12 THE NEWS AND OBSERVER. SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 23, 1919. RAPTIQT5 PRrPJIPC" FOR BIG CLASSIC ... 1 1 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK. STATEMENT Wake Forest Ready To Put Up Hard Fight Against Techs Turkey Day Wak Forest. Nov. ZX. With bo : gam aeheduled for this week and with th Thanksgiving elaasi with N. , C. Btat xaetiv on week off, th Wake f oreet football qusd haa bogus secret praatie aad eaimaugiBg, working oat a somber" of sow play aad perfecting other which will be aaod la th, game. la tha gruelling serimmsgs today, the member of th-teaia looked to be la Vi beat of aonditioa, with only ore or twe exception. Captaia Rabenhorst haa aot entirely reeoTered from the ia jnriea reeeived in the V. P. I. game, when a had a ligament torn in hi leg. The leg, however, promise to be en- . tirely well by Beit Thoraday. Baben korat played on It for a few minute . in tie Guilford game laat Saturday, making la the few minute be waa in the line-up during a part of the third and fourth quarter two long ran of fifty yard eaeh, a Bomber of ihorter eaea and aeoring two touchdown. Heekmaa, right end, i auffering from a badly ipraiaed ankle, aad other mem ' ber of the iquad have minor injurie. None of these, however, are keeping th men from the practice line-nc. and it ia expected that ia the week time until the game all of these will be en tirely healed. The Wake Foreat equad ha howa wufc-tmrnwerneTrrhr-th- iasTweek or two. Ia th Guilford gam the team showed a complete reversal of form from that shown the previous week ia . the game with V. P. I, and in the Thanksgiving game the team promise to air the N. C. State eleven a real battle. The rivalry' between the two college will take practically the entire student body of Wake Forest to Ral eigh Thanksgiving Day to see the game ana 10 root lor its team. HAMPTON ROADS SQUAD WINS FROM NEWPORT TEAM Washington, Nov. 22. Ia a game run-1 rung into Bve quarters, the Hampton Boada Training Statitoa team defeated tha Newport Training Statioa at Nor folk to-day, 23 to 0, and won the right to meet the U. 8. & Pennsylvania team here Thanksgiving Day to decide the championship of the Atlantia Fleet At th end of the fourth quarter the score stood 6 to 8, but ia the fifth quarter in Marapton itoada team scored three touchdown and oae goal. The Penney!- vaaia team won the Atlantia Fleet bst- tleship championship in a game played in .Brooklyn last (Saturday. TWQ FIELD GOALS PROVE ENOUGH FOR ALABAMA BOY! Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 22. Two field goal ' proved enough for the University of Alabama to beat the University of Ueor gi her today, for althona-k th rad- ebi warrior from Tosealoou gained more than twiea a maeh ground aa tha , Bed aad Black, th latter held for down tha nly two tune their goal waa seri ously threatened. The six to nothing scora waa made possibis by iteft Half back O'Connor. Ia the first period he drop-kicked one of the prettiest field goal ever aeea here from the 43 yard line. Tha second, period aaw him add aaother. This waa frost th 17 yard lis. Georgia' defense waa powerful on, but the team lacked drive aad eoald aot gain by forward paeeea or puaia enougn to ibreaten but oaee. . SOUTH CAROLINA LOSES. uoiuniDia, D. c, Nov. ZZ. With marked advantage la weight th Uni versity of Florida was able to outplay th University of Bouth Carolina here this afternoon and win, 13 to 0, aeoring touenaowa in tDe second period and another in tk fourth. Th first aeore resulted from a forward pas of 18 yard rroa b. ABderaoa to C. Anderson, th only forward pass th visitor completed -flurug jh gxtaraooB. Th last touch down same wuea Merriea blocked a kick wrtt Carolina trying to punt from be hind it owa goal tin. Baker fall ea '.the ball. C Anderson, Wuthrieh and Goldey featured for Florida while 8kin ner running with th ball waa th brightest spot In th Carolina play. JESS WILLAID DENIES HE EXPECTS TO FIGHT AGAIN. Lawrenes, Ku, Nov. St. Arriving . her today from hla farm la Bhawne County,. Jess Willard deaied ka had wired r written t T Bickard about - re-entering th lighting game. He aaid h wanted to eee Bickard about oil aad moving picture interests whieh they had , eommoa ana expaciea mm to com west la December. "I am too busy to flrtt. waa tha aalv answer Willard weald make to direct question whether he planned la eater in ring agata. . Western. South Dakota Btato, llj sVmtfc Da kota, Ub1v d. , UnW. nDetroH, 23; TJbIt. Bnffal. 