6 ' - THE NEWS AND OBSERVER SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 23, 1919. f i tml t Ihrjfcam after attending tba tiiastaj si usjit. T. H. TerrsJI. Society t THAN ESC 1 VINO. "Asd what have to be thaakful fori t Asked the lies Aeress th Wyi Tour aye art dim and your arms ar Baa opr hair ii this tad gray." And U Old Xa shook sit bead and am lied i Vy arm I know they sra eld. But my area ara atroag enough to ese Tli aoal ol tM mat I a, Th tool that's a soul of gold!" "But tka la fotble, and shs it grT And yoa ait is twilight r " "itUa wiswthor la reaes. Ma. Asd She at the brightest newer!" I "Bill k amy di, a-" "Ayt, b J But tka loaves of tka roe wkaa lk asy M sose, if memory akalt ke frou, Aad r glsd for tka roa fa Waal fiieiiinead Times-Dispstck. k-jfrv Spewwood Bojd left tewa yes terday to riait reletiveo ia Hoatgomery, la tka sod rod Sea Kan Shlpman, Mr. B. A. Buck has Uadod is Uew i era from Baad KiaWr Ilrfct. Band Knmber Eight of tbo TaVraaele I Ckurek will meet Monday afternoon at lluO clock wita Mrs, . H. Broogutos a new tiers, Aveau. Hundred of Beautiful Vow Coata reached a too lata for eVerriptlo ia Sunday sdvextisemest. Vtta far oar announcement Monday morning. Tax I IjUK B. (Ad v.; Csoata of Mrs. Uo Genera) and Mrs. Lsareaee D, Tysoa are tba roeata of Creaeral Tyson's sis ter, Xr. H. Lwe. os Kortk Bloaat Stmt. Wltk Mrs. E. H. Blewtem. Baad No. of tko Tabaraaelo Church Missionary Society will meet Monday at 1:39 clock a tko some of Mrs. f. H. Blaatos oa Sow Bora Areas. i ' Brides rattr. MUs Katheris Btroaach will eeler- am at a Bridge party at tko Woman'a Club Tuesday aftoraooa ia konor of Mrs. Eugene Gray. Dane Wedasaday Night Tko Beaedieta will aire thoir drat dance of tko srseon Wednesday sight. Itovem bar 26, at tbo Country Club. Tbo boors will b from to 18. General Meeting of Circles Tkere will be a general meeting of tko eireles of Kdenton - fitreet Methodiet Chareh Won day eflernooa at d o'clock. Engagement Asaeaaced ' Gibson. Nov. 22 Mrs. William Frank lis Wright, of Gibson, annonnees the engagement of her daughter, Leta, to Mr. William lxitber Johnson, or Ureens boro, the wedding to take place on De cember 17th. M.Uf. mnA ftfn- 11" "V JaKhw a- J little sob, P. H. Jr., of Monroe, are ixaoiag ih TCti-wo wns air. tea lira. J. CL ttm.lmr Bondrsd of Beaatiful New Coats roaehed toe labs for deaeriptioa is Saaday'a sdrertisaasoBC Watck for oar nasaoaBfianieat Mosdty - norslBg TATLOIS. (MrA Miss Junior Bagwell, s student of vary niga dcbooi, u speadtag toe weke nd with her mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Bagwell, West Baleigh. W. rurssas Botta, ke kas been esuiiing m rerrrai meeusgs la rorts mouth nd Norfolk. V. mmj ku e.a.n. hsTe arrired is the city for atay of atvMtv viuir. t Mrs. W. L. Paraons, of Bocking. tarn, i the guest of her parents, Capt. sad Mrs. N. W. West. Miss 8usaa like left yesterday for Wilsos to attead the If. C. Methodist eonfereaee. If the nude rude See Nell Shlpmsa, Baperbs Monday sad Tuesday dr. Mrs. W. N. Euper kas retaraed to . ker kerne la Petersburg, Va, after a riait is ker mother. Mrs. Phil Tsylor. Miss Edith BsrwsU is spending tko week-eat ia Oxford. Or, Jack Smith, sfWilsoB. is tpead Jag tk woek-esd ia Baleigk. Mr, ssd