V THE NEWS AND OBSERVER TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 18, 1919; TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 18, 1919, 4 ' ft f 1 s CHARLOTT E1NIS hoeyto vidri Asks Overman Tq Induce Shelby Man To Retire From Con gressional Race SSMawiMsmsiawo V. ' 1 ARGUMENTS ADVANCED , BY THE MECKLENBURGERS Position of State Chairman On Subject .Suggested As Neu tral; Effect of Shelby's Office Holding Contingent 'On On bernatorial Eace; Ninth Dis trict Not in Danger . News and Observer Bureuu, 603 District National Bank Building, By R. E. POWELL. r (By Special Leased Wire.) 'Washington, Nbv. 17. Scuator Lee S, Overman was today iufyortuncd through ' series of messages from Charlotte people to trhe bia good offices in a com bined enort to get Clyde Hoqy to with draw from the rare for Congress is he Ninth Pistrict and let Mecklenburg via the prize. :- .: - . ... . - Similar "apiarVWaSitf'npolItK:' inns heard, went to State Chairman Thomas D. Warren requesting that ho urge Mr. uoey 10 wunuraw irom we race and leave the field dear to J. D. McCall, of 1 Charlqtto, ajound, whonj. all shades of demoeratie opinion in, the district, save Cleveland county, seem to have centered 'in agreement that he should aucecod Judjro Yatel Webb as congressman. ' No such messages were received at the office of Senator Simmons, accord- ing to .the Senator's Secretary ,; Frank 'Hampton. Xt'tTie sau'ie time no sur prise attaches to the omission of the Charlotte folks to oak the senior Sena tor to help get Mr.-Hoey to withdraw. In the first place. Senator Overman ap pointed Mr. Hoey to his present job as , nssistnnt United States District Attor ney. - In the second place, Senator Sim mon has gone on a record for Cameron Morrison and were he to join in the sp- v peal to Mr. Hoey, friends of the latter and of Lieutenant Governor Gardner, who is Mr. Hoey's brother-in-law, wonld charge. Senator Simmons with, interfer ing in the gubernatorial fight. ' Charlotte Venus Shelby. T,he Charlotte folks, however, are not the least hit delicate in 'their reference to the Shelby "office-holding trust," The (fow of messages to Senator Over man bulged with allusions to Cleve land county's honors and teemed with declarations of Mecklenburg's loyalty to Cleveland and Shelby in the past. v"Why now," asked they, can't CIcve 1 land withdraw her candidate and sup port one from Mecklenburg , We have been supporting Cleveland line the days of Clement Dowd." Marvin T. Bitch, who signed the elimination agreement and pledged to supports-Mayor McCall for Congress in Hie Democratic primary,' waa num bered among those who appealed to Sen ator Overman to nrge Mr. Hoey to with draw from the race. Much stress was laid on Uie fact that Judge W. Vr. Council!, of Hickory, who. waa a candi date until Saturday, had withdrawn knd 'pledged his support to Mr. MCall. ' s , Warren Probably Nentrak - Messages from ontaide Charlotte are . said to have been sent to State Chair-, man 'Warren, who, ! by reason ' of the faeV that he is waiting to be confirmed as district attorney for . the Eastern district, will be himself embarrassed to function as head of the State commit tee right now And, besides, Mn War' ren may eel that the Ninth district ought to settle its own . scraps. The argument that imless Mecklenburg is allowed to name the Demoeratie eandi- ' date a part of the vote may go to 'the Bepublicans' does not fit in quite as well as the one that nsless' Mecklen burg centered on one candidate, a part of the vote would go to the .Republican nominee. - - V . ' ' , i i District Not la. Danger. - The agreement between the candidate! in Mecklenburg, wKich resulted in the choice of Mr. McCall. and the subse quent withdrawal of Judge Coancilk) removes any danger of the district going , , - . 