0, Illinois, S Ohio, T. Wiaeoaain, 10; Chicago, I, Indiana, II; Byraenee, 6. Minnesota, 14 1 Michigan, f. Univ. Iowa, 10; Ames, 0. Karquetto, 13 1 Wabash. 6. 1 Notre Dam, 33; Purdue, It. Nevada, 41; Saata Clara.7. California, 14; Stamford, 10. Oregon Aggie. ; Wash. Bute, 0. , Okla. TJaiv, 14; Kansas Aggiee, S. CLAIMS RECALL OF COAL STRIKE NOT IN GOOD FAITH Cleveland, O. Nov. 22. Charree that th eoal miaera affleiala aompllaae with tha eourt order to eall off th trik waa aot leaned ia good faith wer mad her today by George H. Cashing, managing director of th Americas Wholesale Coal Asaoeistioa la aa. ad dress before th City Club. Th with drawal order submitted to tha coart by the minora, h aaid, waa sot oa th of ficial letter-head of tha anion eoutalaing th official aeal and waa aot aa official withdrawal, but "a trick to deeeiv nr Federal Courta." Wla Creaa-Caaatry Rae. New York, Nov. 22. Joha Simmons, of evraenee, area th Utaroollegiato ia diviJual erose-eouatry championship to t y over th six-mil course at Van ortlnndt Park from a field f sevonty f r sorter. Hi tim waa 81 minute, .. 3 accoad. Washington, Nov. 22. Th ' weekly tatmat of combined reoouree and liabilities of tha twelve Federal Reserve baaka follows: " - " Keeoarcea, Gold cola aad certificates, 1248,012,. 000. Gold settlement fund. Federal Ke- aerv Board. HUMlfiW. Gold with foreign agencies, aiz,- 103.000. Total gold held by banks, fW4,7M,- 000. Gold with Federal Bo serve agents, i,ia,08,ooo. Gold redempttoa fund, aus,473,ouu. Total gold reserves, 32,1119,116,000. Legal tender motes, silver, etc., f7,- 857,000. Total reserve, z,im7S,ooo. Bills Diacoaated. Beeured by government war obliga tions, ai,73,890,000. All other, 450,747,000. Bills bought in open market, 180,- 04.1,000. Total bills oa hand, az.ooi.nw.wo. ,, U. 8. Goverament bonds, 2,M7,000. U. 8. Victory note, S57.0O0. I'. 8. certificate of indebtedness, 125,341,000. All other earning assets, none. Total earning Besets, 2,916,92!S,0OO, Bank premises, 312,278,000. Uncollected items and other deduc tions from gross deposits, 31,000,28,. 000. Five per eent redemption against Federal Reserve Bank 313.038.000. All other resources, 3,040,ooo. Total resources, 30,141,541,000. ' Liabilities. ' Capital paid in, K6,8a5,0O0. Surplus, 31,037,0001 Government dfpoeite, 3102,805,000 Dae to mmbexawrva-aeeeunt. 10,837,840,000. Deferred availability items, lll,- 204.000. Other deposit Including foreign gov ernment credits, tSiJKi9,in0. Total gross deposits, 32,847,088,000. Federal Reserve notes in actual cir culation, 3217,173,000. Federal Reserve Bsnk notes eireala tioa, aet liability, 3257,fi8O,OO0. All other liabilities, 347.628,000. Total lishilities, $6,137,541,000. Ratio of total reservea to net deposit fund notes, sod Federal Reserve 'note liabilities combined. 46.9 tier cent. ' Ratio of gold reserves Jo Federal Re serve notes ia elrculailbn: aftef wdtlaj aside 85 per eent ngainst net deposit liaDUitie, M.7 per eent. THE PRICE OF BUTTER. To th Editor: I wish to eall your attention to th enclosed clipping. It says that Chicago haa never known higher prieea for but ter thaa seventy cents a pound. Bight here in Raleigh people are pay Ing eighty ecuts a pound! And this is an agricultural community. Have you any Idea who is getting th money T Where the profiteering is b ing dune? Very truly yours, JOHN. JENKINS. Th clipping follows: "Chicago, Nov. 17. Highest priees ever known for butter wer reached in Chicago today, seventy cent pound for creamery extras, wholesale. This same grade never went above 67 l-2e during the world war. Kcreipts of but ter here of late have been much less than a month ago." It is true that Raleigh is in an agri cultural community. Hut all agricul tural communities are not dairying com' munities by any means. North Csro Una as a Btate is not a dairying State, one of the most vigorous activities of the btate Agricultural Department be ing with the purpose of inducing