Mrs. W. X. Boyd kara re tursed to their kerns ia Durkam after swoadUs; sereral days la the eity. aire. Da rid fort kas returned from ft visit to rayetterille. . J. W. Moor kas returned to . ker kerne ia Durham. Mrs. Jodn ruUer, of Durkam, ia speeding several days is Baleih -.H uiijr oarDour, ot CUyn, ia tko snest af trUoAm I. tk. ' ra. 3. D. Csmeroa, of BoeUagham, ." ,"crl1 oays in Kaleigb. -MiesesJeaa Ward and Louise Bold iaBateigt rorMt' 'f ) 'UUiitr ' la the aude rude See Nell Ahlpmss. Dunerba Moailav ml t,.i.. . : Vik . Avors Belgk.' ima, speat osterdsy ia l'I,, Sl h Cwy aad Mrs. Guy BiMjjtt, of NeshTUley ,jat josterday is the elty. Csl. sad Mrs. Joaepk E. Pogue kav returasd from s visit to Pinehurst. Miss Teas IWgueeB, of AVarreutea, Vs., hat retarned to ker komo after a sit to Miss Bslea Jones of tli North Barringtos Street. Army Overcoat Dyed and Ciiliaa ?."! ?ut " wsonabls prices t iin, VslveU, Plushet, Heavy Wraps properly cleaned by FOOT iSi "WATOew, jo w. Hargett ' Street. Both telephones 395. (sde.) Bora. Bora to Dr. ssd itre. Hugh Thompsoa Psturdsy ssoraiiig a tUngbter, Barbara, vli : Move. ' Major ad Mrs. Kobert LitUejohs bave sv4 to 4M 8. Boylaa Aveane. TirgtaUXsroUBB Tkaakagtvlag Ball, . Psrassa, K C 0 bow hardwood floor. Complimasv tsry to TirgiaU sad Carolina teems. Mosio by famoas Browa Brottier Or ksstrs, sf Philadelphia, bow playiag for CslTorsity of Pesnsyrvajiis daneei. Best musls ever heard ia the South. (sdv.) With Mies Wsrd. Tk Johnseaiaa Book Club wUl meet with hOa Jan Ward Tuesday at 4 at er hem os Blount Street. -; . Betara to Darttasa. ' Mr. sad Mrs. Will Lisdssy hart re- Birthdey Party Little Mary Chamblee entertained a few of her friende oa her fifth birthday at her home ia Boylan Heights Fridsy, November Si, from 3 to 8 o clock. Tba evening was apont in games, and after wards refreshments were served. Hundreds of Beautiful New Coats reached us too late for description ia Sunday's advertisement. Watch for our announcement Monday morning. TAYLOBU (Adr.) ... Literature Department. The regular meeting of 4he modern drama section of the literature denari ment of the Woman's Club will meet at the club Wednesday, November 26. Miss Louis Briggs will read "Mrs. Daaes Defonse, by Hsary Arthur Jones, which will be followed ' ' a round table discussion, led by Mr. B. IL Walla, the sow chairman of tit snodera drama seetioa. Mrs. Welle kas axed lif otady f Ue dxsma ssd ia smiseatly sUed for ker position chairman. The department considers itself most fortunats ia securing ker services. All to elub member an invited to the meeting t meet Mr. Wells ssd to hear us paper by Jujo Briggs. - c . Taaary4Mwart. The marriage of Miss Nellie Ma Etc wart to Mr. Homer O. Tannery yester day, will be of interest to the friends of this young Baleigk couple. The wed' ding was a ssdds one end took pise ia tk ocoe of th Begister of Deed yesterday. Wm Stewart is a popular and attrac tive young business woman of Fuquay Sprinasvout has made her horn ia Kai' ears far tb last two rears, being a etesogravher for the Lif Iasnraae CoraDasy of Virginia. Mr. Tannery ia a native of South Carolina, but has boss ia Baleigh' for sis years, holding s positioa ss ticket sgent st the union Station. Mr. and Mrs. Tannery