16 THE NEWS AND OBSERVER. SUNDAY MORNINa NOVEMBER 23, 1911 ONE IS KILLED AND ANOTHER VOUN DED Negro Prisoners Are Shot Try ing To Escape From wake Convict Camp GUARDS FIRED AFTER WARNING MEN TO HALT O'Bany Parker Instantly Killed WUlt Junei Bullock Prob ably TataDy Wounded; Shooting at Camp Tin Milea Weit of Xalcifh; Bullock In Hoapital O'Berrx Parker u Uilutljr killed tad Jam Bullock probably fatally ahot yesterday afters oon by guards whea they attempted to escape from Waka County convict eearp No. 1, located near tba Cary road about five milee west of Raleigh. Botk an negroes serving terms oa tba roads. Bullock was ruafaad ta tK. Agnes Hospital ia tkis city but has a alia eaaaee to raeorar;--' r Parker was shot and killed rVy Gmrd George Holloway whe ased a Winchester ; rifle after the efforts to halt the running aerre with a thotgaa bad failed. The negro was 100 yards front the camp whoa he fell. . Bullock, whose longs were punctured with buckshot, was wounded by Guard I r. Moody. Kan at Banner Time. The two sof race made their breaks for liberty about I o'clock as the prisoners were being liberated from their cage for supper. Bullock raa Brtt aad dart ed behind tke cage eat of tba guarda' sight. Moody followed quickly and fired after waning Bullock to belt. Parker raa la another direction whea Guard Hollow-ay started to the assistance of Moody. Holloway then tuned his at tention to Parker aad Brett twice at the fleeing aegro after ordering him to atop. Tba shots west wide. Xeellaiag that the aegro was too far away for the sea of the e hot no, the guard secured a rifle aad ahot Parker through the back. ; The break for liberty by Bollock yee terday was the fourth aiaoa ha began a sentence of sis months about two years ago. He escaped three times before aad was a fugitive for aoarly a year follow ing oae of his escapes. Ha got away during tba Bummer and was captured ia Durham. Parker, the segre killed, waa serving a six-months' term for picking pockets ia Baleigh. Hs gave bis homo as Kia stoa aad, it is said, remarked while la Jail that he would aot stay oa the roads loag. Regsrded so Dangerous. The two negroes, according to Super visor Miller, were regarded as dangerous prisoners and a double watch was main f ' n ell the time. Binee the last re tor a of Bullock to the eamp extra precautions were taken to prevent him from escaping again. The two guards, stated Mr. Miller, gave tba prisoners plenty of warning before ahootiag aad trod only after other attempts to atop the men had fail ed. (The fret shots fired. It is said, went over the negroes heads. Dr. Z. M. Caviness, county physician, attended the wounded negro aad sent him t) the hospital. Last night, he stated that Bullock was aot expected to recover., ' DealeJ-Pece. Kit trail. Nov. EX Tuemlsr afternoon at S o'clock, a beautiful marriage wal solemnised in the home of Mr. and Mrs, A. B. Pleasant, the contracting parties being the youngest daughter of Mrs. Isabel P. Face aad sister of Mrs. A. B. Pleasant, Miss Aaaie Belle, and Mr. Miltea W. Daniel, of Wake forest. The parlor eras beautifully decorated ia white and green,; potted plants, ferns, evergreens, and white chrysanthemums In accordance with the wishes of the bride only intimate friends sjid rela tives wars t reseat. A musical program was rendered by Mrs, H. A. Paso, of Newton, a sister-in-law of the bride. Bbe Dlaved aad sane- O Promise Me. ' To the strains of Mendelssohn's March little Hazel Daniel, attired -In white, preceded the bridal party as ring bearer. The bride, attired ta a blue tricotlne suit, with hat aad glovss to mstch, en tered with her brother, Mr. H. F. Pace, by whom she was given in marriage She-, carried a bouquet of bridal roses aad maiden hair ferns. Tns groom en tered with his sister. Miss Birdie Daniel, sthe was attired la blue satin. She car ried white chrysanthemums. The cere mony was performed ny Kev. . W Perry, pastor of the bride. Immediately after the bridal party, accompanied, by relatives aad friends, motored to the me of the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. 