th farmer to go in mora largely for mis ing dairy and beef cattle. The fact that the best grades of butter in Rol eigh. sell for eighty cents is not, we be lieve, a sign that titer is profiteering in Raleigh. It is rather a sign that the agrfrultiiral department is right in sy ing that , the dairying industry is not prosecuted in iMortn uarouna to me ex tent that it ought to be. Illinois is more of a dairyng state than North Carolina ia and Chicago is the chief een tcr of the packing industry which now eourrm Mwr-thr'etttter-output- Tommy ''Pop, what do we mean by a public-spirited citizen T Tommy's Pop " A public-spirited citizen, my eon, is too often a man who minds everybody else's business to the neglect of his own. "There ia safety in numbers," quoted th Wise Guy. Still, it takes two to make a quarrel, snickered the Simple Mug. T)oTMs,AndlookYeats A Mystery Which Is No Mystery At AIL Never Fslllng Way to. Cheat Father Time. Alao, a Cer tain Way to Mak Hair Grew. 9t VsWka. Saratt. rr , a E T si nellr atmn4lB( how quickly th skin sea he browht back to a youthul plmnns and vigor when the proper antfeod is emplprad. Tktet wrinkle Teawvtng nnlti eea Be sa id when yom ' ptvpare tkis , simple loraada isaisilt. Ym ara tasa sore the it esatslne the proper sssttrfctbi that wld seoauae tb raaolta. Bp ailstnf a Wktapooafal of' tjhreerin and the aoataata af a twa-ouna paekav of aptol la a halt plat af watov rou obtain the satlnr araam nafaawrp. Br liberal uaa at tab poa will And that tha skin zmTzr zzr t swot w.tr . . t mil. UI parr euleklp bnrta ta dUapDaar. loHou- A twantp-rla eant paokaaa ot tnol Ta eptol ean ha obtain4 at any dnis atora contains enooah fov over a down shampoos, tar artp rants. Tan will as anrtafal that poa fceraed at this nnisikabla opportunity. a a a POLICEMEN ACQUITTED IN MAGISTRATES COURT Justice Alexander Declare! Nothing; Is Evidence War rant Holding; Them (Special to New and Observer.) Charlotte, Nov. 22. Justice Alexan dor. aitting in th ease of Police Chief Orr and thirty Charlott offleers, charged with tha' murder of th five victim of th rioting at th street-ear shed here on August 25 last, acquitted tha defendants fifteen minute after ha got tha ess at 12:30 o'clock today. Concluding a ten-mlnnt speech by defying publia sentiment and tha flood of criticism, which h said ha expected to be heaped upon him, the justice, while admitting an offens -had been committed, said there was nothing in th evidence to warrant him in holding the defendant on a charge of murder. Headed by Chief Orr, tha policemen filed by th bench and ahook hands with th magistrates and thanked them. Final argument in tha ease were made this morning by E. T. Cansler for the defense and Jak Newell for tha prosecution. Wigwag "Sir, you hav my umbrel la." Borrowell "Ton have my sympathy A fair sxchangs is no robbery, you know. A SKIN CREAM OF REAL MERIT It: I A hon-greasy. auicklv vaiiliMhe skin cream, different from anything any woman ever used oa her face before and recommended by sureeons. doctors and skin specialists as the lat word. wnen a.iplled Noxaema 8kin Cream immediately brings a delightful tingle, as it vanishes into the Dores tn kn them antiseptic and free from eontatrion. L. t . 1 i . ..... " ugiy uiucsnenas na Dlotcnes. Then in a minute it has disappeared, leaving th skia dry, oft and velvetr and it siay tnai way. una may use powder or not, Just a they prefer. And even Nouema'i medicated odor vanlahaa lil. th mist Get a jar toniehL It ia mar. uvecu to pieaa you or money refunded rice ma eent and 00 eent plus th war tax at an druggist. Hicks Crabtree Co., uraatieyr Adv. thai aceuraubtioni bp dbaolvlna thaim awap. Trr a traapoonful of aeaol in SALLOW A varp beautiful aomolazloa ht abtainsd in very quick tiraa by th um of a vrrp rich crram xblch you should mak th rouraalf. It eaa h f .