SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 23, IjjO. 20.. THE NEWS AND OBSERVER. FOLK-LORE STUDY OFFERS BIG FIELD North Carolina Society Plans Publication of Large Col lection Soon INTERESTING PAPERS AT ANNUAL MEETING Selections By Mr. and Mrs. L 0. Greer, of Boone, Enjoy able Feature; Oen. Julian 8. Carr Donates Dictaphone To Promote The "Capture" of Ballads . Publication in book form of it rich collection of ballads and folk-lorn songs by the North Carolina Folk-Lore Hociety . will be undertaken in the near future, it waa announced at tba aunual meeting of the association in the Senate chamber at the State" Capitol Friday after Boon. The meeting was held in connec tion' with the State Literary and His torical Society, and was largely attended. General Julian 8. Carr, of Durham, baa generously donated dicta phor.e, which will ha naed in "capturing eluaive bulla3s, which- abound perhnps mora largely in North Carolina than ia any etate of the Union. Dr. Prank C. Brown, of Trinity College, Duraum, who ' -a been the enterprising secretary of tho Folk-Lore Society for eoveral years, made an earnest appenl ta lha niemhura and through, tluuu ia. tka rituta for any balladi that anyone may have in order that they n.ny be included in the volume which will be issued under hat direction. ' Sing Native Ballads. On of the moat enjoyable featurea of the annual meeting was the ainging of several native ballada 'rom the moun tain of North Carolina by Mr. I. U. Crcer, professor of English In the Appalachian Training School at Boone, Air. Oreor accompanying him on the fltlcimer. To the uninitiated it may not t amiss tn say that the dulcimer hna uely nno atring, but this doesn't mean that it cannot be made to yield splendid music when played by an artist such a lira. Greer. ' Colonel Fred A. Olds, who travels the Stale ia hia tjuest for the original things tltnt It eontniiis, refused to bo academic sad Instead of predating S JPr aa instructive addreaa oar "Some Cus tom Among the People oa Our Coast. PaycholeiT f Negro Sengs. Dr. .Newman L White, of Trinity College, who has, through several years of study of negro songs, collected some 800 selections, disenssed the psychology of these songs. lie finds that the aegro is not politically minded and heaee does not offer a fertile field for the radical agitator, s some have feared they would. He emphasised the importance of religious songs among the negroes and read several that are familiar to the people of. the South. "The Cae of Folk-Lore ia Bomans Literature" was the subject of aa in structive address by Professor Frederick A. W. Cooper, of Trinity College, Dut; ham, who discussed the prevalence of ballads among the French particularly. Professor Greer, who has a first hand knowledge of ballads not only from his residence of several years in the moun tains, but through first hand acquaint ance as a rcaident of the State, pre sented an interesting sketch of the sub ject from a practical standpoint. He urged the collection of these songs be fore they become tainted with modern ragtime and vaudeville songs. He re called the old time community singings which were held once a week usually, and believes that they furnished as much entertainment and as much cul ture an evening spent at a modern "movie" theatre. Officer Are Elected. Officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows: President, Judge Francis D. Winston, of Windsor; first iee-preident, Mr. A." B. Andrewi, of Haleigh, second vice-president, Dr. Collier Cobb, of Chapel Hill I third vice president. Colonel Fred A. Olds, of Haleigh; secretary and treasurer, Dr. Frank C. Brown, Trinity Colletf, Dur ham. Dr. Eichard Dillard, of Edenton, who waa prevented from attending on ao eontft of illness, was to have read a paper. Dr. Browa spoke of his splendid work ia collecting legends of Eastern North Carolina and urged others to do likewise. Engagement Announced. Charlotte. Nov. 23. Mr. and Mrs. Franc ia I. Osborne today announced the engagement of their daughter, France Kicks, to Mr. Oeorg V. Mol ten, of Rochester, N. Y the marriage to take place at aa early date. Miaa Oaborne ia the daughter of Judge and Mrs. Osborne, and ia one of the ablest yonng women of the State. She is noted for hsr brilliant intellect. Mr. Holtoa is a member of a prom inent New York family. The marriage will be a notable event of North Caro lina society. Wllsoa Farmers Meet. Wilson, Nov. 22. The Wilson County Farmers' Union held their regular monthly meeting yesterday and elected the following delegates to the State convention, which meets in Greensboro December 11 and 12: Messrs. F. L. Carr, D. B. Petway and L. . Bobbins. At prevailing prices in the shopping district the buy-ways are the high-ways, reward." TOBACCO SALES LIGHT - -ON ROCKY MOUNT MARKET Rocky Mount, Nov. 22. Sale havs beta rather light during the past week, owing to the dry, cold weather, amount ing to 776,060 pounds for an-average of 39.17,, making the total to date lo 118,000 pounis at aa aeerage of VS)1. Price continue to advance and the market closed strong and active Fri day afternoon. All record have been broken, both as to pound and prices, to date, and the end seem to be not yet Every pile of tobacco is closely watched and the buyer aeem to be more anxious thaa ever for the weed. Darham Mill Change Bands. Durham, N. C, Nov. 22. Announce ment waa made here today of the sale of the entire holding of the Bowling Emory Knitting Mills, a large knitting plant in this city, to General Julian 6. Carr and hi ons, Julian 8. Carr, Jr., C. MeD. "Carr and A. H. Carr and a nephew W. F. Cnrr. Although the pur chase price was not made public Julian 8. Carr, Jr., president of the new eom Iany, stated that the capital atock will be 200,000 divided equally between common and preferred stock. Engagement Aanouaced. Benson, Nov. 22. The announcement of the engagement of Miss Callie Turl ington to Mr. Festus Turlington, of Clinton, took place at a ret ,-ptioa given by Miaa Mary Lee on the Light of the 14th. The wedding is to be on Tuesday night, the 25th. BearOilGrowsHair nt ef he potential Incmlienta or Kutilkn the htr s senuloe km- ell, v rotund tiiroavb kuntm at a lam coal. There tin oiker active inaradlents Bo', found In any hair preparation. liotalko is aa oinU BMat It baa aueeeeded in many mum of bald ". falline hair and dandruff h a vary " ha'' Wloii or treatment aaa proved lu tihx A U0 sua ran tee ia offered t koulko Mht become or remain said If yea row rtirT If other have obtained a new arowtli Utroush Kotalae, way Rot yea? Get a box at nay kuay druc ilurei or send 10 rants, stiver or '"npa. for teatlna parkas. whhrafs, to John Hart Brlttaio, DX-aul. Htntion , New k City. Cut out ind show others this ad- Druggists and Doctors Astonished At Wonderful iPower :of JUicotol To Stop the Use of Tobacco To Detect Harmful Effects of Tobacco Try These Simple Tests Ntw Ywrk Mr. Tobacco Uer, any drutvlat wiii toll you that a roinody to b bucmm fully aokl muit, abova avary thing, pouta. merit .othrwbe failure to Inevitable. Niootol, the fstmoua remedy for tba tobaco habit, waa a lorcotM riaht from ttw start, adnply barauM It quickly 4om tha work promUad. Wa publish a few lattara from aoma of tha baat known drmnrfaita In tha country to giva you an Maa of what thay think of Nlcotol, and you may rait aMurati that thay would not parmit tna dm of thair nimai unlaaa Nieotol wai o ma th in v out of tba ordinary. Tha Paoplca Drue Utorn biva five of tha baat atoraa, l Waah inrton, D. C. Thay writ. "Sine wa hava liandlrd Nlcotol tha aaia baa baan vraatar than that of all tha raat of tba arUclaa of thia nature which wa hava avar aoWL Tha damand waa ao arrant that wa wara eompallad to order It locally nandina; receipt of a shipment from you direct." Hchramm-Johnaon. who have aix atoraa In Salt Lake City, aayi Wa Uka this opportunity of expreaeine; ouraetvea relative to Nlcotol. Wa have enjoyed a vary large ante on eame and It haa given entire etiefec tion to our cuatomera." , Jaeob Brothera of Phllidelnhta. Pa., have thia to ear: "Our sale of Nlcotol havapaaaad our aspartattena. Our flrat order waa pleoed late In March and we were forced to re-order before the end of April t the sales have kept up well ever since. There Ja. no doubt that we are receiving nany repeat orders from our customers and many expreeeione of opinion reffardinr the merit of thia article have been very favorable." Dr. Conner, formerly of Johns Hopktna Hos pital, telle how to detect the harmful effects of tobacco. Hare to what be sayst "Many men who emoke, chew or snuff tneeesantly and who are eeemingly healthy are aufferinv from prowrassive organic atlmenta. Thousands of them would never have been affected had it not been for the use of tobacco to excess, and thousand would soon set well if they would atop. The chief habit form Ins principle of tobacco to nicotine, a deadly poison which whan absorbed by the ystent, slowly effects the nerves, membrane, tissues and vital oraans of the body. The harmful effect of tobacco varies and depends on circumstances. One will be afflicted with general debility, other With catarrh of the throat, indirection, constipation, extreme nerv ousnese,' sleep less rieae, loss of memory, lack of will power, mental confusion, ate. Other may suffer from heart disease, bronchial trouble, hardening of the arteries, tuberculosis, blfndneaa or even cancer or the common afflic tion known aa tobacco heart. If you use to bacco to excaaa In any form you can eaaily detect the harmful effects, by making the