3. G. Daniel, where an old fash ioned wedding aupper was served. I be groom is a prosperous young merchant Wake toreat. -The bride Js a besuu fttl young lady. Hsr sweet disposition end charming personality has made friends by the score. Mrs. 8. J. Felts. Btstesville. Nov. 12. Mrs. 8. J. Felts died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. A. O. Moon, Mooresville. Wednesdsy morning. Talk Is cheap, bot it is generally easier to talk a man np than to talk him down. SANITARY SEWERS DURHAM, X. C. Sealed proposals will be received by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Durham, N. C, for the construction of 8" vitrified sanitary sewers until o'clock P. M, December 1919. at whVh time they wilt be opened and publicly read at the Coun cil Chamber of the said Board. The work consists of the following: Lyon, Dale, Ulae, Stokes, Elliott, Henry, Cosart, Fowler, and Angler Streets amounting ,, to approximately ,(100 foet 8" ahailow sowers. Plana and specifications of the pro posed work may he had at the office of the City Engineer between the hours of 9 A. M. aad S P. M., from November 20th to December 1st, 1V19. The Board reservee the right to re ject any er all bids, or to accept such bids as appear in its judgment to be for the best interests of the City. M. K. NEWHOM, Mayor. T. O. BORRKLU City Clerk. a C. CHAMBERS. City Attorney. H. W. KGEFFNER, City Engineer. FURTHER RESTRICTIONS ON COAL SUPPLY IN WEST Chicago, Nov. 22, Further restric tions en the use of cost and hardship on industry marked the 22nd day of the minora' atrike. With a large section of the nation operating oa coal rations, there was no appreciable increase in eosl mined in non-uriion soal fields and those few where union men returned to work sftsr their national officers cancelled tha strike , ia obedience to" a court order. Industry continued to ehut down or predict cessation within a few days in a .number of cities. The George B. TJmbcrt Manufactur ing Company, of East Chicago, Ind.1 two large Sioux City, Iowa, concerns and three flour mills In Colorado were reported shut down today. The Louisville and Nashville Bailroad discontinued sis local trains - in Cen tral snd Eastera Kentucky; Officials ef the Columbus Mining Company operating mines la the Basard Coal Field along the Louis ville and Nashville lines in Kentucky and in Tennessee, complained today thst they had been unable to obtain sufficient cars to handle coal actually mined. Tha Columbus company assert ed only 71 per eeat of the ears needed had been supplied ths company. Death Of Kev. G. L Swindell. Aurora, Nov. 22. Bev. G. I. Swindell died of paralysis Saturday, November 15. For severs! ye'srs he wss licensed exhorter. Be wss 71 years of age.' Be leaves three children, Mrs. Giles U. Beck, of Danville, Vs.; Miss Charity Swindell and Miss Murray Swindell. STAflSTIUT" The Importers and Exporters Insurance Company aiw voss citv. Condltlos lass as, ism, ss aeows be SutamaM 1IM. Aawmtt ar Caatttl said as la uk. Sret.SOS St. Aatouat of liixr Awti Dmmlwr SIM of si nous m, si, its. tat mi iijoreu, at eu-u capital. SMt.SMM: Tout. SMU.SMtn iMnav-TrOB rollnrhoklm, ItM.MI 111 MiMtlU- Moua. Il.Mr.tlt.2t; Tul. SI, III ,171 tt. DlttwraaniMtt To polloholdm, tT, Jn lf MU- OMMMOIM. szss,aM.t: -rati, etis.tot.ti. aaaiTs. vtiu. sr am ntuu t ss.fss.ss Valut oT Koadi and Stoeln l.Ttt.m tl Itaimalt In Trail