- haw aap aabatanaa wbioh will aetuallp forr From poor drurebt cat a on-ounoa paekaaa th hair root to arow and itop hair of sintona Snd mix aontcnU with twa table. alliaa. poa varp aooa aaa na.ica th tr- spoonful of rlyeorlna In a Pint of watar. isoos auvrranas tn It Intra ted bmsth ' a vrp fw days you will at -th dlffrn ANBWBU TO QUESTIONS. MM. C. N. D. Whan rou apphr to hair root dvlopr In pour eomplaxion, and pou will many or ui thinn pen hav h aad viaar. Tha acts the same way. It strata Sa have a vary miarkabla ffct in foninc hair ta stow huuriantir and to All For fifty owt bald pot ejuickhr. With a halt-pint of from pour drurgtat. watar and ban? a pint of bap rum. Mis aoBiano) ac a efieunc waek r nt. qviaal, whtrb aaa be obtained for fifty emu. '3 lap alde Wine obtain the sinton Ml.a BORIR-It i just a easy ta ramov U prfnad paa caa aaa a full aint of with. UD'.r,tto,, hir rfetly and without any as rnswae ex ta water en bap rum. ;Z7' TtTTJL ,.r",I,.',auT . f0'!08- Thi diasfllv th hf- lHin., u j MIM AWrUL TIk oh of tonics and vtram- ha wipad ort with a wiih of tha flnnr ra ta raas are of Hub vara for iwmwlii teavma the skm as smooth aad whiu a bm. klaakham. Th way. ta t rid of th in 'ore. Do not naate or nowdWr. HnU. a) tbt t Qtft'aoaa n-ravin tn tion aoata about on Hnll.r , n boat dftp eants at tha draw tor. prinkW U I raady to u. Thar la nothin to mix. " m ih DWOXnaaua . with h. T wUI be astoniabed ta at tnm .. .. . mna. n. ja. A almost eatlrair Bona. fa an, m.m vi-. baautjfully whk th skin and Is. extraordinarily Tv, 'Tl , " inra Is no MIM b. a. 0.-4V-. k, ,. . JrHSLf!! aupariorit, or , h the aims anliaaiilati n whL-k j ' . . . " 'a e the batr. aenpal. bawmr. wUI oanta. (Adt.) th tints for fifty ybursforaCearHeacfi BROMO-SELTZEll, v J OL.D EVJBRYiVUERJS Ik TdPCK THAT IS A TRUCK . The Day-Elder Worm- ' Drive Motor Truck ia rapidly traininsr the confidence of the busy public by ij remarkable value in savin; money nd time. . TnevPrfonnnc o the famous Day-Elder Worm Drive Truck is far above the averag-e. It haa no competitor. It isln a class by itself. The ease with which it takes, grades and the ease with which it takes the many difficult roads is only a few of the , thins that have made it the "Truck 'of Trucks." We sincerely ask that you allow ui to point out a few of the outstanding- features of the Day-Elder Worm-Drive. . . - t . W. G. BULLOCK, Dealer, Sorrwll CW M . lUleigh, N. C T.W.Dobbin C OMPANY formerly Dobbin Ferrall Raleigh TABD GOODS STORE SPECIAL VALUES 48-inch wide all wool Ot toman Cloths 7 dark winter shades! A splen did material for winter dresses. Price $3.75 Yard WfCfcOTHItM, anb IO .UKMHJftr '. 0 191 Kincasi a Kawbatt.1. O veircoats and That Reflect Correct Stylet 'And in Which the Man Gets Utmost Value for the Price he Pays MADE WELL, FTT WELL, WEAR WELL BECAUSE DEVELOPED OF FABRICS THAT ARE FIRST-QUALITY GRADE We know that most men are concerned with the "style" their Clothes express But we also know that most every man is concerned with the price he pays for Clothing wants it to be worth 100 of its cost in wearing quality. Kincaid-Kimball and Sincerity Clothes Happily combine Stylishness and Serviceability represent real, true economy in Men's Clothes because they represent the utmost his money , will buy. Wkting-Horton Co. 31 Ysmu. Raleigh's Leading dothUra 2SEEEBEEEEOaSEI3 Wake County S avmgs Report of Condition November 17, 1919 Bank RESOURCES 1 9 tu j J u Loans . .-.v.. .-....-. . .. U. S. Liberty Bonds N. C. State Bonds Other Approved Bonds Furniture and Fixtures , Cash on Hand and Due from Banks. ..... .. .., i. . i .....$334,831.63 113,465.00 6,000.00 28,712.60 6,000.00 96,617.75 Total .$583,626.88 LIABILITIES Capital Stock .$ 15,000.00 Undivided Fronts Set Aside for Depositors' Interest 4th quarter .... . . .... Bills Payable Deposits ' 11,025.84 : 8,000.00 20,000.00 534,601.04 Total . a,. . s .............. .-.. -...$583,628.88 ' I, W. W. Vass, Cashier of above named bank, do sol emnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. ... '. , , . W. W. VASS, Cashier. V Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 22nd November, 1919. WM. P. LITTLE, N. P. , My commission expires October 23, '1921. - - . DIRECTORS TH08. H. BRIOGS, President WJL B. GBIME8, Vic-Prdsat aai Iruat Ofletr. W. W. VASS, Caehter. t . , 3. WM. BAILET. B. H. OBOWDEhV ALTBED wn.TjAxra EDW. B. PACE. JOHN O. KEMP. B. I SOBRELL, COMPARATIVE STATEMENT November 17, 1918, Deposits ...e..1.i:...,...,:.v.; $340,111.65 .NoTeml)erl7,lM9(....i;...v.T 34,601.04 ' , DtBM 1 I.

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