i THE NEWS AND OBSERVER,, SATURDAY MORMIVG, NOVEMBER 22, 1919. SOLDIERS HERE ON 1 RING DUTY Artillerymen and Big Guns At tract Attention On Site Near Capitol Xaeaaped tho.vaeaat lot it th latcraectioa of Nurgaa and rjelismry streets, a detachment of tbo Twentieth rhld Artillery of tho regular army, is her la the iatreti of recruiting aad of xamlliarisiaf the public frith army lift. Capt.' Oujr T. Barace ia la command tad other ffien with tho detachment tro Tint Lieutenant A. F. A. Berry loeond Lieutenant R. Q. Burui aad Sobert M. Fadaa. Tba detachment to wniposed of 13 an aad tba four ofli sere. Tbo soldier will bo her through rbaaksglvlag aad tbo publle aad young , - atea interested ta army Ufa are ex ' tended a cordial invitation to visit the , tamp. Special efforts are beiag made to en liit men for Camp Bragg aa either tbo oai- or three-year enlistments. .Tbo Itinerary of tbo artillery after tearing litre rnduy, November SS, u ae follow! Durham, Burlington, Ureeaiboro aad W I into o -Salem. Tho detarhmeat la quartered In four nig pyramid tent aad a took tent where "chow will bo prepared for the men. Regular eaaip life aad Uieeipline . ill i. nhierred f er the : Uy : here. Tber are M hone aad a platohRhtf a battery of Aaaerleaa "tWventy : Fives," Improved from the French gun of that aame that I o famous. Oafar Oao "BROMO QUININE" To got tho geaniae, eall for full name 1.AAAT1VE UKUMO (Jt,l.Nl.MS Tablet. uorea a Cold la Oa Uay. 30c--ttdv, MRS. HENRY OLIVE SEEKS TO RECOVER $294.75 One civil ease war hoard farcify eourt .tduV- l UnifV Illlva anilffht ta recover from J. U FounUia the aum of I2M.75 which, ohe allege, 1 due tier for hauling and material furnished him for (instruction work oa Weet Davie atreet, ' Tbo eomplalaaat charge that after Mia death of her husbaad, Mr. Ilenry v Olive, aha completed the work that her huibaad eoatraeted for wkea at the head of tbo Olire Traaafer Co. ' . Tbo defeadaat deaie the liability and Uate that the plaiatiff did ao work and tarnished no material to the defendant. Siaeo Judge Harria ha a tuit againat the name party the eaao wa beard by Mr. Murray. Alloa. Mr. Alien reservea ludgemeat. . ?,-.. HOBBY PROPERTY BRINGS OWNERS SUM OF $25,000 . Th unsold portion of the old Hobby property oa We Martin and South Harrington atreet wa aold yesterday by the Carolina Realty Co., the amount realised beiag about 423,000. The bull ae lot oa Martin atreet were bought . by Jame A. Bandera aad William Boy laa, while the three house, oa Hnrring loo Wroet were bought by John BAl- les. " . -' ' . Croro'a Taetelooa ehlll Toate reetoree vitality aad energy by puri fying and enriching the blood. You can aoea feel it Btrongtheaing, Invig oratlag Effect. rrieeSOe. (Adv.) s "Mtea Blae Eye' Fleawee. ' "Mia Blue Eye" at the Academy laat night made a hit aad wa well re reived aad eajored br a good house Tho eatiro ahow waa clean and the act-' or a at whole handled their part eery ' creditably. . j. Mia Ceatea Jensen, the leading lady . ta the role of "Mia Blue Eye, ren- . dered her part la a pleating manner .aad wa ably aaeiated by Jar. Ueorge Lenb a "Robert Ridley. Waging aad daaeiag number by i "Bob Jackson aad by Lamb and Good rirh were well eieeated aad were re- 'celvel with tuitle a bit of applaute, Tho oiagiag of Helen, Gwea aad Madge waa ia keeping with tho geaeral good quality of th ihow. Pleaaing aumber were rendered by tho mala quartette. r Manager Unchurch 1 giving to the people of Raleigh Some vary good allows, ap ta date aad aaappy, aad Da 1 1-1 ft. .L . .k.. J .1 fw. avaaigemeat with good attendance. 