1 i Bcpubliean, as Democrats here see it. And this despite Representative teas optimiitio view ef the situation in the Ninth. As it in altogether probable that Chairman Warrea will prefer to be neutral, it Is Lighly probable that Sev ator Overman will take the name nosi, tion with, reference to 'urging" Ma Hoey to quit the race. Senator Over man is not anticipating any opposition for renomination and only negligible opposition for re-election afid in the first ease be doesn't expert to court any by taking a hand la the Ninth District affair. Hi attitude would probably be the same were the race confined to contest for a seat la Congreaa, Shelby VOScebeldera. But as has been- pointed out a nam ber of times, the Ninth District. affair practically a "bull's eye" for the pre primary campaign la the State, It is hard on Mr. Gardner's campaign and will be as long as Shelby is identified by holding two' important Federal, fend twe important State offices.? The fact that one of it Feberal and one of its State officers are asking for promotion. both at the bands ef the voters, ,multi plies the attention which 'might nomi nally be directed there. Traditional I - . , , . ...lit V. IL.'.U. ciaums oi a sucai nature nui tua pre dominant asue before the nomination, After the nomination, the issue will be as it has been for years i The choice be tweea a representative Democrat and representative Republican. The Ninth ia burdened with enough of local color not to draw any issues on the League ef hibition is not regarded anywhere as an issue, and aa analysis shows that the problem of choosing a Congreaa man to succeed Judge Webb will be eonflned In the main to picking the Democrat who wlir newr the "district best. Marvin Bitch is coming In for quite a bit of praise1 for his action ia standing by the Demoeratie nominee in' Mecklenburg and this ia not without its hopeful side. Death of Thomas D. Knight. Greensboro,- Nov. 17. Funeral ser vices for Thomss Deuel Knight were held at 8tokesdale Methodist church Saturday at 12 o'clock, the services be ing conducted by the Bet. Mr.. Cronse. Interment was ia the church cemetery immediately afterward. The death of Mrs Knight occurred at 'he home of hie father, L. L, Knight, ia 8tokesdale, Thursday night. Catholics aad Liberals Leoe Votes. Brussels, Nov. 16. The Tat est reports are to the effect that the Catholics have lost about 15 seats aad the Liberals seven seats to the Socialists. Powder magazines ought to" be efau'i- EARL WILLIAMS : jy .. - - World's Trick shot , Champion Pocket Billiard Player' WILL CIV tS EXHIBITION GAME - WEDNESDAY NIGHT at 1:3 . 1 AT .WAKE CLUB i All Members Invited Jim Ed (Strangle Lewis (World's Champion). , . ::. ; " - ' ' ' ' 'V: ,," V-,Ji' Wrsas -,; ,", '' Anton Pauliska" - (Bohemian Chasairfoa) ' In Finish Wrestling Thursday-, Ncvember 20th CHy Aadtteriam, P. M. . Don't Miss Jt. ' "X1 Prellatlaaryt . . . : BOBBY WOODS H (of Raleigh 1 .: , t v.j. - CVCLONB BARNES V ' (of Bocky Meant) k . Tickets en aale at Careliaa Clgas 'Store..-', - Prices ....j....V..$l.M, Stylish and Comfortable Shoes " - . -.1 "' for Men, Women and Children' " Bijy From Us And Sav - Guess & Ward i II I.. Martla Street y -yiy.