fel lowlnaj aim pie tacts. Read aloud one full nam (rom a book. If In the course of reading; your voice beeomea muffffled, hoarse and indistinct and you must frequently clear your throat, the chances are that your throat la affected by catarrh and It may be the Winn In of more serious trouble. Next, in the morn In before taking; your usual smoke, walk up three Aighte of stairs at a regular pace, then atop. If you Unci that you are out of breath, your heart bent to forced, trembling; or irrcaruiar, you nay be a victim of functional er organic heart trouble. If you feel that you must amok a, chew or anuff to quiet your nerves, you are slave to the tobacco habit and ar positively poisoning yourself with the deadly drug;, nicotine. In either case you Save just two fterrnativee Keep on with the self poison tn proeeae Irrespective of the dangers and suffer the consequences : or give up the habit and eeentae the danger. You can overcome the craving and atop the habit In a eery short timo by using the following Inexpensive for mula. Go to any drug store and ask for Nieotnl tablets, take on tablet after each meal, and In a comparatively abort time you will have no desire for tobacco the craving will have left you. With the nicotine poison out of your system, your general health will quickly improve." N'ot When asked about tClcetol tablet ens of aur .riding druaalU Mid: "It Is truly a wointffful rem eiy for tha lobsmt habit away ahvad of anything we beta ever sued 4w.we.. Us ars auUiorised by tlw man ufactarvere to ifuid tba BMiory to every dlmtbnd citstomvr. and w mm Ul nut penatt tlie uaa of our name unless the tvowdy posw-iai'd unusual saerlt. " Nk-otnl tablets are aotd la this etty tinder sn tron-clsd guarantee br all up-to-tiate druggists. t clutjiitg w. H. king and Umry T. Uicka. i aW . Ilk For Christmas A Real Opportunity to Own One of These Beautiful Phonograph , At an Extraordinary Lew Price. , Until our present stock is exhausted, we offer you this beautiful Ludlow Phonograph at a price far below it's real value, ,; ?TRAmPJ !!: y REMARK , llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll This beautiful Cabinet Machine is worth easily $175. Beautiful Mahogany case. The tone is rich and clear. A real Phonograph DE LUXE at only $135. GUARANTEED. niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit ' He ' -i. 47 11 ''-in ;ei-(... , - Is' I t'."-V:. .v a i . f ji--r r v a '1 ' : miiiiniiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiimiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiit This Ludlow Reproduc ing Phonograph is our own product. It plays all records without any attach- ments. For a limited time we offer it at only $185. GUARANTEED. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHmilllllKlllflHIIIIIIIIIIHINHII We have just received carload of these incomparable instruments. When these are sold, we will not be able to offer the next shipment at such a low figure. i We advise jou to place your order now. Ton cannot duplicate It in the future. Call in at once and hear this reproducing; Machine. Tou will be convinced that it is the flneet value on the market Remember, the HOUSE OF CEAFT8 is back of every Machine told. W GUARANTEE satisfaction. It i not too early to think of Christmas and what could be more appropriate thaa a high grade Phonograph. We will be glad to hold your machine and deliver it at Christmas time, but you must act NOW to receive tha advantage of our low offer. Terms can be arranged if you desire. A. J. Crafts Piano Company Manufacturers of High Grade Pianos and Phonographs. 331 Fayetterille St. tt ti t Raleigh, C. THEO. H. BOWER, Dial Mgr. Rightfully termed "North Carolina's Greatest Market Place," the Classified Page in Ibo News and Observer got this recognition by producing results. Valuable F arm for le Friday, November 28th Sale Start at 11:00 A. M. The B. F. Langdon Farm Owned by Alonzo Parrish, situated nine miles from Benson, seven, miles from Four Oaks, on Benson-Raleigh Road 375 acres, about one-half cleared and in cultivation, balance good wooded land. Included are three residences and outbuild ' ings. Splendid pasture. Band Concert . a Free Prizes "Easy Terms Subdivided into SMALL FARMS to o to the HIGHEST BIDDER Saturday, November 29th Sale Start at 1 1 :00 A. M. lie sl . . r do : 0s"ill"m Owned by Dr. J. M. Harper, situated "on highway from Zebu . Ion to Nashville, N; C. Four miles from Zebulon, 3 miles from Wakefield? 137-acre Farm, 85 acres cleared." ' Included are 1' two-story dwelling with good outbuildings, 2 tenant houses,- 4 ' tobacco barns, 1 pack house. , - ( Subdivided into SMALL FARMS to go" to the HIGHEST BIDDER CAHOUMA MEALTY SELLKJG AGENT e. i; tt COMPAMY RALEIGH, N. C. .

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