3 to lie logical eonchuioa and tmaeeial ou All of tho nation have thia to a eerain exteat " Even our owa eonntry aa nut eonlaed itaelf (trktly to the tele rf geography and language ia the aeqr.iaitloa of mow poetoawon. . ;e Jiietaim'ag ar-r i.unmn i 30th, J)irUion had attained their ebjee tive, beyoad the Hindoabiftg line. By daak oa that aame day tho moat eonth era wine; of the Sfth had entered th village in th Hindeabarg defeaac Hno. . ptMing ia hi dicu..um from the Another Recess Appointmen "realm of iaip!d hiatory to inspiring politic Dr. Dunning touched oa th poeeiblo outcome of th present' world movement. He believed that just e the theorie of iadivldualiam bad beea ept aside by the bigger movement toward nationalism, thi Wea would nave ta give way to internntionalism, embraced ia a federation of tho world, la which ceoplo would beeomo international eitl sens, th.nking aad working ia the larger realm of world polities eaa worm policies. (ieaeral Tyaoa Bpeaha. Oeaeray Tysoa wa pre"nted by Col, Albert I Cox, who praised him a a sol dier, a native ton of North Carolina who bad twice responded to the eall of hi country ia the time of war, General Tyson, one of toe brigade commander ia the 30th division made For Thomas D. Warren (Continued from Fage One.) then tho chairmanship must be tilled promptly. C. A. Hlnee Saaeveted. Of quite a few name ugirested for the chairmanship la view of the possible retirement ot Mr. Warren, one loom far above all 'others, with th Indica tioa vrr atrong that b will b eboae thould a vaoaacy be . declared. Thi maa 1 Charle A. Hints, of Oreeaaboro, ehairmaa of the Guilford county oee utiv committee, lawyer aad an activo party worker of the younger generation, There ar , aevoral reason for ad' vaneing a guena that Hiner will sue eeod Warrea, if anybody does. The Mfr ... 1. k.t k. I. .i... . .v.. it plaia ia the very that he ,,,,. ot lh pilrty ,nd h did not Intend, in hi. .ta. to de- from fac,ionaij;m t North tract any of the glory that wa due the 27th division, of New York, for which the honor of breaking the Hindcnbur line had been disputed, with utnp aad official records, atatiatie and order taken from the Btar and Btrines, Gen ernl Tyaoa went over the whole opera tion of theae two diviaiona on tnc days following Beptember 87, 1918, when the two American division mad up largely of national guardsmen from. New York, in the 27th. nnI North Carolina, Bouu Carolina and Tennessee 4a the 80th, were placed la front of what bad been considered the Impregnable part of the German defense line along the ot. (juen tin Canal, Thia canal ran throtifh a tunnel fifty feet under the ground for six thousand yard, and before going into the tunnel rt eaav. througU-.a .cut. flny, jvt ; t nee p This strong nttural position wa forti- fled by every defense known to modern warfare. The two division took up their tiosttion oa the same day, the New Yorker to the north and the Z"tn Dlviiion oa the southern sector. The Wth- waa unable to keen up with It borage aad on the day act for milking the daih it wa 1,000 yard behind the 30th, which had moved forward rapidly and penetrated the eanal aon alicad of the division to the north. Gives Graphic Exposition Geaeral Tyson' presentation of the strenuous day of these operations wis the elecrest exposition of the fight that Halelgu audieaee bad ever heard. It listened almost breathlessly and ap plauded occasionally when some enpeei ally telling point, emphasising the gal lant work of the Amorieaas, wa point ed out. Finally, a clinching proof of the fact that infantry division of the 80th li vision were the first to penetrate the Hindeahurg line and Bold these post tions, General Tyson quoted official statements of the War Department, published ia a rereat lsaue of the New Yark Times. Thia statement said that by S o'clock on the day the line wa penetrated the infantry divisions of the Carolina politics, Tbo aeeond ona that it would be well to giv Guilford the Btute chairman. 