-'-yi?1 yy rough; dry or ready-to-iron " ' . ; -service Send us yoiy "family washtaV its really cheaper how than sending it to a "wash-woman." , For 10 cents a jJound we carefully wash, thoroughly ;.dry and starch, when necessary, your entire family ' ; washing. . ' .v, ' All flat pieces; such as bed linens, table linens, towels, , etc., are smoothly iroried ready for use,, without extra ' ."charge. - w--.p , ;'- j.1 " - - ' t -; capital" city Laundry Doth Phones 74 - Raleigh, N. C ROCKY MOUNT BOY TO APPEAR HERE v" ' -iSj fl . 4 . CAN BIG PAULISKA EVADE HEADLOCK Interesting Question Enters Into Discussion of Mat , Event Thursday Can Anton Fauliska escape the awful "hcndloik, the hold that Kd "Wrang ler" Lwis employs in pinning his op-j-. ' liniiilera to the matf Tbii is a question that enters into tU. : uii( mntih in ltalcigli 1'hnradny nitrlit nt the auditorium, when Pnuliaka, Bohemian champion, meets lwis'on the canvass. Already, many reservations are being requested by people of cities in this section and now indications point to a record-breaking "CYCLONE" BARNES. ,Zlee of Hemorrhagic Fever. New Bern, Nov. .17. The. body of Miss Annie McDaniel, who died Friday at Camp Parry, waa brought to New Bern' Saturday and interred in Cedar Orove cemetery. .. The deceased, a former resident ef this city, was a victim ef hemorrhagic Iff e dlen and ataagerou la nffer from a dogged yateni ecaaso U ofte lay the tosasaa. ttesi for a lUettae ef aaiaerr nasi .tttwaitov dk. tim urn mu take aeie or two at bedtlane, "uicWy climlnatea ail yeUosasas waato BHarfpr immm H aaa ftraagtbea the atowelav-'. OLD HOSSSALE All cxpresl en hand will be sold at Auction on December. 10th at 10 o'clock at the Old City Market. C. W. JOHNSON, Agent hziamie Mi PleaseYou v . ertABAirrna . V. atMr mmm ' tin imii ilsa i miiiilatai- ' rui, m an It,fli4 n ' , wn rm in at. rear : ' BTMar WIS ram rvKr room ' ; SOLD m AN AIR. a : traarr TD) Can 3 QMake no mistake, ft At whatever "Diice.vou -oav. you cannot gtt a bet-1 ter cowee value than Luzianne. QIf it doesn't o Jtartner and taste etter than any coP a. ea, an. . . 1 J - A c yuu eyer naa.go to te merchant wio fioirl itib vou and oetvour money backClOur miai lanteels vour protection! a. a i i MJKam jm HiiJ Btfl m: coffee The Reily-Tylor CraapQn New (Meant 1 World's Tastiest Chewing Gum! One Taste means . :. ij ' a many nappy iciurus, m - an - - . uchtuib f $hi 1 m2ow1iJ. " iSjd J) 4 J Perfect Blend of the . 5 Tastiest ' Fruits : ' , , Everywhere T " ' " i M-oaby . v- Frsotklbs-Caro Co., Richmond, Vau ' lllii Masiaei W lUOtMlKT OmwWs Cmm Oxford ORPHANAGE SINGING CLASS ,, ; Will Give a Concert . at the ' , City Auditorium Wednesday Evening s ' at 8 O'clock yy.-' . ' ' ' ThU concert is worth, double the admission charged. Your attend. anee Wednesday evening is urgently, requested, as this ia a most worthy cause. A J' ' ' - Tickets en sale at the Auditorium door. TlS eommittee will be ' glad to furnish tickets to any individuals that desire to sell them. , ' ; Committee la Charge -t-f Ticket! V, , , J. B. Cl'LLINS DR. GLASCOCK W. T. L'ELTSCHI ' crowd to see the husky Asvyweights being brought here from New Vora city. - Uotch, Bteeher and Lewis are the three men who have developed the toe hold, body scissors and hesdlock to the highest point of perfection, The "henrl lock is Ed "Wrangler" Lewis' "ace." Beeanse of the' torture suffered' by s wrestler once'Lewis applies bis fsvor ite hold, he caa not get. any one to tackle him during hie training, it was then that his1 manager invented a wooden dummy ' te use in prsetire. This ia constructed In two parts sep arated by powerful springs. Lewis' training consists ia trying to square the two parts as close together