fMiulii mud Muikfl oa kumat . . Ifl.MT.fS AsMto hataneas. fa ucOMntliis bualftaas wrlltfa tulaiiaM tm Ootobtr t, ISIS.. SM.MMt Am""' btltnoM, rwmnllRl buttns wrIUM DibManMM to OMoMT I, ISIS. . . StMtMl Intarnt am! Stalls out and sccruHl ... ll.m.si All tOt Atttta, ts StUlltS la tulMstat tt.l.lt 4f TiitM S,tI.tT tt ttst Atttu m aoaiittts M.xis.rr Fifteen F arson a Bsaortetf Baraed New Orleaas, Nov. 22. Fifteca per aons are reported here to have been burned and crushed to death tonight at a dance ia Villa Platte. La, whea the building caught Are on the lower floor la i restaurant. The dancers were on the second floorV aad according to thi report, many were injured ia ths rush to escape. ... atebbera Make Big Baal Celiaa, On Nov. 22. More than iV (XX) ia govemmeat. boada, mostly Lib erty issue, was secured by robbers who early this morning cut their way with sa acetylene torch into the vault of the Farmers Savings Bank at Rockford, tea miles' aorta, aad looted eighteen of the sixty deposit bozo of the vault. , Pinehnrst Tearaey Wlnnera. Plnekurst, Not. 2. J. G. Nicholson, of New Bedford, and W. L. Milllkin. ef Hyannisport, woa tha combined score medal play tourney at Pinehurat today, with a joint round of 178-31, 147. Par ker Whittmore, of Brookline, turned in the best individual round, leading the field of 36 players with a gross 79. Death ef J. M. Stewart. Sunn, Nov. 22. Mr, John Madiaon Club at the'T. M. C. A. auditorium Stewart died Wednesday night at 1M o'clock. The funeral will take place Friday at 2 o'clock in the afternoon with burial ia the family graveyard near Coats. Ha was ia the sixty-third year of bis age. Ttul ssttintd Attats at.at.Ta.is LIASIUTKS. Ntt tnwunt ef anpalt) taats tud tlslstt t Sat.tis SS Ututriwid InMlulul stt.117.tl All MlK, lUblUUM. ss dtMUi la atsts- Bfttol ia,7i tr out satrnnt st til litblllUts ssttpt rtmltl S Nt.SU M Ctputi stkssilr ssia up at j nw . . . , urslaa sw , Sfttt.lMHI.SS HAklMtM.ltli.MS.SS Stmltt i rataras notftMitn.. ..U.aii.ws tl TiXtl LitblllUts Uranttd In Nurlh rarolins SwT,(tf7 l. Wert. Trtswrft M. I H'td. Momt XSct K,w VarS CHj. Altorat ti Sttilat Jttttt a, snra -aniltftl(inr. ntlclth. N. f. MtMetr iik fltrta usrouns Hosts ww, . . It wt.iw.lt IS, Ills, Tonne lasur. Butt tf Nona CsrellM. IntwrtAt ntxtlawnt KtkWh. ocutm ir, 1 1 IS. t, ltmts a. Taunt. Inturtnso ComsilMlinMr, do ktntir ottUft tbM tht slxnt It t ttua acid eorrMt sljeutd of tht tutttMflt ot tht Isnmrttva and Kt sururt luauranta Cttapmnr, of Nfit Vtrfe, Dial wit tlilt lMtrtn.nt, trumlns tht condltlttl ef stld Com aan; an ikt SOU dar Just. Ills. w tineas nana tnu siscuii seal, tot taw mam mm ,1.H HrliUn. tas. a. lovntj. tnswsaos ' ' V ' '' : 1 C. U BKVILL, , Urges Individual Dealer In the U. B. if m LOT of Extra Fat Good Haired ALL SIZES K - JUST ARRIVEIV " Twelve Carloads of Ellules and Morses En Route , I now have on hand a big lot of extra fat, good haired, blocky mules, all sizes and a good assortment of horses and have twelve more carloads en route. If you will come to Fayetteville I can show you more quality, a better selec tion and a better price than you can possibly find elsewhere. Be Your Own Judge Come and See for Yourself Lu m W i l l I LaZZZS Largest Individual Dealer in the United States, Fayetteville, N. C -THE- UNDERII MOTOR .SA EES GOMFANY Distributors of "A The Kissel The Kissel The Oakland Truck SVs :' V :xt I . ," U, Hi 1 . I' " . . ' ' j'l"" I' ism i .1,1.1111, i, iii n in... i . -a . v; 1k . , w,'.. d . S&Ies Room said Service Station 112 E. Davie St. Cars Now On Display Underfill! Motor Sales- Go. 11 T. UIiDERHILL, President J. W. UNDERHILL, Vice-President R. D. CUNNINGHAM, Sec. and TreasY i

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