'That district la at least on of the major sector and th selection of Mr. lline would be highly pleasing to Fifth district Democrats. Another, and a more striking r en son that Mr. Ulnes ia conceded to be. maa with aa exceedingly level head. At th . ama time there are few so called "better mixers-' in the State. He has served with" credit ae chairman of the party ta- alfm.pxniitiai-:alL kaown amoa g the political leader of the ctate and laat but not least is not conducting any campaign for the. job. Htill another reason lor bis selqc.tion ia that there ia perhaps no one man ia the State who would like so well to match wit and akilL with lhejiewly ch6etf''BeJtffMtrair Pogu. . ... Hometime ago the candidacy of Dave Norwood, of rJalisburywa getting good deal of attention In Dcmoert.l.e circles, but the Norwood boom seemi to bars gone like toe popular bubble". Thomas . Cooper, of, Wilmington, at one time appeared t o be a formidable candidate for th place, but Ur. tJoopsr has since let It be known that ha doe not desire the honor. Were it sot for the candidacy of hi brother, W. B, GREAT BELIEVER HI BUCK-DRAUGHT Oklahoma Lady Tall How Har Hueband Beliawc In Black Draught and Uiei It For Many Ailments. Cooper, he would be regarded ' a hUrhly " elikitttr wanr- Uenator McKellar, of Tennessee, aad Senator Simmon have about completed their draft of a minority report on the Wade-Willismatter. Th burden of the report 1 tltat th Civil Berriee Commis sion erred in it original rating and eould jnitly do nothing mora than rate Mr. Wade higher than Mr. Willis wnea Mr. Wade made th request. As proof of thi eontention, the statemeais of th two eligible candidate for the More head City office regarding tbeir business experience will be offered to the Senate ide by side. Oa tb showing tl.e Demo crats will urg that Air. wad be cob firmed. Fartiaaaahlp of the aha r peat Lind will be charged to the majority members of tb committee in declining to call Postmaster General Burleson la eonnee tioa with the Morehead City case. The ehairmaa of the sub-committee. 8c n tor riterling, called to testify two de posed members of the Civil eervrce Commissioa and the evidence they gave waa aa attack on the Burleson adminis tration nd not ia connection with the Wade-Willis matter. Klnston Poatmasterahla. W. D. Lnroque, Postmaster at Kinaton, today tendered to the Postofflce Depart ment hi resignation, effective npon the appointment of a permanent successor. WHY NOT RELIEVE THAT COLD NOW? Dr. Bell'a PlnPTar-IIoney is .noted for ita effectiveness Y0U1I. AMTt!.rn.al! cost of a generou bottle of Dr." BeH'a Pine-Tar-Honey a cum well spent whea you learn how promptly efficiently and comfortably it help re lieve that lingering or new cold or eough. It balsamic and healing antajeptka ar) unsurpassed in promoting case from distrened bronchial tubes, help-' Ing to loosen phlegm, congestion, and allaying innammation. Children, too, lika rta plcasaotneas. Thousands every where use it the minute they fed ooid coming on. Get a bottle at your druggiit'g to-day 30c 6te, $U0.- Keep the Famlly'a Bowela Open. Th aval of the voaaa onea and frownup actlv. th. bite flowt Ty, thdr nana CHanaea c ImpurtUw, with eflacUvs, con. lartabHi Po-Do-Lu, Um aataml luatlv. Gat B bottle tortT. All ttriinlnta. so a. t Ntttln. '-n Vmm7i 'ftmmt Baasa?Mc 1 Hindenburg Line First PunC' ; , tured By Southern Men (Ceattaaed free Page One.) waa extdeaee that there wa bat little diCereaet betweea aationslism develop' Healthy. Robust , People Popular Everywhere Good Health Crwatas an At tracar. Magnetic Peraotv lity nad Win Admiration . llaalthy PwopU Ara HappUat Papto-Mangan Hu Put Thu i . aanda fot th Haaltkra FuIl-Bloodd Qaaa " How th red-blooded, eaergetle rad attraetiv maa or woman 1 savied by those who feel that it will always b their aforrnait lot to b thia, pale, aad weak-bodied t Aad yet why eontinu t eavy me aad women who posses a