will make their home oa South Salisbury Street. . . Aetkor's Beading. Mrs. William Johastoa Andrews charmingly entertained sbout GO guests Wsdnesday afternoon st ss suthor's reading. Mrs. J. B. Chamberlain has repered for the Colonial Dames Society of Wake eonaty a history of Wake county, wDich will be dedicated to the late Mrs. Julia M. Andrews, wife of the 1st Coloael A. B. Andrews. Mrs. Aa- drews was the chairman of this chapter at nr oeatn. After tb reading refrsahmeat were served. Assisting were Mrs. A. B. An drews, Mrs. Kemp Plummer. Miss Msttie Bailey, Mrs. Byron Lut mnt Mrs. T. B. jceDortsea, Mrs. K. 1. W. Connor, Mie Marjorie Montague, Miases Margaret itaney, rrancea Webb, Elisabeth Law rence and Augusts Andrew. Uadereaaa OacratUa. Friends of Miss Dell Canoll. who nt to Mars. Elizabeth Hoanital ar.l H... ago xor aa operation, wil be glad to asow inn i me Deration wee aiuvwiufiil ana uu sos is progressing setisfsc wniy. I l w J'1 f 111 i DLUU ' ' Nothing to Hide Cage's cru-MoJ r M)CBlMl'Tn. seVA, . s FORMULA CAMPH0SI OIL WINTCaftWKgN ' OIL SOCALYPTUf MSMTHOL lanum rantra) oil TunraeiTiNg The U. S. PharmicofKEis was tba original source pf our infor mation. Lanum -we put ia quickest of penstraati, ind ve took awaj tba power to atain wbiek mt exbtraal croup rems dies LTe. Pbke 50 Cents CoUamoTt; Worth tnort! your Dritfgui fuun't it ask him why 1 MAN IT ACTURED BY yr. II. KING DRUG CO. r Ralbch, N. C. STEEL ENGRAVED Christmas Greeting Cards With Envelope Smarted Daaitns oa WaJtiBf Kid rmleh Steek fUCWU 5TATWNEIT ca WenUejIasiins I ill i .1.1a. Eatraet ar to Important is your ernes." Order Blue Ribbon Vanjlla or LmoB Distinctive, delicious flavor S ox. bottle. "Best and take lost." sdv. L. C WEATHERS Doctor of CHIBOPODT aad ORTHOPEDICS Praetie limited to Ptssaas sad Determine f th Feet U7H Fayetteviile St, Baleigh, N. a " ' ' ' . ,i.. .,..,. i ,i .-.. i . )WJ , n,. ..r r.. ; ,., , ,- ; , . ' .... ... (rijristmas presents,.. Beauty is a featur f each srUele at Jolly and beauty make gift more ' welcome. Her la beauty eombiaed with BUlity ia a myriad of ehsmisg gift- tuugs for individuals and for th home. This ie ss Idesl store for Christmas shoppers, tjnslity of msterials and workmanehip'sr beyond criticism, and value ar th beet on can obtain. Ther is but on problem to solve Which beaatiful article do yo want to giva yor friend f Whatever your choice, it ia erlain of warmer appreciation because it was purchased at Jolly's. Bftos ' early. Oisspawlstmeat swslt tk wk put off Christmas hoying. Articia may b reaerved ky paying a deposit. DIAMOND BROOCHES Exquisite pierced, flligre aad lac work pat terse, ia platlaum set with full cut, brilliant, whit diamonds. (JRCEX BRACELET WATCHES Daiaty, exquisite ornaments and wonderful timekeep- yi,rna. me n;ii a mxe xor wire, sisier or swtasrt. CUFF LINKS Th ry latest patterns in gold links, beautifully sngrared and snsmsllsd. Bom set witk diamosd. Beet tjuality filed gold and sterling silver links. JOLLY'S Jewelers aad Diamaad Specialists. .128 FayettevlII Street. 1. 