Strength, resistance and vitality are needed to combat Infiuenia successfully. If you are run down, all tired out, weak, worried, depressed, we recommend that you go to the authorized Pepsinol agent in your community today and get Pepsinol. Your physician writ tell you how im- ' portant it i that you should be strodg. , You will enjoy the lasting benefit of the genuine Pep sinol, the medicine so helpful in renewing robust, rosy health, t is the one medicine which physicians prescribe unhesitatingly, it pure ingredient being compounded in strict accordance with the standards of the U. $. Pharm acopoeia. Made only by The Peplax Medicine Company, Memphis, Tcnn. - , , X - ' ? . (, x Don't feel too certain of vour own strength. Pepiinol is a strength-builder that give universal satisfaction. ' It us i a protection against the infectious germs of Infiu enia a well a other disease. This is no time to hesitate. - The Strenslh-CuIIdlns Tor.la Cc f cfwiawl froaaj Klag-Crewell Drag Ce, Dowatowat' Wsltoa Pharmacy, U nillabora Btt Martla Street Pharmacy, corner Martin and Blouat Sta.t C H. Fleming, IS W. Mania 84. v THE BEST SERVICE - ia all lines of baakiug is what we give you. Checking account, col , lections, saving accounts, lntsret bering eertifieate ef deposit. , , ' M ., LIBERTY BOJvDS BOUGHT AND SOLD, ' The City Bank , IX THE PEABT 6F EVEKYTBINO R. C ALLEN, Presi Jcnt t IL 1L MASSEY, Cashier -I $27.50 FURS $22.50 Raleigh Busiest Department Store. READ YzTO-WEAR j ' . - 1 . ) Second and Final,Big Cut in Suits; Coats and Children's price tags as they appear on each garment, showing the second and final cut dnly. 1 EFIRD'S Women's Suit CdlorT Navy Materia : Tricotine Value: f 112.50 SALE PRICE $89.50 G oats' EFIRD'S Vpmen's Suiu ; , Color: League Blue l "Material Silvertohe .". Value: $46.50 SALE PRICE -$38J5 With the weather demanding -warmer outer-garments 'for the .little folkfc and prices going,vhigher on Children's Coats, ' JJfird's responds nobly with a sale that ' will 'come as a piece of good fortune to hundreds of Raleigh parents. , . EBRD'S Women's Coats Color: Dark Brown . Material: Bolivia Value: $84.50 SALE PRICE $69.50 $5.00 Children's Coats, i ' dJO AC Sale Price vOee3 ." $6.00 Children's Coats. 1 &A AO Sale Price .'. lPt.70 $7.50 Children's Coats ' . CC QQ ' rSale Pf ice .. .' . . . sJ. JO $11.98 $12.50 $22.50 $15.00 Children's Coata.v 1 Sale Price ; $18.50 Children VCoats. " Sale Price ...... '. $27.50 Children's Coats. Sale "Price EFIRD'S Women's Coats ' M . ' v-v Color: Alsace Blue'; Material :,Polo Cloth, Value: $34.5' SALE PRICE ; $29.95 ' EFIRD'S Women's Suits Color; Gold s Material : Gold-tone Value: $82.50 i . , SALE PRICE $59.50 FIRD'S Women's Suits Color: Reindeer Material iVelour Value: $75.00 SALE PRICE v $59.50 EFDRD'S , . .... . . . . Women's Coats , ''Color: Taupe Material : Peachbloom ' Value: $74.50 t SALE-PRICE ; $6i50 r ' EFIRD'S a ' ' ", ' Women's Coats ''. 4-;'- 1,'' . . i ,.- : if - . 4 . Color: Plum Material: Velour " Value: $33.50 " ' 'i SALE PRICE $27,50 A EFIRD'S Women's Suits Material : Silvertone Color: Flyinsr Fox ' Value; $59.50 . ;, ' SALE PRICE - $52.50 ' EFIRD'S Women's uits ' Color: Navy .Material : Tricotine Value: $46.60'. - .'sale: PRICE $38.50 t EFIRD'S. Women's Coats Color: Reindeer ' Material; Bolivia ' Value: $59.50 : , -SALE PRICE - $49.50 EFIRD'S - 'Women's Coats . --. e. J I - ' :' ' Color; Dark Blue) f ' .- ' -it .:i Material; Silvertone- Value: $44.50 T SALE, PRICE . ; ' $37.50 . A. 1 A EFIRD'S ' ' . l ' . ' Women's Suits . - . .. Material : Velour . Color: Brown j ' -; Value: $121.50 . v'SALE PRICE $98.50 ' 'EFIRD'S Women's Suits Color; Navy Blue . Material: French Serge Value; $39.50 . SALE PRICE $32.50 A. L i EFIRD'S Women's Coats , Color: Navy Blue - Material: Vejiour Value: $59.50. SALE PRICE $49.50 .7 , EFIRD'S , f '.Women's Coats Color; Mahogany Material: Burella ' Value: $44.5Q 1 ' SALE PRICE " $38.50 t t m 7