vlgoroua, healthy phyalcal conditio aad aa at traethe, magaeti personsllty t. . Poor health aad lack of yltality are jftea merely the result of Impoverished blood. Oude' Pepto-Mangan la for people whose bodiee suffer from lark' of proper blood aeurishmeet. Peplo-Maagaa ea riche the blood and Increase th num ber f healthy red Mood cells which are m neveeaary ta rr th pre per aonr ishaeat, vlgareaanee aaj ttreagtk to every part ef U hedy. FhyeUian iatredasej GadV Pepta ''P" th pabb JeaaMi they kaew that It aeauuasd th wy properties fiat are ee aorely nee led ta build up tim, watery blet-d. rer your eoaven iace PepU-Maagaa 1 reicd ia tw farm, liquid asd tabUl. both eoatala e-lv th saw ssMreiaa) value. 5'i st en a ftwalae Frpto-Mangsa. I sure yea are baying the geauin "-V'ngsa, ask your draKirt for And b snr the name ! oa th fuci'ee, Adv. , TioMo Tichlo Tichlo TumP Wbmt MtJtmn Yarn Cough fffCKQy ' Stops Tho Tlokta Dy HomJSmff Tbo Throat SSopor DotiJo Nowata, Okla. Mrs. W. B. Dawtoa, a realdant of thi place, say: "My hus band 1 a great bellffVer ia Black Draught and think it cure about everything. It ia aplendid for headache, consti pation (which usually cause headache)) indigestion, or ny kind of stomach trouble, and we just keep it for these trouble. I don't know when we haven't used It, and we alwaya find it aatiafae- tory. I know it ha don a both a lot of good and aaved ua many dolls rs. I us it ia teaspoon dose at irst an! follow with small doses, and it ur' doe make a pcraoa feel lik new. It cleanses the Hvr better than any other liver toni I have ever used, and after taking a thorough course naturt assert iUelf and yon ar not left ia a constipated condition that follows a lot of other active mtdlcines. Thia b on thing X lik especially about it." For ever 70 year Thedford a Black- Draught ha bee in use for many sim ple ailment aad today 1 a recognised standard remedy in thousands of fam ily medicine cheats. It will pay you to keep Black-Draught in the house for use when needed. Tour druggist sella it.- Adr. He' also notified Represents tiV Claud The department will notify tie Civil Service Commission in a few day ef th Kiastoa vacancy ai.d tlie eommiasioa in turn will order an examination of applicants to nil the vacancy. The ap pointment will be under the txeeutive order of the President regarding Presi dential appointment nnd the recent warning -of Fraak Hampton regarding tbeee vacancies is applicable. It ia Imperative that aa many good Democrats aland the examination aa Re publican if they expect an even break for the job. KEQCE8TS CANDY I?f RAGS FOR WOUNDED SOLDIERS AT OPEE.N All eandy and bags to go into the box for the soldiers at th Government Tubercular Hospital at Opeea, N. C, should be taken to- Misa Belle Bart oa Dawson street aot later it ha a noon to day. Mrs. J. T. Kowlsnd ia shairmaa of the committee. The box will be teat out Thanksgiviag. - f lSTRONG One bottle of pure, emulsified Nonotgion t4 firvr oil taken 1 now, may do you more good than a docen taken a month - hence. It's more economical to give your body help before resistance to disease is brtken down. A very little , Scott's Emulsion OP PURE NORWEGIAN COD-UVER OIL goes a long way In sustaining strength and keeping up re sistance, Rtaohe that you will bay a bottU o f Scott's iA Emulsion at your draggitt't on your way fY Aom,' and ttart protecting your $trngth. ; -' ---' - . - iifnintjn t , . - .- .ft' asadela Nor-ajr at read ta AaMrlcaa LabanOarUs. a is a manatee W aaritr aad ssdauMUi aumiMd. ntou a Bawaa. aioaiaeid. at. , bV .)') udsonBelk Compiiy m S H 8 'jl ' ''WWW IS 25 Belk Store Sell MerchandUe for Us 25 Remarkable Values in Women's , Medium Priced Winter GOATS Great Selections for SATURDAY 3 A L E Women's tYtJSO value Black Coats at .. Women' nnd Misses' 18.50 value Silvertone Coat at Womea's and Misses' $18.50 value Black Coats at Women' $30.00 value Black Coats, with plush collars; bolted style, at , Women' Velour Coat with plush collar at ,.. Woman's fin Winter Coats, of Velour, fur trimmed ; value S25, at Womea'a Coata of Silvertone. Velour and Polo Cloth; amart model; values $35.00. Priced at .' $12.95 $14.95 $14.95 $16.95 .