as pos sible. ... - ' But Psuliska thinks he can with tind the presauro of lien-U l.old end in turn defeat the "strsngler" by the use of many new nnd difficult holds he is introducing to the American public. The wrestlers will not attract all ye attention Thursday night larcause fans will see the most important boxing bout of the season. In "Cyclone" Hnrnei, of Hocky, Mount, Bobliio Woods will meet one of the best trained middle weight' fighters in this section of North Carulina. The challenger has friends In Baleigh who are counting strong on his powerful blows and ability to maintain a stiff guard against Woods punches. Several years ago Barnes, it is claimed, appesred in Baltimore and Philadelphia rings, where be made a strong hit with fight fans. Eight-thirty o'clock is the starting time of the matches and the - boxing-, event will be offered first, the pre liminary. The prices are $1.60 and II. Ladles wilt not be admitted free. Tickets are on sale at tho Carolina Cigar Store on Fayctteville 6treet-(Prese 1 Agent.) ' i ALBORUM " better than BICHLORIDE s Order by Car. "Mia Le Hudson-Belk Co. Mail ; Order Filled 2 hrt. After Received READ EVERY DAY OUR PRE-THANKSGIVING attractions ... LINEN DAMASK and LINEN NAPKINS K 1 I yy,. t TV Linen Gyest Towels, 15x22 75c Linen Guest Towels 1Q , rtx36 sjlelll 70-inch . pure Linen Table Da- $2.75 TO-lnch all pure Linen TulJo lhimask, per QQ yard Paie70 Pure Linen Unhcmmed Nap kins, per (JO (JjC dosen POe7 Linen Finish Towels, AC sites 1836 .X)C Turkish Bath To well, 18x3(1 70-inch Mercerised mask, at yard, $1.2 J and 72 inch part? linen mask, per? yafl .29c Tablo Da- $1.35 Table Da- $2.48 WE OFFER FOR THE WEEK COMFORTS Single size Comforts, priced,, at $1.98 I Double nice Comforts, priced II.". fZ.S8, 13.50 and $4.75 Women'. KID GLOVES and Fine SILK HOSIERY $2.50 Chanut Kid Olovee for Women, pair colors: xaa, iJiaca ana vtmte. Chanut Long Kid Cloves for Women, . Q P1 Colors: Brown, Dark Browa and White. Northrup'a Cape Walking Gloves, pair .'. Colors: Tan and Brown. ' .,.-., Washable Cape Gloves for Women, Pi' r- v . Colors: . Taa, Brown and Black Bilk Gloves, all colors and sixes, at pair, 5e and $2.50 $2.00 ..:98c Undressed Kid Olovee for Women, . ttO AS pair efeeeefO Colors: Drab aad Tan. v' NEW SHIPMENT KAVBER SILK ROSE RECEIVED N'o. IX Kayser Bilk- Hose, lisle top ; color. Black. Price No. X Kayser Bilk Hose, silk top with Patent Marvel Htrlpe. Price No. S-t Knyser Silk Hose, silk top with : Patent Marvcl-Stripoj color, Block. Price Buster Brown Bilk Hose for Women Colors: Brown, Black, Grey and White. Madelia Bilk Hpse for Women, pair, 12.0 and .' Colors: Bark and White. No'. 394 Kayser Fancy Bilk Hose; colors, Black nnd White.; Prlco No. 300 Kayser rain Italluifilk Hose; color. Block. Price .'..'. "The-Marvel-Btripe is a series of little knotted loops at knee that prevent runs or garter tear." $2.45 $2.98 $3.45 $1.25 Vhite. $2.95 $3.98 $3.98 j I liv-.. " r, i ''. A It 4 , , !! li on Be -S6vMeiil Prepare for sudden , Fall 'cold y snaps and conserve your coal supply. , 1 . .-' ; ' The portable Perfection Oil Heater; makes heat available, when and where needed, ; in the quantity required. Clean, safe, Bootless;, odorless, eco nomical biarns ten hours on a gallon ' of kerosene, used in over 3,000,000 . homes. Aladdin Security Oil gives best re sults. At your dealer's. STANDARD tflL COMPANY ' . ' : (New Jersey) . ..,''" V Whlcaa,D.C BAl.TlMOKf.MD. CharMttL M. C ' Norfolk. Va. Charlvatw, W. Vs. Use Aladdin Security Oil

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