1V .7 y 1 1 I ' S V MR.. Dr. Dexter Blanchard Dentist 4W4tacker RALEIGH, N. C Bsiidlac Boil Pkoas i tlfl DR. A. R. TUCKER DtL T. T. 3PENCE Osteopathie Pbysiciaas sad Surgeon. Officer S04-6-. Mssonie Tempi. Phones t OSee T98, Hospital 490, Bejidenc list aad 1510. BALEIGH. N. C LUD WIG'S iDAKCl AND CONCBBT ORCHESTRAS Kiwis funikhej tor aH ecafcnt Jeethsm manaeemewt of kMdln eaawe ewhaeUaa of SahiatM ead New yarn. BHrieuy Ualoa. H. r. LUDWIG, Maaager BeMsh. N. C Oriit Nw Christmas tessef 0aras Lome! FWess . Greeting Cards Edwards & Brought Printing Co. KODAK FINISHING "The Beet U the Ststs" 24 HOUR SERVICE Writ for prle list ar Just mail your Slat aad w will and statement. Siddell Studio 'Dsat.B.- BALEIGH, K. C Chrimas Greeting Cards OF THE BETTER KIND Our new line of Steel Ensxaved Greetings Cards in ex clusive designs is now ready for inspection. SAMPLES AND PRICES SUBMITTED UPON REQUEST J. P. Stevens Engraving Co Atlanta, Georgia Christmas and New Year -GREETING CARDS D AINTY AND IFFERENT LESTER ENGRAVING CO. 13 W. HARGETT STREET STATE ENGRAVERS BALEIGH, N. C. : - r I VIRGINIA-CAROLINA THANKSGIVING BALL DURHAM, N. CJ -": " ' ';'v' t K -'-: ','' ' : - - .""' y ' v Oa sew haxsSieed Eoor, semplimeatary to Virgiaia and Car. " Prstsring tk famous BROWN BROTHERS OR- CaZ&TBA, f PhiUdtlphis, sew playing for University f PtaaaytrnMB daaoea, Bert aad most atpeasin moeis ever "J th Vairersity f ptBasyKasia ar Paaa Etata Collsg. . , , v Misses Reese & Co. 1M FayatUvlll Street NOW SHOWING All that is New in Fall aad Early WlaCer MIIJJNlY , . PBQNE M , SayltWUk FLOWERS Cat Flowers, Jlorsl Designs, Wedding and Corsage Bouquets Palms. Perse asd all kinds of Decorsti Flsnta. Kareiasoa, Hy acinths. Freesis; aad other Bulb for Fall F lasting. H. STEINMETZ Florist - ' . smigh,N.a 1 SELECT YOUR GIFTS FROM THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE SOUTHLAND Our 1920 catalog brings this old store right into your very home. Every page is filled with such values as .only this old store has been giving for Seventy Three Years. : - . ' Our Service Department renders the same courteous Service to our OujOf-Town Patrons ' as those who shop here personally receive. ... . A guarantee of satisfaction backed by our Seventy-Three Years experience goes with ' , every single item that leaves our store. The very fact that our Number of Out-Of-Town Patrons has grown by leaps and bounds is due to the appreciation of this unusual serv ice. . . - Write for your copy of this catalog today. f f PAUL-GALE-GREENWOOD 1 . Largest Jeweler South v Cranby Street, Norfolk, Virginia After the Thanksgiving Dinner ' offer your male guests sons of anr MTJBIEL eigars. You esa do so with confidence for MURIEL cigar ar th kind that men buy for themselves. Ladies who want to b knows ss per fect hostess esa prov their right t the title by th proffer of MURIEL cigar. ' i King-Crowell Drug Company SPRAGTJE SILVER, Massger. s College. rf nfie Society Qirl tf qirl h ?BusinGSS CJirl . , . ..... -. . . . . ' .- ...-,',,....... will each find in our new Winter selec tion of shoes the models particularly, suited to her needs. Boots and low shoes for dress and general wear; dancing slippers, sport shoes, all chosen from the new designs of the best makers. - t- J9, 1 "from Cherokee to Currituck" New. mnA I...L fiee) Ada produce real profit for both Advertiser aad fjsar , alike. ' , X

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