$19.95 $19.95 $24.95 Attractive Sale of COATS at $29.50 Vnlues I49.OO SILVERTONE. COATS at . $4D.50 Values $75.00 MATERIALS: VELOUR DE LAINE, VELOUR, SI1 VERTONE, BOLIVIA. COLORSii BROWN, KEINDKEK, FEKIN, KAVT FANCT , J SILK LINED and INTERLINED fry Style for Miis an4 Woman, unusually majrf' with their large ' Tuxedd RollMnara'bf Black Opoaauia and Choker Collar of Seal; $75.00 ralu Coata tx VVe Th Uadlnc Fur House of the South l ' It Interested In Furs write for our catalogue WHITLOCICS , ' , sis gaav aea imn rtlCHMONO.VA. Railroad Schedules (Uataa O e. tm ala l.hM Itaolat MiMSals Start ItHtw Maaear Tlw nretn-euiHta aii.as. ui a4.ft WnSlaataa .Mftaviiai Saw s. a rm a. at, narna. waaaiasaas, , BfMMVHI ul ) S. las a. k. ..ihAMa. Waaaiaalaa ...... wi. .................... 1:11 s. k caarmw. variaa. sfu. vsss a. ISiM a. M. ravttwllh. Xllllaflaa. t .aa, Sarlaas u.. IMI, (il a a. r"Hi tmit. a. 1 aaa, Saria. rynHli !. t ! $. m. farMtnilla, Ulllattta, r case Sartaa. , ataasas am Ling BAlLMaa. 1 1.,,. 9m dm. m j.AampiNa Net vtrk II m a. a I N a. ak aw-itaaaai Ntrtaa-Waia. S.4S a. . At bi. ..ik.wataiaaaia.Bif'atti l.sf a. . a-Ss. at. atMrtaS fcatkartiMtt lalia, ll:M, at.Atital NtrltM ISdes-a. Ill, ai. lataiaamiH ...... mm vara lta, lu a k. mm vat iaaatatfilla 111 a a m w .1 w. p. m ewiNkim bailmas usta. to a- at. atamlar ...... WtratwllH St a. a. (.-a, at. DarHaa ......... arttaiaara :lla.a. 114) a. a.. Dante ...... ... antatam reoaa. tt a. aa. MM .... anaataara a -j a. au 4l a. . ia ............ ftiaitata IMta II M a. m. e.la JtMiaara lata a -It I.IBt .... a. J-u . . IMS. aw Sal a ............ tmntra !.. a. tNITtS TTlt ILao 0MmraTATI(S aas l .MaaLiDaTaa Tieasr srrioca. naHtaa raaata. aw a an. statu. - ' 1 1 a I Ban PMM I tata i Royal Fmit Cake, Brimful Nut. and : ;i , .- f Fruit. :. ! ;! j , 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 pound sizes t; j; I- Royal Baldng Co. : S , 1C9 SOUTH WILMINGTON STREET I 1C9 SOUTH WILMINGTON STREET I, - ,1 1 ii a n 1 1 r - i . I. II II w ' I EI lIATERIALSi t VELOUR AND COLORSt BROWN. REINDEER. FEKIN. I I. ll IllVrill I llt-l ariVW ami tiara iivm I 1 1 a Jg, wai. - t j i . j ' j maj da a t . aa.cti II '" I II F I Stunning new model ahowing vanel. belt, smart II . . - ll F e . . - .7- . .. . ' . I I Al A tl ouuona ana mr en ecu. xne oeat S40 (POn rn III I t value of th season. Priced each..... F a. UV A value Coat ft 7Tt7eW II attM-Maaaa taaJ I lfttnmmmmWmirntuniniiiinm . What you pay out your good money for is cigarette satisfaction---and, my.liow you do get it in every puff of Camels! , '. ."PXPERTLY blendqd choice Turidsh -' and choice Domestic tobaccos in Camel cigarettes eliminate bite and free them from any unpleasant ciga retty aftertaste or unpleasant ciga retty odor. ' ; . :,, Camels - win instant and permanent success with smokers hn - cause the blend brings out ' : to the limit the refreshing - ag woo cigar..) te a iw J ja- . , - , iaa-WMonrW Bert. W .rtigy Savor and delightful mel- w u , low-mildness of the tobac- 8b"' w tr,rL ' . X REYNOLDS TOSACCO COMPANT, cos yet retaining the desirable "body.,, You may smoke them without tiring1 your taste, .tool Camels are simply a " revelation any way you consider them! ' ( For your own satisfaction you must compare Camels With any cigarette in the world at any price. Then, you'll - realize their, superior , quality and the rare en- ; joyment they provide.' Camels certainly are all any smoker ever asked. as, K C --' - it aVyWVWimWAV.V.VMVVM ,.r a a